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Development of a user friendly ,feature-rich, practical Appraisal Trac er .

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Students 3it Objecti,e -hese guidelines are for the student to adopt to ma"e progress in the project. .i'en below are the templates for the documents related to the project. -hese are just guidelines only. -hese can be impro'ed by the team. !e4uirements Specification 5!S6 /ollowing is a template for the 0 document. ome e1ample re,uirements are entered in to it to show how to use the template. 2a"e sure that you enter e'en the smallest/most tri'ial re,uirements also. -hat would help in 'alidating the system during testing. No. !e4uirement /ssential 'escription of the or !e4uirement 'esirable 4ssential 5 login bo1 should appear when the system is in'o"ed. 4ssential 7elp about the 'arious features of the system should be pro'ided in sufficient detail in a 8&5 format. -his feature will impro'e the robustness of the application !emarks -he logins are assigned by the mailadmin -he appraisal policy should also be part of the help.

0 3 -he system should ha'e a login 0 6 -he system should ha'e help screens

0 9 -he system should :loc"; the login id if wrong password is entered 9 times in a row


0 > -he system should allow self-rating by an indi'idual


ince the application is going to be used only by the employees of the organi=ation# this feature is not essential. 7owe'er# if time is there# this will be implemented. -he rating will be based -he policy on se'eral parameters. states that -he indi'idual should be employee able to rate himself on should ha'e all those parameters completed this before submitting it to self-rating his superior. before

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submitting it to his superior. 0 ? 'atabase "ields Specification 4mployee %umber is the "ey of the database. -he range of 'alid 'alues entered below as e1amples need not be ta"en as such. -hey can be modified by the team. No. 3 "ield Name !an&e of ,alid ,alues for !emarks the field 4mployee %umber 3 to ?@@@@ -his is the "ey field of the database as it is uni4ue for an employee in the organi=ation. -his will also ser'e as the login for the system. %ame Up to 6? characters in pecial characters li"e length. underscore are not allowed. 0ole Pre-defined set *li"e -he reporting hierarchy is engineers/managers/etc+ based on the role of the person. /or e1ample# an engineer reports to a manager# a manager reports to a business manager etc 4mail !d Up to 6? characters in -his field should also be length *including the uni4ue for a person because domain name+ no two employees in an organi=ation can ha'e the same email id. uperior;s 3 to ?@@@@ -his is the employee 4mployee number/registration number of %umber/0egistration the superior of this employee. %umber Ather details about the manager can be found in this same database by using the employee number as the "ey. !f this field is =ero# it means the employee is at the highest le'el in the organi=ation *2</C4A etc+ -his is the name of the project to which the employee belongs to. -his will contain the total

6 9


? B

%ame of the Project %o. of 2an 7ours

Up to 6? characters in length hould be in hh:mm

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format C 7i&h 8e,el/'etailed 'esi&n 578'/''6 O,er,iew of the s9stem

number of hours spent by an indi'idual on a particular project

Pro'ide a bloc" diagram depicting where the database will be located# where the application will run etc. 5lso# pro'ide details about the database ser'er that is going to be used etc. 'esi&n )omponents plit the system into its design components. !n this case# the components would be user'erification# self-rating# superior-rating# tas"-setting etc. /or each of the components# pro'ide information in the following format. User-'erification component is ta"en as the e1ample. )omponent one User-'erification Purpose -his component will 'erify if the user who is trying to access the system is a 'alid user. Pseudocode Pseudocode is written to get more clarity on the component so that the actual implementation is made easier. /or the user-'erification component : Bool 'erifyDuser *empDno# password3+ E F get the empDno *which is the login+ and the password from the user. .etDloginDandDpassword*+G F 'erify if this is a 'alid login *ie# from 3 to?@@@@+ !f loginDidDin'alid*empDno+ E reportDerror*:in'alid login id;+G return falseG HG F access the database entry for the empDno if getDdatabaseDentry*empDno# databaseDentry+ E
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Fget the designation .etDempDdesignation*empDno#designation+ !f*designationImanager+ E F get the encrypted password. .etDencryptedDpassword*empDno# password6+G F decrypt the password. -he decrypted password is password9. <ecryptDpassword*password6# password9+G F compare the passwords. !f compareDpasswords *password3# password9+ E F enter in to the system. 4nterDsystem*+G H else F password comparison failed. 0eportDerror*:incorrect password. -ry again.;+G H 4lse 0eportDerror*:only managers allowed;+G H else F unable to get the database entry reportDerror *:in'alid login;+G H )omponent two )omponent three ..

:est-Plan 5:P6 -he test-plan is basically a list of testcases that need to be run on the system. ome of the testcases can be run independently for some components *report generation from the database# for e1ample# can be tested independently+ and some of the testcases re,uire the whole system to be ready for their e1ecution. !t is better to test each component as and when it is ready before integrating the components. !t is important to note that the testcases co'er all the aspects of the system *ie# all the re,uirements stated in the 0 document+. No. :estcase :itle 'escription /;pected Outcome :he !esult re4uirement in !S that is

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uccessful User )erification

-he login to the system should be tried with the login assigned by the admin and the correct password Jogin to the system with a wrong password

Unsuccessful User )erification due to wrong password Unsuccessful User )erification due to in'alid login id

Jogin to the system with a in'alid login id

Jogin should be successful and the user should enter in to the system Jogin 0 3 should fail with an error :!n'alid Password; Jogin 0 3 should fail with an error :!n'alid user id;

bein& tested 0 3





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