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Mitosis - Internet Lesson

In this internet lesson, you will review the steps of mitosis and view video simulations of cell division. You will also view an onion root tip and calculate the percentage of cells at each of the stages of cell division.

Mitosis Tutorial at

On the left side of the screen is a navigation bar, click on the link to MITO I ! "ead the te#t on this page and view the animation, you can slow down the video by clicking step by step through the phases. $. In which stage does the following occur% &hromatin condenses into chromosomes &hromosomes align in center of cell. (ongest part of the cell cycle. )uclear envelope breaks down. &ell is cleaved into two new daughter cells. *aughter chromosomes arrive at the poles. &hromatids are pulled apart +atch the video carefully. ,. The colored chromosomes represent chromatids. There are two of each color because one is an e#act duplicate of the other. -- .ow many chromosomes are visible at the beginning of mitosis/ '''''''''''''''' -- .ow many are in each daughter cell at the end of mitosis/ '''''''''''''''''' -- The little green T shaped things on the cell are% '''''''''''''''''''''''''''' -- +hat happens to the centrioles during mitosis/ ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 0. Identify the stages of these cells%

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Another Mitosis Animation

1o to http%22www.3ohnkyrk.com2mitosis.html . *raw a cell in each of the following phases. 4rophase Metaphase Telophase

Onion Root Tip

Online 5ctivity at http%22www.biology.ari6ona.edu2cell'bio2activities2cell'cycle2cell'cycle.html "ead the introduction, then click the ne#t! button. You will have 07 cells to classify. +hen you8re finished, record your data in the chart below. "ound to whole numbers. Interphase 4rophase Metaphase 5naphase Telophase Total )umber of &ells 4ercent of &ells 9calculate% number of cells divided by total cells # $::;

Mitosis in Whitefish & Onion Roots

http%22www.biologycorner.com2pro3ects2mitosis.html . &lick on the +hitefish embryo and the onion root tip. <or each organism, identify the stage of mitosis. =iew $ +hitefish Onion =iew , =iew 0 =iew > =iew ?

ou !raw It"
*raw the four stages of mitosis your own way, be sure to represent the ma3or events of each phase. 5ttach your drawings to this worksheet.

Onion Root Tip # $%tension

@ased on the percentages that you calculated in your table, create a pie chart showing the relationships for the amount of time spent in the ? stages of the cell cycle. &olour code the chart and include a legend. (abel your pie chart as a $, hour clock. If the entire cell cycle lasts $, hours 9for the sake of simplicity;, how much time is spent in each phase/

$ssa& 'uestion
Asing your te#tbook and internet resources, craft a well thought-out answer to one of the following Buestions. 4lease write your answer in paragraph format with a short introduction and conclusion. In order to avoid plagiarism, use the space below to create a point form list of key ideas from your research before you write in paragraph form. 4ass in this list of points and your answer to your chosen Buestion. Cuestions% @iology $$ Te#tbook% page $::, D7, D E, page $:,, D >, page $:0, D ?, D7

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