A2 14

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A2 14 3.20.14 Anno Vo The Hierophant Fool Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.

Well, it s that ti!e o" #ear a$ain, % w&AL!ost the sa!e ntro as last A2 it see!s. An#roa', not onl# is it a nu #ear (Vo, The Hierophant Fool), but a nu 'o*osa'e (V, The Hierophant) as well+ Wit*h !eans o" *orpse, a whole nu set o" 22 A2 is n or'er. 302 ,- o" 2.3 files (n*lu'in$ this) w&24 fol'ers later, un' voil, */est fini+ 0ow, 1 2now the abo"e !i$ht soun' li2e $ibberish 2 so!e, esp w&o *onte3t or fa!iliarit#. 4 the for!er 4 least, si!pl# refer ba*2 2 !eus Liber 5ronos % A2 o"er 4 s*rib', %&or The Thele!i* Hol# 6eason 4 the lin2s blow. 0 short % referrin$ 2 the table blow, as so!e o" 7s attribute the 22 tarot tru!ps w&ea*h o" the 22 'a#s fro! 3.2084.10 (a"erse btw, 991 The 7ni"erse8: The Fool respe*ti"el#) % the #ears startin$ w&1;04 n a 22 #ear *#*le (or 'o*osa'e), 1 "e put 2$ether n the past % now A2&Twin Tarot Arta"is!s !er$in$ the 2. % now 1 ! 'one, until 203< 4 least+ An#roa', hopefull# that helps so!e % 7 li2e The Wor2. 1 thin$ that still a!a=es !e after 44 o" these is how $reat an artist La'# Frie'a Harris was. As ALwa#s, an# >uestions, *o!!ents %&or *urses r w?L*o!e'. W&that sa#', Happ# 0u @ear, 6prin$&VernAL ?>uino3, feast for the 6upre!e Aitual % the ?>uino3 of the Bo's %&or whate"er 7 *all it+ Lo"e is the law, lo"e un'er will. WLL, A#e+ feast+ reCoi*e+ there is no 'rea' hereafter. There is the 'issolution, an' eternal e*stas# in the 2isses of 0u. LL 11 44

3.20.1483.20.3. Vo8V33i 0 3.20 3.21 3.22 3.23 3.24 3.2. 3.2< 3.2E 3.2D 3.2; 3.30 3.31 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.. 4.< 4.E 4.D 4.; 4.10 1 91V V 32 991 The 7ni"erse V33i . 21 The Hierophant Verse 31 99 The Aeon V33 . 20 The Hierophant Aeon 30 919 The 6un V3i3 . 1; The Hierophant 6un 2; 9V111 The ,oon V3"iii . 1D The Hierophant ,oon 2D 1V The ?!peror Vi" . 4 The Hierophant ?!peror 2E 9V1 The Tower V3"i . 1< The Hierophant Tower 2< 9V The De"il V3" . 1. The Hierophant De"il 2. 91V Art V3i" . 14 The Hierophant Art 24 9111 Death V3iii . 13 The Hierophant Death 23 911 The Han$e' ,an V3ii . 12 The Hierophant Han$e' 22 V111 A'Cust!ent V"iii . D The Hierophant A'Cust!ent 21 9 Fortune V3 . 10 The Hierophant Fortune 20 19 The Her!it Vi3 . ; The Hierophant Her!it 1; 91 Lust V3i . 11 The Hierophant Lust 1D V11 The Fhariot V"ii . E The Hierophant Fhariot 1E V1 The Lo"ers V"i . < The Hierophant Lo"ers 1< V The Hierophant V" . . The Hierophant Hierophant 1. 9V11 The 6tar V3"ii . 1E The Hierophant 6tar 14 111 The ?!press Viii . 3 The Hierophant ?!press 13 11 The Hi$h Griestess Vii . 2 The Hierophant Hi$h Griestess 12 1 The ,a$us Vi . 1 The Hierophant ,a$us 11 : The Fool Vo . 0 The Hierophant Fool :0o 203. 2034 2033 2032 2031 2030 202; 202D 202E 202< 202. 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 201; 201D 201E 201< 201. 2014

httpH&&www.s*rib'.*o!&'o*&DEE220.D&A82 httpH&&www.s*rib'.*o!&'o*&DD0024<2&Liber85ronos httpH&&www.thele!a.or$&ho!e&thele!i*Ihol#Iseason.ht!l

Grolo$ue of the 7nborn 1nto !# loneliness *o!es888 The soun' of a flute in 'i! $ro"es that haunt the utter!ost hills. ?"en fro! the bra"e ri"er the# rea*h the e'$e of the wil'erness. An' 1 behol' Gan. The snows are eternal abo"e, abo"e888 An' their perfu!e s!o2es upwar's into the nostrils of the stars. -ut what ha"e 1 to 'o with theseJ To !e onl# the 'istant flute, the abi'in$ "ision of Gan. :n all si'es Gan to the e#e, to the earK The perfu!e of Gan per"a'in$, the taste of hi! utterl# fillin$ !# !outh, so that the ton$ue brea2s forth into a weir' an' !onstrous spee*h. The e!bra*e of hi! intense on e"er# *entre of pain an' pleasure. The si3th interior sense afla!e with the inner!ost self of Hi!, ,#self flun$ 'own the pre*ipi*e of bein$ ?"en to the ab#ss, annihilation. An en' to loneliness, as to all. Gan+ Gan+ 1o Gan+ 1o Gan+

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