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Mufon UFO Journal

Official Publication of the Mutual UFO Network Since 1967

Number 266
June 1990 MCVO/V


A Review of Confrontations
(USPS 002-970)
103 Oldtowne Rd.
FOR ALIEN CONTACT Jacques Vallee, Ph.D. 3
Seguin, Texas 78155-4099 U.S.A.
Telephone: (512} 379-9216 ORANGE BALLS OF LIGHT Greg Long 4


International Director and RED LIGHTS IN THE SKY! HOAX OR REAL? .... Rex Salisberry 10
Associate Editor
THOMAS P. DEULEY NEWS'NVIEWS CIA Secrecy, Keyhoe's Papers 12
Art Director
IN OTHERS' WORDS Lucius Parish 13
Columnist Raymond E. Fowler and James M. McCampbell 14

LOOKING BACK Bob Cribble 16

Public Relations THE IMPLANT ENIGMA John F. Schuessler 18
PAUL CERNY LETTERS Ralph Noyes and Michael Buhler 19
Promotion / Publicity
Public Education
DIRECTOR'S MESSAGE Walter H. Andrus. Jr. 24
Religion and UFOs COVER PHOTOGRAPH Jacques Vallee, Ph.D.
Books & Periodicals
Copyright 1990 by the Mutual UFO Network, Inc (MUFON), 103 Old-
towne Road, Seguin, Texas 78155-4099 U.S.A.
No part of this document may be reproduced in any form by photostat,
Staff Writers
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TED PHILLIPS of the Copyright Owners.
Landing Trace Cases
Medical Cases
UFO Crash / Retrieval
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Confrontations: A Scientist's Search
By Jacques Vallee
for Alien Contact
Ballantine Books, NY, 263 pp., illust., hb, $19.95
Reviewed by Dennis Stacy
Every card-carrying ufologist humanoid reports because they didn't bum-marks and possible fatalities, has
should drop whatever he or she is do- fit the acceptable model of the phe- erupted over the last decade. Much
ing to rush out and buy a copy of this nomenon then common. (Apparent- of this particular portion of the book
book. More importantly, if less likely, ly, it was okay in the Fifties to say fly- was originally previewed at Vallee's
they should then pay particular atten- ing saucers were flown by aliens, just talk before last summer's MUFON
tion to what Vallee has to say about as long as you didn't see any actual Symposium in Las Vegas.
card-carrying ufologists. It is not pilots on the ground or in close While considerably raising the UFO
always pretty reading. proximity.) ante, however, Vallee admits he has
In fact, the author of Passport to Vallee argues that a similar form of no easy trump cards slipped up his
Magonia, Messengers of Deception censorship, whether subconscious or sleeves. Essentially, to my way of
and last year's Dimensions, ups the otherwise, is imposed today by the thinking, at least, his lack of easy
UFO stakes considerably with Con- predominance of the Extraterrestrial answers is what Confrontations is all
frontations, sure to be considered Hypothesis. Rather than explaining about, and in an ideal world, what
controversial and cantankerous both the UFO phenomenon, he says, the ufology itself should be all about. I
within and without the limited popula- ETH simply tends to obscure the ac- have my disagreements with Vallee,
tion of "professional" believers and in- tual nature of the subject, rather like too, but he still strikes me as one of
vestigators who self-style themselves a dark cloud passing in front of the the few thinkers in the field actually
ufologists. sun. Data that confront or reject the investigating the phenomenon (a) in
Vallee confronts potential readers ETH are simply ignored or thrown out an effort to eventually reach conclu-
on at least three levels. First, he with the bath water, where they sions, rather than trying to find more
challenges the scientific community to vanish down the drain. To paraphrase "facts" to fit in the extraterrestrial
disregard the sensational aura that Charles Fort, the "Damned" these pigeonhole.
surrounds the subject and to serious- days include obvious parallels in close
ly consider the available evidence on encounter and abduction cases with Mundane Magic
its own terms, audacious and seem- folklore of the little people, paranor-
ingly absurd as it often is. mal phenomena (poltergeists, 'super- It's not so much a question of
Secondly, he takes specific aim at natural' assaults, and so on), and a whether the ETH is absurb itself, as
ufologists themselves, asserting often much wider variety of alien much as a situation in which so much
and without mincing his message that, "humanoids" and creatures being of the data used to support the
more often than not, the first ama- reported than the one or two types hypothesis itself is inherently absurd.
teurs on the scene generally prove to generally presumed to dominate. The The typical image of alien interven-
be part of the problem, rather than the persistence of physical-injury cases is tion that emerges is more akin to the
solution, a situation exacerbated by another "damned datum" that tends Gang That Couldn't Shoot Straight
the headlong rush to haul in a hyp- to get swept under the rug of contem- than it is to harbingers of advanced
notist, frequently an unlicensed dab- porary ufology. science. The aliens swirl through our
bler as well, whenever the situation Vallee's third confrontation is with skies with impunity on one hand,
seems to even remotely require it. The the UFO phenomenon itself, grown crash and burn just like a commercial
damage done to the case itself, Vallee more ominous and apparently mean- airliner on another. They can pass
charges, not to mention the possible spirited (or simply indifferent) than through walls like ghosts, or stop cars
psychological harm to abductees and some would have us believe. By this on a lonely isolated road in the mid-
other witnesses, is sometimes ir- point, the average reader may well dle of the night, physically abducting
reparable as well as always uncon- wonder whether Vallee, the mild- the occupants. And to what end? To
scionable. mannered Gaul, has finally been perform the same technologically out-
The professional organizations John Keel-hauled or what? Actually, moded physical examination and
don't always fare well under Vallee's he bases such assertions on his own genetic extractions? Presumably, they
baleful glare, either. In fact, he com- extensive on-site investigations in the could abduct us at will, without
pares the current situation to an earlier Brazilian outback, where a series of anyone ever being the wiser, yet they
episode in civilian ufology when Key- sightings involving refrigerator-sized don't.
hoe and NICAP routinely ignored UFOs beaming light rays, resulting in Their individual numbers are

MUFON UFO JOURNAL No. 266 June 1990

legion, their air force almost a daily agination, only that it stretches
dazzling, and bewildering, variety of The typical image of alien credulity. Like Vallee, I'll be disap-
aerial forms, from cones and cigars, intervention that emerges is pointed if UFOs turn out to be only
to globes, saucers and teapots, some extraterrestrial spacecraft.
dramatically larger inside than out. more akin to the Gang That In the meantime, I get the distinct
They chase Brazilian peasants Couldn't Shoot Straight impression that Vallee is losing pa-
through the darkness one night, heal than it is to harbingers of tience with his perceived role in
a French physician with a beam of the UFO "community" which is
light another, and pose for pictures advanced science. The that of being perpetually sniped at
over Gulf Breeze in between gigs. aliens swirl through our as the bearer of bad news. Confron-
They are accused by various witnesses skies with impunity on one tations is Vallee's latest argument for
of being angelic, demonic and monu- looking at the data and not the car-
mentally indifferent. Their advanced hand, crash and burn just rier, the content and not the con-
science is magic on one occasion, like a commercial airliner tainer. You may not like what I have
rather mundane on another. I won't on another. to say, writes Vallee, but youd be bet-
say that such a scenario is totally out- ter off aiming at UFOs than the
side the realm of probability or im- author.

Orange Balls of Light

By Greg Long
In 1981 I launched a sustained, Soon I discovered that Harley similarities of BOLs to ball lightning:
long-term study of sightings of UFOs Rutledge had observed similar balls of the spherical or globular shape, the
on the Yakima Indian Reservation in light from 1973 to 1981 in the Pied- orange, red or white colors and the
south-central Washington state. I was mont area of southeast Missouri. often-reported low altitude.
drawn to the Reservation because of Eventually my research uncovered Yet in contrast, BOLs are large —
Bill Vogel's serious, decade-long ef- similar sightings of these balls of light if apparent size estimates provided by
fort of documenting the mystery (BOLs) in other areas around the witnesses can be trusted. And clear-
there. (Vogel was the Chief Fire Con- United States. For example, the classic ly the Yakima BOLs were seen in dry,
trol Officer for 30 years; he died in book, The Utah UFO Display, by quiet weather many miles away (up
Spring 1985.) Frank Salisbury, documents many to 60 miles in some cases). Ball light-
The 1.25-million-acre Reservation orange BOL sightings. Interestingly, ning favors thunderstorms. Even at
lies at the eastern foothills of the almost every Allied pilot of World War great distances, and while measuring
Cascade Mountains. Kenneth Arnold II who reported a "foo fighter" describ- many feet in diameter, BOLs fail to
observed nine flying objects on June ed it as an orange sphere. Most recent- demonstrate the characteris-
24, 1947, just northwest of the Reser- ly, orange spheres have appeared in tics of manmade or common natural
vation, while flying near Mount Rainier the night skies of Ashdown/Foreman, atmospheric and astronomical
in search of a downed military transport Arkansas and Wytheville, Virginia, phenomena.
plane. The metallic-appearing objects during highly publicized flaps in Fall In addition to ball lightning, my
were hurtling southward above the 1987 and Winter 1988. These well- research has pinpointed these most
backbone of the majestic Cascades. investigated cases of orange spheres common BOL "impostors" (or Iden-
They disappeared just beyond Mount confirm the existence of this particular tified Flying Objects):
Adams at the Reservation's far type of UFO. • The moon.
southwestern boundary. • Military flares.
1 discovered when working with Ball Lightning? • Burning plastic balloons.
Vogel's reports, and during my many • Meteors (typically short-lived and
interviews of Reservation witnesses, What are they? The question is best describing long, high trajectories).
that the predominant UFO seen and asked within the context of the cen- • White aircraft landing and take-
photographed on the Reservation was tral debate of the UFO mystery: off lights modified to orange or amber
an orange sphere (or ball) of light. Specifically, are the BOLs an alien "ball" shapes through haze and other
These very luminous, burning spheres technology (an aerial craft), or a optical distortion (landing lights always
(some also yellow, white or red) were natural phenomenon akin to plasmas appear fuzzy and ragged, unlike the
observed hovering or moving slowly or ball lightning? The latter supposi- clean, well-defined edges of true
above or along ridges, hills or buttes. tion is a fair one, considering the BOLs).

MUFON UFO JOURNAL No. 266 June 1990

Once I extracted these IFOs from one of the many different types of true
a mass of report summaries, an in- Interestingly, almost every UFOs; or one manifestation of many
teresting dimension of the puzzle Allied pilot of World War II different manifestations of which the
arose: What are orange BOLs doing UFO phenomenon is capable. Or
amid reports (emanating from the who reported a "foo fighter" finally — and I toss out this hypothesis
same locale) of other nocturnal lights, described it as an orange as a wild idea — the orange spheres
Sasquatch (Bigfoot) reports, sightings sphere. are an intelligence, capable of know-
of structured craftlike objects, CEHIs ing the work of UFO researchers and
and abductions? of appearing in faulted, earthquake-
Stan Gordon of Pennsylvania large percentage of photographs of prone areas during periods of tectonic
stated that in the early 1970s he orange objects that I would keep in strain buildup and release, as a red
received reports of Sasquatch in the my personal files." herring, while other UFOs carry out
vicinity of or during the same general The orange BOLs are everywhere. their operations. In effect, orange
timeframe of aerial orange BOLs. On In fact, their pattern runs so strongly spheres muddy the waters, and exploit
the Yakima Indian Reservation, Vogel through the UFO literature and UFO natural phenomena to mask their con-
found himself too busy with UFOs to reporting channels, that they deserve tinual project of surveillance, display,
pursue the many local Sasquatch closer scrutiny. Could there be several approach and abduction.
reports that came his way once Reser- classes of balls of light with completely Why are there two distinct cate-
vation citizens discovered he was different physical sources which gories of BOLs: "small" ones and
the local investigator of strange overlap only on the basis of shape? "large" ones? The small ones are those
phenomena. I have come across a few cases of several inches to a foot or so in
orange "balls" or orange "ovals" that diameter, and seem to function (some
Ubiquitous BOLs upon close approach "resolve" {the speculate) as monitoring or sur-
witness detects clear, sharp detail) into veillance devices. The large BOLs are
Daylight Discs and decidedly solid- decidedly structured-appearing aerial typically seen at some distance
appearing objects displaying classic machines. The orange appearance (thousands of feet to miles), and sug-
rapid ascents and descents, high may be purely a byproduct of the pro- gest either a classic glowing UFO craft
speed and intelligent-seeming pulsion system and effects of energy or a natural plasma.
maneuvering and control were also on atmospheric gases.

reported on the Reservation. Rut- Do these orange spheres perform a ore work is required.
ledge documents similar-behaving ob- particular operational function if they To this end, I turn to
jects among the mostly nocturnal-light are a technological device? Or could serious UFO investi-
UFOs in Piedmont, Missouri. In the orange BOLs actually be natural gators and research-
Wytheville, Virginia, local investigator plasma forms, or Unidentified At- ers. I am seeking photographic
Danny Gordon has seen both large, mospheric Phenomena? Curiously, the evidence; high quality reports from in-
definite-appearing craft as well as Pulaski fault runs through Wytheville vestigative files; newsclippings; and
orange spheres. Why were orange Virginia. Curiously, in November 1987 other source material documenting
spheres seen during cattle mutilations during the local flap there, a low level the orange sphere. Most important,
in 1975-76 in Colorado? And Eddie quake struck Carroll County. (Days wherever possible, are multiple
Bullard reports that, although a very before this quake, Gordon and friend reports from one limited sighting area.
small percentage, abductees have Roger Hall sighted a yellow ball of light This should include reference to other
reported orange UFOs right before a near Sand Mountain.) sightings of other objects from the
missing time experience. (Budd same area. In this way, I can test the
Hopkins alludes to the presence of an Red Herrings hypothesis that non-orange BOLs are
orange UFO in both Missing Time and misinterpretations of other natural and
Intruders.) Either the orange spheres are a manmade objects. Also, a large
Is there a clue to the root of the natural, technically derived phenom- enough data base can serve to test
UFO mystery in this particular, oft- enon, the startling presence of which any geophysical theory of UFOs.
repeating UFO: the orange BOL and triggers misinterpretation by local I am committed to a systematic,
other orange UFOs with curved viewers of manmade and astro- controlled evaluation of BOL reports
shapes — orange ovals, classic nomical bodies; in which case we in the UFO literature. There is some
"saucers," discs? I quote from a letter must trot out the hoary "hysteria" and evidence, although slight, that any
received from a European in- "mass delusion" hypotheses to ac- "intelligence" imputed to some BOLs
vestigator: "... 1 could not even im- count for the craft that appear "mixed is purely anthropomorphic. On the
agine I would ever get to see so many up" with the natural, correctly viewed other hand, there is evidence of a
of these orange objects through the and accurately reported orange
years, and neither could I imagine the spheres. Or the orange spheres are Continued on page 7

MUFON UFO JOURNAL No. 266 June 1990

Black Holes and Robert Lazar
By Erich A. Aggen, Jr.
Author Aggen is a MUFON State Mr. Lazar indicated that the grav- system. This was called the Einstein-
Section Director, who lives in Kan- ity motor converts matter to energy Rosen Bridge or "ER" Bridge for
sas City, Missouri. with one hundred percent efficiency, short. ER Bridges are also called
One of the more interesting figures compared to eight-tenths of one per- "wormholes." 9 - I 0
to surface recently in the field of UFO cent conversion for fission and fusion The only black holes we know
investigations is one Robert Lazar. If reactions thus far produced by ter- about are those on a astronomical
Mr. Lazar is not a deliberate agent of restrial science. The reaction inside the scale. A black hole is the burned-out
disinformation, then what he has to motor produces heat as a by-product shell of a star at least three times larger
say should at least be seriously ex- which is then converted by a ther- in mass than our own sun. Less
amined. He purports to be a physicist mionic generator into electricity, also massive stars usually burnout as ex-
who at one time worked at Los at one hundred percent efficiency. ploding supernovae. Their gravity is
Alamos National Laboratory. In operation, the motor creates a not strong enough to compress them
Lazar was later hired as a senior gravitational wave which is siphoned into a black hole.2
staff physicist at "Area S-4" for what off by a "wave guide" and then A black hole or ER bridge is a hole
he was told was the United States directed above the top of the craft to in space-time where all conventional
Navy. He reportedly obtained the job the bottom where three gravity rules break down. Time "stops" com-
through a company or agency called amplifiers magnify and direct or "aim" pletely at the "event horizon" (boun-
"EG & G." Area S-4 is located about the gravity wave. By creating its own dary) of a black hole. Matter is sucked
10 to 15 miles south of Groom Lake, gravity the motor distorts time and in and vanishes from this part of the
which is about 125 miles north of Las space. The three gravity amplifiers at universe.4 7
Vegas. Lazar's work at this secret site the bottom of the craft lock on to a Physicists have calculated that for
allegedly involved the reverse en- focal point or destination and pull a black hole to be useful as a method
gineering of certain alien technology, that point to the craft as a result of of interstellar travel it would require
in particular, a functioning gravitation- space and time distortion. 4 ' 8 * the compressed mass of a star about
al propulsion "motor." Most of this in- In effect, distance is reduced to zero the size of our sun. This, of course,
formation came to light in an inter- and speed is increased to infinity. is a physical impossibility. A star the
view conducted by George Knapp, Travel, for all intents and purposes, is size of our sun possesses insufficient
producer and host of a program called instantaneous between any two points mass to compress itself into a black
"On the Record" for KLAS-TV in Las anywhere in space.8 hole. Such a black hole could only be
Vegas, Nevada. The program first produced artificially. 2
aired in December of last year. Black Holes A spacecraft entering a black hole
In the interview Mr. Lazar described would transcend both time and space
the alien propulsion system as an anti- During one demonstration of the in no more than a millionth of a se-
matter reactor wherein element 115 motor an intense gravitational area cond or almost instantly. The next
is bombarded with protons and re- was created and a small black disc was best thing to teleportation!2
leases anti-matter particles which react formed in space caused by the bend- If the alien gravitational motor
with any type of matter. Once a chip ing of light. In some respects the small somehow creates its own black hole
of 115 is introduced into the system black disc resembled a "black hole" to "fall" through, the energy required
a powerful local gravitational field is Mr. Lazar noted that the analogy was is rather mind-boggling — at least
automatically produced. bad, but essentially correct.8 equivalent to the compressed mass
Element 115, the fuel or triggering What is the significance of the small and gravity of our own sun!9 Of
component of the gravitational motor, "black hole" produced during the course, the possibility exists that the
is a super-heavy element not found demonstration? Is it indicative of the aliens have found a more energy-
on Earth. It cannot be manufactured method or means by which space and efficient way to achieve the same
by Earth science. It can only occur in time are distorted and transcended? result.
regions of space where huge amounts In 1935, Albert Einstein and
of mass and energy reactions have Nathan Rosen published a paper U.S. Air Force
taken place. Such regions would in- predicting the existence of a cor-
clude locations around binary star ridor or passage directly connecting The United States Air Force also
systems and the outer zone of a one part of the universe to another seems to be interested in the
supernova, according to Mr. Lazar. as part of a black hole-white hole possibilities of utilizing antimatter for

MUFON UFO JOURNAL No. 266 June 1990

propulsion. In August of 1986, a Boynton. Think of the possibilities. If Mentor Books, 1980.
curious reference to antimatter pro- we could harness such a force, might 4. Gribbin, John Time-Warps. New York:
Dell Publishing Co., 1979.
pulsion appeared in Air Force we someday have craneless construc- 5. Hawking, Stephen W. A Brief History of
Magazine in an article entitled, "USAF tion, cableless elevators, or spaceships Time. New York: Bantam Books. 1988
in the Twenty-first Century," by James zipping between planets on "hyper- 6. Herbert, Nick Ph.D. Faster Than Light.
W. Canan, Senior Editor. The Air drive" that engages the fifth force lock- New York: NAL Penguin Inc. 1988
Force Space Division's General ed within subatomic particles^ As you 7. Kaufmann, William J. Ill Black Holes
and Warped Spacetime. Caltl.. W. H. Free-
McCartney stated that "exciting" work might expect, none ot this has escaped man and Co., 1979.
based on the Air Force's Project the notice of the U.S. Government, 8. KLAS/Lazar Transcript #1. Paranet In-
Forecast II was planned for SD's especially the Pentagon. formation Service, 1989.
Rocket Propulsion Laboratory on "Exotic and expensive research 9. Macvey, John W. Interstellar Travel. New
various types of high-energy, high- aimed at pinning down the new force York: Avon Books, 1978.
10. Powers, Robert M. The Coattails of
density chemical propellants. is already in the works. Physicists from Cod. New York: Bantam Books, 1982.
"But even those fuels pale in com- the Los Alamos National Laboratory 11. Stearns, Robert L. Basic Concepts of
parison to something farther out that's have joined with Italian physicists to Nuclear Physics. New York: Reinhold Book
known as antimatter," the General find out if a fifth force would have an Corp., 1968.
stated. The article went on to state effect on antimatter. {Antimatter is 12. Talbot, Michael. Beyond The Quantum.
New York: Bantam Books, 1988.
that antimatter research is synony- material identical in mass but opposite 13. Taylor, John G. Black Holes. New York:
mous with "antiprotons." In such an in electrical charge from ordinary mat- Avon Books, 1975.
antimatter propulsion system nega- ter. Upon meeting, the two annihilate 14. Zeilik, Michael. Astronomy, The Evolv-
tively charged hydrogen particles (an- themselves in a violent burst of ing Universe. New York: Harper & Row
tiprotons) would be combined with energy.)" 15 Publishers, Inc., 1976.
15. Boslough. John. "Searching for the
positively charged hydrogen protons. From what Mr. Lazar has reported, Secrets of Gravity." National Geographic May
The particles would annihilate each the aliens must possess and control 1989.
other and produce enormous staggering amounts of energy —
amounts of energy. Milligrams of an- almost infinite in scope compared to ORANGE BALLS, Continued
tiprotons stored in magnetic contain- terrestrial capabilities As described by technological basis to the BOLs, with
ment "bottles" could replace tons of Mr. Lazar, element 115 has the uni-
decidedly unambiguous attributes of
chemical rocket fuel and eventually que property ot releasing antimatter thought, curiosity, motivation and
produce a propulsion system capable particles when subjected to proton controlled flight. I am seeking as
of reaching other stars. bombardment. It also has self-evident much information as possible, and I
The Air Force expects to be pro- weapons potential — 1 kilogram (2.2 am reaching out to those serious peo-
ducing one gram of antiproton "fuel" pounds) is equal in energy to 24 20 ple in the UFO field who I hope can
by the turn of the century, according megaton hydrogen bombs or nearly support a worthy research project.
to Aviation Week & Space Tech- half a billion tons of TNT! Such an
The persistence of this phe-
nology (6/16/86). One might ask amount of element 115 would be no nomenon and the inter-consistency of
why the Air Force decided to finance larger than a small apple.8 sighting details from report to report
research into such a "far out" propul- Sometimes reality is stranger than convinces me that a focused,
sion system. Was it because they fiction. In the classic science fiction microscopic study of this type of UFO
already knew it would work? Since film "The Day The Earth Stood Still" can tell us much about the UFO
the appearance of a few short articles Klaatu issues an ultimatum to the phenomenon as a whole. If in-
mentioning antimatter research in people of Earth in which he declares
terested, please write me at: 14120
1985 and 1986, both Aviation Week that "... if you threaten to extend your SW 97th Place, Tigard, Oregon
and Air Force Magazine have re- violence this Earth of yours will be 97224, U.S.A.
mained strangely silent on this subject. reduced to a bumed-out cinder." That
Although the Air Force proposes to the aliens literally have such planet
utilize antimatter in a rather rudimen- obliterating power at their fingertips is MUFON Amateur Radio Net
tary fashion as the propellant in a con- sobering to contemplate. That they 80 meters — 3.990 MHz
ventional reaction propulsion system, have not used this awesome power Saturday, 10 p.m.
the aliens obviously have progressed is a testament to their constraint and 40 meters — 7.237 MHz
far beyond that point. perhaps their sense of morality. Saturday, 8 a.m.
An article in National Geographic, References 10 meters — 28.460 MHz
1. Abell, George. Exploration of the Thursday, 8 p.m.
May 1989 addresses the various
theories on gravity. Quoting from John Universe. New York: Holt, Rinehart and 10 meters — 28.470 MHz
Winston, Inc. 1973. Sunday, 3 p.m.
Boslough's article: " A force counterac- 2. Berry, Adrian. The Iron Sun. New York: All times Eastern Standard
ting gravity? It's enough to get Warner Books, 1978. or Daylight
anybody's heart pumping,' says Paul 3. Chester, Michael. Particles. New York:

MUFON UFO JOURNAL No. 266 June 1990


Soviet Air Defenses Baffled By Huge UFOs

The following information on as a 'pip' from a radar target on the two bright flashing white lights. I brief-
UFO sightings in the USSR was screens of aircraft radar sights, and on ly saw the silhouette of the target
provided the Fund for UFO Re- the screens of several electronic against the background of the il-
search by a confidential source in surveillance sub-units. One station did luminated city. It was difficult to deter-
the U.S. Government. It was not establish an observation." mine its nature and classification due
published in Rabochaya Tribuna on Rabochaya Tribuna pointed out the to the limited lighting
April 19, 1990 and translated by General Maltsev's testimony was im- "At the order of the command post,
FBIS (Foreign Broadcast Informa- portant confirmation for claims that I ended my mission and returned to
tion Service) Foreign Press Notice. UFOs are piloted craft and contra- the airfield. I landed with 700 liters of
Incident occurred on March 21, dicted suggestions that UFOs are at- fuel still remaining: The weather in the
1990. mospheric phenomena. The news- region was 0-10. March 21, 1990."
paper also reproduced some of the A radar observation post in the
General of Aviation Igor Maltsev, supporting evidence provided by Pereslavl-Zalesskiy region: "A shining
chief of the main staff of Air Defense General Maltsev concerning an inci- object with red lights at an azimuth of
Forces, as reported in Rabochaya dent on March 21, 1990, when radar 260-270 degrees and a range of
Tribuna, April 19, 1990: detected an object flying near about 40 kilometers, moving at a
"I am not a specialist on UFOs and, Pereslavl-Zalesskiy (75 miles NE of speed many times greater than that
therefore, I can only correlate the data Moscow). An aviator reported: of aircraft, appeared at 2119 hours.
and express my own supposition. Ac- "I, Lt. Colonel A. A. Semenchen- A shining object with white lights and
cording to the evidence of these ko, received the command to go on the same parameters was following it.
eyewitnesses, the UFO is a disk with an alert exercise. At 2138 hours, I At 2135 hours the object with the
a diameter from 100 to 200 meters. received the command for take-off. In luminous red lights disappeared,
Two pulsating lights were positioned the air, in the region of Pereslavl, I while at an azimuth of 220 degrees
on its sides. When the object flew in received my task of detecting and and at an undetermined range. At
a horizontal plane, the line of the lights identifying a target at an altitude of 2140 hours there were alternate ap-
was parallel to the horizon. During 2000 meters. I visually detected the pearances and disappearances of a
vertical movement it rotated and was target, designated by two flashing second object with white lights at
perpendicular to the ground. white lights, at 2205 hours. I was azimuth 270-250 degrees and a range
Moreover, the object rotated around following a true course of 220 of 40-100 kilometers. At 2150 hours
its axis and performed an "S-turn" degrees, and it was ahead and to the there was a steady appearance and
flight, both in the horizontal and ver- right, at an angle of 10 degrees. The hovering of the object at an azimuth
tical planes. Next, the UFO hovered target altered its altitude by amounts of 270 degrees.
above the ground and then flew with ranging up to 1000 meters and "At 2155 hours the object disap-
speed exceeding that of the modern changed its direction of flight. With peared at an azimuth of 240 and a
jet fighter by two or three times. All the permission of the command post, range of 40 kilometers. At 2157 hours
of the observers noticed that the flight I locked my sights onto the radiation the object appeared in the parameters
speed was directly related to the after checking to be sure the indicated above. At 2159 hours there
flashing of the side lights: the more weaponry was switched off. was an observation of an airplane at
often they flashed, t^e higher the "The target did not respond to the an azimuth of 250 degrees, a range
speed. 'identify, friend or foe' request. In ad- of 30-50 kilometers, and a course of
"The objects flew at altitudes rang- dition to the target, three or four 330 degrees. The object is turning
ing from 1000 to 7000 meters. The regularly scheduled airliners could be and, at a great speed, is approaching
movement of the UFOs was not ac- observed on the screen. As ordered the airplane. After an approach to a
companied by sound of any kind and by the command post, I carried out distance of about 20 kilometers, the
was distinguished by its startling a banked turn. While completing the object disappears from the field of
maneuverability. It seemed that the turn, I observed a luminous phenom- observation and appears again tp the
UFOs were completely devoid of in- ena, reminiscent of the aurora borealis rear and above the plane. The object
ertia. In other words, they had but with a weak intensity, to the north is moving in an arc at azimuth 270.
somehow 'come to terms' with gravi- and northwest. I approached the tar- At 2201 hours, the object is hovering
ty. At the present time, terrestrial get to within about 500 to 600 meters. in place at an azimuth of 190-200
machines could hardly have any such I passed above the target, trying to degrees and a range up to 100
capabilities. The object was observed define its character. I observed only kilometers. At 2203 hours a fighter

MUFON UFO JOURNAL No. 266 June 1990

aircraft appeared in the field of obser- drawing not available) the luminescence of the lights of the
vation at an azimuth of 240 degrees. Captain V. Ivchenko: "1 could not UFO was two-to-three seconds. The
While the fighter was approaching the make out the contours of the object, object was located in the direction of
object, the latter disappeared. At but I clearly saw two lights flashing Zagorsk. The trajectory of its move-
2205 hours the object appeared at an with a definite periodicity. The il- ment was 'S-turn1, horizontally and
azimuth of 190-220 degrees, lumination from these lights could be vertically."
hovered, and, after one-to-two compared with a photoflash. The Captain 1. Lapin: "At 2200 hours,
minutes, disappeared." UFO was carrying out an 'S-turn' the flashing of the object vanished for
Captain V. Birin: "The object looked flight, gradually approaching our ci- five minutes. Then a sharp light flared
like a flying saucer with two very ty; its route passed from east to west up. The whole cloud was illuminated
bright lights along the edges. Its at an angle of sight of approximately and, after that, the object appeared
diameter was approximately 100-200 75 degrees relative to the town. I dis- again. Two aircraft accompanied it.
meters (judging by the shining lights). tinguished two aircraft near the object. The aircraft had red identification
A less intense light, which looked like I am enclosing the approximate route lights. After decreasing its altitude, the
a porthole, could be seen between the of the UFO." (note: also not available.) object flew away in the direction of
two bright lights. After the object, the Captain N. Filatov: "To all visual Moscow at great speed. It left a red
red light with the average intensity re- perceptions, the object was rotating in luminescence of average intensity
mained. The trajectory depended on a horizontal plane around its own behind in the clouds. I observed the
the flashing of the bright side lights: axis, since the light sources merged object until 2240 hours. I experienced
the more often they flashed, the faster and divided in turn. The magnitudes no sensation whatsoever."
the speed of the UFO and vice ver- of the sources of radiation, with According to Rabochaya Tribuna,
sa. While hovering, the object ex- respect to power, intensity and the editors could only publish in this
tinguished its lights almost completely. luminous flux, were significantly issue excerpts from a few of "more
At 2230 hours the object headed off greater than the signal lights of aircraft than 100 visual observations" com-
in the direction of Moscow. I am which were flying around in our piled by unit commanders and passed
enclosing a drawing of it." (note: region at that time. The periodicity of on to General Maltsev.

One in Forty
By Preston Dennett
Of course, UFOs are real. Of Aztec, a conversation between Paul with this, but I'm sure it's in the hun-
course, UFOs are abducting people. Bennewitz and J. Allen Hynek is re- dreds of thousands." 2
All of it is really going on. The ques- counted. When Hynek was asked Budd Hopkins is one of the best-
tion now is, just how bad is it? How how many people he thought have known investigators of UFO abduc-
many people have undergone the ter- been abducted, Hynek allegedly tions. He has also become convinced
rifying experience of being abducted? replied without hesitation, "about one of the high frequency of UFO en-
How many carry the physical and out of forty." ' counters. In his book, Missing Time,
emotional scars of an alien en- Whitley Strieber, the author of Hopkins writes of the case of Steve
counter? How many keep hidden Communion and Transformation, is Kilburn, who was abducted and left
these deepest and darkest of secrets? a strong believer that UFO encounters with no conscious memory of the
While the media and the scientific are common. In an interview with event. Hopkins was astounded by
community cling to their skepticism UFO Magazine, Strieber is quoted as this, and made the obvious conclu-
like wreckage in a storm, abduction saying, "I will tell you this: there are sion. Says Hopkins, "This opened up
stories continue to mount. There are a lot of people who have already had the possibility that the experience,
frightening hints that abductions may this experience — a lot more than whatever it was, had been suppressed
be quite common — much more even the UFO community realizes. I in others, and that abduction was
common than usually thought. am now poring through something widespread." 3
Are abductions widespread? That like 5000 letters — I often get 40 and Because Steve Kilburn had no
is the question this article will attempt 50 a day, even now. People again and recollection of the event, Hopkins
to answer. again, write 'a friend of mine told me concluded, "This meant that almost
The late J. Allen Hynek was un- about you and now I can write and anyone can have suffered such an ex-
doubtedly one of the world's best- tell somebody what happened to me,' perience and yet be totally unaware
known UFO investigators. In William and it goes on and on. I don't know of it for all practical purposes. What
Steinman's book, UFO Crash at how many people have been involved before was thought of as a rare event

MUFON UFO JOURNAL No. 266 June 1990

might be infinitely more common that "one out of eight" UFO witnesses people are abductees, but it should be
than anyone has supposed." 4 may have been abducted." 9 evident that UFO encounters are by
In Missing Time, Hopkins states, "I According to the 1973 Gallup poll, no means rare. I think it is safe to say
have described UFO abductions as 15 million people believe they have that millions of people have been ab-
constituting an epidemic; in fact, we seen UFOs.10 If 15 million people ducted by UFOs. The invasion is oc-
have no idea how many such kidnap- have seen UFOs, and one out of curring — here and now — all across
pings may already have taken place, every eight have been abducted, then our planet.
but I believe there are vastly more one could conclude that 1,850,000
than the two hundred or so incidents people have been abducted!
1. Steinman, William: UFO Crash at Aztec.
which have been investigated." 5 When I heard all these statements,
Tucson. AZ: Wendelle C. Stevens, 1986. Page
Because people generally don't I was very skeptical. I could believe 584.
report their experiences Hopkins UFOs were real, but I wasn't ready to 2. UFO: "Q & Ai Whitley Streiber - W.
states, "We can logically theorize that accept any rumors of a rampant S. Tells Almost All," UFO, Vol. 3, No. 1,1988.
there may be tens of thousands of epidemic. And yet the rumors have Page 21.
3. Weintraub, Pamela: "Secret Sharers,"
Americans whose encounters have persisted. According to one source, 60 OMNI, December 1987. Page 58.
never been revealed." 6 UFO sightings are reported across 4. Hopkins, Buddi "Investigating the Ab-
Jacques Vallee is definitely a America everyday! " ductee," Phenomena Forty Years of Flying
leading expert in the field of UFOs. I was initially skeptical of UFOs. But Saucers, (Editors: Spencer & Evans.) New
Vallee is very skeptical of the extrater- as my interest grew, I began asking all York: Avon Books 198R Page 140.
5. Hopkins, Budd Mining Time. New
restrial iheory, but he does take the my friends and family if they had ever York: Richard Marek Publishers, Inc., 1981.
position that UFO landings are quite had any encounters. To my utter Page 20.
common. Says Vallee, "... the UFOs, astonishment, I discovered that over 6. Ibid., Page 23.
if they are spacecraft engaged in a one third of the people I knew had 7. Vallee, Jacques Dimensions: A Case
general survey of our planet, must encountered a UFO. By a sort of in- Book of Alien Contact Chicago, IL: Contem-
porary Books, Inc 198S Page 258.
have landed here no fewer than three formal survey, I uncovered over 50
8. Steiger, Brad ' UFO Abductions on the
million times in two decades." 7 UFO cases. I found out that I knew Rise - Will You Be Taken Aboard Next?"
Another famous figure in ufology, five people who had been abducted. UFO Universe, Vol. 1. No. 1, July 1988. Page
Dr. Leo Sprinkle, acknowledges the All of this points to one thing: UFO 52.
possibility that there may be "hundreds encounters are quite common. Most 9. Steiger, Brad: The UFO Abductors, New
York, NY: Berkley Books, 1988. Page 13.
of thousands" of people who have abductee researchers agree that a vast 10. Fowler, Raymond: Casebook of a UFO
been abducted and have no conscious number of people have been ab- Investigator. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-
memory of the experience" 8 ducted. Hopkins theorizes tens of Hall, Inc., 1981. Page 70.
thousands. Streiber theorizes hun- 11. Bailey, Andrew A Day in the Life of
Rampant Epidemic? dreds of thousands. Hynek allegedly the World. Garden Gly NY: Doubleday &
Company, Inc 1981 Page 16.
estimated one in forty.
David Webb has asserted his belief It is uncertain exactly how many

Red Lights in the Sky! Hoax or Real?

by Rex Salisberry
Mr. Salisberry is a MUFON State nomena since the onset and has not the evening of April 11, 1990.
Section Director for Florida. as yet arrived at a probable conclusion. Investigators for Pensacola MUFON
At this point we deem it prudent and have received reports of other red,

nusual red lights seen timely to share the information we have orange, white and even blue lights be-
in the skies over Gulf with the public. ing seen in the Pensacola area and
Breeze and Pensacola We have received more than one elsewhere over the past few years. Most
in recent weeks have call from area residents who related that of these reports have not been ex-
prompted a minor controversy as to similar lights have been observed in the plainable by natural phenomena.
whether they can be explained by Ffensacola area for decades. Ships' cap- The current excitement seems to
mundane phenomena, such as bal- tains and crews have witnessed the have begun on the evening of April
loons or flares, or are un explain able, phenomena for as far back as the turn llth when several Gulf Breeze
and hence possibly UFO related, Pen- of the century. Some find it humorous residents observed a red light traveling
sacola MUFON has been interviewing that we seem to get so excited over the from NNE to SSW over Gulf Breeze
witnesses and investigating the phe- events which many believe started on and out into the Gulf of Mexico before

MUFON UFO JOURNAL No. 266 June 1990

winking out. Some witnesses who April, reported in this news update by
were at the Shoreline Park ball field Rex Salisberry, which were not ex-
related that they saw clusters of
balloons associated with the light
WARNING plainable in conventional terms.
An advertisement appeared in the
Hoax "UFO" balloons being
which led them to believe that the Hown near Gulf Breeze by un- Pensacola News Journal on April 28,
sighting that night was produced by known persons are an ILLEGAL 1990 after the reported series of
man. Other experienced witnesses HAZARD to civil and military air- sightings of red lights over Gulf Breeze
firmly believe that what they saw is craft, and thus to persons on the in an apparent attempt to discredit the
unexplainable. witnesses and investigators. (See
If you have any information on
The saga continued on Thursday, the person(i) responsible for this
reproduction of the ad in this article.)
April 12, when at least two witnesses illegal and potentially dangerous Some readers may recognize the tele-
saw a very bright red light hovering activity, please call: phone number as that of Philip J.
to the south of Gulf Breeze over Lit- (2O2) 554-59O1 Klass in Washington, DC. Two in-
tle Sabine Island, The light hovered dependent telephone calls were made
in one position for several minutes to this number by investigators-in
and then blinked out. Some of the which Mr. Klass admitted that he had
same witnesses saw another light the SSE, passed nearly over the bridge placed the ad in the newspaper. He
following evening to the west of Gulf for a distance, and then moved away was attempting to build a case to pro-
Breeze. It again hovered in one posi- to the NE over East Bay where it vide a prosaic explanation for all of
tion for a few minutes before blink- blinked out. These accounts seem to the sightings in his own shrewd man-
ing out. These witnesses, who have indicate that there were at least three ner to fulfill his reputation as a self-
knowledge of and experience with red lights in the area at about the appointed debunker. Nice try Phil —
flares, are convinced that what they same time. you failed again.
observed cannot be explained as Witnesses have also reported
man-made. sighting red lights in the area on Tues-
At least five other witnesses day, April 17, and on Wednesday,
reported seeing another red light on April 18. UFO
Friday, April 13, to the north of Gulf It cannot be ignored that some of NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE
Breeze. It hovered in one spot for a the above events may be hoaxes or
few minutes, then shot up out of sight pranks perpetrated by man, but most The UFO Newsclipping Service will
when an aircraft approached from the of us find it difficult to explain all of keep you informed of all the latest
United States and World-Wide UFO
west. When the airplane passed the them that way. The multiple sightings,
reports (\s., little known photographic
location, the red light reappeared and in different positions, at the same time cases, close encounters and landing
then shot straight up and vanished. and moving in different directions reports, occupant cases) and all other
This would seem to indicate that at would have posed tough problems for UFO reports, many of which are car-
least two of the red lights were in the a hoaxer. Attaining the very high ried only in small town and foreign
area Friday night. speed in the one event would also newspapers.
On Saturday night, April 14, at have been difficult. If anyone has ad- Our UFO Newsclipping Service
least seven witnesses reported seeing ditional information to report on these issues are 20-page monthly reports,
a red light to the north of Gulf Breeze. events please contact MUFON Pen- reproduced by photo-offset, con-
It approached from the east on a sacola at (904) 436-2700. taining the latest United States and
westerly path at a very high speed — Canadian UFO newsclippings, with
our foreign section carrying the
nearly the speed of sound. It suddenly Associate Editor's note: On the
latest British, Australian, New Zea-
stopped with almost instantaneous evening of April 11, 1990, numerous land and other foreign press reports.
deceleration. It hovered in one spot witnesses attending a baseball game Also included is a 3-5 page section
for a brief time, moved back and forth at South Shoreline Park in Gulf of "Fortean" clippings (i.e., Bigfoot
a few times with the light pulsating, Breeze, Florida, observed and and other "monster" reports). Let us
and then moved up, then out of sight. reported a red light supported by a keep you informed of the latest hap-
Another group of witnesses observed cluster of party balloons moving with penings in the UFO and Fortean
a second red light to the North of Gulf the wind from NNE to SSW, travel- fields.
Breeze which just hovered in one ing out into the Gulf of Mexico before For subscription information and
location for a few minutes and then "winking out." Obviously, this was a sample pages from our service, write
disappeared. m a n - m a d e prank intentionally today to:
A third red light was observed by manipulated to pass over a known UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE
a group of witnesses at the south end audience at a scheduled baseball Route 1 - Box 220
of the three-mile Pensacola Bay game. This charade sparked interest Plumerville, Arkansas 72127
Bridge. This one approached from the in later sightings during the month of

MUFON UFO JOURNAL No. 266 June 1990


CIA Secrecy, Keyhoe's Papers

CIA Falls on
Secrecy Sword Sikorsky "Saucer"
Occasionally, when others learn of my UFO-encounter reports from the STRATFORD, Conn., June 5 (AP) —
regular use of the U.S. Freedom of In- now-defunct National Investigations The Sikorsky Aircraft division of the
formation Act to determine what the Committee on Aerial Phenomena. United Technologies Corporation said
government knows about UFO reali- Later, that contact with former NICAP it was developing a bicycle-sized,
ty (and when it knew it), I get the assistant director Richard H. Hall pilotless air vehicle for the Defense
question, "Aren't you concerned that prompted him to FOIA-request a Department. The six-foot-wide disk-
one or more of the agencies you copy of any C.I.A. dossier being kept shaped vehicle, called the Cypher,
query will start compiling a dossier on on him. At first, the Agency denied would be used for ground and naval
you — simply because you dared pry they had anything in their files on surveillance and for relaying com-
into their secret affairs?" him. When he reminded them of their munications, Sikorsky said.
Certainly, that prospect awaits any- earlier response to me, they provided It said the craft, which was designed
one who might get too close to official him a copy (heavily censored, of to take off vertically in a small area
UFOlogical truth — whether that per- course) of what they admit to keep- and to hover relatively motionless,
son uses the FOIA tool or not. In- ing on him. even in windy conditions, was being
deed, in my latest FOIA lawsuit Part of that Hall dossier consists tested at wind tunnels in the United
against the Federal Bureau of In- of a one-page memo dated August Technologies Research Center in East
vestigation (in which the Bureau 14, 1973, "Subject: Larry W. Hartford, Conn. Possible nonmilitary
prevailed), I sought, in part, to have Bryant / Richard H. Hall." It concerns uses include anti-drug enforcement,
the Bureau account for its longstand- how the Agency was reacting to my forestry, work needed by utility com-
ing (and still extant) policy and prac- FOIA request for documentation on panies and search-and-rescue mis-
tice of spying upon the UFO-research their "confidential" contact with sions, Sikorsky said.
activities and objectives of such re- NICAP. Its final sentence reads: - NY Times
searchers as William L. Moore, "[Deleted] is not going to pursue the
Leonard H. Stringfield, Stanton T. matter, however, [deleted] in their
Friedman, and Larry W. Bryant — telephone conversation, suggested Key/ice's Papers
each of whom is favored with an F.B.I. that we had not heard the last from Lots of rumors have been flying about
dossier of varying degrees of public Mr. Bryant." recently concerning the unpublished
disclosure by the Bureau. Do those C.I.A.-deleted references manuscripts, papers and files left by
Besides the Bureau and its cousin to persons or agencies pertain to my the late Major Donald E. Keyhoe.
agency, the U.S. Air Force Office of employer at the time? To get the Since they seem to "improve" with
Special Investigations, what answer, I have just filed, on May 17, each retelling, to the point of absolute
jor agency feels compelled to keep 1990, an FOIA / Privacy Act lawsuit bizarreness in some cases, I would like
watch over UFO researchers? None in U.S. District Court for the District to set the record straight.
other than the U.S. Central In- of Columbia, titled Bryant v. Central I am in touch with Mrs. Keyhoe and
telligence Agency. Intelligence Agency (Civil Action No. visit her periodically. She turned over
With their history of behind-the- 90-1163). to me all the UFO-related files she
scenes involvement with the UFO In the meantime, ponder this ques- could find. They consist of fragments
problem dating back to the early Fif- tion: Have we heard the last from the of two or three (I'm not sure which yet)
ties, the C.I.A. UFO sleuths prefer to C.I.A. as to how, when, where and chapters of an unfinished book, some
keep a low profile as regards their own why it monitors the activities and ob- scattered letters (perhaps a dozen or
UFO investigations. But when it jectives of UFO researchers as it con- two), and a lot of hand-written and
comes to spying upon private tinues to expand its store of hard-core typed notes, and that is all. Obvious-
"UFOlogists," the Agency's profile UFO data? ly a lot of his UFO material is missing
sticks up like a periscope in the — Larry W. Bryant and apparently lost. If more is found,
Washington Monument's reflecting Mrs. Keyhoe will notify me.
pool. (Bryant directs, from his home in Discussions have been held with
Case in point: Some years ago, 1 Alexandria, Va., the Washington, the Fund for UFO Research and Mrs.
FOIA-re quested all C.I.A.-generated DC , office of the public-interest group Keyhoe about the possibility of
records pertaining to the Agency's Citizens Against UFO Secrecy.) publishing a limited edition of the un-
1965 initiative to acquire hard-core finished chapters, and we hope to do

MUFON UFO JOURNAL No. 266 June 1990

this later in the year. However, a lot coming from Warner Books in June. The "UFO Update/Anti-Matter"
of work is involved. The manuscript Well, yes, there is an Ed McCabe who column in May OMNI deals with Jac-
fragments were scattered around in has done considerable research into ques Vallee's research and his latest
many different files and folders, and UFO events, as well as "free energy" book, CONFRONTATIONS. Vallee
loose individual pages were found devices, so it was only natural that I favors the interdimensional theory to
separately. thought of him when I saw this book explain UFO events, prompting
At first glance, seeing so many dif- mentioned. As it turns out, the book criticisms from both UFO proponents
ferent chapter titles, I thought the has nothing at all to do with UFOs or and skeptics.
manuscript might be fairly complete. related subjects (despite its title). Sorry Wouldn't you like to hear those
Closer inspection revealed that the about that! original hypnotic regression tapes in
same two or three chapters, or par- If you have heard about the British the Betty and Barney Hill case? Well,
tial chapters, had been rewritten "circles" (and who hasn't?) and you'd some excerpts from said tapes are
several times and retitled. I have not like to get copies of the two major now included in a two-tape "audio
had time to completely sort through books on the subject, I would recom- book" version of John G. Fuller's THE
the manuscripts and decide which mend William R. Corliss' "The INTERRUPTED JOURNEY, read by
loose pages go with which chapter Sourcebook Project" as your best none other than Whitley Strieber.
and which draft. source. He has copies of CIRCULAR Released by Caedmon, the tapes
We have also discussed the pos- EVIDENCE by Pat Delgado and Col- should be available at most of the
sibility of auctioning off the original in Andrews (190 pages; beautiful "chain" bookstores ($15.95). An ex-
manuscript (s), or copies of them, as photos) at $27.95 and Dr. Terence tremely interesting version of a classic
a means of raising money for the Meaden's THE CIRCLES EFFECT UFO case.
Fund for UFO Research. Anyone on AND ITS MYSTERIES at $19.95. Both video and audio tapes of the
the Fund's mailing list will be duly These prices are postpaid, making recent Ozark UFO Conference #2
notified of any publication or auction them the cheapest U.S. sources for should be available by the time you
plans. these books. Corliss has numerous read this. Inquiries may be sent to my
One other point: Mrs. Keyhoe let other books on UFOs and other types address (Route 1, Box 220 Plumer-
me search through stacks of folders of unexplained phenomena, so be ville, AR 72127). I think you'll find
in Major Keyhoe's desk looking for sure to ask for his book list and a sam- quite a bit of interesting material in the
UFO material. No case files and only ple copy of his bi-monthly newsletter, talks which were presented at the
a handful of original reports (familiar SCIENCE FRONTIERS. The address Conference. You may mark April
to me from NICAP files) were found. is: The Sourcebook Project - Box 107 12-14, 1991 on your calendars as the
What became of his report files and - Glen Arm, MD 21057. time when we do it again!
correspondence files we don't know.
They may have been lost when his of-
fice in Luray, Virginia, was closed, or
they may be stored in boxes some- Dan C. Overlade Award Announced
where and eventually be found. We
certainly hope that they turn up. Mrs. The Center for Treatment and Research of Experienced Anomalous
Keyhoe has been very cooperative in Trauma (TREAT) takes pleasure in announcing the establishment of
trying to locate the missing material. the Dan C. Overlade Memorial Award as a means of offering fitting
tribute to an outstanding clinician and researcher in Experienced
- Richard Hall Anomalous Trauma. Dr. Overlade's contributions to the field were
prematurely cut short by his tragic and untimely death in November of
In Others' In Dr. Overlade's honor, an award of $500 will be made annually
Words ... to the author of the research or clinical paper which does the most to
advance our understanding of a significant aspect of Experienced
Lucius Parish Anomalous Trauma each year. Submissions may be of any length and
must be previously unpublished. They are expected to conform to
NATIONAL ENQUIRER for May 15 established scientific formats and may come from authors in any
has more of Brad Steiger's specula- discipline. Papers so recognized will be presented at next TREAT Con-
tions on "Star People" and the char- ference and published by the Center for Treatment and Research of Ex-
acteristics which supposedly set them perienced Anomalous Trauma.
apart from ordinary mortals. Papers may be submitted to Rima E. Laibow, M.D., 13 Summit Ter-
In the last column (April 1990 race, Dobbs' Ferry, NY 10522.
issue), I mentioned a book by one Ed (MUFON will provide the cash award for the 1990 research paper.)

MUFON UFO JOURNAL No. 266 June 1990


The UFO Press

The Watchers
By Ray Fowler, Bantam Books, NY, 7990, hb, $19.95
Reviewed by Press Release

To Catch A Flying Star

By John Ackerman, UNIVELT, 1989, San Diego, CA
Reviewed by James M. McCampbell, MUFON
Director for Research
Raymond E. Fowler
Here is a provocative work that and by many others — including
dares to respond to the ultimate ques- author Raymond E. Fowler himself. Autographed copies of The Watch-
tion for any follower of UFO and ex- The many points of commonality ers (with a Foreward by Whitley
traterrestrial phenomena: Why are among disparate abduction incidents Strieber) can be ordered directly from
they here? Based on amazing new — such as physical descriptions of the author for $20.00, postage paid
discoveries, The Watchers presents an alien beings, examinations, ex- at: 13 Friend Court, Wenham, MA,
answer that will shock and startle you. periments, and out-of-body ex- 01984. Make checks payable to Ray
The case of Betty Andreasson Luca periences — suggest not only that we Fowler.
is a landmark in UFO abduction in- are indeed being visited, but also that
vestigations, remarkable for the the visits have actually taken place for
vividness and drama of Luca's recall many years.
under hypnosis, for the strangely This explosive book brings us closer
logical inner consistency of the ex- to the Watchers than ever before: we Mr. John Ackerman has adopted
periences she relates, and for the see their amazing equipment, their a refreshing view of UFOs in his new
questions that remain even after in- scientific knowledge and power, and book, To Catch A Flying Star. He ex-
tense scrutiny of her fascinating ac- the shattering consequences of what plicitly accepts the premise that they
counts. Though the case has been they know about our present and our are real, physical objects "... probably
studied for years, it is only recently future. Not since Communion has originating from some advanced
that a breathtaking array of previously there been a story this fascinating. The civilization associated with nearby
unknown extraterrestrial encounters Watchers gives new meaning to stars." His primary interest is disclosed
has come to light, the implications of heretofore enigmatic aspects of alien- in the subtitle, "A Scientific Theory of
which cannot be dismissed. abduction and UFO phenomena; tan- UFOs." Deciphering the propulsion
Most significant of all, these en- talizing mysteries whose solutions lie system of these objects has challenged
counters reveal the secret purpose in the message the aliens are now numerous investigators for decades.
behind the abductions of Betty An- revealing to us — a message no one An interesting foreword by Walter
dreasson Luca and many others on this planet can ignore. H. Andrus, Jr. puts the book into an
throughout history — and the Raymond E. Fowler has 25 years accurate perspective while a preface
ultimate design behind the aliens' of experience with UFO and extrater- by Ackerman provides a brief history
presence on earth and in our lives. restrial phenomena. He has been of the subject. Such a summary may
Only after Luca discovered their featured in national magazines and have been extraneous here but the
disturbing prime motive did she finally has appeared on numerous radio and presentation of statistics from the
give a name to the beings who have television programs to discuss his Center For UFO Studies lends
been a part of her life since childhood. fascinating work with UFOs and ab- credibility to the subject.
She calls them the Watchers. ductees. He is the author of UFOs: It is not possible in a limited space
Using a wealth of fully documented Interplanetary Visitors, Casebook of to present an overview of the book
new material. The Watchers paints a a UFO Investigator, The Andreasson chapter-by-chapter. However, the
vivid picture of the total abduction Affair, and The Andreasson Affair, essential thrust of the text can be
phenomenon as experienced by Betty Phase Two. described and examined in some

MUFON UFO JOURNAL No. 266 June 1990

detail. The author proposes that disconcerting if it were designed to ject they saw was extraordinary
levitation and propulsion of UFOs is deviate suddenly from a straight path. because it behaved as though it had
accomplished by extremely intense Further discussion in the book no mass or inertia. The consensus of
magnetic fields as they interact with seems to require the earth's magnetic modern science is that gravitational
that of the earth. The basic hypothesis field to be exactly vertical, a condition mass and inertial mass are the same
and follow-on implications are stated that exists only in small regions at the thing, and therefore, inseparable. A
with u n u s u a l clarity and are terrestrial poles. Over most of the super-science to power UFOs would
thoroughly explored. Would that earth, its magnetic lines of force are surely take that into account, whereas
many authors were as readable as roughly parallel to the surface, and the proposed theory does not. In
Ackerman. near the magnetic equator they ac- other words, an object levitated by
As to the details, some technically tually are. Yet UFOs happily Hit magnetic forces would still be limited
trained readers may raise objections. through the skies of Brazil hardly by its inertia.
Also, experts on UFOs may notice the aware of the problem. Countering the While readers with technical train-
omission of important references to earth's field there would require a ing may find soft spots in the theory,
previous work that may not have been horizontal force leaving nothing to the book is nevertheless meritorious.
known by the author. It is suggested support the craft. Ackerman should be commended for
that direct measurement of magnetic A fundamental requirement of an setting forth his concepts in clear text
fields near UFOs be attempted as acceptable theory is that it encompass for everyone to study. If many others
though the idea were original. No all the known data. But the present went to such effort, a variety of ideas
mention was made of the extensive theory seems incapable of explaining would become available for com-
research by Ray Stanford, Harley the electromagnetic waves emanating parison and analysis. Perhaps a single
Rutledge and others, or the recogniz- from UFOs that have been extensively contribution would contain the long-
ed need for quick-response teams documented. If the magnetic hy- sought answers or they may be found
with suitable equipment. pothesis were the final answer, it is in the composite.
A reasonable attempt by the author surprising that it has been overlooked The present reviewer found the
to calculate the strength of the by electrical engineers and physicists book to be interesting and learned
magnetic source on UFOs proved that for 40 years. something from the line of develop-
it must be enormous, being orders of The extreme complexity of gravita- ment presented in it. It might convince
magnitude (say 1,000,000 times) tion can easily be appreciated from a general reader that the propulsion
greater than the strongest field that the papers of Fred Alzofon (MUFON problem has been solved, whereas it
has been produced in a laboratory Symposium, 1982) and Harold has only been worked on.
even for brief periods. Corresponding Puthoff (Phys Rev A, March 1. 1989J Everyone who wishes to keep up
electrical currents to produce such It should be noted that modifying with the literature on UFOs should ex-
fields were also calculated to well gravity to achieve levitation is different amine a copy. To Catch A Flying Star
beyond the range of human ex- from overcoming it by brute force in purchased by mail at $15.00 or at a dis-
perience as would be expected for a any form, whether magnetic, jet or count price of $9.95 "... to individual
more advanced civilization. The rocketry. The mere ability to levitate members of UFO or space societies."
magnitude of the required magnetic or accelerate upward is not adequate Orders should be placed with the
moment as calculated in the book is to explain a key feature of UFOs. publisher, UNIVELT, Inc., P.O. Box
comparable with the figure inferred by Most witnesses are certain that the ob- 28130, San Diego, CA 92128.
Claude Poher from measurements at
several government Research Stations
in France.
It appears that the proposed levita-
tion would be the result of two Calendar of UFO Conferences for 1990
magnetic fields that are mutually
repelling. While attracting magnets are July 6, 7, 8 — MUFON 1990 International UFO Symposium - Pensacola
highly stable, opposing magnets are Hilton, Pensacola, Florida.
notoriously unstable. Opposing July 14 & 15 — Phantoms of the Sky - Ufology into the 90's - Sheffield Library
magnets tend to flip over suddenly in- Theatre, Sheffield, England.
to the attracting mode that could
cause a crash. So this method of flight October 13 — Show-Me UFO Conference - Noah's Ark Motor Inn,
would require a super-sensitive and St. Charles, Missouri.
fail-proof control system. Very few October 13 & 14 — The UFO Experience - Ramada Inn, North Haven,
useful items are designed to operate Connecticut.
at a point of instability. Steering an
automobile, for example, would be

MUFON UFO JOURNAL No. 266 June 1990

just disappeared. I never did find out
what it was and nobody else did
Looking Back either. They checked NORAD records
to see what they had up on radar and
there wasn't anything within very
close range of us. After we landed in
Bob Gribble the Atlantic Ocean the films were
flown back to Houston, Texas. I've
June 1950 • Three Air Force per- the recorded times after the Mohawk seen the photos that were released,
sonnel on duty in the air traffic con- sighting, the speed was computed as I've seen them published in mag-
trol tower at Hamilton Air Force Base, between 4000 and 4800 miles per azines and newspapers. Now, I went
California, witnessed a "flying disc" hour. back and went through each frame of
make from three to five passes over all the pictures that we took and there
the air base on the 21st. They said the • 1965 While completing his 20th wasn't anything in there like what I
craft, emitting a "thunder-like roar," orbit on the Gemini Four Mission on had seen."
buzzed the field at an altitude of 2000 the fourth, Astronaut James McDivitt General McDivitt has made it ab-
to 5000 feet. The controllers said they caught sight of a strange looking ob- solutely clear that NASA never did
followed the disc with binoculars. ject out in space. He made the follow- show him any pictures of the object
They estimated its speed at "between ing report: "At the time that I saw it which he photographed. One possi-
1000 and 1500 miles per hour." Cor- I said there was something out in front ble explanation for this came from Dr.
poral Roger Pryor first sported the of me, outside the spacecraft, that I Garry C. Henderson, an American
vehicle as it sped across the sky. At couldn't identify and I never have space expert. In a public lecture Hen-
first, he said, he thought it was a fall- been able to identify, and I don't think derson announced that American
ing star but he changed his mind anybody ever will. We were in drifting astronauts flying in space have not
when the craft held its altitude, turned, flight and my partner Ed White was only sighted UFOs but have taken
and made another pass over the air asleep. The spacecraft had all the photographs and that their pictures
base. S/Sgt. Ellis Lorimer and Sgt. flight control systems turned off and had been locked up. Henderson said
Virgil Cappuro also saw the disc in the almost all of the electrical equipment he had spoken to one astronaut who
early-morning sky. They said the turned off except the radio. The told him he was instructed along with
vehicle trailed blue flame behind it spacecraft was drifting around and I other astronauts by NASA officials
"like an acetylene torch." couldn't tell — and I still don't know "not to mention any UFO sightings
which direction it was pointing, it made." He attributed the shroud of
• 1955 At 11 p.m. on the 16th, a wasn't pointing toward Earth — but secrecy to NASA fears of ridicule. The
Flying Tiger Airlines' plane was on a I couldn't see anything out in front of U.S. Congress, he claimed, could
routine flight 40 miles northeast of me except a black sky. become wary of the space program
Springfield, Missouri. Suddenly a "As it was rotating around I noticed and eventually cut down on financial
blue-white disc, moving at tremen- something out front that was a white appropriations. When Henderson
dous speed, moved toward the air- cylinderical-shape with a white pole made his startling announcement he
craft. After circling around the plane sticking out of one corner of it. It had held the position of senior space
in a tight circle, the craft tilted up about the same dimensional relation- research scientist with the Fort Worth,
steeply and streaked out of sight. ship as a beer can with a smooth pen- Texas division of General Dynamics.
cil out one corner of it. I couldn't tell (Editor's note: Dr. Henderson is a
• During the night of the 23rd, the how close it was and I couldn't tell former MUFON Consultant.)
pilots of a Mohawk Airlines plane what the size was — depth percep-
saw a strange craft with lighted open- tion in space is not very good unless • 1970 The following report was
ings race overhead. The vehicle, on- you know the size of the object that received from a pilot holding a high
ly 500 feet above them, was elliptical you're looking at. I thought I might management position with the
in shape, and about 150 feet long. run into it so I turned on the flight Federal Government: "In June I was
After it sped out of sight it was ob- control system; it takes a while for the stationed in San Juan, Puerto Rico,
served briefly by two Colonial Airline electronics to warm up. In the mean- and was flying with the Puerto Rico
pilots and another aircraft crew. The time I grabbed two cameras which National Guard. In the early morning,
craft also was seen by control tower were floating in the space capsule. I a report had been received from two
operators at Albany, New York Air- grabbed one and took a picture. Then air carriers, Pan American, and a local
port, as it was speeding along Victor I let go of it and grabbed the other one carrier, Caribair, that at dawn a large
Two Airway. It was tracked, minutes and took a picture. balloon-like object was sighted drifting
later, still on Victor Two Airway, by "As the sun set on the window I slowly southwestward at an approx-
radar at Boston, Massachusetts. From could no longer see out and the thing imate altitude of 5000 to 7000 feet.

MUFON UFO JOURNAL No. 266 June 1990

The object was detected on radar • On the ninth, internationally fa- one after the other, just under the rug
and subsequently tracked. Movement mous physicist Dr. James E. and forgotten. They can't be that
appeared to be at four to eight knots McDonald held an unpublicized UFO stupid. It is almost impossible to
per hour. I was a member of a flight briefing before a small group of In- believe all those errors, the ineptness
of F-104s and a T-33 aircraft that went stitute of Electrical and Electronics of the explanations."
to the site where the object had been Engineers (IEEE) gathered at Santa McDonald told the scientists that he
sighted to observe and to photograph Monica's Miramar Hotel in California. discovered at Maxwell Air Force Base
it if possible. Taped a few months before his un- "a whole broad category of 'hidden
"The object was visible from the timely death and two days after he UFO reports,' reports that have never
ground at Isla Verde Airport, San had returned from two weeks of dig- got out into any open channels and
Juan, Puerto Rico. Its appearance ging into the UFO files at Maxwell Air which in fact are of very significant
was similiar to a balloon. After be- Force Base, Montgomery, Alabama, scientific interest. The total population
coming airbom and flying towards the McDonald told the scientists: "As one of hidden UFO reports is a pool of in-
object, it became immediately ap- who's spent four years on the UFO formation completely untapped be-
parent that it was at a very high problem and who has interviewed cause everybody knows that UFOs
altitude and was quite a distance 500 or 600 witnesses, I don't see are a lot of nonsense. Everybody
away. The object was approximately yet any alternative that makes much knows they don't exist. Hence time
40 miles southwest of Ponce, Puerto sense, alternative to the extra- goes by, and we laugh the problem
Rico, at an altitude in excess of terrestrial hypothesis. out of existence."
60,000 feet. Myself in a T-33 and four "I looked at about 400 cases while
other pilots in F-104s observed and I was at Maxwell Air Force Base, and • 1975 Two Carson, California wit-
photographed the object. The follow- the number of really significant cases nesses reported a huge dull-finished,
ing details are noted: 1) It was a that to my knowledge nobody who double-domed disc hovering about
manufactured item. 2) It was at least has ever followed the UFO problem 135 feet above their backyard on the
125 feet in width with the same ap- has ever heard of before, above all, sixth. The craft was first seen about
proximate length. 3) It was shaped the radar cases, cases of objects ex- 9:03 p.m. by Steve Sisneros, who was
similar to the forward one-third of a hibiting performance characteristics carrying trash from the house to the
speedboat hull with a flat rear section that are not in anybody's aeronautical backyard. As he entered his yard he
and a pointed nose section. 4) There engineering book, are very, very im- noticed everything seemed darker
was an area of high reflectivity on the pressive. We're dealing in the UFO than usual, as though in a shadow.
'keel1 approximately one-third from phenomenon with phenomenology He looked up. Hovering above him
the nose of the object. 5) The object that suggests a technology. Now that was a disc-shaped object estimated to
... drifted slowly against the prevail- I wouldn't want to back off on at all. be 100 feet in diameter. The vehicle
ing winds to the southwest about eight It suggests technology — manufac- seemed to be made of silver colored
knots per hour. 6) There were no tured products. Give me five hours steel. Steve counted eight glowing
signs of any type of propulsion unit and I will fill five hours with openings in the lower section of a
on the object. personally-checked cases of close- double dome on top of the craft. The
"Extensive gun-camera film was range sightings of structured objects. boy ran into the house yelling for his
collected showing the object very "What 1 report to you most recent- mother. The two quickly returned to
clearly. A B-52 from Ramey Air Force ly from Maxwell Air Force Base, the yard.
Base acquired the target on the ra- where the files are alive and well, is Steve had the impression the bot-
dar. Upon Mocking on,' the B-52 that down there in those files are more tom of the disc was "rugged," as
received electronic jamming. The darn radar cases, Navy, Marine though "covered with mud," leading
object was kept in surveillance Corps, Army and Air Force, than any to speculation the vehicle may have
throughout the remainder of the of us have ever suspected. The landed, perhaps nearby, a short time
daylight hours and was lost after dark. number of visual sightings, say from before the sighting. His mother said
The prevailing weather at the time Iowa or California or Maine, where the bottom was "black and looked like
of the incident was clear skies and the observers saw objects that, say, left it was corroded ... like tar was stuck
unlimited visibility. The object was their field of sight in a time on the on it." After hovering and wobbling
viewed by the majority of the popula- order of a few seconds is a very large over the Sisneros backyard, a neigh-
tion of the island of Puerto Rico; visi- number. And I always wondered, bor's backyard, and a trailer court for
ble in plain sight for most of the day, when looking over those cases, why about three minutes, the disc began
and reported to all military intelligence there weren't radar examples of the moving away. A smooth humming
activities, National Weather Service, same sort of thing. There are! They're sound the craft had been emitting
etc. The San Juan Star published a down in the files, explained as birds, now grew louder. The vehicle, pick-
series of articles concerning the inci- balloons, malfunctions, false signals,
dent." propagation, absurb explanations, but Continued on page 19

MUFON UFO JOURNAL No. 266 June 1990



By John Schuessler
Schuessler is MUFON's Depu-
ty Director, Administration.
A male UFO abduction victim
living in Houston is puzzled and
worried about the possibility that
a device of some type was im-
planted somewhere in the side of
his head by his abductors. He
claims he can feel the effects of
the implant at certain times.
Sounds seem to be transmitted
into his head via the implant.
Another male abduction vic-
tim, barely 12 years old, claimed
that small creatures took him
from his bed, stuck a needle into
his upper arm and then opened a
square patch of skin on the left
side of his head. His parents are
worried that he may have re-
ceived an implant of some type. The scale bar is 10 /xm
Many other abductees claim
they have been given implants
up the nose, in die back of the
neck, in the facial area, into the the number of abduction cases them. Unfortunately, we may
spinal area and at other locations continues to grow, it is time to well look back one day and find
for some unknown (to them) establish a protocol, collect hard this ostrich-like approach similar
purpose. Many reported they data, speculate on their purpose, to the response that first greeted
were abducted another time so model the conditions) and bring stories of stones falling from the
that the implant could be re- implants into the laboratory. sky.
moved. Some steps in this direction have Our own medical doctors be-
Doctors have reported rem- already been made, but not on a gan using implants several years
oving subcutaneous artifacts broad enough scale. ago in successful attempts to ex-
from patients for many years. For example, a very interesting tend human life. Cardiac pace-
Their job was to get rid of a analysis of an implant was re- makers are one of the more dra-
foreign body blamed for causing cently presented at the TREAT II matic examples. Numerous plas-
discomfort or pain to the patient. conference in Virginia. No bi- tic and metal units have subse-
It is just possible that some of zarre claims were made, but very quently been miniaturized to fit
these artifacts may have been of detailed laboratory reports were neatly into the human body.
the variety claimed by abductees presented. As starts go, this was Examples, in fact, abound.
to be their implants. Adding to a good one. Consider the number of slow
the mystery is the fact that very release medicines that can now
few doctors are prepared to deal Imaginary? be inserted just under the skin.
with the abduction problem, The latest application of such
implants or not. Many people feel that the advanced techniques involves the
whole implant problem is an implanting of minute amounts of
Protocol imaginary one. Because it is diffi- brain tissue from an aborted
cult to imagine how such im- fetus into the brain of a man
Many researchers have avoid- plants would work or why they suffering from Parkinson's dis-
ed the implant issue for years for are there in the first place, it is
a variety of reasons. But because much easier simply to ignore Continued on page 23

MUFON UFO JOURNAL No. 266 June 1990

LETTERS ... Crops Circles ... MIBs
Dear Editor: new patterns not seen before. should we? Who were these four
I see that Jim Deardorff reports me A group of us have now set up a policemen reportedly involved? Why
(in the March Journal) as "taken in new research body, the CENTRE no signed affidavits from any of them?
by Meaden's pseudo-scientific presen- FOR CROP CIRCLE STUDIES Why no serious check on the identi-
tation" of the plasma-vortex as an ex- (CCCS for short), headed by Pro- ty of the presumed MIB himself?
planation for the crop circles. Well, fessor Archie E. Roy of the Depart- If somebody could produce some
not quite. If Jim cares to re-read my ment of Physics and Astronomy at MIB cases which were more than
October article, he will see that I'm Glasgow University. We've done so hearsay, then the subject might move
convinced we need some other fac- precisely because we believe there out of folklore into an area of more
tor as well, and that I also reported may be a good deal more to the interest to those who are convinced
the odd way in which the phenom- circles than atmospheric physics alone that some UFOs are a very definite
enon neatly contradicts any rash can account for. But this is com- fact that can't be explained.
generalization made about it and has plementary to Meaden's work, not
— Michael Buhler
curious associations with psychic competitive with it. We hope to open
goings-on. London
up the subject to a wider range of
By the time this gets into print disciplined speculation from fields as
Meaden will have held a major con- diverse as archaeology, folklore, an-
ference at Oxford about his plasma- thropology and psychical research.
vortex theory. For a "pseudo- We also aim to be international. ing up speed, streaked away, climb-
scientist" he isn't doing too badly: Good reports of what are pretty clear- ing rapidly to the northeast, and then
Professor John Snow of Purdue ly crop circles are reaching us from a straight up into the night sky.
University, Professor Hiroshi Kikuchi number of countries around the Steve said the disc flew over a small
of Nihon University, Japan, and Pro- world. Although we can still proudly aircraft, and while it was under the
fessor Ohtsuki of Waseda, Japan, all claim British Wessex as the premier craft the plane dropped for an instant
of them keenly interested in the tourist attraction for those who want as though it had momentarily lost
weirder things the atmosphere can do, to see a circle, we've now clearly got power or was caught in "an air
are presenting papers. We must wait into the export business! An interna- pocket." The morning after the
and see whether they, too, have been tional database is rapidly becoming sighting, Mrs. Sisneros discovered
"taken in." I'll give MUFON a run- essential. that two electric clocks in her
down on the conference later this Interested readers can find out bedroom, over which she said the
year. more by sending an International vehicle at one point hovered, were
Meaden may turn out to be wrong, Reply Coupon to CCCS, P. O. Box each five minutes slow. She said the
of course. But his is one of the few 146, Guildford, Surrey GU2 5JY, clocks always kept correct time.
serious attempts yet made to find England, UK.
what forces may be at work in mak- — Ralph Noyes
ing the circles, and that's surely where London
we have to start from. What's more,
it's a testable view, viz. good science
whether right or wrong. Dear Editor:
My own hunch is that Meaden can't Extraordinary stories need extra-
be more than partly right (anyway ordinary evidence if they are to be
from what he's told us so far). The believed. Over the last 40 years there
clustering of the events remains very have been plenty of UFO cases with
strangely linked to certain sites and evidence stronger than that needed
areas which are, in themselves, arch- for a criminal conviction. That is why
aeological mysteries; and the impres- I take the subject seriously despite
sion that we are dealing with a rapid- never having seen one myself.
ly developing phenomenon which It seems to me that the "Yates Af-
shows something very like "purpose" fair" reported by Peter Rojcewicz in
is now irresistable. At the time of this the March 1990 issue of the Journal
letter (third week in May) we've offered the rare opportunity to get
already had more than fifty events, some hard evidence on a MIB (Men Rima E. Lai bow, M.D.
almost all in haunted Wessex, and at In Black) case. But as it stands, we Symposium Speaker and
least three of them show startling have to take it all in trust, and why Director of TREAT

MUFON UFO JOURNAL No. 266 June 1990

MESSAGE, Continued

The Night Sky New Officers

Gary Levine, New York State

Walter N. Webb Director, approved the appointment
July 1990 of Harvey Brody (Albany) as State
Section Director for Albany, Schenec-
Bright Planets {Evening Sky): tady and Rensselaer Counties. Brent
The planet Mercury and the star Regulus form an unusually close pair on A. Cater, M.A. and amateur radio
July 28. Since they are very low in the WNW at dusk, the horizon must operator W5FRG (Clarksville) vol-
be clear and unobstructed. The two objects are only 20 minutes of arc apart unteered to be the State Section
from the East Coast (less than a Moon-width), 9' apart from the West Coast Director for Johnson, Franklin and
and 2' apart from Hawaii. Mercury, orange in color, is four times brighter Logan Counties, adding greater effec-
than Regulus. Use binoculars or a telescope to observe the two
tiveness to Edward F. Mazur's
Saturn {magnitude 0.1), retrograding in Sagittarius, reaches opposition on Arkansas state team. Donald M. Ware
the 14th. At that time it is exactly opposite the Sun, rising in the SE as recommended Walter W. Phelps
the Sun sets and remaining visible in the southern half of the sky all night. {Hobe Sound) to be State Section
The full moon is near the planet on the 7th and 8th. Director for Martin and St. Luce
Bright Planets (Morning Sky): Counties in Florida. Phillip Sprankle,
Venus (magnitude -3.9), rises about two hours before the Sun and lies low M.A. (Ridgecrest) fills an important
in the ENE at dawn. The crescent Moon is nearby on the 19th and 20th. role in William F. Hassel's Southern
Mars (magnitude 0.1), moving from Pisces into Aries, rises about 12:30 California organization as State Sec-
AM in midmonth. The ruddy world stands high in the SE at dawn. tion Director for Kern County. Ken-
Saturn sets in the SW about sunrise. neth McLean, Montana State Direc-
Partial Solar Eclipse: tor, has welcomed John C. Craig
The Moon hides part of the Sun on July 21 from northwestern North (Bozeman) to be the State Section
America. Areas of visibility in the U.S. include Alaska, Hawaii, Washington, Director for Gallatin, Park and Broad-
Oregon, and portions of Idaho, Montana, Utah, Nevada and California. water Counties.
Percentages of obscuration and local times of maximum eclipse for selected Three new Consultants volun-
cities: Anchorage, 71% at 7:24 PM; Portland, 65% at 8:43 PM; Seattle, teered their expertise this month.
63% at 8:40 PM; Honolulu, 62% at 6:29 PM; and San Francisco, eclipse They are Anthony E. Mansueto, Jr.,
beginning just belore sunset. Don't look directly at the Sun! For safety, project Ph.D. (Dallas, Texas) in Religion; J.
the Sun's image through a pinhole in a card, or through a telescope eyepiece, Wayne MacDonald, M.D. (Lakeland,
onto a white surface Florida) in Medicine; and Joseph
Rubenstein, D.O.S. (Boca Raton,
Meteor Shower:
Florida) in Optometry. Jackie L.
The South Delta Aquarid meteors achieve maximum on the mornings of
Caynon HI (Derby, Connecticut), a
July 28 and 29 at a rate of about 20 per hour. Radiating from Aquarius
law student at Yale, is available to
the Water Bearer in the southern sky, these yellowish meteors are relative-
ly slow with long paths. The quarter Moon interferes before midnight. translate Korean. Two new Research
Specialists are James J. Delmont,
Moon Phases: M.A. (Omaha, Nebraska) in History
Full moon — July 7 and Vincent J. Frallicciardi, M.A.
{Tampa, Florida) in Counseling.
Last quarter — July 15
New moon — July 21 Western Regional Director Election
First quarter — July 29
€ The second term of Paul C. Cer-
ny, the present Western Regional
The Stars:
Late in the evening that hazy band of starlight, the Milky Way. plunges due Director on the MUFON Board of
south across the teapot-shaped archer Sagittarius. The constellation houses Directors, will soon expire according
some of the most magnificent deep-sky objects in the heavens Sweep this to corporate bylaws. Filling this impor-
region with binoculars or, better yet, a telescope. Three of the blobs of light tant position for the western states is
in the Milky Way are clouds of gas illuminated by clusters of stars — the a unique opportunity for a person
Lagoon, Trifid, and Swan Nebulae. Other patches happen to be both galactic with leadership abilities, dedication to
star clusters and the more compact globular clusters. With a star atlas, you
will be able to more easily locate and identify these objects. Continued on page 21

MUFON UFO JOURNAL No. 266 June 1990

MESSAGE, Continued

resolving the UFO phenomenon, and MUFON 1990 INTERNATIONAL UFO SYMPOSIUM
time resources. Experience as a State Pensacola Hilton Pensacola, Florida
or State Section Director are valuable
attributes, however enthusiasm and SPEAKING PROGRAM
available time are significant assets to
fulfill this prestigious position. Since
9:00 a.m Opening Ceremonies - Video presentation by Kathy Ware
this is a volunteer job, anyone in-
9:05 a.m Welcome to Pensacola - Charles D. Flannigan, Florida State Director
terested in being considered should Introductions of: Vicki P. Lyons, General Chairperson; Donald M Ware
write to Walt Andrus expressing their Eastern Regional Director; Walter H. Andrus, Jr., International Director
interest, desire and qualifications. An 9:10 a.m. Greetings from the International Director - Walter H. Andrus, Jr Seguin
election will be conducted by ballot by Texas
the members in the western states of 9:15 a.m. Introduction of Mark Curtis, M C; WEAR-TV - Charles D. Flannigan
WY, CO, NM, AK, HI and Guam. Brian T O'Leary, Ph.D., Astronomer and Author; Phoenix. Arizona
Obviously, the candidates must reside 10:00 a.m. WHO SPEAKS FOR THE WITNESS? - Medical and Ethical Issues in
in one of these states. Abduction Research - David A. Gotlib, M.D.; Toronto, Ontario, Canada
AMERICA AND EUROPE - John L. Spencer, Author and Researcher,
MUFONET Harpenden, England
12:00 noon LUNCH - (place of your choice)
In my Director's Message for the - AFTERNOON SESSION -
May 1990 issue of the Journal, a 1-30 p.m. NEW REVELATIONS FROM ROSWELL - Donald R. Schmirt, MUFON
short item updated both PARANET Wisconsin State Director and CUFOS Director, Hubertus. Wisconsin
and the experimental MUFONET 2:30 p.m. THE FYFFE ALABAMA EXPERIENCE - Carey H. Baker, Publisher;
for members interested in online Rainsville, Alabama
computer communication systems 3:30 p m. COFFEE OR COKE BREAK
and BBS. Mike Corbin, the systems 4:00 p.m. ET CONTACT THE RELIGIOUS DIMENSION
operator for PARANET, has made Dr. Barry H. Downing, Author and Minister. Endwell, New York
three location moves fro™ Colorado 5:00 p.m. DINNER - (place of your choice)
to Las Vegas, Nevada and even more - EVENING SESSION -
recently to Los Angeles, Calif . dur- 7:00 p.m. THE GULF BREEZE SIGHTINGS - Ed and Frances Walters; Gulf Breeze,
ing the past few months His voice Florida
line in Los Angeles is temporarily 8:00 p.m UFO ABDUCTIONS IN THE GULF BREEZE, FLORIDA AREA - Budd
Hopkins, Author and Painter; New York, New York
(714) 624-2051 with no data line
9:30 p.m. PANEL - Questions and Answers - Panelists: Brian O'Leary, David A. Gotlib,
established. Instability of this nature John L. Spencer, Donald R. Schmirt, Carey Baker, Barry H Downing, Budd
is not conducive to consistent and Hopkins, Ed and Frances Walters
reliable communications. 10:30 p.m Announcements and Adjournment - Charles D. Flannigan
Until Mike Corbin can obtain a
permanent residence and job sta- SUN., JULY 8, 1990 - MORNING SESSION -
bility, we recommend that members 10:00 i.m. THE RAINBOW DECLARATION AND HUMAN DESTINY IN THE
COSMOS - John E. Brandenburg, Ph.D., Physicist; Alexandria, Virginia
should take advantage of the ex-
11:00 .m. RED SKIES: THE GREAT 1989 UFO WAVE IN THE U.S.S.R. - Antonio
perimental MUFONET Message Echo
Huneeus, Researcher and MUFON Continental Coordinator; New York.
that John W. Komar, State Director New York
for Tennessee, has been operating 12:00 icon DINNER (place of your choice)
for several months. Anyone interested - AFTERNOON SESSION -
in participating or seeking information 1:30 p.m. ON MASS PANIC AND OTHER FAVORITE MYTHS - Robert L. Hall,
concerning MUFONET should write Ph.D., Sociologist; St. Michaels, Maryland
to Mr. Komar at 4769 Lake Ridge 2:30 p.m. EXPERIENCED ANOMALOUS TRAUMA. NEW DIRECTIONS - Rima E.
Drive, Memphis, TN 38109 or con- Laibow. M.D., Psychiatrist; Dobb's Ferry, New York
tact him on his voice line (901) 3:30 p.m. COFFEE OR COKE BREAK
785-4819 or the data line (901) 4:00 p m. PANEL - Questions and Answers - Panelists: John Brandenburg, Antonio
785-4943. Huneeus, Robert L. Hall, Rima E. Laibow, Ed and Frances Walters, Donald
M. Ware, Walter H. Andrus, Jr
Continued on next page
Thomas P. Stults, Illinois State Director; Downers Grove, Illinois
5:05 p.m Announcements and Adjournment - Charles D. Flannigan

MUFON UFO JOURNAL No. 266 June 1990

MESSAGE, Continued MUFONET Lapel Pins by the post office department and the
automatic destruction of their Jour-
Field Investigator's Manual Franklin Youri, former State Sec- nal. MUFON cannot be responsible
tion Director in San Jose, Calif., pur- for replacement copies when this
Since a major revision for the future chased oval-shaped MUFON lapel occurs.
fourth edition of the MUFON Field In- pins with the gold colored logo over Due to inherent problems that oc-
vestigator's Manual could not be ac- a black background. Both MUFON cur from time to time, the Mutual
complished before running out of the and Mr. Youri still have a small sup- UFO Network cannot and will not
third edition, 500 more copies were ply. This is an opportunity to display guarantee the date that your monthly
printed to bridge this period. All your MUFON lapel pin at the sym- magazine will be mailed or received.
manuals mailed after April 1, 1990 posium, share as a gift or award to However, we do guarantee that each
have the new Computer Input Form members completing their Field In- member/subscriber will be mailed
2 {3 pages) and the 11-page "Instruc- vestigator's classes. The price is $4 twelve issues for their annual subscrip-
tions for Completion" enclosed to each by writing to MUFON, 103 tion. Considering that the MUFON
make them current. Anyone desiring Oldtowne Road, Seguin, TX 78155 UFO JOURNAL is the only monthly
to update their present manual should (postage and handling is included.) UFO magazine in the world, every
write to MUFON by postcard or let- subscriber is treated to a" exceptional
ter, requesting the Computer Input Timely Status of Journal value compared to bimonthly or
Form 2 and instructions. quarterly publications selling for the
The MUFON UFO Journal has same annual price.
Rocky Mountain UFO Conference been late in being mailed since the
January 1990 issue. The problem Twenty-first Anniversary
The llth Annual Rocky Mountain may be attributed to both the Editor
Conference on UFO Investigation will and Associate Editor being out of May 31, 1990 marked the twenty-
be held June 28, 29 and 30, 1990 at town visiting their immediate families first anniversary of the founding of the
the School of Extended Studies, during the Christmas holidays. Con- Mutual UFO Network for which we
University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY, sidering the logistics of composing, are extremely proud. We are indebted
conducted by June O. Parnell, Ph.D. typesetting, printing and mailing 2600 to the dedicated people who have
and R. Leo Sprinkle, Ph.D. The pur- copies per month, we have found it been responsible for building MUFON
pose of the conference is to provide difficult to recoup the time that has into not only the leading, but the
an opportunity for UFO experiences been lost this year. The problem world's largest UFO organization.
and UFO investigators to become ac- became even more serious when the Starting in September 1967 as
quainted and to share information April issue was not placed in the mail SKYLOOK, the June 1990 MUFON
about UFO experiences. until May 7th. The May issue was UFO JOURNAL commemorates the
Speakers and workshop leaders mailed during the last week of the 266th consecutive monthly issue, sur-
scheduled on June 29 and 30 are month. The June issue will be ready passing any past or present UFO
Marilyn J. Sprinkle, Penny Goodson- for the printers before Dennis Stacy publication. Yes, we have reason to
Kjome, Jane A. Rock, June Parnell, flies to England and Hungary in June be proud of all of you who made this
Ph.D., Ann Foster, Michael Grosso, on UFO related business. The feat possible. We look forward to
Ph.D., Ann B. Druffel, and Dr. MUFON 1990 International UFO many more years of rewarding
Rauni-Leena Luukanen-Kilde. The Symposium in Pensacola and travel association and healthy growth.
conference will open with a get ac- plans will steal valuable days in July Thank you.
quainted session on Thursday, June from both our schedules. Obviously,
28th at 7:00 p.m. in the Medicine my wife and I feel that our attendance
Bow Room. at the symposium is a priority item in CHANGE OF ADDRESS
The single rate registration fee is our annual UFO schedule.
$35 before June 1st and $40 per per- The late April issue prompted MEMBERS/SUBSCRIBERS
son thereafter. For further details numerous telephone calls, letters and
please write to llth Rocky Mountain postcards inquiring about disposition Advise change of address
Conference of UFO Investigation, of our monthly magazine when it did (include county and
Conferences and Institutes, P.O. Box not arrive promptly. Some new phone no.) to:
3972. Laramie, WY 82071-3927 or members feared that the Postal Ser-
contact June O. Pamell, 1151 Hidalgo vice had misplaced or lost their copy MUFON
Drive, Laramie, WY 82070 or and were seeking replacement copies,
telephone (307) 742-3399. Dr. Other members failed to advise us of 103 Oldtowne Rd.
Pamell is MUFON's State Director for their new mailing addresses when Seguin, Texas 78155-4099
Wyoming. they moved, resulting in a notification

MUFON UFO JOURNAL No. 266 June 1990

IMPLANT, Continued

ease. The patient showed signifi-

"If anybody is able to
cant recovery. He was soon able suggest an answer to
to walk better and no longer uses this mystery we would
a cane when at home. His speech
also improved. like to have it. We are
Similar experiments conducted
on laboratory rats have revealed
as intrigued as we are
that fetal cells transplanted di- ignorant."
rectly into the brain can continue
to grow and produce dopamine,
an important brain chemical intact, and look at the possibili-
necessary for normal, controlled ties.
muscle movements.
Nature Report Behavior Modifiers?
Most intriguing is a report Any other approach is to per- Donald R Schmitt
from Nature, Vol 323, dated mit wild speculation and distrust Symposium Speaker and
September 25, 1986 Drs. John to rule, and this is absolutely of Wisconsin State Director
Wolstenholme, Ian Harlow, no service to anyone. Many peo-
George Clarke, Hilary Sheridan, ple now believe that the implants
Jon Jonasson, Mark Crocker and are there as a way of monitoring
Helen Matthews of the De- or controlling their behavior. A
partment of Genetics, Churchill few are believed to be tiny trans-
Hospital, Headington, England, ceivers for the purpose of com-
reported finding a mystery object municating in one way or anoth-
amid the chromosomes. er. And a few people even be- On June 2, 1990 all 600 seats in the
Their report is as follows: "The lieve that the implants were put ballroom at the Pensacola Hilton
very tiny object shown below there to help them overcome Hotel have been reserved (sold-out).
(See page 18), much like a frag- some life-threatening condition. Arrangements have been made to
mented crossword in appearance, These and other beliefs are handle the overflow attendees by
was recently found in one of our undeniably interesting. However, providing two rooms in the Hilton to
routine chromosome preparations it is time to move beyond the seat 100 people where they will view
for prenatal diagnosis following belief barrier toward some real the speakers on closed-circuit TV. A
amniocentesis. answers. Fortunately, this is one room for 196 people has been
"But what is it? Is it a man- realm of the abduction issue scheduled at the nearby Park Inn
made device? Packing text as available for laboratory analysis. Hotel where the speakers may be
binary coded information on the I am considering the implant viewed on a large screen TV with a
miniature scale would seem issue as part of my catalog of
one hour delay. A reduced total
advantageous. Or is it a naturally medical and psychological effects
price ($25.00) will prevail for both
occurring substance? resulting from UFO reports. I
of the above presentations.
"None of the possibilities we would greatly appreciate receiv-
The exhibits, displays, registration
have been able to think of would ing further information on this
desk and sales tables in Grand Cen-
seem to be appropriate for amni- subject from anyone willing to
tral Station at the Hilton will be open
otic fluid, so if anybody is able to share the information, which I
to everyone. Every effort is being ex-
suggest an answer to this mys- believe to be for a good cause.
tery we would like to have it. We tended to accommodate the an-
I can be reached at P. O. Box
ticipated crowd. Anyone holding an
are as intrigued as we are igno- 58485, Houston, TX, 77258-8485.
rant." advanced registration for the sym-
posium, that will be unable to at-
It is hardly the intent of this
tend, should obtain a refund im-
brief monologue to argue wheth-
mediately from Art Hufford so their
er or not abductions are real, or
whether or not implants exist. seats may be used for people on the
Instead, it is hoped that more waiting list. Also, please cancel your
researchers will take the implant hotel reservations so the rooms may
issue seriously, keep their egos be sold to others desiring to attend.

MUFON UFO JOURNAL No. 266 June 1990

^Director's 9Vtesscuje
Walter H. Andfus, Jr.
MUFON 1990 Symposium Hampton Inn in Pensacola. Mrs. Other events scheduled include the
Lyons has arranged with the Pensacola following: Press Conference on Fri-
The theme for the MUFON 1990 Hilton, (904) 433-3336, to provide day, July 6 at 1:30 p.m. for the
International UFO Symposium in the telephone numbers of the hotels speakers who have already arrived.
Pensacola, Florida is "UFO's: The Im- or motels currently accepting reserva- Dan Wright is moderating the annual
pact of E.T. Contact Upon Society." tions, so as to minimize long distance State and Asst. State Directors
It will convene on the weekend of Ju- calls. Interest in attending the 1990 meeting (or their authorized represen-
ly 6, 7 and 8 at the beautiful Pen- UFO Symposium has exceeded tatives) on Friday, July 6 from 9:30
sacola Hilton Hotel, only a few miles all expectations. The ballroom at the a.m. to 4 p.m. The four Regional
from the Gulf Breeze Sightings that Pensacola Hilton will seat 600 people. Directors will also preside. The An-
are continuing after over two years. See "News Rash" in this issue for over- nual MUFON Corporate Board of
Sponsored by the Mutual UFO Net- flow accommodations (page 23). Directors Meeting will be held Sunday
work, the symposium will be hosted Delta Airlines is the official airline morning, July 8 from 9 a.m. till noon,
by Pensacola MUFON with Vicki P. for the 1990 Symposium. Delta is of- or 7 to 10 a.m. Donald M. Ware,
Lyons, General Chairperson; Charles fering 40% off regular coach fares Eastern Regional Director, has
D. Flannigan, State Director; Carol and 5% off their lowest available fare. scheduled a closed meeting (by invi-
and Rex Salisberry, Co-State Section Seniors (age 62 or older) get an ad- tation only) for Monday, July 9. All
Directors; and Donald M. Ware, ditional 10% off the lowest available MUFON Board of Directors, who can
Eastern Regional Director. fare. To get these discounts, you must stay over another day, are invited.
The speaking program agenda is call: 1-800-768-5463; ask for Reagan The MUFON 1990 International
listed separately in this issue of the or Sue at Gulf Breeze Travel and tell UFO Symposium Proceedings will be
Journal. A "Get Acquainted" Recep- them that you are coming to the on sale at the symposium in Pen-
tion with hors d'oeuvres will be held MUFON Symposium. Since only a sacola for $15 and after July 20 from
Friday evening, July 6, from 6 to 9 limited number of seats at these prices MUFON in Seguin, Texas for $15 plus
p.m. Cost: $5 per person before June are allocated on each flight, the airline $1.50 for postage and handling.
1; advance reservations are required. tickets have been selling fast
A cash bar will be available. The ad- Due to popular demand, Mrs. National UFO Information Week
vance registration fee for all five Lyons has arranged with Avis Car
speaking sessions is $35.00 before Rentals special rates for those want- The Sixth National UFO Informa-
June 1 and $40 thereafter. ing to rent a car to tour Gulf Breeze tion Week has been scheduled for
A chartered bus tour of UFO sites at night or transportation from motels August 12-19, 1990. This will be an
in the Gulf Breeze area is scheduled to the Pensacola Hilton. Low daily ideal opportunity for State and State
for Sunday morning, July 8 from 7:00 and weekly special convention rates Section groups to set up photo ex-
a.m. to 9:45 a.m. Advance reserva- are available with unlimited mileage. hibits, displays, booths for receiving
tions for the bus tour are required; bus To reserve a car at the discount rate UFO sighting reports from the public
fee: $12 per person before June 1. call: 1-800-331-1600 and give the and closed circuit TV showing of UFO
(Four buses have already been sold- reservationist this AWD number: documentaries, etc. in shopping malls
out and more are available.) A/B794606. These rates are good for and libraries. Advance planning is re-
The Pensacola Hilton is located at the symposium, as well as one week quired in order to reserve space in
200 East Gregory St., Pensacola, FL before and one week after. Cars can these facilities and to construct the ex-
32501 (downtown). Due to the large be rented for a week with unlimited hibits and displays. Marge Christen-
attendance at the symposium, all mileage for as low as $79 per week sen, Director of Public Education,
rooms at the Pensacola Hilton have plus tax. heartily endorses this program in
been sold-out. The Park Inn Hotel at Send the advance symposium order to take advantage of the re-
223 East Garden St., telephone registration form or a letter with your surging interest in UFOs by the public,
number (904) 433-8331. is also sold- check to: Art Hufford, 2300 Hall- printed media and television.
out, as is the Day's Inn Motel on mark Drive, Pensacola, FL 32503.
Palafox and Cervantes streets. Reser- Mark your check payable to: MUFON
vations are now being taken by the 1990 Symposium. Continued on page 20

MUFON UFO JOURNAL No. 266 June 1990

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