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Volume 132 Issue 02 Friday, March 21, 2014 www.minnedosatribune.com 90 cents plus tax
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Government of Canada
CanadaPeriodical Fund
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Evenings Available by Appointment
he Minnedosa Chamber of Commerce has welcomed
a few new faces to its executive board. A new presi-
dent, as the former president, Beth McNabb, steps away
from the position as well as a new frst vice president.
Tribune Publisher, Darryl Holyk will be taking on a
new role of president after being involved with the Cham-
ber for a number of years and holding the position of frst
vice president for the past two terms.
I am looking forward to continuing current Cham-
ber initiatives and also I would like to introduce some
new initiatives and programs. Having said that, I know
that it takes people and volunteers to do things and I
would like to see a few more of the chamber members
come out and get involved, said Holyk.
Although McNabb will be stepping away from the
Chambers top spot, she will remain an active member of
the Chamber. And as fresh blood in the presidents seat,
Holyk has a few plans in mind moving forward.
Over time I would like to talk with our members and
see what the Chamber can do for them and try to pick out
a few areas where they could contribute to the Chamber,
continued Holyk. We have a strong membership with
around 150 members but there are very few that are ac-
tively involved in the regular meetings.
Holyk mentioned interest in possibly hosting more
guest speakers at regular meetings that would be of sig-
nifcance to Chamber members, mentioning the Warwa-
ruk brothers from the Farmery Estate Brewery, the RCMP
and Westman Tourism.
I would certainly encourage any Chamber mem-
bers that have any ideas on topics they would like to hear
about or have any specifc speakers they are interested in
to contact me.
Te Chamber will also be looking to move forward
with possibly printing new town maps in a tear-of-sheet
Along with moving forward with existing initiatives
I would also like to see some new shop local initiatives. I
think that is very important. Te Chamber is here to sup-
port our local businesses and I know a lot of our smaller
businesses are struggling and I am not sure what the an-
swer is but maybe together we can work on something to
promote local shopping more, added Holyk.
Continued on Page 5
Chamber Welcomes New
Faces to Executive Board
olling River Festival of
the Arts has been tak-
ing place at various venues
around town this week.
On Monday, adjudi-
cator Arline Collins (pic-
tured above) spoke with
a few of the 12 years and
under vocal performers at
the United Church, giving
them some pointers on
how to better their vocal
Arline Collins comes
to us from the Interlake
region of Manitoba and
has been involved in per-
forming arts, music edu-
cation and vocal training
for a number of years. She
has been a member of the
Vancouver Opera Chorus
and has held lead roles in
opera, operetta and mu-
sical theatre plays. She is
the president of the Ever-
green Festival of the Arts
and still performs at com-
munity events from time
to time.
On Tuesday after-
noon, grade three and
four students from Tan-
ners Crossing School
gathered in their choir
ensemble to perform two
pieces for Collins as well
as for many spectators at
the Minnedosa Commu-
nity Conference Centre.
Rolling River Festival
of the Arts is a non-proft
volunteer based organiza-
tion that provides a venue
for student performance
and adjudication in nu-
merous areas, including
piano, speech arts, band,
instrumental, vocal, cho-
ral and dance.
Tis is the 33rd an-
nual Rolling River Festival
of the Arts. Te festival is
held annually and alter-
nates being hosted by the
communities of Rivers
and Minnedosa.
Photo by Jennifer Paige
Festival of the Arts

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