March 21

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Bronte School Headmasters Newsletter

21st March 2014

The Hall looked a picture for the Year 6 Dinner Party last Fridayso much so that Mr. Bains commented : We know where the next income stream is coming from! The other major event of last Friday was Receptions visit to Howletts Zoo. Everyone had such a lovely day and Mrs. Kybert was delighted by the childrens (and the parents) response.

On Wednesday Year 5 had a wonderful field trip to Eynsford, where they measured the speed of the water at three different sections of the River Darent in support of their work in Geography. The children behaved impeccably and expressed their thanks and enjoyment to Mrs. Rendall, Mrs. Prescott and Mrs. Lippard.

Mrs. Gordon and her Year 6 helpers deserve a great deal of praise for preparing such excellent food and for organising such an immensely enjoyable social occasionthe best ever, Im sure. Mr. Gordon, Mr. and Mrs. Prescott and Mr. and Mrs Bains also appear on the list of credits as well as Mr. and Mrs. Dio for providing the Easter Eggs and Mr. and Mrs. Rati the flowers. So we can say yet again here was another combination of learning and funLabor Ipse Voluptasand another excellent introduction for Mr. Clements, who will be with us again next week from Monday to Thursday. He will be attending the Parents Council meeting on Monday.

Year 5 were also in the news on Monday because it was their assembly. The reality of living through the second World War was dramatically conveyed to an appreciative audience including a number of parents, who were able to attend. Life as an evacuee, coping with time in an air-raid shelter, rationing and sounds and songs of wartime Britain all contributed to the reality and the learning. Thank you, and well done to all of you.

Parents of members of the Junior Choir were given some details yesterday about the choirs participation in the Barnardos Young Supporters Concert on Thursday 3rd July at the ROYAL ALBERT HALL. Mrs. Egan needs to have the T-shirt orders sent to her at school by next Thursday; tickets should be booked direct through the Albert Hall. .. And mentioning music, dont forget the TeaTime Concert on Tuesday 1st April at 2.45pm. More details next week. Next Wednesday is Arts Day. Mrs. Gordon has organised such an interesting day. Miss Amelia will be doing street jazz and musical theatre workshops; there will be mime from Electric Cabaret, painting and drawing in the style of Van Gogh by Artists in School, as well as music and story-telling. MOTHERS DAY SECRETS ROOM is on Thursday. The children need to bring 2 to buy a special gift! Also on Thursday, theres a school team participating in an ISA Indoor Athletics event at Riverston School. We wish them all the best. On Friday it is the Gym Competition in the Hall and parents are most welcome.

LAMDA day seemed to go well on Tuesday. Results will be out in a few weeks time. The WARD HENDRY freestyle photographs have made quite an impact. Please send in your orders by next Thursday 27th or order on linea new idea recently introduced. You probably remember that Mr. Rogers photographed and filmed William N, Bo and Tom at the Houses of Parliament as part of his work in promoting Visit England. If you go on to the Houses of Parliament website, there is this photograph.

Next terms Rounders/Short tennis club, by the way, is for Juniors only. Sorry about any confusion. We are looking forward to the Bronte Friends Committee meeting at the end of school today. We shall aim to complete the list of events for next term. Please keep going with the Easter Raffle and the Sainsburys vouchers.

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