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Founded 1967 $2.50


Lincoln, June
Nebraska 24,25 £26
(USPS 002-970)
(ISSN 0270-6822)
103 Oldtowne Rd.
Seguin, Texas 78155-4099 U.S.A. Readers counting the number of pages, rather than issues,
in their subscription will remember we were four short with the
August Journal. With this 28 instead of 24-page issue we now
Editor stand caught up. Inside you'll find coverage of the Lincoln
summer symposium, an update on English "corn" circles and
International Director and Gulf Breeze, and speculative articles on UFO car-lift cases and
Associate Editor the kind of planet theoretical aliens might inhabit, along with
THOMAS P. DEULEY most of our regular departments. The November number will
Art Director focus on Whitley Strieber's experiences and UFO abductions in
MILDRED BIESELE general. Time and space permitting, we also hope to be able to
Contributing Editor get to our considerable backlog of correspondence. Until then ...
Contributing Editor

In this issue
Public Relations ADDITIONAL GULF BREEZE CASE Charles Flannigan 7
Religion and UFOs THE GOD HYPOTHESIS Rev. Barry Downing 10
Books/Periodicals/History MAGNETIC ANALYSIS OF CAR LIFTS Robert H. Willsey 17
Promotion/Publicity REAGAN'S UFO 22
Staff Writers DIRECTOR'S MESSAGE Walter Andrus 28
TED PHILLIPS (COVER ART by Donald R. Schmitt)
Landing Trace Cases
Medical Cases
UFO Crash/Retrieval
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WALTER N. WEBB under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. MUFON is a
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NORMA E. SHORT Donors may deduct contributions from their Federal Income Tax. In
DWIGHT CONNELLY addition, bequests, legacies, devises, transfers, or gifts are deductible for
DENNIS HAUCK Federal estate and gift tax purposes if they meet the applicable provisions
RICHARD H. HALL of Sections 2055, 2106, and 2522 of the code.
Editor/Publishers Emeritus
(Formerly SKYLOOK)

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Oldtowne Rd., Seguin, Texas 78155- Mutual UFO Network, 103 Oldtowne Rd., Seguin, Texas 78155" is included.
Editor's Page:
The 1988 Lincoln Symposium
Article and Photographs by Dennis Stacy
Unfortunately, time and space con- ra's presence was an impression that well. They would seemingly have to
siderations prohibit the sort of in- MJ-12 related events may unfold have pulled the wool over their own
depth report of this summer's MUFON within the next two months, possibly eyes, along with those of their inter-
Symposium that I've undertaken in from within the intelligence comunity, locutors. No one can deny that pos-
the past. What follows, then, is more and probably before Ronald Reagan sibility or disprove a negative, but
a litany of personal impressions than leaves office. A growing frustration on their performance under pressure
a blow-by-blow account of actual his and Moore's behalf was also struck this observer as honest and
events. Abstracts taken from the expressed. Should these indications unrehearsed.
1988 Proceedings, for example, are of revelation not be made public dur-
reprinted instead of a summary of the ing that time-frame, Shandera sug- HUMOROUS TOUCH
speeches themselves. The complete gested, it may be the occasion for
Proceedings ("Abductions and the E- their returning to a more mundane But the matter hardly ends there,
T Hypothesis," 241 pp) are available and better-paying pasttime than end- as anyone knows who has been keep-
directly from MUFON for $15 plus lessly pursuing MJ-12 and related ing up with the case in the pages of
$1.50 postage and handling. evidence. the Journal. Too many other people
All talks and exhibitions took place Unlike last year, when Communion in the Gulf Breeze area have reported
in the 9-storey Nebraska Center on and abductions in general held center similar sightings of the same squat
the University of Nebraska campus, stage, this summer's background buzz UFO pictured in Ed's photographs.
Lincoln, the weekend of June 24-26, was provided by pictures and pur- The analysis of those pictures fell to
while most of the Midwest was ported events coming out of Gulf Breeze Dr. Bruce Maccabee, whose findings
gripped in a combined heat wave and
drought. The Center's air condition-
ing was strained at times, but for the Unlike last year, when Communion and abductions
most part, accommodations were com- in general held center stage, this summer's back-
fortable and pleasant. Those in atten-
dance probably numbered between
ground buzz was provided by pictures and pur-
250 and 300, and included Gulf ported events coming out of Gulf Breeze, Florida.
Breeze eyewitnesses Mr. Ed and wife,
the usual raft of familiar faces, and Florida. The two major eyewitnesses, and recounting of events in the Flor-
arch UFO skeptics Philip Klass and Mr. Ed and wife, sat through an hour ida panhandle were showcased Sat-
Robert Baker, about whom more of questioning by the MUFON board urday night, and which take up pages
later. The press, electronic and print, of directors during a private gathering 114-204 of the published proceedings.
which descended like locusts on last Sunday morning. A close-up exami- Anyone wishing to comment on the
year's Washington-based symposium, nation of the personalities involved case one way or the other really
were for the most part absent, usually helps dispel lingering doubts. should familiarize themselves with
though at least one independent Certainly, no new ones emerged on Maccabee's exhaustive reporting.
TV/video production team was pres- this occasion. If anything, I had an A resounding note of humor, an
ent. Certainly, the atmosphere was even harder time imagining the two increasingly rare commodity these
more relaxed than at Washington. conspiring in the hall outside before days both within and without the
William Moore was replaced at the their appearance, whispering among field, was struck by the usually aus-
last minute by Los Angeles TV pro- one another to get their stories tere laser physicist at the close of his
ducer and MJ-12 confidant, Jamie straight. Subjective impressions, of presentation, before answering ques-
Shandera, who handled himself extem- course, don't solve a case one way or tions from the audience. Finishing his
peraneously well at both a press con- the other, especially one as contro- talk, Maccabee casually unloosened
ference and the speaker's podium. versial as Gulf Breeze is turning out his tie, which only seemed approp-
Anyone who may have wondered to be. They did convey the feeling in riate, given the night's heat and
about his involvement in the MJ-12 this instance, though, that if Ed and humidity. The impromptu strip-tease con-
affair, contrasted with his previous wife are engaged in blatant hoaxing, tinued, as the good doctor not only
anonymity within the UFO commun- they are not only unsung amateur stripped off jacket, but shirt, too, to
ity, probably had any fears or suspi- masters at trick photography, but reveal a black "Twilight Zone" T-shirt
cions laid to rest. The gist of Shande- adept psychological manipulators as underneath. A pair of donned sun-
MUTUAL UFO Journal, Number 246, October 1988 3
Walt Andrus, left, and Dr. Bruce Maccabee at MUFON press confer-
shades capped off the surprising security advisor and respond accord- however, pointed out to Klass in the
satorial transformation which caught ingly to his (the imaginary Presi- past that Orson Welles' 1938 radio
the crowd with its collective pants dent's) questions regarding whether broadcast of H.G. Wells' War of the
down. the MJ-12 material, if true and actual, Worlds, by most accounts, upset a
The humor, alas, was not to last. should or should be released to the sizeable portion of the listening audi-
After speeches by Budd Hopkins and public. The mock conversation went ence.
David Jacobs, I saw outside the aud- on in this way for a few moments,
itorium with Mr. Klass and professor when Klass left to fetch Cokes. Sud- UMBRAGE
of psychology at the University of denly, I found Baker, a diminutive fel-
Kentucky, Lexington, Robert Baker, low, looming over me in my chair, Baker seems to have taken extreme
who accompanied him. Some have engorged with indignation, bordering umbrage at the notion that anyone or
speculated that Baker was being on rage. Given the circumstances, all group could significantly influence the
groomed by Klass as his UFO- the details of his outburst escape me thought or behavior of another, yet
skeptical successor, but I think one now, but I do remember a verbal here he was, turning apoplectic before
need not worry, if that's the word, on blast to the effect that "You don't my very nose, presumably in response
this point, the introductions were know anything about human person- to something I said and he then per-
pleasant enough, and I certainly held ality! You can't influence anyone!" ceived and interpreted in his own
no prior perception of Mr. Baker, As best- I can judge, Baker's ire rather ungenerous fashion. "Well, I
aside from the obvious assumption, was up because he presumed me to certainly seem to have upset you with
that being in Klass's company, he be an uncritical "UFO believer" per- very little effort," I finally managed to
was hardly likely to harbor any overt sonally, who belonged to a field of blurt.
pro-UFO sentiments himself, of wha- gullible fools puffed up with a false This resulted in an escalation of
tever stripe. Since I'm no proselytizer sense of their own importance and blood pressure I had not previously
for the phenomenon myself, however, that of their subject, and specifically the thought possible, at least without fatal
I hold healthy skepticism, or for that argument that making public the consequences. "You couldn't panic
matter, disbelief, against no one. I alleged MJ-12 and government UFO the country if I gave you a $100 mil-
did, though, proceed to operate under cover-up would panic the public. lion budget!" he shouted. My reply to
the naive assumption that a friendly Whether I even hold such beliefs this was to offer to drop a hydrogen
dialogue might ensue between all myself is moot, because the subject bomb on Oklahoma City, and return
parties. of our conversation was entirely dic- him considerable change. His response
The topic of conversation was tated by Baker's colleague, Klass, and was to stalk off in high dudgeon.
turned by Klass, who wanted me to was never meant to reflect my own I presume this is the sort of rea-
imagine myself the President's national opinion(s) about anything. I have, soned objectivity and rational inquiry
MUTUAL UFO Journal, Number 246, October 1988
four fundamental forces. How much
harder must they be to comprehend,
then, given that you don't subscribe
to The Skeptical Inquirer? Inquiring
minds like mine want to know.
The editorial over, abstracts for the
different symposium speeches follow
in the order in which they appear in
the Proceedings.


Reports on an in-depth investiga-
tion into a dual-witness UFO abduc-
tion experience. This 1968 episode
differs from most other multiple-
witness cases in that (1) neither indi-
vidual communicated with the other
between the conclusion of the expe-
rience and the initiation of the inves-
Jamie Shandera tigation 10 years later, and (2) the 5-
supposedly taught in the CSICOP august group, the ones who are sup- year probe into this incident makes it
field manual, or is it confrontation posedly bent on discovery and know- the most thoroughly investigated and
guidelines? I would not bore you with ledge, instead of the camp-followers documented of any single UFO abduc-
this now and here, were it not for the of high visibility personalities, the tion episode to date. Additionally,
fact that reports have begun to filter . power brokers who assume scientific several potential secondary witnesses
back to me from a few correspond- and moral authority and deign to tell to the UFO's departure were located.
ents of Baker's own view of the everyone else how things really are, -Walter Webb
above events and conversation, and and what can and cannot be. Does
how I am characterized therein. Instead the panic scenario, in fact, extend to FOUR THEOLOGICAL
of an apology, which might be expected CSICOP as an organization? QUESTIONS
under the uncalled for circumstances, Physics, which deals with the simp-
I understand that I continue to be lest basics in nature, cannot yet Presents findings of a survey ques-
calumnied as gullible instead. Calumny explain how those foundations came tionnaire mailed to 100 Christian
is perhaps too strong a word here, into being, or for that matter, even theological seminaries to determine
given that Ben Johnson advises that what electricity is. And biology, chem- their openness to the question of
the best answer to same is silence. istry and psychology are but immen- UFOs and their awareness of issues
But it does cause one to question sely interwoven complications of those raised for theology. Includes analysis
the overall holier-than-thou mindset
of the academic psychologist, who
has the blood of thousands of slain
white rats on his hands, and to what
end, when their learning is so com-
partmentalized, and so rarely directed
to observing their own behavior?
What good having read and studied
the textbooks, when it still allows one
to make judgment calls of an individ-
ual purely on the basis of the milieu
in which he or she is encountered? A
preconception is a preconception,
whoever holds it.
CSICOP as a whole seems to
suffer from the same mystical sclero-
sis, which is a paralysis of the brain
and nervous system when confronted
with anomalous input. If my own view
is biased, then show me the ambassadors
of objectivity within that supposedly
MUTUAL UFO Journal, Number 246, October 1988 Skeptic Philip Klass meets Gulf Breeze

Post-Abduction Syndrome (PAS) is

a complex of physical and psycholog-
ical symptoms that can have deleterious
effects on its victims. Recognizing
these symptoms is an important step
in diagnosing abductions and provid-
ing the help that abductees need to
overcome PAS effects.
- David Jacobs


The search for a psychological

explanation of UFO abduction reports
has not been successful. Instead, evi-
dence has emerged to support an
Jerome Clark, left, with Budd Hopkins opposite conclusion. Case histories of
of Biblical references to possible UFO
phenomena and of theological issues
inherent in the data. Also examines CS/COP as a whole seems to suffer from the same
Government secrecy and its implica- mystical sclerosis, which is a paralysis of the brain
tions for UFO research and theology.
Argues the heed for theological semi- and nervous system when confronted with anom-
naries to consider the religious impli- alous imput.
cations of UFOs.
- Dr. Barry Downing
UFOlogists to reconsider the once- subjects displaying various psycholog-
FALL AND RISE OF ETH discredited idea of a U.S. government ical problems, including phobias and
UFO cover-up. The new UFOlogy — "irrational behavior," are reviewed.
In the early years of the UFO contro- sometimes called "mixology" — con- They suggest the "skeleton key"
versy, UFOlogists believed UFOs to tinues to dominate European UFO effect: That UFO abduction expe-
be extraterrestrial spaceships — an research but is no longer taken riences emerging during hypnotic regres-
idea already suggested by Charles seriously in the United States. sion sessions used to explore life
Fort and held by members of the - Jerry Clark experiences can explain unconven-
Fortean Society. Forteans, who are tional psychological behavior in the
interested in a variety of anomalies, PUBLIC REACTION TO abductee.
connected reports of unidentified aerial ALIEN CONTACT - Budd Hopkins
phenomena with other mysterious The question of how the general
public would react to an announce- GULF BREEZE HISTORY
events. In the 1950s Fortean writer
John Keel and scientist/countercultu- ment of UFO reality has always been
rist Jacques Vallee rejected the extra- a matter of conjecture. With the pos- As of the time of this writing in
terrestrial hypothesis but continued sibility looming ever larger that the early May, the investigation continues
the Fortean practice of linking UFOs coverup of UFO information may be and new sightings by numerous wit-
with folkloric creatures and parapsy- coming to an end, it is important to nesses have been reported. This
chological concerns. Eventually this examine how this news might influ- report is fundamentally a history of
"new UFOlogy" evolved into an inter- ence our society. This paper does not the events as stated by Ed and other
pretation of the UFO phenomenon argue for or against the extraterres- witnesses. However, interpretive com-
which held it to be a modern form of trial origin of UFOs, but must — for ments, discussions of preliminary tech-
visioinary experience. But such inter- the sake of this study — assume an nical analyses and discussions of
pretations failed to deal adequately interplanetary origin. A survey of objections and criticisms are also
with the growing evidence for a phys- mental health care professionals pro- presented. Although my present opin-
ical, technological (and seemingly extra- vides a glimpse into how contempor- ions about individual sightings are
terrestrial) phenomenon. Moreover, ary society may react to news of alien stated indirectly, I have no final opin-
such well-documented events as the contact. ion as yet.
Roswell incident caused American - Ray Boeche - Bruce Maccabee
MUTUAL UFO Journal, Number 246, October 1988
Additional Gulf Breeze Case
By Charles D. Flannigan, S.S. Director
SUBJECT: Pensacola, Florida tion and disappeared while moving
MUFON Case #8 North. There were no conventional
TYPE OF REPORT: CE-1 air or water craft observed during or
DATE OF REPORT: 8-20-88 after this sighting.
DATE OF INCIDENT: 7-8-88 Dr. McConnell is a well known and
LOCAL EVALUATION: Great Sig- highly reputable pathologist who is
nificance extremely skilled in detailed observa-
tions. However, he was not wearing
At 4:54 a.m. on July 8, 1988, Dr. glasses during this sighting and his
McConnell was sitting up in bed look- distant vision requires him to do so.
ing out over Pensacola Bay. (He typi- Mrs. McConnell has excellent distant
cally gets up this time each morning vision.
to begin his exercise routine.) As he Mrs. McConnell has a Bachelor of
looked out over the bay, he observed Science Degree in Food and Nutri-
a lighted craft hovering above the tion. She currently owns a Party
water. (The distance was later deter- Consulting business.
mined to be approximately 330 feet.) Note of Interest — Several weeks
He awakened his wife saying, "Quick, prior to this sighting they decided to
look out the window." Shirley McCon- have their annual house party on
nell immediately observed a round Sunday, July 10, 1988. This year's
Dr. David Jacobs craft with lighted windows and a large party theme was "UFO Watch". Five
white beam shining on the water. hundred thirty-five guests were invited
MJ-12 AND PHIL KLASS (Beam width later determined to be of which two hundred ninety-eight
approximately eight feet in diameter.) attended.
Shirley said it was the exact craft that The guests arrived not knowing the
During the year which has passed
had been printed in the Gulf Breeze McConnells had closely observed an
since our release of these documents
Sentinel. The craft outline was clearly unconventional craft just two days
to the public, the most vocal critic by
discernible because of internal lights before. The McConnells said they
far has been Philip J. Klass, a man
reflecting through windows and the purposely avoided much discussion
who has been a well-known UFO-
large diameter white beam shining on about their sighting.
basher for more than twenty years. the water.
The thrust of this paper will be to
The McConnells observed the sound-
look at the various charges which
less craft for approximately two to
have been levelled against the MJ-12
documents by Klass, and to a lesser
three minutes before running to the U.F.O. Watch
opposite end of the house in an
extent others, who have questioned
their authenticity. What emerges from
attempt to view the object from the Sunday, July 10
backyard. Upon entering the yard
such an examination is the inescapable
conclusion that, to date, not one sin-
they could clearly observe the same 4:00
craft from a different angle. They
gle point has been raised which, upon
competent investigation, shows these
were now facing south/southeast. 103 Beach Drive
Shirley was slightly behind her
documents or the information therein
to be a hoax! Indeed, objections
husband when he said, "It's leaving". Gulf Breeze, Florida
At this time the craft started moving
which looked damaging at first glance
have later proved to be solid evi-
slowly in a Westerly direction and at Fenner and Shirley
the same altitude of 25-30 feet. The
dence for authenticity rather than
craft was now moving toward the
against it.
rotating beacon on top of the light
- Moore & Friedman Regrets
house at Pensacola Naval Air Station.
The craft continued shining the white 932-4879 • 932-5066
MUFON beam into the water as it crossed
Pensacola Bay. As the craft approach-
ed the light house it changed direc-
MUTUAL UFO Journal, Number 246, October 1988
Those Corny British Circles
By Ralph Noyes

Noyes, a retired civil servant, is that the wind and the weather and eral triangle, quintuplets of circles,
the author of A Secret Property. summer whirlwinds tend to muck circles arranged in a quadrangle, and
His last appearance here was about with one's fields and to leave a triangular equilateral array embrac-
"Paradoxical Energy Levels" in patches of damage. The only oddity ing a ringed circle.
the June 1988 issue. about the 1980 occurrences was their As Charles Fort would have joyously
highly geometrical form and the fact predicted, hypotheses began to flow
Since 1980 we Brits have been that nothing quite comparable seemed by the bucketful. Wiltshire, the county
watching, with rather less than our to have been observed by competent mainly blessed with these visitations,
usual British phlegm, the occurrence scientists before that date. But life is is rich in folklore, neolithic remains,
of some very odd patterns of distur- full of enjoyable surprises, and no rumors of the second coming of King
bance in fields of grain, mainly in the sensible citizen was likely to loose Arthur, latter-day Druids in search of
southern counties of Wiltshire and much sleep over this entertaining the summer solstice at Stonehenge,
Hampshire. quirk of nature. that fabulous intergalactic landing-
They were first noticed, almost at ground at Warminster, .our own mag-
the same time, by a cool-headed RECURRING CIRCLES ical UFO-maestro A r t h u r S h u t -
observer of things anamalous — Ian tlewood, and a multitude of Army
Mrzyglod (Editor: Mrzyglod, as shown, In 1981 three circles turned up in helicopters. In addition to hedgehogs,
believe it or not) — and an equally another field of grain near Winches- people began to blame elves, pixies,
cool-headed scientist, Dr. Terence ter, about forty miles to the southeast "earth forces", witchcraft, "Dragon
Meaden, who edits the prestigious of the 1980 occurrence. This time, we lines", unspeakable stoneage practi-
Journal of Meteorology and directs had a large central circle, flanked by ces and, of course, the military. One
the internationally renowned TORRO two smaller circles, all three lying in a national newspaper perpetrated a hoax
(Tornado & Storm Research Organisa- straight line. The "swirl" in all three in the hope of catching out another
tion). circles was clockwise. UFO buffs and national newspaper. Somebody sug-
In that first year — if "first" it was the British Press had a good time gested that vixens might be making
— three large circles turned up in teasing each other. Theories began to nests for their cubs. It was mainly the
fields of grain near Westbury, Wilt- emerge that mating hedgehogs might Journal Of Meteorology that kept us
shire — quite close, as it happens, to be responsible (perhaps even mating sane. Dr. Meaden was able to dem-
our UFO-haunted Warminster in the Brits). Responsible ufologists gathered onstrate that helicopters could not be
same county. It's worth defining "cir- their skirts about them. Irresponsible the source of these very precise patt-
cles" at this point because all the ufologists gave way to wonderful erns of damage; and his meticulous
later ones take a similar form. What hypotheses, foreseeing the millenium. measurement of something like 300 of
Meaden and Mrzyglod observed (after Responsible meteorologists be- the 400 or so circles which have so
the unfortunate farmer had been gan to elaborate their atmospheric far been reported entirely rules out
given some unwelcome publicity by physics. Irresponsible armchair For- the hypothesis of hoax in most cases.
the local Press) was a precisely teans (including yours truly) had a
defined area in the grain, delineated quiet laugh. CONTROVERSY
as sharply as though a giant's biscuit- Then the damn thing took off ... A
cutter had descended from above. At book will be needed to do justice to But what on earth has this got to
the edge of this area the grain stood the rich eccentricities which have do with respectable ufology? Quite
upright; within it the crop was flat- since overtaken us. For the moment, possibly nothing ... Over here we're
tened to the ground and swirled suffice it to say that every year has in the middle of one of those fratrici-
clockwise, though continuing to grow brought us a new surprise. Shortly dal rows which make ufology so
as though nothing had happened. after Dr. Meaden noted in his Journal enjoyable to Fortean onlookers. Right
One or two ufologists rapidly took that only clockwise "swirls" had so from the start BUFORA was very
this as evidence of visitation by our far appeared, we began to get anti- carefully — and I'm sure rightly —
space brothers. Ian Mrzyglod very clockwise swirls. Then some learned distanced itself from jokey Press
properly reserved judgement. Dr. Mea- clown sagely suggested that only attempts to ascribe the thing to Little
den began to look for an explanation "simple" patterns were in question — Green Men. In 1986 BUFORA pub-
in terms of atmospheric physics. It is, immediately, we began to stumble lished a booklet by Paul Fuller and
after all, as every farmer knows, a across ringed circles, double-ringed Jenny Randies which carefully exam-
common hazard of arable farming circles, circles arranged in an equilat- ined all the evidence available up to
8 MUTUAL UFO Journal, Number 246, October 1988
My own hunch is that the corn circles are one of
the most interesting anomalies to have turned up
in recent years. They are clearly generated by
some sort of transient energy.

the autumn of the previous year. It has been done year after year by Dr.
reached no conclusion but leaned Terence Meaden, and nobody who
strongly towards meteorology and wants to study the phenomenon can
heavily away from LGM. In the other afford to be without his series of arti-
camp Colin Andrews and Pat Del- cles in The Journal Of Meteorology.
gado, who have spent a vast amount But I don't think I'm misrepresenting
of time and effort in field research him when I say that the phenomenon
and aerial reconaissance, have been continues to surprise a scientist of
publishing a series of fascinating arti- even his caliber (particularly by its
cles in Flying Saucer Review, stress- versatile ability to generate new patt-
ing the peculiar tendency of at least erns, year by year); and that we are
some circles to turn up in what you still some way from anything approach-
might call "UFO-haunted" country. ing a full explanation in terms of con-
To Fortean outsiders the ensuing, ventional atmospheric physics.
and increasingly passionate, polemics So where do we stand? My own
between these protagonists has proved hunch is that the com circles are one
nearly as enjoyable as the pheno- of the most interesting anomalies to
menon itself. have turned up in recent years. They
In MUFON UFO Journal No. 234 are clearly generated by some sort of
of October 1987 you gave house- transient energy. Whether the study
room to a letter from Jenny Randies of this energy "belongs" to meteorol-
in which she indignantly swung her ogy, or ufology, or even the Society
handbag at the supposed UFO con- for Phychical Research (one of whose
nection. (Some days I feel that, for distinguished members is taking a
Jenny, the magic is beginning to go close interest) or even, perhaps, to all
out of UFOs). In the May/June 1988 three! — will emerge in due time.
issue of International UFO Reporter Much light may be cast on all three
Paul Fuller sadly reflected on the gul- fields of enquiry as a result. The only
libility of ufologists when confronted inexcusable thing would be to look
with all these corny goings-on in corn the other way, or to pretend that it
fields. And while I was flying about . isn't happening or doesn't matter.
Hampshire and Wiltshire earlier this I'll merely end with two points.
year, taking excited photographs of First, we — on this side of the Atlan-
increasingly complex patterns in the tic — will probably go on calling them
fields, a celebrated ufologist I hap- "corn" circles: "corn" has a nice
pened to be with (author of a best- mythological ring for the anthropolo-
seller, indeed) remarked that support gists and folklorists among us (and it
for the Extraterrestrial Hypoth- so happens that the circles have in
esis wasn't going to be found by wast- fact tended to turn up mainly in fields
ing our time on this sort of thing. of grain — oats, wheat, rye, barley —
Very strange, I thought ... We've all for which we Brits use the generic
been praying for years for something term "corn"). Secondly, the subject
— anything — which we could go now urgently needs a comprehensive
and measure, and photograph, and bibliography. I've begun to compile
argue with good scientists about — one and will gladly send a copy to
and the moment it turns up, several any reader who sends a stamped
highly intelligent ufologists rush away envelope to 9 Oakley Street, London
from it in panic! And it isn't as SW3-5NN, England — especially if
though we yet have an explanation he/she can suggest any references to
for the circles in terms of current
scientific paradigms. Wonderful work Continued on next page
MUTUAL UFO Journal, Number 246, October 1988
be added to the list, and even more
so if any comparable occurrence can
be reliably documented from any
country in which the MUFON UFO
Journal circulates. (I will pass on any
such information immediately to serious
(Editor's Note: U.S. Postage on the
envelope is not acceptable in England.)


separate pigeonholes and never the

The God Hypothesis twain shall meet." But in the June

issue they do meet. Stacy says
"We're not aiming to make converts
here to any particular cause, but
By Dr.Barry H. Downing rather to referee what otherwise
might be considered an unwieldy con-
Rev. Downing is the author of by most as of marginal importance. test between opponents who don't
The Bible and Flying Saucers, After all, MUFON is an independent usually square off in the same ring."
recently scheduled for reprinting. organization devoted to the scientific Stacy's disclaimer of "not aiming to
study of UFOs, it is not a religious make converts" is one hint of how
At the end of my article, "UFOs organization. The UFO subject has religion makes the study of UFOs
and Religion: The French Connec- been seen by most MUFON members even more uncomfortable than it
tion," in the June issue of the Jour- to be an essentially scientific animal already is. Few readers of the Journal
nal, I asked the question: "Could with a few religious warts. would want it to become an advocate
UFOs be a manifestation of the God My job has been to explain the for a Roman Catholic, or Methodist,
of the Universe? At this point it religious warts, if I could. If I couldn't or Presbyterian, or Hindu, or Jewish,
would only be a hypothesis, of course." it wouldn't matter much, because the or Islamic view of UFOs, whatever
In this article I will explore why we apparently religious warts would probab- that might be.
need the God hypothesis in our cur- ly turn out to be scientific in the end I would say that the Journal would
rent UFO context. anyway. do well to imitate the United States
As a Presbyterian Pastor I get In recent times, the religious wart Constitution in its policy on religion:
asked to perform many wedding has grown. A few MUFON readers make no laws regarding the estab-
ceremonies. I occasionally get a call may begin to\ wonder more carefully lishment of religion, nor prohibiting
from a couple who obviously has what kind of a theological consultant the free exercise thereof.
never darkened the door of a church the MUFON UFO Journal has. Is That is to say, no one religious
in their lives — but they want to get one enough? Do we need more than view should be the dominant or
married in a church. one brand? Do we really want this "established" view of the Journal, but
They really don't care what kind of guy in charge of the UFO-religion at the same time I would not want to
God I believe in, or what my theology marriage? I leave it to the MUFON see the Journal exclude discussion of
is, as long as I "do the job." After the board of directors to ponder these the religious issues in regard to UFOs
wedding ceremony is over, they will questions, while I try to the best of from its pages.
never darken the door of a church my ability to describe how the reli-
again (at least while alive). gious UFO wart looks to me. STRANGE BEDFELLOWS
For over fifteen years I have been a In his introduction to the June 1988
theological and religious consultant to issue of the Journal, editor Dennis The fact that UFOs are now more
MUFON, and it has been a task I Stacy says, "Science and technology, openly admitted to have a religious
have enjoyed. My task has been seen religion and magic, would seem to be dimension is due in a sense to the
10 MUTUAL UFO Journal, Number 246, October 1988
growing confidence among MUFON pursuit." was the center of our solar systems,
members that UFOs are a legitimate I would not want to argue with the idea was seen as a huge threat to
scientific problem. This may seem Clark about what may be the motives the Roman Catholic faith. Yet, when
like a strange observation. of those studying UFOs. What I we think about the basis of the Bibli-
But in the early years of UFO stu- would want to say to Clark, however, cal religion, the location of the sun in
dies, those who took the UFO phe- is that UFOs have a huge religious the sky is really a minor issue.
nomenon seriously had to contend dimension, and it is important that we Likewise, Fundamentalist Protestant-
with the view of scientists like Cor- be allowed to take this dimension out ism is still battling Darwin's theory of
nell's Dr. Carl Sagan and the late of the closet. I would also say that if evolution. Darwin does not fit well
Harvard astronomer Dr. Donald Menzel, Jenny Randies wants to admit in pub- with a literal reading of Genesis.
who argued that UFOs were not lic that she has a kind of messianic Roman Catholics and liberal Protest-
really a scientific problem, they were hope in regard to UFOs, she ought ants have been willing to read Gene-
some form of modem religious myth. to be able to admit this without sis in a more metaphorical way, and
These arguments advanced by scien- ridicule. so Darwin did not cause a great crisis
tists, together with the "lunatic fringe" Clark's closing paragraph is inter- for these "brands" of western religion.
of ufology, the contactees who went esting. He argues that many people But the emerging concept of UFOs
around giving us messages from the are afraid of dealing with "CE3s, as the controlling force directing life
"space brothers," made those who abductions and the ETH" because on earth, as Vallee argues in Dimen-
took UFOs seriously from a scientific they are seeking "a comfortable, non- sions, a force developing our religious
point of view want to keep religion as threatening alternative which reas- belief systems, is a concept which
far from the UFO debate as possible. sures them that human beings and cuts right to the core of Western reli-
But with the developing data base their gods are still the lords of this gious faith. If Copernicus and Darwin
of UFO reports, the excellent scien- earth." could register a seven on the religious
tific work of Dr. J. Allen Hynek, and Richter Scale, I cannot imagine what
Dr. Jacques Vallee among others, RELIGIOUS DIMENSIONS numbers we need to read the scale of
together with mounting evidence of a religious revolution that will take
world-wide lie by governments to I hope Mr. Clark recognizes the place when the rest of the world
deny the existence of UFOs (see religious dimensions of this closing catches up with current UFO studies.
Fawcett and Greenwood, Clear Intent, statement. Our emerging UFO sce- On behalf of the Fund for UFO
Randies, The UFO Conspiracy, and nario, including the abduction phe- Research, Dr. Thomas E. Bullard
Good, Above Top Secret), UFO nomenon, is that the UFO reality compiled a study of over 400 pages
researchers now have the confidence seems to be acting in a god-like way entitled, Comparative Analysis of UFO
to believe that UFOs are a real scien- toward humans. That is, UFO beings Abduction Reports. Bullard argues
tific animal, and perhaps we ought to can abduct humans, can control our that the typical abduction victim goes
look more closely at the religious minds, may take sperm samples from through a sequence of eight stages:
warts on this animal — they may be us, impregnate women, and appar- 1) Capture, 2) Examination, 3) Con-
an important clue in solving the ently carry out breeding experiments ference, 4) Tour, 5) Otherworldly
scientific puzzle. with us. In other words, as Jacques Journey, 6) Theophany, 7) Return, 8)
From my point of view, this is both Vallee has argued in Dimensions, Aftermath.
good news and bad news. The good UFOs are a control system. They He defines number 6, Theophany,
news is that my warts are now going carry on many of the functions the as follows: "The witness has a reli-
to get more serious attention. The Judeo-Christian tradition used to ascribe gous experience or receives a mes-
bad news is, the wart is bigger than I to God. sage from a divine being."
wish it were. Our culture as a whole has little One of the most famous theophari-
UFOs, of course, are still not seen idea that many in the UFO field now ies in UFO literature is the story of
as a "religious problem" by most believe UFOs are acting in a god-like Betty Andreasson, reported by Ray-
UFO writers, though there are those way in regard to planet earth. The mond Fowler in The Andreasson
who already worry about the possibil- government lie about UFOs has kept Affair, and The Andreasson Affair:
ity. Thus Jerome Clark, in his article the media, and therefore our religious Phase II. In this abduction report
"Ufologists and the Extraterrestrial institutions, from carrying on the reli- Betty Andreasson confronts a being
Hypothesis," is critical of Jenny Ran- gious debate that the UFO concept who seems to speak with the author-
dies for admitting that she is inter- demands. ity of God.
ested in UFOs in part because she Let us make no mistake about how How are we to interpret this aspect
hopes UFOs "will change the world revolutionary an idea this will be to of the UFO phenomenon? Here are
and maybe help us get out of the our religious institutions (and by our, some possibilities: 1) We can put
mess we are in." I mean the Judeo-Christian tradition, forth the hypothesis that all UFO
Clark says, "To the overwhelming the main religion of Western culture abduction reports are mysterious psy-
majority of ufologists, the investiga- and of America). chological experiences, and the theo-
tion of the UFO phenomenon is not When Copernicus and Galileo sug- phany in these reports is simply one
anything remotely like a religious gested that the sun, not the earth, aspect of the whole psychological
MUTUAL UFO Journal, Number 245, October 1988 11
as prime mover, or as being itself.
This idea of God was blended by
// Copernicus and Darwin could register a seven theologians like Aquinas with biblical
on the religious Richter Scale, I cannot imagine theology, the theology of a God who
made man in his own image, a biblical
what numbers we need to read the scale of reli- tradition in which angels flew down
gious revolution that will take place when the rest from the sky, met with humans,
of the world catches up with current UFO studies. intervened with "chosen people" like
Moses and Jesus, Messiahs who
saved us from Egypt or death.
process. 2) We can suppose that idea of God was used to explain why Thus Western religion, messianic
much of the UFO abduction report is the sun moved across the sky and religion, is by no means by-passed by
real, but the theophany aspect of the why rain fell. Do we not have a right our emerging UFO stories. Part of
report is a kind of natural human to suppose that when the real truth Jerome Clark's fear is that some kind
psychological response elicited by about UFOs is known, that once of new messianic faith will emerge
being in the presence of this frightful again we will find "God" is an unne- from UFO studies. Jenny Randies
being (see Whitley Strieber's reaction cessary part of the explanation? We hoping that UFOs will "help us get
in Communion). 3) We can suppose may suppose this, but we do not out of the mess we are in" may be
that all of the abduction experience is know if it is true at this point. only the tip of the iceberg.
real, and that the theophany is Whitley Strieber is clearly fearful of
caused deliberately by the UFO beings, GOD CONCEPTS the messianic dimensions of the UFO
whoever they are, but their motive in story. In his Forword to Vallee's
presenting us with this theophany is There are many difficulties with the Dimensions, Strieber says, "The only
deceptive: They want to give us the God hypothesis, of course. The first thing now needed to make the UFO
appearance of being God, but they problem is that when we use the myth a new religion of remarkable
are not God. This is essentially R.L. term God, we are thinking in West- scope and force is a single undeniable
Dione's argument in God Drives a ern culture of the God of Judeo- sighting. Such a sighting need last
Flying Saucer. More serious UFO Christian tradition. Islam is also an only a few minutes — just long
researchers, like John Keel and Jacques off-shoot of this tradition. enough to be thoroughly documented.
Vallee, are fearful that UFOs are Hinduism does not have a compar- It will at once invest the extraterres-
influencing our religious beliefs for able concept of God, nor does Bud- trials channels, the 'space brothers'
motives we would not like if we dhism which grew out of Hinduism. believers, and the UFO cultists with
understood them. 4) We can suppose Foster Morrison, in his article "UFOs the appearance of revealed truth."
that UFOs are, or represent, the — Science and Technology in the Vallee shares Strieber's fear that we
ultimate force behind the universe. Service of Magic," in the June issue humans will be too quick to believe.
UFOs are God, or are of God. This of the Journal, says that "The uni- I would not deny that there is huge
is the God hypothesis. This says the verse of UFOs is animistic. Exotic potential for fanaticism in the UFO
reason that theophanies occur in celestial beings travel from world to concept. Furthermore, if Strieber's
UFO abduction cases is because God world. Life is everywhere and more "one undeniable sighting" were to
is behind the abductions. diverse than in the Hindu pantheon." occur, Christian fundamentalists would
This may be an unpleasant hypothe- Morrison further argues that "The undoubtedly assume that the Second
sis. There may be insufficient evi- Gods of the messianic faiths are sim- Coming of Christ is here. John Wei-
dence in favor of this hypothesis at ilarly removed from human under- don and Zola Levitt's UFOs: What
present time for it to be given much standing" in our scientific culture, in on Earth is Happening? has already
weight. But for the time being, that is which science is our real religion, led the way in that direction.
beside the point. religion having the function of justify- Let us suppose that the govern-
My main argument for now is that ing "the prevailing political and social ments of the world are not as dumb
the God hypothesis ought to be seen system." as we in the UFO field have been
as a legitimate scientific hypothesis. Thus from Morrison's point of inclined to think. Jerome Clark, Jac-
We have reached the point in UFO view, Western religion, which is mes- ques Vallee and Whitley Strieber all
research where it should be consi- sianic, is of little use either in our see tremendous danger in linking
dered along with the ETI theory, and current scientific culture, or in under- UFOs and religion. They see a fright-
the psychological theory, which are standing UFOs. ening potential for social disaster.
the main theories now under considera- Morrison has arrived at this con- That is undoubtedly one of the
tion. clusion in part because he has not main reasons our government has
There is no logical reason why God traced the God of Western culture lied to us about UFOs. Like Clark,
might not be the ultimate case of back to its two roots. Our idea of Vallee and Strieber, they fear social
UFO events. I realize that this is an God is partly formed by the Greek and religious disaster if UFO informa-
unpleasant thought to scientists with philosophy of Plato and Aristotle, tion is released.
good memories. Not long ago, the who saw God not so much as person At the same time, Foster Morrison
12 MUTUAL UFO Journal, Number 246, October 1988
has argued rightly "The only identifi- this messianic activity God-like activity? to distinguish between the work of
able thing the UFO phenomenon is I think we need the God hypothe- God, and the work of the UFO real-
doing is discrediting the scientific and sis. At the very least, many reports ity. If UFOs are not of God, where is
political establishments." indicate that UFOs are behaving in a my God, and how am I to know Him?
I have argued that the UFO phe- God-like way toward life on planet We need the God hypothesis because
nomenon, through the "pillar of cloud earth. I don't think the governments of the
and fire" during the Exodus, in the Speaking as a Christian, I have to world can keep the UFO lie going
same way discredited the scientific say that UFOs create a huge problem forever. It would be better for all of
and political establishment of Pha- for my theology if they are not God- us if the God hypothesis could be
raoh's Egypt, and likewise the resur- directed. UFOs are reported in the discussed before world governments
rection of Jesus discredited the Roman Bible that are very similar to modern release their UFO information. This
political and Jewish religious estab- UFOs. F u r t h e r m o r e , m o d e r n way the discussion could occur in a
lishment of his time. UFOs, and their occupants, are report- more rational atmosphere, rather than
I believe that the humbling of the ed to control human minds, and in the face of the fear that those like
established powers that UFOs are human speech (in the manner of Pen- Whitley Strieber obviously felt so deeply.
now bringing about has occurred tecost, Acts, chapter 2), they can At this point we need to raise the
before. And although Jenny Randies control human reproduction, and there- God hypothesis in a scientific way. I
may not have a lot of evidence to fore all biological development; reports say in a scientific way because the
support her hope that UFOs may indicate that they can distort time as religious community is too fearful to
"help us get out of the mess we are well as space. They have the power explore this concept in even a preli-
in," at the same time what are we to to heal human diseases, to overpower minary fashion at this point. But the
make of stories like those reported human technology, and to confound UFO community, as a scientific broth-
by Fawcett and Greenwood in Clear the political and scientific powers of erhood, can ask the theoretical ques-
Intent, in which UFOs hover above the world. Jacques Vallee has argued tion: If there is a God in the universe,
our nuclear silos, and reprogram the in Dimensions that the main purpose and if this God were to be the cause
computers in the warheads? Is it not of UFOs is to control our religious of the UFO phenomenon, how would
possible that UFOs have used their belief systems. The God of the Bible we know it? This question is only a
power to cause the political and is known by his ability to do all these slight extension of the basic question
scientific powers of the world to things. I know of nothing in my theolo- we are all asking: Who are these
rethink their nuclear strategy? If so, is gical training that gives me the ability guys, and what do they want?

The Need For Skeptics

By Michael J. Rigg
Rigg is a MUFON state section space stories about pyramid builders, to join. One thing we should keep in
director for Indiana. all out of proportion, without consid- mind is that what a potential investi-
ering known facts, fallacies and tru- gator's "belief type" is is just as
What does UFO investigation need isms. Between these two radically dif- important as having UFO sightings
most of all? The answer may surprise ferent stands comes a difficult zone typed and categorized.
you — skeptics! That's right, skep- of skepticism and belief. Two believ- These four basic types are 1) The
tics. It should be obvious to field ing types are those who accept anal- blind acceptor, 2) The hypothesizer,
investigators and trainees who have ysis of UFO physical trace sightings, 3) The Analyzer, and 4) The Rejec-
read the MUFON Field Investigator's hypnotic recall, multiple witness reports, tor. All of the following anecdotal
Manual that blind acceptance of the etc., and those who accept the hypo- information and theory comes from
UFO phenomenon is just as danger- theses of noted UFO writers. The lat- having discussed UFOs with people
ous to UFOlogy as blatant debunking. ter differ from blind acceptors in the of varying backgrounds. I find this
Debunkers are dangerous to UFOlo- respect that blind acceptors usually type system important because, as I
gists because they can wrongly influ- form their own hypotheses and gener- mentioned earlier, some ways of
ence the UFO outsiders who are ally refuse to listen to others no mat- thought may be detrimental to the
already slightly skeptical. Then they, ter what their credentials. study of the UFO phenomenon.
in turn, become debunkers them- I have formulated this discovery (of TYPE ONE, The Blind Acceptor:
selves. Blind acceptors of the UFO the four basic UFO belief types) since One blatant Type One that I have
phenomenon tend to feed on tabloid joining MUFON and listening to those had the misfortune to meet was fond
stories of three-headed monsters from inside — and why they joined — and of philosophizing about the origins of
Mars and fantasize brothers-from- those outside — why they would like the pyramids, the Devil's Triangle,
MUTUAL UFO Journal, Number 246, October 1988 13
and man himself. Now, the one thing what he/she has read that sounds some good books that deal in part
about the Type One that I want to familiar. One Type Two that I have with Type Four run-ins. I recommend
make perfectly clear is that they do met (who IS an investigator) became Casebook of a UFO Investigator and
not change their minds and cannot extremely disheartened when his first UFOs: Interplanetary Visitors. As
be swayed no matter what the evi- case turned out to be an IFO. Type Mr. Fowler puts it (and he puts it
dence, or no matter how obvious Twos must realize that not everyone much beter than I), the best way to
something may seem. The Type One they interview is going to become the handle these people is to simply
I talked to had the following to say next Whitley Strieber, Betty An- know what you are talking about. As
about IFOs: dreasson, or Barney Hill. Once this long as you are sure about what you
I happened to be relating a story obstacle is overcome, any Type Two are doing, there is absolutely no rea-
about an F-86 jet fighter that was could be molded into a fine informa- son to fear the opinions of Type
rocketing after a UFO that had sud- tion gatherer. All Type Twos lack is a Fours.
denly appeared over the horizon. I sprinkling of skepticism in the right So, the final analysis is simple.
mentioned to this person that place; they gear too far toward the Type Three believers rate the best
although there have been real dark, "unknown" end of the spec- metal for UFO investigators. We
UFO/jet "dogfight" incidents, this trum without checking the light side. should keep these traits in mind as
time the pilot was actually trying to TYPE THREE, The Analyzer: This we surge forward toward the ever-
attack the planet Venus! To this the is the perfect UFO investigator. Just distant UFO. If we can sidestep the
Type One replied, "How do you as the MUFON Field Investigator's Type Ones, ignore the Type Fours,
know it was the planet Venus?" to Manual suggests, this person is a and recruit the Type Threes, UFO1-
which I responded, "It was docu- conscientious hard worker who holds ogy may start making even larger
mented as such, and the position of off on making snap judgments or leaps and strides than it is now.
the light followed the exact path of hypotheses which can't be proven There are many good books on the
Venus and was seen on consecutive anyway, and concentrates instead on shelves that can help the UFO inves-
nights!" To this the Type One adam- gathering the facts into reasonable tigator become a well-oiled machine;
a n t l y replied, "That's no form without emphasizing one point aside from Mr. Fowler's books which
proof!" over another. A Type Three will go I've already mentioned and the
If that isn't proof, then I don't into a case without guessing before- MUFON manual, try Allan Hendry's
know what is. It is important for hand what the sighting may turn out UFO Handbook. In the meantime,
investigators to keep a calm realiza- to be. A Type Three will weigh each let's remember that keen interest is
tion that well over 85 percent of their case evenly, keeping in mind that CE- one thing, but zealous impatience is
investigators may turn out to be IFO I may be an IFO, a CE-II may be deadly.
encounters like the one I just des- fungi growth, and a CE-III or IV may
cribed. As far as skepticism goes, be an overactive imagination.
Type Ones lose out because they The Type Three may have an idea
have not one skeptical bone in their or two about where UFOs come
bodies. from, how they work, etc., but
TYPE TWO, The Hypothesizes I he/she would never let that get in the
don't mean here to suggest that way of progress. Above all, the Type
"hypothesizer" refers to "one who Three must remain skeptical enough
hypothesizes." On the contrary, the to remain serious without getting
Type Two believes in UFOs and in excited when a case surfaces.
addition may collect and accept more TYPE FOUR, The Rejector: All
than one hypothesis about their origin UFOlogists have run into these at
or existence. The Type Two person one point or another. Whether it's a
is a walking library of UFO lore and stubborn acquaintance, an opponent
can reproduce practically any close at a public debate, or just a famous
encounter case verbatim. The danger UFO debunker between the pages of
this type presents rests in his or her a book, we've all had the misfortune
reluctance to engage in free thinking. of meeting them. Type Fours are the
The Type Twos I have met can talk enemies of serious UFO study, the
all day about UFOs, but if I were to Klasses and Menzels, and the pre-
ask, "Well, what's your opinion?" the 1969 Air Force project Blue Book
question draws a blank. I was amazed lackeys. These rejectors live for the
to find that happened four out of five weather balloon, and go out of their
t i m e s I c o n v e r s e d w i t h Type way (even to the point of construct-
Twos. ing fake UFO projects that are actu-
As far as becoming an investigator ally debunking machines) to under-
goes, Type Twos may have trouble mine UFOlogical study. Ray Fowler, Dr. Bruce S. Maccabee
discerning what a witness says with author of The Andreasson Affair, has (Alias "Joe Cool")
14 MUTUAL UFO Journal, Number 246, October 1988
Elementary My Dear Watson!
By Lindy Whitehurst

Geochemist Whitehurst offers chemistry for life elsewhere may be DNA structure with respect to the
the following bit of whimsy as very similar to our own and subject environment. We do, of course, share
educated speculation on the nature to the same physical laws. Intelligent the basic humanoid shape: two arms,
of a potentially alien-inhabited life should be mammalian because it two legs, a head, two eyes, etc., and
planet. takes a long time for intelligence to would expect a central nervous sys-
be transmitted to offspring, and tem, a brain, sensory organs up front,
Perhaps if in the days of Sir Arthur mammals are the only form we know and mobile with manipulative ability.
Conan Doyle's master detective, Mr. of that take care of their young for Very small beings could possibly
Sherlock Holmes, UFO sightings oc- long periods of time." evolve intelligence provided their an-
curred with late 20th century fre- "I've noted since helmets are rarely cient ancestors weren't forced to use
quency, then his "deductive reason- observed, we can assume they feel all their energies in competition with
ing" abilities may have helped to shed comfortable in your proportional larger and more powerful animals for
some light on our unearthly visitors oxygen-nitrogen atmosphere, cleaner survival, while a marine environment
and deduce the make-up of their I dare say than the soot we British would be still less likely to evolve
planet. As you read the narrative, breathe from our industrialization era, intelligence.
imagine you hear the famous voice of and it follows they must have an "If I may say, a key to their planet's
the cinema Holmes, Basil Rathbone. ample supply of oxygen-producing size may indeed lie in the muscularity
Now let us place ourselves in the plants and life-sustaining fresh water. of their legs. While far too little is
mind of Mr. Holmes and reach across Our earth comprises only one per- known about their lower appendages,
time and light years of intersteller cent fresh water; the other 99 per- much has been said about their
space to look in on an alien world. cent being in the salt water oceans. If skinny arms, and if we humans are to
"I bid you greetings my dear reader we assume nature allows only a small be used as an example of proportion-
from Victorian England. I have been fraction of fresh water on planets ality, skinny legs would almost cer-
requested to review the facts in this capable of sustaining life, then great tainly follow the trend. Slender legs
case, use my humble powers of salted oceans and continents would would indicate they don't require
deduction, and report my findings. also be expected. Fresh water is large muscles to comfortably walk
First let me remind you of the aliens' formed when water vapor continually about their native world. This would
'modus operandi'. Great consisten- evaporating from the world's oceans mean a lighter gravity and a corres-
cies in reporting details of the huma- forms clouds, and carried by the pondingly smaller planet than our
noids by hundreds of witnesses for winds causes fresh water to fall on Earth.
decades of your century have pro- the land to be collected and used by "The study of gravitational forces,
vided us with biological benchmarks its inhabitants. We would expect discovered by one of my country's
from which to make our deductions: weather cycles on a life-bearing alien great fellow scientiests, Sir Issac
1) Short slender bodies, 2) Large hair- planet not be greatly different from Newton, tells us the more massive
less heads in proportion to their our own and will henceforth use our the planet, the heavier the gravity,
bodies, 3) Very large black slanted own carbon-based human form as a and conversely the smaller the world,
eyes, 4) Small nostrils without notice- reference point from which to 'evolve' the lighter is its gravity, with slighter
able nose bridge, 5) Thin close-fitting their planet. Silicon-based life forms muscles needed to walk about. Too
suits, 6) Seldom an audible speech, 7) would be a somewhat remote possi- large a planet, possibly over twice the
Medical examinations repeatedly per- bility due to much longer evolution size of the Earth, with high surface
formed, 8) Predominantly nocturnal time. gravity, would evolve so strong a
sightings, 9) Quick movements ob- "Although our respective civiliza- skeletal structure for compensation
served, 10) Comparatively low physi- tions may have begun along different as to make sluggish creatures.
cal strength ... And now the game is evolutionary tracks, they also eventu- "Our slightly-built aliens, however,
a foot. ally converged toward the approxi- would find our heavier gravity some-
"My friend and associate, Inspector mate humanoid form though they what of a burden unless artifically
Lastrade of Scotland Yard, an ama- need not resemble the human body overcome, and after all, we do find
teur anthropologist, tells me since too closely. Other intelligently-evolved numerous reports of aliens apparently
elements and compounds needed for species would naturally differ because using an artificial device to float
life occur in meteorites, stars, and of the enormous number of chance themselves along as well as their
galactic dust, we may assume the combinations of nucleotides in the human captives.
MUTUAL UFO Journal, Number 246, October 1988 15
"Your nineteenth century American DIAMETER: 9780 km (6080 miles)
astronomer and expert on the planet
Mars, Percival Lowell, reminded me if GRAVITY: 67 percent of earth's
their world is a bit too small like Mars
(one-third the earth's gravity), it would CIRCUMFERENCE: 30,700 km (19,100 miles)
not have had sufficient gravity to hold
down its air and water; they would DENSITY: 4.8 grams / cubic centimeter or 87 percent of earth's
have boiled away, and the air would
have become too thin to support VOLUME: 45 percent of earth's
intelligent life as has been theorized
for our red neighbor in space. Our MASS: 39 percent of earth's
requirements are for water as a sol-
vent with an oxidizing atmosphere. This would probably leave room only we are, evolution would have stepp-
We may choose to speculate the for one habitable planet in their solar ed in to provide dimly-lit people with
measurements of an alien world for system. Large hot massive stars in larger eyes to absorb more light and
light-gravity humanoids as somewhere the 'O, B, and A' spectral classes thus to function adequately in build-
between that of Mars and of the rapidly exhaust their energies and ing a civilization. Their eyes appear
Earth. Going to any astronomy extinguish long before planetary civil- able to work well in bright examina-
handbook, picking a diameter and izations have a chance to develop, t i o n r o o m s ,
gravity in the middle of the two, and while 'M, N, R, and S' classes are too as ours accustom themselves to well-
applying simple physics formulas to small with very narrow habitable lit hospital operating rooms, witness
the rest allows us some working comfort zones. That leaves the 'F, G, the oft-reported bright (and cold)
estimates. I direct your attention to and K' classes of stars more nearly interiors of their ships.
the accompanying chart. like our own sun, indicating their "A different view may suggest their
"Our earth is about 150 million sun's color would range from yellow- planet has a denser atmosphere than
kilometers, (93 million miles) from the white to yellow to orange. This ours, screening out more sunlight and
sun, our star, but it would be difficult would effectively eliminate hotter blue ultraviolet rays and thus giving them
to make a good guess at the distance and white stars and the cooler red large eyes. In this case, the planet
of an alien world from its sun stars. Within the 'acceptable' 'F, G, may be farther from its sun yet still
because stars have different sizes and and K spectral classes, taking into allow its denser atmosphere to act
therefore varying comfort zones (dis- consideration a smaller, cooler sun, like a greenhouse and trap more
tances a planet revolving about its statistics reveal the aliens' home star warmth. Lungs and thorax regions
sun must be in order to provide a could have a diameter as small as would be smaller with no need to
comfortable temperature to promote 65% of our sun's or about 900,000 develop larger lungs with which to
life). If a planet is too close, such as kilometers (560,000 miles). breathe a thinner air. This scenario
Mercury, tidal friction could syn- "Most of all stars in the sky are would seem less likely, however, than
chronize or greatly diminish its rota- binary or multiple and should be the small, cold, thin-air planet theory.
tion, alternately freezing and frying its ruled out because planet orbits would Noting the aliens' obvious lack of
surface. Basic metals would exist only not likely be stable enough to keep muscles indicates a smaller world
in melted liquid form, and water them in a thermally habitable zone. whose lesser gravity would be less cap-
would not exist. If a planet is too far Variable stars should also not be able of retaining a large dense atmos-
away, its water would exist in frozen considered because of their drasti- phere and creating a greenhouse
form. We can't place a numerical fig- cally changing radiation levels. Your effect. One abductee was told if she
ure on distance from its parent sun, future planetary scientists have spec- stayed in their ship she would become
but we may be able to determine, ulated Mars Venus could lie just ill in about 30 minutes, as if their
relative to the earth, if they live on a inside our larger sun's 'habitable craft's natural atmospheric pressure
world that is generally warmer or zone' and could have possibly pro- was thin like a high mountain top
colder than ours. duced intelligent life if not for their which causes nausea after a period of
"Our Astronomer Royal tells us 86 extremely thin and dense atmos- time. Still, ship air is sometimes
percent of all known stable "Main- pheres respectively. reported as thick and heavy.
Sequence" stars in the heavens are "In contemplating the large hairless
less luminous than our sun, and this JOLLY DIM & BLOODY COLD? heads of our friends, biologists repeat-
may at least statistically say our vis- edly tell us the human race will reach
itors may come from a smaller star "Most outstanding of all are the a similar large shaped head configura-
whose surface temperature would be large slanted eyes. For a dark planet tion in the far distant future. From
cooler than our sun's (below 5,600 receiving less sunlight, and thus colder mankind of the ancient Cro Magnon
degrees Celsius) and would have a than the earth because it is com- to the present, we see the brain size
smaller warm 'comfort zone' about it. paratively further from its sun than increase and the amount of hair
16 MUTUAL UFO Journal, Number 246, October 1988
sharply decrease. These trends lead times faster, or more? This means directly to their minds. Only a rela-
us to believe we are dealing with a they may not originate in our stellar tively few mention strange audible
civilization not just a few hundred or neighborhood at all. sounds. Perhaps their mouths have
a few thousand years ahead of us, "Considering the varying ages of evolved past speech with the large
but one probably in excess of 100,000 the stars measured in billions of heads and brains taking over partial
years. We can only speculate with years, it would be most surprising to direct communication duties.
wild guesses, but if we are to con- find a visiting race a mere few "Though considerations of potential
clude a race of people have accomp- hundred or a few thousand years harmful native bacteria on both our
lished what our scientists say is ahead of us. We should probably worlds, for which we have no natural
impossible, that is, effective faster- begin thinking in terms of millions of immunity, may preclude any lasting
than-light star travel which is abso- years. physical contact, a devilish a thought
lutely required to span the unimagi- "We wonder about the small slit, to me as my nemesis Professor Mor-
nable distances, we would be imperti- lipless mouths; whether evolution has iarty, it is my hope they will find us
nent not to conclude that we are changed them and their function in interesting enough, and we will some-
dealing with an immensely sophisti- comparison to our own. Do they day share our secrets. I must say this
cated and older civilization. If faster- consume large bulk foods, or do they mystery has become my most difficult
than-light travel has indeed been take liquid foods similar to types our to solve since Jack the Ripper, but it
invented, whether it be by sheer astronauts took into zero-G with is now time for us to close the bridge
speed, traveling the short cut through them? While we're on the alien between our two centuries and push
curved space, or whatever treats mouth, we think of the many times off. I bid you farewell and God's
your fancy, why should we limit their abductees tell us they believe the speed."
effective speed to perhaps 10% fas- entities communicated with them tel-
ter? Why not 100 times faster, 1000 epathically, impressing their thoughts

Magnetic Analysis of Car Lifts

By Robert H. Willsey
MUFON member Willsey also these cars, the Burk car in particular, to lift all four wheels off the ground.
belongs to the Los Angeles UFO is the same magnetic force well There are some similarities in the
Research Group (LAUFORG). known to physicists and electrical Burk and Winscher cases. In both
engineers. Earlier research has consi- the UFO did not touch the car as
At this writing, detailed accounts of dered the possibility that certain happened in Australia, and only two
three car lifts are available to me; the other UFO effects were due to an of the wheels were lifted from the
Burk car lift in Pennsylvania, the electromagnetic field. These effects ground, two side wheels in the Burk
Winscher car lift in Missouri, and the include the formation of Ruppelt rings case and two rear wheels in the
Knowles family car lift in Australia. (4), heating of finger rings (5, 6), mal- Winscher case. The indentations oh
This analysis is based most directly functioning of radios (7), and the the rear of the Winscher automobile
upon the Burk case due to the follow- stopping of cars (3, 8), among others. may indicate that the UFO did touch
ing reasons: The idea that many of these effects that car, and may even be the means
1) An estimate of the distance are due to electromagnetic fields by which the car was lifted. The latter
between the UFO and the vehicle at associated with the UFO has been possibility is another reason the Burk
the time of lifting is available. 2) An ' around for a long time, almost from case was chosen for analysis. It is
estimate of the diameter of the UFO 1947, as pointed out by Keith Baster- believed that in all three cases the
is also available. 3) The automobile field (9). UFO was directly above the car
headlights flickered on and off in this Having chosen the Burk case for when it was lifted. In the Australian
incident; therefore establishment of analysis, a car similar to her 1976 case the UFO probably sat on the
the operative field lifting this car Chevrolet Malibu was located and car.
would then also provide an estimate weighed. The nearly horizontal metal
of the threshold for shutting off surface areas of the roof, trunk and ATTRACTIVE
headlights. hood were measured as a possible
The Burk case is well described in magnetic lifting surface and the total Since at least in both the Burk and
Reference 1, and the Winscher case area was found to be about 8000 Winscher cases the UFO was above
is well in documented in Reference 2. square inches. The weight of the car the car when it was lifted, let us
Five additional car lift cases are cata- was a little more than 3200 pounds. assume that a magnetic dipole, with
logued in Reference 3. Dividing these numbers easily estab- its axis vertical, is contained within
This analysis is based upon the lishes that a lifting force of only 0.4 the UFO. This dipole could be direct-
hypothesis that the force which lifted pounds per square inch are required acting with either the north-seeking
MUTUAL UFO Journal, Number 246, October 1988 17
pole or the south-seeking pole at the
bottom, closest to the automobile,
and in either case the force upon the The principal point is that the magnetic lifting
vehicle on the ground would be force exerted upon automobiles by UFOs in car lift
attracting or upward. Instead of being cases could be direct-acting fields or low frequency
direct, the dipole could be oscillating
back and forth in polarity at a low alternating fields.
frequency, and the lifting effect upon
the automobile would still be attrac-
tive or upward. The attracting effect tion (13-7) from reference 11. A fellow ufologist suggests the
of an alternating field is not obvious, equations used here are too simple to
even to electrical engineers. To better B2A accurately represent such a complex
establish this low frequency AC field situation as magnetic lifting of an
attraction effect, a direct quotation 2Uo automobile so he has performed
from Reference 10 is presented: some calculations of his own. He
"The limitatioins of alternating-cur- took the case of a magnetic dipole
where F is the force generated in
rent magnets as compared to direct- directly over a large hunk of soft iron,
newtons, B is the flux density in tes-
current magnets, operating with the representing a UFO over an automo-
las, A is the area in square meters
same maximum flux density, are bile. He wrote the vector equations
and Uo is the permeability of free
summarized as follows: for the force between the dipole's
space. When the 8000 square inches
"1) Force Limitation. For a given magnetic moment and the magnetic
of body lifting area are converted to
pole face area, the average force on moment induced into the iron, and
square meters, and the car weight of
alternating current is only one-half expanded the vector equation into a
3200 pounds is converted first into
that obtained with direct current. vector matrix equation. Considering
kilograms and then into newtons and
This applies to both single and poly- the magnetic properties of soft iron,
these values are plugged into the
phase operation. the distance between the dipole and
equation, one can then solve for B.
"2) Weight Limitation. For a given the iron, he derived equations for the
The result is B = .0833 tesla or 833
force and 'stroke the alternating- force acting upward on the iron for
current magnet will be much heavier both unsaturated and saturated cases.
Page 424 of reference 10 has an
than the direct-current one because He used the same car weight, 1453 kilo-
equation which permits use of the
(a) at least twice as much iron must grams that I used above and a dis-
weight in pounds and the area in
be used to develop the same force tance of separation of 5 meters. Solv-
square inches.
and (b) generally more copper is ing for the magnetic flux density B he
required to carry the large reactive found 1115 gauss or .1115 tesla. (12)
power for alternating-current operation. These results are pretty close together
Average Force = Ibs. per sq. in.
"3) Volt-ampere Limitation. (Not and support each other. As an
pertinent.) 72 example, if 1115 gauss is considered
"4) Speed of Action. (Six non- to be the correct answer, then 833
pertinent lines omitted.) In general, a The above equation is the average gauss is only 25% too low.
direct-current magnet can be designed useful force generated by an AC low All the above calculations produce
to accomplish the same work in the frequency magnetic field. The pounds results which are just sufficient to
same time with a smaller peak volt- per square inch are simply 3200 raise all four wheels off the ground,
ampere input than on alternating divided by 8000 or 0.400. B is the however in both the Burk and Winscher
current."* r.m.s. flux density in kilomaxwells per cases only two wheels were lifted off
The point to emphasize from the square inch. B2 = 72 x 0.400 = 28.8. the ground. For only two wheels the
above quotation is that an alternating B = the square root of 28.8 = 5.367 magnetic flux density required is one
low frequency electromagnetic field kilomaxwells per square inch. To over the square root of two or .707
can have as much attractive force compare with the earlier result we times as large, and 833 gauss becomes
upon ferromagnetic material like a must convert to maxwells per square 589 gauss. These two values set
car body as a direct field. The details inch and then to teslas. upper and lower limits between which
of the amount of iron and copper B - 5.367 x 1000 = 5367) maxwells the actual value probably lies. That is
used in generating fields in conven- per square inch. for magnetic flux densities above 833
tional electromagnets does not apply Next we divide by 6.452 to convert gauss all four wheels would have
to UFOs. In fact, UFOs probably do to maxwells per square centimeter. been lifted, while for values below 589
not use iron or copper at all in 5367 divided by 6.452 = 832 maxwells gauss none of the wheels would have
generating their magnetic fields due per square centimeter = 832 gauss. been lifted. For the other derivation
to their finite losses. Dividing by 10,000 converts gauss and calculation the corresponding lim-
To calculate the strength of the mag- to teslas. The result is .0832 teslas, its are 1115 gauss for four wheels and
netic field required to lift Burk's or which is very close to the previous .707 x 1115 or 788 gauss for two
Winscher's car, use is made of equa- result (.0833 teslas). wheels. The average value of these
18 MUTUAL UFO Journal, Number 246, October 1988
last two numbers, 951.5 will be very dark and had four bright yellow been ascribed to these three forms of
rounded down to 950 gauss for use in lights. As they passed underneath, a electromagnetic radiation.
further calculations as a most likely loud 'boom' shocked their car, which An X in a column indicates that
correct value. 'went mad': the speed lowered from that particular form of radiation is
To calculate the magnetic moment 60 to 20 kms per hour, while the well known to cause the physical
at the disk, use is made of the height engine reved up and the back side of effect indicated on that line. "Char
above the car of about 30 feet and the car was 'lifted upwards', only to grass roots" and "Produce odors by
the .disk diameter of 24 feet as given fall back down again suddenly as the heating" are from Reference 4. Since
in the first listed reference 1. Thirty witnesses felt a sensation of 'void in alternating fields can do anything
feet is about 9 meters, which becomes the stomach'. Then they saw the pulsed magnetic fields can do, X's
the value r in the equation below, object passing away towards the were given to "Induce metallic taste"
taken from page 9 of reference 8. mountains. They reported their expe- and "Spin compass needles" on the
rience to the Carabinieri and then basis of Reference 13.
-7 suffered from headaches for some Both direct and alternating mag-
2x10 M nights. A strange light in the sky was netic fields can lift cars, however
B also reported at the same time to the alternating magnetic fields can per-
police by anonymous callers in Via- form 7 other physical effects whereas
reggio." direct magnetic fields can only pro-
duce one other effect listed in this
This equation is accurate for dis- SIGNIFICANCE table. Since it is always desirable to
tances r which are large compared to
explain as many physical effects as
the source size, however in this case possible with the fewest hypotheses,
The principal point of this paper is
r is only slightly larger than the
that the magnetic lifting force exerted it seems obvious that the low fre-
source size, so the value obtained quency alternating magnetic field is
upon automobiles by UFOs in car lift
can only be considered an approxi-
cases could be direct-acting fields or the most likely single hypothesis.
mation. With r equal to 9 meters and
low frequency alternating fields. To Physical effects such as the 11
B taken as .0950 tesla (950 gauss) M listed in Table I are especially inter-
help decide which of these two alter-
works out to be 3.46 times 108
natives is most likely to be true, it is esting since they offer solid support
ampere meter2. The area of the disk
necessary to consider how many for the physical reality of at least
is 42.1 square meters. Dividing yields
other of the various reported effects some UFOs, and since mankind is
a current of 8.2 million amperes with
of UFOs can be explained by each of not capable of producing these effects
the assumption that a single current
these magnetic forces. Since micro- from aerial vehicles they offer indirect
circulates around the perimeter of the support for the extraterrestrial hypoth-
waves have been proposed as a
UFO. causative factor in some of these esis. Any cases involving such physi-
Magnetic lifting force falls off by the cal effects are important and should
effects it is necessary to include them
fourth or seventh power of distance
in the analysis. The table below lists be reported and published.
of separation, requiring a very close I do not know what significance to
11 physical effects of UFOs that have
magnetic saturation occurs in the
auto's metal, the fall off is to the
fourth power, otherwise to the sev-
Table I. Well Known Physical Effects
enth power. In either case magnetic
lifting power decreases very rapidly
with increasing distance of separa- Low Freq.
tion. This probably explains why Direct Alternating Micro-
there are many times fewer car lift Magnetic Magnetic Waves
cases than car interference cases Fields Fields
reported in the literature. For instance,
5 lifts out of 441 cases in Reference 3.
Cause Sensation of Sound
While this report was being pre- X
Char Grass Roots
pared another car lift case came to X
De-Tune Car Radios
my attention via Issue No. 3 of the X
Heat Finger Rings
Italian UFO Reporter December 1986. X
Heat Human Body
Investigator Moreno Tambellini report- X
Induce Bodily Shock
ed the following incident under the X
Induce Metallic Taste
lead "The Car That 'Went Mad'": X
Lift Cars X
"On October 28th, 1986 at 6:15
Produce Odors By Heating X
p.m., a couple driving near Viareggio X
Stop Car Engines
(Lucca) noticed a 'huge triangle- Spin Compass Needles X
shaped object' in the sky, hovering
above the harbor. It was black or TOTALS
MUTUAL UFO Journal, Number 246, October 1988 19
attach to the fact that Mrs. Burk, 1. T. Scott Grain Jr. "UFO Lifts 6. James McCampbell "UFOs and
Mrs. Winscher and the Viareggio wit- Car Upon It's Side," MUFON UFO Hot Rings" MUFON UFO Journal,
nesses all suffered headaches for Journal No. 189, Nov. 1983. Stan No. 189, November 1983.
some time after their car lift experienc- Gordon, "Update On The Bellwood, 7. James McCampbell "UFO Radio
es. Pennsylvania UFO Car Lift Case," Interference", MUFON UFO Journal,
Thanks to Barbara Becker for MUFON UFO Journal, No. 200, No. 227 March 1987.
doing the investigation and initial Dec. 1984. 8. Joe Kirk Thomas "Vehicle Inter-
write up of the Winscher case, and to 2. Letter Barbara Becker to Stan ference Effects in the Laboratory"
Stan Gordon for passing her letter on Gordon, Jan. 20, 1985. Bob Gribble, MUFON UFO Journal No. 233, Sep-
to this writer. Thanks also to LAU- "Looking Back, Ten Years Ago - July tember 1987.
FORG for suggestions and for the 1978": MUFON UFO Journal, No. 9. Keith Basterfield "Vehicle Inter-
Viareggio case. 243, July 1988. ference Effects: A Review", MUFON
© 1941 by Herbert C. Roters. Used 3. Mark Rodeghier "UFO Reports UFO Journal, No. 178, Dec. 1982.
by permission of John Wiley and Involving Vehicle Interference" Cen- 10. Herbert C. Roters, Electro-
Sons. ter For UFO Studies, Oct. 1981, magnetic Devices, Article 118, John
Readers with additional car lift cases for Jan. 25, 1969, July 1969, Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York,
cases, particularly those in which the Nov. 30, 1969, Sept. 25, 1971 and 1961 Eighth printing, copyright 1941.
auto is reported suspended below a Jan. 16, 1973. 11. David A. Bell, Fundamentals of
UFO and perhaps transported some 4. Joe Kirk Thomas "Ruppelt Rings Electric Circuits, page 251, Reston
distance, are requested to write the — effects of low-frequency magnetic Publishing Co., Reston, 1978.
author at: 665 Ridgefield Dr., Clare- fields," MUFON UFO Journal, No. 12. Joe Kirk Thomas, private com-
mont, CA 91711. 197, Sept. 1984. munication.
© 1988 Robert H. Wilsey. All rights 5. Joe Kirk Thomas "An Alterna- 13. James McCampbell, "A Taste
reserved. tive to the Microwave Theory of the Hot for UFOs," MUFON UFO Journal,
Ring Syndrome" MUFON UFO Journal, No. 205, May 1985.
REFERENCES No. 194, April 1984.

were controlled by thought or rea-

Looking Back son," Gorman said later. Four other

observers at Fargo corroborated his
story, Dr. A.D. Cannon, the Piper
Cub pilot, his passenger, Mr. Jensen,
By Bob Gribble the senior air traffic controller, and
the assistant air traffic controller.
FORTY YEARS AGO - October estimate that the light was six to The official explanation was that
1948: It was 8:30 in the evening of eight inches in diameter, sharply out- Gorman was pursuing a weather bal-
the first and George F. Gorman — a lined, and blinking on and off. loon with a light attached. The
25-year-old second lieutenant in the Suddenly the light became steady weather station at Fargo had released
Air National Guard — was coming as it apparently put on power; it a lighted weather balloon approxi-
into Fargo, North Dakota from a pulled into a sharp left bank and mately 10 minutes prior to Lt. Gor-
cross-country flight. He called the made a pass at the tower. The light man's call to the tower. The balloon,
control tower for landing instructions zoomed up with the F-51 in hot pur- however, was at all times in sight by
and was told that a Piper Cub was in suit. At 7,000 feet it made a turn. Mr. Sanderson of the weather sta-
the area. He saw the Cub below him. Gorman followed and tried to cut tion, moving slowly in a westerly
All of a sudden what appeared to be inside the light's turn to get closer, direction at an altitude of about 500
the tail light of another airplane but couldn't do it. The light made feet. According to Mr. Jensen, the
passed him on his right. He called the another turn, and this time the F-51 tower controller, "The F-51 was some
tower and complained but they assured closed on a collision course. The distance behind, and the light was
him that no other aircraft except the UFO appeared to try to ram the F- traveling fast enough to increase the
Cub were in the area. Gorman could 51, and Gorman had to dive to get spacing between itself and the fighter.
still see the light so he decided to out of the way. The UFO passed The main identifying characteristic (of
investigate. He pushed the F-51 over over his canopy with only a few feet the UFO) ... was the high rate of
into a turn and cut in toward the to spare. Again both the F-51 and the speed at which it was apparently
light. He could plainly see the Cub object turned and closed on each traveling."
outlined against the city lights below, other head-on, and again the pilot The assistant tower controller said,
but could see no outline of a body had to dive out to avoid a collision. "The object seemed to be about
near the mysterious light. He gave All of a sudden the light began to 2,000 feet and appeared to be travel-
the F-51 more power and closed to climb and disappeared. "I had the dis- ing at an excessive speed ..." Dr.
within 1,000 yards, close enough to tinct impression that its maneuvers Cannon, the Cub's pilot stated, "The
20 MUTUAL UFO Journal, Number 246, October 1988
UFO was moving very swiftly, much although no specific shape could be was decided that the disc had either
faster than the F-51 ... I saw the light discerned through the glow. At one been washed downstream and lost in
and the F-51 at the same time. The time, he said, they stood on their the mud, or that it had managed to
light seemed to be outside of the cir- edges behind the train, "looking like repair itself while under water and
cles made by the F-51." four sticks stuck in the ground, had slipped away during the night.
(Walt Andrus interviewed George except the outside two leaned outward That it went into the water as des-
Gorman during a private dinner when at a 45 degree angle." The four UFOs cribed was accepted by the govern-
George lived in New Braunfels, Texas. performed around the train for one ment of Brazil without doubt. But
Mr. Gorman is now deceased.) hour and 10 minutes and all five where it went after that is an unans-
members of the crew agreed on what wered question.
they had seen and what had hap-
*** pened.
October 1953: On the 18th two Brit- TWENTY YEARS AGO — Octob-
ish airline pilots, Captain Peter Fletcher *** er 1968: A 16-year-old youth, deliver-
and First Officer R.L. Lemon, saw a TWENTY FIVE YEARS AGO — ing the Washington Post in Bethesda,
strange craft flying over the English October 1963: At 2:30 p.m. on the Maryland, reported a UFO on the
Channel. It had the appearance of 31st, residents of Iguape, in Brazil's ground. The object was seen about 6
two table saucers placed together Sao Paulo province rushed out of a.m. on the 24th, and described as
rim-to-rim. In his official report to the their homes to see a silvery, disc- disc-shaped with a cone-shaped pro-
British Air Ministry, Captain Fletcher shaped object surrmounted by a low trusion which rested on the ground.
said, "We have no doubt whatsoever dome moving overhead. The disc was "It was quite large," he said, "about
the object was solid ... that it was obviously in difficulty, for it moved 17 yards across the disc portion.
constructed of metal..." jerkily and oscillated as it went, mak- There were alternating dim red, white
ing a heavy pounding noise. The disc and yellow lights around the center of
lurched over the house of Mrs. Elidia the disc, and the object did not
*** de Sousa, beside the river. Barely move. Street lights behind the park,
THIRTY YEARS AGO - October missing the structure, the disc shot reflecting on the disc, made it appear
1958: On the third, freight train forward and gave a palm tree a glanc- that it was a silver, metallic material.
number 91 on the Monon Railroad ing blow. The disc then zig-zagged "I just stood there and watched it for
was southbound through the little out over the river, losing altitude, and two or three minutes," he said,
town of Rossville, Indiana. At approx- finally plunged into the water. Accord- adding "I had to deliver the rest of
imately 3:10 a.m., the fireman, Cecil ing to the report made to the Brazi- my papers and when I came back in
Bridge, noticed a formation of four lian government, about 50 people saw about 20 minutes, the thing was
oddly glowing white lights crossing the object plunge into the river, gone."
the tracks ahead of the train. The among them some local fishermen. The carrier said he saw a hole in
engineer saw them also. Bridge saw When the water began to boil the ground, about two feet by a foot
the lights turn and come toward the where the disc had submerged, the and a half, where the UFO had been.
train at an estimated altitude of 2,000 fishermen drove stakes into the bank There was also a circular area of
feet. He picked up the microphone of to mark the spot. It had gone into scorched earth, about two feet wide,
the radio intercom and alerted the water about 12 feet deep with an surrounding the hole. "I wasn't really
three other crew members in the estimated 15 feet of soft mud on the scared," he said, "because if there
caboose. The conductor, Ed Robin- bottom of the river. The Brazilian was anybody in that sophisticated
son, was in the cupola and had government rushed divers to the object, they knew I was out there and
already spotted them. He said that scene, and troops to maintain a they didn't hurt me." He estimated
the objects came as low as possibly round-the-clock watch. Other govern- that when he first saw the object, he
200 to 300 feet, and swept the length ment representatives removed a sec- was standing about 150 feet away, in
of the train. tion of the palm tree. Witnesses told the street. "I did feel kind of numb all
The UFOs changed color as they the government investigators that the over, just sort of stunned and I
changed speed, from white when disc disappeared to be about 16 feet thought There's somebody else here
moving rapidly to orange or deep red in diameter, with a low dome about ... that's for sure!' Our astronauts
when moving slowly. After traversing 40 inches high. It looked, they said, wouldn't be scared if they saw life on
the entire length of the train, the like a shiny washbasin upside down. other planets ... maybe if they come
objects wheeled in formation and Day after day and night after night here, they want to see what — and
sped away to the east, then they the divers searched the muddy bot- how — we're doing."
came rushing back and followed the tom of the Peropava River. The Braz-
train. Robinson said they were very ilian Navy brought various types of
low at times, scarcely above the tree- underwater detection gear to the ***
tops. They appeared to be about 40 spot, but after two weeks of search- FIFTEEN YEARS AGO — Octob-
feet in diameter, and 10 feet thick, ing, the project was discontinued. It er 1973: A 43-year-old woman claimed
MUTUAL UFO Journal, Number 246, October 1988 21
she was raped in a spaceship by a started and when she got home she encounter near Ord, Nebraska on
being from another planet. Barry told her husband. Shortly thereafter the morning of the 9th. She oberved
King and Andy Collins, who carefully the British UFO Research Associa- a grey, metallic disc hovering 200 to
investigated the case, are convinced tion was notified. 300 feet off the ground and, as she
she is telling the truth. Some of the On the 17th, Mars Walker, 20, watched, a beam of light shown
details tally with similar unrelated observed a doughnut-shaped object downward from the disc to the
accounts from other parts of the descend from the sky at 2 a.m. near ground and two "things" floated down
world. The close encounter of the Danielsville, Georgia. The object — to the ground in the beam. They
intimate kind is said to have occurred which was about 17 feet in diameter were five to six feet tall, looked
at Langford Budville, England on the — was about 50 yards away when it around, took some samples of shrubs
16th. The woman was driving to see stopped in mid-air. After five minutes and soil, and then ascended back into
her sister about 11 p.m. when the car of hovering, the siren-like sound com- the disc in the beam of light. The
engine and lights cut out. She got out ing from the object grew louder, "and tenth grade student described the
to see what was wrong and felt some- a thing took shape within the doughnut- two "things" as being blackish-brown
thing touch her. She turned to see a shape, in the hole of the doughnut." in color, their heads were blob-like,
7-foot tall, robot-like figure. She fainted, In another minute the thing was and they had tentacles on their sides.
and when she came around she and clearly visible," a human-like being, After about ten minutes or so, the
the robot were outside a 40-foot high standing erect, and it was a sea green disc shot straight up into the sky and
and 20-foot long vehicle with windows — opaque like a hologram," Walker was out of sight in a few seconds.
around its dome. said. "He or it had a number of oddly
She passed out again, and when shaped objects that he wore on a
she came to was in a circular room. plastic belt." He guessed these to be
She was bound to a metallic table some kind of instrument with "an NEW VIDEO TAPE
with a blue blanket covering her egg-shape with one end of the egg
naked body. The walls gave off an cut off." These changed in color, and FOR INVESTIGATORS
eerie glow and there was little evi- the figure appeared to take readings
dence of color in the room except for with them, ignoring Walker. "Interviewing the UFO Wit-
grey dials and buttons. The robot When this was done, the thing was ness," a 45-minute VMS video-
was motionless in the corner while taken back up into the "vessel". tape produced by Michigan
three men, all around five-feet, seven inches Walker noted a "medusa-head", or MUFON, Inc., is now availa-
tall, with fair skin a/id very round, tentacle-like objects surrounding the ble for $15.00 U.S. (including
emotional eyes, all in pale blue tunics, being's head, and hands of three or postage and handling). Nar-
skull caps and face masks, conducted four fingers, but otherwise "human" rated by MUFON Deputy Direc-
an examination with a tubular device characteristics. He noted no skin tor Dan Wright, the program
with two-inch-wide cubes, glowing red color except the "sea green" light depicts a field investigator in
and green, to scan her body. The which shone from the vessel. The a variety of circumstances.
men left, but one returned and placed entire scene had the appearance of Send orders to:
a small pincer-like device to her thigh. "an electrical field".
She felt freezing cold. Then, without Shirley Coyne
emotion or passion, he sexually assault- 73 Borman
ed her. The woman passed out again *** Flushing, Ml 48433
and when she came to, was sitting in TEN YEARS AGO - October
her car. It was 2 a.m. The engine 1978: Deanne Kearns had a close

Reagan hinted he saw a UFO first-hand

By Jane Mayer the object, which was heading toward really believed in flying saucers. But
and Doyle McManus Bakersfield. But then, he told Miller, "it when Miller asked him, "Governor, are
went straight up!" you telling me you saw a UFO?" he said
In the summer of 1974, Norman C. that Reagan seemed to remember sud-
Miller, then a reporter for The Wall Street Reagan soon told his wife about what denly that he was talking to a reporter.
Journal and now national editor of The he had seen, and they did some personal "This look crossed his face," recalled
Los Angeles Times, was told by then- research. Reagan related to Miller that Miller, who said that Reagan then re-
California Gov. Ronald Reagan about his they had found references to UFOs in plied, "Let's just say that I'm agnostic."
having sighted an unidentified flying ob- Egyptian hieroglyphics. Reagan was ex- This was also the answer Reagan gave in
ject on a flight in his private plane. tremely animated as he spoke, and it 1988 when questions arose about wheth-
Reagan had persuaded his pilot to follow became clear to Miller that the governor er he shared his wife's belief in astrology.

22 MUTUAL UFO Journal, Number 246, October 1988

Comments on Photographic Trickery
By Foster Morrison

Mr. Morrison is a mathemati- tion. But let me leave this question in emulsion types recorded on the edges,
cian and president of Turtle Hol- the laps of the author, the editor and except for some anonymous house
low Associates, Inc. He has deve- the MUFON officers. The article by brands like Ritz Camera's Big Print (I
loped theories in approximations, Tobin makes a lot of assertions about was told it's Agfa). If the film is
statistics, and non-linear dynam- photography, of which I will address indeed Eastman 5249 (Color Reversal
ics for applications in geodesy, only a few of the major points. Intermediate), be very suspicious.
celestial mechanics, and forecast- Contrary to what most people If the negatives are conventional
ing. In addition to being an avid think, Hollywood's special effects are emulsions, look for color shifts and
photographer, he spent many years not all that demanding. The results contrast build-up. The same is true of
editing the translation journal, are flashed on the screen to an transparency films. Black and white is
Geodesy, Mapping & Photogramme- uncritical and untrained audience at more difficult to evaluate, but it will
try. 24 frames per second. By contrast, tend to loose shadow and highlight
still photography often is studied in detail on reproduction. Do go to see
The recent article by Clive Tobin depth by picture editors and critics. ... Roger Rabbit. The scenes that
(1988) is far too negative about the In the extreme case, photographs include the cartoon overlays are typi-
value of photographic images (pun may be scrutinized and measured by caly muddy and suffer contrast build-
intended!). It would be very difficult scientists and technicians. These activi- up. This is partly disguised by the
to create a photographic hoax that ties differ in intensity of analysis by poor quality of the rest of the movie's
would fool an experienced photo- orders of magnitude. To say that Hol- photography.
grapher and it would be an extraor- lywood could fool professional photo- The Eastman movie films are grainy
dinary feat to pull the wool over the grammetrists has to be a bad joke. and otherwise very poor image mak-
eyes of a scientist experienced in Yes, it could happen, but it is not ers. They also fade rapidly. Their
image analysis. very likely. Steven Spielberg's budgets advantages are high speed, good tol-
Let's start with Tobin's (1988) run into the tens of millions of dollars erance for color temperature varia-
observation that "A statement was to produce crude images to entertain tions (corrected by filtration or pro-
recently published to the effect that the general public. Producing a few cessing), adaptability for push-process-
there are no films made for reproduc- really good single frames to fool an ing, economy, and ease of use. A
ing negatives as negatives." Where experienced photographer might cost number of West coast photo labs
was said statement published, in The a little less; one good fake to deceive spool the 5247, 5295, or Fuji equival-
New York Times, Modem Photography, the experts in the intelligence com- ents for 35 mm cameras. Try some
or some specialized technical journal? munity would likely cost as much as yourself, dear reader! But I remember
More likely than not, the item a whole season in Hollywood. real Technicolor (color separation)
referred to was my recent article in In the case of UFO research, we movies and load Kodachrome into
this very journal. What I really said don't have the resources of the CIA. my Pentaxes.
was, "There is no conuenfiona/ pro- So I will look at the case of hoaxing Experience and a practiced eye will
cess for duplicating color negatives." the experienced photographer, who eliminate at least 90 percent of the
[Emphasis added here.] I thought that may also have some scientific training photographs that should be discarded.
this might stimulate a comment on and experience. Endless hours have been wasted by
the existence of some kind of special Small scale prints and Polaroid UFO investigators, including profes-
film or service available, as indeed it shots are about the lowest quality sional scientists, on photographs that
has. you can get. Reproduce them in a any photographer would chuck in the
Actually, one could duplicate color newspaper or the MUFON Journal waste basket immediately. Most scien-
negatives using conventional or slide and resolution and contrast drop tists have little or no experience in
duplicating films. Never having tried even more. Even so, Tobin's exam- photography or anything outside their
this, I have no idea how bad the color ples are not very convincing. The narrow specialty. By contrast, the
shift would be. disk looks like a silhouette and the serious UFO investigator should buy a
Tobin's (1988) failure to cite my double exposure is obviously just decent 35 mm camera, a fast tele-
article or some other source of a that. photo lens, and try all kinds of films.
recently published statement does Serious research requires the origi- The most remarkable thing about
not uphold the standards of magazine nal negatives or transparencies and the "Billy" Meier pictures is how good
journalism, let alone scientific publica- even the camera. Films have the they are. The color shifts and con-
MUTUAL UFO Journal, Number 246, October 1988 23
trast build-up are minimal for sup-
posed second or third generation
negatives printed on a four-color Ufology remains a hobby for all, except perhaps
press. All we can say is that Mr. person or persons unknown in the Federal Spook
Meier had a lot of skilled help staging
those pictures, whether the UFOs
were real or papier-mache. to screen out the flying hubcaps and can be spotted as well by eye as by
The most recent detailed photo- even most trickery up to the Holly- automated image analysis.
graphs are from the Gulf Breeze, FL wood level. Anything left can be sub- Whole scenes can be fabricated
case. All I have seen are copies of the jected to digitization and numerical using fractal algorithms, and Hollywood
Polaroids. Even on the cover of the image analysis. Unfortunately, this is is doing more and more of this as the
August, 1988 MUFON Journal you costly and if you don't get a report costs of on-sight shoots climb out of
can see the high contrast and the typ- signed by a recognized investigator, it sight and revenues dwindle. A well-
ical splotchy, uneven development. is worse than worthless. The best illustrated review of the state-of-the-
Yet this is one of the best docu- practice is never to cite sources who re- art was done by George D. Levy
mented photos we have. The UFOs, fuse to be named. If someone has (1988) for PC Computing. Movies
frankly, look ludicrous. The lights on analyzed data and come to conclu- that are completely computer-generat-
the bottom are totally superfluous. sions and refuses to acknowledge ed, with no photography or cartoo-
They belong on Coney Island. Meier's this, I wouldn't take that person or nists involved, are possible, but not
UFOs, by sharp contrast, remind one his conclusions seriously. very convincing. (Was Disney's Tron
of the no-nonsense construction of a The same technology that makes it the first one?)
fighter-bomber, albeit with radically possible to detect photographic hoax- Mr. Tobin is, of course, very cor-
different technology. es also facilitates making them. Exam- rect in his general conclusion that a
This absurdity factor, as noted by ples abound. In a recent copy of Pho- photograph alone is of very limited
Vallee (1988), has been a means of tomethods, William G. Hyzer (1987) use as either scientific or legal evi-
eluding the interest of the Scientific discusses and illustrates some of the dence. Scientific proof demands a
Establishment and causing it no con- possibilities. If you look at his sample testable hypothesis, which is a con-
cern for its position; yet this also (p. 25), the digitally-retouched model trolled experiment whose outcome
appeals to the masses because it is looks glassy-eyed and plastic. You depends on whether the assumption
so non-threatening. This is very sophis- don't have to be an expert to discern is true or false. Very little in "science"
ticated psychological warfare. In this this. However, if you didn't have the ever satisfies that stringent criterion.
case, only the investigation [Ware & original for comparison, detecting and Most of it is useless make-work pro-
Andrus, 1988] gives any credibility to retouching would be far more diffi- jects intended to disguise college
the photos. The few good photos of cult. This is where experience helps. teachers and bureaucrats as "scho-
UFOs are those that have been But expensive equipment is not always lars." It is a fairly harmless form of
obtained by chance. Mr. Ed's photo essential. pork-barrel.
opportunities obviously have been Digital retouching and enhancement Unless an accident happens, the
staged for the reasons I discussed often produce tell-tale signs in the only proof we shall have for the real-
earlier [Morrison, 1988]. The Meier form of excessive detail or textures. ity of UFOs is statistical. Phil Klass is
case has been so clouded by disin- This occurs due to sidelobe leakage deliberately sending us off on a wild
formation and character assassination in Fourier transform computations goose chase to find the case that is
that it's beyond redemption with any and the non-stationary character of 99.9 percent sure of being genuine.
feasible amount of effort, at least for original images. A similar analog We have several thousand that are at
now. effect can be seen in photographs least one percent sure. If you have
One reason there are so few screened for printing twice, often two such cases, then the chance of
decent UFO photographs is that no necessary if the original is lost: the at least one being true rises to 1.99
one is making any concerted effort to Moire pattern. To see one, place one percent. As you add more cases you
produce any. If National Geographic piece of window screen on top of eventually reach 99.9 percent cer-
depended on reader submissions, the another, rotate them and translate tainty of at least one good case and
quality and character of its photo- them, and watch the strange patterns keep slowly adding 9's thereafter.
graphy would be markedly different appear and disappear. Or look on This is not a proof of UFO existence,
from what it is now. Putting a profes- page 10 of the December, 1986 but a sufficient rational argument for
sional photographer or a single scien- MUFON Journal. serious investigation. This, of course,
tific investigator in the field costs at Some of these effects can be ame- will never happen.
least $100,000.00 per year. Ufology liorated by processing the image in The issue is not one of reason, but
remains a hobby for all, except per- sections. So one is really reduced to of fear on the part of the Political and
haps person or persons unknown in the art of retouching as once prac- Scientific Establishments. They fear
the Federal Spook Works. ticed with a brush, despite all the the loss of their power and authority,
A ten-power glass and an expe- computers and high-powered mathe- and the more it fades, the more terri-
rienced eye will allow an investigator matics. And often the "brushmarks" fied they become. When the 100.0
24 MUTUAL UFO Journal, Number 246, October 1988
percent UFO case happens, it may 1, 1 (August), 111-119. 17. He was approximately 50 feet
well be the flying saucer on the White Morrison, Foster, 1988, UFOs — west of it at the time. He shouted to
House lawn. The President will be science and technology in the service the other boys, Jeff, age 14, Phil, age
inside the disc, not unlike the hapless of magic, MUFON UFO Journal, 242 12, and Danny, age 10. When they
Moctezuma II in the clutches of (June), 3-6. first observed the object it was sta-
Cortes [see, e.g., Orozco-Linares, Orozco-Linares, Fernando, 1980, tionary and some five to 10 feet
1980]. And to quote John Lear's The Conquest of Mexico, trans, by above the roof of the chicken house.
(1987/88) colorful press .release, " ... Elisabeth M. Plaister, Panorama Edi- After a few seconds it began moving
it is all over but the screaming ..." torial, S.A., Leibnitz 31, Mexico 5, south at two or three miles per hour,
D.F., MEXICO, 257pp. approximately following the ridge of
REFERENCES Tobin, Clive, 1988, Some notes on the chicken house roof. As it did so it
photographic trickery, MUFON UFO also began to rotate about an imagi-
Hyzer, William G., 1987, By the Journal, 244 (August), 12-14. nary east-west axis. Its motion resemb-
numbers, Photomethods, 30, 12 (Dec.), Vallee, Jacques, 1988, Dimensions: led that of a large wheel rolling
25-30. A Casebook of Alien Contact, Con- through the sky.
Lear, John, 1987/8, Statement (inci- temporary Books, Chicago, 304 + vii Mike walked up to the chicken
dents of publication unknown), released pp. Consult the Index. house and then along with the object
Dec. 29, 1987, revised March 25, Ware, Donald M. and Walter H. past the end of the chicken house
1988. 7 pp. Available from author at Andrus, Jr., 1988, The Gulf Breeze, and for a short distance out into the
1414 Hollywood Blvd., Las Vegas, Florida photographic and CE III field. His closest approach to it was
NV89110. Case, Part V, MUFON UFO Journal, about 25 feet. It consisted of a
Levy, George Damon, 1988, Art at 244 (August), 6-8. See also the rest of metallic-looking, silver-colored box
the speed of thought, PC Computing, the series. about the size of a small car with a
bent pipe protruding from the bot-
tom. The component that resembled
MUFON-Ohio Mini-Conference a saucer cut in half was attached to
the end of the pipe. A smaller saucer-
and Investigator's Workshop shaped component was attached to
one side of the box. All of the surfa-
Richard Seifried and Fred Hays, will be conducted by Dan Wright, ces appeared to be smooth, with no
Co-State Directors for Ohio, have MUFON Deputy Director, Investiga- bolts, rivets, or other protrusions evi-
announced their first MUFON-Ohio tions; George Coyne, Central Region- dent. The pipe had a longitudinal
Mini-Conference and Investigator's al Director; Shirley Coyne, State Direc- black stripe on it.
Workshop to be held in Columbus, tor for Michigan, and Richard D. Seifried. The object made no noise. Two
Ohio on Saturday, October 29, 1988 Registration for the one-day meet- dogs, apparently asleep in the nearby
from 10:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at the ing is $9.00. For reservations please barn, did not notice it.
Cardinal Food Gallery. The speakers contact the following people at the The object continued to move
will be Richard "Dick" Seifried, Jen- telephone numbers indicated: Fred south across the adjacent field until it
nie Zeidman, John Timmerman, Irena Hays, (513) 254-8747; Dick Seifried, paused momentarily over an equip-
Scott, Dale Wedge, and Richard Del- (513) 233-4055, and Jennie Zeidman, ment shed near another farmhouse,
1'Aquila. The Investigator's Workshop (614) 866-5728. about 200 yards away. From there it
moved off to the southwest, across
the road and over the power lines. It
Kendall County Sighting then disappeared rapidly, appearing
to shrink in size as it did so.
About the time the object was over
By Eugene Zavodny the shed to the south Danny ran into
the house to get the boys' parents.
Zavodny is a MUFON consul- The sighting occurred at approxi- By the time they realized what was
tant in mechanical engineering. mately 6:50 p.m. CDT, April 10, 1988 going on and got outside, the object
in rural Kendall County, IL. The area had disappeared.
Four young brothers were playing is gently rolling, relatively open farm The TV was on at the time of the
ball in their backyard when one of land with occasional farm houses and sighting and no effect on it was
them noticed an object hovering over farm buildings. The boys' house is on noticed. No one was at home at the
a nearby empty chicken house. All the east side of the north-south Hel- other house.
four watched in amazement as the mar Road; a pair of high-tension The entire family got in their car
object slowly drifted the length of the power lines runs parallel to the road and drove south down Helmar Road
chicken house and out over a plowed and about 250 yards west of it. in search of the object but did not
field. Sound like a balloon? The boys The object was first sighted by the sight it. After they returned to the
certainly don't think it was. oldest brother, Mike Chapman, age house, Linda Chapman, (the boys'
MUTUAL UFO Journal, Number 246, October 1988 25
mother), along with Mike, Phil, and
Danny, drove out again. When they
were about two miles to the south
they suddenly noticed a pair of lights
that resembled the landing lights of By Walter N. Webb
an aircraft. The lights were about 45° MUFON Astronomy Consultant
up from the horizon. Although the
sky was still light enough that an air- OCTOBER 1988
craft should have been visible, no Bright Planets (Evening Sky):
object could be seen behind the Although Earth separates from its neighbor Mars this month (the ruddy
planet fades a whole magnitude during October), the little world still
When the car accelerated toward commands our attention. In Pisces, it is low in the ESE at dusk in mid-
them, the left light of the two sud- October (then at -2.4 magnitude) and remains visible in the southern sky
denly disappeared. A few seconds most of the night. Mars lies below the gibbous Moon on the 22nd and
later the other light also disappeared. resumes eastward motion on the 30th.
No object could be seen. As the sky
was overcast, the lights could have Jupiter, brightening and once again surpassing Mars in brightness after
merely gone into the clouds.
early October, is found between the Hyades and Pleiades clusters in Tau-
After they were all back in the
rus. Gleaming at -2.8 in midmonth, the giant rises in the NE about 8 PM
house the father of the boys, Dale and follows Mars across the southern sky during the night. Jupiter rises
Chapman, had each boy sit down an hour earlier by month's end as it heads toward opposition in
and draw a sketch of the object that November.
they had seen over the chicken
house without discussing it with the Saturn, in Sagittarius, lies in the SSW at dusk, setting in the WSW about
other boys. Three of the sketches 9:30 PM in mid-October. The ringed planet passes 1.1° north of the planet
were remarkably similar. The fourth, Uranus on the 17th — the third and last conjunction this year between
.Jeff's was somewhat different. How-
the pair. Use binoculars or a telescope to view Uranus, which is more
ever; Jeff was the most distant from the than 100 times fainter than Saturn.
object and viewed it from a different
direction than the others. He was Bright Planets (Morning Sky):
more behind the object relative to its
direction of motion. His sketch of it Venus, at -4.1 magnitude, rises in the east about 3:30 AM in midmonth
from this angle is not contradictory to and is high in the ESE at dawn. On October 4 watch our brilliant neighbor
the other sketches. passing only about %° south of the star Regulus. Even though Regulus is a
The boys gave every indication that first-magnitude star, it is 160 times dimmer than the planet. Binoculars will
they believed that they saw what they help. Just two mornings later the crescent Moon lies just above the star
reported. They were sufficiently frighten- and planet — a beautiful sight! And on the 7th the lunar crescent is below
ed by the sighting that they slept the pair. Look for the tiny orange planet Mercury about 20° below Venus
together in the living room that night the last week of October.
rather than upstairs in their bed-
rooms. They also piled cushions Mars sets in the west before twilight begins in midmonth.
against the windows.
This investigator has no reason to Jupiter stands high in the SW at dawn. The gibbous Moon is near the
doubt their sincerity. At this time the planet on the 27th.
object remains unidentified.
(This report was received by the Meteor Shower:
National UFO Reporting Center in
Seattle, WA [Bob Gribble] and assigned The Moon will be out of the way after about 2:30 AM on October 21, the
by Walt Andrus to Dr. Zavodny for peak date of the Orionid meteors. The rate builds that morning to about
investigation on April 14, 1988) 25 meteors per hour toward dawn. The shower radiates from Orion's club
in the south; the meteors are swift and mostly faint, although some bright
fireballs can be expected.
Moon Phases:
103 Oldtowne Rd.
Last quarter — October 2
Seguin New moon — October 10
First quarter — October 18
Texas 78155 Full moon — October 25 (Hunter's Moon)
26 MUTUAL UFO Journal, Number 246, October 1988
The Stars:
The stars of autumn increase in prominence this month, although the
Summer Triangle remains high in the SW. Observers can find the Great
Square of Pegasus well up in the SE at 9 PM. Pegasus, of course, is the
famous winged horse of mythology; the group of stars does look some-
thing like a horse flying upside-down if you know which stars outline the
head, neck, and front legs.

What looks like the hind legs of the horse is really another constellation,
the Princes Andromeda. In fact, the NE corner of the Great Square marks
the head of the woman, and two strings of stars extending outward form
her body.

Just NW of Andromeda lies her mother, the W-shaped Cassiopeia the

Queen. And west of the queen we find the faint and obscure Cepheus the
King, shaped like a house with a peaked roof.

MESSAGE, continued
in Los Angeles are to be congratu- made were damaged by heat in the
lated for their professional filming of automobile trunk of the photographer
this ongoing event and my personal and will not be available. Video tapes
thanks to Kris Palmer for accepting of the recent Eureka Springs UFO
MUFON's recommendation. Conference in Arkansas are available
The Michael B. Seligman Produc- from Burke Hully, 1367 1-30 East,
tion's special two-hour TV documen- Suite 204, Garland, Texas 75043 or John R. Salter, Jr.
tary titled "UFO Cover-Up? Live!" is telephone (214) 240-2691. Two 2-hour State Director, N. Dakota
scheduled for airing on Friday, October edited tapes of the speakers are
14, 1988 from 8 to 10 p.m. EDST and $50.00 and the entire conference, less
distributed by Lexington Broadcast- Jennie Zeidman, is $200.00 for eight headquarters located at: Avenue Paul
ing System (LBS) to independent tel- tapes. Please contact Mr. Hully if you Janson 74, 1070 Brussels, Belgium.
evision stations. Please consult your are interested. For more details write to either M.
TV guide and program schedule for 500 additional copies of the third Theirry Pinvidic, 22 rue du Vert-
the station and time of viewing in edition of the MUFON Field Investi- bois, 75003 Paris, France or M.
your immediate area. It is conceivable gator's Manual are now available for Henri Scornaux, rue des Cultiva-
that the general public will be impressed $6.00 to members and $10.00 for non- teurs 55, B 1040 Brussels, Belgium.
with the startling revelations in this members plus $1.50 for postage and Walt Andrus will present his slide
film and take the UFO phenomenon handling. The MUFON 1988 Interna- illustrated lecture on the Gulf Breeze,
more seriously. Some U.S. govern- tional UFO Symposium Proceedings Florida Case on Saturday evening,
ment agencies may feel additional (241 pages) with published papers by November 12, at the Congress. Eng-
pressure to take positive action to all of the major speakers may be pur- lish will be the working language. We
expose their association and position chased for $15.00 plus $1.50 for pos- hope to meet with some of our Euro-
in this forty-one year old cover up. tage and handling. pean representatives in conjunction
We sincerely hope so. A mini-symposium in Houston, Texas with the Congress.
Audio cassette tapes of the speak- on November 18 and 19th will feature
ers featured at the MUFON 1988 Budd Hopkins, author of Missing
International UFO Symposium, includ- Time and Intruders and John F. LATE NEWS
ing the opening ceremony and mini- Schuessler, Deputy Director, Adminis-
speakers are available from the For- tration of MUFON and aerospace en- ITEM
tean Research Center, P.O. Box gineer. Please contact Max Wash-
94627, Lincoln, Nebraska 68509. The burn at (713) 776-2544 or Rick Holt, The live portion of the 2-
price is $6.00 for individual speakers State Section Director at (713) 682- hour TV documentary
or $50.00 for the entire proceedings. 7745 for details. The program will be
($9.50 for either Dr. Maccabee's or repeated on both days. "UFO CoverUp? Live!"
Walt Andrus' individually, since they The First European Congress on will originate both in
are 1% tapes). Please make all checks Anomalous Aerial Phenomena: Physi- Washington, DC and Gulf
or money orders payable to the For- cal and Psychosocial Aspects will be Breeze, FL followed by a
tean Research Center. held November 11-13, 1988 in Brus-
The above is the good news. The sels, Belgium. It will be hosted by telephone call-in poll.
bad news is that the video tapes SOBEPS and held at the SOBEPS
MUTUAL UFO Journal, Number 246, October 198 27
's Message
By Walt Andrus

John Lear, State Director for ber of BUFORA, living in Sauchie, ogy; Anthony O. Constantino, M.
Nevada and host chairman for the Clarkmannanshire, Scotland is the Ed., living in Beverly, Mass, for Hyp-
MUFON 1989 International UFO Sym- new MUFON Representative for Sco- nosis (Tony will be working exclu-
posium, is pleased to announce that tland. Birch Pavelsky of Fairbanks, sively with Ray Fowler and Walter
the symposium will be held on the AK has been appointed Acting State Webb on potential abduction cases.);
weekend of June 30, July 1 and 2, Director for Alaska. John R. Salter, Dan Bostanik M.S.E.E. of Oakland,
1989 in the Convention Center of the Jr., presently a Research Specialist in California in Electrical Engineering;
Aladdin Hotel and Casino, 3667 South Sociology and full professor and Jose L. Hernandez, M.S., residing
Las Vegas Blvd., in Las Vegas, NV chairman, Dept. of Indian Studies, in Glendale, California for Physics-
89109. Hal Starr and the Arizona University of North Dakota in Grand Math; and Carol Ann Graham,
MUFON organization have volunteered Forks has accepted the position of M.A., of West Branch, Michigan in
to assist John Lear as an integral part State Director for North Dakota. Counseling. In addition to a M.A. in
of the symposium committee. Walt John is filling the vacancy created Guidance/Counseling, Ms. Graham
Andrus will coordinate the selection when Robert E. Engberg moved holds a M.A. in Library Science.
of speakers and is presently seeking back to St. Paul, Minnesota, (Mr.
ideas for the symposium theme from Engberg is the former State Director
our members. Plan your vacation for Minnesota.) ***
now to attend the symposium and New State Section Directors appoint- Marge Christensen, Director of
indulge yourself in the glamorous ed this month are the following: Public Education and Information,
night life and beautiful sights in and Scott A. Caldwell, a computer has taken a leave of absence from
around Las Vegas. If you are so software design engineer in Hunts- her position until after the presiden-
inclined, the Casino has an abun- ville, Alabama for Madison, Jackson, tial election in November. She and
dance of game machines (one-armed Limestone, Morgan and Marshall coun- David have become very involved in
bandits). ties; Dell Christian, a retired nurse the campaign of one of the candi-
Joe Santangelo's term as Eastern living in Canton, for Madison, Yazoo dates in Arizona. Her MUFON New-
Regional Director is expiring. He has and Leake counties in Mississippi; sletter to State Directors will be sup-
fulfilled two consecutive terms, there- Scott Didlake in Jackson, Missis- plemented by a similar communication
fore he may not run for reelection sippi was reassigned to Hinds, Ran- publication from Dan Wright. Marge
according to MUFON bylaws. Anyone kin, Copiah, and Simpson counties; has been disturbed by the unscientific
living in the Eastern Region of states Sara Johnson Govemale, R.N. (North- statements made by investigators pro
consisting of ME, NH, VT, MA, CT, western Univ. 1957), residing in Brad- and con on the Gulf Breeze Case.
RI, NY, PA, MD, NJ, DE, WV, VA, ford, Tennessee, for Gibson and Official position statements published
NC, SC, GA, FL, DC and PR inter- Weakley counties; and George A. in the September 1988 issue of the
ested in being elected to this impor- Filer, (Major, USAF Retired) has MUFON UFO Journal by CUFOS
tant position should advise their State been reassigned to Burlington and and MUFON indicate essential agree-
Director so they may be formally Camden counties in New Jersey. Mr. ment that Gulf Breeze is potentially a
nominated. State Directors may nom- Filer spent two weeks of his vacation significant UFO case that deserves
inate themselves. The deadline for conducting his own interviews in Gulf further scientific study and investiga-
receiving nominations is November Breeze while visiting his daughter in tion before an ultimate decision may
30, 1988 in Seguin, Texas. This is an Pensacola Beach. be rendered.
opportunity for a dedicated person to Bruce W. Haupt, J.D., an attor- Very favorable exposure was given
help influence the goals and objec- ney and consultant in Washington, to the Gulf Breeze Case on October
tives of MUFON and the future of D.C. volunteered to become a Con- 5, 1988 when NBC-TV aired the one-
Ufology. Please give this matter your sultant in Law. Mr. Haupt also holds hour program "Unsolved Mysteries"
prompt and serious consideration, an extra class amateur radio operator narrated by Robert Stack. This was
since no nominations have been license K3MYI. Jennie Zeidman has the first opportunity for the populace
received as of September 15,1988. received the membership applications in the U.S.A. and Canada to have
for the following new Research Spe- direct contact with this important
cialists appointed during the past case. Cosgrove/Meurer Productions
month: Roland A. Frauchiger, M.A.,
Malcolm Robinson, an active mem- of Los Angeles, California in Psychol- Continued on page 27

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