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Planning for the future to achieve the long-term objective is integral to the Survival and growth of every business. Strategic planning today has to take into Cognizance the rapid changes in technology becoming one big global !illage. Strategy covers every aspect of business from business reengineering new business development product development and brand positioning to advertisements promotional campaigns media and publicity. "t is a game of "nnovation. "n fact marketing people are involved in marketing 1# types of entities$ %oods services e&perience events persons places properties organizations "nformation and ideas. 'arketing management is the art and science of choosing target markets (nd getting keeping and growing customers through creating delivering and customer value. "ndia is second largest manufacturer and producer of two-wheelers in the )orld. "t stands ne&t to *apan and China in term of the number of twowheeler Produced and domestic sales respectively. "ndian two-wheelers industry made small beginning in early +#,s when (utomobile products of "ndia -(P". started manufacturing scooter in "ndia bajaj was established on 1/th of (pril 1012. 3he "ndian two wheelers "ndustry can be broadly classified as scooter motorcycles and mopeds4 scooterette. "n last si& years domestic two-wheelers has seen structural changes. 3his can be seen from the change in composition of two-wheeler sales. )here the motorcycles have constituted gained market share from the scooter Communicating superior increased competitiveness and the turbulent business environment also with the world

and moped or scooterette segments to crores a share of +56 of two-wheelers sales. 3he 7ajaj group of Companies in "ndia merged with the bajaj 'otor Company of *apan in creating a 8o.1 mantle in the making of the company bajaj. bajaj began operations with the establishment of the pune plant in 101+. 3his fully automated plant is e9uipped with state-of-the-art machinery in-house :;< set up and today it produces a bike every /# seconds. 3o meet the growing demand bajaj opened another unit at %urgaon using ='S technology. "t is rated as one of the most modern motorcycle manufacturing plants in the world. 3he plant produces 1 1## bikes everyday. 3he "ndo-*apanese motorcycles segment dominated by >ero group 7ajaj and ?scorts in collaboration with *apanese vehicle manufactures >onda @awasaki and Aamaha respectively. 3he primary reason for growth of two-wheelers market is attributed to the fact that "ndians especially in the rural and semi urban areas retrying to change life style and people in metropolitan cities are completely disappointed with the public transportation So there is tremendous growth in the two-wheeler segment. 3he consumer is now faced with proliferation of brand models. %etting new customers as well as retaining them is an important task of manufacturers. So after sales service is very important. 3he art of the creating public awareness of a specific brand in order to ma&imize its recognition successful brand awareness strategies should define a company,s uni9ueness and set it a part from competitors. Buite simply if potential customers do not know about a company they will not purchase from it. 3herefore one of the permanent goals of business should be to build awareness this study focuses on estimating awareness of customers regarding 7ajaj motor.


3he relative importance of motorcycles has risen consistently over


past few years. 7y 5##C-#1 it is estimated that 'otorcycles would account for 1+ percent of "ndia two-wheeler sales by volume. 3hey are by far the fastest growing segment with scooter and moped volumes seeing steady declines. )hile scooter sales have predominantly been in the urban areas motorcycle sales are split +#D+# among urban and semi-urban 4 rural areas. 'otorcycles which provide far superior fuel efficiency as compared 3o two-stroke motorcycles have established themselves as the drivers of the two-wheeler industry 3his study determines awareness of customers regarding 7ajaj (uto. 3he main need for the study is to know the present performance of bajaj motor cycle 3o analyze the satisfaction levels of e&isting customers 3o know the various techni9ues. of customer awareness


3o knows the level of Customer awareness about company product and services. 3o know the potential and e&isting customer needs of various 7ajaj two wheelers products. 3o gather information on various bikes product re9uirement of customers. 3o analyze the satisfaction levels of e&isting customer 3o obverse the various types of awareness programs conducted by Sri !ijayavasava motors.


:esearch 'ethodology is a way to systematically solve the research problem. "t may be understood as a science of studying how research is done scientifically. "n this chapter the researchers study the various steps that are generally adopted in studying the research problem along with the logic behind it. Sample size 3his refers to the number of items to be selected from the universe. 3he size of sample taken for this study includes 1## respondents from ?luru. A!ea "# s$%&' 3his study is confined to ?luru city only
Sample &esi()

=or the selection of sample the researcher has used convenient sampling. Resea!*+ &esi() :esearch design is the scheme of work to be undertaken by a researcher at various stages. "t is a guide for the researcher to achieve their goals. 3he research design adopted for this study is descriptive research design. <escriptive research studies are those studies which are concerned with describing the characteristics of a particular individual or of group.

C"lle*$i") "# &a$a 3he data for this study are collected through two sources. P!ima!' s"%!*e Se*")&a!' s"%!*e P!ima!' s"%!*e 3he Primary data are those which are collected a fresh and for the first time and thus happens to be original in character. "t is obtained either through observation or through direct communication with the respondents. =or this purpose the data has collected by contacting the respondents of 7(*(*. =or the study a sample of 1## respondents are taken and asking them to answer the 9uestionnaire has collected the relevant information. 3he collected data has been further analyzed to arrive at the re9uired objectives. Se*")&a!' s"%!*e 3he Secondary data means that is already available i.e. they refer to the data which has already been collected and analyzed by someone else. =or this study the secondary data was collected from periodicals magazines newspaper company newsletters journals books reports and brochures etc. Resea!*+ i)s$!%me)$ 3he research instrument used in the study is 9uestionnaire. 3he 9uestionnaire was prepared by keeping in view the objectives of the study. T""ls #"! a)al'sis 3he method of analysis used for this study is percentage analysis.


3he present study is subject to the following limitations. 3he information collected from the respondents may not be correct it was difficult to verify the accuracy 3ime is a major constraint since it is restricted only to two 3he findings of the study cannot be compared to similar cities and this study is restricted to only ?luru. 3he sample 1## respondents may not represent the universe. Since only a small segment of market has been covered. 3he conclusion can not be generalized.



)orld 'arket %rowth of "ndia "ndustry <ominants of 'otor Cycles 7ajaj %roup Profile (chievements 7ajaj %roup (lliances 7ajaj !ision


3he <ynamics of the motorized two-wheeler industry in "ndia make fascinating reading. =rom a semi lu&ury product for the urban middle class in the eighties and earlier the two wheeler has now become not only the favorite mode of personal transport but also the most coveted personal -house hold durable. possession among nearly all consumer classes e&cept perhaps the most affluent. Feading this emergent boom has been the stylish fuel-efficient and sturdy four-stroke motorcycles that seem to be e9ually at home on highways and rural by ways. 3he trend however has been somewhat similar in all the emerging markets of the world thanks to the growing economically active and ambitious class the relative youth of the population the lower cost of the two-wheeler compared to cars in terms of number of months wages re9uired to pay for it as well as its inherent attractiveness especially to the young

male. 3he world,s largest market is China followed by "ndia. 3hese countries are also hosts to world-class plants. (long with the obviously powerful and influential *apanese manufacturers and brand names such as >onda Suzuki Aamaha and so on we also see the advent of national brands like 7ajaj and 3!S which are also likely to go global setting up marketing and manufacturing arrangements in the other populous markets of (sia. 3he game is going to hot up by the year and will remain e&tremely price-competitive while remaining performance and reputation driven. -ORLD MAR.ET 3he global market for two-wheelers has shown tremendous growth over the past decade. "n 5##1 sales of two-wheelers totaled +# million Fooked at more closely however the geographic spread of this growth has been very uneven. (sia has accounted for the vast majority of growth. Sales in the entire region growing more than three fold over past decade. China and "ndia alone account for over half the worlds two wheeler sales other large markets in the region are *apan "ndonesia !ietnam and 3aiwan Fatin (merica is another important region and sales there have more than doubled over the past decade sales growth has been volatile. "n ?urope two wheeler sales have grown steadily from one million to 1.Emillion units a year since 101C but have leapt sharply recently with the change in rider licensing laws to permit car driving license holders to ride bikes up to 1+#cc. (nother factor has been the increasing urban congestion especially in Southern ?urope. (lso scooter designs have become more fashionable and therefore more attractive to the younger generation. 3he players in the world two wheeler markets could at one time be categorized simply into two groupsD the three global *apanese giants ->onda Suzuki and Aamaha. and local niche players. >owever as the industry

globalizes further a further category is emerging namely other (sia and ?uropean players who are seeking to e&pand their own identities worldwide. GRO-TH OF INDIAN INDUSTRY 3he "ndian two-wheeler industry made a small beginning in the early fifties when (utomobile products of "ndia -(P". started manufacturing scooters in the country. Gntil 10+1 (P" and ?nfield -motorcycles. were the sole producers. "n 10E# 7ajaj (uto that had been trading in imported !espa scooters and three-wheelers set up a plant to manufacture them in technical collaboration with Piaggio of "taly. 3he industry had a smooth ride up to the ?ighties when the %overnment prohibited new entries and strictly controlled capacity e&pansion. Gnder the regulated regime foreign companies were not allowed to operate in "ndia. "t was a complete seller,s market. 3he two-wheeler market was opened to foreign competition in the mid 1#s catching the then market leaders?scorts and ?nfield- unawares. 3he entry of indo-*apanese joint ventures ushered in a new era for the "ndian two-wheeler industry through the introduction of 1##cc motorcycles 3oday with annual sales of 2./ million units the "ndian two wheeler market is the second largest in the world after China -annual sales of 1# million.. 3he sector is divided into five major product classifications. 'opeds motorcycles scooters step thrust and unguarded scooters. 3wowheelers were one of the best performing industry segments in an otherwise sluggish economy in5##1-#5. 3his unprecedented growth was fuelled by motorcycles. )hile sales in all other product categories declined motorcycles grew at a robust 25 percent in 5##1-#5 and represented nearly EE percent of total two-wheeler sales against just 5+ percent in 1002-0+. DRIVERS OF GRO-TH

( host of factors are at play driving the industry sales up. 3wo of them were changing customer preferences and new product launches. Customer preference started changing from the early 100#,s as the winds of liberalization swept the country. Several manufacturers tasted success on account of their ability to make new products identify target market segments and create products for them. 3he evolution of unguarded scooters launch of premium scooter models *apanese motorcycles all found favor with customers and translated into growth for manufacturers. 3he success can be attributed to the effect of a large pent-up demand for new products as the "ndian consumer had very few choices earlier. Faunches of new products of high and consistent 9uality were a key to growth in 5##C-#1. EASY FINANCE OPTIONS ( relatively rare phenomenon till the early 100#,s consumer financing has gained popularity since 100+-0E$ disbursements increased fourfold that year. Several public and private sector banks have jumped into the fray making finance schemes available even in smaller towns and rural areas. 3hough only /+-2+ percent of two-wheeler sales are probably financed through such schemes now this proportion has moved up from 1+ percent three years ago. =inancing schemes have appreciably contributed to the growth in two-wheelers.


SHORTER REPLACEMENT CYCLES 3he estimated two-wheeler population in "ndia is about 2# million. 3he normal life of a two-wheeler is nearly 1+ years. (t least C percent of the e&isting population would be above this limit. )ith increased con summer spending spurred by consumer finance schemes and a dramatic increase in the number of product variants the replacement cycle is becoming shorter. ABSENCE OF GOOD PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION 3wo wheelers are the most effective safety valve that relieves the pressure in urban personal transportation. 'ore than 1+ percent of the "ndian two-wheeler population is concentrated in urban and semi-urban areas. Public transportation continues to be difficult in "ndia with most local transport authorities running into losses despite increasing fares. 3wo-wheelers offer a convenient alternative. AFFORDABLE MOBILITY 3he low per-capita income in "ndia will continue to drive demand for two-wheelers. )hile the cost of a two-wheeler represents about 2-+ month salary of the average middle-class individual the cheapest passenger car represents nearly 2 years salary. 7esides the fuel efficiency of two-wheelers is nearly + times that of a car. "n 100+-5##+ the number of households in the middle due to higher income category H those best able to afford two wheelers H grew byEC.+ percent over the previous year. <uring the same period the two-wheeler population grew by 1.5 percent taking two-wheeler penetration in these households from C0 percent to CE percent. 3he target households from twowheelers are the ones in the lower middle -nearly1# percent of total. middle and upper middle and the rich households. )ith the growth of the economy and increase in purchasing power demand for two-wheelers is bound to grow.

?mission norm compliance and rationalization of sales ta& increased the cost to the consumer by 1+-11 percent in 5##C-#1 triggering stagnation in two-wheeler sales. 3he government has since cut down the e&cise duty from /5 percent to 5+ percent in 5##C-#1 rolling back C# percent of the cost increase. Product differentiation and market segmentation was the mantra for growth in the early nineties. 7ajaj was the first to segment the market and offer differentiated products. =uel efficiency and reliability were its other strengths for success. 8ow that the "ndian consumer has tasted more diverse products his appetite for newer fare has been whetted. Customers it was found in surveys by some leading two-wheeler manufactures looked at five key criteriaD fuel efficiency reliability price style and power. T+e +i(+e! !a)/i)( (i0e) $" #%el e##i*ie)*' $+a) p"1e! e2plai)s $+e i)*!easi)( s+i#$ $"1a!&s #"%!,s$!"/e 0e+i*les i) $+e e2plai)s $+e i)*!easi)( s+i#$ $"1a!&s #"%!,s$!"/e 0e+i*les i) $+e m"$"!*'*le *a$e("!'3 F"%!,s$!"/e 0e+i*les p!"0i&e #a! (!ea$e! #%el e##i*ie)*' 4%$ less p"1e! $+a) $1",s$!"/e3 T+e a#"!eme)$i")e& #i0e pa!ame$e!s als" s+"1 $+a$ $+e!e !emai)s li$$le s*"pe #"! #%!$+e! ma!/e$ se(me)$a$i") a)& )e1 p!"&%*$ i)$!"&%*$i")3 Up(!a&es i)*"!p"!a$i)( s$'le a!e e2pe*$e& $" &!i0e (!"1$+3 As l")( as es$a4lis+e& 4!a)&s a!e a4le $" "##e! $+a$5 *%s$"me!s &" )"$ (" else1+e!e3 T+is is mai)l' 4e*a%se !elia4ili$' is 1+a$ $+e' 0al%e $+e m"s$ a#$e! p!i*e a)& #%el e##i*ie)*'3 DOMINANCE OF MOTORCYCLES 3he relative importance of motorcycles has risen consistently over the past few years. 7y 5##C-#1 it is estimated that motorcycles would account for 1+ percent of "ndia two-wheeler sales by volume. 3hey are by far the fastest growing segment with scooter and moped volumes seeing steady

declines. )hile scooter sales have predominantly been in the urban areas motorcycle sales are split +#D+# among urban and semi-urban4 rural areas. 'otorcycles and unguarded scooters are the most preferred products in the two-wheelers segment. If these four-stroke motorcycles which provide for superior fuel efficiency as compared to two-stroke motorcycles have established themselves as the drivers of the two-wheeler industry. 3his dominance of motorcycles in the two-wheeler industry is a common trend in most parts of the world. 3he reasons for this are productspecific as well as general. =uel efficiency riding comfort large wheel base and as a result higher resale value than that of scooter are features that make motorcycles more appealing to consumers than other categories. (mong motorcycles four-stroke vehicles account for a major chunk of sales. 3his is not surprising since fuel efficiency is ranked the first among important parameters. (part from these some general factors have also contributed to the growth of this segment. DEMOGRAPHY FACTOR 3he demography of the "ndian population is skewed in favor of the younger generation which favors motorcycles to scooters. 3he younger generation divided in the age group between 1+ and /2 years comprised /+.1 percent of the population in 5##1 and further to 2# percent by 5##1. 3he office-going middle class -typically in the 50-E/range. )hich prefers motorcycles on account of the fuel economy they offer formed 5/.+ percent in 5##1 and further to /1.E percent by 5##1. Since the increasing share of these groups is e&pected to continue motorcycles sales will remain buoyant in this time frame. 3he run away growth in motorcycles started in 100C-01 and gathered momentum in 1001-00 when the schedule of adherence to emission norms

was finalized. "t was decided for instance that all two-wheelers sold after 5### would have to comply with ?uro-"" emission norms. Iver the same period domestic diesel prices rose C# percent which turned the attention of the two-wheeler buyer on fuel efficiency. =uel efficiency coupled with changing life-style and income profiles led to a sharp surge in motorcycle volumes at the e&pense of scooters and mopeds. Post emission norm compliance shift of customer preference from twostroke motorcycles and scooters to four-stroke has become the norm. Since a mature four-stroke scooter market does not e&ist four-stroke motorcycles will be the natural choice. BAJAJ AUTO LTD 7ajaj auto Ftd. "t one of the largest players in the two wheeler industry in "ndia. 7ajaj is an omnipresent product with millions of satisfied "ndians to vouch for it. "ts scooters have an enduring positional value for years. 3he brand e9uity is built on the fact that it is an "ndian product reliable trouble fuel and trusted. 7ajaj (uto Ftd. has presence in almost all the segments of the two wheeler industry. "n the scooters segment it manufacturers and markets the following. Scooter brands like-Saffire Chetak 1+# '3 Fegend Chetak 2 "n the step through segment it manufactures and markets ' 1# vehicles while in the motor cycle segment it offers H Caliber 7o&er Pulsar and >oodibaba. "n case of scooterette segment its brands are Sunny and spirit only. "n the scooter segment it is undisputed leader with around E#6 share of the market. ?ven is the step through segment also it has the leaders share while in the scooterette segment it has been facing intense competition from 3!S @inetic and F'F etc. "n the fast growing motorcycles segment it is

behind the leader >ero >onda. 3he success of the company can be attributed to its wide spread distribution network coupled with good after sales service besides the value for money. LOHIA MACHINES LTD F'F is the second largest producer of scooters in the industry. 3ied up with Piaggio of lately F'F has been offering improved models motorcycles and Scotties. "t has managed to capture and sizeable portion of the market in spite of the presence of a dominant competitor like H 7ajaj auto Ftd. "ts products are claimed to involve high technology and look more elegant than others in the market. 7ut it never outsmarted the market leader 7ajaj auto. Fike 7ajaj auto the company has a presence in almost all the segments of the two-wheeler industry. "n the scooters segment pulse F'F prithvi. "n the motorcycles segment the brands manufactured are H ?nergy (drenal and =reedom. "n the scooterette segment it offers the sleek trendy vehicle. 3hough the company was on the brink of disaster in 1005 it made a remarkable recovery in 100/. Since then the company got stabilized and grown gradually in the market with its entry into the motorcycles segment. 3hough it is the second largest player in the scooters segment its share in the motorcycle segment is yet to be established. .INETIC MOTORS AND .INETIC ENGINEERING @inetic motors and kinetic engineering are the sister concerns of the kinetic group. )hile kinetic motors manufacturers H Joom 'arvel and 8ova scooters kinetic engineering manufactures H %= 7oss and challenger the company manufactures and markets the following brands like H F'F H 8! F'F


motorcycles. "t also manufactures Jing Style A5@ scooterettes. 7esides this it also offers k2-1##JK and @2 1# step through vehicles. ?arlier @inetic had a tie-up with >onda and manufactured and marketed @inetic >onda scooter. 3he scooter not only looked sleek and modern but also recognized to be as a light handler. (fter 1+ years @inetic and >onda parted ways there creating the need for @inetic to develop new products on its own. )ith the introduction of 8ova in the market the emerging market for modern four stroke scooters now includes three players H the 7ajaj Saffire >ondas (ctiva and the @inetic 8ova. "n the motorcycles segment it has been facing intense competition from >ero >onda 3!S and 7ajaj etc. TVS SU6U.I "t also one of the major players in the two wheeler industry. 3he company has its presence in scooters motorcycles and scooterettes. "n the scooters segment the spectra brand of scooter is manufactured and marketed while in the motorcycles segment it markets the brands like H 'a& 1## Samurai
=iero !ictor. "n the scooterette segment it offers Scooty ?4S and Scooty @4S.

HONDA >onda set up a green field site near <elhi and rolled out a sleek four stroke in the market called (ctiva. >onda is a late entrant into the two wheeler industry. 3he company introduced its brand of Scooter (ctive. 3he penetration and acceptability of the brand is yet to be established. ESCORTS YAMAHA ?scorts Aamaha was the leader in the motorcycle segment until 1012. (fter the advent of >ero >onda into the market the company lost its share gradually and today it is languishing in the market. 3his is because rightly from the beginning the company concentrated on power rather than fuel

efficiency resulting in gradual yield to the late entrant the >ero >onda. "ts mobile brands are H :K5 Cru& ?nticer and Fibber. If all these brands of different motorcycles Fibber is doing well in the market due to intense promotion besides the sponsor of world cup 5##/. HERO >ero is the largest player in the motorcycles segment of the two wheeler industry. 3he company manufactures and markets brands like H C< <elu&e <awn Splendor C7J Passion (mbition and %lamour "n the step through segment also it has presence with its brand H street. >ero >onda is an undisputed leader in the motorcycles segment. 3he success of >ero in this segment can be attributed to product differentiation and market differentiation. 3he gradual growth and the resultant dominance of motorcycles also helped the company to maintain its lead in the market.





L7ajajM the brand name symbolizing the steely ambition of the rahul 7ajaj came into being year 10+E. =rom a modest manufacturer of bicycle components in the early 102#,s to the world,s largest bicycle manufacturer today the odyssey was fueled by one vision H to build long H lasting relationships with everyone including workers dealers and vendors. 3his philosophy has paid rich dividends through the years. 7ajaj a name synonymous with two wheelers in "ndia is today a multiunit multi product geographically diversified %roup of companies. 3hrough fully integrated operations the rahul roll their own steel make critical components such a s free wheels for their bicycles and have the foresight to simultaneously diversify into myriad ventures like product designing "3 enabled services finance and insurance just to name a few. Fike every success story 7ajaj,s saga contains an element of spirit and enterprise$ of achievement through grit and determination coupled with vision and meticulous planning. 3hroughout its success trail the 7ajaj %roup and its members have displayed unwavering passion of setting higher standards for themselves and delivering simply the best to their customers. 3he 7ajaj %roup philosophy isD L3o provide e&cellent transportation to the common man at easily affordable prices and to provide total satisfaction in all its spheres of activity.M 3hus apart from being customer-centric the 7ajaj %roup also provides its employees with a fine 9uality of life and its business associates with a total sense of belonging. L?ngineering SatisfactionM is the prime motive of the 7ajaj %roup and it has become a way of life and a part of the work culture of the %roup. 3his

is what drives the %roup to seek newer vistas adopt faster technology and create 9uality driven products to the utmost satisfaction of customers partners dealers and vendors. 3oday the %roup 7ajaj has a number of accolades and achievements to its creditNyet consumer re9uirements and newer technologies provide fresh challenges every day and at 7ajaj the wheels of progress continue to turn N ACHIEVEMENTS )orld 7ank has acclaimed 7ajaj Cycles as a role model in !endor development based on a worldwide study. 3he Fondon 7usiness School G@ has done a study on the %roup as model of entrepreneurship. 7oston Consulting %roup has ranked 7ajaj %roup as one of the top ten 7usiness >ouses on ?conomic value in "ndia. (78 (mro has rated the 7ajaj stock as one of the most valuable and one of the most under-rated. ?ngineering ?&ports Promotion Council has awarded 7ajaj Cycles with the 7est ?&porter (ward for the last 51 years in succession. >S7C-'errill Fynch has estimated 7ajaj %roup would be among the top value creators in 5##1-#2. 7ajaj Cycles Fimited is a %uinness 7ook :ecord holder since 5##2 as the world,s largest manufacturer of bicycles. 7ajaj ranked 8umber one in the two-wheeler category on ?nvironmental Performance by the Centre for Science and ?nvironment. 3he 7ajaj %roup is recognized as a long-term partner and an ideal employerD



Iver the years 7ajaj %roup has strengthened its joint ventures forged profitable relationships with its partners and allied itself with some of the best players in the market. 3echnology assimilation through wide sourcing has been and will continue to be an integral part of the progression of the 7ajaj %roup. 7ajaj entered a joint venture for technical and financial participation with one of the world,s largest automotive makers 7ajaj motors company pune for the manufacture of 1##cc motorcycles in "ndia. 7ajaj,s 9uest for a low-budget fuel-efficient and environment-friendly tow-wheeler led 7ajaj 'otors to enter into a 3echnical collaboration with Steyr<aimler Puch of (ustria in 101C for the manufacture of E+cc Porschedesign mini-motorcycles.rahul Show Fimited was formed in 3echnical and =inancial Collaboration with Showa Corporation *apan to design develop and manufacture of front forks shock absorbers struts and gas struts. 'unjal (uto "ndustries Fimited has a joint venture with the Stateowned %ujarat "ndustrial "nvestment Corporation to cater to the needs of the overseas market. 7ajaj Cycles C: <ivision was set up in consultation with.'?CI8 (sia,s largest engineering consultants and in 3echnical Collaboration with )ean Gnited GS(. 7ajaj Cycles Cold :olling <ivision has also entered into a technical collaboration with @awasaki Steel Corporation *apan for the improvement of production yield ?limination of defects reduction of customer returns and enhancement of maintenance operations against certain predetermined targets.


IT Rela$e& Allia)*es 7ajaj soft the ?nterprise-oriented and Software Solutions division of 7ajaj Corporate Service Fimited has the following alliances and partnershipsD 7ajaj soft is the Focal :esource Partner for S(P providing resources for implementation of S(P :4/ and my S( and other suite of products offered by S(P. 7ajaj soft is the <iamond Consulting Partner of 15 3echnologies the %lobal leader in SC' S:' and supporting systems to ?:P. 7ajaj soft has 3echnology Partnership agreement with =lorano Software a leading provider of enterprise-level technology platforms for application integration messaging and e-commerce needs. >er soft provides services around =lorano,s integration platforms including adapter development. 7ajaj soft has 7usiness Partnership with CI' link Software Services an (ustralian incorporated company Solutions. 7ajaj 'ind mine the technology based learning solutions provider and training division of 7ajaj Corporate Services Fimited has alliance with two companies in order to facilitate the successful training of students and professionals in globally understood 7usiness ?nglishD <yed Corporation which provides 9uality courseware by combining proven classroom teaching skills with the best of multimedia techni9ues. Irdinate Corporation which offers automated Spoken ?nglish assessment using speech recognition and by administering language tests. >ero Serve it the C:' solutions provider of 7ajaj Corporate Services Fimited has alliance with =irst:inglnc GS( for Contact care Solutions that e&ceed industry norms in Service and !alue.

providing end-to-end e-7usiness

PRODUCT ENGINEERING RELATED ALLIANCES 7ajaj %lobal <esign is the largest Certified ?ngineering Provider -C?P. of P3C from "ndia. 7ajaj %lobal <esign,s alliance with P3C enables the development of elite corps of engineering professional an opportunity to work directly with P3C and its customers and to gain e&pertise as a Pro4?8%"8??: ?&pert throughout P3C,S )orldwide Customer 7ase. "t also enables 7ajaj %lobal <esign to provide high 9uality Fegacy <ata Conversion Services. 7ajaj %lobal <esign is the e&clusive representative of Porsche <esign %esmbh -studio. in "ndia. 7ajaj %lobal <esign has a business agreement with 3arget <esign a leading industrial and automobile design company in %ermany. -OR.ING AT BAJAJ CAREER 7ajaj has continuously strived for synergy between technology systems and human resources to provide products and services that meet the 9uality performance and price aspirations of its customers. )hile doing so it has maintained the highest standards of ethics and social responsibility has constantly innovated products and processes and developed teams that keep the momentum in order to take the %roup to new heights. "n the forefront of the two-wheeler and auto-components industry in "ndia the 7ajaj %roup is driven by the vision of providing technologically advanced and affordable transport solutions "n doing so its employs and scouts for state-if-the-art technology and systems. (t 7ajaj new management strategies techni9ues and manufacturing processes are constantly adapted. 3he work culture at the 7ajaj %roup revolves around building relationships H 7e it with workers vendors of dealers. (ll those who come to work within the fold of the 7ajaj

%roup are offered job security and growth opportunities both personally and professionally. -OR.ING AT BAJAJ VISION L)e at the 7ajaj %roup are continuously striving for synergy between technology systems and human resources to provide products and services that meet the 9uality performances and price aspirations of the customers. )hile doing so we maintain the highest standards of ethics and societal responsibilities constantly innovate products and processes and develop teams that deeps the momentum going to take the group to e&cellence in everything we do.M -OR.ING AT BAJAJ GROUP FACILITIES )ithin the 7ajaj %roup 9uality is a passion H thus skill- improvement of the workforce technical up gradation of the machines and evaluation of the manufacturing processes is a routine procedure H all aimed at the 9uality enhancement of the product. Specialization is the hallmark of the manufacturing process at 7ajaj %roup. ?&perts are involved right from choosing the highest 9uality raw material to applying various techni9ues like robotic-welding painting. 3he : ; < departments at the various manufacturing units are committed to the zero-defect approach which drives the %roup as a whole to constantly upgrade its manufacturing systems. 3he marketing and management teams are always on the look out for modern management techni9ues. brazing electroplating shot-blasting and electrostatic


GLOBAL GEARING , E7PORTS (s early as in the 10E#,s very few "ndian bicycle manufacturers were interested in e&ports. >owever the 7ajaj %roup,s foray into the overseas markets in 10E/ pioneered "ndian e&ports in the bicycle segment. "t was a move prompted essentially by the need to remain attuned to the global marketplace. )hile initial e&ports were restricted to (frica and the 'iddle ?ast today more than +# percent of the e&ports fro 7ajaj Cycles Fimited meets the demands of sophisticated markets in ?urope and (merica. 3his is primarily because of appropriate product development and e&cellent 9uality that 7ajaj offers. T+e G!"%p +as 4ee) *")$i)%"%sl' %p(!a&i)( $e*+)"l"(' a)& +as se$ %p spe*ial %)i$s li/e G%8a!a$ C'*les Limi$e& 9)"1 Ba8a8 A%$" I)&%s$!ies Limi$e&:5 T" mee$ i)$e!)a$i")al ;%ali$' s$a)&a!&s3 Ba8a8 A%$" I)&%s$!ies Limi$e& +as s$a$e,"#,$+e, a!$ e;%ipme)$s imp"!$e& #!"m E%!"pe a)& Tai1a)3 T+e %)i$ is &esi()e& $" ma$*+ I)$e!)a$i")al s$a)&a!&s a)& is a) E2p"!$ O!ie)$e& U)i$ 9EOU:3 I$s p!"&%*$s a!e s%pplie& $" $+e I)$e!)a$i")al Ma!/e$s "# &e0el"pe& *"%)$!ies li/e U)i$e& .i)(&"m5 Ge!ma)'5 a)& F!a)*e e$*3 T+e G!"%p<s e2p"!$s +a0e (")e 4e'")& *'*les a)& $+ei! *"mp")e)$s3 T+e s%**ess "# $+e He!" Ma8es$i* m"pe& &i& )"$ !emai) *")#i)e& $" I)&ia) s+"!es3 Fi)&i)( e)$+%sias$i* 4%'e!s a*!"ss $+e 1"!l&5 i$ 4e*ame $+e la!(es$ e2p"!$e& m"pe& #!"m I)&ia3He!"p%*+ is pe!+aps $+e #i!s$ I)&ia) $1" 1+eele! $" 4e +"m"l"(a$e& a4!"a& 9i) Spai): a)& +as assem4l' pla)$s i) Ma%!i$i%s a)& E('p$3 T"&a' He!" P%*+ mi)i m"$"!*'*les *a) als" 4e see) i) Pa!a(%a'5 Me2i*"5 A!(e)$i)a5 T%!/e' a)& H"lla)&3 G!"%p C"mpa)'5 !a+%l


S+"1 Limi$e& is ")e "# $+e la!(es$ s%pplie!s "# s+"*/ a4s"!4e!s $" ma8"! a%$" (ia)$s i) Japa)5 U)i$e& S$a$es a)& $+e U)i$e& .i)(&"m5 am")(s$ "$+e! &e0el"pe& ma!/e$s3 I) =>>? Ba8a8 E2p"!$s 1as es$a4lis+e& as $+e I)$e!)a$i")al T!a&i)( Di0isi") #"! G!"%p a)& )"),G!"%p p!"&%*$s3 T+e G"0e!)me)$ "# I)&ia !e*"()izes Ba8a8 E2p"!$s as a T!a&i)( H"%se3 A)& $+e la$es$ &i0e!si#i*a$i") #"! $+e G!"%p i) $+e e2p"!$ ma!/e$ is i) $+e a!ea "# S"#$1a!e e2p"!$s a)& $+e &e0el"pme)$ "# "0e!seas !ela$i")s+ips i) $+e &"mai) "# IT a)& IT e)a4le& se!0i*es $+!"%(+ Ba8a8 C"!p"!a$e Se!0i*es3


( thorough understanding of the fast-changing consumer behaviors new market segments and product opportunities along with sensitivity to changing customer need form the core of 7ajaj,s marketing strategy and philosophy. (t 7ajaj we essentially have a completely customer-driven approach. ( nation-wide dealer network comprising of over / +## bicycle dealers /+# dealers for mopeds and 55+ franchise holders for motorcycles ensures convenient access to the %roup,s products across the country. )ith a deep sense of belonging to the 7ajaj fraternity the %rout,s dealer network has catalyzed growth and acted as a strong bridge between the customers and the %roup. Conventionally very few "ndian bicycle manufacturers were interested in e&ports. >owever the 7ajaj %roup,s foray into the overseas markets pioneered "ndian e&ports in the bicycle segments early as 10E/. "t was a move prompted primarily by the need to the attuned to the global marketplace. )hile initial e&ports were restricted to (frica and the 'iddle ?ast today more than +# percent of the %roup,s bicycle e&ports meet the demands of sophisticated markets in ?urope and (merica. 3his is primarily because of

appropriate product development and e&cellent 9uality that 7ajaj offers. 3he %roup has undertaken a steady up gradation of technologies and there has been diversifications and setting up of newer establishments to meet stringent international standards. (t the core of it all is a customer-centric scheme of policies and productionNand the bottom line is to L(dd value while ?ngineering Satisfaction.M BAJAJ GROUP NATIONAL MAINSTREAM >ero %roup,s humane approach is manifest in all aspects of commercial production. 3he %roup undertakes various projects and activities of socio-humanitarian nature to contribute to the 8ational 'ainstream. %roup Companies 7ajajCycles limited and 7ajaj 'otors Fimited have been pioneers within the %roup in undertaking socially productive work of myriad nature. >ealthcare rahul 'emorial >ospital is a 1##-bed hospital with a welle9uipped laboratory a fully functional operation theatre an out patient department as well as a casualty section. ( fully e9uipped mobile clinic provides comprehensive health care to the rural masses. 3he medical centre on the factory premises of the %roup Companies is open for the sub-urban and rural communities of the surrounding areas. 3he medical centre is also e9uipped to provide =irst (id and ambulance facility for road accident victims. Ither efforts under the auspices o f 7ajaj 'otors Fimited includeD ?ye CampsD )ith over 1+ ### patients e&amined and about 1C## cataract operations performed so far these ?ye Camps have also aided patients with free accommodation food and medicines. =amily Planning CampsD >eld since 100/ at the Civil >ospital :ewari and 7awal these camps offer monetary incentives to the masses to adopt family planning measures. 7lood <onations CampsD 3hese camps are being

organized on a regular basis since 1005. 2E2 units have been donated to "ndian :ed Cross Society in last camps. ?83% C>?C@ GP CampsD Conducted by specialists from (""'S these camps have been organized since 8ovember 100C. >eart Check-up Camps$ Since *uly 1011 free camps are being organized in collaboration with ?scorts >eart "nstitute and :esearch Centre where specialized diagnosis methods like ?chocardiography and ?C% are used. :ehabilitation CampsD Conducted with the assistance of the <istrict :ehabilitation Centre :ed Cross Society :ewari these camps help physically challenged villagers to rehabilitate and re-employ themselves. 'any patients have found a new lease of life on account of the physical aids given to them. <ermatology CampsD >eld for the first time in Ictober 1000 the camp saw around 2E# patients where /E+ patients underwent treatment for various ski0n ailments. =urthermore three (cupressure camps were also held in *anuary 5### where 2+# persons were offered treatment and advice. School >ealth ProgrammesD 3he rahul !idya 'andir was the first school to participate in this Programmes. Students underwent annual medical check up to detect nutritional deficiencies and were advised on improving and monitoring personal hygiene immunization as well as prevention ; control of communicable diseases. Imm%)iza$i") P!"(!ammes (ll 7ajaj employees and their families benefit from immunization programmes for >epatitis and 3yphoid =ever. 'ore than E ### people have been immunized so far. 3he company is also active participant in the 8ational Pulse Polio immunization programmes.

"n-house >ealth (ctivitiesD 3he company takes a keen interest in the welfare of its employees with the dissemination of health information among them by means of lectures group sessions printed material audio visual aids display boards etc. AIDS A1a!e)ess P!"(!ammes "n association with C"F 7ajaj has done immense work to promote awareness about ("<S.


Models Promotional Activities Product available at Sri vijaya vasava Motors Price list of Bajaj Motor Cycles in Sri vijaya vasava Motors Organization Structure



SALES PERFOMANCED <omestic Sales ?&ports 'arch-#C 5C5 /15 202# 'arch-#1 5CC 01+ E102 =y /# ##C+ 1EEC =y ///EC+E 11550

Sri !ijaya !asava 'otors was established on 51 st *une 100E by the golden hands of 7ajaj 'anaging <irector 'r. :avi 7ajaj. 3he centrally airconditioned showroom of 7ajaj its kind in (ndhra Pradesh spread gracefully and decorated elegantly over 1### s9.ft at ?luru State-of-the (rt showroom being e9uipped with affable =ront office staff and (dept professional 3echnicians provide a perfect blend of Buality Service and :eliability. "n a very short stint this Ine Stop of 7ajaj housing Sales Service and Spares has also the hearts of many proud owners of 7ajaj with its Customized Consumer Care and Service it switch the gears and become connotation of 7ajaj in pune.

7ajaj has been launching various models of motorcycles form the year 1012 keeping in mind the 9uality$ design riding comfort fuel-efficiency and service and resale value. Feadership Commitment (ny an eye for appropriate technology

3hese form a formidable force that gives our

customers the pride and the joy of value forever. )hat drives 7ajaj is

Since 1012 when 7ajaj first began producing motor-cycle 7ajaj have been engaged in a single-minded endeavor to bring you bikes that are not only state-of-the-art but are also some of the most environment-friendly vehicles in this world-a reflection of our commitment and care for a better environment. (t the heart of every 7ajaj is a uni9ue 2-stroke engine-an optimal mi& of power and economy. "n fact 7aja,s seven bikes represent the best in their respective classes.

Chapter 1 VEHICLES
1. <iscover 5. @ristal /. Pulsur-1+# 2. Pulsur-11# +. Pulsur-5## E. Pulsur-55# C. Kcd-15+ 1. (venger 0. (dvenger 1#.(dvanger



SRI Vi a!a Va"a#a MOTORS
M"$"! C'*les 1. Platina 5. <iscover /. @ristal 2. Pulsur-1+# +. Pulsur-11# E. Pulsur-5## C. Pulsur-55# 1. Kcd-15+ 0. (venger 1#.(dvenger C"s$ 9I) Rs3: /C551 +++1E /0E15 E+/02 EC#0# CE/2+ 05/2# 2CCE+ C22E0 C/2E0

EMPLOYEES IN SRI Vi a!a Va"a#a M$t$r"

Sri !ijava !asava 'otors Pvt. Fimited headed by 'r. Sri 8ageswara :ao who is the 'anaging <irector. "t has various departments. (ccount <epartment Sales <epartment Spares <epartment and )orkshop. 3otal employees in Sri !ijaya !asava 'otors E+ members are in various departments. "n sales department 1# in sales department 1# members are employed 15 employees are in account department E members are in spares department and in workshop /C members are employed.

Sales Sales of the Sri !ijaya !asava 'otors are higher than any other twowheeler company in ?luru. Yea! 5###-#1 5##1-#5 5##5-#/ 5##/-#2 5##2-#+ 5##+-#E 5##E-#C N"3 O# U)i$s s"l& 5 55/ / 0/1 2 120 + E20 E 520 C E50 1 C10

(t present stock in !ijaya !asava 'otors is E2 ## ### of :upees. "n workshop daily +# to E# customers are servicing their vehicles. "n workshop per day income is / ## ### to 2 ## ###.




C%s$"me! ( customer refers to individuals or households that purchase goods and services generated within the economy. 3he work historically derives from Lcustom M meaning LhabitM$ a customer was someone who fre9uented a particular shop who made it a habit to purchase goods there (nd with whom the shopkeeper has to maintain a relationship to keep his or her Lcustom.M 'eaning e&pected purchases in the future. Customer needs may be defined as the goods or services a customer re9uires to achieve specific goals. <ifferent needs are of varying importance ot the customer. Customer e&pectations are influenced by cultural values advertising marketing and other communications both with the supplier and with other sources 7oth customer needs and e&pectations may be determined through interview surveys conversations or other methods of collecting information. Customers at times do not have a clear understanding of their needs. (ssisting in diver mining needs can be a valuable service to the customer. "n the process e&pectations may be set or adjusted to correspond to known product capabilities of service. A1a!e)ess "n biological psychology awareness comprises a human,s or an animal,s perception and cognitive reaction to a condition or event. (wareness

does not necessarily imply understanding just an ability of be conscious of feel or perceive. (wareness is a relative concept. (n animal may be partially aware may be subconsciously aware or may be actually aware of an event. (wareness may be focused on an internal state such as a visceral feeling or on e&ternal events by way of sensory perception. (wareness provides the raw material from which animals develop 9ualia or subjective ideas about their e&perience. (lso used of distinguish sensory perception is the word Lawarement.M L(warementM is the established form of awareness. Ince one has accomplished their sense of awareness they have come to term with awarement. Sel#,A1a!e)ess Popular ideas about consciousness suggest the phenomenon describes a condition of being aware of one,s awareness of self awareness. ?fforts to describe consciousness in neurological terms have focused on describing networks in the brain that develop awareness of the 9wulia developed by networks. Basi* A1a!e)ess 7asic awareness of one,s internal and e&ternal world depends on the brain stem. 7jorn 'erker an independent neuroscientist in Segeltorp Sweden argues that the brain stem supports and elementary form of conscious though in kids with hydranencephaly.

L>igherM form of awareness including self awareness re9uire cortical contributions but Lprimary consciousnessM or Lbasic awarenessM as an ability to integrate sensations from the environment with one,s immediate goals and feelings in order to guide behavior springs from the vertebrates . Psychologist Carroll "zard emphasizes that this form of primary consciousness consists of capacity to generate emotions and an awareness of one,s surroundings but an ability to talk about what one has e&perienced. "n the same way people can become conscious of a feeling that they can,t label or describe a phenomenon that,s especially common in pre-verbal infants.


C%s$"me! A1a!e)ess Customer is person who buys the product and awareness means before customer buying that product shopkeeper has to make customer aware to know about product easily.

C%s$"me! A1a!e)ess Nee& #"! I$ 3he above case in point clearly emphasizes that educating customer is very important when it comes to new technology case. )hen the consumer readily accepts some services some are not accepted and there customer education is needed. C%s$"me! li#e$ime 0al%e Customer lifetime value describes the present value of the stream of future profits e&pected over the customer,s lifetime purchases. 3he company must subtract form e&pected revenues the e&pected costs of attracting selling and servicing that customer.


C%s$"me! De0el"pme)$ P!"*ess











C%s$"me! A1a!e)ess Vs C%s$"me! De0el"pme)$ p!"*ess Companies take various initiatives to attract create and retain

customers the bedrock of developing a customer is bringing awareness on the part of customer about the various facilities that the company is providing the customer. Customer awareness at various stages of development increases the rate of interaction with the company by the way of facilities provided.

Be)e#i$s "# C%s$"me! A1a!e)ess $" C%s$"me! I)*!ease "# 0al%e &eli0e!e& !alue represents the trade-off between the returns and the costs to the customer. (wareness about the facilities provided by the organization increases the changes of customer using them and there by enhances the value delivered to him Be)e#i$s "# C%s$"me! A1a!e)ess $" $+e O!(a)iza$i") C%s$"me! Re$e)$i") ( customer who is aware of various facilities available to him this to utilize them to his advantage. 3his helps to increase the value delivered to him. ( customer can be retained so long as the benefits accrued to him are more than the costs thus helping in customer retention. C%s$"me! L"'al$' Gtilization rate increase with awareness of facilities and make a customer rely on them. 3he more a customer relies on the company his loyalty to )ards Company thus enhancing the lifetime value of the customer. I)*!easi)( P%!*+ases

:esults of studies reported by =redrick :eichheld and <) ?arl Sasser show that across industries customers tend to spend more each year with a particular relationship partner than they did in the preceding period. M"&els $+a$ emp+asize a1a!e)ess as $+e 4e&!"*/ "# *")s%me! a&"p$i")< p%!*+ase@ &esi!e& 4e+a0i"! I))"0a$i") Hie!a!*+' "# A&"p$i") E##e*$s M"&el M"&el (wareness


AIDA M"&el

C"mm%)i*a$i") M"&el ?&posure :eception Cognitive :esponse (ttitude "ntention

Cognitive (wareness (ttention Stage @nowledge (ffective "nterest Stage <esire Fiking Preference Conviction

"nterest ?valuation

7ehavior Stage



3rail (doption


AIDA M"&el ("<( is one of the early models on the subject first developed in 105#s. 3he letters in the acronym denote (ttention "nterest <esire and (ction. 3he model suggests that any effective impersonal sales presentation should attract attention gain interest arouse a desire and result in action.

T+e Fi0e S$a(e a)& Si2,S$a(e m"&els


(n interesting model in this category was put forward in the 10/#s rural sociologist studying the process of innovation-adoption then came another model suggesting si& stages in the purchase process-awareness interest evaluation trial and adoption. 3hen came another model suggesting si& stages in the purchase process awareness knowledge liking preference conviction and purchase. :obert Favidge and %ary Sterilner put this model forward. 3his divides the si& stages in to / main components cognitive the affective and the co native. 3he =ist two stages awareness and knowledge constitute the cognitive or knowledge component. 3he ne&t two stages H liking and preference constitute the effective component -emotional component.. (nd the last two stages conviction and purchase constitute the contrive component -action component.. (ll these models belong to class i.e. commonly called the hierarchy of effects model all of them suggest that the purchase process involves several stages and effects one effect leading to another. CONCLUSION 3he above discussion clearly depicts the importance of consumer awareness which the importance of consumer awareness which is the bedrock of generating profits4 retaining customers of enhancing lifetime value of

CUSTOMER A-ARENESS IN MAR.ETING 3he art of creation public awareness of a specific brand in order to ma&imize its recognition successful brand awareness strategies should define a company,s uni9ueness and set it a part from competitors. Buite simple if potential customers do not know about a company they will not purchase

from it. 3herefore one of the prominent goals of any business should be build brand awareness albeit in as cost-effective manager as possible. Customer,s trend to make purchasing decisions based on peer recommendation and directs e&periences as well as traditional advertising methods. 3his is why it is necessary to built brand awareness strategies out by instilling trust among consumer. 3his is trust may be achieved through credibility rather just a catchy an advertising campaign. Promotional marketing involving a one-to one component is proving increasingly effective at building trust and ac9uiring new customers. Inline brand awareness strategies are used fre9uently albeit with differing levels of success. 3hese online brand awareness strategies can include the use of advertising including banners sponsorships and email4newsletter advertising online affiliate marketing etc. 'arketing is a merely a civilized form of warfare in which most battles are one with words ideas and disciplined thinking 'arketing is so basic that it cannot be considered separate functions. "t is whole business seen form the point of view of its final result that is from the customers point of view.

C")s%me! a1a!e)ess mea)s (warding the customer regarding a particular goods or services are a particular product and proving him the knowledge is known as consumer awareness.


'arketing is one of the essential ingredients employed by organization in their never-ending search for survival and growth. Success often depends on the skill an organization commands in marketing finance and other areas and on its ability to combine these functions in to a smoothly running establishment. 'arketing can be defined as. 3he process of planning and e&ecuting the conception pricing promotion and distribution of ideas goods and services to create e&change that satisfy individual and organizational objectives 3his process operates within an environment bounded by the resources of the firm the laws of the land and social conscience of the community. "n most cases marketing attempts to generate profits from the sale of goods and services to fill consumer,s needs. >owever marketing is increasing being used to develop promote and distribute program sponsored by nonprofit organization such as municipal charities and %I!3 agencies.




=: M"&el 0e+i*le 3able showing 'odel of vehicle own by the customers. Ta4le N" = NO OF Sl 1 5 / 2 + E C 1 0 OPTIONS C:AS3(F <3S " PF(3"8( PGFS(: 1+# PGFS(: 5## PGFS(: 55# K C< 15+ <"SCI!?: 1/+ PGFS(: 11# <"SCI!?: 15+ T"$al RESPONDEN TS 5 15 2# 1# C + 1+ E / =BB

NO OF PERCENTAGE 5 15 2# 1# C + 1+ E / =BB

C+a!$ =


INTERPRETATION 3he above table depicts the majority of respondents O2#6P have pulsar 1+# 1+6 responded discover 1/+ 156 have platina 1#6 responded pulsar 5## C6 started pulsar 55# E6 have pulsar 11# +6 own &cd 15+ /6 have discover 15+ and the rest 56 have crystal <3S-" form the analysis made it is being found majority of respondents own pulsar 1+#.


100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0


12 2

15 10 7 5 3

5. Opi)i") !e(a!&i)( 4asi* i&ea "# Ba8a8 M"$"! *'*le

3able showing Ipinion regarding basic idea of 7ajaj 'otor cycle. Ta4le N" C Sl 1 5 OPTION Aes 8o T"$al C+a!$ C NO OF NO OF RESPONDEN PERCENTAGE SE E2 E2 /E /E =BB =BB


90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 Y$% 0 N& O TIONS +5 64"00#

INTERPRETATION 3he above table indicates that majority respondents E26 know about basic idea regarding 7ajaj motor cycle where as /E6 stated doesn,t have any knowledge about the basic idea about 7ajaj. =rom the analysis made it is being found majority of respondents know about the basic idea regarding 7ajaj motorcycle.



?: Opi)i") !e(a!&i)( Ba8a8 *"mpa)' se!0i*e

3able showing opinion regarding 7ajaj company service. Ta4le N" ? Sl 1 5 / 2 OPTIONS ?KC?FF?83 %II< (!?:(%? 8I3 S(3"S="?< T"$al
C+a!$ ? 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0


54 40


6 0


INTERPRETATION 3he above table shows that majority of respondents +26 rated good towards the 7ajaj company service 2#6 rated e&cellent where as rest E6 rated average. =rom the analysis made it is being found majority of respondents rated good towards 7ajaj company service.


2. Opi)i") "# *%s$"me!s !e(a!&i)( $+ei! a1a!e)ess a4"%$ Ba8a8 #i)a)*e limi$e& 3able showing Ipinion of customers regarding their awareness about 7ajaj finance limited. Ta4le N" D NO OF NO OF Sl OPTIONS RESPONDEN PERCENTAG TS E 1 Aes /2 /2 5 8o EE EE T"$al =BB =BB

C'()*+ 4
100 90 80 70 60


50 40 30 20 10 0 Y$%



INTERPRETATION 3he above table depicts that majority of respondents EE6 are not aware about 7ajaj finance limited where as /26 are aware. =rom the analysis made it is being found majority of respondents are not aware about 7ajaj finance limited.


E: Opi)i") a4"%$ $+e pe!#"!ma)*e "# Ba8a8 Ve+i*le 3able showing Ipinion about the performance of 7ajaj vehicle. Ta4le N" E NO OF NO OF Sl OPTIONS RESPONDEN PERCENTAG TS E 1 ?KC?FF?83 E5 E5 5 %II< 5# 5# / (!?:(%? 11 11 2 7(< # # T"$al =BB =BB
C+a!$ E



O TIONS INTERPRETATION 3he above table shows that majority of respondents OE56P have rated e&cellent towards the performance of 7ajaj vehicle 5#6 rated good 116 rated average. =rom the analysis made it is being a found majority of respondents have rated e&cellent towards the performance of 7ajaj vehicle


100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0






F: S"%!*e "# i)#"!ma$i") 3able showing source of information.D-Ta4le N" F NO OF Sl 1 5 / 2 OPTIONS 3?F?!"S"I8 >I:<"8%S P:"83 '?<"( =:"?8<S 3otal TS /+ + 2# 5# 1## NO OF E /+ + 2# 5# =BB RESPONDEN PERCENTAG

C'(,*$) 2 C'()*+ 6
100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0








3he above table depicts that majority of respondents O2#6P know about 7ajaj vehicle through print media /+6 by television 5#6 by friends +6 by hoardings. =rom the analysis made it is being found majority of respondents know about 7ajaj vehicle through print media.

G: A1a!e)ess a4"%$ *%s$"me!s !e(a!&i)( D,'ea! 1a!!a)$' "# Ba8a8 0e+i*le 3able showing (wareness about customers regarding 2-year warranty of 7ajaj vehicle. Ta4le N" G

NO OF Sl 1 5 OPTIONS Aes 8o T"$al TS E# 2# =BB

NO OF E E# 2# =BB


C'(,*$) 3

C'()*+ 7

100 90 80 70 60

60"00# 40"00#

50 40 30 20 10 0 YE




3he above table depicts that majority of respondents OE#6P are aware about 2 years warranty of 7ajaj vehicle where as 2#6 are not aware. =rom the analysis made it is being found majority of respondent are aware about 2 years warranty of 7ajaj vehicle.


T'pe "# se!0i*e !e;%i!e& 4' *%s$"me!s #!"m Ba8a8 *"mpa)' Ta4le N" H

3able showing 3ype of service by customers from 7ajaj Company.

NO OF Sl 1 5 / OPTIONS TS %G(:(83?? )I:@S>IP =(C"F"3A ="8(C? =(C"F"3A T"$al C+a!$ H 2# 1# +# =BB

NO OF E /+ 1# +# =BB









100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0

45 21


3he above table depicts that majority of respondents O+#6P are re9uesting finance facility from 7ajaj company where as 2#6 re re9uest guarantee where as 1#6 re9uest for workshop facility. =rom the analysis made it is being found the majority of respondents are re9uesting froe finance facility from 7ajaj Company.

0. Fa*$"! i)#l%e)*i)( i) ma/i)( p%!*+ase &e*isi") 3able showing =actor influencing in making purchase decision. Ta4le N" > NO OF Sl OPTIONS TS



1 5 / 2

=riends :elatives 8eighbors =amily members T"$al

C+a!$ >

/+ + 2# 5# =BB

/+ + 2# 5# =BB




INTERPRETATION 3he above table shows that majority of respondents O2#6P got influenced by neighbors in making purchase decision of 7ajaj vehicle /+6 by friends 5#6 by family members and the rest +6 by relatives from the analysis made it is



100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0




being found majority of respondents got influenced by neighbors in making purchase decision.

=B: A1a!e)ess "# *%s$"me!s !e(a!&i)( &%!a4ili$' "# Ba8a8 0e+i*le 3able showing (wareness of customers regarding durability of 7ajaj vehicle. Ta4le N" =B NO OF Sl 1 5 OPTIONS 3?F?!"S"I8 >I:<"8%S



/ 2

P:"83 '?<"( =:"?8<S T"$al

C+a!$ =B

2# 5# =BB

2# 5# =BB



INTERPRETATION Iut of 1## respondents surveyed majority of respondents O2#6P know about durability of 7ajaj vehicle through print media /+6 by television 5#6 by friends ++ through hoardings. =rom the analysis made it is being found majority of respondents know about durability of 7ajaj vehicle through print media.





100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0





==3 A1a!e)ess a4"%$ $+e Ba8a8 0e+i*le milea(e 3able showing (wareness about the 7ajaj vehicle mileage. Ta4le N" == NO OF Sl 1 5 / OPTIONS <?'I :(FFA <?(F?:



(<!?:3"S?'?83 T"$al Chart: 11

5# =BB

5# =BB

100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 DEMO RALY DELERS





INTERPRETATION Iut of 1## respondents surveyed majority of respondents O+26P know about durability of 7ajaj vehicle mileage through :ally conducted by the company 5#6 know through <emo and (dvertisement respectively E6 know through dealers =rom the analysis made it is being found majority of respondents know about 7ajaj vehicles mileage through :ally conducted by the company.



D" '"% /)"1 a4"%$ eas' #i)a)*e #!"m *"mme!*ial 4a)/s "# Ba8a8 Ta4le N" =C NO OF NO OF E E# 2# =BB Chart: 12 E# 2# =BB RESPONDEN PERCENTAG TS

Ve+i*leI 3able showingD <o you know about easy finance from commercial banks of 7ajaj !ehicle. Sl 1 5 OPTIONS Aes 8o T"$al


100 90 80 70 60

60 40

50 40 30 20 10 YES 0


INTERPRETATION 3he above table depicts that majority of respondents OE#6P are aware about easy finance scheme of 7ajaj where as rest 2#6 are not aware about it, from the analysis made it is being found majority of respondents are aware about easy finance scheme of 7ajaj.



=?: A1a!e)ess "# *%s$"me!s !e(a!&i)( #!ee se!0i*e s*+eme "##e!e& 4' Ba8a8 3able showing (wareness of customers regarding free service scheme offered by 7ajaj. Ta4le N" =? NO OF Sl 1 5 OPTIONS Aes 8o T"$al Chart: 13 TS E# 2# =BB NO OF E E# 2# =BB RESPONDEN PERCENTAG


100 90 80 70 60

60 40

50 40 30 20 10


INTERPRETATION Iut of 1## respondents surveyed majority of respondents OE#6P are aware about 5 tears free service scheme offered 7ajaj where as 2#6 are not aware. =rom the analysis made it is being found majority of respondents are aware about 5 years free service scheme offered by 7ajaj. @now about durability of 7ajaj vehicle through print media.



=D: A1a!e)ess "# *%s$"me!s !e(a!&i)( DTSi e)(i)e "# Ba8a8 0e+i*le 3able showing (wareness of customers regarding <3Si engine of 7ajaj vehicle Ta4le N" =D NO OF Sl 1 5 / 2 OPTIONS <?'I :(FFA <?(F?:S (!?:3"S?'?83S T"$al Chart: 14



100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 DEMO

48 40





INTERPRETATION 3he above table depicts that majority of respondents O216P are aware about <3Si engine of 7ajaj vehicle through :ally organized by the company 2#6 know through <emo E6 and (dvertisement respectively E6 know through dealers and (dvertisement respectively. =rom the analysis made it is being found majority of respondents are aware about <3Si engine of 7ajaj vehicle through :ally organized by 7ajaj.


=E: Opi)i") !e(a!&i)( Ba8a8 *%s$"me! se!0i*e 3able showing Ipinion regarding 7ajaj customer service. Ta4le N" =E NO OF Sl 1 5 / 2 OPTIONS >"%> S(3"S="?< S(3"S="?< <"SS(3"S="?< T"$al TS /# 21 E 1E =BB NO OF E /# 21 E 1E =BB RESPONDEN PERCENTAG

Chart: 15


100 90 80 70



60 50 40 30 20 10 0 HIGH SATISFIED SATISFIED

/# 1E 6


INTERPRETATION 3he above table depicts that majority of respondents O2#6P have rated satisfied towards 7ajaj customer service /#6 rated highly satisfied 1E6 started a dissatisfied and the rest E6 have rated neural. =rom the analysis made it is being found majority of respondents have rated satisfied towards 7ajaj customer service.


=F: E2pe*$a$i")s "# *%s$"me!s $"1a!&s Ba8a8 3able showingD ?&pectations of customers towards 7ajaj. Ta4le N" =F NO OF Sl 1 5 / OPTIONS I==I:<(7F? BG"C@ P"C@GP <G:(7F? SP(:?P(:3S T"$al
C+a!$ =F
100 54




90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 OFFERBLE RICE BY.E I.U S ARE ARTS 16 30


INTERPRETATION 3he above table shows that majority of respondents +26 are e&pecting 9uick pickup /#6 are e&pecting durable spare parts. =rom the analysis made it is being observed majority of respondents are e&pecting 9uick pickup from 7ajaj.


="8<"8%S SG%%?S3"I8S SG''(:A


Iut of 1## respondents surveyed majority of respondents O2#6P have pulsar 1+#. 'ost of the respondents OE26P know about basic idea regarding 7ajaj 'otor cycle. 'ost of the respondents O+26P rated good towards the 7ajaj Company service. "t is being observed that majority of respondents OEE6P are not aware about 7ajaj finance limited. "t is being found most of the respondents OE56P have rated e&cellent towards the performance of 7ajaj vehicle. Iut of 1## respondents surveyed majority of respondents O2#6P know about 7ajaj vehicle through print media.


SUGGESTIONS 'ajority of respondents OE#6P are aware about 2 years warranty offered by 7ajaj. 'ost of the respondents O+#6P are re9uesting finance from 7ajaj Company. 'ajority of respondents O2#6P got influenced by neighbour in making purchase decision of 7ajaj vehicle. Iut of 1## respondents surveyed majority of respondents O+26P know about 7ajaj vehicle,s mileage through rally conducted by 7ajaj. 'ost of the respondents O2#6P know about durability of 7ajaj vehicle through print media. "t is being observed that majority of respondents OE#6P are aware about easy finance scheme of 7ajaj.


SUMMAR 1## where in different occupational of people like 7usinessmen Professionals and ?mployees. 3his is a fact that among the motorcycles >ero >onda is the leader. People know about 7ajaj due to its leadership position in the market. (mong the 7ajaj motorcycle owners pulsurQ1+# and platina Q15+ is more owned while brands like Hpulsar and discover are less owned. 'ajority of the people owned 7ajaj 'otorcycles for the last three years while few of the owned them for the last si& years. 'ajority of the sample respondents bought 7ajaj by using both cash and credit while few of them bought them using cash only. People know about the 7ajaj through people as well as media. People consider attributes like H =uel efficiency :esale value and <urability most while attributes like- price and brand image are less consider. 'ajority of the sample respondents while few of them felt that the fuel efficiency is less.




BIBLIOGRAPHY 7II@S '(:@?3"8% '(8(%?'?83D P>"F"P @I3F?: 9Ni)$+ e&i$i") ,=>>G: P%4lis+e& 4' pea!s") e&%*a$i") !.S.:(*(8 S?K?8( 9T+!i& e&i$i"),CBBC: P%4lis+e& 4' Ma* mill") :(*(8 S?K?8( -T+i!& e&i$i") ,CBBC: P%4lis+e& 4' Ta$a M* G!a1 +ill C>:"S3IP?: FI!?FIC@ 9F"%!$+ e&i$i"),CBB=: P%4lis+e& 4' a&&i$i") -esle' L")(ma) p0$ l$& =G8<('?83(FS I= '(:@?3"8%D B' S$a)$")5 -illiam J3 B' Ca)&i##5 S$ill A G"0e)i

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