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DAILY LESSON PLAN Date Class Time Enrolment !u"#e$t Topi$ &earning 'rea : 2 July 2008 : 4 Gigih : 12.

00 1.00 pm : 3 : %athemati$s : Time : Time !$he(ule

&earning )"#e$ti*es : Constru$t a simple s$he(ule. &earning )ut$omes : i+ Constru$t, rea( an( e-tra$t in.ormation .rom a simple s$he(ule. /re*ious 0no1le(ge: /upils are .amiliar 1ith (aily a$ti*ities. %oral 2alues Thin0ing !0ill 2o$a"ulary : 'ppre$iate Time : Comparing an( $ontrasting : s$he(ule, (aily, a$ti*ity, $onstru$t, gather in.ormation, e-tra$t in.ormation. 3esour$es : 'nalogue $lo$0, .lash $ar(s, tas0 sheets

Steps !et in(u$tion 45 min+

Contents 3elate time 1ith e*ery(ay a$ti*ities 6hat time (i( you go .or re$ess7 6hat is the time your .a*ourite $artoon sho1 in T27 6hat time (i( you go to "e(7 :%y (aily a$ti*ities9

Teaching and Learning Activities 1. Tea$her as0s 8uestions relate( to time an( their e*ery(ay a$ti*ities. 2. /upils ans1er orally.

Remarks To re$all pupils9 un(erstan(ing a"out time.

!tep 1 415 min+

!tep 2 420 min+

1. Tea$her (is$usses (aily a$ti*ities an( puts up the senten$es on 6hat are you the "oar( 1ith pupils (oing (uring your help. .ree time7 2. /upils mat$h the a$ti*ities 1ith suita"le Do you go .or time using .lash $ar(s. playing a.ter .inish 3. Tea$her (ra1s a $hart your home1or07 1ith t1o $olumns. 4. Tea$her sho1s time using an analogue $lo$0. 5. /upils rea( the time an( re$or( it in the .irst $olumn. ;. /upils per.orm an a$ti*ity an( 1rite the a$ti*ity in the se$on( $olumn. <. /upils ans1er 8uestions as0e( "y tea$her "ase( on the s$he(ule. >an(s?on?a$ti*ity. 1. /upils $ut out a "lan0 time?ta"le pro*i(e( "y tea$her an( paste it in the e-er$ise "oo0. 2. /upils plan their time? ta"le .or a (ay "y

2alue: 'ppre$iate Time 3esour$es: =lash $ar(s

3esour$es: Tas0 sheet '

!tep 3 415 min+


.illing in the "lan0s. 1. /upils are gi*en e-er$ises in their 1or0"oo0. 2. Tea$her (is$usses the ans1ers.

my%entor Teman0u @A!3 Bear 4 Aoo0 ' Tea$her 1al0s aroun( to ensure pupils are ans1ering $orre$tly 3esour$es: Tas0 sheet A To in$orporate the .un element in learning.

Closure 45 min+

%ini game: :Aingo9

1. Tea$her (istri"utes tas0 sheet A. 2. /upils play the game a$$or(ing to the tea$her9s instru$tions. 3. The .irst person says CAingoDE "e$omes the 1inner.


&e$turer9s $omment:

Tas0 sheet '

/lan a time ta"le .or yoursel. .or any (ay o. the 1ee0

Day: ___________________ Time Activities

Tas0 sheet A

8:30 4:45 6:25

9:40 12:00 6:35

11:40 8:10 11:55

7:35 11:15 9:55

2:20 10:50 1:40

2:30 5:20 10:45

8:45 3:45 11:20

5:35 4:15 3:30

9:25 11:00 6:05

10:10 5:45 10:20

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