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Cross cultural negotiating (Summary)

The introduction to Chapter 10 clearly shows with one story many different ways to make a negotiation, persuasiveness and ability for the parties to reach a mutual agreement. Also, it is worth noting the importance of this type of situation to have good communication when making pacts or treaties. This chapter shows in detail the five phases to carry out a successful negotiation according to Graham and Herbergers research. NEGOTIATING A RELATIONSHIP The trust between the parties is essential to create a relationship among the negotiators, it is vital to be clear about the customs and culture with which you will deal to establish a good communication. Keeping the relationship between traders may lead to improvements in future negotiations, the benefits will be seen in the upcoming, but if somehow negotiators notice that the business does not go beyond being made, it is better to take this opportunity and make it the best to achieve a good goal in the situation. FINDING COMMON GROUND Show interest in solving problems that lead to mutual benefit helps to maintain the confidence and strength of the relationship. When negotiators fall into this stage of the relationship, it is substantial to perform an exchange of information, as long as they are clear about how convenient or profitable is what is being shared. Trying to solve the problems that the other party finds, it is advisable to determine the degree of impact and priority to be able to resolve them. An important point in the negotiations is to ask questions, the ability to perform determines the success of understanding and agreement settled. PERSUASION Persuade the other party is not an easy task, it requires a lot of experience and skills to achieve the goal. Having arguments of quality and not of quantity; giving a strong argument is enough to convince. In a conversation, being in silence for a while causes some concern because the other party does not know the reason, it can create confusion and it is a very useful tool in negotiating same as showing disagreement, but this must be known how to manage to avoid conflicts. Persuade with threats is not always successful, only when they will be really carried out. Avoid personal attacks; these can be used to blame the breakdown of the negotiations or to have a bad relationship that might arise between the parties. Finally, make the last offer to put pressure on the decision. CONCEDING AND BARGAIN Be clear about the kind of offers that are made in the culture that the negotiation is taking place. Not all countries see these offers as something positive; and when it is time to determine the price, a good advised should be to investigate clearly if the other party is willing to pay it. IMPLEMENTATION: LEGAL SAFEGUARDS By signing a contract, especially among different cultures, the negotiator should be aware of the legal system the contract will be exposed to. If for some reason the contract could not have been renegotiated, the legal implications and costs involved could be very high. USING INTERPRETERS Choosing a good interpreter is essential, not only because he or she must expresses what is being said in an accuracy way, but because he or she must stay out of the negotiations and not to exceed the limits and powers that have been assigned to him or her. IMPLICATIONS FOR THE MANAGER Review carefully all previous strategies, making personal questions to discuss the scope of the negotiation and determine the strengths and weaknesses when starting an agreement with different cultures takes place. Basically the chapter collects a series of steps to follow and be able to get remarkable skills in communication and carry out a successful negotiation.

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