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rmad Bhgavatam

Canto 8: Withdrawal of the Cosmic Creations

Chapter 3: Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender

8.3.1 va vyavasito buddhy samdhya mano hrdi jajpa parama jpya prg-janmany anuiksitam
SYNONYMS rr uv c r uk ev Gosv m s ; evam thus; v v s fixed; u h by intelligence; s m h for concentration; m the mind; h in consciousness or in the heart; j j p he chanted; paramam a supreme; j p m mantra he had learned from great devotees; pr k-janmani in his previous birth; u k m practiced. TRANSLATION r uk ev Gosv m co ue : There f er, he K g of he eleph s, Gajendra, fixed his mind in his heart with perfect intelligence and chanted a mantra which he had learned in his previous birth as Indradyumna and which

r-bdaryanir uvca

he remembered by

the grace of Krsna.

8.3.2 r-gajendra uvca namo bhagavate tasmai yata etac cid-tmakam purusydi-bjya par ybhidhmahi
SYNONYMS r-g je r uv c Gajendra, the King of elephants, said; o O my Lord; m I offer my respectful obeisances unto You; bhagavate unto the Supreme Personality of Godhead; tasmai unto Him; from whom; etat this body and the material manifestation; cit- m k m is moving due to consciousness (the spirit soul); puru unto the Supreme Person; - j who is the origin or root cause of everything; para- who is supreme, transcendental and worshipable for such exalted persons as Br hm and v ; h hm h let me meditate upon Him.
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TRANSLATION The King of the elephants, Gajendra, said: I offer my respectful obeisances unto the Supreme Person, V su ev [o namo bhagavate v su ev ]. Because of Him this material body acts due to the presence of spirit, and He is therefore the root cause of everyone. He is worshipable for such exalted persons as Br hm and v , and He has entered the heart of every living being. Let me meditate upon Him.

yasminn ida yata c da y n da ya ida svayam y 'smt parasmc ca paras ta prapadye svayambhuvam
SYNONYMS yasmin the basic platform on which; idam the universe rests; the ingredients from which; ca and; idam the cosmic manifestation is produced; yena by whom; idam this cosmic manifestation is created and maintained; He who; idam this material world; svayam is Himself; He who; sm from the effect (this material world); p r sm from the cause; ca and; p r transcendental or different; tam unto Him; prapadye I surrender; svayambhuvam unto the supreme self-sufficient. TRANSLATION The Supreme Godhead is the supreme platform on which everything rests, the ingredient by which everything has been produced, and the person who has created and is the only cause of this cosmic manifestation. Nonetheless, He is different from the cause and the result. I surrender unto Him, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is self-sufficient in everything



nijakvacid kva ca tat tirohitam aviddhatad sa - lo 'vatu SYNONYMS the Supreme Personality of Godhead who; sva- m in Him; idam this cosmic manifestation; nija-m by His own potency; arpitam invested; kvacit sometimes, at the beginning of a kalpa; v h m it is manifested; kva ca sometimes, during dissolution; tat that (manifestation); tirohitam not visible; aviddha- k He sees everything (in all these circumstances); s k the witness; ubhayam both (manifestation and annihilation); tat k e sees everything, without loss of sight; s that Supreme Personality of Godhead; m -m l selfsufficient, having no other cause; avatu please give protection; m m unto me; p r -p r He is transcendental to transcendental, or above all transcendence. TRANSLATION
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The Supreme Personality of Godhead, by expanding His own energy, keeps this cosmic manifestation visible and again sometimes renders it invisible. He is both the supreme cause and the supreme result, the observer and the witness, in all circumstances. Thus He is transcendental to everything. May that Supreme Personality of Godhead give me protection.


l lo

pacatvam l ca sarva' j

yas tasya

SYNONYMS k le in due course of time (after millions and millions of years); pacatvam when everything illusory is annihilated; e u all transformations; k s with everything within this cosmic manifestation; loke u all the planets, or everything that exists; p le u maintainers like Lord Br hm ; ca also; sarva-he u u all causative existences; m great darkness; then; s was; gahanam very dense; g hr m very deep; the Supreme Personality of Godhead who; tasya this dark situation; p re over and above; h v r j e exists or shines; v hu the Supreme. TRANSLATION In due course of time, when all the causative and effective manifestations of the universe, including the planets and their directors and maintainers, are annihilated, there is a situation of dense darkness. Above this darkness, however, is the Supreme Personality of Godhead. I take shelter of His lotus feet.

na yasya j


vidur o sa

ko 'rhati gantum

SYNONYMS na neither; yasya He of whom; ev the demigods; great sages; padam position; v u can understand; j u unintelligent living beings like animals; pu again; k who; arhati is able; gantum to enter into the knowledge; r um or to express by words; h as; s of the artist; k h by bodily features; v ce dancing in different ways; duratyaya very difficult; ukr m His movements; s that Supreme Personality of Godhead; m unto me; avatu may give His protection. TRANSLATION An artist onstage, being covered by attractive dresses and dancing with different movements, is not understood by his audience; similarly, the activities and features of the supreme artist cannot be understood even by the demigods or great sages, and certainly not by those who are unintelligent like animals. Neither the demigods and sages nor the unintelligent can understand the features of the Lord, nor can they
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express in words His actual position. May that Supreme Personality of Godhead give me protection.

o yasya vimuktacaranty aloka-vratam - l vane sa me

SYNONYMS k v those who desire to see (the Supreme Personality of Godhead); yasya of Him; padam the lotus feet; su-m g l m all-auspicious; vimukta-s g persons who are completely disinfected of material conditions; mu great sages; su-s h v those who are highly elevated in spiritual consciousness; caranti practice; aloka-vratam vows of brahmacarya, v pr s h or s s ; vr m without any fault; vane in the forest; h - m - h those who are equal to all living entities; suh those who are friends to everyone; s that same Supreme Personality of Godhead; me my; g destination. TRANSLATION Renunciants and great sages who see all living beings equally, who are friendly to everyone and who flawlessly practice in the forest the vows of brahmacarya, v pr s h and sann s desire to see the all-auspicious lotus feet of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. May that same Supreme Personality of Godhead be my destination.

8.3.8-9 na vidyate yasya ca janma karma v na m -r pe gu - o eva v h p lok p -s m h v sva-m uk l m cch tasmai m p re r hm e 'nanta- k e r p oru-r p nama c r -k rm e

SYNONYMS na not; vidyate there is; yasya of whom (the Supreme Personality of Godhead); ca also; janma birth; karma activities; v or; na nor; m -r pe any material name or material form; gu qualities; o fault; eva certainly; v either; h p still; loka of this cosmic manifestation; apyaya who is the destruction; s m h v and creation; He who; sva-m by His own potency; activities; uk l m eternally; cch accepts; tasmai unto Him; m I offer my obeisances; para transcendental; who is the supreme controller; r hm e who is the Supreme Brahman (Parabrahman); ananta k e with unlimited potency; r p possessing no material form; uru-r p
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possessing various forms as incarnations; m I offer my obeisances; c r k rm e whose activities are wonderful. TRANSLATION The Supreme Personality of Godhead has no material birth, activities, name, form, qualities or faults. To fulfill the purpose for which this material world is created and destroyed, He comes in the form of a human being like Lord R m or Lord K by His original internal potency. He has immense potency, and in various forms, all free from material contamination, He acts wonderfully. He is therefore the Supreme Brahman. I offer my respects to Him.

nama namo



SYNONYMS m I offer my respectful obeisances; m -pr p unto He who is selfeffulgent or who gives enlightenment to the living entities; s k e who is situated in everyone's heart as a witness; parama- m e unto the Supreme Soul, the Supersoul; m I offer my respectful obeisances; g r m by words; v r who is impossible to reach; m s by the mind; ce s m or by consciousness; api even. TRANSLATION I offer my respectful obeisances unto the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the self-effulgent Supersoul, who is the witness in everyone's heart, who enlightens the individual soul and who cannot be reached by exercises of the mind, words or consciousness.

8.3.11 sattvena l

kaivalya-sukhaSYNONYMS sattvena by pure devotional service; prati-l h unto the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is achieved by such devotional activities; k rm e by transcendental activities; v p c by persons who are sufficiently learned; m I offer my respectful obeisances; kaivalya- h unto the master of the transcendental world; rv for one completely freed from material activities; sukha of happiness; s v e who is the bestower. TRANSLATION The Supreme Personality of Godhead is realized by pure devotees who act in the transcendental existence of bhakti-yoga. He is the bestower of uncontaminated
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happiness and is the master of the transcendental world. Therefore I offer my respect unto Him.

8.3.12 namo j o ca

SYNONYMS m all obeisances; unto He who is above all material qualities and completely peaceful, or unto V su ev , the Supersoul in every living entity; ghor u o he f erce forms of he Lor l ke J m g s h ev ; m h the form of the Lord as an animal, such as the boar; gu - h rm e who accepts different qualities within the material world; rv e who is without material qualities, being fully spiritual; s m Lord Buddha, the form of rv , wherein the material qualities stop; m I offer my respectful obeisances; j -gh who is knowledge or the impersonal Brahman; ca also. TRANSLATION I offer my respectful obeisances to Lord V su ev , ho s ll-perv g, o he Lor s f erce form s Lor s h ev , to the Lord's form as an animal [Lord V r h ev ], o Lor D re , ho pre ched impersonalism, to Lord Buddha, and to all the other incarnations. I offer my respectful obeisances unto the Lord, who has no material qualities but who accepts the three qualities goodness, passion and ignorance within this material world. I also offer my respectful obeisances unto the impersonal Brahman effulgence.

-j l -

8.3.13 namas

- l
SYNONYMS k e ra-j unto the one who knows everything of the external body; m I offer my respectful obeisances; tubhyam unto You; sarva everything; h k who are superintending, managing; s k e who are the witness, P r m m , or r m; puru the Supreme Person; m -m l who are the original source of everything; m l -pr k e unto the puru - v r , the origin of pr k and pr h ; m I offer my respectful obeisances. TRANSLATION I beg to offer my respectful obeisances unto You, who are the Supersoul, the superintendent of everything, and the witness of all that occurs. You are the Supreme
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Person, the origin of material nature and of the total material energy. You are also the owner of the material body. Therefore, You are the supreme complete. I offer my

respectful obeisances unto You.

8.3.14 sarvendriyasarva-pratyaya-hetave o sadte

SYNONYMS sarva-indriya-gu - r re unto the seer of all objectives pursued by the senses; sarva-pratyaya-hetave who is the solution to all doubts (and without whose help one cannot solve all doubts and inabilities); s with the manifestation of unreality or illusion; ch because of the resemblance; uk called; sat of reality; h s unto the reflection; te unto You; m I offer my respectful obeisances. TRANSLATION My Lord, You are the observer of all the objectives of the senses. Without Your mercy, there is no possibility of solving the problem of doubts. The material world is just like a shadow resembling You. Indeed, one accepts this material world as real because it gives a glimpse of Your existence.

8.3.15 namo namas te 'khilanamo '

SYNONYMS m I offer my respectful obeisances; m again I offer my respectful obeisances; te unto You; akhila-k r unto the supreme cause of everything; k r unto You who are causeless; adbhuta-k r the wonderful cause of everything; sarva all; g m - m unto the source of the p r mp r system of all Vedic knowledge; m h - r v the great ocean of knowledge, or the great ocean wherein all the rivers of knowledge merge; m I offer my obeisances; p v rg unto You who can give deliverance or liberation; para the shelter of all transcendentalists. TRANSLATION My Lord, You are the cause of all causes, but You Yourself have no cause. Therefore You are the wonderful cause of everything. I offer my respectful obeisances unto You, who are the shelter of the Vedic k o le ge co e he s r s l ke he P c r r s Ve -s r , which are Your representations, and who are the source of the p r mp r system. Because it is You who can give liberation, You are the only shelter for all transcendentalists. Let me offer my respectful obeisances unto You.
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8.3.16 -cchanna-cido j j namas karomi

SYNONYMS gu he hree gu s, the modes of material nature (sattva, rajas and tamas); r by r wood; channa covered; cit of knowledge; u m p unto He whose fire; tat-k o h of the agitation of the modes of material nature; v sph rj outside; m s unto He whose mind; k rm - h ve because of the stage of spiritual understanding; vivarjita in those who give up; g m Vedic principles; svayam personally; pr k unto He who is manifest; m karomi I offer my respectful obeisances. TRANSLATION My Lord, as the fire in r wood is covered, You and Your unlimited knowledge are covered by the material modes of nature. Your mind, however, is not attentive to the activities of the modes of nature. Those who are advanced in spiritual knowledge are not subject to the regulative principles directed in the Vedic literatures. Because such advanced souls are transcendental, You personally appear in their pure minds. Therefore I offer my respectful obeisances unto You.

8.3.17 prapannao namo 'l sarva-tanu-manasi pratyagbhagavate namas te

SYNONYMS m k like me; prapanna surrendered; p u an animal; p from entanglement; v mok unto He who releases; muk unto the Supreme, who is untouched by the contamination of material nature; h r -k ru who are unlimitedly merciful; m I offer my respectful obeisances; l who are never inattentive or idle (for the purpose of my deliverance); sva- e by Your partial feature as P r m m ; sarva of all; tanu- h the living entities embodied in material nature; manasi in the mind; pr who are acknowledged; pratyake as the direct observer (of all activities); bhagavate unto the Supreme Personality of Godhead; b h e who are unlimited; m I offer my respectful obeisances; te unto You. TRANSLATION Since an animal such as I has surrendered unto You, who are supremely liberated, certainly You will release me from this dangerous position. Indeed, being extremely merciful, You incessantly try to deliver me. By your partial feature as P r m m , You
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are situated in the hearts of all embodied beings. You are celebrated as direct transcendental knowledge, and You are unlimited. I offer my respectful obeisances unto You, the Supreme Personality of Godhead.


-j j

-vitta-j -

saktair j

svabhagavate nama

SYNONYMS m the mind and body; m -ja sons and daughters; p friends and relatives; g ha home, community, society and nation; vitta wealth; j e u to various servants and assistants; s k by those who are too attached; u pr p unto You, who are very difficult to achieve; gu -s g by the three modes of material nature; v v rj who are not contaminated; muktam h by persons who are already liberated; sva-h e within the core of the heart; p r h v unto You, who are always meditated upon; j - m e the reservoir of all enlightenment; bhagavate unto the Supreme Personality of Godhead; m I offer my respectful obeisances; v r unto the supreme controller. TRANSLATION My Lord, those who are completely freed from material contamination always meditate upon You within the cores of their hearts. You are extremely difficult to attain for those like me who are too attached to mental concoction, home, relatives, friends, money, servants and assistants. You are the Supreme Personality of Godhead, uncontaminated by the modes of nature. You are the reservoir of all enlightenment, the supreme controller. I therefore offer my respectful obeisances unto You.

dharma-vimuktibhajanta gatim o api deham karotu me 'dabhra-dayo o
SYNONYMS yam the Supreme Personality of Godhead who; dharma-k m -artha-vimukti-k m persons who desire the four principles of religion, economic development, sense gratification and salvation; h j by worshiping; m the objective; gatim destination; p uv can achieve; kim what to speak of; ca also; other benedictions; r He bestows; api even; deham a body; avyayam spiritual; karotu may He bestow benediction; me unto me; adabhra the
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Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is unlimitedly merciful; v mok m liberation from the present danger and from the material world. TRANSLATION After worshiping the Supreme Personality of Godhead, those who are interested in the four principles of religion, economic development, sense gratification and liberation obtain from Him what they desire. What then is to be said of other benedictions? Indeed, sometimes the Lord gives a spiritual body to such ambitious worshipers. May that Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is unlimitedly merciful, bestow upon me the benediction of liberation from this present danger and from the materialistic way of life.

atyo yasya na ye vai bhagavattacnanda-samudrabrahma l

tam avyaktam anantam


SYNONYMS ek unalloyed devotees (who have no desire other than K consciousness); yasya the Lord, of whom; na not; kacana some; artham benediction; v ch desire; ye those devotees who; vai indeed; bhagavat-pr p fully surrendered unto the lotus feet of the Lord; ati-adbhutam which are wonderful; tat-caritam the activities of the Lord; su-m g l m and very auspicious (to hear); g by chanting and hearing; of transcendental bliss; samudra in the ocean; m g who are immersed; tam unto Him; k r m eternally existing; brahma the Supreme; param transcendental; para- m the Lord of the supreme personalities; avyaktam invisible or not able to be realized by the mind and senses; h m k transcendental; yoga by bhakti-yoga, devotional service; gamyam obtainable ( h k m m hj ); ati-indriyam beyond the perception of material senses; s k m m minute; iva like; ati- r m very far away; anantam unlimited; m the original cause of everything; p r p r m completely full; e I offer my obeisances. TRANSLATION Unalloyed devotees, who have no desire other than to serve the Lord, worship Him in full surrender and always hear and chant about His activities, which are most wonderful and auspicious. Thus they always merge in an ocean of transcendental bliss. Such devotees never ask the Lord for any benediction. I, however, am in danger. Thus I pray to that Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is eternally existing, who is invisible, who is the Lord of all great personalities, such as Br hm , and who is available only by transcendental bhakti-yoga. Being extremely subtle, He is beyond the
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reach of my senses and transcendental to all external realization. He is unlimited, He is the original cause, and He is completely full in everything. I offer my obeisances unto Him.


yasya l o' yato ' buddhir sa vai na na na

lo - -vibhedena ca l o sva- o -sa o

-martyao na na j karma na san na oj

SYNONYMS yasya of the Supreme Personality of Godhead who; brahma the great demigods, headed by Lord Br hm ; ev and other demigods; ve the Vedic knowledge; lok different personalities; cara- c r the moving and the nonmoving (like trees and plants); m -r p of different names and different forms; vibhedena by such divisions; ph lgv who are less important; ca also; k l by the parts; k created; h as; rc the sparks; g e of fire; s v u from the sun; g h s the shining particles; r emanate from; s and enter into; s k again and again; sva-roc as parts and parcels; h similarly; the Personality of Godhead from whom; ayam this; gu -s mpr v h continuous manifestation of the different modes of nature; u h m the intelligence and mind; kh the senses; rr of the body (gross and subtle); s rg the divisions; s that Supreme Personality of Godhead; vai indeed; na is not; deva demigod; asura demon; martya human being; tiryak bird or beast; na neither; s r woman; na nor; h neuter; na neither; pum man; na nor; j u living being or animal; na ayam nor is He; gu material quality; karma fruitive activity; na is not; sat manifestation; na nor; ca also; asat nonmanifestation; e h of the discrimination of neti neti ("not this, not this"); e He is the end; j all glories unto Him; e who is unlimited. TRANSLATION The Supreme Personality of Godhead creates His minor parts and parcels, the jv tattva, beginning with Lord Br hm , the demigods and the expansions of Vedic knowledge [S m , g, Yajur and Atharva] and including all other living entities, moving and nonmoving, with their different names and characteristics. As the sparks of a fire or the shining rays of the sun emanate from their source and merge into it again and
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again, the mind, the intelligence, the senses, the gross and subtle material bodies, and the continuous transformations of the different modes of nature all emanate from the Lord and again merge into Him. He is neither demigod nor demon, neither human nor bird or beast. He is not woman, man, or neuter, nor is He an animal. He is not a material quality, a fruitive activity, a manifestation or nonmanifestation. He is the last word in the discrimination of "not this, not this," and He is unlimited. All glories to the Supreme Personality of Godhead!


jj antar l -lo

kim - o na yasya viplavas o

SYNONYMS j jv e wish to live long; na not; aham I; iha in this life; mu or in the next life (I do not wish to live upon being saved from this dangerous position); kim what is the value; internally; h externally; ca and; v covered by ignorance; ibha- o in this birth as an elephant; cch m I desire; k le because of the influence of time; na there is not; yasya of which; viplav annihilation; tasya that; m -loka- v r sya from the covering of selfrealization; mok m liberation. TRANSLATION I do not wish to live anymore after I am released from the attack of the crocodile. What is the use of an elephant's body covered externally and internally by ignorance? I simply desire eternal liberation from the covering of ignorance. That covering is not destroyed by the influence of time.


so '

- j -vedasam j brahma o 'smi padam

SYNONYMS s that; aham I (the person desiring release from material life); v v -s j m unto He who has created this cosmic manifestation; v v m who is Himself the whole cosmic presentation; v v m although He is transcendental to the cosmic manifestation; v v -vedasam who is the knower or ingredient of this universal manifestation; v v - m m the soul of the universe; ajam who is never born, eternally existing; brahma the Supreme; pr asmi I offer my respectful obeisances; param who is transcendental; padam the shelter. TRANSLATION Now, fully desiring release from material life, I offer my respectful obeisances unto that Supreme Person who is the creator of the universe, who is Himself the form of the universe and who is nonetheless transcendental to this cosmic manifestation. He is the
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supreme knower of everything in this world, the Supersoul of the universe. He is the unborn, supremely situated Lord. I offer my respectful obeisances unto Him.

8.3.27 yoga-randhita-k rm o h yoga-v h v e yogino pr p oge nato 'smy aham

SYNONYMS yoga-randhita-k rm persons whose reactions to fruitive activities have been burnt up by bhakti-yoga; h within the core of the heart; yoga-v h v e completely purified and clean; og mystics who are competent; yam unto the Personality of Godhead who; pr p directly see; yoga- m unto that Supreme Personality of Godhead, the master of all mystic yoga; tam unto Him; asmi offering obeisances; aham I. TRANSLATION I offer my respectful obeisances unto the Supreme, the Supersoul, the master of all mystic yoga, who is seen in the core of the heart by perfect mystics when they are completely purified and freed from the reactions of fruitive activity by practicing bhaktiyoga.


namo namas tubhyam asahya-vegal prapanna- l durantakad-vartmane

SYNONYMS m I offer my respectful obeisances; m again I offer my respectful obeisances; tubhyam unto You; asahya formidable; vega forces; k - r unto the Supreme Person, who has threefold potencies; akhila of the universe; h for the intelligence; gu who appears as the sense objects; prapanna-p l unto the Supreme, who gives shelter to the surrendered; duranta- k e who possesses energies very difficult to overcome; kat- r m by persons unable to control their senses; v p who is unattainable; vartmane on the path. TRANSLATION My Lord, You are the controller of formidable strength in three kinds of energy. You appear as the reservoir of all sense pleasure and the protector of the surrendered souls. You possess unlimited energy, but You are unapproachable by those who are unable to control their senses. I offer my respectful obeisances unto You again and again.

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veda svam hatam duratyayabhagavantam ito 'smy aham
SYNONYMS na not; ayam people in general; veda know; svam own; m m identity; yat- k by whose influence; aham I am independent; h by this intelligence; hatam defeated or covered; tam unto Him; duratyaya difficult to understand; m h m m whose glories; bhagavantam of the Supreme Personality of Godhead; taking shelter; asmi aham I am. TRANSLATION I offer my respectful obeisances unto the Supreme Personality of Godhead, by whose illusory energy the jv , who is part and parcel of God, forgets his real identity because of the bodily concept of life. I take shelter of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, whose glories are difficult to understand.


gajendram o vividha-l o l l -mayo harir


SYNONYMS r-uk uv c r uk ev Gosv m s ; evam in this way; gajendram unto the King of the elephants, Gajendra; up v r whose description; rv e m not directed to any particular person (but to the Supreme, although he did not know who the Supreme is); r hm the demigods, beginning with Br hm , v , Indra and Candra; vividha varieties; l g - h with separate forms; hm considering themselves separate authorities; na not; ete all of them; when; up s s pu approached; nikhila- m k v because the Supreme Personality of Godhead is the Supersoul of everyone; tatra there; akhila of the universe; amara-m consisting of the demigods (who are only external parts of the body); h r the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who can take away everything; v r s appeared (before the elephant). TRANSLATION r uk ev Gosv m co ue : Whe he K g of he eleph s s escr g the supreme authority, without mentioning any particular person, he did not invoke the demigods, headed by Lord Br hm , Lord v , Indra and Candra. Thus none of them
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approached him. However, because Lord Hari is the Supersoul, Puru o Personality of Godhead, He appeared before Gajendra.

m , the

tadvad o chandomayena o'

upalabhya jaganj saha yato j


SYNONYMS tam unto him (Gajendra); tadvat in that way; r m who was very depressed (because of being attacked by the crocodile); upalabhya understanding; jagatv s the Lord, who exists everywhere; stotram the prayer; m hearing; vj the denizens of the heavenly planets; saha with; s s uv h who were offering their prayers also; chandomayena with the speed He desired; g ru e by G ru ; s muh m being carried; cakra carrying His disc; u h and other weapons, like the club; abhyagamat arrived; u immediately; where; g je r the King of the elephants, Gajendra, was situated. TRANSLATION After understanding the awkward condition of Gajendra, who had offered his prayers, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Hari, who lives everywhere, appeared with the demigods, who were offering prayers to Him. Carrying His disc and other weapons, He appeared there on the back of His carrier, G ru , with great speed, according to His desire. Thus He appeared before Gajendra.

o' -sarasy urubalena o garutmati kha -cakram j giram l -guro bhagavan namas te

SYNONYMS s he (Gajendra); -sarasi in the water; uru-balena with great force; g h who had been captured by the crocodile; r and severely suffering; v upon seeing; garutmati on the back of G ru ; harim the Lord; khe in the sky; up -cakram wielding His disc; u k p raising; sa-ambuja-karam his trunk, along with a lotus flower; giram- h uttered the words; k cchr with great difficulty (because of his precarious position); r O my Lord r ; akhilaguro O universal Lord; bhagavan O Supreme Personality of Godhead; m te I offer my respectful obeisances unto You. TRANSLATION Gajendra had been forcefully captured by the crocodile in the water and was feeling acute pain, but when he saw that r , wielding His disc, was coming in the sky on the back of G ru , he immediately took a lotus flower in his trunk, and with
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great difficulty due to his painful condition, he uttered the following words: "O my Lord, r , master of the universe, O Supreme Personality of Godhead, I offer my respectful obeisances unto You."



ojj j

SYNONYMS tam him (Gajendra); vk after seeing (in that condition); p m who was very aggrieved; j the unborn, the Supreme Personality of Godhead; s h s all of a sudden; v r getting down (from the back of G ru ); sa-gr h m with the crocodile; u immediately; s r s from the water; k p out of great mercy; ujj h r took out; gr h from the crocodile; v p separated; mukh from the mouth; r with the disc; gajendram Gajendra; s mp m who were looking on; h r the Supreme Personality of Godhead; m m him (Gajendra); ucat saved; ucchri m in the presence of all the demigods. TRANSLATION Thereafter, seeing Gajendra in such an aggrieved position, the unborn Supreme Personality of Godhead, Hari, immediately got down from the back of G ru by His causeless mercy and pulled the King of the elephants, along with the crocodile, out of the water. Then, in the presence of all the demigods, who were looking on, the Lord severed the crocodile's mouth from its body with His disc. In this way He saved Gajendra, the King of the elephants. Thus end the Bhaktivedanta purports of the Eighth Canto, Third Chapter, of the rm -Bh g v m, entitled "Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender."

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Bh g v

m 8.4.25

ye m s uv e g pratibudhya e e pr ec h m v pul gatim

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ye those who; m m unto Me; stuvanti offer prayers; anena in this way; g O King; pratibudhya getting up; -atyaye at the end of night; e m for them; pr -atyaye at the time of death; ca also; aham I; m give; v pul m the eternal, unlimited; gatim transferral to the spiritual world. TRANSLATION

My dear devotee, unto those who rise from bed at the end of night and offer Me the prayers offered by you, I give an eternal residence in the spiritual world at the end of their lives.
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17 | P a g e

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