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1) How was Data Stored in Olden days and limitations of the same? 2) What is Disk Storage Technology and activities by done them? 3) Discuss in Brief Online Applications. 4) What is PC and 4GL Technology? 5) List the disadvantages of 4GL and PC Technology 6) Explain in Brief Spider Web Technology. 7) Write in brief the Data Warehouse Environment. 8) Evolution of Data Warehouse 2.0 9) Explain a role ETL in data warehouse environment 10) Discuss Data Marts in brief. 11) Distinguish between Active Data Warehouse and Federated Data Warehouse. 12) Drawbacks of Federated Data warehouse 13) Explain STAR schema with suitable example(diagram). 14) Distinguish between First Generation DW and Now. 15) Life Cycle of Data in data warehouse 16) Why is there need of different Sectors in DW 2.0? 17) What is Metadata? Explain in Brief? 18) Importance of Metadata 19) Distinguish between structured and unstructured data. 20) What are the Challenges of Integrating structured data with Unstructured Data? 21) Explain Referential Integrity in DW 2.0 22) Explain in brief Interactive Sector 23) Explain in brief Integrated Sector 24) Explain in brief Near line Sector 25) Explain in brief Archival Sector 26) Explain Unstructured Processing

1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) Explain metadata. Also explain its need. Discuss briefly the architecture for metadata in DW 2.0. List and explain the types of metadata repository. Why is maintaining metadata required? Explain the relationship between the different kinds of metadata Justify the statement Metadata can also be used to define the system of the record for the enterprise data subjects and their data attributes 7) What is taxonomy? List and brief out its types. 8) What is the need of metadata associated with the Archival sector? 9) Explain the spiral methodology for DW 2.0 10) Explain seven stream approaches in short. 11) What is the function of data profiling and mapping stream? 12) Explain how Information Process Quality is improved 13) Explain in brief the two basic types of transaction in data warehousing. 14) What method of data discovery follows the following statement --- I dont know what I want, but I will know it when I see it? (Its heuristic approach!) 15) Define exploration facility. State and explain its characteristics. 16) List the differences between data mart and exploration facility 17) Justify the statement: Exploration facilities are project based as a rule 18) How does frequency of statistical analysis affect the DW 2.0 infrastructure? 19) What are the uses of statistical analysis?

20) Explain the conditions when back flow of data from the exploration facility back into the DW 2.0 environment can be done. 21) What are the sources for exploration processing? 22) Explain the end user perspective of metadata. 23) Why is total information quality management stream required? 24) What do you mean by freezing the data? 25) Can exploration data used in the organization internally? 26) Explain the importance of statistical analysis from the perspective of business analyst? 27) Explain in detail the components of infrastructure management system.

01) Define granular & summarized data. State the distinction between granular & summarized data. 02) What is data model? List & explain different levels of data model. 03) Explain the levels of data model with example. 04) Explain application data model & corporate data model. 05) Write a note on transformation of data model. 06) Explain the importance of data modeling process with respect to business user. 07) Explain data models of unstructured data. 08) What are the different monitoring aspects required in data warehouse 2.0? 09) Write a note on transaction monitoring. 10) Why is peak period called as an important metric used during transaction monitoring? 11) What is a purpose of ETL data quality monitor? 12) Explain the function of data quality monitor. 13) Write a note on dormant data. 14) Why the dormant data is harmful for DW. 15) Explain any 3 basic ways of protecting access to data. 16) Write a note on following: a) Access control B) Encryption c) Firewall. 17) Explain the access control & encryption with its disadvantages? 18) How can moving data offline protect data? 19) Explain the encryption as a security mechanism? 20) How encryption restricted/limited? 21) Explain the threat associated to discrete dump of data by system? 22) Explain in brief data warehouse monitor. 23) How is sensing an attack a protection against security threats to a data warehouse? 24) How is data in near line sector protected?

1) What is the relevance of time for all data in DW2.0? 2) What is the relevance of time in the Interactive sector? 3) What other Factors are considered for data relativity else Where in DW2.0? 4) Write a note on Transaction in Integrated sector? 5) What is discrete data? 6) Write a short note on continuous time span data? 7) Explain with an example the term sequence of records? 8) Do records need to be adjusted or are they non-overlapping 9) What are the option for beginning &ending a sequence of records? 10) How is continuity of data a limitation of discrete data?

11) 12) 13) 14) 15) 16) 17) 18) 19) 20) 21) 22) 23) 24) 25) 26) 27) 28) 29) 30) 31) 32)

What role does time variance play in the archival sector? How important is the role of flow of data throughout the architecture? Explain the process of data entering the interactive sector. What is the role of ETL? How does data flow into the integrated sector? How important is the flow of data into the near line sector? Explain the data flow into the archival sector How do we determine fall in probability of data access? Write a note on Exception based flow of data How is ETL processing related to the changing states of data? What is the job of ETL processing/ Where does ETL processing fit? How does ETL processing function in online mode? How does ETL processing function in batch mode? Explain the terms Source & Target. How does ETL mapping help/write a note on business rule? Describe the situation for more complex transformation How does throughput pose as a problem for ETL? What is the secondary purpose of ETL processing/How is metadata related to ETL processing? What is Audit trail & what is need for one? How does ETL help with the data quality? How are ETL programs created? State its advantages & disadvantages. What are the challenges faced by ETL processing & what are the various approaches taken for handling the situation? 33) What does changed data captured mean & what are the problems associated with it? 34) What is difference between ETL & ELT?

1) What is granularity manager and explain raising level of granularity? 2) Write a note on Filtering data 3) What are the functions of the Granularity Manager? 4) Compare Home grown and Third party granularity manager. 5) Write a note on parallelizing the granularity manager 6) Explain metadata as a byproduct of granularity management. 7) Explain Good performance A cornerstone for DW2.0 8) Write a short note on online response time, Analytic response time & flow of data. 9) Explain Queues with an example & what is heuristic processing 10) What is analytical productivity and response time? 11) What are many facets to performance? 12) What is indexing and why removing dormant data is required. 13) What is the importance of end user education? 14) Why there is a need for monitoring the environment? 15) What do you mean by capacity planning and metadata? 16) How does parallelization of processing enhance performance? 17) Write a note on workload management. 18) State the importance of data mart. 19) What are exploration facilities and service level agreements.? 20) Why there is a need for protecting interactive sector? 21) What are the benefits of partitioning data? 22) State how grouping data together physically should be done to enhance performance.

23) State different ways to enhance performance? 24) Justify the statement--The DW2.0 environment is more like a city than a house 25) Explain the process that DW2.0 environment evolves from adding components incrementally
to unstructured environment migration. 26) Explain swallowing source system & ETL as a shock absorber. 27) What do you mean by migration in perfect world? UNIT-VI List any four of the physical design steps. For two of the selected four, describe the activities. Name the physical design objectives. Which objective do you think ranks as the most important? What are the components that make up the physical model? How are these related to components of the logical model? Give two reasons why naming standards are important in a data warehouse environment. List any three techniques for optimizing storage. Describe these briefly. What is index-only read? How does it improve performance? Give two reasons why B-Tree indexing is superior to other indexing methods. What is meant by the selectivity for a column in a physical table? What type of indexing technique is suitable for low-selectivity data? Why? What is data partitioning? Give two reasons why data partitioning is helpful in a data warehouse environment. What is data clustering? Give an example. List the types of statistics collected for monitoring the functioning of the data warehouse. List four major activities during data warehouse deployment. For two of these four activities, describe the key tasks. Describe briefly the user acceptance procedure. Why is this important? What are the significant considerations for the initial data load? Why is it a good practice to load the dimension tables before the fact tables? What are the two common methods of getting the desktops ready? Which method do you prefer? Why? What topics should the users be trained on initially? Give four common reasons for a pilot system. What is a proof-of-concept pilot? Under what circumstances is this type of pilot suitable? List five common provisions to be found in a good security policy. Give reasons why the data warehouse must be backed up. How is this different from an OLTP system? Describe any six different types of action for growth planning prompted by the statistics collected. How do the statistics help in fine-tuning the data warehouse? Do you think publishing the statistics and similar data for the users is helpful? If so, why? What are the three main subjects in user training content? Why are these essential? Describe any four major tasks needed to prepare a training program. What are the responsibilities of the training administrator? Do you think a multi-tier user support structure is suitable for the data warehouse environment? What are the alternatives? What role can the company's intranet play in training and user support?

1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 15) 16) 17) 18) 19) 20) 21) 22) 23) 24) 25) 26) 27) 28)

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