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Cloning is the creation of an organism that is an exact copy of another. There are different types of cloning. A basic understanding of the different types of it is the key to taking an informed stance on current public policy issues and making the best personal decisions. As per biology, a clone is a cell or an organism that is genetically identical to another cell or organism. The verb ''to clone'' refers to the process of creating cloned cells or organisms. The process differs, depending on the kinds of cells used in the cloning procedure and the desired result. Cloning is a very controversial theme. It is considered by many people and nations as an immoral practice, a bad appendix of science. Cloning does violate the laws of nature, because we are the ones that manipulate it. It interferes with the natural and common reproduction. ut we have to consider another point of view. !hat will happen to the people who can't procreate by the traditional way, nature's way" #on't they have the same rights with us to become happy, to fulfill their wishes of becoming a father or a mother" $ow can we stop people from practicing the universal right of searching for happiness" If we do it, we would be selfish. That's why cloning could be a solution to that dilemma. The modern era of laboratory cloning began in %&'( when ).C. *teward cloned carrot plants from mature single cells placed in a nutrient culture containing hormones. The first cloning of animal cells took place in %&+,. -ohn . .urdon took the nuclei from tadpoles and in/ected them into unfertili0ed eggs. The nuclei containing the original parents' genetic information had been destroyed with ultraviolet light. !hen the eggs were incubated, .urdon discovered that only %1 to 21 of the eggs had developed into fertile adult toads. The first successful cloning of mammal was achieved nearly twenty years later. *cientists from *wit0erland and the 3.* successfully cloned mice using a method similar to .urdon's. In %&&4 the first human embryos were cloned using a techni5ue that placed individual embryonic cells in a nutrient culture where the cells then divided into ,( new embryos. These fertili0ed eggs did not develop to a stage that could be used for transplantation into a human uterus. Always will be opposite opinions about the fact that cloning is a good or a bad thing to do.

Clonarea este crearea unui organism care este o copie exact6 a unui alt . 7xist6 diferite tipuri de clonare . 8 9n elegere de ba06 a diferitelor tipuri de aceasta este cheia pentru a lua o po0iie informat cu privire la problemele actuale de politici publice i de a face cele mai bune deci0ii personale . Ca pe biologie , o clon6 este o celul6 sau un organism care este identic6 genetic 9n alt6 celul6 sau organism . :erbul '' a clona '' se refer6 la procesul de creare a celulelor sau organismelor clonate . ;rocedeul conform inven iei difer6 , 9n funcie de tipurile de celule utili0ate 9nprocedura de donare i de re0ultatul dorit . Clonarea este o tem6 foarte controversat . Acesta este considerat de mul i oameni i naiuni ca o practic6 imoral6 , un apendice r6u de tiin6 . Clonarea nu 9ncalc6 legile naturii , pentru c6 noi suntem cei care le manipulea06 . Interferea06 cu reproducerea natural6 i comune . #ar noi trebuie s6 ia 9n considerare un alt punct de vedere . Ce se va 9nt<mpla cu cei care nu pot procrea de modul tradi ional , modul naturii " =u ei au acelea i drepturi cu noi pentru a deveni fericit , s6> i 9ndeplineasc6 dorinele lor de a deveni un tat6 sau o mam6 " Cum putem opri oamenii din practica dreptul universal de c6utare pentru fericire " #ac6 vom face acest lucru , ne>ar fi egoist . #e aceea, clonarea ar putea fi o soluie pentru aceast6 dilem6. 7poca modern6 de clonare de laborator a 9nceput 9n %&'( , atunci c<nd )C *teward clonat plante morcov din celule unice mature plasate 9ntr >o cultur6 nutritiv con in<nd hormoni . ;rimul clonarea de celule animale a avut loc 9n %&+, . -ohn . .urdon a nucleelor de mormoloci i le>au in/ectat 9n ou6 nefertili0ate . =uclee care con in informaii genetice p6rinilor originale ? a fost distrus cu lumina ultravioleta . C<nd au fost incubate ou6le , .urdon descoperit c6 doar % 1 p<n6 la 2 1 din ou6 au de0voltat 9ntr broa te adulte fertile . ;rimul clonarea cu succes de mamifer a fost atins aproape dou60eci de ani mai t<r0iu . 8amenii de tiin6 din 7lveia i *3A clonat cu succes oareci utili0<nd o metod6 similar6 celei a lui .urdon . @n %&&4 primele embrioni umani au fost donate folosind o tehnic6 ce plasat celulele embrionare individuale 9ntr >o cultur6 9n care celulele nutrient apoi 9mp6rit6 9n ,( de embrioni . Aceste ou6 fertili0ate nu s>au de0voltat 9ntr>o etap6 care ar putea fi folosite pentru transplant 9ntr> un uter uman . @ntotdeauna vor fi p6reri opuse cu privire la faptul c6 clonarea este un bun sau un lucru r6u s6 fie f6cut.

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