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NUMBER 229 MAY 1987

Founded 1967 $2.50



(USPS 002-970)
(ISSN 0270-6822) For all practical purposes, there are only two categories or
103 Oldtowne Rd. classes of people: the Haves and the Have-Nots. This distinction
Seguin, Texas 78155-4099 U.S.A. applies equally to political power, ICMs, the climbing of Mount
Everest, and the sighting of anomalous aerial phenomena or the
DENNIS W. STACY abduction encounter itself. One has either been to Beijing, or one
hasn't. In the case of UFO experiences of whatever sort, of course,
WALTER H. ANDRUS. JR. the Have-Nots still far outnumber the Haves. The question, then, is
International Director and
Associate Editor
not so much whether UFOs exist (the Haves are already convinced;
the Have-Nots, for the most part, aren't) but whether the gap
Art Director
between the two parties is insurmountable?
Nowhere is this more critical than in the case of alleged
Contributing Editor abductions by alien humanoid beings. Either one has been to
Magonia, in Vallee's geography, or believes one has been, or one has
Contributing Editor not, or at least has no memory of having been (!). The editor of this
Journal stands precariously suspended in space, somewhere
between the two opposing vantage points. To judge prematurely is
Promotion/Publicity to plummet into the abyss of certainty, from which only opinions
emerge. And opinions are only as substantial as the air they are
Public Relations made of. Mine seem pretty firm Monday, Wednesdays and Fridays,
but I wouldn't try walking on them Tuesdays, Thursdays, and
Religion and UFOs Saturdays. Sunday is still reserved for a day of rest, and hence the
present colloquy centering on Whitely Strieber's controversial
Books/Periodicals/History Communion and the UFO abduction experience in general, with the
Journal serving as a forum for exchange of ideas and, yes, opinions.
Promotion/Publicity We hope neither are set in stone and that time, if nothing else, will
provide some solutions, however ohaky. In the meantime, all we
GREG LONG have to fear is the fear of falling.
Staff Writers
Landing Trace Cases
In this issue
COMMUNION: A READER'S GUIDE by Dr. Michael Swords 3
Medical Cases AN OPEN LETTER TO DR. MICHAEL SWORDS by Whitlcy Stricbcr . .7
LEONARD STRINGFIELD by Rosemary M. Decker 8
UFO Crash/Retrieval WHAT IF THEY ARENT FRIENDLY? by Anne Druffel 11
Astronomy GALLUP POLL 17
BOOK REVIEW (Communion) by Richard Hall 18
THE JUNE NIGHT SKY by Walter N. Webb 18
DIRECTOR'S MESSAGE by Walt Andrus 20
COVER (Art @ 1987 Ted Jacobs/Photo by Dennis Stacy
Editor/Publishers Emeritus
(Formerly SKYLOOK) The Mutual UFO Network, Inc. is exempt from Federal Income Tax under
Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. MUFON is a publicly
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Membership/Subscription rates: The contents of the MUFON UFO JOURNAL are determined by the editor, and do
$25.00 per year in the U.S.A.; $30.00 not necessarily represent the official position of MUFON. Opinions of contributors
foreign in U.S. funds. Copyright 1987 are their own, and do not necessarily reflect those of the editor, the staff, or MUFON.
by the Mutual UFO Network. Second Articles may be forwarded directly to MUFON. Responses to published articles may
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4099. Permission is hereby granted to quote from this issue provided not more than 200
words are quoted from any one article, the author of the article is given credit, and the
statement "Copyright 1987 by theMutualUFO Network, 103OldtowneRd.,Seguin,
Texas 78155" is included.
By Dr. Michael Swords
Michael Swords is an associate encounter with the deepest reaches of existence...the "meaning of it all."
professor of natural sciences at the person itself. Here, the anxiety of Other intelligences "from" whatever
Western Michigan University, the world overlaid on the stated lifelong aspect of reality are interacting with us
Kalamazoo. drive of self-transformation (an ascent at our place in Space-Time not for
beyond the meaningless, the absurd, "academic," " r e s e a r c h , " or
and the animal) expresses itself in a "pragmatic" needs, but for a more
An experience, or set of dissociative encounter with the Cosmic purpose in line with the Design
experiences, can be essentially innermost core of the self (the mantis; of the whole created Universe. At this
internally or externally activated. Given the she). The author would have higher order of reality, their purpose
the e x t r e m e richness of . t h e encountered what some multiple might be beyond understanding, but of
experiences, and the extreme poverty personality researchers refer to as the some s p i r i t u a l i z i n g , p e r f e c t i n g
of external impact, this set of "Inner Self Helper" (the ISH), a spiritual objective. Are they attempting to create
experiences seem best judged as core aware directly of the Divinity and a Universal resonance or harmony of
internally activated. This still does not the realm of the spiritual, almost pure soul, arid we are a very off-beat note in
tell us what we are dealing with. intellect, loving without hate, and the Concerto of the Cosmos? Are they
If one does not assume that only a potentially in contact with other travelers from the Universal End-Times
limited, materialistic, and deterministic spiritual intellectual cores. The trying to retro-fit some especially ugly
reality exists, then a variety of confrontation with the ISH could historical scars? Such matters "passeth
hypotheses are possible within which to require the drastic transformation of understanding" as regards reason, but
frame Communion. Four such the current persona, which is perhaps are still within reach of
categories of hypotheses are threatening to that persona, as, in some intuition.
diagrammed in the accompanying sense, it is the "death" of that phase of All the options have been sketched
figure. A few thoughts on each follow. the animal-man. in "internalist" terms. ET does not "fly
A: The Clinical Hypothesis. This C: The Scientific Hypothesis. This in" in planetary excursion modules, and
would be. the choice of the skeptic- is called "scientific" only in that it would disembark to accomplish some
debunker. It does not mean that this point to another ontological segment of recognizeable goal. There is almost
theory is necessarily wrong, however. universal reality not previously known nothing in the entire volume of episodes
The hypothesis would see the author as but potentially exploreable. In this, which calls up an externally arising
he is: ingenious, vivid, concerned to the hypothesis the Communion reality. The hypotheses are
point of anxiety about many things, experiences are touched off by "other extravagant; but the tales are
knowledgeable about esoterica, and a beings" entering our Space-Time extravagant. The debunkers might
willing dweller in the fantastic. It would "internally," through the conscious- wonder why we'd even want to
add to that description the hypothetical nesses of ourselves. This would require consider B, C, or D (or varieties of the
idea that the author's mind reacts to a multi-dimensional and parallel-reality same). That attitude ("do not seriously
excesses of anxiety with occasional vision of what is possible. The consider anything except the one thing
creative dissociative mind-states, not breaching of the dimensions (as that makes sense to me") is what makes
psychotic or harmful in character but Abbott's Flatland visualized for us) them d e b u n k e r s , and poor
extremely vivid and imaginative. He comes "out of nowhere" and potentially researchers. Rather than assuming that
achieves an extreme form of "artistic from "right inside." Matter transference we're so clever as to immediately be
state" bordering on multiple personality could be impossible; only thoughts and able to spot the truth without any in-
phenomena. The theory would add an fields may be projectable. These depth look, let's keep open as we
extremely supportive wife, who "others" could be Vallee's Magonians explore and probe.
intuitively knows that these episodes desiring an ultimate encounter and
are harmless, and that nothing "communion" for who knows what . CONSIDERATIONS
worthwhile is to be gained by further ends, or time-breachers from the
stressing or challenging her husband in future, claiming the right to manipulate In order to make a case that
an area of possible vulnerability. due to having to live with our something ofher than hypothesis A is
B. The Spiritual Hypothesis. This consequences. going on in Communion, we need to
occasionally seems to be the intuition of D. The Ultimate Hypothesis. In look both closely and widely at the
the author himself.. It would involve this view the experiences probe right to
much of the above, but with a true the ultimate ground and reason for (continued next page)

Date Odd Experiences Corroboration? Other Events in Life

1945 author born; father, a lawyer.
1946 .' •
1947 round object in sky; gray monkeys. no
1948 \
1949 I/
1950 Rsometime; , \ • '.'.••--'•
1951 H menaced by Mr. Peanut. no
1952 II fly ing over houses in a raft. :ho •
1953 V
1954 1 sunflower patch intruder. no ;' •

1955 1 object or meteor in sky. yesl

1957 train incident with father. no questioning his faith. ..'•'•' '
" fireball/skeleton assault. ?2 reading Kafka.
ii hanging triangle. no younger brother 'born.7
"wolf" appearance. no
1958 anti-gravity machine made. no • '
I960 •••' ;
1964 /
1965 "
1966 Whitman incident at U. Texas.
1967 larconic trance day. no read about Betty Hill abduction.
flashback to trance. no
U silver nail in head. no
1968 6 weeks of "mad travel." no U. Texas, B. A. degree.
1969 underground religious cult film.
1970 marriage to Anne. >
1971 '
1972 (sometime:
1973 Ismail figure with light. no . advertising account job.
1977 someone speaks thru stereo • ?3 designing fantasy games.
1978 menacing phone call. no publishes THE WOLFEN.
1979 people pouring thru windows. no drops fantasy games.
" screaming in neighborhood. ?4 son is born.
1980 dark figure - seltzer explosion. 75 Gurdjieff Foundation work.
1982 "White figure" incidents. yes» BLACK MAGIC.
1983 3-hour time loss. no NIGHTCHURCH.
1984 fog-drive incident no WARDAY.
1985 flying around the room. no reading Meister Eckhardt.
ti mysterious footsteps outside. no wife threatened separation.
" the October 4 affair. yes7
ii the December 26 affair. no
1986 triangular cuts experience no
it bedside visit with smile. no
in-bed nostril insertion. no COMMUNION.
phenomena which are displayed before
us. I can't do this job for us here in this
Footnotes to Reader's Guide: (W.S. .= Whitley Strieber) "Introduction" to the experiences.
And, certainly, all the needed facts are
1. A friend tells W.S. via a phone call that he remembers a huge, strange- not in (surely not, simply by reading the
looking object (in sky?). There is no documentation of this call or friend, contents of the book). But maybe a few
however. intuitions as to "things to consider"
2. An elaborate tale of an assault on W.S. by a skeleton on a motorcycle would be worthwhile.
with consequent sticking something in his hair is not confirmed. His a) Is any of the information
sister .remembers a green fireball, which W.S. doesn't. That is all. transmitted to, or the physical
3. We must assume that wife Anne also heard a voice through their stereo activity inflicted upon, the author
since W.S. specifically says so. No direct testimony from Anne is objectively verifiable? (the answer
recorded, however. to this so far seems to be "not
4. We must assume that wife Anne also heard terrible screams in the really");
neighborhood since W.S. says that they woke her arid the two of them b) Are very specific details
called police. No direct testimony from Anne, again, however. (not accountable by any other
5. An elaborate tale of being observed by 6 tar babies around bed, plus a reasonable hypotheses) reported
praying mantis being in the living room, is not confirmed. Anne, both by the author and other
theoretically, would confirm that their son was crying and a seltzer independent (demonsfrab/y
bottle broke in the kitchen, as that is what W.S. writes that she independent) reporters?;
experienced. ' " • ' • • c) Can the author regenerate
6. There are four "experiences" in the "white figure" series. Firstly, Anne any of the types of experiences
said she was poked in her sleep. Secondly, W.S. said he was struck on , while in the presence of outside
arm. Thirdly, son said he was poked. Fourthly, babysitter said she saw observers?;
kid in white sheet in window. Confirmation, .if any, comes from d) Can an experienced MPD
hypnosis on Anne. Her testimony is confused. She clearly says that she (multiple personality disorder)
didn't see anyone or anything; just was poked while'asleep; and that hypnotist reach an ISH core of the
W.S. first started talking about little white things. All her subsequent author, and will the author
. "description" of a being was in response to imagining what it might look , . ; • experience it as the 'central
like. • ;" ' .;;'"' • abductor creature?;
7. Again the elaborate ^aspects of the event are not confirmed. Any e) If some sort of regeneration
corroboration rests oh the testimony of Anne and two visitors, Jacques of the experience can be
and Annie. No documentation is provided for Jacques and Annie so we • accomplished, what, happens to
must be content with what W.S. says they reported. Annie's memories brain scan patterns while this is
are wildly confused, hot remembering what WiS. said to her and taking place?; ,
changing her recollections. She remembers the bang of a door pushed f). Can the author in any way
against a wall. W.S. later discovers an indentation in his bedroom . "lead others" .into the sharing of
where his door had been so pushed sometime or another. Annie also the experience...can this occur in
'remembered the movement of feet upstairs.VJacques' memory is of • an a b d u c t e e "circle"...can
; being awakened by a light at 4:30 a.m. and the light being gone quickly. "outsiders" be integrated as well?;
W.S. says his wife remembered the bang, but Anne says "no," Anne g) Will certain external help
also saw no light. She says instead that W.S. was up aH'night "doing bring the experience on? (colors,
things." She heard son scream arid W.S. go to him/Later more specific pulsations, tones, flashes of light,
"details" arise only in response to a suggestion to fantasize about what drugs of central nervous system
may have been going on. ... ' altering types);
*: Other seemingly corroborative details, such as pains, prick-rharks, These, are just a few'speculations
bruises, and even triangular incisions do .riot constitute independent and queries, all of which .are aimed at,
verification of anything, unfortunately, as we cannot determine how the hope of broadening the experiential
they occurred, who inflicted them (i.e. W.S. coulddo so, potentially), .base beyond the unpredictable
or, in some cases, whether they occurred at all. comings-and-goings in the individual
**: Testimony of W.Si's son is not included here in any of the experiences. mind. As long as all (essentially all) the
This may or may not be proper. It has been excluded only because of "data" comes from the inside of a single
, ,the powerful potential for idea suggestibility which exists, and which' human mind, there is little or nothing
comes through the pages of the book to the reader especially strongly that we can conclude. Buf if some
as regards this, particular father and son. objectification can take place, then
maybe we can see what's going on.
Until then, we have little right to assume

(continued next page)

The Phenomena

Internal, primarily primnrily External.

Self-originated Self-originated Other-originated Other-originated

and of "clinical" and of "spiritual" and of "scientific" and of "ult imntp"

importance. importance. importance. ' importance.

(Hypothesis A) (Hypothesis B) (Hypothesis C) (Hvpottiesis D)

A handful of brief notes for the interested pursuer of the truth:

GUIDE, Continued
1. Kafka. Franz Kafka was an early 20th century novelist from that any one answer is obvious, and
Austria. His work pictures modern humanity as living in an must be content to say: that is a very
incomprehensible and often absurd world. His heroes labor in hope among interesting set of experiences...perhaps
confusion and their own actions are usually encumbered in absurdity as quite important, as well.
well. W.S. was reading Kafka as a 12 year old, while doubting his This writer, by the way, thinks that
Catholicism, watching his place in the family threatened by a baby brother, all four of the hypotheses are
and in the midst of the key (apparently) year of 1957, wherein he interest ing i and very important...euen
experienced an extremely threatening occurrence with his father on a train hypothesis A. To disregard any of these
ride. types of experiences as "scientifically
2. Gurdjieff. G.I. Curdjieffwas a Russian "mystic" of the first half of the uninteresting" is mindless.
20th century. He taught that we are all born in a, sort of somnambulent
state of animality and extremely limited awareness. It is our duty to the
cosmological process/design to labor to acquire the true state of
transformed humanity: Individual expanded consciousness, true free will,
and the immortality of the soul. The whole thrust of life (and Gurdjeiff's
method) was a struggle to awaken, to transform. Life was a sort of inner
warefare, gradually stripping away the masks of the self, and exposing
(often painfully) the naked but true "I am" beneath. W.S.'s interest in
Gurdjieff is a natural outgrowth of his incessant desire to find
transformation, and, with that, meaning in Kafka's absurd world.
3. Eckhardt. Meister Eckhardt was a 14th century German "mystic, "a
Dominican monk. His driving need was to live so as to "be with God," to be
"deiformis," God-patterned. Eckhardt felt that each of us has within us a
spark of the Divine, a bit of the fire and light of God, and that our soul is like
a cup which contains this light. Deep within us we can achieve a
touchstone with the fundamental groundwork of all being; at our "If-
innermost core we participate in life purely and, in a sense, achieve a union
(a Communion?) with God, with Jesus Christ, with Nature. Eckhardt
suggests that to truly, wholly, and meaningfully "be, "we must let the world
be (quit manipulating), and then surrender oneself, and let the self be (in
God's image). Again there is the need to abandon the mask-of-
manipulation shielding the self...a threat to the present complex of the
persona...a death of the false selves.
By Whitley Strieber
Dear Dr. Swords: public and the media rejected the book, The absurdity of UFO investiga-
I have read your "Reader's Guide" they had steeled themselved to provide tors dismissing this sort of testimony
to my book Communion. I was affadavits of their experiences. But. this based on the fact that it is often
fascinated to see the way in which you has not proven necessary because of contradictory and full of confusion
chose to dismiss the witness testimony the generally healthy atmosphere of again suggests the subordination of
in order to fit your desired outcome that open-minded skepticism that prevailed. good thinking to emotion, in the sense
my experience be limited to internal The purpose of Communion was that the investigators are overly eager
generation. To describe Annie not to prove anything at all. The book to dismiss that which1 does not fulfijl
Gottlieb's testimony, for example, as was written from a skeptical viewpoint. their wishes.
confused because she changed one However, I will resist any attempt to I was warned by the other
statement is an error. Given the high foreclose any hypothesis at this time. abductees before writing Communion
level of strangeness that she Such a course is premature. that it would be dismissed by the
encountered, her testimony is rather I am increasingly becoming certain scientists and engineers in the UFO
cogent. that there are large elements of the community because it dealt primarily
Overall the care you took to try to UFO c o m m u n i t y who cannot with the spiritual and metaphysical,
diminish the validity of the witness successfully address the issue of aspects of the'experience. I believe that
content of the book strikes me as abductions in general, and my own case most of you-whether consciously or
suggestive that you began your in particular. I would not expose my not-seek a hoped-for outcome that
undertaking with a less than objective unnamed witnesses to you, for comprehensible, physical entities will
set of preconceptions about the nature example, because I would worry that one day emerge from discs and provide
of my experience-no doubt because any inquiry you made would also be you with a sensible solution to the
what has happened to me is too strange tainted with the same emotionalism mystery.
to fit the desired model of an experience that you displayed in not addressing the The abduction experience is
with more-or-less comprehensible witness issue objectively .in the first primarily a mystical experience, in the
visitors. place, and would thus be no -more sense that the stresses generated are
The tendency among UFO useful than your present analysis. similar to those created by initiation
investigators to unconsciously seek By contending that my experience . into the mystery cults of the old animist
after a hoped-for outcome interests me. is in no way external, you foreclose to religions. And the 'postlude
I wonder if you do not secretly hope yourself the compelling possibility that experienced by abductees-one very
that some sort of comprehensible "nuts a very real external force intentionally different from that reported in accounts
and bolts" ETs will eventually emerge disguised itself behind a screen of carefully edited and "massaged" by
into common life, and we will be able to seemingly internal material. Certainly, UFO investigators-is usually replete
gain sensible and understandable after having now read hundreds of with spiritual and paranormal life
knowledge from them. Certainly the abductee accounts sent me "post events.
lectures you have given and the mat- Communion," I would argue strongly The abduction experience as it
erial you have written for the MUFON that this possiblity should not be really happens is far more strange than
Journal would suggest that you hold ignored. Much of the reported material UFO literature would suggest-far
this outcome very dear to your heart. that has not been subjected to the richer, far more important, far more
Thus you seek rather hastily, I effects of hypnosis by UFO believers filled with implications about the nature
think, to dismiss the possibility that my with "nuts and bolts" preconceptions and future of man.
experiences derive from an external has the same odd quality that my case I suspect that all or most of the
physical source. To do this you bend displays. abduction experiences as reported by
over backwards to ignore the witness The truth is that there is an eerie UFO investigators may suffer from a
testimony by choosing to assume that combination of internal and external sort of unintentional, fictionalization.
my named witnesses are incoherent material here, made more difficult to They have been subtly altered to
and that any unnamed witness can sort out by the fact that the stress and suggest that a quite comprehensible
safely be ignored. I left some of the e x t r e m e s t r a n g e n e s s of the force is behind them. The strangeness
witnesses unnamed because of the experiences disrupts the ability, of even of my account makes some UFO
concern that they will be hounded by the most well-intentioned. witness to investigators hasten to conclude that it
members of the UFO community, provide an accurate report of his or her must represent internal experience,
debunkers and believers alike. Had the encounter. when the facts of the case even as
present in Communion suggest that be effectively treated. It is possible to experience may never be admissible to
this is quite uncertain. live with uncertainty and to do so at a final.understanding, not even if actual
My visitor experiences continued low anxiety level. This' is, however, a physical evidence is eventually found.
in 1986 and into 1987 and were far more learned behavior, not one readily Not even, for example, if the
extensively witnessed than anything available to the unprepared individual. government eventually turns out to
that has happened to me before-and, I I do not have any faith in the search have actual crashed discs hidden away.
think, than any other case that I am for "answers." If visitors are real, they Should physical artifacts be
aware of. . appear to me to be in almost total revealed, I feel that our best scientific
If I report these experiences, the1 .control;of the situation. Therefore the insights into their true, meaning will be
witness testimony will form an search is useless because it will not bear about as appropriate as that of the
important part of the story. fruit .until and if. they want it to..And Papuan witch doctors who formed a
„•" ,. Tarn uncertain at this time if I will when they are: ready to reveal the cargo, cult around the back cover of an
ever write further about it, though. 1 do answer, the mystery will at. once be old Agatha Christie novel found on a
not wish 'to subject myself to the solved. . roadside: .
annoyance of contending with •' It is- therefore, counterproductive .--i. All of their magic, even when it
"investig'atofs"and "debunkers" much for abductees to be bothered by.what perfectly fitted the intellectual
longer, and I certainly don't want to arej in essence, no more than curiosity paradigms put of which'it emerged, was
• expose my witnesses to the unpleasant seekers.'What is of primary importance not enugh to get the picture of old
and disturbing experience of being is the mental health outcome of the Agatha to give them a car in which they
publicly .doubted by clever people who people subjected to the visitor could travel to the heavenly .city beyond
are, in' essence, nothing more than experience. ' : the hills. , • • ;
ungrounded ideologists for one Insofar as the inquiries of the UFO I would suggest that the intellectual
scenario of contact or anpther--or for a community challenge the veracity of paradigm from • which you are
scenario bf no contact at all. abductees.or-as in your case-seem to 6perating-your entire mind, the mind
. Personally, I'have little interest in be dismissive of obvious possibilities to of science-is inappropriate to the study
identifying the force behind the suit a hopedifor outcome, they do not you have undertaken. This particular
abductions, and dislike seeing my further the goal of enabling people to reality/cannot, I suspect, be made to fit
testimony suborned by those who |ive comfortably with this extraordinary the patterns of thought with which you
concern themselves with this issue. and difficult experience, but rather seek to address it. Understanding is
The .issue of whether or not UFOs are .make it even harder for them. Thus, as going to elude the old, deterministic
real doesn't much concern me. What .far as those of us who must actually mind. As I said in Communion, this may
does interest me is how to make this cope w i t h the experience are be mankind's first encounter with a
difficult and stressful experience useful, concerned, your approach is quantum reality in the macrocosm. If
prat least endurable, to those who, have potentially just as undermining as that so, then entirely new paradigms of
i t .1. ; . : ' , , . , of a debunker like Philip Klass. thought are going to be needed. As a
• i' ,The direction I have taken involves - . ' - . . The idea of the visitors being as visitor said to an abductee, "your words
working , with . mental health strange as what is actually encountered are a misfortune." When they are used
professionals who are interested in is threatening even to many open- to try to twist new modes of experience
h e l p i n g , people cope w i t h o u t minded scientists because you sense into old forms of thought, they most
demanding that the possible quite that . this means you cannot ever certainly are.
inexplicable source of what happened understand the situation in terms that Sincerely yours,
to them be understood before they can are intellectually satisfactory. This Whitley Strieber


By Rosemary M. Decker

A chick, once hatched, can never effects: those of the first few weeks, wide open.
return to the shell... months or years following the event or As the initial, emotionally
-Old proverb events^ That the initial effects on the protective shock wears off, the
persons' lives and personalities are contacted persons become aware that
In order to get a clear view of the disturbing, often extremely so, should not only must their pre-concepts bf
long-term effects of close encounters not be amazing when we consider that what is scientifically possible be
on the encountered1 we need at least a their entire personal universe has, in a modified; fnei'r entire concept of earth-
brief review of typical short-term matter of. moments or hours, blown man's place in Creation must be re-
constructed. All of this takes time to many exaggerated reports and flights of silent except for the one or two person
sort out, naturally, and the witness, fancy. (However, it should be who shared the encounter with them.
contactee or abductee needs intensely remembered that some early- Yet, among the encountered I have
.to communicate with someone who will contacted folk were reliable, remaining known in person, nine of the twenty-
listen empathetically and without clear-eyed and level-headed through four were UFO researchers when their
judgment, while he looks, and sorts. the years.) contacts occurred! Because my
It is at just this crucial point that 2.) As our Earth folk gradually sampling is small, it may not accurately
additional difficulties often arise, which became aware that encounters were represent the overall ratio, but
will affect his personal life for years to occurring, they were less likely to feel nevertheless it points up an unhappy
come. Out of a sense of duty, he may totally isolated in the event. (This situation that should be, and must be,
take his story to the police or military. despite the fact that right from the start, mended if a great deal of valuable data
There, he may be shrugged off as either government agencies and the media in in the Quest for Truth is not to be lost
addled, hoaxing, or lying, or he may be general kept reported incidents to a irretrievably to the very groups formed
interrogated so exhaustingly or so minimum, and when ignoring and to acquire it. (And yet we read, Why
frighteningly that 'he spends the rest of , suppression,were impossible, resorted does the researcher never meet a
his life regretting his action. He may to debunking.) visitant?!)
confide instead in.'a trusted family 3.) Increasingly, as responsible The twenty-four persons on my list
member who fears he has gone "round UFO research associations formed and (all met 'personally and followed
the bend" and he consequently suffers were backed by reputable through on) run a wide crossrsection of
rejection in his home community. He professionals, the encountered and occupations. Half were/are in
may already be a UFO researcher, who close witnesses learned that they had professions ranging from aerospace
feels that the logical and safe place to resources for communication and through . anthropology, astronomy,
take his confidence is his local UFO counsel. This development has become engineering, social sciences and the
study group. Unfortunately, this can be world-wide. ministry. Several had had careers in the
most traumatic — the entire group may 4.) Since the majority of known armed services (one of these, a U.S.
exhibit suspicion and turn their backs. close encounters after the '60s involve . Navy "spotter" during WWII had
In order to save his job and status in the the involuntary abduction of those become interested through having
community, he then goes mum, and contacted, or the factor of "missing made sharp observations of UFOs
years later he may still hesitate to trust time" from an otherwise voluntary during his duty aboard ship in '44 and
anyone, however much he would like to contact (or both), the encountered no '45). Several are homemakers, one a
retrieve his "lost time." longer have to carry the burden of proof secretary, one a small business owner.
In short, the most distressing alone. Their situation has become quite Eleven have done some professional
emotional scars experienced by reversed! Since they often beat a path writing, mainly in various sciences, two
encountered people are not always to the door of a therapist or hypnotist in in science fiction; several of them in
resultant from the initial, "alien" hopes of "finding out what happened," UFO research. Two are teachers.
experience, but from the insensitivity, their position has become more Of those met in the '50s, there
distrust, and abuse at the hands of their credible; sympathy may replace were three I was unable to keep in
own fellow-men: these may have to be censure, and usually does. touch with over many years: my car
lived with indefinitely. mechanic, who moved away within
Nevertheless, over many years of UFO RESEARCHERS three years, and two who died quite
investigations, starting with incidents in young, of diseases contracted during
the early '50s, I have found the long- An exception to this generally their teens. The two whose lives were
term effects on the lives of the majority improved situation exists for the close- shortened, by amoebic dysentery and
of involved persons to be remarkably encountered who is himself a T.B., respectively, never regretted their
positive. researcher. In the words of one of them, encounters; ,on the contrary, they
One interesting development "At first I tried to explain to my pursued their consequent research into
throughout the "UFO era" has been colleagues in scientific and Ufology the UFO enigma with enthusiasm to the
t h a t , on average, the people circles what had happened. I soon end.
encountered later than the '50s have realized this was very unwise. The few The mechanic "Gary," whose
recovered more rapidly than the early spoken to gave me decidedly strange encounter had occurred in 1957, about
ones. There are several reasons for this looks, and I knew if I mentioned the two years prior to his telling me of it,
shift (and the reader may have subject again I'd destroy any credibility I had left auto racing as a career ("too
observed some I have missed; I would had as a reputable researcher...! have dangerous") and remained in auto
appreciate feedback on this, as on remained silent regarding the repair during all the years our family
other elements under discussion). ' experience for the last nine years..." knew him.
1.) The visitants have, on the Due to similar experiences among
whole, changed their approach, other researchers and enthusiasts in TEXAS ENCOUNTER
dropping most of the "open" UFO and paranormal studies, most of
encounters that had early resulted in so those contacted have learned to keep He continued to have a burning
curiosity as to the power-source of the who early did creditable research, seen to occur throughout. At least
space-craft that had intercepted his car writing, and lecturing — the latter to eleven persons' contacts involved some
one night on a long, open stretch of augment his fieldwork studies — later telepathy. A few remembered a
Texas highway. The craft, luminous wrote more and more conjecturally, childhood encounter — usually
and apparently circular with a dome, developing a philosophy of retreat as following the adult incident, or series of
moved rapidly into his startled vision his solid work faltered, and went i n c i d e n t s . D i f f e r e n t races of
and settled down on the road ahead, incognito until the end of his life, in humans/humanbids were involved.
blocking it completely from shoulder to 1986. , Some looked enough like us to go
shoulder. He braked; engine power arid Of the close-encountered met unnoticed in our streets (with
lights were gone; the car stopped only during the '60s and 70s (only nine, as appropriate dress and hair style)!
yards away from the craft. To his great my regular workload necessitated Others looked strange indeed, from pur
relief, he was not alone more than cutting back on investigations), all have viewpoint.
moments; a police car stopped behind managed very well, in the long view, In several instances, children of the
him, disgorging two officers who came most of them still living and active in involved contacted person, or a
up to his door, asking if he had a their chosen work, some just getting neighbor's children, were peripherally
working flashlight. None of their into their stride. . involved. This usually showed up as an
electric equipment was working, and of Of the two in aerospace immediate and intense interest in the
course neither was Gary's. engineering and research, one writes stars and in the question of Life in
At this point in his report my friend excellently (though rarely) on extra- Outer Space.
actually shed tears as he blurted out terrestrial technology. The other
that there had been people in the craft. scientist, soon after his encounter, ABSURDITIES
"They got out and WALKED attempted to communicate some of
AROUND the thing! They saw us and what he's learned to a limited number of To some, the most intriguing
they...sort of...talked...and we just sat persons w i t h i n t h e s c i e n t i f i c element was the .so-called "Absurdity
there, petrified, till they took off in the community. He has since sought an Factor." Remember the fellow who,
thing... Nothing's ever gonna be the even lower profile (in this regard), and asked by a visitant, "Are we in Italy or in
same again, and I haven't been able to very r e c e n t l y c o - a u t h o r e d an Germany?" was flummoxed because
talk to anyone till now. Who would outstanding book on astronomy. they were in France? These nifty little
believe me? And who knows what's One, a science fiction writer of shockers turned up now and then
going on?" note, kept the "Connection" from her among the group under consideration.
Gary added a final datum, which family, friends, and church throughout An involved woman was at one
"rang a bell" later on. His ESP abilities, her life. By fictionalizing, she managed moment listening intently to data being.
which he had taken for granted, as they to get across some advanced ideas, and volunteered on spacecraft capabilities
"ran in the family," had beenuery much some of her concern for the dangers and limitations; suddenly the man
augmented since the night of the close our present Earth race is imposing on asked, "What have you? What is yours,
encounter. He had wanted to compare itself arid on the planet that sustains us. paid for?" Boggled, but determined to
notes with the two officers, but was The minister and priest, happy cope, she replied, "The refrigerator and
unable to locate them again. with their broadened horizons and the children." (Strikes your funny
Of the others I met during the '50s, more concerned than ever with the bone? His, too — he was reported to
most led stable lives, increasingly alert, need f o r u n d e r s t a n d i n g a n d have laughed, rollicking, relaxed, "right
open-mined, and to quote one, cooperation between peoples — both from the boots up.")
"universe-oriented." Of the others in within and beyond their own religious Those whose bodies had been
this group, three published their doctrines — have come under the t e m p o r a r i l y p a r a l y z e d and/or
accounts — two of them eagerly; the censure of their respective churches. examined felt that the physical restraint
third more cautiously — about four The priest has been forbidden to use was more u p s e t t i n g than the
years after the incident and "diary" of it. church time to communicate the Strangeness factor, and for those with
The former two, shortly after receiving source of his widened horizons, but on "time loss" the need for at least one
much publicity, began to embroider his holidays he makes use of every empathetic listener was especially
their reports, increasingly unable to possible hour. crucial. As Ron Westrum points up in
separate Fact from Fancy, and The social service worker and the Post Abduction Syndrome2, "Keeping
increasingly frenetic to convince their newspaper journalist, both already the experience to oneself intensifies the
public. One resumed a normal living UFO researchers when their contacts distress and disorientation." The
pattern, however, within a few years. occurred, were given a rough time importance of locating a kindly and
The other, to the alarm of his friends within their immediate groups, but they skillful listener cannot be
(who were already worried about the have both pursued their UFO-related overemphasized.
deterioration in his character), pushed work on their own. For almost all of those in the group,
himself beyond endurance and died Looking at all twenty-four of these the long-term benefits . have far
while on an extended lecture tour. people as a group, across the span of outweighted the cost of the temporary
One promising young scientist, about 30 years, certain elements are loss of balance so often accompanied
by broken human relationships. Among themselves and others "in the same being shared by all, it is that which
the recognized gains that occurred boat," whether acquainted personally topped like cream in Dr'. Leo Sprinkle's
most often: or not. A growing interest in the human work with 225 self-reporting
An increased sense of creativity mind and brain: "Know Thyself." witnesses/contactees over a period of
and constructive purpose. Augmented Increased awareness of the wonders years.3 , •• . '
alertness. An impression that the and magnitude'of the Cosmos. Greater "...Emerging evidence supports
visitors and their vehicles often move concern for the well-being of our ailing the speculation that contactees view
into our chemical universe from a Planet. Appreciation of the ever- themselves as changing from 'planetary
parallel one (somehow physical but not increasing data being made available by persons' to 'Cosmic citizens'..."
chemical) and out again. An awareness UFO' groups and individuals, which
of telepathic communication as a provide background information, moral NOTES •••'•';'
potential in human development. support, and often (happy bonus!), 1) Effects on those doing the visiting also deserves
Interest in the "Ancient Astronaut" friendships. ' • study, if it can be managed!
'2) "Post Abduction- Syndrome," Dr.' Ron
aspect; the what, when, and why of Of course there have been gains Westrum, Dec. 1986 MUFON UFO Journal.
visitations alluded to in legendary and specific to the individual,. as well as 3) "Personality Characteristics of UFO
Scriptural writings, world-wide. A more general ones I have not yet Wit nesses," Dr. Leo Sprinkle, University of
developing sense of fellowship between observed. But if there is one close to Wyoming, 1986.' ' . -


By Anne Druffel

Ann Druffel is a frequent Strieber.'s conclusions alone, and are been publicly addressed. The main
contributor to the Journal. very different indeed from the majority problem with, Communion, in my
of different views held by Researchers opinion, is that the book does not
Together with the majority of UFO worldwide. Strieber is, of course, • consider, in any way, that the entities
researchers, I awaited publication of entitled to his own conclusions, but so which entered the Strieber home might
Communion with anticipation, since it are his readers. not have the well-being of the human
represented the first time a recognized Strieber's impressions of the race in mind. And yet Strieber
personage (author Whitley Strieber) entities' possible nafure are unique and hypothesizes, without appearing
had publicly revealed that he had can be very misleading to casual troubled at the prospect, that the
repeated encounters with "UFO. readers as well as to more entities wish to enter into a state of
occupants." discriminating students who do not, "communion" with the human race.
The book is very well-written; in however, have wide knowledge of UFO To Strieber, the entities he has
parts it is almost poetic. His statements literature. To be sure, Strieber encountered since childhood are either
concerning his "UFO encounters" are undoubtedly is a careful writer and, intelligences from unknown dimensions
no different, in general context, from according to reliable researchers who or else they are projections of
the hundreds of other less well-known know him — such as Jerry Clark, Budd witnesses' own minds, taking on reality
witnesses worldwide. In these ways, the Hopkins and Bruce Maccabee — he is a as "gods." In the last hypothesis, he
book is certainly an important work and sane, trustworthy and stable individual. likens these beings to the "gods"
should be read by all those with an The incidents described in the created by more primitive civilizations
authentic interest in unraveling the book, therefore, probably did happen in to explain unknown phenomena in
truth of these enigmatic incidents. . some state of reality or altered reality, nature. All "gods," according to
C o m m u n i o n , h o w e v e r , is and he has recorded the experiences to Strieber, apparently come into being by
disquieting. Instead of giving the the best of his understanding. Not reason of the actions of human minds
impression that its publication'would knowing Whitley Strieber personally, I — similar to primeval archetypes, if
aid the efforts of UFO research around can only judge from the point of view of you will.
the world, it left me with a distinct others who know him, and whom I, in Strieber explains he was a Catholic
feeling that it might serve to discredit turn, know and trust. in his youth but lost faith because of
our growing field. personal doubts and questions which
Readers of this book — especially BEST INTERESTS? religion could not answer to his
new proponents of UFO study — satisfaction. Though he does not state it
should be aware, that as far as the However, there are portions of the directly as such, he seems to share the
philosophy and speculations in book which can be judged from other growing belief among many people of
Communion are concerned, they are objective viewpoints which have not metaphysical bent that we are all gods,
and/or that we all have God within us, UFO researchers throughout the might be termed "bad," at least, for the
and/or that all together we are God. country whose identity is known to the hunter who has been trampled
The philosophy that all human public. underfoot. The same hunter, viewing a
beings are God, or that "God" is , The awakening of old "abduction" giraffe browsing on high trees might
synonymous .with all .human beings memories will no doubt add to our data term this animal "neutral," since it has
combined is a basic tenet of most base of reported CE IVs, but do we little or no interest in the human being
"entities" being channeled by multiple really need this? The '.number of passing by. If the African hunter goes to
"mediums" worldwide. Whether the reported "abductions" is already so the coast and is guided, in a boat,
channeling phenomenon holds truth or overwhelming that .there are not through a dangerous channel toward
falsehood is hot. applicable here, but enough researchers available to the open sea by a friendly porpoise, that
channeling does occur, and is investigate them properly. Can a new animal might properly be termed
proliferating, at a great rate. . plethora of cases provide us with any "good." .
One of the interesting things about new or ' verifiable information .about Good, bad, and neutral, therefore,
it is that many persons who obtain their UFO occupants and their motives? . are not only attributes ascribed to other
philosophy from channeling mediums However, Communion's' ,,• main species on our own earth but also could
translate these philosophical concepts disquieting effect is that Strieber does properly be applied to other
regarding "God" to mean that God is not :,seem to recognize; .that many intelligences outside our normal
not a separate Being from themselves, people claiming "UFO abduction physical environment. The entities
and therefore the idea of a Creator- experiences" are emotionally damaged, encountered by Strieber and most CE
creature relationship is essentially rather than .uplifted/, by their IV witnesses produce human reactions
phased out. This same thinking also . experiences. Many display mental and, of terror and confusion. Terror is the
phases out, in . their minds, .the emotional damage for years. .It is most important reaction, since it
possibility that there are created extremely difficult to separate fact from strikes at the very heart of an
"good" and "evil" beings in/ the fiction as regards these abduction- individual's mental, emotional and
universe, or .to put it another way, the* scenarios; many times we are unable to physical well-being, even though the
duality of nature. I do not know whether tell if these persons are damaged entities in abduction-scenarios seem
Strieber obtains his philosophy from because of a real experience or, to have the ability to calm or otherwise
channeling, 'but his ideas on "gods" conversely, if they are reporting paralyze human' emotions, changing
seems closely related to some of its "abduction experiences" because they terror to awe or curiousity, etc.
concepts. were. emotionally unstable in the first Author Strieber speaks of a terror-
Aside from this, however, place. All we can be sure of at this stage awe-love relationship he felt toward
Communion contains the potential of of the game is that there are many some of the creatures who interacted
harm to those parts of the populace rational productive persons reporting, . with him. Pale copies of this syndrome
who are: 1.) seeking reliable these types of terror-filled experiences. have been described by other witnesses
i n f o r m a t i o n about, t h e U F O For the past ten years, I have in UFO literature, but never so plainly
phenomenon and who might accept actively engaged in psychic research, as in Communion. The feelings of terror
Strieber's speculations wholesale, both on my own and, at times, in and awe are perfectly understandable
without further investigation; 2.) deeply association with the professional in the light of their experiences, but the
disturbed, either consciously or research laboratory, the Mbbius word "love," used either in an
subconsciously, by reason of "UFO" Society in Los Angeles, CA. Years of emotional or intellectual sense, seems
encounters they have themselves study into psychic phenomena and the totally out of context.
experienced in the past, and who might nature of human consciousness have Strieber also seems convinced that
think that Strieber's book "gives them led me to a logical conviction that there the entities he has encountered since
the answers." are intelligences of many forms, youth are, in turn, fearful of their
existing not only in our own space-time captives, and he states that other
REAWAKENED MEMORIES but also in dimensions other than our witnesses whom he has met report the
own physical and material universe. , same impression. During twenty years
The depiction of the large-eyed According to the effects such of interviewing persons who describe
entity on the cover, or even casual intelligences have upon human beings UFO abduction experiences, I have
reading of portions of the text, has an with whom they interact, they may be never encountered anyone who has
uncanny ability to disturb such; loosely labeled "good," "bad" and even mentioned anything like this. In
persons. I had four.calls in ten days, "neutral." my experience, the sanest witnesses
through our SKYNET 'filter center, The terms "good" and "bad" are reported only the following: 1.) that the
from people who were seeking help and inadequate, to be sure, and will entities were completely in control of
advice because the book has stirred old probably be unacceptable to some the situation and the witnesses
memories of encounters with unknown readers of this article. An. example, resented (at least initially) being held
entities. How many dozens will call in therefore, might help. If one were a against their will; 2.) that the entities
the next few weeks is anyone's guess. hunter on safari in Africa and tangled seemed to be highly-evolved beings
This is doubtless happening to many with a rogue elephant, that animal who were careful of the comfort of their
"guests" and did not at any time invoke higher course of spiritual evolution). I who traumatize and terrorize ;those
terror in them. None of Strieber's refer to entities on the order of nature with whom they interact. Besides this,
entities, however, fell into this second devas, or even so:called "angels," the word "Communion," used in one
group! .'.. described in Judeo-Christian, Muslim, sense, is-almost a sacred word to.most
Strieber also states that the other ,and other spiritual texts. I can relate to persons of the Christian faith, who
witnesses he has met, with a single the idea of nature devas (being an regard it as,a symbol, if not an actual
exception, stated they felt the same enthusiastic gardener), but what physical joining, of the human being
strange "love" toward the entity manner of creature or creatures with the Creator.
abductors. I have never come across a "angels" might be, I haven't a clue, If Communion is accepted by
report of a "love" reaction in the dozens except a conviction, formed from logic, readers as anything more than the
of abductees I have interviewed, that they have the welfare of the Strieber family's experiences with
.although in a few cases, witnesses human race at heart. "UFO entities" and as personal
report' meeting ."entities" in the craft UFO entities of the ilk involved in speculation about the entities' motives,
that they felt they "knew" and "liked." typical abduction-scenarios, by reason I believe this book may ultimately result
In reading of Strieber's terrbr-awe- of their actions and apparent motives, in harm and discredit to the field of
love syndrome, an alarm bell rings. fall more into the classes of beings UFO research.
How could human witnesses "love" variously termed .trolls, demons,
creatures that have traumatized them, jinns, etc., depending upon the source
at least temporarily taken away by which they are described. These are UFO NEWSCL1PPING
their rights and, perhaps, left them with beings which, for their own reasons, SERVICE
lasting emotional problems. Can the seem to be inimical toward human The UFONEWSCLIPPING SERVICE
"love" reaction possibly be explained as beings. Why Strieber. should assign to will keep you informed of all the latest
a fast-acting "Stockholm syndrome" them "good" or helpful motives, such as United States and World-Wide UFO
effect of which some UFO entities wishing to help us evolve-into higher activity, as it happens! Our service was
might be capable? If this is the types of beings through "communion," started in 1969, at which time we
contracted with a reputable
explanation of the inexplicable "love" does not seem logical. The thought is, international hewspaperrdipping
reaction, the alarm bell rings louder, for frankly, downright creepy! bureau to obtain for us, those hard to
that would mean we are dealing with Other aspects of Communion are find UFO reports (i.e., little known
"ultraterrestrial terrorists!" It might be troubling, . as well. Two or three photographic cases,, close encounter
well, also, to point out that many cults descriptions (one in transcript form) and landing reports, occupant cases)
use a similar abuse-kindness technique have explicit sexual overtones, .in and all other UFO .reports, many of
which invokes loyalty among their describing interaction between the which are carried only in small town or
foreign newspapers.
members. witness and one or more of the entities.
"Our UFO Newsclipping Service
. This sexual element, of course, is not issues are 20-page monthly reports,
FALLEN ANGELS? uncommon in abduction-scenarios, but • r e p r o d u c e d by p h o t o - o f f s e t ,
other writers have been able to containing the latest United States and
Non-human entities who trap describe these activities in terms more Canadian 'UFO newsclippings, with
human beings in seemingly genuine CE acceptable to objective readers. One our foreign section carrying the latest
IV experiences can, in my opinion, be cannot help butiwonder whether these British, Australian, New Zealand and
other foreign press reports. Also
labeled as "bad" or "evil," and do not graphic portions .are for the sake of
included is a 3-5 page section of
have the welfare of the human race at boosting sales rather than adding to "Fortean" clippings (i.e. Bigfoot and
heart. Poring through folklore, myths, researchers' knowledge. other "monster" reports). Let us keep
and texts such as the Bible and the Another troubling aspect is the you informed of the latest happenings
Koran, it becomes apparent that so- title of the book itself. Strieber's initial in the UFO and Fortean fields." •
called "UFO entities" could fit easily, • wisr^ waS'that the book,be entitledBody For subscription information and
into classes of. beings which are not Terror, an apt ,name for the sample pages from our service, write
today to:
attuned with the Creator. In contrast, experiences described in it. the
most human beings try for attunement request of the entities themselves, UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE
with whatever form of "God" they according to Strieber, the titled was Route 1 — Box 220
believe in, by reason of worldwide use changed , to Communion. Strieber Plumerville, Arkansas 72127
of prayer, meditation, etc. practiced seems to be convinced that the entities
according to each individual's personal wish to establish "communion" with
and private beliefs. the human race, and he seems assured
In contrast to UFO entities which by them that a state of shared MUFON
terrorize and traumatize human consciousness would benefit both the
witnesses, folklore, myths, and various human race and the non-human entities
103 Oldtowne Rd.
metaphysical writings describe entities involved. I do not agree. Seguin, Texas
which help and/or guide human beings The human race has no need to 78155
(be it with daily problems or in the establish "communion" with any beings

JOURNAL OF University; Roy B. Mackal, University England, HD6 2QR.

SCIENTIFIC EXPLORATION of Chicago; Earl F. McBride, University . * * *
of Texas; Robert L. Morris, University Bob Bletchman's project to launch
ELMSFORD, NEW YORK, of Edinburgh, UK; Ron Westrum, an ad campaign prepared by Charnas,
March 30, 1987 -- Robert Miranda, Eastern Michigan University. Inc. (ad agency) has been publicized in
President of Pergamon Journals, Inc., Further .information about OMM magazine, March, 1987, in an
announces the forthcoming publication subscriptions may be obtained by article by Dennis Stacy. A special
of a new journal entitled Journal of contacting Pergamon Journals, Inc., escrow bank account has been opened
Scientific Exploration, to be published Fairview Park, Elmsford, NY 10523. at the NBC Bank of Seguin, TX for
semi-annually beginning this summer. Tel: (914) 592-7700; Telex: 13-7328; funds for this ad campaign. MUFON
In order to advance the study of FAX (914) 592-3625. members are invited to send
anomalous phenomena, exchange and contributions earmarked for the
investigation of ideas related to these campaign to MUFON Hdqtrs. in
phenomena is essential. In the past, no "FOO FIGHTERS" Seguin.
journal has truly been able to offer the
interested scientist and scholar a way to Barry Greenwood is interested in
examine and probe the issues. obtaining data regarding Foo Fighter Many people have inquried —
The Journal of Scientific phenomena that occurred between the what happened to Pete Mazzola and
Exploration fills this growing need and years 1939-1945. He is also interested in THE SBI (Scientific Bureau of
provides a forum for open discussion gathering reports of UFO sightings in Investigation, Inc.)? After total silence
of anomalous phenomena. Vietnam during U.S. involvement for 11/2 years, Pete Mazzola addressed
"As the official journal of the there, 1961-1973. If you come across an open letter to all members and
Society for Scientific Exploration, the any information on these topics, please friends of the SBI, dated March 20,
Journal is devoted to advancing the let Barry know: P.O. Box 176, 1987. He related all of his health
study of anomalous phenomena Stoneham, MA 02180. problems in detail, starting with his
including: anomalies in various areas of England's Andy Roberts is November 1985 auto accident, which at
established science that are currently conducting a similar study of the foo- one time had him confined to a wheel
being investigated under controlled fighter phenomenon which he hopes chair. Digestive problems followed
laboratory conditions; and anomalies in will result in a self-financed book to be early in January 1987, that were related
areas outside of established science published later this year. "I am to a more serious disorder. In February
that have not been, subjected to interested in obtaining any information 1987, his doctor diagnosed his illness as
investigation under controlled on the subject," says Roberts, a cancer of the brain and prescribed
conditions, (i.e. cryptozoology-the member of BUFORA, editor of UFO radio-therapy treatments. A CAT-
study of life-forms such as "sasquatch," Brigantia and author of Catflaps! a SCAN revealed that the tumor had
and "Nessie," precognition, extra- survey of mystery cat reports in the decreased in size on March 6,1987. In a
sensory perception and psycho-kinesis, north of England. Roberts says he recent visit to his doctor on March 10th,
and UFO phenomena)," stated Peter would like to receive "book and Pete was "jumping around the office
A. Sturrock, President of the Society. magazine references (particularly the like a circus performer" with all of his
Scientists and scholars, as well as more obscure ones), first hand reports, vital signs measuring normal. The
philosophers, historians and other theories, photographs, in fact doctor was so impressed with Pete's
professionals interested in anomalous anything." Contributors will be credited appearance and attitude that he now
phenomena, will find the Journal of and Roberts will gladly reimburse them plans to administer chemo-therapy
Scientific Exploration to contain for postage and photocopying treatments to hopefully reduce the
valuable information never before expenses. tumor even more.
available in a referred journal form. "The subject of foo-fighters, while Pete also related the many day to
The editor is Ronald E. Howard, much noted in the UFO literature has day problems that brought SBI to a
Stanford University, C a l i f o r n i a . never really been studied in depth and I standstill. With his positive attitude,
Associate editors are Peter F. aim to produce the definitive source Pete is confident that he will fully
Brussard, Montana State University; work of material on the subject," he recover from this adversary. Pete now
Richard G. Fowler, University of says. Write Mr. Roberts at 84 Elland needs the prayers of his friends in
Oklahoma; David M. Jacobs, Temple Road, Brighouse, West Yorkshire, Ufology to help him regain his health.
In a personal note to Walt Andrus,
Pete asked to have this short "Guest
Editorial" published in the Journal. It is
self-explanatory. We are pleased to Investigator offers $ 10,000
honor Pete in this manner.
"To all SBI members who are not to kidnap victims of UFOs
already members of MUFON. Please, I
urge you to join MUFON as a special NEW YORK (UPI) — A private No. 2 on the best-selling lists.
favor to me. MUFON is by. far the investigator offered a $10.000 The other, "Intruders." by Bud
largest organization for UFO studies; award Thursday to anyone who can Hopkins, is a collection of accounts
prove they have been abducted by from, different people who claim
has a monthly journal that is interesting, an alien being from an unidentified creatures from UFOs subjected
professionally printed and up-to-date flying object. them to such things as rape and
with the latest sightings. We have to Philip Klass, a member of the abortion.
keep the UFO light lit and the only way Committee for the Scientific Inves- Klass. who has investigated
to do that is for all of us to stick tigation of Claims of the Paranor- UFOs for years, said none of the re-
mal, a group that debunks claims of ported k i d n a p p i n g s ever was
together. Join MUFON now!" the paranormal, said he made his brought to the attention of the FBI.
-Pete Mazzola challenge in response to two re- He said people who knowingly re-
cently published books that detail port spurious kidnappings to the
alleged abductions of people by FBI are subject to a $ 10,000 fine and
INFRARED DETECTOR aliens from UFOs. a five-year prison sentence.
One of the books. "Communion." Klass said he will give the award
On May 20, 1967, -Stephen an account by Whitley Strieber of to anyone who receives confirma-
Michalak had a close encounter with a his own alleged abduction by aliens tion from the FBI that their report-
disk-shaped object that came down over a period of years, has reached ed kidnapping occurred.
from the sky and landed on a rock. He
claimed the object changed color after
landing. He said: "it (the object) was
. changing color, turning from red to emitted by the object. With a Mikron Captain Terauchi made detailed
grey-red to light grey and then to the system he could have determined the drawings depicting the size and shape
color of hot stainless steel, with a rate of change in seconds, minutes, or of the reported intruder. The drawings
golden glow around it." longer. He could have also mapped the also showed the location and flight
Even from a distance Michalak surface of the object, to determine direction of the object as seen on the
could feel the heat striking him in which areas were hotter or cooler and if plane's radar.
waves. When he walked up to the those were associated with some Unfortunately, all we have at this
object he could feel the heat from its special function. time is a very detailed report - no
surface and when he touched the Perhaps more i m p o r t a n t , photographs, no videotapes, and no
surface he burned his glove. Michalak could have used a Mikron detailed radar images. However, help is
Ufologists have speculated for system to store the heat mapping on the way. Pilots involved in similar
years about this interesting case and in images for further study and analysis at future incidents may have the tools
particular abut the characteristics of a later date. This data would have available to provide a positive
the materials used in its construction. shown the exact shape of the object, identification of even distant objects.
They have tried to equate the color the main heat source spots, the internal The Houston Post reported on
change with a range of temperatures environment as seen through the open March 15, 1987 about an experimental
based upon knowledge of certain ports, and any change in temperature radar that produces photo-like images
materials and by speculating which associated with movement (flight). of distant objects. The suggested use
materials may have been used. Additional information about the was for the prevention of mid-air
Now we have technology available Mikron system can be found in the collisions.
for laboratory or field use that assures • February 1987 issue of Research and The so-called "radio camera" is
you don't have to touch an object to see Development magazine, page 134-136. small enough to be mounted on an
how hot it is. The Mikron Instrument airplane and can vividly depict objects
Co. of Wyckpff, N.J. produces an John Scheussler that would show up as mere "blips" on
infrared (IR) imaging system, through t r a d i t i o n a l radar screens. The
use of a remote infrared detector can RADIO CAMERA inventor, Dr. Bernard Steinberg, said
rapidly determine actual temperatures "you could point it at an airplane 20
and even temperature distribution On November 17, 1986, a Japan miles away - at night, during a blizzard -
across the surface of an object. Air Lines cargo jet was trailed for 400 and get a high-magnification of the
Michalak described how the miles across the arctic skies by a UFO. airplane." Steinberg is a University of
surface of the landed object slowly The incident was freely reported by Pennsylvania engineering professor.
cooled as evidenced by a color change veteran pilot Kenju Terauchi, along (continued next page)
and the lessening of the waves of heat with his co-pilot and flight engineer.
NEWS'NVIEWS, Continued on a scale that has never before been' motels within a short driving distance of
: The radar has an unconventional attempted. American University. The closest
receiving system, in that a radio camera The tentative schedule for the motels are: Days Inn, 4400 Connecticut
rotates to collect signals from several, symposium is as follows: Friday evening Ave., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20008
points and then reconstructs images - reception; Saturday morning - (202/244-5600), c o n v e n i e n t to
using a computer. welcoming remarks and International Tenleytown Metro (subway) stop on
The receiver's computer screens speakers; Saturday afternoon - invited Red, Line to downtown Washington,
out distortions and then creates an or contributed /papers; Saturday, D.C.; and Holiday Inn, 5520 Wisconsin
image from scores of individual radar evening - banquet with speaker; Ave., Chevy Chase, MD (301/656- .
signals, much in the same way a comic Saturday night - Panel discussion of the 1500),. convenient to Friendship
book picture is built up from scores of Abduction Phenomenon;. Sunday Heights Metro , stop on Red Line. ,
tiny dots. morning - MUFON Corporate meeting Individuals desiring off-campus housing
Steinberg claims that where and contributed papers; Sunday must make their own reservations.
conventional radars ' would depict a afternoon - International speakers and Cab fare from Washington
distant group of oncoming planes as a closing panel discussion. U n i v e r s i t y or the m o t e l s is
one giant blip, his device would "tell Although a major portion of the approximately $10 - $12 and from
how many aircraft there are." symposium wjll be presentations by the Union Station $5 - $6. For additional
If Terauchi had used a radio i n t e r n a t i o n a l lecturers, another .information on the MUFON
camera, we would no longer be in the important segment will consist of the Symposium, hosted by the Fund for
dark about his interesting sighting over invited papers and panel discussions. UFO Research please call Fred Whiting
Alaska (as't November. Unfortunately, They will cover a variety of'subjects, (.703) 683-2786 or Richard Hall (301)
the use of new technology spreads very ranging from technical details of 779-8683.
slowly, so we should not expect* individual UFO sightings to statistical To make reservations for the
Steinberg's invention to be commonly analyses of a large number of sightings.. symposium, banquet and on-campus
applied for another 10 to 15 years. Also to be depth will be housing, please make checks payable
Nevertheless, help is on the way. research into abduction reports and to "FUFOR Symposium Account" and
U.S. government cover-up (F.O.I.A.). mail to: Fund for UFO Research, P.O.
John Schuessler A comprehensive discussion of newly . Box 277, Mt. Rainier, MD 20712.
a c q u i r e d i n f o r m a t i o n and its (Refunds will be made in full if requests
implications will be provided by such are received by June 7, 1987.)
experts as William L. Moore, Stanton T. Plan now to attend this great
MUFON 1987 INTERNATIONAL Friedman, and Dr. Bruce S. Maccabee. international symposium and find out
UFO SYMPOSIUM The latest abduction research will why "Forty Years is Long Enough."
be discussed by Budd Hopkins, author .
"International Symposium on of Missing Time and Intruders;
, Unidentified Aerial Phenomena: 1947- W h i t l e y S t r i e b e r , a u t h o r of.
1987" is the theme for the MUFON Communion; and others. Since most of
' 1987 International UFO Symposium on the hew information on government MUFON
June 26, 27, and 28,1987, hosted by the cover-up and abductions has been 103 Oldtownc Rd.
Fund for UFO Research at American available only to researchers in the
University in Washington, D.C., U.S.A.,-the international represent- Seguin, Texas
commemorating the Kenneth Arnold atives present will carry this 78155
sighting near Mt. Rainier on June 24, information back to their own
1947. countries.
The following people have agreed Bruce Maccabee, the host
to speak and present papers for the chairman of the Fund for UFO
symposium proceedings: Bill Chalker
(Australia), Hilary Evans (England),
Research, has provided the following
prices for each event: Symposium fee
Bertil Kuhlemann (Sweden), Stanton T. for all sessions, including the Friday JUNE 26-28
Friedman (Canada), Cynthia Hind evening reception - $30 per person ($35
(Africa), Kanishk Nathan (India), if received after June 1). The price of AMERICAN
Vincent-Juan Ballester Olmos (Spain), the banquet and speaker Saturday
Capt. Daniel Perisse (Argentina), Dr. evening is $20. The on-campus housing UNIVERSITY
Roberto Pinotti (Italy), Dr. Willy Smith
(South A m e r i c a ) , Jean-Jacques
(dormitory style) rate per night is $27
for a single room and double rooms are
Velasco (France), and Jun-ichi Yaoi
(Japan). .They will provide the
$25 per person. All speakers will be
residing at American University.
symposium attendees with a ' If you do not wish on-campus
comprehensive "world view" of ufology housing there are also hotels and
FOR RELEASE: All persons in the survey were asked the following
Thursday. question: - -, .
March 12. 1987
Do you think there are people somewhat like our-
selves living on other-planets'in the universe, or not?

Extraterrestrial Life
Only One-Third of Public Deny Existence Not
Yes No sure
Of UFO's, Extraterrestrial Life %
By George Gallup, Jr. 1987 50 34 16
Have, you ever seen .anything you thought, was a
1978 51 33 16
PRINCETON, N.J.^— For millions of American adults
a "Close Encounter of the Third Kind" is a distinct., UFO? -"•'-. 1973 46 38 16
possibility, with only about one in three flatly denying 1966 34 46 20
the existence of either unidentified flying objects Sighting of UFO r
(UFO's) or extraterrestrial life. (Based on aware groups) Extraterrestrial .Life
In a new Gallup survey, 50% express the belief 1987 9%
that there are "people somewhat like ourselves living 1978 9 Not
on other planets in the universe," while 34% are skeptical, 1973 11 Yes .NO; sure
and 16% unsure. The current figures are virtually un- 1966 5 --'.
changed from those recorded in a 1978 survey, but con- % % %
siderably more now'than in either 1973 or 1966 believe • In your opinion, are UFO':S something real or just NATIONAL 50 34 16
in extraterrestrial life. * people's-imagination? '' .' " ^
Similarly, 49% of those who have heard or read ." .Men 62 30 8
about UFO's think they are real, while 30% are doubtful " '-- Existence of .UFO's • Women. 40 - '28 -.-. 32
and 21% uncertain. Belief .in UFO's is down slightly (Based on aware groups)
from its peak in 1978, when 57% thought they were real. Attended college 57 • :-' 33 10
Real Imaginary Not sure
~ OL. '
7V -
' '
No college 46 - 35 19
9% Report Sighting UFO
In the new survey, one person in 11 (9%) reports 1987 49 30 21 18-29 years 52 36 12
actually having seen something he or she thought was 1978 57 . 27 16 30-49 years 56 35 9
1973 54 30 16
a UFO, statistically similar to the findings of earlier
1966 46 29 25
50 & older 42 33 25
polish . :
East 55 29 16
Existence of UFO's 34 17
Belief Higher Among College-Educated
(Based on aware groups)
Midwest- .. 49
Belief in the existence of life on other planets and
- -:Real Imaginary' Not sure
South 38- .' 48 14
in UFO's is substantially higher among persons who " West , , -63 21 16
attended college than among those whose formal educa-
tion ended at or before graduation from high school. NATIONAL 49 30 - ,21
Men are more likely than women to believe in ;Men 50 31 19 The latest findings are based on telephone inter-
extraterrestrial life, 62% and 40%, respectively, but men Women . 49 28 -23 views with 527 adults, 18 and older, conducted in sci-
and women share the same opinions about UFO's. entifically selected localities across the nation during
As a rule, people 50 and older are less convinced Attended college 56 26 18
than their juniors that either phenomenon has a basis in No college 44 33 23 the period-Feb. 2-18. For results based on samples of
fact, but more older than younger adults are undecided: 18-29 years 53 32 15 this size, one can say with 95% confidence that the error
Westerners are most apt to be believers; Southerners, 30-49 years 57 21 22 attributable to sampling and other random effects could
least so. : : 504older-. 36 39 25
be 6 percentage points in either direction.
Following are the questions, the trends and the East 52 30 18
latest findings among key demographic groups: Midwest 48 27 25 In addition to sampling error, the reader should
South 39 39 22 bear in mind that question wording and practical difficul-
Respondents were first asked:
West 62 19 19 ties in conducting surveys can introduce error or bias
T"; Have you heard or read about UFO's (Unidentified;
Flying Objects)? •,""'
into the findings of opinion polls. These statements con-
Those answering affirmatively (88% of the total) form to the standards of disclosure of the National Coun-
were then asked:. cil on Public'Polls. ,
By Walter N. Webb
Richard Hall
MUFON Astronomy Consultant

Richard Hall is a former Bright Planets (Evening Sky):

MUFON Journal editor. ,'
Mars, in Gemini, lies low in the sky at dusk north of west, setting about 10 PM
Communion is the story of an daylight time in midmonth. During the first half of June, the planet Mercury is
established author (perhaps best not far from Mars, passing less than one degree below the red planet on the
known for The Hunger and The 10th. At this time Mercury is several times brighter than Mars.
Wolf en) who had the misfortune to
have encounters with what appeared to Saturn, in Ophiuchus, reaches opposition to the Sun on June 9 at magnitude
be alien beings at his isolated cabin in 0.0. The planet rises then in the ESE at sunset and remains visible all night in
New York State, and elsewhere. He -the southern half of the sky. A small telescope will show the yellow ball of the
had been a UFO skeptic, little informed planet and its protruding rings.
on the subject, who had difficulty in
accepting and coping with the strange Bright Planets (Morning Sky)
things that happened to him, so he
repressed considerable cost Venus continues low and difficult in the east, rising about one hour before the
for himself and his family. Sun. Its magnitude remains -3.9.
Later, he had the good fortune to
run across Budd Hopkins (author of Jupiter, in Pisces, brightens to magnitude -2.3 in mid-June. It now rises in the
Missing Time and premier investigator east about 2 AM and is well up in the ESE at dawn.
of so-called "abduction" cases) who
shepherded him through his Saturn sets in the WSW about sunrise.
psychological adjustment problems,
helped arrange for professional Moon Phases:
counseling, and generally steered him
in the right direction. All of this is
described in intimate detail, including
First quarter-June 4
Full moon-June 11
his perceptions of the beings and his Last quarter-June 18
own personal terror and confusion. New moon-June 26
The level of detail is extraordinary,
and is especially significant because it The Stars:
comes from a literate and sophisticated
person who has had the courage to "go That welcome sky symbol of summer, the Summer Triangle, is fully visible in
public" with his life-revolutionizing the east after evening twilight ends. One member of the stellar trio is Vega,
experience. No doubt it is the most third brightest nighttime star seen in midnorthern latitudes.
complete and articulate personal
account of an abduction experience Scorpius, with its reddish heart Antares and winding tail (complete with
published to date from a seemingly stinger on the tip), begins its seasonal journey across the southern horizon.
reputable and accomplished person, (Saturn lies left of Antares and is brighter and yellower.)
and as such it is worthy of careful study.
Dr. Donald Klein, Director of The constellation Hercules can be seen almost overhead, standing on the
Research at the New York State bpxlike head of the defeated Draco, the dragon guarding the golden apples of
Psychiatric Institute (recently in the the Hesperides. Draco's long body winds around the north polar region and
news as a witness for the biological between the Big and Little Dippers. Look for a dim fuzzy spot along the west
mother in the "Baby M" case) side of the four-sided Keystone of Hercules. Telescopes of moderate size
conducted h y p n o t i c regression show the spot as a globular cluster of thousands of stars. Another of Hercules'
sessions with Strieber, and a statement twelve labors, the Nemean lion (Leo), noses toward the west horizon.
from him in an Appendix states that he
sees " evidence of an anxiety state, Between Leo and kite-shaped Bootes in the SW lies a wedge-shaped loose
mood disorder, or personality cluster of 20 or 30 stars, Coma Berenices. It represents Queen Berenice's long
(continued next page) hair which she cut off and dedicated to the goddess of beauty. .

MESSAGE, Continued Annual MUFON Board of Directors restrials.
Starr, Timothy Good from England, meeting conducted in conjunction with The analogy is far from perfect,
and Richard Neal, M.D. The genial the yearly UFO symposium. Only the however, Adamski was an uneducated
Jim Moseley will M.C. the conference. seventeen members presently serving person who committed all kinds of
The price of rooms per night is $55. For on the MUFON Board of Directors as factual and logical errors while
reservations to the conference, please published in the MUFON 1986 UFO betraying an ignorance of scientific
write to Bill Moore at 4219 West Olive, Symposium Proceedings are invited to knowledge. Strieber, obviously, has a
Suite 247, Burbank, CA 91505 or attend. If a Board Member will be sophisticated knowledge of scientific
telephone (818) 506-8365. unable to attend, he/she may authorize matters and is a socially concerned
The 4th International UFO in writing a person to represent the person about the threat of atomic war
Congress will be held July 10-12,1987 at absent Board Member with voting and potentially fatal damage to the
the London Business School in privileges. Earth's environment.
London, England. For f u r t h e r An agenda for the Board of But Strieber also shows a mystical
information please enclose a S.A.E. for Director's Meeting will be mailed to all side, and influences of his apparently
your reply and mail to Mr. R.S. Digby, Board Members three weeks in discarded Catholic religion, that tend to
Director Congress 87, c/o 16, advance of the meeting. This will allow color his interpretations of what
Southway, Burgess Hill, West Sussex ample time for the State Section happened to him. All abductees do the
RH15 9ST, England. Speakers Directors, State Directors, Research best they can to rationalize their
scheduled are Walt Andrus of Specialists, Consultants and Board of experiences in terms of their own
MUFON (USA), Dr. Alex Keul Directors to submit a list of agenda background knowledge and personal
(Austria), Mr. Odd-Gunnar Roed proposals, requested in the April 1987 life histories. It is doubtful that Strieber
(Norway), Prof. Allen Tough issue of the MUFON UFO Journal in has succeeded any better than the
(Canada), and Miss Jenny Randies the "Director's Message." others in interpreting the experience
(U.K.), just to name a few. and figuring out what is going on; what it
On July 9th Bertil Kuhlemann all means.
has scheduled the annual meeting of Adamski also was shown to be a
the International Committee for UFO prevaricator, totally unable to tell a
Research ( I C U R ) Immediately consistent story, and many of his claims
following the 4th International UFO REVIEW, Continued about the Moon and planetary
Congress on Monday, July 13, 1987 at disorder" in Strieber. Also included are astronomy were determined to be false
the same location, Walt Andrus has results of a polygraph test which by subsequent space explorations.
scheduled a meeting for all MUFON Strieber passed. Strieber's book obviously has much
Foreign Representatives, members and Strieber's descriptions of what more to do with real UFO-related
guests. The agenda will be announced happened to him are beautifully events, described to the best of his
in a future issue of the Journal and a expressed (as befits a wordsmith of his ability, but whose ultimate meaning
copy sent air mail to all foreign caliber), even poetic in language. But remains to be determined by scientific
representatives in Europe well before this reviewer (also a professional research.
the above date. Your International wordsmith in the nonfiction world) His book must be read on two
Director will attend all 3 meetings. A found some of the "poetry" a bit levels: (1) his perceptions and
major item on the agenda will be the distracting; almost too clever, or attempted reconstruction of what
selection of a Continental Coordinator imaginative, or something. Given happened to him; (2) his personal
for Europe and hopefully an Strieber's background in fiction writing, interpretation and theories about what
International Coordinator to fill the though, one cannot fault him for trying is going on.
vacancy created by the resignation of to convey the experience in the best
Michael Sinclair, Ph.D. way he knew how.

By the same token, Strieber will
JUNE 26-28
Richard Hall has advised that a
program of events for the MUFON
have to face the logical question of why
an author noted for his horror fiction
1987 International UFO Symposium should be believed when he presents UNIVERSITY
will be available for publication in the what is basically a horror story as
June 1987 issue of the Journal. alleged fact. It is somewhat comparable WASHINGTON,
The format for the MUFON to the notorious contactee George
Annual Corporate Meeting scheduled Adamski who wrote acknowledged D.C.
for Sunday, June 28th from 9 a.m. to 12 fiction stories about sojourning to other
noon has been revised to comply with planets, then suddenly claimed that he
the Corporate By-laws. It will be the had actually contacted extrater-
Walt Andrus

"International Symposium on Representative for Israel. An English 1986 that was released concurrently
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena: 1947- teacher, Mr. Murmelstein received his with the March 5, 1987 Press
1987" is the theme for the MUFON B.S. from Brooklyn College in New Conference in Anchorage, has been
1987 International UFO Symposium on York City. We are extremely proud to received for the MUFON file. We will
June 26, 27, and 28,1987, hosted by the announce that two State Director publish excerpts from these documents
Fund for UFO Research at American vacancies have been filled. Donald E. on information not previously
University in Washington, D.C., and F l i c k i n g e r , a v e t e r a n UFO published in the Journal. The first of
commemorating the Kenneth Arnold investigator residing in Billings, is the these is included in the current issue.
sighting near Mt. Rainier in Washington new State Director for Montana. One of the announcements
State on June 24,1947. The eighteenth Albert E. "Al" Frank, M.S. of released during the March 5,1987 Press
annual symposium will undoubtedly be Corvallis, Oregon is replacing James Conference sums up the F.A.A.'s
our most significant to date, based D. Kness as the State Director for attitude. It is titled Lack of "Scientific"
upon the locale, news media events, Oregon. Up until recently, Mr. Frank Investigation. "The Federal Aviation
new books being published, the has been teaching atmospheric science Administration has a number of
international scope of the speakers, at Oregon State University. employees who do scientific research
and the positive resurgence of interest Joseph M. Hammer, M.S., a with regard to aircraft, aviation, and
in the UFO phenomenon. The number vocational counselor in Biglerville, related electronic equipment. The FAA
of advance registrations received by Pennsylvania, has accepted the does not have the resources or the
April 12th rivals those of prior position of State Section Director for Congressional mandate to investigate
symposiums for the deadline date. The Adams and Franklin Counties. Mr. sightings of unidentified flying objects.
host committee is elated with the early Hammer has outstanding credentials "We have not tried to determine
response and tremendous interest for this new post. He has earned a B.A. what the crew of Japan Air Lines flight
already created. Please read the special in Criminology, a M.S. in Counselling 1628 saw based on scientific analysis of
article in this edition of the Journal for and a M.S. in Psychology. George and the stars, planets, magnetic fields, angle
the program agenda, speakers, and Shirley Coyne, Co-State Directors for of view, etc. We have received letters
how you may make reservations to Michigan have promoted Edward L. from several persons suggesting that
attend. Many people are taking Hude to State Section Director for we ask the crew and others a variety of
advantage of the reduced price air fares Ingham and Jackson Counties. Mr. detailed questions from a scientific
to Washington, D.C. and are making Hude has been a police investigator for viewpoint. This we have not done and
their flight reservations early. many years. Mr. V. Walter Vanatko, do not intend to do. We reviewed the
* * * M.S., a systems analyst in Spring, data that was created by our systems,
The ballot to vote for your Texas, is a new Research Specialist in the interviews that were done by FAA
candidate for the MUFON AWARD Systems Engineering. to determine the status of the crew and
FOR OUTSTANDING WORK IN Accolades to Edward F. Mazur, the aircraft, and have provided that
THE UFO FIELD FOR 1986-1987 was State Director for Arkansas, for information to the public.
enclosed with the April 1987 issue of the publishing his first "Arkansas MUFON "The FAA completed its
Journal. Please return all ballots to Newsletter;" mailing news releases to investigation of JAL flight 1628, and
MUFON in Seguin, Texas, by June 2, 45 newspapers, TV and radio stations, does not intend to pursue it any
1987 so the engraved plaque may be introducing himself and MUFON; and a further." By Paul Steucke, FAA,
prepared and presented at the letter to each of the 74 County Sheriff's Public Affairs Officer, Alaskan Region,
MUFON 1987 International UFO in Arkansas advising where they should 701 C Street, Box 14, Anchorage,
Symposium in Washington, D.C. report UFO sightings. Ed and Alaska 99513.
The June 1987 issue of the Mildred Higgins, State Section * * *
MUFON UFO JOURNAL will Director, will host their annual UFO The National UFO Conference
commemorate the fortieth anniversary conference and picnic on the weekend (NUFOC) will be held June 12,13, and
of the Kenneth Arnold UFO sighting, of May 2 and 3 in Fayetteville. 14, 1987 at the Burbank Hilton Hotel
on June 24, 1947, marking the inaugral * * * adjacent to the Burbank California
of the modern era of Ufology. The Federal Aviation Administra- Airport. Speakers scheduled are Bill
* * * tion (F.A.A.) investigation into the Moore, Stanton Friedman, Hal
Philip Murmelstein, living in Japan Air Lines flight 1628 UFO
Reshon Letzion, is the new sighting over Alaska on November 17, (continued on page 19)

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