VehicleBody Design

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Advanced Manufacturing & Materials Electric Vehicle: Body Design

Grade Levels: 9th 12th Academic Content Areas: Science, Technology, Engineering, & athematics To!ics: "hysical Science# Science & Technology# Scienti$ic %n&'iry# eas'rement# Geometry & S!atial Sense# "atterns, ('nctions & Alge)ra# *ata Analysis
Main Problem/Essential Question
*esign the )ody o$ a vehicle, ta+ing into consideration the e$$ects o$ drag on the e$$iciency o$ the engine and the distance the vehicle can travel,

This lesson is designed to )e com!leted inde!endently, consec'tively, or conc'rrently -ith the .olling .esistance, Transmission, Electric "o-er So'rce, and Electric otor Lessons $or the Electric /ehicle 0E/1 2nit, "o-er e$$iciency is the goal o$ all good environmentally conscio's designs, As yo' -ill see thro'gho't the E/ 'nit, there are many $actors that in$l'ence this e$$iciency, The goal o$ this lesson is to determine the e$$ects o$ the )ody design on the vehicle3s travel and engine e$$iciency, E$$iciency, !racticality, and mar+eting the !rod'ct m'st all )e +e!t in mind -hen designing the vehicle3s )ody and determining the material the vehicle -ill )e made o$, St'dents -ill design, test, and create a !rototy!e o$ their design as -ell as mar+et their !rod'ct to ind'strial c'stomers and cons'mers )y the end o$ this lesson,

Big Idea / Focus

*rag is a mechanical $orce generated )y the interaction and contact o$ a solid )ody -ith a $l'id 0li&'id or gas1, %$ there is no $l'id, there is no drag 0s'ch as in a vac''m1, *rag is generated )y the di$$erence in velocity )et-een the solid o)4ect and the $l'id, There m'st )e motion )et-een the o)4ect and the $l'id, %$ there is no relative motion, there is no drag, A $alling o)4ect -ill event'ally reach a constant velocity +no-n as the terminal velocity d'e to the $orce o$ air resistance 0air !article stri+ing the o)4ect and trying to slo- it do-n1, This $orce is also re$erred to as drag, 5ith do-n-ards vertical motion, there are t-o $orces to consider, 5e have the $orce o$ gravity acting do-n-ard and the $orce o$ drag acting '!-ard, 5hen these t-o $orces are )alanced, the net $orce on the o)4ect is 6ero, the acceleration o$ the o)4ect is 6ero, and the o)4ect has reached its terminal velocity, %n hori6ontal motion, the $orce that ca'ses the $or-ard acceleration o$ the o)4ect is the $orce o$ thr'st $rom the engine, 0li+e the $orce o$ gravity in vertical motion1, The resisting $orce is still the

drag $orce and still d'e to air resistance, )'t this time it is acting hori6ontally in a direction o!!osite to the motion o$ the vehicle, 5hen the thr'st $orce )alances the drag $orce, the acceleration o$ the vehicle is 6ero and the vehicle has reached its ma7im'm s!eed, 5e call this s!eed the to! s!eed, A reminder that s!eed di$$ers $rom velocity in that velocity is s!eed !l's direction, (or a $alling o)4ect, the direction o$ motion is do-n and the term 8terminal velocity9 is the ma7im'm s!eed in the do-n direction, (or a hori6ontally moving vehicle, the direction 0east, -est, etc:1 is not ty!ically s!eci$ied and so it is more a!!ro!riate to 'se the term 8to! s!eed9, (or a $alling o)4ect, the gravitational $orce is determined )y the mass o$ the o)4ect 0its -eight1, %n hori6ontal motion, the $orce o$ thr'st is determined )y the engine in the vehicle, 5hile )'ilding '! to to! s!eed, the engine m'st !rod'ce eno'gh thr'st to overcome the drag $orce, -hich increases as the s!eed increases 04'st li+e it does vertically1, The three $actors that have a large e$$ect on the drag o$ an o)4ect are frontal cross-sectional area, body s a!e, and the s!eed o$ the o)4ect, The $rontal cross;sectional area o$ the vehicle -ill directly a$$ect the drag on the vehicle, The $ront cross;sectional area is the area o$ the vehicle !er!endic'lar to the direction o$ motion, %$ yo' co'ld com!ress the vehicle $rom $ront to )ac+ 'ntil it -as as $lat as a !iece o$ !a!er, then the area o$ the !a!er -o'ld )e the $ront cross;sectional area 0ass'ming none o$ the vehicle is s&'ee6ed o't o$ the sides as it is com!ressed1, Another -ay to envision the $ront cross; sectional area is to imagine the vehicle $lying thro'gh the smallest hole !ossi)le so that it 4'st $its thro'gh the hole -itho't t'rning the hole or the vehicle as it $lies thro'gh, The si6e o$ this hole is also the $rontal cross;sectional area, The larger the $rontal cross;sectional area, the greater the drag $orce, since more air !articles -ill stri+e the vehicle as it moves, Since the drag $orce on the vehicle is a $orce that o!!oses the motion o$ the vehicle, then the $rontal area !lays a ma4or role in the e$$iciency o$ the vehicle, An o)4ect3s drag can )e calc'lated meas'ring as!ects o$ the o)4ect3s sha!e, These meas'rements are 'sed to calc'late a &'antitative attri)'te o$ the sha!e called the drag coe$$icient, This drag coe$$icient gives a meas'rement o$ an o)4ect3s a)ility to move thro'gh a $l'id 0incl'ding air1 e$$iciently, -hich e$$ects the $'el<engine e$$iciency,

Prere"uisite #no$ledge
%deally st'dents -o'ld have some e7!erience -ith Google S+etch2! or the CA* !rogram the instr'ctor -ishes to 'se $or this lesson, St'dents sho'ld )e !ro$icient -ith a gra!hing calc'lator, St'dents sho'ld also )e introd'ced to ho- the motion detector 0C=.1 and calc'lator or so$t-are 'sed in the Co$$ee (ilter E7!eriment -ill )e 'sed,

*ra$t ><1<1?

Standards %onnections
Content Area: Science P ysical Sciences Standard St'dents demonstrate an 'nderstanding o$ the com!osition o$ !hysical systems and the conce!ts and !rinci!les that descri)e and !redict !hysical interactions and events in the nat'ral -orld, This incl'des demonstrating an 'nderstanding o$ the str'ct're and !ro!erties o$ matter, the !ro!erties o$ materials and o)4ects, chemical reactions and the conservation o$ matter, %n addition, it incl'des 'nderstanding the nat're, trans$er and conservation o$ energy# motion and the $orces a$$ecting motion# and the nat're o$ -aves and interactions o$ matter and energy, St'dents demonstrate an 'nderstanding o$ the historical !ers!ectives, scienti$ic a!!roaches and emerging scienti$ic iss'es associated -ith the !hysical sciences,
Grade 9 ; =enchmar+ *: E7!lain the movement o$ o)4ects )y a!!lying @e-tonAs three la-s o$ motion, 21, *emonstrate that motion is a meas'ra)le &'antity that de!ends on the o)serverAs $rame o$ re$erence and descri)e the o)4ectAs motion in terms o$ !osition, velocity, acceleration and time, 22, *emonstrate that any o)4ect does not accelerate 0remains at rest or maintains a constant s!eed and direction o$ motion1 'nless an 'n)alanced 0net1 $orce acts on it, 2B, E7!lain the change in motion 0acceleration1 o$ an o)4ect, *emonstrate that the acceleration is !ro!ortional to the net $orce acting on the o)4ect and inversely !ro!ortional to the mass o$ the o)4ect, 0( net Cma, @ote that -eight is the gravitational $orce on a mass,1 2D, *emonstrate that -henever one o)4ect e7erts a $orce on another, an e&'al amo'nt o$ $orce is e7erted )ac+ on the $irst o)4ect, 2>, *emonstrate the -ays in -hich $rictional $orces constrain the motion o$ o)4ects 0e,g,, a car traveling aro'nd a c'rve, a )loc+ on an inclined !lane, a !erson r'nning, an air!lane in $light1, Grade 12 ; =enchmar+ *: A!!ly !rinci!les o$ $orces and motion to mathematically analy6e, descri)e and !redict the net e$$ects on o)4ects or systems, >, 2se and a!!ly the la-s o$ motion to analy6e, descri)e and !redict the e$$ects o$ $orces on the motions o$ o)4ects mathematically,

Science and &ec nology Standard St'dents recogni6e that science and technology are interconnected and that 'sing technology involves assessment o$ the )ene$its, ris+s and costs, St'dents sho'ld )'ild scienti$ic and technological +no-ledge, as -ell as the s+ill re&'ired to design and constr'ct devices, %n addition, they sho'ld develo! the !rocesses to solve !ro)lems and 'nderstand that !ro)lems may )e solved in several -ays, *ra$t ><1<1? B

Grade 9 ; =enchmar+ A: E7!lain the -ays in -hich the !rocesses o$ technological design res!ond to the needs o$ society,

2, %denti$y a !ro)lem or need, !ro!ose designs and choose among alternative sol'tions $or the !ro)lem, B, E7!lain that -hen eval'ating a design $or a device or !rocess, tho'ght sho'ld )e given to ho- it -ill )e man'$act'red, o!erated, maintained, re!laced and dis!osed o$ in addition to -ho -ill sell, o!erate and ta+e care o$ it, E7!lain ho- the costs associated -ith these considerations may introd'ce additional constraints on the design, 2, "redict ho- decisions regarding the im!lementation o$ technologies involve the -eighing o$ trade;o$$s )et-een !redicted !ositive and negative e$$ects on the environment and<or h'mans,

Grade 11 ; =enchmar+ A: "redict hoh'man choices today -ill determine the &'ality and &'antity o$ li$e on Earth,

Scientific In"uiry Standard St'dents develo! scienti$ic ha)its o$ mind as they 'se the !rocesses o$ scienti$ic in&'iry to as+ valid &'estions and to gather and analy6e in$ormation, They 'nderstand ho- to develo! hy!otheses and ma+e !redictions, They are a)le to re$lect on scienti$ic !ractices as they develo! !lans o$ action to create and eval'ate a variety o$ concl'sions, St'dents are also a)le to demonstrate the a)ility to comm'nicate their $indings to others,

Grade 9 ; =enchmar+ A: "artici!ate in and a!!ly the !rocesses o$ scienti$ic investigation to create models and to design, cond'ct, eval'ate and comm'nicate the res'lts o$ these investigations,

1, *isting'ish )et-een o)servations and in$erences given a scienti$ic sit'ation, B, Constr'ct, inter!ret and a!!ly !hysical and conce!t'al models that re!resent or e7!lain systems, o)4ects, events or conce!ts, >, *evelo! oral and -ritten !resentations 'sing clear lang'age, acc'rate data, a!!ro!riate gra!hs, ta)les, ma!s and availa)le technology, E, *ra- logical concl'sions )ased on scienti$ic +no-ledge and evidence $rom investigations,

Grade 1? ; =enchmar+ A: "artici!ate in and a!!ly the !rocesses o$ scienti$ic investigation to create models and to design, cond'ct, eval'ate and comm'nicate the res'lts o$ these investigations,

2, "resent scienti$ic $indings 'sing clear lang'age, acc'rate data, a!!ro!riate gra!hs, ta)les, ma!s and availa)le technology, B, 2se mathematical models to !redict and analy6e nat'ral !henomena, D, *ra- concl'sions $rom in&'iries )ased on scienti$ic +no-ledge and !rinci!les, the 'se o$ logic and evidence 0data1 $rom investigations,

Grade 11 ; =enchmar+ A: a+e a!!ro!riate choices -hen designing and !artici!ating in scienti$ic investigations )y 'sing cognitive and mani!'lative s+ills
*ra$t ><1<1?

1, (orm'late testa)le hy!otheses, *evelo! and e7!lain the a!!ro!riate !roced'res, controls and varia)les 0de!endent and inde!endent1 in scienti$ic e7!erimentation,

-hen collecting data and $orm'lating concl'sions $rom the data, Grade 12 ; =enchmar+ A: a+e a!!ro!riate choices -hen designing and !artici!ating in scienti$ic investigations )y 'sing cognitive and mani!'lative s+ills -hen collecting data and $orm'lating concl'sions $rom the data,

B, *esign and carry o't scienti$ic in&'iry 0investigation1, comm'nicate and criti&'e res'lts thro'gh !eer revie-, 1, (orm'late testa)le hy!otheses, *evelo! and e7!lain the a!!ro!riate !roced'res, controls and varia)les 0de!endent and inde!endent1 in scienti$ic e7!erimentation, 2, *erive sim!le mathematical relationshi!s that have !redictive !o-er $rom e7!erimental data 0e,g,, derive an e&'ation $rom a gra!h and vice versa, determine -hether a linear or e7!onential relationshi! e7ists among the data in a ta)le1, D, Create and clari$y the method, !roced'res, controls and varia)les in com!le7 scienti$ic investigations, >, 2se a!!ro!riate s'mmary statistics to analy6e and descri)e data,

Scientific 'ays of #no$ing Standard St'dents reali6e that the c'rrent )ody o$ scienti$ic +no-ledge m'st )e )ased on evidence, )e !redictive, logical, s')4ect to modi$ication and limited to the nat'ral -orld, This incl'des demonstrating an 'nderstanding that scienti$ic +no-ledge gro-s and advances as neevidence is discovered to s'!!ort or modi$y e7isting theories, as -ell as to enco'rage the develo!ment o$ ne- theories, St'dents are a)le to re$lect on ethical scienti$ic !ractices and demonstrate an 'nderstanding o$ ho- the c'rrent )ody o$ scienti$ic +no-ledge re$lects the historical and c'lt'ral contri)'tions o$ -omen and men -ho !rovide 's -ith a more relia)le and com!rehensive 'nderstanding o$ the nat'ral -orld,
Grade 9 ; =enchmar+ =: E7!lain hoscienti$ic in&'iry is g'ided )y +no-ledge, o)servations, ideas and &'estions, Grade 1? ; =enchmar+ A: E7!lain that scienti$ic +no-ledge m'st )e )ased on evidence, )e !redictive, logical, s')4ect to modi$ication and limited to the nat'ral -orld, Grade 11 ; =enchmar+ A: E7!lain hoscienti$ic evidence is 'sed to develo! and revise scienti$ic !redictions, ideas or theories, Grade 12 ; =enchmar+ A: E7!lain hoscienti$ic evidence is 'sed to develo! and revise scienti$ic !redictions, ideas or theories, E, E7!lain that in&'iry $'els o)servation and e7!erimentation that !rod'ce data that are the $o'ndation o$ scienti$ic disci!lines, Theories are e7!lanations o$ these data, B, .ecogni6e that science is a systematic method o$ contin'ing investigation, )ased on o)servation, hy!othesis testing, meas'rement, e7!erimentation, and theory )'ilding, -hich leads to more ade&'ate e7!lanations o$ nat'ral !henomena,

B, *emonstrate that scienti$ic e7!lanations adhere to esta)lished criteria, $or e7am!le a !ro!osed e7!lanation m'st )e logically consistent, it m'st a)ide )y the r'les o$ evidence and it m'st )e o!en to &'estions and modi$ications, D, Analy6e a set o$ data to derive a !rinci!le and then a!!ly that !rinci!le to a similar !henomenon 0e,g,, !redator;!rey relationshi!s and !ro!erties o$ semicond'ctors1,

*ra$t ><1<1?


Content Area:


Measurement Standard St'dents estimate and meas're to a re&'ired degree o$ acc'racy and !recision )y selecting and 'sing a!!ro!riate 'nits, tools and technologies,
Grade 9 =enchmar+ =: 2se $orm'las to >, Solve !ro)lems involving 'nit conversion $or sit'ations $ind s'r$ace area and vol'me $or involving distances, areas, vol'mes and rates -ithin the same s!eci$ied B;* o)4ects, meas'rement system, Grade 11 =enchmar+ C: Estimate and com!'te areas and vol'me in increasingly com!le7 !ro)lem sit'ations, D, Calc'late distances, areas, s'r$ace areas and vol'mes o$ com!osite three;dimensional o)4ects to a s!eci$ied n'm)er o$ signi$icant digits,

Grade 12 =enchmar+ *: Solve !ro)lem 1, Solve !ro)lems involving derived meas'rements# e,g,, sit'ations involving derived acceleration and !ress're, meas'rements# e,g,, density, acceleration,

(eometry and S!atial Sense Standard St'dents identi$y, classi$y, com!are and analy6e characteristics, !ro!erties and relationshi!s o$ one;, t-o;, and three;dimensional geometric $ig'res and o)4ects, St'dents 'se s!atial reasoning, !ro!erties o$ geometric o)4ects and trans$ormations to analy6e mathematical sit'ations and solve !ro)lems,
Grade 11 =enchmar+ A: 2se trigonometric relationshi!s to veri$y and determine sol'tions in !ro)lem sit'ations, Grade 12 =enchmar+ A: 2se trigonometric relationshi!s to veri$y and determine sol'tions in !ro)lem sit'ations, >, %denti$y, s+etch and classi$y the cross sections o$ three; dimensional o)4ects,

D, .ecogni6e and com!are s!eci$ic sha!es and !ro!erties in m'lti!le geometries# e,g,, !lane, s!herical and hy!er)olic,

Patterns) Functions and Algebra Standard St'dents 'se !atterns, relations and $'nctions to model, re!resent and analy6e !ro)lem sit'ations that involve varia)le &'antities, St'dents analy6e, model and solve !ro)lems 'sing vario's re!resentations s'ch as ta)les, gra!hs and e&'ations,
Grade 9 =enchmar+ *: 2se alge)raic re!resentations s'ch as ta)les, gra!hs, e7!ressions & ine&'alities to model and solve !ro)lem sit'ations, B, *escri)e !ro)lem sit'ations 0linear, &'adratic and e7!onential1 )y 'sing ta)'lar, gra!hical and sym)olic re!resentations,

Grade 9 =enchmar+ E: Analy6e and 1B, odel and solve !ro)lems involving direct and inverse com!are $'nctions and their gra!hs 'sing variation 'sing !ro!ortional reasoning, attri)'tes s'ch as rates o$ change, interce!ts and 6eros,
*ra$t ><1<1?

Grade 1? =enchmar+ *: 2se alge)raic re!resentations s'ch as ta)les, gra!hs, e7!ressions & ine&'alities to model and solve !ro)lem sit'ations, Grade 12 =enchmar+ A: Analy6e $'nctions )y investigating rates o$ change, interce!ts, 6eros, asym!totes, and local and glo)al )ehavior,

B, Solve e&'ations and $orm'las $or a s!eci$ied varia)le# e,g,, e7!ress the )ase o$ a triangle in terms o$ the area and height, 1?, Solve real;-orld !ro)lems that can )e modeled 'sing linear, &'adratic, e7!onential, or s&'are root $'nctions, E, a+e arg'ments a)o't mathematical !ro!erties 'sing mathematical ind'ction,

*ata Analysis and Probability Standard St'dents !ose &'estions and collect, organi6e, re!resent, inter!ret and analy6e data to ans-er those &'estions, St'dents develo! and eval'ate in$erences, !redictions and arg'ments that are )ased on data,
Grade 9 =enchmar+ A: create, inter!ret, and 'se gra!hical dis!lays and statistical meas'res to descri)e data, Grade 1? =enchmar+ A: create, inter!ret, and 'se gra!hical dis!lays and statistical meas'res to descri)e data 2, Create a scatter!lot $or a set o$ )ivariate data, s+etch the line o$ )est $it, and inter!ret the slo!e o$ the line o$ )est $it,

2, .e!resent and analy6e )ivariate data 'sing a!!ro!riate gra!hical dis!lays 0scatter!lots, !arallel )o7;and;-his+er !lots, histograms -ith more than one set o$ data, ta)les, charts, s!readsheets1 -ith and -itho't technology, E, %nter!ret the relationshi! )et-een t-o varia)les 'sing m'lti!le gra!hical dis!lays and statistical meas'res# e,g,, scatter!lots, !arallel )o7;and;-his+er !lots, and meas'res o$ center and s!read,

Grade 11 =enchmar+ A: create and analy6e ta)'lar and gra!hical dis!lays o$ data 'sing a!!ro!riate tools incl'ding s!readsheets and gra!hing calc'lators,

1, *esign a statistical e7!eriment, s'rvey or st'dy $or a !ro)lem# collect data $or the !ro)lem# and inter!ret the data -ith a!!ro!riate gra!hical dis!lays, descri!tive statistics, conce!ts o$ varia)ility, ca'sation, correlation and standard deviation, >, 2se technology to $ind the Least S&'ares .egression Line, the regression coe$$icient, and the correlation coe$$icient $or )ivariate data -ith a linear trend, and inter!ret each o$ these statistics in the conte7t o$ the !ro)lem sit'ation,

Grade 11 =enchmar+ =: 'se descri!tive statistics to analy6e and s'mmari6e data, incl'ding meas'res o$ center, dis!ersion, correlation and varia)ility,

D, Create a scatter !lot o$ )ivariate data, identi$y trends, and $ind a $'nction to model the data, F, *escri)e the standard normal c'rve and its general !ro!erties, and ans-er &'estions dealing -ith data ass'med to )e normal, G, Analy6e and inter!ret 'nivariate and )ivariate data to identi$y !atterns, note trends, dra- concl'sions, and ma+e !redictions,

*ra$t ><1<1?

Pre!aration for activity

The instr'ctor sho'ld ma+e certain the a!!ro!riate so$t-are has )een installed on st'dent com!'ters and sho'ld have !ersonal e7!erience -ith a Com!'ter Aided *esign 0CA*1 !rogram )e$ore $acilitating this lesson, %t is recommended that the instr'ctor also com!lete a !rototy!e thro'gh Sinclair Comm'nity college !rior to this activity, This may re&'ire attending a -or+sho! or having a reso'rce !erson in yo'r district in case !ro)lems occ'r, Ed'cational versions o$ these !rograms are o$ten availa)le thro'gh the man'$act'rer, E7am!les o$ CA* !rograms incl'de Google S+etch2! 0a $ree-are !rogram, do-nload at ---,google,com<s+etch'!<do-nload 1 A'toCA* and Solid-or+s, Also, the instr'ctor sho'ld have e7!erience -ith the motion detector and data collection so$t-are that -ill )e 'sed in the co$$ee $ilter e7!eriment, A !rogram that -ill record and dis!lay a distance vers's time gra!h -ill )e re&'ired, & e instructor s ould sc edule t$o visits by t e 'i+ards of 'rig t $ind tunnel ,see A!!endi- A for contact information./ & e first visit is for students to e-!lore calculating t e drag coefficient of different ob0ects/ & e second $ill be to calculate drag coefficient and test t e !ossible designs of t eir ve icle/

%ritical 1ocabulary
drag ; *rag is a mechanical $orce generated )y the interaction and contact o$ a solid )ody -ith a $l'id 0li&'id or gas1 as the solid )ody moves thro'gh the $l'id, *rag is a $orce that o!!oses the motion o$ an o)4ect and increases -ith increasing relative velocity )et-een the solid )ody and the $l'id, drag coefficient ; The drag coe$$icient is a n'm)er that is 'sed to model all o$ the com!le7 de!endencies o$ sha!e, inclination, and $lo- conditions on an o)4ect3s drag, efficiency ,of an engine. ; The relationshi! )et-een the total energy contained in the $'el, and the amo'nt o$ energy 'sed to !er$orm 'se$'l -or+, fluid ; A s')stance -hose molec'les $lo- $reely, so that it has no $i7ed sha!e and little resistance to o'tside stress 0e,g, a li&'id or a gas1, frontal cross-sectional area ; The largest cross;sectional area o$ the o)4ect !er!endic'lar to the direction o$ motion, s!eed ; The magnit'de o$ the velocity vector, terminal velocity ; The velocity o$ a $alling o)4ect -hen the do-n-ards $orce o$ gravity is )alanced )y the '!-ards $orce o$ drag, %t is also the ma7im'm velocity o$ a dro!!ed o)4ect that remains 'nchanged in si6e and sha!e, to! s!eed ; The s!eed o$ a hori6ontally moving o)4ect -hen the thr'st $orce )alances the $orce o$ drag, velocity ; The vector meas'rement o$ the s!eed and direction o$ the motion, or more $'ndamentally, the vector meas'rement o$ the time rate o$ change o$ the !osition, incl'ding direction,

*ra$t ><1<1?

Some of the activities during this unit are optional so the timeframe can vary greatly. *ay 1 2 B D >;F G 9 1?;11 &ime Allotment >> min, >> min, >> min, >> min, >> min, each day >> min, Jal$ day >> min, Activities Activity % E7!erimental data on drag Activities %%;%%% Calc'lating drag coe$$icient and correlating to engine e$$iciency Activity %/ 5eight and engine e$$iciency Activities /;/% =ody design and -ind t'nnel tests Activities /%%;/%%% Selection o$ class )ody and material and entering class )ody into a CA* !rogram Activities %H I!tional 'se modeling so$t-are $or virt'al testing 0nondestr'ctive testing1 Activity H Create a !rototy!e 0$ield tri! to Sinclair Comm'nity College1 0!re!aration and !resentation1 Activity H% "re!aration and !resentation o$ res'lts

Materials & E"ui!ment

Co$$ee (ilters otion detector and a!!ro!riate so$t-are<!rogram $or data collection Gra!hing Calc'lator Google S+etch2! 0$ree-are1, Solid-or+s 0so$t-are1 or other CA* !rograms =loc+ o$ modeling clay Clay sc'l!ting tools 0$or sa$ety, these sho'ld )e !lastic -ith no shar! edges1 2andouts $it "uestions to be ans$ered t roug out activity ,maybe guided in"uiry !ac3ets.

Safety & *is!osal

Modeling clay can be used in t is lesson/ Most modeling clays are reusable/ Follo$ t e !rovided $it t e modeling clay concerning t e !ro!er use and storage for t e !articular brand/ty!e of modeling used in t is lesson/ %lay scul!ting tools s ould be c osen t at are a!!ro!riate for t e students/ If necessary) t e students can s a!e t e modeling clay using 0ust t eir fingers/

Pre-Activity *iscussion
%deally st'dents -o'ld have some e7!erience -ith Google S+etch2!, Solid5or+s or the CA* !rogram the instr'ctor -ishes to 'se $or this lesson, St'dents sho'ld also )e introd'ced to ho- the motion detector and so$t-are 'sed in the Co$$ee
*ra$t ><1<1?

(ilter E7!eriment -ill )e 'sed,

&eac er Instructions
I. Coffee Filter Drop Lab Introduction 5hen there is no air resistance 0s'ch as in a vac''m1, the s!eed o$ a $alling o)4ect increases )y 9,G meters !er second $or every second that the o)4ect is in motion, %$ )oth a )as+et)all and a co$$ee $ilter are dro!!ed at the same time $rom the same height in a vac''m 0-here there is no air resistance1, )oth -o'ld reach the gro'nd at the same time, An e7am!le o$ $ree $all can )e seen )y -atching the yo't')e video o$ A!ollo 1> astrona't *avid Scott dro!!ing a hammer and a $eather on the moon, Jo-ever, the same is not tr'e i$ -e dro!!ed a )as+et)all and a co$$ee $ilter $rom the same height in a classroom, As the co$$ee $ilter $alls thro'gh the air, air resistance or the drag $orce has a m'ch larger e$$ect on its acceleration that does the drag $orce on the )as+et)all, 5hen the co$$ee $ilter is $irst released, its s!eed increases $rom 6ero, )'t the air resistance acting on the co$$ee $ilter also increases, Event'ally, -hen the air resistance )ecomes great eno'gh and e&'als the $orce o$ gravity on the o)4ect, the co$$ee $ilter sto!s accelerating and $alls the rest o$ the -ay at a constant rate, +no-n as its terminal velocity, (or the )as+et)all, a m'ch larger s!eed is needed to !rod'ce a drag $orce large eno'gh to )alance the $orce o$ gravity, At all times the acceleration o$ the co$$ee $ilter is given )y: Net Acceleration = Acceleration due to gravity - Acceleration from air resistance The acceleration d'e to air resistance can )e modeled as r/2, -here r is a constant +no-n as the drag !arameter and / is the velocity, %n this la) -e -ill dro! a co$$ee $ilter, meas're the distance, and 'se this to determine the terminal velocity o$ the co$$ee $ilter and the drag !arameter o$ the co$$ee $ilter, E"ui!ment and Setu! (or this e7!eriment yo' -ill need a T% calc'lator and a C=. 0%alc'lator Based 4anger1 'nit or a T% calc'lator -ith the /ernier "JKS%CS !rogram loaded, a C=L 0%alc'lator Based 5a)oratory1 'nit, a motion detector, and a co$$ee $ilter, For e periments !it"out t"e #ernier systems any T% calc'lators come -ith a !rogram already installed that is com!ati)le -ith many C=.3s, Chec+ yo'r man'al $or o!eration s!eci$ics, For e periments !it" t"e #ernier systems %n the home men' choose SET 2" ".I=ES, 5hen as+ed $or the n'm)er o$ !ro)es, enter 1, %n the ne7t men' choose IT%I@, The screen -ill dis!lay the home men' again, @o- select CILLECT *ATA, and choose T% E G.A"J, Set the calc'lator to ta+e D? meas'rements ?,?> second a!art, %$ st'dents have access to a video camera this e7!eriment can )e done )y gathering in$ormation 'sing a video o$ each dro! and sto!-atches, altho'gh this is not the !re$erred method, Procedure 5hen the calc'lator is ready to )egin ta+ing meas'rements, !lace the motion detector $lat on the gro'nd $acing '! -hile another gro'! mem)er holds the co$$ee $ilter directly a)ove the
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motion detector, "ress E@TE. on the calc'lator to )egin ta+ing meas'rements, and release the $ilter -hen the motion detector )egins clic+ing, A$ter collecting the data, !ress E@TE. on the calc'lator to get the gra!h men', Select *%STA@CE# !ress LII , select 89: LoomStat9, !ress E@TE., The calc'lator -ill dis!lay the gra!h o$ the distance o$ the $ilter $rom the motion detector vers's time, @ote that distance is in meters and time is in seconds, *ata 5hile vie-ing the gra!h o$ distance vers's time, 'se T.ACE to recover the data collected )y the C=L 'nit or C=. 'nit on yo'r calc'lator, .ecord the distances collected )y the C=L<C=. 'nit in the ta)le )elo-, *iscard the data !oints ta+en )e$ore the dro! and a$ter the $ilter hit the $loor, (or /ernier 'sers, a$ter recording the data, &'it the "JKS%CS !rogram )y !ressing E@TE. to get )ac+ to the gra!h men', then choose .ET2.@, 5hen as+ed to re!eat select @I, and then in the main men' select M2%T, $ime in seconds *istance in meters Time in seconds *istance in meters Time in seconds *istance in meters Time in seconds *istance in meters Analysis 1, %n!'t the data in the ta)le a)ove into yo'r calc'lator )y entering times in L1 and distances in L2, Then enter only t e last five data !oints in yo'r ta)le in lists LB and LD, 2sing these last five data !oints, $ind the e&'ation o$ the regression line $or distance * 0in meters1 as a $'nction o$ time t 0in seconds1, 0Enter LB, LD,1 2, "lot t e data from t e table above and add t e regression line $rom M'estion 1 to yo'r gra!h, S+etch the gra!h, B, 2se the gra!h in M'estion 2 to hel! yo' descri)e hothe velocity o$ the co$$ee $ilter c anges as it $alls, The velocity begins at zero and speeds up to its terminal velocity !hich is a slo! speed. "t then falls at a constant speed. #The acceleration begins at $.% m&s&s and decreases to zero as the filter approaches its terminal velocity.'
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Sample Graph


D, E7!lain -hy the slo!e in yo'r $orm'la in M'estion 1 is the terminal velocity o$ the co$$ee $ilter, (hen the distance graph becomes linear the graph implies that velocity #the change in distance divided by the change in time' has become constant. This is the terminal velocity. >, 2se yo'r ans-ers to M'estions 2 thro'gh D to hel! yo' care$'lly s+etch a gra!h o$ the velocity o$ the co$$ee $ilter, Students should have the horizontal a)is correctly labeled !ith the times and the vertical a)is correctly labeled !ith the velocity. E, 2se yo'r gra!h in M'estion > to hel! yo' care$'lly s+etch a gra!h o$ the acceleration o$ the co$$ee $ilter, Students should have the horizontal a)is correctly labeled !ith time and the vertical a)is correctly labeled !ith acceleration. The plot should be a do!n!ard curve. F, A)o't ho- long does it ta+e the co$$ee $ilter to reach terminal velocityN Jo- did yo' determine thisN Students !ill note the time at !hich the distance*time graph becomes linear #horizontal and flat'. +ote: "t happens rather ,uic-ly. Sample Graph

Sample Graph

G, .ecall that air resistance or the drag $orce can )e modeled as r/2, -here r is a constant +no-n as the drag !arameter and / is the velocity, %n this !art o$ the la) -e -ill sho- one -ay in -hich the drag !arameter o$ an o)4ect can )e e7!erimentally determined, Let A re!resent the net acceleration o$ the co$$ee $ilter and g the acceleration d'e to gravity, Then -e have the )asic e&'ation A = g rV 2 $or the net acceleration o$ the co$$ee $ilter d'ring the dro!, i, 5hat is the net acceleration o$ the co$$ee $ilter once it has reached terminal velocityN The net acceleration at terminal velocity !ill be zero.

ii, 2se the )asic e&'ation a)ove to com!'te the drag !arameter o$ the co$$ee $ilter, 02se yo'r ans-er to M'estion i a)ove, the terminal velocity yo' com!'ted earlier in the la), and the $act that the acceleration d'e to gravity is a)o't 9,G meters !er second1 Students should use the terminal velocity that they found for the coffee filter #the slope of the line of best fit on the portion of the distance graph that !as linear' for the value of V a value of zero for the acceleration net . and $.% m&sec/ for g in the e,uation A = g rV 2 . This !ould produce the e,uation 0 = 9.8 rV 2 !here V !ill be -no!n. Students can then solve for r. This !ill be the drag parameter. Note: The !ay !e have things !ritten here the drag parameter depends on the density of air on the frontal cross*sectional area the mass and the shape of the falling ob0ect. 1lease do not concern yourself !ith the proper units !hich are m*2. %onclusions *escri)e ho- the velocity o$ a $alling $eather -o'ld di$$er $rom the velocity o$ a $alling )as+et)all -hen dro!!ed $rom 4'st a $e- meters a)ove the gro'nd in a classroom, . feather !ould fall slo!er because it has a larger drag parameter.
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At terminal velocity, the acceleration o$ the o)4ect -ill )e 6ero and can )e modeled )y the $ollo-ing e&'ation: 0 = 9.8 rV 2 , -here again 9,G re!resents gravitational acceleration, r re!resents the drag !arameter o$ the o)4ect, and / is the velocity, %n this case / -o'ld re!resent the terminal velocity o$ the o)4ect -hen the velocity is constant, Solve the e&'ation

0 = 9.8 rV 2 $or r,

Solving the e,uation

0 = 9.8 rV 2

for r !ould

9.8 =r 2 V result in the e,uation: .

5hat is the mathematical relationshi! )et-een r and / at terminal velocityN 3athematically this implies that the drag parameter #r' is inversely proportional !ith the s,uare of the terminal velocity #V'. According to this relationshi!, in order to increase the terminal velocity o$ an o)4ect -hat m'st )e done to the drag !arameterN To increase the terminal velocity the drag parameter must be reduced. Jo- co'ld yo' modi$y the co$$ee $ilter e7!eriment to increase the co$$ee $ilters terminal velocityN "f the coffee filters !ere folded rolled into a conical shape or !added up into a ball the drag parameter !ould be reduced and a greater terminal velocity !ould be achieved. 5hen an o)4ect is released $rom rest, it initially e7!eriences no drag $orce, As it $alls, it3s s!eed increases and so does the drag $orce acting on it, Event'ally, the drag $orce is as large as the $orce o$ gravity and then the net $orce acting on the o)4ect is 6ero, At that !oint, the s!eed )ecomes constant, 5e call this $inal s!eed do-n-ards the terminal velocity $or the o)4ect, II. Calculating Drag Co-efficients *rag -ill also have an im!ortant e$$ect on the to! s!eed o$ a vehicle and the engine !o-er re&'ired to maintain high-ay s!eeds, This -ill a$$ect the range o$ a vehicle, To ma+e a vehicle more e$$icient it is im!ortant to 'nderstand ho- to calc'late the drag o$ di$$erent o)4ects, The $l'id com!onent to calc'late the drag $orce o$ a vehicle -ill )e the same $or all designs 0since all vehicles -ill all )e driven on the road, in -hich case, the $l'id is air1, There$ore, it -ill only )e necessary $or the st'dents to com!are !ro!erties o$ the )ody design, St'dents sho'ld solve $or the drag coe$$icient 'sing the e&'ation $or drag in the ta)le )elo-, The t!o factors of drag that students should e)amine are the frontal cross*sectional area and the shape of the vehicle. Frontal %ross-sectional Area The $rontal area o$ an o)4ect is the area o$ the o)4ect that determines its si6e !er!endic'lar to the direction o$ motion, %t can )e tho'ght o$ as the si6e o$ the shado- o$ the o)4ect i$ there -ere a light !laced in $ront o$ it, The other )ody design as!ects o$ the vehicle -ill also have an e$$ect on the drag coe$$icient, St'dents sho'ld $ind the $rontal area o$ a n'm)er o$ o)4ects 0this co'ld )e anything1, %deally the o)4ects -o'ld )e the o)4ects the st'dents -ill 'se in the -ind t'nnel, St'dents calc'late the $rontal area and then ran+ the items )y their estimation $rom most drag to the least drag, For t"e Instructor 4or e)amples of common shapes and their drag coefficient visit htt!:<<---,grc,nasa,gov<555<O;12<air!lane<sha!ed,html. This !ebsite is +.S.5s educational
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page on shape and its effect on drag. E)ploring this site !ill yield a number of helpful items. This should give the instructor ideas for the types of items for !hich students should test and calculate the frontal area and drag coefficient.
#6hart from htt!:<<craig,)ac+$ire,ca< !ages<a'tos<dragPdrag * the bottom e,uation is commonly used in the study of drag on a car'

*rag %oefficient The drag coe$$icient is 's'ally determined e7!erimentally, The 5i6ards o$ 5right 0see Additional .eso'rces $or contact in$ormation1 -ill sched'le time to )ring a -ind t'nnel to yo'r cam!'s, %t is s'ggested that yo' sched'le one visit $or this !ortion o$ the lesson, The drag coe$$icient o$ an o)4ect can )e calc'lated i$ the drag $orce can )e meas'red and the $rontal area is +no-n 0ass'ming again that the $l'id com!onent is constant $or all designs1, The 5i6ards o$ 5right sho'ld )e a)le to assist in calc'lating the e7!erimental drag coe$$icient since the $rontal area and drag o$ the o)4ect can )e $o'nd and the velocity and density o$ the air can )e calc'lated, %$ it is not !ossi)le $or yo' to sched'le a visit $rom the 5i6ards o$ 5right, a great alternative is to )'ild yo'r o-n -ind t'nnel, This can )e done -ith a)o't Q1? i$ yo' have a $an, %nstr'ctions $or )'ilding a sim!le -ind t'nnel can )e $o'nd at htt!:<<sln,$i,ed'<$lights<$irst<ma+esim!le< inde7,html, To o)serve the drag o$ the vehicle thro'gh yo'r -ind t'nnel yo' can 'se dry ice i$ yo' have access to it, a $og machine, or )y attaching a ri))on to the o)4ect, The ri))on can )e a$$i7ed to the o)4ect in many !laces to meas're the drag, Altho'gh ac&'iring &'antitative data is di$$ic'lt this -ay, the ri))on allo-s $or st'dents to test di$$erent !arts o$ the o)4ects and allo-s $or the collection o$ &'alitative data, %$ st'dents are interested in recording &'antitative data, the angle o$ the ri))on in the t'nnel can )e meas'red, =ased on -here the ri))on is attached, the angle meas'red co'ld im!ly di$$erent concl'sions a)o't the drag on the o)4ect, Enco'rage st'dents to st'dy and o)serve the ri))on and its )ehavior on di$$erent !arts o$ the o)4ect3s design, A$ter e7!erimenting -ith the -ind t'nnel, st'dents sho'ld record the $rontal area, drag, and drag coe$$icient and<or &'alitative o)servations $or each o$ the items they tested, St'dents sho'ld reorder the items they ran+ed )y their drag coe$$icient and disc'ss their $indings, III. Connecting t"e Coffee Filters+ t"e ,ind $unnel+ and #e"icle -fficiency .tudents s"ould be prompted t"e follo!ing /uestions: 1, 5hat did the co$$ee $ilter e7!eriment tell 's a)o't accelerationN 05hat is the acceleration -hen velocity is constantN1 4alling ob0ects eventually reach a constant terminal
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velocity it means that the ob0ect !ill no longer be accelerating. 2, 5hat +e!t the co$$ee $ilters $rom contin'ing to accelerateN 5hat does this tell 's a)o't o'r carN Eventually the force pulling the coffee filter to the ground #force of gravity' !as e,ual to the force opposing its motion to the ground #force of air resistance'. 4or the car the force of air resistance !ill eventually reaches the magnitude of the engine thrust. "n both cases !hen the forces are balanced. The net acceleration !ill be zero and the ob0ect !ill stop accelerating and travel at a constant speed. B, Jo- -ill the !o-er o$ the engine )e a$$ected )y the design o$ the )odyN As the s!eed o$ the car increases -hat also increasesN .s the speed of the car increases so does the amount of drag due to air resistance. The more aerodynamic the car the less po!er the engine !ill have to produce to oppose the drag and a greater ma)imum speed can be achieved. D, Create a line gra!h -ith t-o di$$erent colored lines to de!ict an estimation o$ the !ercentage o$ engine !o-er 'sed $or acceleration 0)l'e1 and the !ercentage o$ the engine !o-er 'sed to o!!ose the drag $orce 0red1, 1ossible 7esponse to 8uestion 9
12? 1?? 6 of Engine Po$er G? E? D? 2? ? S!eed

R o$ Engine "o- er $or Accelleration R o$ Engine "o- er I!!osing *rag

>, 5hat t-o $orces a$$ect the to! s!eed o$ an engineN At to! s!eed, -hat can )e said a)o't these t-o $orcesN The t!o forces are #2' the force from the engine #thrust' and #:' the drag force #air resistance and friction'. .t top speed these t!o forces are e,ual #balanced'. 0ptional: ;ou may !ant to have students re*e)amine the results from their coffee filter e)periment or conduct another e)periment of their o!n. <ne choice may be to repeat the coffee filter e)periment by using the same number of coffee filters but reducing the fontal area of the filter by altering the filter in some !ay !ithout reducing the !eight of the filters #refer to conclusions' and comparing these results to their findings in 1art ". I#. ,eig"t 1Connections !it" ot"er lessons2 A ma4or concern $or the engine e$$iciency -ill )e the -eight, or more acc'rately, the mass o$ the vehicle, 0=e care$'l here not to con$'se -eight and mass, 5eight is a $orce, or 8(9 -hile mass is 8m9, The -eight o$ an o)4ect is directly !ro!ortional to its mass -hen the o)4ect is on the s'r$ace o$ the earth, 5eight changes as the o)4ect moves a-ay $rom the s'r$ace o$ the earth, )'t mass is a !hysical !ro!erty o$ the o)4ect and it remains the same regardless o$ location,1 St'dents sho'ld inter!ret @e-ton3s 2nd La-, (Cma, in terms o$ the -eight or mass o$ the vehicle and the e$$iciency o$ the vehicle, St'dents sho'ld list the concerns -ith the -eight o$ the vehicle and ho- it relates to the overall e$$iciency o$ the vehicle in connection to the other lessons, Since it is an o!tion to have di$$erent
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gro'!s -ithin the class -or+ing on the other lessons sim'ltaneo'sly, this -o'ld )e a good o!!ort'nity to have a class disc'ssion a)o't the im!act o$ the )ody design gro'!3s decision a)o't the material on the other gro'!3s decisions and o'tcomes, *e!ending '!on the order in -hich the lessons are done, st'dents co'ld design an e7!eriment -ith the motor constr'cted in the Electric otor lesson to e7amine the tr'e e$$ects o$ -eight on the engine3s e$$iciency, St'dents sho'ld com!are and contrast di$$erent materials that the car can )e made $rom, Sinclair Comm'nity College -ill machine a car model o't o$ al'min'm, !lastic, and a co'!le other materials, %t is s'ggested that the instr'ctor contact the ind'stry !artner at Sinclair 0see A!!endi7 A1 $or a list o$ materials c'rrently availa)le $or design, St'dents sho'ld ta+e into consideration !rod'ction costs and $easi)ility, d'ra)ility, environmental im!act, sa$ety, etc -hen deciding on -hich material to 'se, For t"e instructor: Students do not need to calculate the actual !eight or mass of the vehicle since the design !ill be the same no matter !hich material is selected. Simply having samples of the materials that are the same in volume !ill allo! students to create a proportion in the !eight of the vehicle made !ith different materials. #. 3egin 3ody Design 4sing Clay .culpting ('rther research on )ody designs can de done via the %nternet, A good reso'rce $or this lesson is htt!:<<---,car)odydesign,com< , This site -o'ld )e $or advanced learners -ho -ish to e7!lore, =e$ore )eginning to sc'l!t their design, st'dents sho'ld create detailed dra-ings o$ their designs $rom di$$erent !ers!ectives, St'dents sho'ld +ee! in mind $actors that they have learned a)o't drag and $rontal area, St'dents sho'ld also +ee! in mind other $actors a)o't the !rod'ct they are ma+ing li+e mar+eta)ility, n'm)er o$ occ'!ants that co'ld ride in the car 0i$ only one !erson can ride in the car then every driver -o'ld need a car is this e$$icientN1, the s!eeds that drag really )ecomes an iss'e, !rod'ction costs and $easi)ility, d'ra)ility, environmental im!act, etc, The o)4ective o$ the )ody design lesson is not necessarily to $ind the design that has the smallest drag coe$$icient )'t to use 3no$ledge of t e drag coefficient as anot er factor in t e design o$ the electric vehicle, St'dents -ill )egin designing their )ody designs o't o$ clay, St'dents sho'ld try to the )est o$ their a)ility to )e !recise -ith their sc'l!ting, St'dents sho'ld 'se sc'l!ting tools to acc'rately create their design, A$ter creating their design st'dents sho'ld estimate the drag coe$$icient )y re$erring to the res'lts $rom "art %% Calc'lating *rag, Also st'dents sho'ld calc'late the $rontal area o$ their vehicle, This can )e done )y !lacing a lam! in $ront o$ their design and casting a shado- onto a -all, St'dents co'ld create a grid on a !iece o$ !oster )oard in -hich the shado- co'ld )e cast, St'dents co'ld then co'nt the )o7es the shado- intersects to determine the $rontal area, %t -o'ld )e im!ortant that the shado- )e cast a!!ro!riately onto the !oster )oard, The shadosho'ld )e ad4'sted so that the grid -o'ld )e a!!ro7imately !ro!ortional to a one;)y;one $oot s&'are on the vehicle3s $rontal area, St'dents sho'ld trace the $rontal area onto the !oster )oard, #I. ,ind $unnel 1,i5ards of ,rig"t2 %t is recommended that the second sched'ling $or the 'se o$ the 5i6ards o$ 5right -ind t'nnel -o'ld )e sched'led here, %$ the 5i6ards o$ 5right co'ld not )e sched'led it is !ossi)le to constr'ct a -ind t'nnel $or st'dents to e7!eriment 0See Activity %% Calc'lating *rag 'nder the *rag Coe$$icient section1, St'dents -o'ld then test their clay models in the -ind t'nnel,
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St'dents sho'ld calc'late the drag coe$$icient or ma+e &'alitative and &'antitative o)servations 0!ossi)ly 'sing the ri))on descri)ed in Activity %%1 o$ each model, St'dents sho'ld then com!are and contrast the models -ith their initial estimates and o)servations o$ the drag coe$$icient, #II. .election of Class 3ody and 6aterial A$ter gathering in$ormation a)o't each design, st'dents sho'ld create a !resentation o'tlining the &'antitative and &'alitative analysis o$ their designs, The !resentation o$ this material sho'ld )e le$t '! to the st'dents, St'dents co'ld create a traditional !resentation 'sing a !oster or "o-er"oint, create a !am!hlet a)o't their design, !rod'ce a commercial, etc, The st'dents3 !resentations sho'ld incl'de $actors that they considered or did not consider in the design o$ the car and -hy, A$ter all designs are !resented, the class -ill select a )ody design and material that -ill )e 'sed $or the class3s electric vehicle design, @ote: The class co'ld select one gro'!3s )ody design and another gro'!3s material )ased on the in$ormation !resented )y the di$$erent gro'!s, This -ill allo- $or more disc'ssion, increased o!!ort'nities $or s'ccess, and !ossi)ly a )etter design, St'dents may even elect to have one gro'!3s $ront end o$ the )ody design and the )ac+ end design o$ another gro'!, The class sho'ld disc'ss and select -hat they $eel is the )est design, #III. -nter 6odel into 7oogle .8etc"4p or 0t"er CAD program Ince the class has elected a model, st'dents sho'ld enter their design into Google S+etch2!, Solid-or+s, or another CA* !rogram, This co'ld )e a di$$ic'lt tas+ de!ending '!on the instr'ctor3s $amiliarity -ith the so$t-are, %t is highly recommended that instr'ctors loo+ into 'sing this so$t-are $or the $ollo-ing reasons: 1, St'dents -ill 'se technology in a meaning$'l manner 2, St'dents -ill )e a)le to virt'ally test their !rod'ct 'sing so$t-are that is com!ati)le -ith most CA* !rograms, B, Ince the design is entered into a CA* !rogram, st'dents -ill )e a)le to send the $ile to Sinclair Comm'nity College or !ossi)ly another ind'stry !artner to have the )ody machined, 5hen entering the design o$ the vehicle into the CA* !rogram, it is s'ggested that the instr'ctor contact the Sinclair or other ind'stry !artner that -ill )e machining the )ody to determine the ma7im'm dimensions o$ the design 0$or e7am!le a D37D37G3 )o71, I9. 10ptional2 :erform $ests on 6odel using Fluent or 0t"er #irtual $esting This activity is optional but gives insight into the nondestructive evaluation process similar to contemporary engineering processes. (l'ent is a $lo- modeling so$t-are that is com!ati)le -ith many CA* !rograms, incl'ding Solid!or-s, There are other !rograms -ith these ca!a)ilities, Some CA* !rograms may come -ith a test !ac+age similar to (l'ent $or virt'al testing, At this stage (l'ent or other virt'al testing so$t-are co'ld )e 'sed to $'rther e7!lore the design o$ the electric vehicle, (l'ent o$$ers a n'm)er o$ tests that can )e r'n on a design 0e,g, drag, li$t, etc,1 (or more in$ormation a)o't (l'ent visit their -e)site htt!:<<---,$l'ent,com, This is not a)sol'tely necessary to the lesson )'t is another o!!ort'nity $or st'dents to 'se technology in a meaning$'l manner and gain e7!erience and +no-ledge o$ the materials and man'$act'ring ind'stry, any designs are not virt'ally tested in this manner )eca'se o$ the cost e$$iciency,
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9. Create a :rototype 1.inclair Community College2 Sinclair Comm'nity College has agreed to machine one )ody design $rom each class, Ince the design has )een selected )y each class, it is s'ggested that the st'dents visit the Sinclair cam!'s $or a small to'r o$ the man'$act'ring and materials $acilities and so that st'dents can -itness the man'$act'ring !rocess o$ their car design, See Sinclair Comm'nity College Contacts $or contact in$ormation,

9I. :resentation of ;esults and <ustification for Design and 6aterial St'dents -ill !resent their recommendation $or the )ody design and material to )e 'sed on the electric vehicle )y creating a !resentation that incor!orates their $indings and the e$$ects o$ the varia)les that they tested, Again, st'dents sho'ld create a !resentation o'tlining the &'antitative and &'alitative analysis o$ their designs, The !resentation o$ this material sho'ld )e le$t '! to the st'dents, St'dents co'ld create a traditional !resentation 'sing a !oster or "o-er"oint, create a !am!hlet a)o't their design, !rod'ce a commercial, etc, %t is recommended that st'dents 'se a di$$erent medi'm than the one they 'sed in the selection !rocess, The st'dents3 !resentations sho'ld incl'de $actors that they considered or did not consider in the design o$ the car and -hy,

Assignment of Student 4oles and 4es!onsibilities

Students $ill all assume t e same role $it in t eir grou! for activities I-I1/ 4ole 7ame .esearcher Brief *escri!tion

St'dents d'ring these activities -ill )e gaining a $o'ndation o$ +no-ledge in -hich to )ase their decisions, St'dents sho'ld learn thro'gh o)servation, e7!erimentation, and gro'! dialog'e, Students $ill assume different roles for t e activities 1-I8 &eam 1 &eam 7ame Conce!t *esign Team Brief *escri!tion ,9:-9; $ords. Conce!t'ali6e the design and )'ild o't o$ clay, 5ill assist in contin'ing to im!rove the design d'ring technical !rocess, (amiliari6e them selves -ith the CA* !rogram, 5ill generate virt'al design,

Technical *esign Team

Student Instructions
I. Coffee Filter Drop Lab Introduction 5hen air resistance is ignored, the s!eed o$ a $alling o)4ect increases )y 9,G meters !er second for every second that the o)4ect is in motion, So i$ -e dro!!ed a )as+et)all and a co$$ee $ilter $rom the same height in a vac''m 0-here there is no air resistance1, )oth -o'ld reach the gro'nd at the same time, Jo-ever, as o'r e7!erience has sho-n 's, -e -o'ld $ind that the same is not tr'e i$ -e dro!!ed a )as+et)all and a co$$ee $ilter $rom the same height in o'r classroom, As the co$$ee $ilter moves thro'gh the air, air resistance or a drag $orce tends to slo- its motion, 5hen the co$$ee $ilter is $irst released, its s!eed increases $rom 6ero, )'t the air *ra$t ><1<1? 1G

resistance acting on the co$$ee $ilter also increases, Event'ally, -hen the air resistance )ecomes great eno'gh, the co$$ee $ilter almost sto!s accelerating and $alls the rest o$ the -ay nearly at a constant rate, +no-n as its terminal velocity, At all times the net acceleration o$ the co$$ee $ilter is given )y: Net Acceleration = Acceleration due to gravity - Acceleration from air resistance The acceleration $rom air resistance can )e modeled as r/2, -here r is a constant +no-n as the drag !arameter and / is the velocity, %n this la) -e -ill dro! a co$$ee $ilter, meas're the distance, and 'se this to determine the terminal velocity o$ the co$$ee $ilter and the drag !arameter o$ the co$$ee $ilter, E"ui!ment and Setu! (or this e7!eriment yo' -ill need a T% calc'lator and a C=. 0%alc'lator Based 4anger1 'nit or a T% calc'lator -ith the /ernier "JKS%CS !rogram loaded, a C=L 0%alc'lator Based 5a)oratory1 'nit, a motion detector, and a co$$ee $ilter, %n the home men' choose SET 2" ".I=ES, 5hen as+ed $or the n'm)er o$ !ro)es, enter 1, %n the ne7t men' choose IT%I@, The screen -ill dis!lay the home men' again, @o- select CILLECT *ATA, and choose T% E G.A"J, Set the calc'lator to ta+e D? meas'rements ?,?> second a!art, Procedure 5hen the calc'lator is ready to )egin ta+ing meas'rements, !lace the motion detector $lat on the gro'nd $acing $acing '! -hile another gro'! mem)er holds the co$$ee $ilter directly a)ove the motion detector, "ress E@TE. on the calc'lator to )egin ta+ing meas'rements, and release the $ilter -hen the motion detector )egins clic+ing, A$ter collecting the data, !ress E@TE. on the calc'lator to get the gra!h men', Select *%STA@CE# !ress LII , select 89: LoomStat9, !ress E@TE., The calc'lator -ill dis!lay the gra!h o$ the distance o$ the $ilter $rom the motion detector vers's time, @ote that distance is in meters and time is in seconds,

5hile vie-ing the gra!h o$ distance vers's time, 'se T.ACE to recover the data collected )y the C=L 'nit or C=. 'nit on yo'r calc'lator, .ecord the distances collected )y the C=L<C=. 'nit in the ta)le )elo-, *iscard the data !oints ta+en )e$ore the dro! and a$ter the $ilter hit the $loor, A$ter recording the data, &'it the "JKS%CS !rogram )y !ressing E@TE. to get )ac+ to the gra!h men', then choose .ET2.@, 5hen as+ed to re!eat select @I, and then in the main men' select M2%T, Time in seconds *istance in meters Time in seconds *istance in meters Time in seconds
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1,D> 19


*istance in meters Time in seconds *istance in meters Analysis 1, %n!'t the data in the ta)le a)ove into yo'r calc'lator )y entering times in L1 and distances in L2, Then enter only t e last five data !oints in yo'r ta)le in lists LB and LD, 2sing these last five data !oints, $ind the e&'ation o$ the regression line $or distance * 0in meters1 as a $'nction o$ time t 0in seconds1, 0Enter LB, LD,1 2, "lot t e data from t e table above and add t e regression line $rom M'estion 1 to yo'r gra!h, S+etch the gra!h, B, 2se the gra!h in M'estion 2 to hel! yo' descri)e ho- the velocity o$ the co$$ee $ilter c anges as it $alls, D, E7!lain -hy the slo!e in yo'r $orm'la in M'estion 1 is the terminal velocity o$ the co$$ee $ilter, >, 2se yo'r ans-ers to M'estions 2 thro'gh D to hel! yo' care$'lly s+etch a gra!h o$ the velocity o$ the co$$ee $ilter, E, 2se yo'r gra!h in M'estion > to hel! yo' care$'lly s+etch a gra!h o$ the acceleration o$ the co$$ee $ilter, F, A)o't ho- long does it ta+e the co$$ee $ilter to reach terminal velocityN Jo- did yo' determine thisN G, .ecall that the acceleration d'e to air resistance or the drag $orce can )e modeled as r/2, -here r is a constant +no-n as the drag !arameter and / is the velocity, %n this !art o$ the la) -e -ill sho- one -ay in -hich the drag !arameter o$ an o)4ect can )e e7!erimentally determined, Let A re!resent the net acceleration o$ the co$$ee $ilter and g the acceleration d'e to gravity, Then -e have the )asic e&'ation A = g rV 2 $or the net acceleration o$ the co$$ee $ilter d'ring the dro!, i, 5hat is the net acceleration o$ the co$$ee $ilter once it has reached terminal velocityN ii, 2se the )asic e&'ation a)ove to com!'te the drag !arameter o$ the co$$ee $ilter, 02se yo'r ans-er to M'estion i a)ove, the terminal velocity yo' com!'ted earlier in the la), and the $act that acceleration d'e to gravity is a)o't 9,G meters !er second !er second,1 Note: The !ay !e have things !ritten here the drag parameter depends on the density of air on the cross*sectional area the mass and the shape of the falling ob0ect. Do not concern yourself !ith the proper units. %onclusions *escri)e ho- the velocity o$ a $alling $eather -o'ld di$$er $rom the velocity o$ a $alling )as+et)all -hen dro!!ed $rom 4'st a $e- meters a)ove the gro'nd in a classroom, At terminal velocity, the net acceleration o$ the o)4ect -ill )e 6ero and can )e modeled )y the
*ra$t ><1<1?












$ollo-ing e&'ation: 0 = 9.8 rV 2 , -here again 9,G re!resents gravitational acceleration, r re!resents the drag !arameter o$ the o)4ect, and / is the velocity, %n this case / -o'ld re!resent the terminal s!eed o$ the o)4ect -hen the velocity is constant, Solve the e&'ation 0 = 9.8 rV 2 $or r, 5hat is the mathematical relationshi! )et-een r and / at terminal velocityN According to this relationshi!, in order to increase the terminal velocity o$ an o)4ect -hat m'st )e done to the drag !arameterN Jo- co'ld yo' modi$y the co$$ee $ilter e7!eriment to increase the co$$ee $ilters terminal velocityN 5hen an o)4ect is released $rom rest, it initially e7!eriences no drag $orce, As it $alls, it3s s!eed increases and so does the drag $orce acting on it, Event'ally, the drag $orce is as large as the $orce o$ gravity and then the net $orce acting on the o)4ect is 6ero, At that !oint, the s!eed )ecomes constant, 5e call this $inal s!eed do-n-ards the terminal velocity $or the o)4ect, II. Calculating Drag *rag -ill also have an im!ortant e$$ect on the to! s!eed and the engine !o-er re&'ired to maintain $aster or high-ay s!eeds, This -ill a$$ect the range o$ a vehicle, To ma+e a vehicle more e$$icient it is im!ortant to 'nderstand ho- to calc'late the drag o$ di$$erent o)4ects, The $l'id com!onent to calc'late the drag $orce -ill )e the same $or all designs 0since all vehicles -ill all )e driven on the road, in -hich case, the $l'id is air1, %t -ill only )e necessary to com!are the o)4ect !ro!erties o$ the )ody design, Solve $or the drag coe$$icient 'sing the e&'ation $or drag in the ta)le )elo-, Frontal Area The $rontal area o$ an o)4ect is the area o$ the o)4ect that -ill come in contact -ith the $lo-, %t can )e tho'ght o$ as the shado- o$ the o)4ect i$ the light -ere in the same direction as the $lo-, The other )ody design as!ects o$ the vehicle not in the $rontal area -ill have an e$$ect on the drag coe$$icient, Calc'late the $rontal area o$ a n'm)er o$ o)4ects 0this co'ld )e anything1, %deally the o)4ects -o'ld )e the o)4ects yo' -ill 'se in the -ind t'nnel, .an+ the items $rom most drag to the least drag,
0Chart $rom htt!:<<craig,)ac+$ire,ca<!ages<a'tos<dragPdrag ; the )ottom e&'ation is commonly 'sed in the st'dy o$ drag on a car1

*rag %oefficient The drag coe$$icient is 's'ally determined )y e7!eriment, The drag coe$$icient o$ an o)4ect can )e com!ared i$ the drag $orce can )e meas'red and the $rontal area is
*ra$t ><1<1?


+no-n 0ass'ming again that the $l'id com!onent is constant $or all designs1, Attach a ri))on to di$$erent !arts o$ yo'r o)4ect and 'se the angle o$ the ri))on in the -ind t'nnel $or &'antitative meas'rements, =ased on -here the ri))on is attached, the angle meas'red co'ld im!ly di$$erent concl'sions a)o't the drag on the o)4ect, A$ter e7!erimenting -ith the -ind t'nnel, record the $rontal area, drag, and drag coe$$icient and<or &'alitative o)servations $or each o$ yo'r o)4ects, .eorder the items yo' !revio'sly ran+ed )y estimating the drag coe$$icient and disc'ss yo'r $indings, III. Connecting t"e Coffee Filters+ t"e ,ind $unnel+ and #e"icle -fficiency 1, 5hat did the co$$ee $ilter e7!eriment tell 's a)o't accelerationN 05hat is the acceleration -hen velocity is constantN1 2, 5hat +e!t the co$$ee $ilters $rom contin'ing to accelerateN 5hat does this tell 's a)o't o'r carN B, Jo- -ill the !o-er o$ the engine )e a$$ected )y the design o$ the )odyN As the s!eed o$ the car increases -hat also increasesN D, Create a line gra!h -ith t-o di$$erent colored lines to de!ict an estimation o$ the !ercentage o$ engine !o-er 'sed $or acceleration and the !ercentage o$ the engine !o-er 'sed to o!!ose the drag $orce, >, 5hat t-o $orces a$$ect the to! s!eed o$ an engineN At to! s!eed, -hat can )e said a)o't these t-o $orcesN .e!eat the co$$ee $ilter e7!eriment )y 'sing the same n'm)er o$ co$$ee $ilters )'t red'cing the $ontal area o$ the $ilter )y altering the $ilter in some -ay -itho't red'cing the -eight o$ the $ilters 0re$er to concl'sions1 and com!aring these res'lts to yo'r $indings in "art %, I#. ,eig"t A ma4or concern $or the engine e$$iciency -ill )e the -eight, or more acc'rately, the mass o$ the vehicle, %nter!ret @e-ton3s 2nd La-, (Cma, in terms o$ the mass o$ the vehicle and the e$$iciency o$ the engine, List concerns -ith the -eight o$ the vehicle and ho- it relates to the overall e$$iciency o$ the vehicle, Com!are and contrast di$$erent materials that the car can )e made $rom, Ta+e into consideration !rod'ction costs and $easi)ility, d'ra)ility, environmental im!act, sa$ety, etc, #. 3egin 3ody Design 4sing Clay .culpting ('rther research on )ody designs can de done via the %nternet, A good reso'rce $or this lesson is htt!:<<---,car)odydesign,com< , =e$ore )eginning to sc'l!t yo'r design, create detailed dra-ings o$ yo'r designs $rom di$$erent !ers!ectives, Oee! in mind $actors that yo' have learned a)o't drag and $rontal area, Also +ee! in mind other $actors a)o't the !rod'ct yo' are ma+ing, li+e mar+eta)ility, n'm)er o$ !eo!le that co'ld ride in the car 0i$ only one !erson can ride in the car then every driver -o'ld need a car is this e$$icientN1, at -hat s!eeds does the drag really )ecome an iss'e, !rod'ction costs and $easi)ility, d'ra)ility, environmental im!act, etc, The o)4ective o$ the )ody design lesson is not necessarily to $ind the design that has the smallest drag coe$$icient )'t to use 3no$ledge of t e drag coefficient as anot er factor in t e design o$ the electric vehicle, *ra$t ><1<1? 22

=egin designing yo'r )ody designs o't o$ clay, Try to the )est o$ yo'r a)ility to )e !recise -ith yo'r sc'l!ting, 2se sc'l!ting tools to acc'rately create yo'r design, A$ter creating yo'r design, calc'late the $rontal area o$ their vehicle, Then estimate the drag coe$$icient, #I. ,ind $unnel Test yo' clay models in the -ind t'nnel, Calc'late the drag coe$$icient o$ each model, Com!are and contrast the models -ith yo'r initial estimates and o)servations o$ the drag coe$$icient, #II. .election of 3ody and 6aterial Create a !resentation o'tlining the analysis o$ yo'r designs, The !resentation co'ld )e a traditional !oster or "o-er"oint, a !am!hlet, a commercial, etc, The !resentations sho'ld incl'de $actors that -ere and -ere not considered in the design o$ the car and -hy, #III. -nter 6odel into a CAD program Enter the class design into a CA* !rogram, Ko' -ill )e a)le to virt'ally test the !rod'ct thro'gh this !rogram, Ko'r instr'ctor -ill assist yo' -hen it is time to send the $ile to Sinclair Comm'nity College to have the vehicle )ody machined, I9. :erform $ests on 6odel using Fluent or 0t"er #irtual $esting At this stage (l'ent or other virt'al testing so$t-are co'ld )e 'sed to $'rther e7!lore the design o$ the electric vehicle, (l'ent o$$ers a n'm)er o$ tests that can )e r'n on a design 0e,g, drag, li$t, etc,1 (or more in$ormation a)o't (l'ent visit their -e)site htt!:<<---,$l'ent,com, 9. Create a :rototype Sinclair Comm'nity College has agreed to machine one )ody design $rom each class, 9I. :resentation of ;esults and <ustification for Design and 6aterial Create a !resentation $or yo'r recommendations $or the )ody design and material to )e 'sed on the electric vehicle )y o'tlining the analysis o$ yo'r designs and incor!orating yo'r $indings and the e$$ects o$ the varia)les yo' tested, The !resentation co'ld again incl'de a traditional !oster or "o-er"oint, a !am!hlet, a commercial, etc, %t is recommended that st'dents 'se a di$$erent medi'm than the one they 'sed in the selection !rocess, The st'dents3 !resentations sho'ld incl'de $actors that -ere or -ere not considered in the design o$ the car and -hy, "resent yo'r recommendations $or the )ody design and material to )e 'sed on the electric vehicle )y creating a !resentation that incor!orates yo'r $indings and the e$$ects o$ the varia)les yo' tested,

*ra$t ><1<1?


Formative Assessment
*ata Collection

All data are reasona)le, sho-ing !recise -or+ and acc'rate meas'rements,

ost data is reasona)le, sho-ing !recise -or+ and acc'rate meas'rements,

*ata has )een collected, )'t little attention has )een given to acc'racy or consistency, Several n'm)ers arenAt reasona)le $or la) sit'ation,

Little data has )een collected, and little attention has )een given to acc'racy or consistency, @'m)ers aren3t reasona)le $or la) sit'ation, Some calc'lations are !er$ormed, )'t they are !oorly -ritten, !oorly organi6ed, or com!letely inacc'rate,


All calc'lations are sho-n, organi6ed, and !er$ormed correctly, incl'ding 'nit conversions, acc'rate dra-ings, $orm'las, and -or+,

ost calc'lations are sho-n and organi6ed, )'t one or t-o ste!s are missing, Ine or more calc'lation has )een !er$ormed incorrectly, The !'r!ose o$ the la) or the &'estion to )e ans-ered d'ring the la) is identi$ied, )'t is stated in a some-hat 'nclear manner, St'dent has $o'nd drag coe$$icients $rom design and correctly solved some o$ the sam!le !ro)lems,

*ata has )een 'sed in calc'lations, )'t there are D;G errors -ith some organi6ation,

M'estion < "'r!ose

The !'r!ose o$ the la) or the &'estion to )e ans-ered d'ring the la) is clearly identi$ied and stated,

The !'r!ose o$ the la) or the &'estion to )e ans-ered d'ring the la) is !artially identi$ied, and is stated in a some-hat 'nclear manner, St'dent has $o'nd the coe$$icients $rom gra!h )'t has only correctly solved 1 sam!le !ro)lem,

The !'r!ose o$ the la) or the &'estion to )e ans-ered d'ring the la) is erroneo's or irrelevant,


St'dent has e7!lained connection o$ data to the drag coe$$icient o$ design and -eight $rom organi6ed in$ormation and acc'rately solved all sam!le !ro)lems, "resentation ill'strates an acc'rate and thoro'gh 'nderstanding o$ scienti$ic conce!ts 'nderlying the la),

St'dent has $o'nd the coe$$icients $rom gra!h,

Scienti$ic Conce!ts

"resentation ill'strates an acc'rate 'nderstanding o$ most scienti$ic conce!ts 'nderlying

"resentation ill'strates a limited 'nderstanding o$ scienti$ic conce!ts 'nderlying the la),

"resentation ill'strates inacc'rate 'nderstanding o$ scienti$ic conce!ts 'nderlying the la),

*ra$t ><1<1?


the la),

Gro'! Coo!eration

The st'dent comm'nicated e$$ectively -ith gro'! mem)ers, The st'dent contri)'ted to the disc'ssion, The st'dent -as res!ect$'l o$ ideas di$$erent $rom his or her o-n,

The st'dent comm'nicated e$$ectively -ith gro'! mem)ers $or most o$ the la), The st'dent contri)'ted to the disc'ssion $or most o$ the la), The st'dent -as res!ect$'l o$ ideas di$$erent $rom his or her o-n $or most o$ the la),

The st'dent did not comm'nicate e$$ectively -ith gro'! mem)ers, The st'dent contri)'ted to the disc'ssion $or some o$ the la), The st'dent -as res!ect$'l to some ideas di$$erent $rom his or her o-n,

The st'dent did not comm'nicate e$$ectively -ith gro'! mem)ers, The st'dent did not contri)'te to the disc'ssion, The st'dent -as disres!ect$'l to ideas that -ere di$$erent $rom his or her o-n,

Post-Activity *iscussion
See Activity "art H% $or the !ost;activity !resentation, To lead in to the ne7t activity in this 'nit, !ose the &'estion: Jo- -ill the decisions yo' ma+e a)o't the tires a$$ect the overall !er$ormance o$ the electric vehicleN

Pre-&est / Post-&est
11 5hat is aerodynamic dragN Drag is a mechanical force. "t is generated by the interaction and contact of a solid body !ith a fluid #li,uid or gas'. "t is not generated by a force field in the sense of a gravitational field or an electromagnetic field !here one ob0ect can affect another ob0ect !ithout being in physical contact. 4or drag to be generated the solid body must be in contact !ith the fluid. "f there is no fluid there is no drag. 4or e)ample drag is the aerodynamic #mechanical' force that opposes an aircraft=s #solid body' motion through the air #fluid'. Drag is generated by the difference in velocity bet!een the solid ob0ect and the fluid. There must be relative motion bet!een the ob0ect and the fluid. "f there is no relative motion there is no drag. "t ma-es no difference !hether the ob0ect moves through a static fluid or !hether the fluid moves past a static solid ob0ect. 21 A $alling o)4ect -ill event'ally reach a constant velocity +no-n as its terminal velocity 0ass'ming it does not change its orientation, si6e, or sha!e1, 5hy does this occ'rN . falling ob0ect !ill eventually reach a constant velocity due to the increasing force of air resistance #air particles stri-ing the ob0ect and slo!ing it do!n'. This force is also referred to as drag. (hen an ob0ect initially begins falling it accelerates to!ard the ground due to the force of gravity. "n a vacuum #no air particles' the ob0ect !ould continue to accelerate due to the absence of air. "f this falling does not occur in a vacuum the ob0ect displaces air as is falls and as the ob0ect accelerates the drag on the ob0ect increases. Eventually the drag force !ill e,ual the force of gravity #balanced forces' causing the ob0ect to move at a constant velocity !ith an acceleration of zero.
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B1 *escri)e the relationshi! )et-een the terminal velocity o$ an o)4ect in $alling vertically and a !o-ered vehicle moving hori6ontally at to! s!eed, (ith vertical motion !e have the gravitational force #its !eight' acting do!n!ard and the force of drag acting up!ard. (hen these t!o forces are balanced the ob0ect has reached its terminal velocity. "n horizontal motion the force that causes the for!ard acceleration of the ob0ect is the force of engine thrust from the engine. The resisting force is still the drag force and still due to air resistance but this time it is acting horizontally. #(e could also consider the frictional forces of the tires and the road but !e !ill ignore that for no!.' "n both cases the forces that cause the for!ard motion are at their ma)imum: vertically the gravitational force #its !eight' is a ma)imum based on the mass of the ob0ect and horizontally the force of engine thrust is a ma)imum based on the engine in the ob0ect. (hile building up to top speed horizontally the engine must produce enough thrust to overcome the drag force !hich is increasing as the speed increases #0ust li-e it does vertically'. <nce the vehicle reaches top speed the engine cannot produce any more thrust to accelerate the vehicle so the acceleration has gradually dropped to zero. "t is at this point that the vehicle has reached its terminal velocity D1 5hat ad4'stments can )e made to the )ody design to red'ce the e$$ects o$ drag o$ the vehicleN The frontal area of the vehicle !ill directly affect the drag of the vehicle. The larger the area of the vehicle perpendicular to the direction of motion the more air the vehicle must >push? through. Since the drag on the vehicle is a force that opposes the movement of the vehicle the frontal area plays a ma0or role in the efficiency of the vehicle. "f the frontal area of the vehicle can be reduced the drag !ill also be reduced increasing the efficiency of the engine for movement of the vehicle. <ther parts of the body design that can be altered to improve efficiency can be found at htt!:<<---,grc,nasa,gov<555<O;12<air!lane<sha!ed,html #The drag coefficient of the ob0ect the density of the fluid in !hich the ob0ect is traveling inclination of the profile of the ob0ect.' >1 *escri)e the relationshi!s )et-een the drag $orce, the drag coe$$icient, engine !o-er, terminal velocity, and engine e$$iciency, An ob=ect>s drag can be calculated measuring aspects of t"e ob=ect>s s"ape. $"ese measurements are used to calculate a /uantitative attribute of t"e s"ape called t"e drag coefficient. $"e drag coefficient gives a measurement of an ob=ect>s ability to move t"roug" a fluid 1including air2 efficiently. At lo! to moderate velocities+ !"en t"e drag coefficient of an ob=ect is reduced+ more of t"e engine>s po!er !ill be used to move t"e ob=ect and less of t"e po!er !ill be used to oppose t"e force of drag. $"is increases fuel?engine efficiency. All ob=ects outside of a vacuum !ill eventually ac"ieve terminal velocity but a reduction of t"e drag coefficient of an ob=ect !ill also !ill increase t"e terminal velocity of t"e ob=ect. 3y ad=usting t"e s"ape engineers can improve a ve"icle>s ability to efficiently move and conse/uently improve engine efficiency.

Question < = : 9

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Question 9 ; 5hat is dragN

E7!lanation indicates a clear and acc'rate 'nderstanding o$ drag, -hich incl'des $o'r o$ the $ollo-ing: 011 it is a $orce 021 it o!!oses motion 0B1 it re&'ires a $l'id medi'm 0D1 it re&'ires motion 0>1 the greater the velocity, the greater the drag, E7!lanation indicates a clear and acc'rate 'nderstanding that the do-n-ard $orce o$ gravity is )alanced )y the '!-ard $orce o$ air resistance 0drag1 ca'sing the o)4ect to sto! accelerating and move at a constant velocity, .es!onse indicates a clear and acc'rate 'nderstanding that hori6ontal $orce that !ro!els the vehicle is analogo's to vertical $orce o$ gravity# -hen each o$ these $orces are )alanced -ith the drag $orce along the same line, the o)4ect has reached its terminal velocity, 5hile )'ilding '! to to! s!eed, the engine m'st !rod'ce eno'gh thr'st to overcome the drag

E7!lanation indicates an 'nderstanding o$ drag, -hich incl'des three o$ the $ollo-ing: 011 it is a $orce 021 it o!!oses motion 0B1 it re&'ires a $l'id medi'm 0D1 it re&'ires motion 0>1 the greater the velocity, the greater the drag,

E7!lanation incl'des t-o o$ the $ollo-ing: 011 it is a $orce 021 it o!!oses motion 0B1 it re&'ires a $l'id medi'm 0D1 it re&'ires motion 0>1 the greater the velocity, the greater the drag,

E7!lanation incl'des one o$ the $ollo-ing: 011 it is a $orce 021 it o!!oses motion 0B1 it re&'ires a $l'id medi'm 0D1 it re&'ires motion 0>1 the greater the velocity, the greater the drag,

Question : ; A $alling o)4ect -ill event'ally reach a constant velocity 0ass'ming it does not change its orientation1, 5hy does this occ'rN

E7!lanation indicates an 'nderstanding that the do-n-ard $orce o$ gravity is )alanced )y the '!-ard $orce o$ air resistance 0drag1 ca'sing the o)4ect to sto! accelerating and move at a constant velocity,

E7!lanation indicates an 'nderstanding that the '!-ard $orce o$ air resistance 0drag1 ca'ses the o)4ect to sto! accelerating and move at a constant velocity,

E7!lanation incl'des one o$ the $ollo-ing: The o)4ect -ill event'ally reach a constant velocity )eca'se 011 o$ the '!-ard $orce o$ air resistance 0drag1# 021 )alanced $orces# or 0B1 the o)4ect sto!s accelerating,

Question = *escri)e the relationshi! )et-een the terminal velocity o$ a $alling o)4ect and a !o-ered vehicle moving hori6ontally at to! s!eed,

.es!onse indicates that hori6ontal $orce o$ thr'st is analogo's to vertical $orce o$ gravity# -hen each o$ these $orces are )alanced -ith the drag $orce along the same line, the o)4ect has reached its terminal velocity, 5hile )'ilding '! to to! s!eed, the engine m'st !rod'ce eno'gh thr'st to overcome the drag $orce, -hich is increasing as the s!eed increases 04'st li+e it does

.es!onse indicates that -hile )'ilding '! to to! s!eed, the engine m'st !rod'ce eno'gh thr'st to overcome the drag $orce, -hich is increasing as the s!eed increases 04'st li+e it does vertically1,

.es!onse indicates that the engine m'st !rod'ce eno'gh thr'st to overcome the drag $orce,

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$orce, -hich is increasing as the s!eed increases 04'st li+e it does vertically1, Question < 5hat ad4'stments can )e made to the )ody design to red'ce the e$$ects o$ drag o$ the vehicleN E7!lanation indicates a clear and acc'rate 'nderstanding that t-o things a$$ect the drag on a vehicle, the si6e o$ the $rontal area and the sha!e, E7!lanation incl'des that red'cing the $rontal area and<or giving the vehicle a more aerodynamic sha!e -ill red'ce the drag on the vehicle,


E7!lanation indicates an 'nderstanding that )oth the $rontal area and the sha!e o$ the vehicle -ill directly a$$ect the drag o$ the vehicle, )'t does not e7!lain ho- these t-o things a$$ect the drag,

E7!lanation indicates an 'nderstanding o$ only one o$ the t-o $actors o$ $rontal area and sha!e, (or the one given, the e7!lanation descri)es ho- to change that !arameter to red'ce drag,

E7!lanation indicates an 'nderstanding o$ only one o$ the t-o $actors, )'t does not e7!lain ho- the !arameter might )e changed to red'ce drag,

Question ; *escri)e the relationshi!s )et-een the drag $orce, the drag coe$$icient, to! s!eed and engine e$$iciency,

.es!onse states in a clear and acc'rate manner that -hen the drag coe$$icient o$ an o)4ect is red'ced, the drag $orce at a given s!eed is red'ced, This allo-s the vehicle to 'se less engine !o-er at that s!eed to o!!ose drag, -hich increases the $'el e$$iciency, The vehicle can also reach a higher to! s!eed )e$ore all o$ the engine !o-er is 'sed to o!!ose drag,

.es!onse states in a clear and acc'rate manner that -hen the drag coe$$icient o$ an o)4ect is red'ced, the drag $orce at a given s!eed is red'ced, The res!onse then e7!lains the e$$ect that this -ill have on either the engine e$$iciency or the to! s!eed, )'t not )oth,

.es!onse demonstrates some 'nderstanding o$ the relationshi! )et-een the drag coe$$icient and the drag $orce to )oth the to! s!eed and the engine e$$iciency,

.es!onse demonstrates some 'nderstanding o$ the idea o$ drag to either the to! s!eed or the $'el e$$icieny,

*ra$t ><1<1?


&ec nology %onnection

The A*IS% odel o$ technology created )y %TEL A!!lication *escri!tion Gra!hing calc'lator, motion detector and so$t-are, Google S+etch2! or other CA* !rogram Integration Model A Technology that s'!!orts st'dents and teachers in ad0usting) ada!ting) or augmenting teaching and learning to meet the needs o$ individ'al learners or gro'!s o$ learners Technology that s'!!orts st'dents and teachers in dealing effectively $it data, incl'ding data management, mani!'lation, and dis!lay $ec"nology t"at supports students and teac"ers in conducting in,uiry+ including t"e effective use of Internet researc" met"ods Technology that s'!!orts st'dents and teachers in simulating real -orld !henomena incl'ding the modeling o$ !hysical, social, economic, and mathematical relationshi!s Technology that s'!!orts st'dents and teachers in communicating and collaborating incl'ding the e$$ective 'se o$ m'ltimedia tools and online colla)oration

Gra!hing calc'lator, motion detector 0C=.1 and so$t-are, icroso$t E7cel 7rap"ing calculator+ motion detector and soft!are+ virtual testing soft!are for CAD designs 1i.e. Fluent2 CA* !rogram, 5ind t'nnel and<or 5ind T'nnel $rom the 5i6ards o$ 5right, !rototy!ing machinery thro'gh Sinclair Comm'nity College Gra!hing calc'lator, motion detector and so$t-are, CA* !rogram

Interdisci!linary %onnection
The !resentation at the end o$ the 'nit co'ld )e incor!orated -ith the st'dents3 English class or a m'ltimedia design co'rse,

2ome %onnection
This m'lti;day lesson -ill allo- $or st'dents to ta+e data and !rototy!es made $rom clay home, St'dents can engage in disc'ssions -ith !arents or other children a)o't their $indings,

*ifferentiated Instruction
Since this lesson can )e done inde!endently $rom the E/ 'nit or sim'ltaneo'sly -ith the E/ 'nit many o!!ort'nities $or di$$erentiation can occ'r, The E/ 'nit -as designed so that a class co'ld )e divided into gro'!s -here each gro'! !artici!ates in only one o$ the 'nits, The class then collectively constr'cts the E/ -ith !resentations o$ vario's ty!es occ'rring )y each gro'! at the end o$ the lesson, Each lesson has o!!ort'nities $or di$$erentiation, (or e7am!le, this lesson has a design element to it, Ine or t-o st'dents co'ld )e designated to this res!onsi)ility -here others can )e in a testing gro'! or the clay modeling design,
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A$ter the initial stages o$ the lesson, st'dents can )e )ro+en into gro'!s, attac+ing di$$erent as!ects o$ the lesson,

The intention o$ this lesson is to co'!le it -ith the other lessons in the E/ 'nit, This can )e done se&'entially or as a team e$$ort -ith the class as descri)ed a)ove, The lessons learned $rom this 'nit sho'ld )e carried thro'gh the other lessons or comm'nicated to the other gro'!s thro'gho't the 'nit,

%areer %onnection
Aerona'tical Engineer A'tomotive Engineer

Additional 4esources
4esources Sinclair Comm'nity College contact Gilah "omeran6: 9BF;>12;2BE> 5i6ards o$ 5right contact Oathy Sch-ein$'rth ; 09BF1 2>>;?E92 'eb 4esources htt!:<<---,grc,nasa,gov<555<O;12<air!lane<sha!ed,html Sha!e e$$ects on drag htt!:<<sln,$i,ed'<$lights<$irst<ma+esim!le<inde7,html htt!:<<craig,)ac+$ire,ca<!ages<a'tos<dragPdrag ='ilding yo'r o-n -ind t'nnel Aerodynamic *rag and its e$$ect on the acceleration and to! s!eed o$ a vehicle, Jo- St'$$ 5or+s Car =ody *esign Pur!ose and A!!lication "rototy!ing *esign *rag Coe$$icient and 5ind T'nnel

---,ho-st'$$-or+s,com htt!:<<---,car)odydesign,com<

Adam Ciarlariello "rimary A'thor @orma Jo-ell, Todd Smith Editors

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&eac er 4eflection
5ere st'dents $oc'sed and on tas+ thro'gho't the lessonN %$ not, -hat im!rovements co'ld )e made the ne7t time this lesson is 'sedN

5ere the st'dents led too m'ch in the lesson or did they need more g'idanceN

Jo- did st'dents demonstrate that they -ere actively learningN

*id yo' $ind it necessary to ma+e any ad4'stments d'ring the lessonN 5hat -ere theyN

*id the materials that the st'dents -ere 'sing a$$ect classroom )ehavior or managementN

5hat -ere some o$ the !ro)lems st'dents enco'ntered -hen 'sing the,,,N

Are there )etter items that can )e 'sed ne7t timeN

5hich ones -or+ed !artic'larly -ellN

Additional %omments

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