11 CB Exercises of Unit 12 - 1 - T I 123doc - VN

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Exercise 1. Choose one word whose underlined part is pronounced differently. Identify your answer by circling the corresponding letter A, B, C, or D. 1. A. come 2. A. nature 3. A. agriculture 4. A. happens 5. A.mountain B. capture B. Asian B variety B. understands B. o tain C. coexist C. squash C. solidarity C. stops C. contain D.appreciate D. spacious D. charity D. give D. remain

Exercise 2. Choose one word whose stress pattern is different. Identify your answer by circling the corresponding letter A, B, C, or D. !. A. advance ". A. intercultural $. A. gymnast '. A. consumption 1(. A. anniversary B. aquatic B. o##icial B. gymnasium B. ecologist B. universal C. discharge C. extinct C. %no&ledge C pesticide C. disappointed D. deepen D. alternative D. maintenance D. endangered D. messenger

Part II. " !A#U$A%& AN' ST%U!TU%E

).Choose fro the four gi!en options ar"ed A, B, C, and D one best answer to co plete each sentence by circling the corresponding letter A, B, C, or D. 11. The film we have just seen ____ A. is the one to interest B. is very interested C. is very interesting D. &hich interests us 12. My mother is the one _____ A. ) love est B. she loves me C. ) used to loving D. loves me 13. The student ______ is from Korea. A. *am shares the room B. &hom *am shares the room to C. *am shares the room &ith D. *am &as sharing the room &ith 14. The experiments _____ show that bird flu an be ured. A. &hich have conducted y scientists + B. &hich conducted y scientists C. &ere conducted y scientists D. scientists have conducted 1!. Those are the "loves ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, A. the ro er &as &earing &hen ) sa& him B. &hich made o# leather C. ma%ing in our #actory D. he uy #or me on my irthday 1#. The house _____ is situated in the ity entre. A. &hich B. &e have -ust ought C. in &here &e live D. he sho& me 1$. The paintin" _____ was stolen 3 days a"o. A. &as painted y .icasso B. &hich are in our art gallery C. the police is loo%ing #or D. the police are loo%ing #or 1%. & li'e the ar ________ A. &hich imported #rom /apan B. he is driving C. &hich have air conditioner D. &hich he is driving it 1(. The rin" _____ is made of "old and diamond. A. she is &earing it B. he gave it to her C. she is &earing D. 0inda li%e 2). The job ______ is very dan"erous. A. he applied #or B. #or it he applied C. he applied #or it D. &hich the coal miners does 21. The man ____________must be intelli"ent and handsome. A. &hom loves her B. &ho loving her C. she is loving D1. she loves 22. *iterature is the subje t _________________ A. l am good in B. ) am terri#ying o# C. ) am ored at D.) am ad at 23. +n le ,o was the president __________ A. &e adore him B. &e adore C. &hom adores us D. &hom &e adore him

24. The film ____________was made in ,ollywood last year. A. &e are going to see tonight B. &hich &e &ent to see tonight C. &hich a out star &ars D. &hich 2!. Mr. -a is the tea her ____________ A. &ho taught me 2nglish at school B. &hom ) respect him C. &ho o#ten help me D. ) told you a out him 2#. The problems ___________at the meetin" are very important. A. they are discussed B. they are discussing a out C. a out &hich they are discussing D.they are discussing 2$. .ietnam is situated in the southeast________________/ A. Asian B. Asia C. A#rica D. 3rient 2%. Mr. ,un" is the tea her who tea hes us _____ A. gymnast B. gymnasium C. gymnastic D. gymnastics 2(. 0l"a is a "ood ________________ A1 gymnast B. gymnasium C. gymnastic D. gymnastics 3). 1very day she pra tises in the ____________________ A. gymnast B gymnasium C. gymnastic D. gymnastics 31._____________from all over the world ta'e part in the 0lympi 2ames. A. Athlete B. Athletic C.Athletes D. 4ymnast 32. 3ou loo' very __________ in your white shorts. A. athlete B athletic C. athletes D. athletics 33. &n spite of the bad weather the plane __________ safely at 4oi -ai airport. A. land B. landed C. landing D. to land 34. 5e are ma'in" our "reat _______________to finish the wor' on s hedule. A. love B. %no&ledge C. e##ort D. appreciation 35. 5e highly ,,,,, your help. A. appreciation B. appreciate C. understand D. advance 3#. 6eople who ouldn7t "et ti 'ets for the 2))# final international football mat h ________ in the ars &ith ig 67 sets to &atch it. A. gathered B. &ent C. came D. arrived 3$. The _____ show we went to last ni"ht was very interestin". A. vary B. variety C. various D. varying 3%. There are_________ ways to learn a forei"n lan"ua"e. A. vary B. variety C. various D. varying 3(. 8id .ietnamese athletes ta'e the 14th 9sian 2ames: A. action on B. parts o# C. part in D. medals in 4). ,ow many "old medals ______ at the 14 th 9sian 2ames: A. &ere the 7ietnamese athletes &inning B. do the 7ietnamese athletes &in C. have the 7ietnamese athletes &on D. had the 7ietnamese athletes &on 41. Thailand was the _____ ountry of the 13th 9sian 2ames. A. organi8ed B. host C. success#ully D. hostile 42. Tennis was one of the sports _____ at the 3rd 9sian 2ames. A. add B. adding C.added D. that added 43. 9e is interested in sports such as s&imming1 and sur#ing. A. &atering B. team C. aquatic D. competing 44. Marty people li'e football be ause it is a very ____________ sport. A. strong B. aquatic C. un#air D. competitive 4!. *y 8u ; a .ietnamese athlete; has won several "old medals in ______ A. s&imming B. %aratedo C. ody uilding D. &eighthlting 4#. &7m sure we will win be ause we have some advanta"es over our ___________ A. competition B. competitors C. competitive D. compete 4$. <ome new sports were introdu ed at the 13th 9sian 2ames ___________ in Thailand. A. made B. &hich held C. ta%ing D. held 4%.+sually people who are "ood at math an ___________well. A play chess B. do %arate C. s&im D.#ly a %ite 4(. The runner who omes to the finish first will win the _____ A.games B. gold medal C. match D. racing !). ,e a"reed to help me______________ A. enthusiastically B. enthusiastic C. enthusiasm D. immediate

http://thuyquynh.violet.vn/ TEST 1 I. #$%&I'%E C()ICE *

A. ERROR IDENTIFICATION : Identify one underlined word or phrase that is incorrect: 1. All o# &e &ill e very happy to come. a c d 2. A #irst:aid %it is necessary in case someone #eel ill. a c d 3. Can you go to shopping &ith me to uy the things &e need #or the trip; a c d 4. 5hat did the &eather li%e that day;: )t &as eauti#ul. a c d 5. 5e loo% #or&ard to meet you all at ! a.m on *ovem er 5th . a c d B. '+),$,CIA&I), * Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently fro the rest* -.a. ago . pagoda c. a out d. ca%e ".a. tent . eside c. send d. tell $.a. days . caves c. campers d. parents '.a. visited . studied c. elieved d. seemed 1(.a. ca%e . city c. cat d. cream C. .)CAB$%A+/ 0 1+A##A+* Choose one word or phrase that best fits the blan" space in each sentence* 11. Camping is an activity ,,,,,,, people live outdoors temporarily. a. in &hich . &hich c. that d. &hom 12. <ou are not allo&ed ,,,,,, here &ithout permission. a. camping . to camp c. y camping d. camped 13. )=ll return Bo =s pen to him the next time ) ,,,,,,, him. a. &ill see . sa& c. see d. have seen 14. 5e hope the excursion &ill help us ,,,,,,, a lot a#ter &or%ing hard. a. e relaxed . relaxing c. relaxed d.relax 15. 5e ,,,,, tonight until &e #inish this chapter. a. are going to study . study c. studied d. have studied 1!. )=m &riting to tell you ,,,,, ne&s. a. many . another c. a piece o# d. a #e& 1". Campers participate,,,,, many outdoor activities. a. in . on c. &ith d. at 1$. Camping ma%es youngsters ,,,,,, more con#ident. a. to #eel . #eeling c. #eel d. #elt 1'. >hall &e go and ,,,,,, soccer. a. play .&in c. miss d. lose 2(. *ever in my li#e ,,,,, such a &onder#ul sight. a. ) have seen . seen ) have c. have seen ) d. have ) seen 21. 6here are a lot o# lac% clouds in the s%y. )t ,,,,,. a. has een raining . is going to rain c. rained d. &as raining 22. 5e ,,,,, s%iing in the ?rench Alps last year. a. 5on . played c. &ent d. lost 23. 6han% you very much ,,,,, your invitation. a. &ith . a out c. o# d. #or 24. @y class ,,,,,, to pay a visit to the Botanical 4arden. a. en-oyed . #inished c. decided d. ris%ed 25. 6hey may not &ant to let me ,,,,, the night a&ay #rom home. a. to stay . staying c. stayed d. stay 2!. 6he &eather is ,,,,, &armer no&. a. the . much c. very d. too 2". @y class is going ,,,,, a oat trip on 0a%e @ichigan. a. &ith . in c. on d. #or 2$. ) ,,,,, in .aris #or over a &ee% no&. a. am . &ere c. have een d. am eing

2'.,,,,,, 1 &e got there -ust t&o minutes e#ore our coach le#t. a. 0uc%y . Anluc%y c. 0uc% d. 0uc%ily 3(. ) ,,,,, go out #or dinner. a. &as used to . used to c. didn=t use d. never used D. COM RE!EN"ION: #. Read the followin$ passa$e and choose the %est answer: I was born in Newcastle, a city in the North East of England. Newcastle is on the bank of the River Tyne. It is quite big, with a population of about 2 , people. There is a cathedral and a university. There are five bridges over the River Tyne, which link Newcastle to the ne!t town, "ateshead, where there is one of the biggest shopping centers in the world. # few years ago, the $ain industries were shipbuilding and coal$ining, but now the che$ical and soap industries are i$portant. I $oved to %ondon ten years ago but I often return to Newcastle. I $iss the people, who are very friendly, and I $iss the beautiful countryside near the city, where there are so $any hills and strea$s. 31. 4ew astle is _______. a. a city near the *orth 2ast o# 2ngland . a small to&n in 2ngland c. a city in the *orth 2ast o# 2ngland d. a city in the *orth o# 2ngland 32. The population of 4ew astle is _______. a. 2((1((( people . much less than 2((1((( people c. much more than 2((1((( people d.a out 2((1((( people 33. 2ateshead has one of _______ in the world. a. the largest rivers .the most important ship uilding industries c.the most eauti#ul countrysides d .the iggest shopping centers 34. 9 ordin" to the passa"e; the writer _______ . a. is still living in *e&castle . has never returned to *e&castle c. doesnBt live in *e&castle any more d. has come ac% to live in *e&castle 3!. 5hi h of the followin" is 40T true about 4ew astle : a. )ts people are #riendly. . )ts main industry no& is ship uilding. c. )t has a cathedral and a university. d. )t is next to 4ateshead. &. Read the passa$e and 'a(e the correct choice: .eople C3!D ,,,,, the &orld en-oy hi%ing to &ilderness campsites. 6his activity is called ac%pac%ing C3"D ,,,,, it involves carrying a ac%pac% &hich C3$D ,,,,, such essential camping gear as a tent1 a sleeping ag1 #ood and clothing. Bac%pac%ing is est suited C3'D ,,,,, those &ho are in good physical condition as it may require &al%ing C4(D ,,,,, miles. 3!.a. over . through c. all d. throughout 3".a. though . i# c. so that d. ecause 3$.a. contains . consists c. %eeps d. is 3'.a. &ith . #or c. y d. to 4(.a. another . a little c. several d. much II. 2+I&I,1* +ewrite the following sentences* 41. 6he lesson &as very di##icult. 6hey couldn=t understand it. 6he lesson &as too ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,. 42. >he spent 4 hours &riting this letter. )t too% ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,. 43. 6he excursion &as so great that &e couldn=t #orget it. )t &as such ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,. 44. @y parents o#ten &ent to the movies at the &ee%ends. @y parents used ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,. 45. 9e &as too short to play volley all. 9e &asn=t ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,. Exercise 2. #a"e up eaningful sentences fro the gi!en words. 4#. poli eman= 5illiam> *ive= next door. A. 6he policeman &hich is 5illiam lives next door. B. 6he policeman &hose name is 5illiam lives next door. C. 6he policeman lives next door is 5illiam. D. 5illiam is the policeman &hom lives next door. 4$. 'nife= robber= use = 'ill = man = on= table. A. 6he %ni#e the ro er used to %ill the man is on the ta le. B. 6he %ni#e is on the ta le &hich the ro er used to %ill the man.

C. 6he %ni#e &hich the ro er uses #or %ill the man is on the ta le. D. 6he %ni#e used to %ill the man the ro er put it on the ta le. 4%. houses=situate= ity entre= expensive= those=suburb. A. 9ouses situating in the city centre are more expensive than ones in the su ur . B. houses &hich situate in the city centre are more expensive those in the su ur . C. 9ouses are situated in the city centre &hich are more expensive those in the su ur . D. 9ouses situated in the city centre are more expensive than those in the su ur . 4(. <he an7t have any more hildren be ause of her a"e. a. >he is too old to have any more children. . >he is old enough to have any more children. c. >he is too young to have any more children. d. >he is young enough to have any more children. !). Mary is better at maths than <usan. a. >usan isn=t so &ell at maths as @ary is. . >usan isn=t so good at maths as @ary is. c. >usan isn=t so good at maths as @ary does. d. >usan isn=t as &ell at maths as @ary is. &E3& 2 I. 3ounds and stress* Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently fro the others* 1. A. simple B. little C. dimple D. s&eet 2. A. de#eat B. unleaded C. elieve D. leader 3. A. mon%ey B. don%ey C. grey D. %ey 4. A. creature B. creamy C. creative D. crease 5. A. meeting B. receive C. #eature D. dea#en Choose the word whose ain stress is placed differently fro the others* !. A. routine B. o##ice C. technology D. iology ". A. history B. education C. literature D. chemistry $. A. passenger B. peasant C. quarter D. to acco '. A. u##alo B. neigh our C. happily D. occupation 1(. A. arrive B. another C. #ello& D. contented II. .ocabulary 0 1ra ar* 11.) &ill see him &hen he ,,,,,,, here tomorro&. A. comes B. &ill come C. has come D. had come 12. 6he oys ro%e a &indo& &hen they ,,,,,,,, #oot all. A. played B. &ere playing C. had played D.are playing 13. 5hat ,,,,,,, to you yesterday ; A. happened B. did happen C. had happen D. has happened 14. ) ,,,,,,,, a out him &hen suddenly he came in. A. tal% B. tal%ed C. am tal%ing D.&as tal%ing 15. .lease don=t touch anything e#ore ,,,,,,,,. A. the police &ill come B. the police comes C. the police come D. the police &ould come 1!. >he used to ,,,,,,,, her living y delivering vegeta les to local hotels. A. earn B. gain C. get D. &in 1". E5hen ,,,,,,,;F : E)n 1'2$F. A. penicillin &as discovered B. &as penicillin discovered C. did penicillin discovered D. did penicillin discover 1$. *o ody %no&s &hat the ,,,,,,, o# the explosion &as. A. source B. cause C. reaction D. reason 1'. 6he ne&spaper report contained ,,,,, important in#ormation. A. many B. another C. an D. a lot o# 2(. Don=t ma%e noise. @y mother ,,,,,,, &ith her #riends. A. is tal%ing B. &as tal%ing C. tal%s D. tal%ed 21. @y sister has a a y daughter yesterday1 and she is my #irst ,,,,,,,,. A. nephe& B. cousin C. niece D. relation 22. ,,,,,,, the teacher gave me a passing grade. A. A#ter ta%ing the test B. A#ter ) ta%e the test C. A#ter ) too% the test D. A#ter ) ta%en the test 23. 6he tra##ic lights ,,,,,,, to green and the cars drove on. A. exchanged B. turned C. removed D. shone 24. )t=s at least a month since ,,,,,,, 6om.

A. ) last seen B. ) last see C. ) have last seen D. ) last sa& 25. 5e=ll play tennis and ,,,,,,, &e=ll have lunch. A. then B. straight a&ay C. immediately D. so 2!. *ot until dar%ness #ell ,,,,,,, he hadn=t done hal# o# his &or%. A. that he reali8ed B. did he reali8e C. that he didn=t reali8e D. didn=t he reali8e 2". 6a%e the num er " us and get ,,,,,,, at ?orest Goad. A. up B. do&n C. outside D. o## 2$. ) ,,,,,,, her since ) ,,,,,,, a student. A. %no&Ham B. %ne&H&as C. have %no&nHam D.have %no&nH&as 2'. 6he policeman ,,,,,,, me the &ay. A. told B. said C. explained D. directed 3(. 9e ,,,,,,, his -o last month and since then he ,,,,,,, out o# &or%. A. has lostHis B. had lostH&as C. lostHhas een D. lostHhad een 31. @y mother &as ,,,,,,, o# ma%ing a ca%e &hen the #ront door ell rang. A. at the center B. on her &ay C. in the middle D. hal#&ay through 32. <esterday1 &hen ) ,,,,,,, at the station1 the train ,,,,,,, #or 15 minutes. A. arrivedHhad le#t B. arriveHhas le#t C. arrivedHle#t D.had arrivedHle#t 33. )s there a an% &here ) can ,,,,,,, these pounds #or dollars ; A. exchange B. turn C. alter D. arrange 34. ,,,,,,, &ith the oo% ) lent you last &ee% ; A. 9ad you #inished B. 9ave you #inished C. Do you #inish D. Did you #inish 35. ,,,,,,, #rom Bill1 all the students said they &ould go. A. 2xcept B. 3nly C. Apart D. >eparate 3!. .eople ,,,,,,, 2nglish and ?rench in Canada. A. spea% B. have spo%en C. had spo%en D. are spea%ing 3". 5hen ) got to the hospital1 she ,,,,,,, in the &aiting room. A. sat B. had sat C. &as sitting D. has sitting 3$. 6he light ,,,,,,, out &hile &e &ere having tea. A. &as going B. &ent C. had gone D. has gone 3'. 5hen the starter gave the ,,,,,,, all the competitors in the race egan to run round the trac%. A. signal B. &arning C. shot D. sho& 4(. ) sa& a thie# ta%e *orman=s &allet so ) ran ,,,,,,, him1 ut ) didn=t catch him. A. into B. a#ter C. over D. near .. Error Identification* Identify one underlined word or phrase that is incorrect: 41. 5e al&ays go to school y #oot ecause &e don=t live #ar #rom it. A B C D 42. Be#ore going to ed. @rs. 6uyet usually read something or &atches some programs A B C D on television. 43. )t=s ten years since &e have le#t school in 1''!. A B C D 44. 2very ody danced and sang happy at the party last night. A B C D 45. ) &as &or%ing really hard in my o##ice yesterday &hen the electricity is out. A B C D 4!. ) li%e classical music very much so ) rarely listen to it &henever ) have #ree time. A B C D 4". 9istory lessons seems to go on and on to me ecause ) never #eel li%e this su -ect. A B C D 4$. ) can=t remem er the name o# the girl &ho sitting next to me at the party last &ee%end. A B C D 4'. >he usually has a glass o# mil% a#ter rea%#ast1 ut no& she drin%s a cup o# co##ee. A B C D 5(. .eople say that during 5orld 5ar ))1 many &omen ta%e over the usinesses #or their A B C

a sent hus ands. D &E3& 4 I.#a"e the correct choice* 1.Conservation is the sa#eguarding and ,,,,,,,, o# natural resources. a. preservation . prevention c. rotation d. erosion 2.6he #ight against ,,,,,,,, is an important part o# conservation. a. solution . pollution c. revolution d. evolution 3. 2nvironmental pollution is one o# the most ,,,,,,,, pro lems #acing man%ind. a. ad . serious c. est d. &orst 4.6he industrial development is concerned ,,,,,,,, air pollution. a.in .&ith c.a out d.on 5.Dirty air is chiefly a city pro lem. a.only .-ust c.mainly d.even !.6o protect &ild:li#e1 many countries have passed la&s restricting hunting and #ishing. a.limiting . anning c.providing d.preventing ".Conservation also includes searching ,,,,,,,, alternative #uels such as the energy o# the sun. a.into .a out c.#or d.&ith $. .ut the cigarette out. <ou are not allo&ed ,,,,,,, in here. a.to smo%e .smo%ing c.smo%e d.smo%ed '. )t=s hot in here. ,,,,,,, opening the &indo&s ; a.5ould you li%e .5ould you mind c.5ould you d.Could you 1(. ) &ish ) ,,,,,,, smo%ing no&. a. give up . &ill give up c. could give up d. can give up 11. 6he teacher explained the lesson again ,,,,,,, his students could grasp the main points o# this lesson. a. in order #or . so that c. i# d. ecause 12. 6here is a ,,,,,,, o# #ood and &ater in the re#ugee camp. a. shortage . drainage c. rea%age d. marriage 13. 9er hus and=s sudden ,,,,,,, made her li#e meaningless. a. dead . death c. die d. deadly 14. 6he lesson &as so ,,,,,,, that most o# them #ell asleep in the middle. a. uninteresting . interesting c. ored d. exciting 15. Do you ,,,,,,, smo%e; 6here=s a #ire do&n the street . a. ever . #eel c. usually d. smell 1!. )# ) had gone to the party last night1 ) ,,,,,,, tired no&. a. &ould e . am c. &ill e d. &ould have een 1". 6his is the school ,,,, my #ather used to teach. a. there . &hich c. &here d. that 1$. )# the &eather ,,,, nice1 &e &ill come to see you on >unday. a. &ill e . is c. &ere d. are 1'. A #oot all player is a person ,,,,, plays #oot all. a. &ho . he c. &hom d. &hose 2(. )# >he spo%e 2nglish &ell1 she ,,,,, the -o . a. got . &ould have got c. &ill get d. &ould get 21. 0i#e ,,,,,, the earth &ould e a##ected i# &ild plants and animals disappeared. a. in . on c. through d. over 22. 3ur sources o# energy &ill soon end ,,,, other sources are #ound. a. i# . ecause c. unless d. other&ise 23. )t=s very %ind ,,,, you to help me ,,,, the money. a. to H &ith . o# H &ith c. o# H a out d. to H a out 24. 6he goods in this shop &ere ,,,,, displayed on the shelves. a. attraction . attracted c. attractive d. attractively 25. 6o our great ,,,,, 1 it rained on the day o# the picnic. a. disappointing . disappointed c. disappointment d. disappointedly II. +ead the following passage and choose the best answer*

@an cannot exist &ithout air1 &ater and light. @any people thin% that soil is also necessary to man=s existence. 5ithout soil there could e no vegetation1 no animals and consequently no people. 9o&ever1 the soil is eing eroded day a#ter day ecause people use the land &ithout paying attention to the protection o# land and the prevention o# soil erosion. )n many rural areas1 soil erosion is a ma-or pro lem &hich endangers the development o# agriculture. #. If there were no air) no water and no li$ht) 'an *****. a. &ould live on the earth . &ould survive c. &ould disappear #rom the earth d. could exist on the earth &. Many people thin( that soil ******. a. is use#ul #or man . is o# no importance to man c. is unnecessary #or man d. depends on man=s existence +. The soil is %ein$ eroded day after day %ecause ******. a. people al&ays prevent soil erosion .people usually protect the land c. people manage to use the land &ith care d. people pay no attention to the protection o# land ,. "oil erosion is a 'a-or pro%le' in 'any rural areas %ecause *****. a. it can e solved right no& . it is dangerous #or agriculture c. it is the development o# agriculture d. it is o# great use to people &e can develop alternative sources of power, and '() ***** we try we+ll never succeed. Instead of burning fossil fuels we should be concentrating '2) *****$ore econo$ic uses of electricity, because electricity can be ',) ***** fro$ any source of energy. If we didn+t waste so '-) ***** energy, our resources would last longer. .nless we do research on '/) ***** energy, wind power, wave power, tidal power, hydroelectric sche$es etc, our fossil fuels will run '0) *****, and we+ll all free1e or starve to death. 2ther countries are spending $uch $ore than us on research, and don+t forget '3) ***** energy fro$ the sun, the waves and the wind lasts for ever. &e really won+t survive unless we '4) ***** working on cleaner, safer sources of energy. 1.a. i# 2.a. on 3.a. done 4.a. many 5.a. sunny !.a. out ".a. an $.a. manage . although . a out . produced . a lot o# . earthly . up . &hich . start c. unless c. &ith c. ta%en c. a great deal o# c. solar c. o## c. &hat c. &ant d. ecause d. o# d. prevented d. much d. &orldly d. do&n d. that d. seem

EXERCISE : Rewrite the following sentences :

1H >he is sorry she doesn=t live near her &or%. >he &ishes ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 2H )=m sorry our garden doesn=t get any sun. ) &ish ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 3H )=m sorry ) can=t drive. ) &ish ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 4H )t=s a pity she can=t ta%e shorthand. >he &ishes ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 5H )t=s a pity shops here shut on >aturdays. ) &ish ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, !H 6hey are sorry they can=t come tonight. 6hey &ish ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, "H )t=s a pity &e don=t %no& &here to go. 5e &ish ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, $. 6om is sorry he &on=t e a le to get a promotion next month. 6om &ishes ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 'H 9e is sorry he &ill have to &or% longer hours. 9e &ishes ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

1(H >he is sorry ) can=t help her. >he &ishes ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 11H )=m sorry ) didn=t #inish my home&or% last night. ) &ish ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 12H )=m very sorry ) &as rude to /im=s &i#e. ) &ish ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 13H ) didn=t go to ed early last night.

I wish _____________________________________________________________ 14/ She is sorry she spent so much money. She wishes _________________________________________________________ 15/ We didnt h !e more time " st ni#ht to "isten to your interestin# story. We wish ___________________________________________________________ 16/ $es sorry he to"d her %out it. $e wishes __________________________________________________________ 17/ &ohn didnt t 'e your d!ice. $e wishes __________________________________________________________ 18/ She wont !isit me # in. I wish _____________________________________________________________ 1(/ I didnt 'now how to rep ir the " wn mower. I wish _____________________________________________________________ 2)/ * ri didnt pp"y +or the ,o% in the "i%r ry. * ri wishes _______________________________________________________ 21/ $es sorry th t he isnt stron# enou#h. $e wishes __________________________________________________________ 22/ She w s dis ppointed th t the thie+ h d sto"en the picture. She wishes _________________________________________________________ 23/ -heyre sorry they didnt %oo' their se ts. -hey wish __________________________________________________________

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