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1 INTRODUCTION The Students Industrial Work Experience Scheme (SIWES) is the accepted skills training programme, which forms part of the appro ed minimum academic standards in the arious degree programme for all !igerian"s tertiar# institutions. It is an effort to $ridge the gap existing $etween theor# and practice of engineering and technolog#, science and agriculture, management and other professional educational programmes in the !igerian tertiar# institutions. It is aimed at exposing students to machines and e%uipments, professional work method and wa#s of safe&guarding the work areas and workers in industries and other organi'ations. The scheme is a tripartite programme, in ol ing the students, the institutions and the industr# (emplo#ers of la$our). It is funded $# the (ederal )o ernment of !igeria and *ointl# coordinated $# Industrial Training (und (IT() and the !ational +ni ersities ,ommission (!+,). 1.OBJECTIVES OF SIWES Specificall# the o$*ecti es of SIWES are to. i. ii. iii. /repare students for the situation the# are likel# to meet after graduation. /ro ide an a enue for students in the !igerian tertiar# institutions to ac%uire in their course of stud#. 0ake the transition from the tertiar# institutions to the world of work easier, and thus enhance student"s contact for later *o$ placements.

i .

Enlist and strengthen emplo#ers in ol ement in the entire educational process of preparing tertiar# institutions graduate for emplo#ment in the industr#.

/ro ide students with an opportunit# to appl# theoretical knowledge in real work situation, there$# $ridging the gaps $etween tertiar# institution work and actual work practices.


Expose students to work methods and techni%ues in handling e%uipments and machiner# that ma# not $e a aila$le in the uni ersities.

Education in ol es gi ing s#stematic instruction to students in a formal setting, a process of learning or ac%uiring knowledge and information, and this process re%uires that the recipient $e literate while at the end of the programme he1she ma# remain largel# unskilled. (or this reason, training aims at gi ing the recipient the competence re%uired to do a *o$ or carr# out a function the present. It is the skill process of transferring knowledge, skills, a$ilities, and attitudes re%uired to do a specific *o$ or carr# out a specific function. The process of training can $e encapsulated in the four steps of 2show, tell, do and check3.

2.1 THE COMPANYS PROFILE The compan# 4 !56I75! 8E!T+9ES !I)E9I: ;I0ITE< is located at =>? St. Eugenes 9oad, 5 er&9ail :$a, :$ia State. The# produce sachet wter with the logo name 567 W:TE. This product

is >?cl of water in clear n#lon s%uare sachets which has $een electricall# heated and sealed at $oth ends, with a !:(<:, registration num$er :I&@A?-; and widel# patroni'ed $# $oth low and middle income earners. The compan# emplo#ed as man# as possi$le workers, some of which are +ni ersit# graduates, SS,E, B!< and 5!< holders, /rimar# School ;ea ers and !on&Educated who ha e working experience. 567 Water is claiming almost all the nukes and crannies of :$ia State as a result of the population demand and it holds a high rated %ualit# standard $# !:(<:,. 2.2 THE OBJECTIVES OF THE COMPANY These are the stated measura$le targets on how to achie e its goal. It also ena$les the compan# to measure the progress towards the stated aim. :nd all those concerned agree in tr#ing to achie e the o$*ecti es. :s access to good %ualit# drinking water is a challenge in most towns, cities and household, our o$*ecti es is to pro ide safe, h#gienic and afforda$le instant drinking water to the pu$lic, and this is achie ed using a sophisticated techni%ue, good performance, en ironment friendl# and relia$le %ualit# e%uipments. +tili'ing a good production s#stem from products design, shaping and packaging to produce high %ualit# products that will make our customers happ#.

In addition to the main o$*ecti es is profit maximi'ation as well as cost minimi'ationC this is achie ed $# sales growth. 2.3 COMPANYS ORGANOGRAM
Managing Director

General Manager

Production Manager

Marketing Manager

Maintenance Manager

Quality Control Manager

Admin. Manager



Distributors/ Sales man


ab Analyst


!actory "orkers




ACTIVITIES DURING THE INDUSTRIAL TRAINING <uring m# training in !o$ikon 8entures ;td. (567 W:TE9), acti ities I was trained to do are. 1) Working with the production1warehouse manager, making sure that proper recording and storage of the product are met. Belping them to record and $alance the necessar# $ooks, which are used

to ascertain the num$er of sachet water that was carried out from the storage room on a dail# $asis. -) I helped the marketing manager to see that our product are sold in such a wa# that will profit the customer and the compan#. To ensure proper and ade%uate selling of our product and also delegate people who will represent the compan# and our product in the marketing en ironment. @) 0aintenance of the factors of production is er# important and $ecause of this, I was trained to help the maintenance manager to see that all these factors of production are maintained on a dail# $asis and this maintenance will ensure maximum, efficient and effecti e producti it# which in turn will promote and maximi'e the profit of the organi'ation. A) 0# dut# was to monitor and impro e the %ualit# of water from the $orehole to the finished products, $# performing a dail# inspection and test of the products. D) I was gi en the opportunit# to meet the account manager sensiti'ing him on the need for proper recording and $ook keeping. 0aking sure I go through the accounting records which is $eing closed dail#, to see to the $alancing of the $ooks of account. >) :dministration is another $asic function that is performed in an organi'ation. I helped in the area of meeting the customers and knowing what the# want and also I made sure that the organi'ational acti ities are administered in an efficient and effecti e manner. E) The work of a secretar# was another function that I performed during the course of m# industrial training. :ll these and man# more were the acti ities I performed during m# IT program and I found the work en*o#a$le though stressful at times $ut I

was happ# doing them and it gran oted me the opportunit# of ac%uiring more knowledge, experience and skill.

CONCLUSION Work which is also known as *o$ is essential in human life $ecause it helps one to earn a li ing. It is also considered a necessit# $ecause it helps to put food on the ta$le. Work comes in man# opportunities, it onl# depends on which one, one chooses or has his1her interest on. Social crimes are a$ounding e er#da# due to idleness and unemplo#ment in !igeria. Therefore, $eing self&emplo#ed and a oiding idleness $# engaging in one thing or

the other, $e it handwork, intellectual work etc., can make our countr# a $etter place $# reducing the rate of social crimes and ices.

RECOMMENDATION I recommend this SIWES programme to m# successors and the su$se%uent ones in diasporas, it is a must do as knowledge is not complete without experience or practical. It will also expose #ou to *o$ opportunities.

REFERENCES !o$ikon 8entures !igeria ;imited 5perational 0anual 0# 0anagement Text$ooks which were authored and co&authored $# m# 0anagement ;ecturers. Sir :. :. ,hikere (B.5.<.) ,. !. +kandu (Staff ad iser) !. 6. !du$ue'e +. 6. 5ha*ian#a 0. I. 5nuoha !. 5. Emelike and others.

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