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Founded 1967 $2.50

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A Government Conspiracy?
Las Vegas, June 3O,
Nevada Julyl&2
(USPS 002-970)
(ISSN 0270-6822)
The new slick cover stock gracing this issue is one of several
103 Oldtowne Rd.
Seguin, Texas 78155-4099 U.S.A. cosmetic changes scheduled for the Journal in the near future,
time, energy and money, of course, permitting. The 28 pages,
however, are a temporary matter, partly to compensate for my
Editor expanded coverage of the Las Vegas symposium. Eventually, we
hope to be able to redo the Journal's entire format, a painstaking
International Director and process that will hopefully reflect not only our own growing, if
Associate Editor limited, prosperity, but also that of the field of ufology itself. We
THOMAS P. DEULEY mention this not to boast of any achievement before its time, but
Art Director to let you, the reader and subscriber, know that much goes on
MILDRED BIESELE behind the scenes of every issue that you may not normally be
Contributing Editor aware of, in addition to the everyday business of editing,
ANN DRUFFEL proofreading and layout. Our aim, as always, is to bring you the
Contributing Editor best UFO journal available.
ROBERT J. GRIBBLE Occasionally, we are late in our obligations, as happened
Columnist with the July issue. If it's any consolation, I'm happy to say it was
because of circumstances beyond our control. Our lineup this
ROBERT H. BLETCHMAN month is as follows.
Public Relations
Promotion/Publicity In this issue
Public Education CLOSE ENCOUNTER AT ELIZABETH Walter Webb 13
Religion and UFOs THE UFO PRESS Dennis Stacy 17
Books/ Periodicals/ History LOOKING BACK Bob Gribble 20
GREG LONG LETTERS Wright, Friedman, Overall 23
Staff Writers DIRECTOR'S MESSAGE Walt Andrus 28
COVER ART by Donald R. Schmitt
Landing Trace Cases
JOHN F. SCHUESSLER Copyright 1989 by the Mutual UFO Network, Inc. (MUFON), 103
Medical Cases Oldtowne Road, Seguin, Texas 78155-4099 U.S.A.
No part of this document may be reproduced in any form by photostat,
UFO Crash/Retrieval
microfilm, xerograph, or any other means, without the written permission
WALTER N. WEBB of the Copyright Owners.
DWIGHT CONNELLY The Mutual UFO Network, Inc. is exempt from Federal Income Tax under
DENNIS HAUCK Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. MUFON is a publicly
RICHARD H. HALL supported organization of the type described in Section 509(a)(2). Donors
ROBERT V. PRATT may deduct contributions from their Federal Income Tax. In addition,
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(Formerly SKYLOOK) estate and gift tax purposes if they meet the applicable provisions of
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MUFON Las Vegas Symposium
Article and Photographs by Dennis Stacy
Choosing a theme for the annual
MUFON symposium is always a gam-
ble; some turn out as loose as a limp
lariat, while others are as tight as a
knot. This year's conclave, with a
theme of "The UFO Cover-Up: A
Government Conspiracy?" definitely
fell into the latter category. Chaired
by John Lear and vocally orches-
trated by the melodious basso pro-
fondo of Hal Starr, the symposium
was fraught with controversy from
the start. By Saturday evening, temper-
atures inside the Aladdin Hotel and
Casino lecture halls almost matched
those of the sun-baked Las Vegas
"Strip" outside, where the thermome-
ter regularly reached 105 degrees
Fahrenheit and more.
The usual Friday evening get-acquaint-
ed and cocktail hour was preceded by
a press conference held that morning Aladdin Hotel and Casino, Las Vegas
and a meeting of MUFON state direc-
tors moderated by Dan Wright. Pre- along the eastern horizon, then "des- who continues to catalog the Coyne
registration packets were available in cribed a zig-zag flight path as it main- object as a probable meteor. Her
the foyer outside the main 600-seat tained a position above and in front of main objection is that Klass has never
auditorium, along with a photo display the helicopter, and then resumed its troubled to interview Coyne person-
and tables of various literature. The westward course," disappearing on ally, nor bothered to talk to at least
evening cocktail hour itself transpired the NW horizon. "At closest approach," two of the other three crewmen; in
in a cavernous hall that did little to Zeidman said, "the object was seen to fact, his interrogation of those aboard
dampen spirits. be submarine-shaped, opaque and the chopper seems to have been
Following Saturday morning intro- sharply defined, with two precisely limited to three telephone calls. A few
ductions from Lear, Starr and inter- positioned lights and an intense green slightly more acerbic darts were also
national director Walter Andrus, Jen- maneuverable spotlight. Anomalies of hurled in the direction of Mr. Klass,
nie Zeldman, MUFON's co-ordinator controls, instruments and radios, and who seems to delight in being the
of technical analysis, updated events unexplained altitude gain of the helic- target of such barbs. As it turned out,
in the Coyne Helicopter case, recip- opter were noted. Five witnesses Jennie was only the first of several
ient of a $5000 award from the have been found who were nearly speakers who would not disappoint
National Enquirer in 1973, for best directly below the encounter point." him.
UFO case of the year. Zeidman herself has authored a
previous lengthy report on the New Patterns in Car Pursuits
Coyne Copter Case Coyne encounter and continues to
collect data on the case, including Dr. Donald A. Johnson of New
The encounter with what then interviews with two ground witnesses Jersey, MUFON's consultant in re-
Capt. Lawrence J. Coyne, the aircraft who only recently surfaced. However, search psychology, addressed the issue
commander, described as a cigar or Zeidman's talk was only half aimed at of UFO cases in which apparent elec-
submarine-shaped object occurred on actual events in the Coyne case; the tromagnetic interference with a vehi-
October 18, 1973, near Mansfield, remainder, the tart part, was reserved cle's ignition system played a promi-
Ohio. A four-man crew was onboard. for what she characterized as the less nent role. Johnson has collected
At first showing only a red light, the than half-hearted investigation con- some 200 such cases, dating from
object reportedly paced the helicopter ducted by UFO skeptic Philip Klass, March of 1949 to July of 1978, consi-
MUFON UFO Journal, No. 256, August 1989 3
been covertly retrieved by the govern-
ment, is the matter of whether or not
an emergency retrieval program exists
within the confines of a government
or military context. It might be worth-
while, argued aviation writer Don Ber-
liner, a member of the executive
committee of the Fund for UFO
Research, to consider what such a
program might look like from the out-
side. How would it function in the real
world? What kind of experts would
comprise its ranks? And what would
its goals be?
If such a plan is presently in effect,
noted Berliner, it conceivably could
have had its beginnings in events dur-
ing or near the close of WW II. Two
likely candidates for such an impetus,
he suggested, were the reports of
"Foo Fighters" and the "ghost rocket"
scare that swept Scandanavia shortly
after the cease of hostilities. Both
would have provided ample opportun-
ity for any government/military agency
interested in retrieving samples of
either. Then there was the alleged
crash of a UFO near Roswell, New
Mexico, in the summer of 1947, if
further emphasis were needed.
The obvious point here is that of a
number of alleged crash-retrievals, all
have remained effectively secreted
from the average citizen. Berliner
postulates that a wide network of
human and electronic sensors must
Jennie Zeldman be employed if the C/R Control team
is to be "first on the scene" and effec-
dered on the completeness of data. type of light beam emanating from the tive. He even suggests that the coun-
To be included in his vehicular inter- object and the presence of a blue try's police forces might be involved. I
ference catalog, such incidents had to color." Oddly, although police vehi- personally find that idea difficult to
contain pertinent information as to cles account for fifteen percent of all countenance: Too many individuals
the reported UFO's size and distance, non-interference cases, they contrib- would have knowledge of any appli-
as well as to the duration of the over- ute very few incidents in which stal- cable orders. Sooner or later, one of
all event. ling or stopping is recorded. Johnson them would be almost certain to have
The general conclusion Johnson said this "could probably be explained leaked pertinent documents or infor-
was able to draw from a statistical by the fact that in a number of these mation to the media, resulting in a
analysis of such interference cases is cases the police were actively pursu- public row.
"that UFOs of similar appearance ing the UFO, and not the other way The make-up of any such organiza-
behave in a similar manner." But around." It appears, he continued, tion, however, would be fairly com-
other inferences could be made as "that the UFO EM ignition effect itself plex, although not necessarily unwield-
well. "The most prevalent pattern is something that is selectively applied ly, said Berliner. Several different
involving the pacing of a vehicle by a rather than some uniform force result- types of equipment would be required,
UFO," according to Johnson, "can be ing from a hypothetical propulsive including metal and radiation detec-
characterized as involving a domed, system or unexplained natural force." tors, digging and transportation devi-
disk-shaped object, approximately nine ces, medical supplies, recording equip-
meters (35 ft.) in diameter, with the Crash/Retrieval Plan? ment, security staples and packing
presence of a humming sound. material, perhaps even body bags.
"Physiological effects are usually Aside from the controversy of After the site has been rendered
accompanied by the mention of some whether any UFOs have crashed and secure, other equally important fac-
4 MUFON UFO Journal, No. 256, August 1989
tors come into play. From the top of
a pyramid structure on down, a variety
of personnel would be needed, from a
"retrieval" commander, to "grunts,"
or guards. In-between, communica-
tion, technical and scientific personnel
of various sorts would be required.
The great majority of these would be
different from those in charge of the
actual removal of material, which
would account for another body of
Once the physical and perhaps bio-
logical remains are safely removed to
a secure site, the work of deciphering
could begin in earnest. Among the
areas Berliner suggested such a team
of experts might conceivably investi-
gate: construction of the craft itself,
propulsion system(s), flight control
and navigation mechanisms, commun-
ication and life support systems, crew
facilities, maintenance and repair tech-
niques, and of course the nature of
the crew itself and their "mission," or
Even so, such a highly secretive
structure as a C/R Control team
would still be confronted with oppor-
tunities for snafus, some of which
might obviously lie outside their ability
to contain. The most potentially dam-
aging of these, of course, is the pos-
sibility of a messy crash in full view of
the public. Security leaks and unantic-
ipated foul-ups, like a piece of wreck-
age falling off a flatbed 18-wheeler in Philip Klass
St. Louis, would also have to be antic-
ipated, and might be a job for a Today." He has been involved in both tors, respond to such knowledge by
separate damage-control team. the photographic analysis of the Gulf imposing a justifiable cover-up which
"Though much of this is theory and Breeze case, and the apparently spur- is still in existence today.
speculation," Berliner admitted, "it ious voice recording "broadcast" by • Our advanced defense technol-
may serve as a starting point from the space shuttle Discouery. ogy programs do not appear to be
which further thought may lead to Following a series of sightings of directed at a traditional enemy. The
greater knowledge of the crash/re- large lighted objects near the Chesa- evidence simply does not support
trieval system, and perhaps to methods peake Bay Bridge in March of 1988, such a conclusion. The focus setting,
for re-directing it to the service of the some of which reportedly lasted up to in fact, is extraterrestrial in nature.
public." four hours long, and none of which While Oechsler's group was engaged
elicited an obvious military response, in tracing the corporate connection to
Chesapeake Connection Oechsler and other active members assumed events like the Roswell inci-
of the Annapolis Research and Study dent and the formation of MJ-12, he
After lunch, Bob Oechsler, MUFON Group formed the Chesapeake Con- and his fellow researchers were inun-
state section director for Maryland, nection hypothesis, the basic tenets dated with a wave of local UFO
intrigued the audience with a talk of which are as follows: reports, including frequent sightings
entitled "The Chesapeake Connec- • UFOs exist, and the technology of growing numbers of helicopters,
tion: An Implication of Corporate and obvious intelligence behind them both marked and unmarked. They
Involvement in the UFO Cover-Up." present a valid and far-reaching con- also uncovered evidence of curious
Oechsler presently hosts a nationwide cern. goings on in the Bay area, the coun-
broadcast on the airwaves of the • Individuals and groups, both with- try's longest estuary, just east of
American Radio Network called "UFOs in the government and private sec- Washington, D.C. These activities
MUFON UFO Journal, No. 256, August 1989 5
included, among other things, a barge growth of research that originated
apparently engaged in a Navy pro- "UFOs exist Individuals with the 1980 video documentary, "A
gram testing or monitoring the elec- Strange Harvest," which focused on
tromagnetic pulse effect (EMP) asso-
and groups, both within animal mutilations. Such mutilations
ciated with nuclear blasts. According the government and pri- continue down to the present day,
to Oechsler, such experiments may vate sectors, responded said Howe, who brought startling
have severely damaged at least one slides taken only this spring with her
bridge, and could have resulted in the to such knowledge by to prove her case. Howe was accom-
loss of at least one small private plane imposing a justifiable cov- panied by two confirming witnesses.
and its two occupants. The complete story of her most
Oechsler explains corporate invol- er-up which is still in recent research and involvement with
vement in the UFO cover-up not only existence today." both mutes and UFOs can be found
as a consequence of the incestuous in her massive self-published book,
relationship among top level CEOs, An Alien Harvest (448 pages, $60,
government officials and civilian "think context, it never seems to have including postage), available from LMH
tanks," but also out of a need corpo- occurred to Oechsler that the District Productions, 3208 East Fremont Drive,
rations have to maintain a stable of Columbia itself is a similar hotbed Littleton, CO 80122.
society of consumers. Having them fly of government, military and related in- Howe's most recent case, and one
into a fit of panic over the realization telligence activities by virtue almost of of her more remarkable ones, comes
that "we are not alone," in other definition. The baby should not be from Hempstead County, Arkansas,
words, would not be good for business. thrown out to dry with the bathwater, where on the morning of March 10,
So great is corporate concern, in and admittedly Oechsler scores many 1989, an L.C. Wyatt found five dead,
fact, that the larger players have interesting points. But his approach pregnant cows on his property, laid
banded together to bombard consu- also demonstrates that with such an out along a straight line. One cow
mers with subliminal messages aimed all-encompassing, conspiratorial hypoth- had her belly cut open from an 18-by-
at effecting a gradual assimilation of esis, almost any single piece can be 22 inch incision, accomplished by a
this potential earth-shattering concep- accommodated to fit the puzzle. highly-heated cutting instrument of
tion into society as a whole. To this some sort, a technology that would
end, the corporate power structure An Alien Harvest seem to be beyond the means and
increasingly employs suggestive hints capabilities of the "average" satanic
of an extraterrestrial presence, both or other cult. The unborn calf was
in commercials, TV programs and An equally perplexing puzzle was still within the unbroken embryo sac;
movies like E-T and Close Encounters presented by Linda Moulton Howe, a there was no blood or amniotic fluid
of the Third Kind. regional Emmy Award-winning pro- on the cow, calf or ground.
Despite the wealth of documented ducer of TV documentaries, mostly in
and illustrated material Oechsler and the realm of environmental sciences.
the Annapolis Research and Study Her symposium talk was an out-
Group have compiled, this writer, at
least, kept wondering if the cart
hadn't gotten before the horse in
some of the examples cited. Applying
the same logic to the popularity of
vampire movies and images, for in-
stance, would force one to conclude
that movie magnates were somehow
intent on preparing society to accept
blood-sucking bats as an underlying
Something of the same sort of criti-
cism could be made about certain
allegations leveled in connection with
the Roswell incident. Is it fair, on the
one hand, to tout New Mexico as the
nerve center of American military
weaponry research and development,
then express surprise and discovery
on the other when high-level generals
and government officials pay a visit?
One would think, after all, that that
would be their business. In the same Linda Howe and Host, John Lear
MUFON UFO Journal, No. 256, August 1989
& Co. By the time you read this, the
"// these mutilations and human abductions are paperback version from Morrow's
Quill imprint may well be available.
providing sustenance and genetic experimentation As indicated by the title of his book
for the alien beings, it is a one-way trade route. and talk, Good dealt mainly with a
wealth of official documentation indic-
What is taken is not paid for. And what is left ative of a reluctance on the part of
behind is fear, anger, dead animals and traumat- major world governments to reveal to,
ized people." their various publics what they know
or suspect about UFOs. One of the
earliest such indications stems from a
Arkansas, particularly the southw- is fear, anger, dead animals and tra- nighttime "invasion" of Los Angeles
est corner, had been plagued the year umatized people." that took place on February 25, 1942,
before by a series of sightings of a over the 5-hour course of which more
large object or objects known locally Above Top Secret than 1400 artillery shells were fired
as "Big Bertha." Numerous photo- without apparent effect. At least one
graphs of nocturnal lights were taken Howe was followed to the speakers' poor photograph was taken of an
during the winter of 1987-88, many of platform by Timothy Good of Lon- object caught in a searchlight beam,
them by Jim Williamson, editor of the don, author of the near-encyclopedie shells exploding harmlessly all around.
Little River News. An embossed ver- Above Top Secret: The Worldwide In 1946, unidentified "ghost rockets"
sion of one of Williamson's more UFO Cover-Up, published in this were seen and photographed over the
v dramatic pictures, a 30-second time country last year by William Morrow Scandanavian countries; the following
exposure showing a light executing
two right-angle turns, adorns the
cover of Howe's Harvest. The night
before the five dead mutilated cows
were discovered, Williamson, return-
ing from a basketball game, spotted a
"golden glowing" light similar to those
he had already photographed, about
fifty aerial miles from the Wyatt farm.
Williamson, who was present and
joined Howe on the stage during her
presentation, .also took samples from
the dead animals, which he preserved
and express-shipped to Howe in Colo-
rado. Howe then had the specimens
examined by veteran veterinarian Dr.
John Altshuler, who also joined the
presentation in person. It was Alt-
shuler, with the aid of color photomi-
crographs of the incised area, who
was able to demonstrate that "the
cutting was done quickly with a hot
instrument of some kind," probably in
excess of 300 degrees Fahrenheit,
and indicative of either laser or hot
needle surgery.
Howe also presented evidence, pri-
marily from the two abduction cases,
and obtained under regressive hypno-
sis, which seems to indicate an inti-
mate involvement of the alleged
abductors with animal mutilations. "If
these mutilations and human abduc-
tions," Howe concluded, "are provid-
ing sustenance and genetic experi-
mentation for the alien beings, it is a
one-way trade route. What is taken is
not paid for. And what is left behind Timothy Good
MUFON UFO Journal, No. 256, August 1989
of the MJ-12 era, or their family or
It soon became evident that part of Moore's associates, in the search for data that
would either confirm or dismiss the
exchange with Falcon would involve supplying the MJ-12 documents altogether. In the
big bird of prey with information about the activi- process, Friedman managed to add a
thousand dollars to the MJ-12 pot,
ties of APRO and certain individuals, one of whom thanks to an ill-considered wager on
was Paul Bennewitz. the part of Philip Klass. Klass had
offered Friedman $100 for each genuine
Cutler memo in pica type that he
year, Greece suffered similar over- be told the truth, because ultimately it could produce, up to ten items. I'm
flights. That country's leading scient- will come to light. There can hardly sure Friedman and ufologists every-
ist, Professor Paul Santorini, was be any greater shock than the H- where welcome Klass's contribution;
asked to investigate. "But before we Bomb and yet everybody knows of it but given the ongoing disupte between
could do anymore," Santorini advised, without fainting." the two, I confess to a surprise disap-
"the Army, after conferring with for- pointment: I had expected Friedman
eign officials, ordered the investigation Saturday Night Live to flash a slide of Klass's canceled
stopped." check.
That same year, the UFO pheno- For awhile, however, it appeared as Probably the most unexpected de-
menon broke in the United States, if some people would rather fight than velopment thus far is Friedman's
and since then virtually every country faint in the wake of several startling uncovering of the second "secret"
in the world has at one time or revelations made by William Moore career of one Dr. Donald H. Menzel,
another been visited by similar reports. during the course of his over two- the late UFO debunker and Harvard
And in most instances, their respec- hour speech Saturday evening. Moore astronomer, whom the MJ-12 docu-
tive government and military bodies was originally scheduled to address ments identify as one of its original
have publicly denied active knowledge the symposium at 7 pm, to be fol- members. In fact, Menzel was quite
of or interest in the subject. Privately, lowed by Stanton Friedman, and a deeply involved with security and
their reactions have usually been an panel of speakers that were to have intelligence matters, even while author-
altogether different matter, as Good's questions put to them by members of ing or co-authoring three books dis-
slide illustrations of various docu- MUFON's board of directors. missing and debunking UFOs. If Fried-
ments showed. On rare occasion, a But when Moore had not arrived at man was not the first researcher to
high-ranking official even goes on the auditorium by seven, Friedman make this revelation public, he was
record. During the 1973-74 French led off with his own talk, an update of almost certainly the first to bring it to
flap, Robert Galley, the Minister of ongoing investigations into the MJ-12 widespread attention. We look for-
Defense, said in a radio interview that and related documents. Friedman man- ward to seeing Friedman's final report,
"if listeners could see for themselves aged to elicit a nice ring of laughter and on the side, we bet Mr. Klass
the mass of reports coming in from when he asked if anyone had seen does, too.
the airborne gendarmerie, from the the TV documentary, "UFO Cover-
mobile gendarmerie, and from the Up ... Live!" "Good," Friedman said. Moore on Moore
gendarmerie charged with the job of "You only wasted two hours. I wasted
investigations, all of which reports are three days." More to the point, Shortly before Bill Moore was sche-
forwarded by us to the National Cen- Friedman recounted that thus far the duled to go on stage, I met him in the
ter for Space Studies, they would see controversial MJ-12 briefing document, foyer outside the main lecture hall.
that it is all pretty disturbing." along with the so-called Cutler-Twining He was as boyishly buoyant as I've
"UFOs are an embarrasment to the and Truman-Forrestal memos, contin- ever seen him, but admitted he was
Establishment," Good added. "We are ued to hold water. Friedman, as most about to make a confession. Not
practically powerless, and therefore of you are probably aware, was knowing what the context might be, I
have no control over the situation. It recently awarded a $16,000 grant, could only resort to the standard
is not simply a matter of one race of ufology's largest, from the Fund for cliche. "Well," I noted, "they're said
beings coming to this planet. There UFO Research (Whitley Strieber and to be good for the soul."
appear to be different groups, not all MUFON also contributed), specifi- Still, along with the rest of the
of whom are benevolent." cally for the purpose of delving into audience, I had no idea what he was
Good closed with an observation the authenticity of said documents. A about to reveal, nor the impact it
the psychologist Carl Jung once made complete report will probably be would ultimately have. In fact, I'm not
to Donald Keyhoe, to the effect that if available by year's end, or shortly sure I have any better handle on it
the government truly was withholding thereafter. now. But for the record, from my
knowledge of UFOs from the public, In the meantime, Friedman con- seat, several rows from the front,
it was "the most unpsychological and tinues to wend his way through the here's what transpired.
stupid policy one could invent. It is labyrinth of presidential papers, inter- "In early September, 1980," Moore
self-evident that the public ought to viewing survivors from the beginning said, "I was approached by a well-
8 MUFON UFO Journal, No. 256, August 1989
placed individual within the intelli-
gence community who claimed to be Bennewitz not only claimed to film and photograph
directly connected to a high-level
government project dealing with UFOs."
UFOs regularly from his roof top, he also said he
This individual, according to Moore, was able to monitor the low frequency EM signals
he subsequently code-named "Falcon." whereby the aliens communicated with surgical
Moreover, Moore claimed, this per-
son was not Air Force Office of Spe- implants placed in humans during abductions.
cial Intelligence agent Richard C.
Doty, as some have claimed. Doty, in
fact, was only the liaison man between the Air Force Office of Special Intelli- went on to say that the campaign of
Moore and his feathered friend; Doty gence (AFOSI). Presumably, these disinformation aimed at Bennewitz
himself was supposedly referred to as signals, which could hardly be shielded, succeeded far beyond anyone's expec-
"Sparrow," which is a smaller bird were associated either directly or tations. More than a few misunder-
altogether than a falcon. indirectly with any one of a number of stood Moore to say that he willingly
Moore, at the time, was on the Star Wars or related technologies. and knowingly participated in the dis-
board of directors of APRO, the And seemingly, the AFOSI approached persal of disinformation, which includ-
Aerial Phenomena Research Organi- Bennewitz and asked him to voluntar- ed the distribution of counterfeit doc-
zation, operated by Jim and Coral ily cease his activities, an action umentation. Moore said later -that he
Lorenzen of Phoenix. It soon became which unwittingly convinced Benne- was not aware the documents were
evident, said Moore, that part of witz that he had indeed stumbled false at the time, and that he with-
Moore's exchange with Falcon would onto some "secret" of great signifi- drew from participation sometime in
involve his supplying the big bird of cance. His reaction instead was "to 1984, when he learned the full extent
prey with information about the activ- get on the horn," according to Moore, of the deception.
ities of APRO and certain individuals, calling and writing letters to everyone By this time, however, another gear
one of whom was Paul Bennewitz of from fellow ufologists and representa- had been added to the disinformation
Albuquerque, a physicist who had his tives of various media, to congress- transmission, and the cog caught in
own small electronics company near men and the president of the United its turning was Linda Howe. Her own
Kirtland AFB, the Manzano Nuclear States. In addition, said Moore, Ben- disappointing dealings with a decep-
Storage Facility, and Sandia National newitz proved a most persuasive per- tive Doty eventually resulted in Home
Laboratories, site of the Saturn machine, sonality in person. Eventually, his Box Office canceling her contract to
a gigantic circular device used in EMP influence spread far and wide within produce a UFO documentary for the
testing. Bennewitz, already deeply the community of UFO researchers cable channel. Again, the reason
involved in UFOs, was about to and writers. Unfortunately, Bennewitz seems to have been that Howe
become ensnared in ways even his himself, again according to Moore, intended using Bennewitz as a princi-
fertile brain would have been hard was also under the influence, in this pal source. Other researchers who
pressed to predict at the time. (It was case of the AFOSI and their col- availed themselves of the tempting
rumored that he eventually suffered a leagues. "They were actively trying to and sometimes convincing conduit of
nervous breakdown and eventually defuse him," Moore allowed, "by UFO "information" Bennewitz repre-
had to be hospitalized under psychi- pumping as much disinformation through sented were duped as well, with the
atric care. According to another source, him as he could possibly absorb." consequence that much of what was
Bennewitz's son later denied his father Being a very small part of that pro- intended to discredit Bennewitz per-
had ever been committed; it is true, cess, Moore added, "gave me some- sonally subsequently surfaced as an
however, that his business suffered, thing of an advantage, and it became "inside scoop" among a few incestu-
and his own physical and mental my intention to play that advantage ous ufologists, whereby it gradually
health underwent drastic decline dur- for all the information I could get out spread out to infect almost the entire
ing the ordeal.) of it." community.
Bennewitz not only claimed to film By this time in his talk, Moore was The entire Bennewitz scenario, Moore
and photograph UFOs regularly from being vocally challenged by different claimed, was essentially intact as early
his roof top, he also said he was able accusers in the audience, who inter- as the middle of 1982. Among other
to monitor the low frequency EM sig- rupted on several occasions. I, per- elements, it contained the notion that
nals whereby the aliens communi- sonally, was transfixed, as I'm sure two groups of aliens are present on
cated with surgical implants placed in were others, by the tale unfolding. A the planet, one benign, and one, the
humans during abductions. Moreover, couple of people even stumbled out "greys," not so benign. The latter, in
he had written his own computer of the lecture hall, gripped by a com- fact, were said to be "responsible for
program whereby he was able to bination of shock, anguish and tears. the cattle mutilations, for human
translate these "control" signals. Ap- It would have taken a very large pin abductions and the implanting of sin-
parently, it was Bennewitz's electronic to have been heard over the ensuing ister control devices in humans, for
monitoring of these low frequency hubbub. having first made and then broken a
signals that attracted the attention of When order was restored, Moore secret treaty with the U.S. govern-
MUFON UFO Journal, No. 256, August 1989 9
ers who were not on the official
agenda had the opportunity to pres-
ent their own views on the UFO phe-
nomenon and possible government
involvement with same. These included
John Lear, William Cooper, Don
Ecker and Bill English, who have their
own ferverent following. In fact, any-
one thinking that Moore's revelations
of the night before might have defused
what this group had to say would
have been disappointed. The affair, to
which an additional $10 admission fee
was charged, was well attended. I was
unable to stay for the entire program,
so it may be somewhat unfair to
characterize most of what I heard as
long on assertion and short on evi-
dence. But clearly the cadre of con-
spiratorialists has its own hardcore
supporters, with or without any "offi-
cial" sanctions anything as loosely
defined as ufology has to offer or
I was intrigued by much of what I
did see, but still found it hard to
commit to a galloping string of unsup-
ported assertions that included state-
ments like a) a group of 80 dissident
scientists opposed to the alien/U.S.
government diplomatic treaty were
massacred in a single day, and b)
President John Fitzgerald Kennedy
was assassinated by his own Secret
Service chauffeur because he was
going to reveal "the truth about
Dr. Jacques Vallee UFOs." Again, it seemed to me per-
sonally that even internal logic was
ment, for maintaining a secret under- murky waters. Hopefully, it will leave absent from many of the statements.
ground base under Archuleta Peak near the lake a whole lot less contaminated On the one hand, there is a fawning
Dulce in northwestern New Mexico, with the pollutants of rumor, innuendo before uniformed authorities like Gen.
and for having supplied the U.S. govern- and deliberately doctored data. At any Douglas MacArthur and Admiral Ros-
ment with alien space hardware and rate, Moore left the stage through a coe Hillenkoetter, whenever their words
weapons which ultimately proved defec- rear door, counseling patience, and can be used in support of a particular
tive or were made to crash, thus leaving promising all would be revealed in due conspiracy or theory; and on the
human civilization virtually defenseless time. Whether it will come as any more other hand, there is a complete dis-
against invasion." of a shock or surprise than what he dain of official statements by authori-
Both Moore and Friedman directed had to say on a hot Saturday night in ties of similar standing when those
disparaging remarks at the article by Las Vegas, also remains to be seen. (A pronouncements do nof substantiate
Robert Hastings which appeared in the word-for-word transcript of his revealing same.
June issue of the Journal. But similar talk can be obtained by ordering the I'm reminded of the line uttered in
allegations and insinuations about current issue of Moore's newsletter, frustration by Joker Jack Nicholson
Moore's activities had been circulating Focus. $10, from 4219 W. Olive Ave., in the movie, Batman: "Where does
for sometime. It might be presumptuous Suite 247, Burbank, CA 91505; the he get those wonderful toys?" Where
to suggest that their open airing resulted paper is not included in the published do Lear and Cooper, among others,
in his remarkable statement; maybe it MUFON symposium Proceedings.) get their wonderful inside knowledge?
was only one of many straws. What How do they know all these things?
remains to be seen, however, is whether An Alternate Agenda Was Cooper a covert secretary on
Moore's symposium speech clears up the staff of the Bilderburg or some
or muddies further ufology's already Early Sunday morning several speak- other secret society at the apex of
10 MUFON UFO Journal, No. 256, August 1989
world power? Is he personally privy to
the private thoughts of the Trilateral In one case a hammock-hunter died unexpectedly
Commission? Inquiring minds like mine
want to know. Because if the foun- after a light was seen in the same area. Two circu-
tainhead of their secret sources is one lar, reddish-purple marks were found on his neck,
Paul Bennewitz, Moore convincingly about two inches below one ear.
demolished whatever pretension to
authority it might have once had.
Maybe, like the Joker, Cooper and hunters often the prey. an arm, but his body was also found
Lear will yet have the last laugh. But A typical encounter of the kind to bear similar purple-red circles. Val-
from this corner, anyway, that appears investigated by Vallee begins with the lee indicated that similar reports of
highly doubtful. sighting of a distant light, as in the lights and beams continued in the
case of Jose Morais da Silva and his area until very recently.
Jungle UFOs 10-year-old son. The light, sometimes Apparently in response to Moore's
as intense as lightning, comes closer revelations the night before, Vallee
It is a jungle out there, but in rare and emits a beam of illuminosity that also offered some pointed advice for
cases that can be a distinct advan- seems to probe for humans like a ufologists in general. "MUFON would
tage, claimed Jacques Vallee, author hovering searchlight. In the da Silva do well," he said, "to initiate a policy
of Dimensions, which was recently case, he and his son sought shelter of only talking to people who claim to
released in a Ballantine paperback. from an object which landed on the actually have seen aliens, not to
Vallee took the analogy literally, tra- embankment above them. A sound friends-of-friends, or friends-of-friends-
veling to Brazil to investigate a series like a car door slamming was heard, of-friends. This would do a great deal
of anomalous reports involving light followed by voices that spoke an uni- to cut down on the clutter and confu-
beams, physical injuries and even dentifiable language. "At 6:00 a.m.," sion." It would also help sort out
deaths. The main advantage is that da Silva said, "it went away, and we sources from pseudosources, and re-
any luminous phenomena in the night found large footprints where it had duce some of the rumors running
sky is unlikely to be attributable to landed." When struck directly by the rampant. In fact, this is precisely why
the usual contaminants found in more beam of light, da Silva felt an intense courts of law do not allow "hearsay"
industrialized countries like the Uni- pain, and was unable to open his testimony as evidence.
ted States and Europe. For the most eyes. The pain remains present, four
part, there simply are no airplanes, years after the sighting. Mars Face
helicopters, weather balloons, or even Long duration encounters seem to
electrical lighting to contend with. be common. In the case of a prospec- On the Cydonia Mensa region of
The interior of Brazil is predominantly tor named Manuel, the victim was the planet Mars sits what is either a
jungle. Roads are few, and travel pursued by a light beam almost the geological Rorshach test or a genuine
among the locals is most often accom- entire night, from 10 p.m. until five in extraterrestrial artifact of staggering
plished by river vehicles or on foot. the morning. Manuel reported a weak proportions and implications. What is
Vallee's on-site investigations, under- feeling when struck by the beam, and now known as the famous "Mars
taken over two weeks in July of last a foul odor which affected him even face" was originally discovered by Dr.
year, centered in a region of the Braz- more than the light, penetrating like Tobias Owen on frame 35A72, taken
ilian interior known as Parnarama. burning sulphur, and forcing him to by the Viking planetary probe of
Former Journal editor Bob Pratt was continually clear his throat. What 1976. The same prominent feature is
credited with having laid the ground- saved him, he thought, was covering also shown on frame 70A13, taken at
work by his own journeys into the his nose with a piece of cloth. Cha- a slightly closer range of 1724 kilome-
remote region. UFOs are known racteristically, the object itself was ters, or 1070 miles.
locally by the name "chupa." Because refrigerator-shaped, emitting a beam Much speculation has since cen-
of native hunting habits, it is not of red light out of the middle of one tered on whether the configuration is
unusual for the heads of households side. natural or artificial. Like Hobson's
and other potential witnesses (or vic- Vallee also investigated two deaths choice and pregnancy, the case is
tims) to be active at night, even in iso- that may be associated with chupas. clearly either or, all or none. Those
lated areas without lighting. Meager In one case a hammock-hunter died who line up against the face being an
earnings have to be supplemented by unexpectedly after a light was seen in artificial structure, like Carl Sagan,
living off the land, which entails a the same area. Two circular, reddish- have orthodox history and distance
good deal of fishing and hunting for purple marks were found on his neck, on their side. Those like Dr. John E.
deer and other mammals. The most about two inches below one ear. In Brandenberg, a theoretical plasma
common practice is to string a ham- the second instance, though, the physicist, also have distance on their
mock across an animal trail and wait deceased hunter was accompanied by side, along with informed speculation
for the victim to arrive. Unfortunately, a companion who witnessed a beam and enthusiasm, which is at least con-
UFOs seem to employ' the same of light, and dove for cover. The vic- tagious if not convincing. Along with
technique, with the hapless native tim fell out of his hammock, breaking Vincent DiPietro and Gregory Molen-
MUFON UFO Journal, No. 256, August 1989 11
aar, Dr. Brandenburg is a member of
Mars Research and coauthor of Unu-
sual Martian Surface Features, fourth
One may of course approve of
Brandenburg et al's speculations while
suspending agreement with their con-
clusions, namely that within the last
500,000 years Mars was inhabited by
a "Bronze Age" civilization that, like
Earth's Egyptians, engaged in the
construction of massive monuments,
including the Sphinx-like face and
associated pyramids. Unlike many
theories in ufology, the Cydonian
hypothesis, the subject of Branden-
burg's talk, is at least falsifiable, or
testable. In fact, to my way of think-
ing, it will probably be proved conclu-
sively one way or the other within the
next decade, so why the rush to
Of all the subjects discussed at the
Las Vegas symposium the Mars face,
in retrospect, now seems the least
controversial. On this issue, at least,
we can comfortably sit back and wait
for the boob tube to eventually reveal
the answer. As for the other matters
raised? Well, that's why MUFON is
holding another symposium next sum-
mer in Pensacola, Florida, not far
from Gulf Breeze. Hope to see you

(Photographs from top to bottom).

Stanton Friedman greets the elec-
tronic media. Speakers (1-r) Dr.
John Brandenburg, Dr. Donald
Johnson, Don Berliner (FUFOR),
and Dr. Jacques Vallee. Robert
Swiatek accepts a $500 check
from Fred Whiting of the Fund
For UFO Research in place of Dr.
Bruce Maccabee, recipient of the
Annual MUFON Award for the
most outstanding contribution to
the UFO field for 1988-89.

12 MUFON UFO Journal, No. 256, August 1989
Close Encounter At Elizabeth
By Walter Webb
Webb authors our monthly Night found any news item relating to the overhead. "I was almost in shock,"
Sky column. sighting. Mrs. Servilla asserted. At first they
Mrs. Servilla returned her com- thought it was a blimp but quickly
Early in 1989 I had given a copy of pleted MUFON form May 17. The fol- ruled that out.
a magazine article (containing an lowing account incorporates the tes- According to Debbie, it was an
account of my Buff Ledge Camp, timony of both Deborah Sovinee and "absolutely soundless" oval (not per-
Vermont, CE-IV investigation) to the her mother, Stella Servilla. fectly circular) object encircled by a
Exhibits Secretary at the Boston central row of many, small, round,
Museum of Science, Nancy DiCiac- The Encounter white, very bright lights. She des-
cio. Nancy formerly was the Planeta- cribed seeing a pulse of light moving
rium's Administrative Assistant; I am Both women recalled that the sight- along the row of lights, brightening
the Planetarium Assistant Head. Exhibit ing happened around the middle of each source in the row sequentially.
Designer Deborah Sovinee, 35, hap- May 1971 and about the middle of the The witness referred to this pulse as
pened to glance at the article and tell. week at a time when Debbie attended a "chase light."
Nancy about her own UFO close a livesaving class. (This would place Mrs. Servilla's recollection differed
encounter when she was 17 and living the date around either May 12 or 19.) somewhat. She thought the object
in Elizabeth, New Jersey. Nancy Mrs. Stella Sovinee (now Servilla) mas circular with a row of many
called my extension March 21, but I had driven her daughter home from bluish-white, round lights around the
was unavailable. The next day Planet- the class at the Y and had pulled into middle which were blinking on and off
arium Secretary Jeanette Alabiso not- their driveway at 5 Gibson Place, Eli- like the lights on a Christmas tree.
ified me about the call. I called Nancy zabeth, New Jersey (1970 pop. 112,654). She also said she perceived a faint
and then contacted Debbie. An inter- The time was about 10:30 p.m. sound coming from the UFO, like a
view was arranged for March 23. (EDT), according to Debbie, and "faint motor" or the hum of an
After our meeting, the witness agreed "after nine or after ten," according to air-conditioner.
to get further details from her mother her mother. Both agreed that the object's lights
(who also observed the UFO) and to The Sovinee home was located in were bright enough to illuminate and
fill out a MUFON form. I questioned the middle of a short, dead-end sub- reveal its outline. The witnesses said
Debbie again on March 28 and 31. urban street about a block long, with the UFO appeared to be at a low
On April 15 I called Debbie's five houses on each side. (Although height off to one side of their roof.
mother, now living in Toms River, both witnesses agreed that the street (Debbie indicated an elevation angle
New Jersey, and obtained information ran approximately north and south, of perhaps 60°.)
which both confirmed and altered her Mrs. Servilla implied that their resi-
daughter's remembered version of the dence stood on the west side of the Dimensions
experience. At the same time I also street while Debbie thought it was on
wrote the Elizabeth Daily Journal, the east side.) I asked each observer to attempt to
asking for a copy of the news story The two observers recalled that it estimate the object's height, using
allegedly reporting the UFO. When I was a warm, clear night. Debbie their three-story house as a known
didn't hear from the newspaper's believed others on the street were size marker. Debbie guessed that it
librarian after a month, I telephoned outdoors at the time and assumed might have been about 75 to 100 feet
May 16. The librarian said he hadn't that there were at least three or four above the ground. Mrs. Servilla thought
received my letter. But he promised other possible eyewitnesses to the it was perhaps twice as high as the
to check his files for the UFO story anomalous event, including neighbors house (or around 60 feet up), although
and then call me back the next day. sitting on the porch across the street. she felt very uncertain.
However, I failed to hear from him. I Her mother stated that she didn't When requested to hold a quarter
called again May 19 and left my recall if there were others outside and at arm's length in order to estimate
address and telephone numbers with was unaware of any other witnesses the UFO's apparent size (an almost
someone. Still no response. Finally, to the event on their street. impossible and perhaps meaningless
on June 12 I was able to contact the As Debbie and her mother got out exercise 18 years after the actual
librarian again. He reported that he of the car and walked toward the event), Debbie guessed that the coin
had conducted a search of his files front of their house, they were stunned was possibly "1/5 or 1/6" the size of
from April to July 1971 and hadn't to see a strange object hovering nearly the object. This means that the UFO
MUFON UFO Journal, No. 256, August 1989 13
might have subtended 12.5 to 15°, or lected the wavy departure path differ- Deborah Sovinee and her mother, I
approximately 25 feet across if 100 ently. She said the object proceeded find no compelling reasons to doubt
feet above the observers. However, if to move across the street and back that the New Jersey UFO encounter
the object actually were higher than again in a "figure 8" before accelerat- occurred approximately as described
estimated, say 200 feet (assuming the ing northward on a straight course, by the witnesses. The variations in
same angular diameter), the UFO's vanishing from sight within a second. the testimonies of the two observers
true size becomes approximately 45 Afterwards, Mrs. Servilla said she are to be expected in view of the 18
to 50 feet, matching Debbie's descrip- called the police to report the sight- years of elapsed time since the actual
tion — "bigger than a helicopter" or ing. The police did state that they had observation.
"about the same size as my house." received a few other calls but explained The aerial event described in this
Mrs. Servilla would not hazard a the object as an advertising blimp. report bears no similarity to any IFO
guess as to the object's true dimensions. The next day the Elizabeth news- that this investigator is aware of,
After hovering for perhaps "a min- paper, according to Debbie's mother, including the advertising blimp or
ute or two," according to Debbie's mother, confirmed that "people had seen night ad aircraft referred to above.
the UFO moved off toward the something in the sky, possibly an The unknown object's appearance
southwest in a "side-to-side, snake- advertising blimp." Mrs. Servilla said and flight behavior place it in the
like" motion and was gone within she was familiar with both advertising UFO category.
seconds. blimps and night ad planes, and the I believe this episode should be
Debbie herself had great difficulty object was neither. However, the classified as an unknown. I also
in recalling the precise nature of the librarian of the Elizabeth Daily Jour- assign it a Paranet/Hynek Strangness/
motion and the sequence of events. nal was unable to find any story relat- Probability Rating of S4/P4 (Strange
Before she telephoned her mother, ing to the sighting. Debbie didn't and not conforming to known princi-
she thought she had remembered first recall any media publicity about the ples/Credible and sound).
seeing the UFO in motion, racing sighting, either in the newspaper or Deborah Sovinee lives at 687 North
from one end of the street to the on radio or television. Gary Street, Brockton, Massachusetts.
other and then halting near her Mrs. Stella Servilla resides at 66 Vir-
house. But now she agrees with her Evaluation gin Islands Drive, Toms River, New
mother's version that it was station- Jersey.
ary at first. Debbie, however, recol- Based upon my interviews with

Majestic & Moore: Not Guilty!

By Jean Sider
Sider is a French ufologist. The other from the Texas-Mexico border the truth about UFOs for thirty years.
following article was translated by in 1950. Bodies of beings described as But was the document valid? Enter
Dr. Thomas E. Bullard of Bloo- "extra-terrestrial biological entities" Philip J. Klass with two articles in
mington, Indiana. were recovered and in government Skeptical Inquirer (Winter 1987-88,
hands. A need for strictest secrecy Spring 1988, pp. 137-146, 279-289). He
The ongoing saga of MJ-12 has was stressed. Almost as remarkable argues that the documents are fakes,
become one of the most controversial as the text itself was the introduction and cites as one piece of evidence an
issues in UFO history. Through the of Majestic-12, a top-secret intelli- implausible mixture of civilian and mil-
1980s William Moore, Stanton Fried- gence group responsible only to the itary styles in the format for dates.
man and Jaime Shandera have accumu- president and manned by twelve lead- "By a curious coincidence," he says,
lated evidence for government inter- ing military and scientific figures of the style is the same one used by
est in UFOs at the highest levels, and the day. One member's name stands Moore in dating all his correspon-
government coverups with equally out as especially unexpected by ufol- dence with Klass. By implication,
high-reaching sanction. The most spec- ogists — Donald Menzel, the Harvard Moore faked the documents.
tacular revelation came late in 1984 astronomer who was archenemy of There are indeed important clues
when Shandera received in the mail UFOs throughout the 1950s and which hint that a fraud has been per-
from unknown sources a briefing 1960s. Moore published a reproduc- petrated, but more probably by a
document allegedly prepared for Presi- tion of the MJ-12 document in the government agency than by Moore.
dent-Elect Eisenhower. MUFON UFO Journal No. 231 (July To be frank, I cannot give formal
This 1952 document made matter- 1987), pp. 11-13. proof of this charge, but I will set
of-fact reference to two crashed sau- If valid, this document was the forth the evidence and let readers
cers in government hands, one from "smoking gun" of proof that the judge for themselves.
Roswell, New Mexico, in 1947, the government had known and hidden The case for the "prosecution"
14 MUFON UFO Journal, No. 256, August 1989
a victim than a culprit in this affair.
18 NOVEMBER, 1952 I possess two personal letters from
P. 1
18 NOVEMBER, 1952. p. 2 Moore, where the dates and punctua-
tion are written as follows: 12 Sep-
24 September, 1947
tember, '87 and 02 DEC. '87.
22 May, 1949 Klass has presented letters from
01 August, 1950 Moore with the dates drafted as fol-
24 June, 1947 p. 3 lows, punctuation included (Skeptical
07 July, 1947 Inquirer 12/2, p. 143): 14 May, 1984,
19 September, 1947 P. 4 06 June, 1985, and 17 June,1985.
30 November, 1947 I also possess a copy of an older
06 December, 1950 p. 5 letter from Moore, addressed to Mr.
30 NOV. '47. p. 6 Charles W. Hinkle, Director of F.O.I,
19 SEP' 47. and Security Review, Office of the
30 JUN '52. Asst. Secy, of Defense, Washington,
31 JAN '48. D.C., typed with comma like this: 21
January, 1981 (and another date in
31 JAN '49.
the text, as follows): 30 December,
September 24, 1947 p. 7, Truman memo 1980.
In light of the dates in letters from
Bill Moore, I will make the following
consists of three anomalies of style in This is the first significant anomaly. statements:
the writing of dates included in the Next, notice a zero placed before • He puts the day before the
MJ-12 document. I reproduce those the day digit, whenever it is less than month.
dates above in order of their appear- ten. The military style of writing for • He puts a comma after the
ance in the text, taking care to dupli- messages during this era included a month.
cate their arrangement and punctuation: zero, the day being followed by hours • He places a zero before the fig-
Note carefully these dates. Only and minutes; but the style for letters ure for the day when less than ten.
the last is different in style because it was quite different. Whenever they • He sometimes abbreviates the
begins with the month, a standard but were drafted, this peculiarity was not year, using an apostrophe in place of
not systematic military practice during required. This is the second signifi- figures for the century (19). Klass
the 1947-1952 era. All others begin cant anomaly. does not seem to have had any let-
with the day, a practice which was An informer called these two flies in ters including this arrangement, which
less current but not extraordinary. the ointment to the attention of Philip does not appear in the examples cited
Page 7 is not a part of the MJ-12 Klass, but I have found yet another: until 1987. However, I have disco-
document itself, but a note signed by See how all the dates on page 6 vered that Moore made use of this
President Truman. As evidence for consist of a date with the year abbre- style earlier, in the 1982 ' MUFON
this conclusion, the typewritten letters viated. In place of the 19, there is an Symposium proceedings. On page 85
are those of another machine — apostrophe. Yet I have not found this he writes: May '81 - May '82. Another
notice that among the capital letters, manner of writing the year among the example can be found in the 1983
for example, the downstroke of the declassified documents of which I MUFON proceedings, page 100: (Jan
"M" is lower in the Truman memo have photocopies in my files. '82); in those for 1985, at the bottom
than in the MJ-12 document — and Recall now the three peculiarities of of page 132: (or '49), and at the top of
the stamp "TOP SECRET EYES style noted in the form of dates writ- page 133: ('40 or early '50s). My
ONLY" likewise differs on the two ten in the MJ-12 document divulged American colleagues doubtlessly can
pieces. So in principle, and until by Moore: find other examples.
proved otherwise, the Truman memo • A comma after the month. These examples show that the writ-
can be taken as authentic because no • A zero before the day when it is ten form most typical of Moore was
convincing suspicion to the contrary less than ten. evident throughout many years in his
has surfaced. • An apostrophe in place of the 19 writings, even before he divulged the
Returning to the dates in the MJ-12 in the year. Majestic 12 document in 1985. As a
document proper, note that not only Now, as Klass's informer specified result, this form could be noted easily
do they all begin with the day, but at the time of his denunciation, these enough by a forger intending to
they are all furnished with a comma uncustomary forms of writing turn up imitate it.
after the month, whenever the month again in dates on letters from Moore. I will offer the proof to show that
is written in its entirety. This form of But there is a hitch. And the Moore's style was copied deliberately
writing is normal in Canada, but atyp- "hitch" occurs thrice. I can furnish by a third party, and that the deed
ical of American style. In America, the proof, because I have had occa- was not Moore's. In copying the writ-
when the date begins with the day, a sion to exchange mail with William ten form of the California researcher,
comma is not placed after the month. Moore, who seems to me to be more the eager forger became quite care-
MUFON UFO Journal, No. 256, August 1989 15
less and committed two blunders which taken care to protect his identity. It is following:
definitively acquit Bill Moore. Judge quite reasonable to imagine that the • The MJ-12 document revealed by
for yourself: denouncer just might be the imitator Moore is a put-up job by a governmen-
• When the month is typed in himself. The fact that he gave this con- tal agency to mislead the California
three capital letters on page 6, the fidence to Klass, always the grand researcher, debunk MJ-12 (a name
forger does not put a period after. denier of the UFO phenomenon, is yet which had appeared in two other doc-
Moore does. another indication of his intentions. uments prior to its becoming known to
• When the year is typed in two Klass has clamored long and loud that Moore), torpedo the activities of Ameri-
figures preceded by an apostrophe on the MJ-12 documents are "clumsy can ufologists and ridicule them in the
pages 6, the forger puts a period counterfeits." The speed with which he eyes of the media and public.
after. Moore does not. responded to Moore's announcement, • The group Majestic-12 seems to
Forger: 30 NOV '47. demonstrates as well that he really did have had an actual existence. The
Moore: 02 DEC. '87 not have the time to properly research Truman memo, typed with another
Here is proof that perfection does his debunking, compose a file, draft a machine, a normal date style, and pro-
not exist even in matters of fraud. well-substantiated text, and send it to vided with different classification stamps,
the editor of the Skeptical Inquirer. The can provide the proof. Mention of MJ-
Set-Up? first part of his article was published at 12 also figures in the Cutler memo,
the end of November 1987 (vol. 12, no. which has been authenticated by analy-
In order to take advantage of the 2), whereas Moore released his docu- sis of the original onionskin paper. The
two main characteristics of Moore's ment at the end of June that same year. paper belongs to the right era, and has
style in dating his letters, it would be It should be noted that according to not been manufactured since the begin-
necessary to have read many of them Stanton Friedman, Klass does practi- ning of the 1970s (my information
in order to establish whether this cally no research at the major national comes by a phone call from J.L. Rivera
style is accidental or recurrent. It libraries, despite the fact that he lives in in New York in 1988, who found out
would be all the more necessary Washington, D.C., where they are plen- from Moore). Furthermore, I have
because the zero placed before the tiful! Moreover, Jim Moseley in his bul- obtained two confirmations of the exist-
figure for days less than ten can be letin Saucer Smear (vol. 34, no. 7, p. 2) ence of this ultra-top-secret group dedi-
found only in letters typed between suspects that Klass borrowed largely cated to the UFO problem. One comes
the 1st and 9th of each month, which, from the file compiled by British research- first-hand from a retired American
in terms of proportions, reduces the er Christopher Allan in writing the scientist, the other second-hand from a
opportunities to only nine out of 30 Skeptical Inauirer article cited above. friend, himself an official, who received
per month. Klass credits Allan with pointing out the the information from a high-ranking mil-
I am willing to bet that the corres- comma and zero anomalies (p. 140), itary officer still on active duty.
pondent most honored by letters but Allan's familiarity with Moore's style So, in ascertaining the truth about
from Moore is a major governmental is doubtful, since in that same issue of the MJ-12 document, I have been able
agency, either the Defense Depart- Saucer Smear Allan asks the readers to to establish not only that it is most
ment or the U.S. Air Force. I myself check their files and report any findings likely a fake, at least in part, but that
have carried on more correspondence on date format. Majestic-12 had an actual existence,
with these organizations than with Another important point: Before the despite the misleading clues. Here the
private researchers. Now, it is reaso- MJ-12 document was divulged, no one issue stands, barring further evidence to
nable to suppose that Moore's inves- in the ufologjcal community knew that the contrary.
tigations of the Roswell crash proved Dr. Donald Menzel, who denied the Now to close with an anecdote: One
especially embarrassing to the credi- UFO phenomenon in three books (the of my friends, a still-active scientist, has
bility of the official position on the third in collaboration with Ernest Taves) attested to me that whenever Dr. Men-
UFO problem, so someone employed held a Top Secret Ultra security clear- zel participated in a congress of astro-
by this governmental agency might ance with the U.S. Navy (see Interna- physicists, he had a habit of drawing
have decided to discredit this research- tional UFO Reporter Jan.-Feb. 1988, p. during the speeches. All these drawings
er. This person was then able to use 21-22). A forger among private research- showed flying saucers and small huma-
Moore's letters to that agency in ers (Klass included) would never have noids with large heads, provided with
order to copy the style, notably the had the idea of including Menzel in a whimsical details — ladders against the
written form of the dates so peculiar highest-security group, all things consi- saucer, antennas on the heads of the
to Moore, and contrive a phony doc- dered. Therefore the imitator had inside beings, etc. One would think that Dr.
ument accordingly. information, and had to be "the right Menzel must have been especially fasci-
To return to Philip Klass. It is cur- man in the right place." He must have nated by the problem of UFOs and
ious to note that this famous Ameri- contrived his fake document starting extraterrestrials. Were these drawings
can debunker was the first to denounce with a grain of truth, such as the name merely a visual way of letting off steam,
the two principal faults in the dates of of Dr. Menzel. or the minor eccentricity of an absent-
the document. He did not make this minded professor?
discovery personally; an informer set
him on the track. This informer has A review of the findings shows the Continued on page 18
16 MUFON UFO Journal, No. 256, August 1989
The UFO Press
by Dennis Stacy
In the wake of his remarkable the usual background and start-up tial briefing" papers mailed anonymous-
speech Saturday night at the Las matters. "Future Flights," however, ly to LA TV producer Jaime Shandera,
Vegas symposium, William Moore did promises a forthcoming article on a colleague of both Moore and Stan-
not stick around to answer questions. "How to contact the visitors and do I ton Friedman. The point of origin for
A good deal of the talk, however, want to do it? You can get in touch the book's plot is the Roswell Incident
consisted of a question-and-answer with 'them, and even draw them into itself, and in fact, Strieber visited the
session conducted by Moore himself. your life. But is that wise?" area in Moore's company, and was
Among the sixteen questions he asked September 11 will see the official able to interview some of the major
and answered was, "What do I think publication date of Majestic, Strieb- witnesses involved.
of Whitley Strieber and his claims of er's newest novel, from G.P. Put- Strange, then, that with an on-site
being a UFO abductee?" nam's Sons, New York, 319 pages, background briefing and his own
"At first," Moore said, "I was highly $18.95. With all due respect, it did not experiences as an abductee to draw
skeptical and admittedly somewhat impress this reader as one of Strieb- on, Majestic remains oddly anorexic,
jealous of Whitley." But in the pro- er's more gripping tales. Or maybe not quite fully fleshed out, as it were.
cess of getting to know Strieber bet- I'm simply jaded from having read too Plot and treatment are a composite,
ter, in order to assess things for him- many UFO books. composed of different measures of
self, Moore confided, "he has earned The title, of course, refers to Majic fact and fiction, including official quotes
my respect, my admiration and my or Majestic-12, the alleged superse- from several former UFO players on
friendship ... He has come very close cret, government-military UFO cover- one hand, and informed speculation
to the truth in a number of ways, up agency alluded to in the "presiden- on the other. The story itself is told in
and, although still somewhat baffled
by his experiences, has found a very
acceptable way of accommodating
them into his life." Moreover, "if one
Creatures From Space?
makes a conscious effort to remove
Whitley's emotional reactions and takes
Well, They Have Antennae
a good hard look at the remaining
core of information, the result is
insight into what gives every appear- Sightings of unidentified flying ob-
jects have been blamed on everything
ance of being a real situation." from bright stars and meteors to air-
Moore concluded his remarks about planes and falling space debris.
Strieber by saying that "in any event, But now a biophysicist has con-
I certainly wouldn't dismiss this man cluded that some unidentified flying
objects glowing in the night sky could
too lightly. We're going to hear a lot be swarms of migrating insects.
more from him before it's all over." "A lot of night sightings of U.F.O.'s
Several salvos have been heard are just lit-up insects riding storm
Charles Waller
already, or soon shall be. The movie fronts." the scientist, Phillip Calla-
of Communion, starring Christopher han, said in a statement issued re-
cently by the American Institute of In the course of his researcn on
Walken as Strieber, comes to the Physics. Dr. Callahan, a retired re- crop pesis, Dr. Callahan found that
search professor at the University of when insects were placed in an elec-
silver screen either later this summer trical field, ihe spines in the antennae
Florida and a biophysics consultant
or early fall. In the meantime, Strieber in Gainesville. Flu., said the storms would light up. He likened the effect
and associates have instituted the generate electrical fields that can to St. Elmo's f i r e , a flaming electrical
cause insect antennae to glow. discharge sometimes seen around a
Communion Foundation. The first church steeple or ship's must on a
sample of the Foundation's quarterly A study comparing spruce bud- stormy night In a swarm of insects,
publication, The Communion Letter worm moth migrations with U.F.O. the scionusl s.ud, this effect produces
sightings seems to support the hy- an aura of blue, gieen and yellow
(four issues, $20/yr, Box 1975, Boulder, pothesis, he said. Many insects mi- light.
CO, 80306-1975), is a handsome, 8- grate after dusk", riding a storm front, But Philip J Klass. who has written
uflcn in saucer-shaped swarms. A several books on ihe U.F.O. phenome-
page example of the desktop publish- clump of migrating budworins can non, saul insects might explain "only
ing art, edited by Dora Ruffner. Whi- extend (or 5 or 10 miles, with insects one out uf a thousand" sightings.
tley's wife, Anne, is executive editor. on the outer edge flying back into the Most, he said, arc traced to other phe-
swarm, giving a ha/y outline. nomena
Most of the first issue is occupied by
MUFON UFO Journal, No. 256, August 1989 17
flashback form from the eyes of both
investigative reporter, Nicholas Duke,
and one Wilfred Stone, an agent for Next UFO landing zone: your backyard.
the Central Intelligence Group, the Illusion Disc™ is the first flying disc with on-board electronic
CIA's forerunner. The latter charac- special effects. Two LEDs (red and yellow) in the rim flash approx-
imately 100 times per second. As the disc rotates, the lights appear first
ter's admissions and well placed career to spin in one direction, then hover motionless, then reverse direction.
allow the reader an inside view of the LEDs are powered by a 9v
retrieval of the original Roswell object, battery (not included) and
provide 10,000 hours (ten
the subsequent cover-up, and the years) of use.
formation of MJ-12 itself. They also Molded of high-impact
allow us to meet such conspiratorial polyethylene, Illusion Disc
UFO luminaries as Roscoe Hillen- handles like any standard
flying disc. Measures 1H x
koetter, James Forrestal and Harry 11" in diameter; weighs 10
Truman, who emerge as little more pz. One-year warranty. Fly
than cardboard cut-outs, though they it in your backyard and see
may look imposing enough in the what ventures down out of
the sky to investigate.
cinematic version of Majestic, if there
is one. • Illusion Disc
#HIT101 $19.50 (3.00)
Forrestal, for example, would seem
to have been any fictioneer's dream
gift horse: "Secretary of Defense
Learns Secret About UFOs and Jumps
Out Window!" Yet, his secretive sui-
cide lapses in passing. And instead,
we are treated to the exploits of primitive, warlike earthlings persist- the two. And society, after all, as
Stone himself. ently misread their motives, whatever Jung noted, has accepted, if not
A sense of verisimilitude is sought they are, throughout. Are they con- necessarily understood, the awesome
by the extensive quotation of "official" strained by the rules of the game, or implications of the hydrogen bomb.
government documents, including an the nature of the unsubmitting beast, So the social body as it is can take or
"Intelligence Estimate on Flying Disk or a combination of both? leave the revelations embodied by the
Motives," which repeats two widely After the imaginative success Strie- authenticity of MJ-12. It's the inau-
discredited stories in the literature of ber had in breathing alien life forms to thenticity of MJ-12 and its conse-
anomalies: the disappearance of David life in Wolfen and The Hunger, the quences I'm worried about. And the
Lang and the supposed 19th century allegedly real aliens of Majestic are society likely to be affected is a lot
encounter of one "Robert Loosely" anything but. At their center, behind
(the actual perpetrator of this book- their fascinating almond eyes, rings a
length hoax was an English physicist) hollow resonance. If they are sup- MJ-12, continued
with an alien robot probe. In a work posed to be a mirror held up to
of fiction, why rely on such discre- humanity, as sometimes suggested, smaller than that which makes up
dited "facts," when they could have the reflection found in Majestic is a McLuhan's global village. It is, in fact,
just as easily been fabricated out of pale one indeed. a society of one or two, more or less.
whole cloth? Instead of bolstering a Maybe Strieber himself was con- The reader can analyse this surpris-
sense of reality, their presence deflates strained by what he knows. Or ing situation for himself, taking into ac-
one's willing suspension of belief like maybe the problem of portraying count the facts as he now knows
pin-holes in the fabric of a balloon. angelic, or near angelic, life forms is them, to draw the right conclusions.
Abductions occur with unhistorical an almost insurmountable one, as Unless our dear colleagues, the social
abandon, too, but it's still not clear to even the critics of Paradise Lose have psychologists, have a slant on the
this reviewer what Strieber means to been forced to concede. Lucifer, or Menzel mystery and go to great
imply about their ultimate nature. If Satan, the Prince of Light, is simply lengths to explain it to us from every
they are the product of some sort of more psychologically interesting than psychological perspective, doubtless
species of avenging angel, as Strieber his heavenly counterparts. with two or three hundred references
seems to indicate, their meaning still Finally, if I may be so sanctimon- to Freud, Jung and other great
remains murky after a reading of ious and presumptuous at a single thinkers, we must assume that the
Majestic. On the one hand they stroke, a warning. With Majestic, behavior of the celebrated astrophysi-
appear to dispense a sort of cosmic Whitley Strieber firmly anchors his cist was normal.
justice; on the other they seem intent yacht to that bobbing buoy known
on a revelation of personal signifi- collectively as MJ-12. Even if one CREDITS
cance or enlightenment. Either way, should sink and the other swim, it (Page 17) New York Times
these omniscient angels emerge as could become increasingly difficult for (Above) The Sharper Image
oddly impotent and ineffective, while society at large to distinguish between
18 MUFON UFO Journal, No. 256, August 1989
Calendar of UFO Conferences for 1989
REVIEWED August 25, 26, 27 — Ancient Astronaut Society, Schaumburg Marriott Hotel, Schaum-
burg, Illinois.
By Larry Hebebrand
September 15, 16 & 17 — 26th Annual National UFO Conference, Quality Inn West,
Linda Moulton Howe, a writer, edi- Phoenix, Arizona ,
tor, producer and director of docu- October 21 — The Show-Me UFO Conference, Harley Hotel, Earth City, Missouri
mentary films, including A Strange (near St. Louis)
Harvest, put ten years of research
into her book, An Alien Harvest, pub- October 26, 27, 28 & 29 — International UFO Conference, Frankfurt's Airport Conven-
tion Center, Frankfurt, West Germany
lished this year by her production
company located in Littleton, Co- November 11 & 12 — The UFO Experience, Ramada Inn, North Haven, Connecticut
An Alien Harvest is not j u s t
another book or story about cattle "An Alien Harvest" should be con- charge, and all copies are autographed
mutilations, but a true account of sidered recommended reading for the and numbered in this limited printing
allegedly horrifying events of not only serious UFOlogist. The data and that is surely to become a collector's
the mutilation of cattle, but also pos- issues raised here concern all of us as item. The book may be purchased
sibly humans. Other animals such as this mystery continues to plague our through Arcturus Book Service, P.O.
dogs, cats, sheep, goats and the like entire planet. The 464-page book is Box 831383, Stone Mountain, Georgia
have also been reportedly found with priced at $55.00, plus a small postage 30083-0023.
stripped skin, sexual organs removed
along with eyes, tongues and jaws.
Occasionally, strange lights are ob-
served before, during and after the
discovery of the mutilated animals.
In Other's Words
The contents of this book do not By Lucius Parish
deal solely with mutilations, but uses
them as a stepping stone to a more The "Anti-Matter/UFO Update" sec- THE TUJUNGA CANYON CON-
complicated, highly intriguing story of tion of OMNI's July issue has a TACTS by Ann Druffel and D. Scott
alien intervention into human life. report by Jerome Clark on the mys- Rogo (revised edition) from New
There are numerous photos of the terious lights which appeared in the American Library/Signet Books; THE
mutilated cattle, accounts of alien Hessdalen Valley of Norway during FELLOWSHIP by Brad Steiger (Berk-
confrontations, copies of alleged U.S. the period of 1981-1986. The lights ley Books); and DIMENSIONS by
Government documents ranging in displayed all the characteristics nor- Jacques Vallee (Ballantine Books).
context from confirmed contact with mally associated with UFOs, were The latter reprints an interview with
EBEs (Extraterrestrial Biological Enti- photographed over 200 times and Vallee which originally appeared in
ties), to intrusion of air space and were tracked by radar at speeds up the April 1988 issue of the Journal.
landings at U.S. Government installa- to 32,000 kilometers per hour. There A complete list of both audio and
tions, to an outstanding and compell- is the usual amount of speculation as video tapes from the Ozark UFO
ing report of a statement about a Top to their origin, but no definite Conference #1 is now available from
Secret/Majic Government Document answers. Rainbow Video, P.O. Box 6681, Fort
... Project Aquarius. Project Aquarius A recent videotape, UFOLOGY: Smith, AR 72906; telephone (501) 646-
explains all of the projects related to AT THE TURNING POINT, presents 5599. The dates for the Ozark UFO
the government's involvement with extracts from lectures given in Febru- Conference #2 are April 6-8, 1990, at
EBEs. ary 1989 by Budd Hopkins (alien the same location as the 1989 Confer-
Also included in the appendix of abductions), Bill Moore (the Aztec, ence.
the book are 71 pages of transcript N.M. case) and Stanton Friedman In addition to the forthcoming books
dealing with two different hypnotic (MJ-12 controversy). The 2-hour ver- by Ed Conroy (REPORT ON 'COM-
regression sessions conducted by Dr. sion of the tape is priced at $39.95 MUNION') and Edith Fiore (ENCOUN-
Leo Sprinkle, formerly the Director of and a six-hour unedited) version is TERS), Whitley Strieber has a UFO
the Division of Counseling and Test- available on three tapes for $99.95. Novel, MAJESTIC, due out in Sep-
ing at the University of Wyoming, Please specify VHS or Beta format tember from Putnam's. The motion
Laramie, Wyoming. Judy Doraty of when ordering tapes. These are avail- picture version of Strieber's COM-
Texas, an "eyewitness" to a cattle able from: RAD Productions Ltd. — MUNION is also due out in Sep-
mutilation event, covers 39 pages 8306 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 972 , Bev- tember. A quarterly COMMUNION
while a Cimarron, New Mexico moth- erly Hills, CA 90211 (California resi- LETTER is now available for $20.00
er and her young son's sessions con- dents add 6.5% sales tax.) per year from Dora Ruffner, P.O. Box
sist of the remaining 32 pages. Recent paperback reprints include 175, Boulder, CO 80306-1975.
MUFON UFO Journal, No. 256, August 1989 19
that they left a short, wispy tail.
As the strange vehicles circled the
Cessna, the Magnesyn compass con-

Looking Back tinued to revolve, precisely indicating

the vehicle's bearing. Holding the
same tight formation, the unknown
devices finished another circle, pass-
By Bob Gribble ing in front and then disappearing to
the rear. The Magnesyn then came to
FORTY YEARS AGO - August Mofjell, in northern Norway on the rest near its original heading, and the
1949: Two desert prospectors report- 20th. This was the sisters' account: standard magnetic compass finally
ed that a "whizzing disc-shaped craft" "We were picking berries when sud- stopped its "crazy spinning" and
crashed near Death Valley, California denly a dark man with long hair, but returned to normal. Upon landing at
on the 19th and that two little men otherwise looking very much like an Kirtland Air Force Base, Albuquerque,
jumped out and disappeared in the ordinary human being, came out from the pilot was "hustled to an office and
sand dunes. Buck Fitzgerald and behind some bushes. We were fright- interrogated for about two hours by
Mase Carney gave the following des- ened at first but the man appeared an Air Force major, the UFO Officer
cription of the event: "This flying disc, very friendly, and stepped toward us." at the field." The major told the pilot
which was about 24 feet in diameter, One of them addressed him in Eng- that "if anything unusual happened, if
whizzed past us going about 300 lish, French, German, and Norwe- he had any unusual illness in the next
miles per hour. It crash-landed and gian. "He didn't seem to understand a six months, to get to a government
two little men jumped out and started word." The stranger then attempted hospital right away." The Air Force,
running when they saw us. The men to communicate by drawing "circles the major said, would take care of
looked human but they were very and what looked like heavenly bodies" him.
small — like dwarfs. We chased them on a piece of paper. The occupant A strange occurrence was seen off
over a sand dune but lost them. I finally led them to his craft which Prince Rupert, British Columbia, Can-
don't know where they went." The looked like "two deep table saucers ada, on the 27th by two ship captains
two prospectors allowed that with a sandwiched together rim-to-rim," about homeward bound from Alaska to
temperature of 138 degrees, it was 15 feet across. The man opened a Seattle, Washington. A pillar of blind-
too hot to chase the little men for any hatch and crawled into the disc. ing light plunged straight downward
great distance. Moments later the craft "rose from from the night sky, said Captain Otis
the ground and began rotating, first D. Treiber of the cruise yacht Sea
slowly, then increasingly faster." Then, Otter. It appeared just as the watch
*** suddenly, it disappeared at an "incred- was about to change, he said, and
THIRTY FIVE YEARS AGO — ible speed." Captain Arne Monson was beside him
August 1954: On the first, park offi- in the pilot house. The greenish-
cials in Sequoia-Kings National Park, yellow light faded, Treiber said, and
California, watched as Air Force *** from its base "a black disc about a
interceptors pursued a huge disc- THIRTY YEARS AGO — August fourth the size of the moon" hurtled
shaped craft estimated to be 1000 feet 1959: A former Navy pilot was flying away at right angles. "It was as if
in diameter. Three Air Force jets his Cessna 170 from Hobbs to Albu- gravity repelled the disc," he said. "It
pursued a large UFO over Moscow, querque, New Mexico on the 13th was lighted in front by a crescent-
Idaho on the night of the ninth. It was when he noticed that his Magnesyn shaped greenish light. There were yel-
described by Ground Observer Corps electric compass was revolving instead low streamers of light extending back
observers as a glowing disc-shaped of indicating the course of his aircraft. from the disc." The sighting lasted 10-
craft 200 feet in diameter. On the Thinking the Magnesyn must be "hay- 15 seconds.
19th, a small, round object, flaming wire," he looked at the standard
like red hot iron, descended from the magnetic compass. "It was spinning
sky over East New Haven, Connecti- so crazily I couldn't read it," the pilot ***
cut, at a high rate of speed., leveled reported. A moment later he was TWENTY FIVE YEARS AGO -
off, streaked past cars and pedestri- startled to see three oval-shaped craft August 1964: Several adults and one
ans, pierced a metal billboard, angled in close echelon formation pass direct- 12-year-old girl observed several hund-
sharply upward, streaked over the ly in front of the Cessna. They were red UFOs while driving on Highway
trees and out of sight. Investigators gray in color and identical in shape, 26 near Royal City, Washington, on
found copper deposits on the billboard. like two bowls rim-to-rim, but with the sixth. Said one women who
Two women, Mrs. Aasta Solvang bottoms rounded instead of flat. The stopped her car to watch: "It was just
and her sister Edit Jacobsen, said pilot estimated their diameter at about about sundown. Looking toward Sad-
they not only had a close look at a eight feet. Since the craft were cir- dle Mountain we saw 300 to 500 gray
spacecraft, they talked to its "dark- cling the plane at nearly 250 mph, no spheres come over the crest of the
skinned, long-haired" occupant near other details could be noted, except mountain and soar toward the high-
20 MUFON UFO Journal. No. 256, August 1989
way. They were coming at a terrific Rogers, a neighbor, who investigated (Editor's note: for more details see
speed! I stopped the car and two the area the following morning, found MUFON UFO Journal, Number 216,
other cars stopped behind us to two strange black circles on the April 1986).
watch. The little girl in my car gravel. The boys said the craft first
screamed, covered her head with her flew over the river about 7:30 p.m,,
arms and threw herself onto the floor. then stopped, reversed its course and ***
She and her mother were passengers. began descending to the clearing TEN YEARS AGO — August
For a minute or more the objects beside the river. They were about 150 1979: The following exchange between
were easily visible against the back- feet from the landed vehicle. The a dispatcher in the Marshall County,
ground of brown grass on the moun- three boys said the vehicle made only Minnesota, Sheriffs Department and
tain. a buzzing sound as it descended, car- Deputy Sheriff Val Johnson was record-
"We sat there spellbound! One ried no markings and gave off a blast ed at 2:19 a.m. on the 27th. Johnson
sphere came so close that I thought it of hot air as it touched down. The cat had just recovered consciousness after
was going to hit the car. That one that David was holding jumped out of his patrol car and a UFO made phys-
landed on the gravel at the side of the his arms, played dead for a while and ical contact about 12 miles southwest
road. I turned to look back at the then "took off." The three witnesses of Stephen. "Four O Seven, what's
others, but they were gone from ran away before the craft took off. the problem?" "I don't know ... some-
sight. The landed sphere also disap-
peared. When we first saw them they
must have been three or four miles
away. It all happened so quickly and
they disappeared so fast that we don't
really know just what we saw. We do
know, though, that after they were
gone the sagebrush was still bending
back and forth as if it had been raked
by a giant comb."
Four spherical-shaped UFOs were
seen near Arlee, Montana, on the
night of the 14th by two men cutting
wood in the mountains. Earl Johnston
and Carmen McClure said they saw
the craft come in over the valley from
a great distance. One of the spheres
came within a mile and a half of their
cabin and appeared to be about 500
feet in diameter. They said it was
brightly lighted and trailed a blue tail
of light behind it. Johnston said the
vehicle moved "back and forth, occa-
sionally circling the area" until 3:30
a.m. the following morning. The craft
made no noise as it passed but the
men could feel a "funny vibration,
something like a sonic boom without
the noise." The vehicle joined its
three companions and "slowly left"
the valley.

1974: Three boys playing along the
banks of the Coquitlam River at Port
Coquitlam, British Columbia, Canada,
witnessed the landing of a UFO on
the 16th. David Bates, 8, Henry Stil-
lie, 7, and his 10-year-old brother saw
a craft shaped like an inverted dish Joseph Barbieri examines hole made by "UFO" in signboard at New
land in a gravelled area. Mrs. Lola Haven. A.C. Roberts Photo
MUFON UFO Journal, No. 256, August 1989 21
thing just hit my car ... I don't know
how to explain it ... it's strange ..." "Is
the car damaged? Are you in the
The Night Sky
ditch or what?" "No ... I'm upright ... By Walter N. Webb
Something attacked my car ... I heard
glass breaking and the brakes locked August 1989
up ... I don't know what the hell ..."
Apparent impact of the collision broke Bright Planets (Evening Sky):
a left headlight of the car without Close conjunctions between the crescent Moon, three planets, and the
denting the cowling or fender, dented star Regulus occur just after sunset from August 2-5. To be able to
the hood near the windshield, broke observe them will require an unobstructed western horizon and optical aid
the windshield and a flasher light on such as binoculars or a telescope. Even so, it will be exceedingly difficult
top of the car and sharply bent two to glimpse all of the objects. Persons living in the southern states have the
flexible-mounted antennae. The path best chance as these very low objects will appear somewhat higher there.
of damage indicated six points of On the 2nd the Moon, Mercury, Mars, and Regulus mass together. Two
impact in a line varying only a few evenings later Venus lies near the Moon, and Mercury is very close to
inches off center. Regulus. On the 5th Mercury is extremely near Mars.
Unusual phenomenon in connec-
tion with the incident included the fol- Saturn (magnitude 0.3) lies low in the SSE at dusk. It moves westward dur-
lowing: (1) Deputy Johnson first ob- ing the evening hours.
served a brilliant light which appeared
to be stationary, then moved toward Bright Planets (Morning Sky):
him so rapidly (from a distance esti- Jupiter (magnitude -2.1), in Gemini, rises in the NE about 1:45 AM in
mated to be about a mile away) that midmonth.
he had no time to anticipate impact.
(2) The light was so brilliant that it Saturn sets in the WSW soon after 2 AM in mid-August.
was painful, causing him to close his
eyes, and lit up the whole inside of Total Lunar Eclipse:
the car at the time Johnson heard The full moon enters the Earth's shadow on the evening of August 16.
glass breaking. (3) Investigation show- Observers in the eastern states are favored for this eclipse since the Moon
ed that Johnson's car coasted 854 is above the horizon during the entire event. Totality begins at moonrise
feet from the point where glass from along a line through central Montana, western Utah, and Arizona. For far
the broken headlight was found to a western observers, our satellite already is in total eclipse at moonrise. The
point where skid marks from locked Moon first touches the dark umbral shadow at 9:21 PM EDT, is totally
brakes began. The skid marks covered hidden from 10:20 to 11:57, and emerges completely from the umbra at
another 99 feet to where the vehicle 12:56 AM.
came to rest on the road.
(4) Examination of Johnson's eyes Meteor Showers:
by Dr. Pinsonneault after the deputy The gibbous Moon sets about 1 AM on the 12th and thereafter the Perseid
was taken by ambulance to Warren meteors should put on a fine show. Radiating from near the Cassiopeia/-
indicated damage similar to "welder Perseus border in the NE, these bright, yellow, swift meteors peak before
burns." An eye specialist at Grand dawn at about 50 per hour. Some of the streaks are spectacular fireballs;
Forks later confirmed similar damage, about a third of these leave filmy wakes (called trains) lasting up to ll/2
although there had been rapid improve- minutes. Both the Perseids and the slower July Aquarids (coming from the
ment. (5) A mechanical watch worn south) dart across the skies in lesser numbers throughout the first half of
by deputy Johnson and an electric August.
clock in his squad car, both of which
had been set at 7 p.m. when he Voyager Encounters Neptune:
started work and checked with the Having already flown by Jupiter (1979), Saturn (1981), and Uranus (1986),
dispatcher, were each 14 minutes the amazing 12-year-old Voyager 2 homes in on Neptune, the probe's last
slow, indicating they had not been solar system target. On the night of August 24-25, Voyager flies within
running for that length of time. (6) 3,000 miles of the cloud-tops of the eighth planet. The probe will take the
Johnson can remember nothing from first close look at Neptune, its odd partial rings, and its satellites.
the time he heard glass breaking, cal-
culated to be 1:40 a.m., until he Moon Phases:
opened his right eye, saw the red New moon — August 1
engine indicator light on the instru-
ment panel of his car (the engine had
First quarter — August 9
Full moon — August 16
stopped but the ignition was turned Last quarter — August 23
Continued on next page New moon — August 31
22 MUFON UFO Journal, No. 256, August 1989
The Stars: LOOKING BACK, continued
As the Summer Triangle (the stars Vega, Deneb, Altair) attains its highest
point in the sky, already we are given a preview of the autumn months to stopped but the ignition was turned
come. The Great Square of Pegasus, Pisces, Aquarius, and Capricornus on) and radioed for assistance at 2:19
all are visible in the east at 11 PM. a.m.
(7) Investigation revealed no other
A few degrees from Vega, the brilliant luminary in Lyra the Harp, is the debris or skid marks on the roadway
famous "double-double" Epislon Lyrae. To the eye the 4th-magnitude star and all aviation sources in the area
appears single. Binoculars reveal two stars, and in a small telescope each confirmed there were no aircraft in
of the components is itself double, making a total of four stars. that area at the time. Johnson said he
heard no engine noise nor did he
Lyra contains another special telescopic object, the Ring Nebula, located smell exhaust fumes. (Editor's note:
between the bottom two stars of the harp's crooked rectangle. Look first For more details see International
for a "smudgy star" then use higher powers to resolve the smudge into a UFO Reporter, Vol. 4 No. 3, Sept./
"smoke ring" or "doughnut." The nebula represents a spherical shell of gas Oct. 1979 issue.)
cast off by a faint dying star in the center.

Letters to the Editor ...

Dear Editor: their moment of re-entry? If so, would is presumably non-fiction.
It may be argued that, in this busi- these visitors have the sociological What term other than bias can be
ness, nothing is more gratifying than insight to realize that, in light of a used to describe such strange state-
to have one's case findings replicated known event such as a satellite re- ments as these:
elsewhere at a later date. entry, separate UFO reports are "The notion that extraterrestrial
'The November 1984 issue of the unlikely to be given credence? If this beings are here among us is one that
Journal published my account ("Re- is also correct, might such simultane- I personally have not only come to
Entry Re-Examined"), co-authored with ous occurrences become a modus disfavor, but frankly find absurd." It
Harriet Beech, of three anomalous operand! of sorts as the several would be nice to know what "among
encounters in southern Michigan which hundred inoperative satellites now us" means. Personal opinion ... but
were in close time proximity to a re- in orbit fall back through the atmos- surely not a professional, data-based
entered launch vehicle in connection phere with increasing frequency?" one ...
with the Salyut 7 space station. The Those whose case reports I've "UFO phenomena must therefore
re-entry and attendant UFO sightings evaluated over the past two years either be the products of fantasy,
occurred on May 20 of that year. know well my conservative approach delusion or hallucination — or they
Two of the three reports were by to any sweeping conclusions. In these are real." Every large scale scientific
multiple adult witnesses at close range events, however, the similarities are study of UFO reports provides a host
(one within 60 feet). In one of the striking, to say the least. I'd be very of explanations, including that some
CEs, as well as the third from farther interested in receiving case reports UFOs are astronomical in origin, or
away, the witnesses described a cigar- from others in connection with space aircraft, or balloons, or reentries, etc.
shaped vehicle shrouded in a whitish re-entries. ... Just as crime includes theft, murder,
mist. A row of lights was visible along — Dan Wright rape, battery, etc. No one explanation
the side of the vehicle. MUFON Investigations covers all UFO phenomena. My read-
The June 1989 issue of the Journal 228 S. Fairview ing of the data for 30+ years says
contains Bob Cribble's summary of a Lansing, MI 48912 some UFOs represent alien space-
highly similar series of events, entitled craft ... clearly that doesn't mean all
"A Re-Entry With Company," con- Dear Editor: UFOs are ET.
cerning the December 12, 1987 de- Thank you for publishing such an "... these episodes (abductions) do
orbiting of a Soviet rocket casing excellent example of academic arm- nof take place in the physical world
across the central U.S. Of particular chair theorizing, "Toward an Imaginal as such, even, when they leave physi-
note are the witness reports of Interpretation of UFO Abductions," cal traces of the effects they obtrude
objects, variously described as cigar- by Dr. Kenneth Ring (May 1989). His into our space/time continum." Pre-
shaped and oblong, surrounded by a beautifully elegant language serves to sumably this means the 3900 physical
"cloud of mist." A row of lights shown cover his obvious anti-ET biases. His trace cases are also caused by imagin-
along the side. references certainly do not indicate ed "imaginal" events. What kind of
As we speculated five.years ago: "Is a serious knowledge of hard data. His nonsense is this? Surely a postulating
it reasonable that intelligent visitors invention of an "Imaginal" world to imaginarycauses for physical effects is
would have the technological capacity cover his biases is fascinating as fic- about as silly as requiring a murdered
to monitor decaying orbits of space tion, but hardly appropriate for what person to testify at the trial of his
MUFON UFO Journal, No. 256, August 1989 23
murderer. The nature of the beast is an accident and did not have to be teen and Ed's son were good friends,
different. And bringing in more non- taken by double exposure ... The both in the high school band. The
sense about a "psychoid entity" does Boyd-Smith argument now loses its teen had no car and depended on
nothing to enhance the legitimacy of importance." Ed's son to drive him to parties and
Again about abductions: "These Actually, the experiment was point- home from band practice. The teen
experiences also reflect an encounter less and proves nothing. The extant has been accused of many things but
with a particular imaginal matrix ..." "ghost-demon" photo was not taken, never stupidity.
How clever to again replace reality looking into a glass door or anything Re the jealously angle, I have a
with a totally imaginary item! like it! It was taken on the opposite copy of a yearbook tribute Ed's son
"I don't have to posit some kind of side of the room from Ed's replica, paid to the teen, thanking him for
almost inconceivable extraterrestrial looking at a section of the rec room keeping Ed's son and his girl friend
invasion to explain it (UFO abduction and through an open (solid) door into together (through the teen's help in
phenomenon)." I have no notion of a laundry room. The anomalous image patching up lovers' quarrels).
why, except for his own fears and is superimposed over two hinged sec- The MUFON membership's per-
biases, Dr. Ring can't conceive of ET tions of a black science project ception of the Gulf Breeze affair is
visits to Earth, though his use of the belonging to Ed's son, which are at a largely dependent on Bruce Macca-
term "invasion" certainly suggests 90° angle to each other. If Bruce had bee's indefatigable and dauntingly de-
psychological difficulty with the con- consulted Boyd or Smith for informa- tailed investigation. I hope that in this
cept. The fact is, he does indeed posit tion on camera location, this inane letter I may have raised some (war-
an almost totally-without-foundation and deceptive exercise could have ranted) doubts regarding Bruce's im-
"Imaginal" world. A bit of projection been avoided. partiality and good judgement in this
here? 2. On p. 15, Bruce makes certain case. I would be glad to correspond
And speaking of ufologists: "they flat accusations against the teenager with anyone wanting documentation
themselves are part of the folkloric who is the principal source for the or more details. Documentation en-
machine, helping to create a new "ultimate prank" and the "ghost- closed.
myth for today's humanity while think- demon" photo allegations. Typically, — Zan Overall
ing that they are working in a scien- Bruce recites these libelous charges Box 7000-753
tific spirit to solve the UFO question." as gospel when in fact they all rest Redondo Beach, CA 90277
Surely it is Ring who is creating a new simply on statements of Ed, who
myth. My lectures and papers deal stands to gain a great deal from dis-
with facts and data, not mythology crediting the boy. There is no evi- MUFON
and "Imaginal" psychoid entities. dence for any of them! For example, AMATEUR RADIO NETS
Finally: "...the search for the alien Bruce writes: "In late 1987 he began
somewhere out in the galaxy must be to write nasty, demeaning letters to
abandoned anyway for he is not Ed's son (I have seen some of Saturdays
there." Ring describes himself as a these.)" I have seen the same letters. 0800 EST/EDT-7.237 MHz
"timid academician." This statement All Bruce saw were portions (selected
is a bold one for which he can only by Ed) of anonymous typewritten let- Sundays
provide his bias as a basis. ters. Yet this is evidence enough for 1500 EST/EDT-28.470 MHz
Ring might benefit from discussions Bruce to publicly defame a fine young
with his psychologist. man and mislead the MUFON member-
— Stanton T. Friedman ship. NATIONAL
New Brunswick I was aghast when I read: "He also EMERGENCY CALLING
'keyed' (scratched) the son's car and
Dear Editor: put sugar in the gas tank. He ended EST/EDT MHz
I am writing to respond to two par- the harassment when Ed threatened
ticularly false and misleading conten- to call the police." Even Ed himself
0000-0015 3.990
tions in Bruce Maccabee's gargantuan does not (wisely) go so far. When Jim 0400-0415 3.990
Gulf Breeze article in the April 1989 Moseley included similar charges in 0800-0815 7.237
MUFON Journal. (May I ask: Will the the "Saucer Smear," Ed wrote the
50% rule apply? Will Hall and Smith teen's mother that he had been mis- 1200-1215 7.237
be given 11 pages to reply?) quoted, that these were only suspi- 1600-1615 7.237
1. On pp. 16-17, Bruce dismisses cions. Moseley quickly retracted. Yet
the importance of the "ghost-demon" Bruce states these same serious charg-
2000-2015 3.990
picture by citing an experiment to es as facts, not mentioning a much
replicate the photo which he had Ed more logical suspect, a former girl LOCAL
perform in the aptly-named "re-crea- friend who was angry with Ed's son
tion" room of Ed's old house. He for leaving her. EMERGENCY CALLING
writes: "These pictures prove that the At the time of the keying and Same times - 28.470
original ghost photo could have been sugar-in-the-gas-tank incidents, the
24 MUFON UFO Journal, No. 256, August 1989
FCIFOR First Quarter Report
By the end of January, the Fund sary. Dr. Jacobs is trying to find some We still have that alien spacecraft
for UFO Research had succeeded in laboratory which can work on such under (observance?)." To this there
raising the $16,000 needed to support small samples. (Mufon provided the was no response from Houston. (The
a concentrated effort by Stanton $1,000.) last word is a bit ambiguous, but the
Friedman to investigate the MJ-12 The Executive Committee is con- other words — including "alien space-
documents. Mr. Friedman began his ducting a survey of the news media to craft" are completely clear.) Subse-
work on February 10. Since then, he determine their opinions about the quent investigations showed that the
has spent four days at the Truman UFO subject. In the past the Gallup hams were rebroadcasting "raw" com-
Library in Independence, MO; five and other polls have asked for the munications from the spacecraft, rath-
days at the Eisenhower Library in opinion of the general population; er than communications which had
Abilene, KS; and four days at the however, the committee thought it been passed first through Houston
National Archives and the Manuscript would be useful to determine the atti- control. The so-called "NASA select"
Division in Washington, DC. Mr. tudes of those who help shape public audio channel, which was transmitted
Friedman has talked to several archi- opinion. Representatives of the Fund by Houston to the press and other
vists, to people associated with the also conducted interviews with seven interested news media, does not
Truman and Eisenhower administra- radio stations during this quarter, include this statement.
tions, and to people who knew some resulting in nearly seven hours of air This audio tape initiated a search
of the MJ-12 personalities. At the time. for confirmation that it had, in fact,
libraries, he found some interesting The committee has proposed creat- come from the spacecraft and was
information about document formats ing an award in the name of the late not some bizarre hoax by a ham
which is consistent with the format of Donald Keyhoe, former head of the radio operator who transmitted on
the Eisenhower briefing document National Investigations Committee on the same frequency as the Goddard
and also with the Cutler-Twining Aerial Phenomena (NICAP). This ham station (WA3NAN). The Fund
memorandum. Mr. Friedman is becom- award is for $1,000, which would go immediately arranged for a voice
ing an expert on certain classified to the author of the best UFO-related analysis to determine if the transmis-
aspects of the Truman and Eisen- story published or broadcast in the sion was authentic and if so, which
hower administrations. So far, he has periodic news media — newspaper, astronaut made the sta.jment. At this
found nothing to discredit any of the magazine, radio or television — in writing, the analysis was inconclusive.
MJ-12 documents; in fact, he has 1989. Any person could submit one The Fund for UFO Research is
found some supportive information. or more of his own published articles looking for an individual to conduct a
The Executive Committee of the for evaluation. A panel will be created study of the possibly changing patt-
Fund is also supporting William Moore to evaluate the entries and to make erns of the basic types of UFO
in further research into the reported the award. reports. The idea is to compare the
crash and retrieval of a UFO outside In May, there will be a conference relative percentage of Night Lights,
Roswell, NM, in 1947. Mr. Moore in Connecticut, by invitation only, Daylight Discs, CE-1, CE-II and CE-III
made a trip to contact a potentially which will be attended by a number reports during each of the past five
valuable source of information related of clinicians in the fields of psychology years with earlier reports.
to the Roswell case. He will be mak- and psychiatry who have indicated an Interested persons are requested to
ing further trips during the next quar- interest in studying the subject of write to the Fund, giving details of
ter. The results of this investigation abductions. The Fund will be support- their relevant experience, the infor-
will be made available when his ing this conference, along with the mation sources they are able to use,
research is complete. Mutual UFO Network and the Center their proposed plan of investigation,
During this period, David Jacobs, for UFO Studies. A major contributor the time needed to complete the pro-
Ph.D., reported on the investigation is making this conference possible. ject and a breakdown of the expected
of stains on certain pieces of cloth In mid-March, the Executive Com- costs. Please send this information to
associated with the abduction expe- mittee was informed that a Baltimore the Fund for UFO_ Research, Attn:
riences of some of the people with resident had recorded a very provoc- RFP-89-1, P.O. Box 277, Mt. Rainier,
whom he has been working. The ative statement made during a "ham" MD 20712.
Fund provided a $1,000 grant for a radio rebroadcast of the communica-'
laboratory analysis of the samples. tions between the space shuttle Dis-
The lab which did the analytical work
was not able to identify the stains;
therefore, further work will be neces-
MUFON UFO Journal, No. 256, August 1989
covery and Houston ground control.
The statement as recorded was as fol-
lows: "Uh, Houston, this is Discovery.
AMONG THOSE PRESENT (not in order): Donna McLeod, Tom Nesser, Dana Schmidt, Barbara
Foquet, Neil and Tammy Palumbo, Dr. Gary Levine, Hal Haglund, Bill and Rhoda Sherwood, Marc
Hutchins, State Director Dr. Gary Levine, Ann Forbes and friends.

MESSAGE, continued
MUFON Meetings in New York State There will be three sessions: Satur-
The MUFON membership in New York recently held two organizational day morning, Saturday afternoon, and
and informational meetings in their state. The first meeting was held at the Saturday evening, each costing $10.00,
YMCA in Auburn on May 20 and was attended by Hal Haglund, Ann Forbes, or $30.00 for the full day. A special
Donna McLeod, Barb. Foquet, Tom Nesser, Bill and Rhoda Sherwood, State "early bird" conference price before
Director Dr. Gary Levine, Dana Schmidt, Neil and Tammy Palumbo and Marc August 31st is $20; September 1-30 reg-
Hutchins. Dana Schmidt (Section Director for Monroe County) assisted with istration will be $25, and thereafter the
the arrangements. full $30 fee applies.
The meeting focused on the establishment of a hotline number and ways to For more information or reservations
better coordinate UFO reporting in the upstate area. Slides of UFO types please contact Bruce Widaman, 3112
were shown. Mockingbird, St. Charles, MO 63301,
A second meeting took place in New York City on June 3 and featured telephone (314) 946-1394 or Alex Hor-
several speakers. William Knell, a new member from Flushing, discussed sight- vat, 25 Jackson Place, Apt. P, St. Cha-
ings in New York City and Long Island. He brought with him several photos rles, MO 63303, telephone (314) 947-
of UFOs over populated areas. Budd Hopkins reported on the latest in abduc- 4116. Please make your hotel reserva-
tion cases and augmented his talk with interesting slides. Antonio Huneeus, tions directly with: Harley of St. Louis,
the MUFON representative for South America, discussed UFOs in Puerto 3400 Rider Trail South, St. Louis, MO
Rico and other areas of Latin America. Kevin Lammens and Gene Maron, 63045 (1-70 at Earth City Expressway),
Section Directors from Long Island announced that a new UFO hotline phone (314) 291-6800.
number would be in operation shortly on Long Island. They hoped that their
efforts would result in better cooperation among the membership. Dr. Gary

Levine, the moderator, showed slides on UFO types.
Several members at both meetings expressed interest at holding the
MUFON national meeting in New York State. MUFON
MUFON UFO Journal, No. 256, August 1989
MESSAGE, continued
Director for Hillsborough and Merri-
mack Counties. Please ship me video cassettes of the following events:
CUFOS Photo Exhibit 1. The Mansfield Helicopter Case: Jennie Zeidman D

John Timmerman, CUFOS Vice 2. A Survey of UFO Vehicle Disruptions:

President of Public Relations, has Donald A. Johnson, Ph.D D
provided at my request the scheduled
dates and locations of their traveling 3. A Hypothetical Plan for Crash/Retrieval:
photo exhibit. We encourage MUFON Don Berliner D
and CUFOS members to take advan-
tage of the opportunities available for 4. The Chesapeake Connection: Corporate America &
the UFO Cover-Up: Robert Oechsler D
public education by soliciting UFO
sighting reports, potential new members, 5. An Alien Harvest: Linda Moulton Howe D
etc., when the display is in your area.
Mr. Timmerman would welcome your 6. Above Top Secret: Timothy Good D
cooperation. (See box.)
7. The Status of the UFO Situation in 1989:
August 18, 19, 20 William L. Moore D
Walnut Mall, Petersburg, VA
8. An Update on MJ-12: Stanton T. Friedman D
August 25, 26, 27
Lebanon Valley Mall, Lebanon, PA 9. The UFO Cover-Up: A Governmental Conspiracy?
Panel Disc., Hal Starr, Moderator D
September 2, 3, 4 10. Recent Field Investigations into Claims of UFO Related
Agana Shopping Center Injuries in Brazil: Jacques Vallee, Ph.D D
Agana, Guam
11. The Cydonian Hypothesis: John E. Brandenburg, Ph.D D
September 15, 16, 17
Station Mall, Altoona, PA 12. Question & Answer Panel, Hal Starr, Moderator D

October 6, 7, 8 FORMAT: VHS D Beta D Audio only cassette D

Lycoming Mall, Muncy, PA
Video: Mail Orders each: $16.50 + $2.50 P&H D
November 10, 11, 12
Mt. Shasta Mall, Redding, CA Mail orders - all events (approx. 12 hours):
$49.50 + $4.00 P&H D

November 11, 12 Audio: Mail Orders each: $6.00 + $1.00 P&H D

UFO Experience
Ramada Inn, North Haven, CT Mail Orders - all events (approx. 12 hours):
$25.00 + $4.00 P&H D

Show-Me Conference
I enclose $_ check D M.O. D
The next MUFON Regional UFO
Conference will be held Saturday,
October 21, 1989 in Earth City, MO
(adjacent to St. Louis), at the Harley (Name - please print)
Hotel. The speakers scheduled are
Stanton T. Friedman, "The Truth
About the Cosmic Watergate"; Ted (Street Address)
Phillips; David Hatcher Childress;
Bob Oechsler, "Correlating the Physi-
cal Enigma of UFOs" (with photos); (City) (State) (Zip Code)
Snowbird (code name); and Mys-
tery Guest, to be announced. Mail all orders to: Hal Starr, 312 W. Frier Drive, Phoenix, AZ 85021
Telephone: (602) 944-4211
Continued on page 26
MUFON UFO Journal, No. 256, August 1989 27
Director's Message
By Walt Andrus

The MUFON 1989 International New Officers sultant in Psychiatry, has accepted
UFO Symposium is now history. For the additional position of State Sec-
those people who were unable to Stephen J. Firmani, State Direc- tion Director for Sacramento and
attend this exciting affair, this issue of tor for Massachusetts, recently resign- Yolo Counties in Northern California.
-the Journal will present some of the ed due to new employment opportun- Karl G. Sanders, M.S., a member
memorable highlights. Attendance-wise, ities requiring more of his personal since 1980, has agreed to take a more
the 1989 symposium surpassed all of time. In an organizational change, active role by accepting the job of
the previous nineteen except for San Edward A. Sanborn of Lowell, MA State Section Director for Victoria,
Francisco (Burlingame) in 1979. The was elected by the State Section Jackson, Goliad and Calhoun Coun-
four unofficial speakers on the Sun- Directors to be the new State Direc- ties in Texas. Mr. and Mrs. Sanders
day morning session provided enough tor replacing Mr. Firmani. In a similar attended the MUFON symposium in
-speculation and claims to keep eve- action Morton Schafer, living in Bel- Las Vegas.
ryone talking, wondering and looking lingham, MA, became the new Assist- Edward F. Mazur, State Director
for facts to either confirm or dismiss ant State Director. Both have received for Arkansas, has selected Dale Wood-
the controversial material presented. the approval of the MUFON Execu- son HI to be the State Section Direc-
Since MUFON could not support the tive Committee and the Eastern Region- tor for the following counties: Lonoke,
claims being made, it was treated as al Director. Ed Sanborn attended Clark, Dallas, Cleveland, Lincoln and
an unofficial meeting where the speak- the State Directors Training meeting Arkansas. Charles R. Vieth, M.S.,
ers had an opportunity to air their in Las Vegas. living in Tahlequah, OK, was appointed
stories. The attendees were thus Jerry F. Hiers, State Director for State Section Director for Cherokee
given the privilege of conducting their Louisiana, is moving back to Califor- and Adair Counties, Research Spe-
own evaluations. Further research will nia, creating a vacancy. Walter L. cialist in Information Science, and
disclose whether such claims are fac- Garner, Jr. ("Barney"), presently the Amateur Radio Operator KG5TV by
tual or science fiction. Dennis Stacy Assistant State Director, will assume Jean Waller, Oklahoma State Direc-
has done an outstanding job of this responsible position and provide tor.
reviewing the official speaker's pres- strong leadership. Both men attended John Altshuler, M.D., of Engle-
entations in this issue of the Journal State Directors meetings in Eureka wood, CO, has volunteered as a
John Lear, Hal Starr and the Springs and Las Vegas. Mr. Garner is Consultant in Hematology, Clinical
host committee in Las Vegas are to a retired U.S.A.F. Lt. Col. and also and Anatomic Pathology. He provided
be commended for their hospitality recently retired from the faculty at unusual surgical analysis on animal
and friendliness. The meeting facilities Louisiana State University. mutilation cases when he appeared
at the Aladdin were superb. The John V. Brown, currently the with Linda Moulton Howe in her
MUFON 1989 International UFO Sym- State Director for New Mexico, has presentation, "Alien Harvest," at the
posium Proceedings are now available asked to resign his post. His nomina- MUFON 1989 International UFO Sym-
for $15.00 plus $1.50 for postage and tion of Teresa Brito-Asenap of posium. He first became involved in
handling. All of the presented papers Albuquerque to fill this position has UFOs with the "Snippy Case" in
are published, except for that of Bill been approved. Mrs. Asenap has Alamosa, CO in September 1967.
Moore and the unofficial speakers represented New Mexico at each of (Snippy was actually an Appaloosa
(233 pages). the last two State Directors Meetings mare named "Lady.")
While the 1989 symposium is still and is anxious to build an energetic John Lear, State Director for Nev-
fresh in our minds, we can start mak- investigative team with, available talent- ada, has submitted his resignation
ing plans to travel to Pensacola, Flor- ed people. due to personal and family problems.
ida for the 1990 extravaganza at the S. Christopher Early has appoint- His resignation was regretfully accept-
Pensacola Hilton on July 6, 7, and 8. ed Larry Hebebrand, a State Sec- ed, considering the fine work that he
The theme tentatively selected is tion Director for Muscogee and has performed on the very successful
"UFOs: The Impact of E.T. Contact Chattahoochee Counties, to the addi- Las Vegas symposium. Peter R.
Upon Society." This will be an oppor- tional role of Assistant State Director Geremia, State Director for New
tunity for many of you to visit with for Georgia. Mr. Hebebrand has also Hampshire, promoted Cheryl L. Pow-
some of the 140 witnesses to sightings attended the recent training meetings ell of Derry, NH to State Section
in the Gulf Breeze locale, as well as in Eureka Springs and Las Vegas.
with Ed Walters and his wife. Michael M. Dullnig, M.D., a Con- Continued on page 27
28 MUFON UFO Journal, No. 256, August 1989

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