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Inclusive Teaching Handout: Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS)

I. Introduction
Cheryl is a Grade eleven Student at Pearson Collegiate. She has a great sense of humor, has an active
imagination, and is very creative, with a particular love of photography. Cheryl has been diagnosed with
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome since the age of nine, and struggles with time management, changes in routine, and
occasional impulsive outbursts. These strategies will help educators who have Cheryl in their class control
her behavior, help her stay on task, and allow her to fully participate in the classroom.

I. Strategies

Here are some helpful strategies to help a student with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome.

1.Keep all of the students work in one binder, and color code the materials. Use graphic organizers whenever
possible, such as a mind map.
-To remove confusion and stress from the student, the teacher should have one binder that they use. Each
class should be color coded (Graphic Design, the example in our presentation, is color-coded green). A
graphic organizer is also useful for organizing the thoughts of a student with an active imagination such as
(Success For All Learners, p. 2.4. Alberta Learning, 2004,page 28, p.58)
2. Inform the student in advance about any changes.
-Students with FAS often struggle with changes in routine and managing time. If possible, the teacher should
speak to the student one on one if they plan on changing the established routine, such as an assembly in lieu
of class.
(British Columbia Special Education Branch, 1996, page 7).
3. establish a signal if the student gets frustrated
-Many students with FAS lack self-control and are often impulsive. Establishing a non-verbal signal with the
student if they are getting frustrated will curb these impulses. (British Columbia Special Education Branch
1996, page 7).
4. Constantly monitor to make sure that the student is doing what is expected; work towards the goal of self-
- The teacher needs to make sure that the student understands what is expected of them in class. They should
model self-talk behavior for the student (“first we need to do thisâ€ン) to help them stay focused on the
task. (British Columbia ministry of Education, 1996, page 7).
5. Reduce Stress of too much work to complete.
- The teacher should plan lessons based on the students’ skills or interests. This graphic design lesson
taps into Cheryl’s active imagination. The teacher should also set realistic goals for the student. (Alberta
Learning, 2004, p.64)
6. Meet the need for physical stimulation
-Students with FAS often need physical stimulation. A piece of sandpaper taped under the desk or a stress
ball can help meet the tactile need of the student, if there isn’t an opportunity to stand up and move
around in the classroom. (British Columbia Special Programs Branch, 1996, p.7)


Alberta Learning, Special Programs Branch. (2004). Teaching Students with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum
Disorder: building Strengths, Creating Hope. Edmonton: Government of Alberta, Education.

-This is a resource intended for teachers and administrators that offers information and strategies to teach
students with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder. Very Useful
British Columbia Special Programs Branch (1996). Teaching Students With Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. British
Columbia: Ministry of Education.

-The British Columbia Education resource for Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. Many of the teaching strategies we
used in the demonstration came from this resource.

Broekhuizen, R. (1995). Graphic Communications. New York: Glencoe McGraw-Hill.

-This is the main resource used for planning the graphics lesson in our demonstration. Useful for those in the
industrial arts stream.

Manitoba Education, Citizenship, and Youth. (2007). Success for All Learners: A Handbook on
Differentiating Instruction. Winnipeg: Government of Manitoba, Represented by the Minister of Education.

-The idea for graphic organizers was found in this document, and it also contains valuable strategies for all
subject areas.

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