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DAILY LESSON PLAN Date Class Time E r!lme t #u$%e&t T!

(i& )ear i g *rea : 28 July 2008 (Thursday) : 4 Gigih : 11.00 am 11.30 am : 3" : 'athemati&s : )e gth : +elati! shi( $et,ee u its !- le gth.

)ear i g .$%e&ti/e : 0 dersta d the relati! shi( $et,ee u its !- le gth. )ear i g .ut&!me : 1y the e d !- the less! 2 (u(ils ,ill $e a$le t!: (i) #tate 4 !ut !- 3 the relati! shi( $et,ee &e timetre a d milimetre &!rre&tly. 4re/i!us 5 !,ledge: 4u(ils ha/e lear ed ! h!, t! measure a d estimate the le gths !- !$%e&ts. '!ral 6alues Thi 5i g #5ill 6!&a$ulary +es!ur&es : Care-ul : C!m(ari g a d &! trasti g : 'easureme t2 relati! shi(. : 10 (lasti& rulers2 small ruler2 (a(er stri(s2 ,!r5$!!5.

Steps #et i du&ti! (7 mi )

Contents 8 tr!du&e the &! &e(t !relati! shi( $et,ee u its !le gth. 'eth!d: 9uesti! i g

#te( 1 (10 mi )

+elati! shi( $et,ee u its !le gth. 0 dersta d the relati! shi( $et,ee u its !le gth. 1 m A 100 &m 1 &m A 10 mm

#te( 2 (10 mi )

*ssessme t

Cl!sure (7 mi )

#ummary !- the less!

Teaching and Learning Activities 1. Tea&her ties u( 10 (lasti& rulers ,ith a ru$$er $a d a d (la&e the rulers ! a ruler. 2. Tea&her as5s (u(ils related :uesti! s: ;<hat is the le gth -r!m * t! 1=> ( 1 &m) ;?!, ma y (lasti& rulers are used=> (10 (lasti& rulers) 3. Tea&her e@(lai s a d relates that 10 mmA1 &m. 1. Tea&her guides (u(ils t! u dersta d the relati! shi( $et,ee u its !- le gth thr!ugh measureme t !- !$%e&ts i te@t$!!5. 2. Tea&her distri$utes (a(er stri(s !- e@a&t measureme t t! ea&h (u(il. i) 40 mm ii) 30 mm iii) 130 mm 3. 4u(ils (aste the (a(er stri(s i their e@er&ise $!!5s. 4. 4u(ils measure a d re&!rd the measureme ts !- the stri(s i mm a d &m. 1. 4u(ils are gi/e e@er&ises i their ,!r5$!!5. 2. Tea&her dis&usses the a s,ers. 1. Tea&her reDstresses ! the im(!rta t &! te ts !t!dayEs less! . 2. Tea&her gi/es h!me,!r5 related t! the t!(i&.

Remarks +es!ur&e: 10 4lasti& rulers2 #mall ruler.

6alue: Care-ul +es!ur&e: Te@t$!!5 Bear 4 ((age 134)2 4a(er stri(s.

Tea&her ,al5s ar!u d t! e sure (u(ils are measuri g &!rre&tly +es!ur&e: my'e t!r Tema 5u C1#+ Bear 4 1!!5 *


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