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FRIDAY, 21 MARCH 2014 Session 1 - ROOM 1 moderator: Wiwiet E S 1. Desi Tri Cahyaningati Politeknik Perkapalan Negeri Surabaya Exploring Indonesian Maritime Local Wisdom Through Plays Script Writing Desi Tri Cahyaningati Politeknik Perkapalan Negeri Surabaya Abstract This article describes the implementation of Indonesian local wisdom in Politeknik Perkapalan Negeri Surabaya (PPNS) students plays script writing. PPNS is a shipbuilding vocational institution that cannot be separated from Indonesian Maritime History. Therefore Indonesian maritime history which has rich local wisdom was chosen to be explored in students plays script writing. The writer believed that the theme of Indonesian maritime history could motivate students to develop their writing skill and simultaneously increased their knowledge and interest on local culture. To write the plays, students were asked to do literary study on Indonesian Maritime History. After discussing the local wisdom in the story, they started exploring it in the plays writing. Their plays text were evaluated in the form of portfolio to know the students progress in writing. Finally the written text of those plays were performed in front of the class in which students skills on speaking would also be examined. To know the impact of exploring local wisdom in their plays writing assignments, the students were asked to answer the questionaires. Thus the findings show that PPNS students knowledge and interests on local culture were increased. However students faced some difficulties in translating some local words into English and the grammar used but those problems could be overcomed during the portfolio teaching method. Key Word: local wisdom, plays, maritime history, portfolio 2. Harris Hermansyah Setiajid Universitas Sanata Dharma Yogyakarta Experiencing and Researching in Creative Writing Harris Hermansyah Setiajid Universitas Sanata Dharma Yogyakarta Abstract Creative writers commonly narrate what they undergo and experience in their reachable and affordable vicinity and put them on papers. Nevertheless, there are times when they do research on certain event in order to create a plausible story. This paper tries to compare the two methods, experiencing and researching, which are taught in a creative writing class. The students were asked to write a narrative-style writing based on their own experience. It turned out that the result was somewhat monotonous. They only narrated things such as their experience during holiday, their trial to approach someone they like, 1|Page

their culinary experience, and something like that. For the other assignment, they were instructed to write events which they did not experience, but which should be based on a research and should have high plausibility. The result was somewhat surprising: they narrated a war story, a survival story in a strange place, and many other beyondimagination stories. Keywords: experiencing, researching, plausibility, reachable and affordable vicinity Literary Criticism and Its Function on Students Creative Writing Development Indah Damayanti Universitas Bengkulu Abstract Literary criticism, sometimes called secondary text is interpretation or commentary on a literary author such as poet, novelist, and playwright on his or her literary works, what are usually called primary text. Literary criticism is conducted to comment and judge the qualities of literary works. In this paper literary criticism as writing form which explaining the literary works is having functions on developing students creative writing ability will be discussed. Literary writing does embody certain distinguishing characteristics: a selfconscious; imaginative mode of writing which uses words not just to convey information but as an art form. Similarly, the style of creative writing focuses on writing from emotions and thoughts rather than just giving information. It tends to be expressive, imaginative, and literary. Any writing that expresses emotions or free thinking falls into the category of creative writing. The above correlated facts and some discussion with students about their interest in criticising literary works lead the author a new notion that conducting literary criticism is able to overcome students obstacles in practicing creative writing. Keywords: literary criticism, creative writing, interconnection, secondary text 4 Much. Khoiri The State University of Surabaya much_choiri Diary to Story: A Workable Technique for Fiction Writing Much. Khoiri The State University of Surabaya much_choiri Fiction is not totally imaginative. It can be partly factual and partly imaginative. Without imagination, fiction is dry; and without facts, fiction sounds shallow and wild. In other words, fiction can be the fine combination of facts and imagination. Serving as the background side, daily facts (including what we experience personally) can be useful to create a piece of fiction. It is then a good news for those who like making a diary in their life. Diary can be a fruitful material for fiction writing. Applying the elements of fiction makes fiction writing workableand practical. This paper argues why diary is worth being used to create a piece of fiction, and how we can pratically write our fiction based on our own diary. Thus, this paper also recommends that audience write their diary and project it as either a short story or a 2|Page


Indah Damayanti Universitas Bengkulu

novel. Keywords: diary, fiction writing, short story, novel FRIDAY, 21 MARCH 2014 - Session 1 - ROOM 2 moderator: Nur Chakim 1. Hernani Sirikit Sirikit School of Writing ( Fiction as a Way to Correct Misconception of Polygamy in Islam Hernani Sirikit Sirikit School of Writing (

Abstract Polygamy is the most misunderstood concept in Islam. Not only it is misunderstood by non-Moslems, but even many Moslems have misconceptions about it. Men misunderstand it simply as a privilege to have more than one wife. Women misunderstand it as an oppression and injustice to them. My paper presents how literary works may correct such misconception and prejudice. When religious and academic reasoning is doubted, literature can goes in the way. People like to believe the stories and characters in literary works, because they assume literary works are reflections of real people, real happenings, and real lives. The stories of My Husbands Mistress, The Second Woman, Tell me on a Sunday in a Park, are about wives whose husbands have other women/wives. The Second Woman, particularly, tells about polygamy marriage from the second wifes point of view. Another story, I want my husband to marry again, tells about how a career woman thinks that another wife for her husband will solve their marriage problems. My Husbands Mistress has attracted scholars in Europe to study it in relation to their research about women in Asian countries. It has been published and analysed in SOAS Journal Indonesia and the Malay World (Volume 33, Nr 95, 2005) by Sarah Hicks. The Second Woman is translated and published in an anthology of Indonesian Woman Literary Works in German/Dutch by Monica Arnez (Universitat Passau) in 2010. Positive responses from three women scholars in UK, Germany, and France, emphasize the influence of literary works towards public opinion and perception. Keywords: prejudice, misconception, polygamy in literary works, public perception 2 Dyah Eko Hapsari Universitas Brawijaya The Recreation of Native Indonesian Women Realities by Chinese-Indonesian Writers in Selected Chinese-Indonesian Short Stories Dyah Eko Hapsari Universitas Brawijaya

Abstract One of Indonesian local literatures, which its existence is 3|Page

sometimes ignored, is Chinese-Indonesian literature. It has existed since 1870s, prior to the emergence of modern Indonesian literature in 1910s. Additionally, a huge number of Chinese-Indonesian writers were also very productive in putting forth their ideas into approximately 3005 writings ranges from memoir to poetry. Ironically, those facts have never been fully exposed in media since they belong to an ethnic minority, which usually undergoes racial discrimination in Indonesia. Various issues are presented in Chinese-Indonesian short stories. Women life usually comes as an intriguing topic to scrutinize. The social background, which possibly inspires Chinese-Indonesian writers, is the idea of how woman is considered having weaker position in society. In seven Chinese-Indonesian short stories: Cerita Nyai Soemirah Atawa Peruntungan Manusia 1-2 (1917), Kota Medan Penu Dengen Impian Atawa Nyai Tertabur Dengen Mas (1928), Njai Isah (1928), Siti Kartini (1930), Kasopanan Timur (1932), R.A. Moerhia (1934), and Djeng Soepiah (1934), the depiction of women life in Dutch colonial era becomes the backbone of the stories. What makes them interesting is the Chinese-Indonesian writers do not expose the life of Chinese-Indonesian women; rather they depict the life of native Indonesian women coming from Javanese or Sundanese cultural background. They re-created the realities about women of other ethnicities based on their viewpoints as Chinese-Indonesian. Therefore, the objective of this study is to analyse the recreation of native Indonesian women realities by Chinese-Indonesian writers in selected Chinese-Indonesian short stories. Keywords: Chinese-Indonesian, Chinese-Indonesian literature, recreation of reality, native Indonesian women Widyastuti Local Personal Names Narrative to Cultivate A Positive English Literature, English Personality Department, State University of Surabaya Widyastuti English Literature, English Department, State University of Surabaya Abstract This study reconstructs the antagonis characters of the legend story in the form of writing. Since every character manifests positive traits, so this traits are cultivated from the personal names that are bestowed. Formerly, Shakespeare argued What is in a name? to depict the conflict . This contains dispute whether a name is important or vice versa . To endorse that a name is important for the bearer, one way is recognizing the meaning of a name bearer to act as self-reflection. References are applied to identify the meaning of the characters names. Besides, the idea of fundamental traits to accomplish the personal growth is proposed by Roy Posner. By imitating the generic structure of a legend, the narrative of a personal name is produced. The names that will be selected are taken from three Legends from Java Province. Then, each is developed based on the generic stucture and language feature of legend. Key words: Personal Names, References, Fundamental traits, Personal Growth, and A Legend 4|Page



Ali Mustofa English Literature, English Department, State University of Surabaya

Society and History as the Sources of Creative Process of Authors of Great Works of Literature: An Intertextuality Perspective Ali Mustofa English Literature, English Department, State University of Surabaya Abstract Society and history are two important aspects the authors of great works of world literature have always adopted for their sources of inspirations. Society has been used to speak of their minds of the structure of power relation, and history has been used to illustrate the time and space where the issues take place imaginatively and creatively. In a creative process, an author may adopt some references to his society and history of his time and simultaneously bring them up into his creative works. Remembering the past and memories have also been influencing in this case. The paper examines the creative process of some great authors of world literary works who have been influenced by their societies and histories in their works directly and indirectly. Intertextuality perspective will be used to uncover the relations of these two ideas. The discussion shows that most of great authors of great works of literature have been much indebted by the societys changing in his lifetime, as well as the historical perspe ctive they have understood, in developing his theme and ideas of human life spheres. The conclusion approves that society and history are two important factors which shape the minds of the authors to generate new ideas and concepts of creative process in writing works of literature. Society and history are two significant sites where the authors will always look up to relate his memory and sentimentality to speak of his mind of the world of existence. Keywords: society, history, influence, intertextual, creative process, power relation

FRIDAY, 21 MARCH 2014 - Session 1 - ROOM 3 moderator: Esti Kurniasih 1. Caecilia Tutyandari Universitas Sanata Dharma Truly Almendo Pasaribu Universitas Sanata Dharma Implementing Project-Based Learning in Critical Reading and Writing 1 Caecilia Tutyandari Universitas Sanata Dharma Truly Almendo Pasaribu Universitas Sanata Dharma Abstract Critical Reading and Writing I (CRW I) aims at sharpening the students ability to read and write critically. Lecturers of this subject are challenged to create learning environment where students internalize information by creating questions, finding evidence, generating logical reasoning, sharing their information and helping their classmates. Project-based learning (PBL) is considered an 5|Page

effective approach for this class because it engages students in intriguing, real and relevant intellectual inquiry and allows them to learn from life situations (Barell, 2007). This study is carried out to describe the implementation of PBL in CRW 1 and to elaborate the students attitude toward the project through their reflections and creative learning outcomes. With this goal in mind, the paper will be divided into four sections. Under the theoretical framework, this paper elaborates a brief review of research and theories in Project Based Learning as well as Critical Reading and Writing. Following the theoretical framework is the elaboration of data collection. Thirdly, this research explicates the findings and discussion about how this approach has been adapted for use in the classroom to help the students master CRW 1 project pertaining to health issue. From observations and document collection, this study will elaborate (1) the implementation of PBL in CRW 1 and (2) the students attitude toward the project which reveals the benefits and also limitations of this approach. Finally, it concludes the major ideas and findings of the research. Keywords: Project-Based Learning, Critical Reading and Writing, Creativity Maintaining Teachers Personality Competence and Applying Two Types of Correction (Teacher and Peer Correction) in Improving Students Writing Skill Jumbuh Prabowo, S.Pd., M.Pd. The lecturer of English Department Teachers Training and Education Faculty Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa University Banten, Indonesia Abstract Writing as a productive skill needs to be mastered by students. Through writing, students can express their thought, feeling, and emotion. However, writing still causes some problems for EFL Students. The problems come from external and internal factors. These factors support each other to students in writing. As an internal factor, personality competence should be possessed by a teacher. A teacher should have good manner, attitude, and also behavior in order to create a favorable, an interesting, and an enjoyable teaching learning process. It is expected that psychologically students can get peace in the process of learning. Dealing with external factor, it is time to apply two types of correction. They are peer and personal correction. In peer correction, the teacher orders students to exchange their writing in order to be corrected by other friends. This way is intended to build up their confidence and progress more quickly than those who can only learn directly from teachers. The second is personal correction. The teacher invites student to discuss personally the text they have written. Then, he guides student to analyze mistakes or errors found in the text. By doing these activities, it is believed that student writing skill can improve quickly. The aim of this research is to find out whether there is a relationship between maintaining teachers personality competence and applying two types of correction in improving students writing skill. The research involves the second semester students of English 6|Page

Jumbuh Prabowo, S.Pd., M.Pd. The lecturer of English Department Teachers Training and Education Faculty Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa University Banten, Indonesia

department at Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa University. Keywords: Personality, Peer Correction, Personal Correction 3. Uzlifatul Masruroh Isnawati Universitas Islam Lamongan ( ) Developing Genre Based Material with Reference to Local Culture Values for Teaching Writing at the Beginner Level Uzlifatul Masruroh Isnawati Universitas Islam Lamongan ( Abstract This study aims at developing writing materials using local culture values as the reference for the students of English Department, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education. Further, it identifies the type of writing materials need to be developed for the beginner level. The major materials are taken from local literary work reference, such as poems, folklore, song, proverb, fable,and legend as the learning resources. The data are gained through some research instruments, such as checklists, rubrics and interview guides in order to find the compatibility of existing materials and the developed materials with the criteria of Competence Based Curriculum. The material focuses on literacy which provides students with specific strategies to improve their use of language, not only for the subject of English but for all key learning areas and life itself. Meanwhile, the activities assist students to improve their ability to communicate effectively, inquire, share information, express ideas, and make sense of life. The materials cover both literary and factual text. The literary text includes narrative, poetry, and drama. Factual text includes recount, response, explanation, discussion, information report, exposition, and procedure. The content materials are mainly based on local culture values which is intendd to equip and enrich the students perspective with the local culture values respectively. Further, Dick and Carey design model of R & D (2001) is employed as the present research procedures. The data obtained from the rubrics and checklists are quantitatively analyzed by using percentage of frequency. The analyzed data by using percentage of frequency then are described quantitatively. From the research result, new materials are developed based on the requirements of competence based curriculum. Finally, an expert validation is required before the materials being field tested and revised. Keywords: genre-based writing, local culture values, beginner level FRIDAY, 21 MARCH 2014 - Session 1 - Room 4 moderator: Himmawan A N 1. Ida Puji Lestari Universitas Brawijaya Local Language in Global Communication Ida Puji Lestari Universitas Brawijaya Abstract Local languages cannot be separated from global communication because they used as signsto differentiate ethnics and races that are existed in the world. In addition, they can enrich the communication as language varieties used by people throughout the world. This 7|Page

paper will explore Javanese as one example of local languages in global communication. Concerning with the study of creative writing, the writer makes a list of Javanese terms and asks each student to write and create a short story in a paragraph related to the use of Javanese terms. In this case, the writer uses descriptive qualitative research in which the data taken by authorism of the researcher. It means the writer select the sample by using some criteria. One example of the criteria is some students who use Javanese language in their daily life that represent their Javanese local culture. The writer chooses participants who are college students from English Department of Cultural Studies Faculty of Universitas Brawijaya. They are asked to define those five Javanese terms in English implicitely in their short paragraphs. In other words, they are asked to include the Javanese terms in their short stories without giving definition directly. Hopefully, this research can give a beneficial contribution for developing diversity of local languages in the global communication. Keywords: local languages, global communication, qualitative research, language varieties, Javanese. Students Essays on Indonesian Culture: Problems in Coherence Aisah and Siti Drivoka Sulistyaningrum Universitas Negeri Jakarta and Abstract Essay writing is not merely an activity of sequencing words and phrases to form well-structured sentences and paragraphs. It involves exploiting the knowledge. For example, to write about Indonesian culture, students need to have sufficient knowledge about it. They will need to select relevant ideas about the topic and organize them to create coherent essays. This study investigates coherence problems on students essays which describe Indonesian culture. It uses a qualitative method with content analysis. It employs three main criteria to analyse the coherence of students essays, namely cohesion, unity, and flow of ideas. The study reveals that students essays exhibit coherence problems. The problems are mainly on the last two criteria, unity and flow of ideas. While some problems on cohesion do occur, they are not as frequent as the other two. Students essays show that the ideas do not form unified thought because irrelevant sentences and paragraphs exist. In addition, the unity of the essay is distracted by the ambiguity of ideas and redundancy. The flow of ideas are also disrupted by the topic shifts and jumps. This may be due to the students lack of knowledge about the topic. The result of this study implies that to create coherence essays on Indonesian culture, students need to improve their cultural knowledge. In addition, activities and exercises to focus on the creating coherence essays should be incorporated and given ample time allocation in the process of creating an essay. Keywords: coherence, essay writing, cohesion, unity, flow of ideas Teaching Creative Writing through Using 3 N (Niteni, Niroki, and Nambahi) 8|Page

Aisah and Siti Drivoka Sulistyaningrum Universitas Negeri Jakarta and


Doni Alfaruqy Sebelas Maret University

Abstract The importance of teaching creative writing is believed to enhance students creativity and imagination. In relation to the use of local wisdom in classroom context, it is very important to teach creative writing through using our local wisdoms. One of them is 3 N (Niteni, Niroki, and Nambahi) which is very beneficial to shape their self and cultural identity. Firstly, teacher asks students to think critically about their environment and cultural events around them (Niteni) by doing some observations through reading the newspaper, book, or internet related to the current issues. Secondly, they must imitate or express what they have observed about some events (Niroki). To imitate some writing paragraphs are acceptable to stimulate the students ideas in order to produce the original one. Thirdly, they can modify it through giving personal opinions and additional information which based on their own experience and understanding (Nambahi). Giving some personal opinions can improve students creativity and also their critical thinking in writing classroom. Lastly, the presenter will highlight the benefits of teaching creative writing through using 3N, its pedagogical implications and rationale behind it. Key Words: Creative Writing, 3 N (Niteni, Niroki, and Nambahi) Promoting Sarjana Paper Writing Skill through Katresnanism Based Approach: A Case Study in MMC and CCU Class of PBI USD Yogyakarta Antonius Herujiyanto Sanata Dharma University Yogyakarta, Indonesia Abstract The aim of this study is to optimize the indigenous wisdom named Katresnanism based approach to promote undergraduate paper writing skill as seen in both Mass Media Communication [MMC] class and CCU [Cross Cultural Understanding] class of the English Language Education Study Program of Sanata Dharma University Yogyakarta, Indonesia. In line with the objectives of these courses such as to understand cross cultural multidimensionality of outlook, utilizing interdisciplinary studies in juxtaposing customs of different cultures [CCU class] and to better understand the nature of journalism in general and creative-feature writing in particular [MMC class], the discussion deals with the quality of the students critical writing papers. Their papers were based on the result of the discussion conducted in the spirit of nyengkuyung in small groups. The findings reveal whether or not they used their ideas to advance and develop their thesis (Manlapaz, 3). The term nyengkuyung [altruistic collaboration], one of the cores of Katresnanism theory would be, thus, to open the study. Keywords: research paper, Katresnanism approach, writing skill, nyengkuyung


Antonius Herujiyanto Sanata Dharma University Yogyakarta, Indonesia


FRIDAY, 21 MARCH 2014 - Session 1 - Room 5 moderator: Rahayu Kuswardani 1. Dr. Phuong Thi Anh LE Inspiring Students to Develop Their Creativity Ho chi Minh city Open Abstract University, Vietnam Literature is often taught to EFL/ESL learners as it is believed to bring about significant benefits to these learners. Literature in EFL/ESL classrooms can be valuable not only for its authenticity, but also for the language skills, cultural understanding, emotional intelligence and thinking skills that the learners can gain from this subject (i.e. Khatib, Rezaei & Derakhshan, 2011; Rashid, Vethamani & Rahman, 2010). In Vietnamese tertiary institutions, canon British and American authors and their works are often taught to EFL students, especially to those who major in English. Despite the greatness of these authors and their works, the learners often find this subject daunting and even boring due to its challenges in terms of language use, cultural and literary implications (Baurain, 2001). This workshop reflects the presenters attempts in developing the learners creativity to make the subject as enjoyable and manageable to the college learners. The strategies involve attention paid to the learners interest in syllabus design and the use of guiding questions and pictures in class in addition to a variety of assessment forms like story-telling, dramatisation and creative writing. The results show that these measures have received positive response from the learners in two different groups of learners. 2 Mallika Vasugi Govindarajoo Universiti Putra Malaysia Key words: literature, EFL learners, motivation, creativity Once upon an i-time Abstract Sue Monk Kidd, in The Secret Life of Bees (2002) wrote: Stories have to be told or they die, and when they die, we can't remember who we are or why we're here. As long as mankind has had speech, there have always been stories and these have been passed from lips to ears, mind to mind and heart to heart. Stories are a shared part of our history and people from all over the world have been able to connect and bond simply by sharing their stories and experiences with each other. Stories are direct and provide an almost instant two way communication between teller and listener. But stories evolve, grow and change and this is proof that they are alive. Storytelling today however looks a lot different. New forms of media have created new ways for stories to be told. Instead of gathering around a campfire enjoying spooky stories, young people gather around the shiny screen of their iPads to check out stories from their latest Facebook or news feed. Our students are getting their stories from different places and they experience their stories differently. Storytelling has evolved. So must we. In this workshop, you will explore different storytelling techniques ranging from traditional methods using cultural resources, to mediums like social media, music and film that are innate to the younger generation.

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FRIDAY, 21 MARCH 2014 - Session 2 - Room 1 moderator: Ayunita L 1. Yuniar Bestiana English Department, Languages and Arts Faculty, State University of Surabaya Lies Amin Lestari English Department, Languages and Arts Faculty, State University of Surabaya Using Modified Jeopardy! and Hop-Scotch to Improve English Vocabulary Mastery of The Seventh Graders Yuniar Bestiana English Department, Languages and Arts Faculty, State University of Surabaya Lies Amin Lestari English Department, Languages and Arts Faculty, State University of Surabaya Abstract Vocabulary becomes the first and the foremost aspect of a language which should be mastered by every language learner. That is why, a good vocabulary instruction will result in satisfying learning achievement. A preliminary observation done at some schools showed that the existing vocabulary lesson made students demotivated and as a result they could not achieve the objective of the lesson. It is believed that the use of media in the form of language game can create a more motivating instruction which leads students to be moresuccessful learners (Huyen & Nga, 2003). In addition, the use of games, including the traditional games can build children positive characters such as honesty, respect others, responsibility, team-work, and friendship which are important for their future life (Seto Mulyadi, 2010 in Yulianti, 2011), This study aimed to explore the effectiveness of using modified Jeopardy! and Hop-scotch game, a combination of a modern game and a traditional one, in helping students learn vocabulary. In addition, this study also investigated the response of the students after being taught by using the game. Using independent samples t-test analysis, the posttest scores of both groups were compared to those of the pretest. The result showed that those in the experimental group scored significantly higher than those in the control group. This shows that the implementation of the modified Jeopardy! and Hop-scotch is effective for improving students vocabulary mastery. Furthermore, data from the questionnaire shows that more than 80% of the students give positive responses and agree that the game fulfills the five criteria of game design proposed by Hill, et al. (2013), i.e, enjoyable, engaging, educational, English promoting, and easy-to-use. Kurnia Khoirun Nisa Al-Falaah School Bandar Seri Begawan Brunei Darussalam Keywords:vocabulary, Jeopardy!, Hop-scotch, seventh graders Strengthening Primary School Students Character of Melayu Islam Beraja (Malay Islamic Monarchy) through Autobiography Writing Kurnia Khoirun Nisa Al-Falaah School Bandar Seri Begawan Brunei Darussalam Abstract 11 | P a g e


Melayu Islam Beraja (Malay Islamic Monarchy) or MIB, a way of life of the people in Brunei Darussalam, had been officially proclaimed by the present ruler, His Majesty Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Muizzaddin Waddaulah, on the 1st January 1984, the day of Bruneis independence. Due to the challenge of the globalization, the young generations nowadays are being highly encouraged to engage in preserving its values and traditions. A primary school that provides early childhood education is the first place where students get along with the philosophy of MIB as theory and practices. English as one of the subjects taught in the school also plays an important role to have students understand and implement MIB. One of the ways is giving the students a project to write autobiographies telling about their personal experiences from when they started their school till they are in Primary 6. The English teacher recommends an ageappropriate autobiography that students enjoy reading. The teacher then has the students discuss the exemplary autobiography so that the students are able to note the type of events and the amount of details the author includes and attempt to identify the overall theme. Next, the teacher issues the guidelines and suggestions about what to incorporate in the students autobiography. The information the teacher requested on the timeline is intentionally related to the MIB values. Subsequently, the students start recalling what they have learned about the concept of theme. With the teachers guide, the students follow the writing instructions and create their books of autobiographies. Key Words: primary school students, character, Melayu Islam Beraja, and autobiography writing Creative Writing in the Classroom: Students Photo Illustration through Teachers Blogs slides to Strengthen Students Writing Skills in Discussion Text Erwin Joko Susanto SMA Negeri 2 Kota Mojokerto Abstract Differences such as leaning styles, interests, intelligence, ability or geographical distance, and many others often limit students creativeness and professional learning. Therefore, media is an important component in the teaching and learning process that should be planned and organized by the teacher to overcome those differences because as a learning tool, the media can also play a role to support the use of learning methods in delivering learning materials more effectively and efficiently. Good media should look creative and should build up the students life skill such as language writing and character achievement such as critical thinking, team work and creativity. This is why the development of science and technology must encourage the teachers media in achieving the education values. In addition to using inexpensive and simple learning tool, teachers are required to use an instructional media such as interactive online blog slides and posts which help performing the students ideas in a strong persuasive manner. One of the learning outcomes that meets the students English language skill performance with the character building is the development of writing of 12 | P a g e


Erwin Joko Susanto SMA Negeri 2 Kota Mojokerto

discussion text linked to the students photo illustration. Here, both teachers creativities in uploading the students facial expressions to his blog slides and students learning motivation in writing his ideas must be cultivated so that the impression feels more meaningful. However, the online media like blog slides containing photo and linked to students discussion text writing performance cannot fully replace the role of teachers inside and outside the class. Keywords: teaching, education, slides, linked, writing FRIDAY, 21 MARCH 2014 - Session 2 - Room 2 moderator: Arik Susanti 1. Laksono Arido Diponegoro University Fostering National Identity among Indonesian Students through the Teaching of Creative Writing: The Biggest Challenge for English Language Teachers in Indonesia Arido Laksono Diponegoro University Abstract The influx of modernization has shifted life style and popular culture products in Indonesia. Teenagers are surrounded by values, norms, and ways of life that offer new thoughts and spirit. Those packages of cultural invasion bombard and gradually replace the pure identity of Indonesian teenagers. This phenomenon must be taken seriously by scholars dedicating their lives for education. The idea of education as the pillar of the nation should be elaborated further as the effective instruments to preserve Indonesian national identity. The article deals with the concept of using Creative Writing course as a medium to disseminate Indonesian culture and literature as the bastion against the invasion of foreign culture. The discussion involves Indonesian culture and identity, foreign culture invasion and the question of why Indonesian teenagers easily adapt other culture. Creative Writing is chosen as a medium to revive local wisdom and culture among teenagers since it offers students with subjects that provoke students creativity. The materials given vary in term of themes and literary genres. This gives a great advantage for teachers to develop such an interesting teaching and learning process. Students can have an intense discussion over such materials written in English/Indonesian and compare those materials with their local wisdom and culture. The materials unfold students creative process and spark students eagerness to write. At the end of the class, cultural understanding is achieved and national identity is revived.


Keywords: creative writing, culture revival, culture invasion, national identity, popular culture Fransiskus Ransus, S.S., Gadget-Assisted Creative Writing Inspired by The Local M.Hum. Wisdom Sekolah Tinggi Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan (STKIP) Surya Fransiskus Ransus, S.S., M.Hum. Sekolah Tinggi Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan (STKIP) Surya 13 | P a g e

This paper shares about a gadget-assisted creative writing (CW) program for the students of STKIP Surya. It tries to embed English, to be an alternative language, in their routine texting, chatting, self-growth writing, and fictional writing, benefitted by their habit of spending much time on gadget-assisted communications. Due to the students limited English background, it begins with giving them rich language input to express greetings, wishes, and experiences, followed up with guided and semi-guided practices. Only then they begin manipulating the input for real greeting, routine texting and chatting to maintain the local phaticity that connects and ties them to the collective identity, harmony, and hospitality, because through the writing they can express some local values i.e. care, empathy, and sympathy to others in English. The second part is self-growth writing. It is a self-reflection that explores personal strengths and weaknesses, optimizes the strengths, and minimizes the weaknesses. Internalizing local wisdoms i.e. hardwork, determination, patience, humility, politeness, harmony, honesty, spirituality, etc stated in local proverbs and sayings is stressed out here to build strong characters of the students. They should write daily reflections on how they internalize the wisdoms to enrich and improve their personalities. The last part is entirely a creative writing that will begin in September 2014. The students will try to redefine local folklores of their ethnic groups by adding up more positive and humanistic aspects to the fairy tales and reducing their fatalitic aspects that have oppressed the societies mentally. They will try to write short new versions of the local folktales. Hopefully it will encourage them to get a stronger confidence and control over the fatalistic and mental oppression by the folklores. Keywords: creative writing, gadget, texting, chatting, language input, phaticity, folklores 3. Oktafina Dewi Kurnianti State University of Malang Tableau Scripwriting and Performing: Humanising Learners via Creative Processes Oktafina Dewi Kurnianti State University of Malang Abstract Some researches indicate that writing for meaningful purposes within students own socio-political contexts is essential (Atkinson, 2003; Casanave, 2003). This article proposes Tableau as an instructional activity related to students socio-political contexts in the form of creative writing and reading. In general, Tableau asked students to transform the meaning of the text they have read into poses of action as a visual version of the text. However, this article tries to modify the use of Tableau by asking students to write their own script before they interpret their text into Tableau performance. Therefore, students will get experience in doing creative writing and reading. It also provides them with enjoyable English learning. There are some steps in this instructional activity. At first, learners are asked to use their culture and social phenomena as their idea for writing their script. Second, students interpret the script, transform and demonstrate it into a tableau 14 | P a g e

performance using their imagination. Third is evaluation. In this last step, teacher lets the students to give comments on both the script and the performance. Those processes pose critical thinking as well as multiple intelligences. Learners are also engaged to be in touch with their local wisdom as the material for writing the script. An example lesson plan is inserted in this article. Keywords: tableau, creative writing, creative reading, local wisdom


Slamet Setiawan English Department, University of Surabaya


Childrens Creative Process in Writing: a scientific approach perspective Slamet Setiawan Abstract Children are able to express their creativity in many ways. One of them is writing. Nowadays many of them are able to produce their works in various genres. Their works are qualified as they have been published and publicly marketed. This is an interesting phenomenon. When adults can do so; it is something natural and there is no question about it. What about children? Children are not miniature of adults. They have their own specific world. Yet with their much limitation, they can be so creative and productive. This paper is devoted to explore How do children develop their sense of creativity in writing? and Can creative writing skill be trained? This case study with self-report technique may provide the answers. It is indicated that observing phase predominates childrens creativity that functions as a starter. The observation may not only involve sense of sight but also all senses possible. Then covert questioning is emerged inherently with associating step. These two episodes are crucial. They are determinant factors as to whether creativity in writing is visualized or not. External factors such as supporting resources and parents accelerate childrens engagement to the world of creative writing. Key words: creative process, scientific approach, observing, questioning, associating

FRIDAY, 21 MARCH 2014 - Session 2 - Room 3 moderator: Suvi Akhiriyah 1. Febriyanti Dwiratna Lestari, Rosiana Rizqy Wijayanti Sunan Kalijaga State Islamic University, Yogyakarta, Providing Indonesian Children with Educational Video Based on Playscript: A Creative Writing Class Project Febriyanti Dwiratna Lestari, Rosiana Rizqy Wijayanti Sunan Kalijaga State Islamic University, Yogyakarta, Abstract In recent years, Indonesian children are bombarded with millions of videos available 24/7 on TV channels and even online on YouTube. Despite the fact that many benefits can be gained from the videos, 15 | P a g e

parents must be very cautious with the content of the videos since a lot of cartoons and animations these days contain violence, pornography, and other aspects leading to moral degradation. In addition to the problem related with content, it is also an unfortunate fact that over four-fifths of the videos watched by Indonesian children are not produced by local artists and thus results in lack of local wisdom. Therefore, some efforts must be done to encounter all of these issues. For English Literature students, they can contribute through creative writing. In 2013, as part of Creative Writing class project, a group of English Literature Department, Sunan Kalijaga State Islamic University, students who are concerned with what local children are watching have produced a short educational video adapted from their own playscript which presents children characters whose sentences, though in English, are easy to understand. What is more interesting, their work brings about local wisdom reflected in the puppet characters characterizations and costumes, Jogjanese music as the backsound, childrens traditional games, Javanese proverbs, and some other details. This paper will discuss further the local wisdom contained in their playscript and the process of making the video based on the script. Also, it will elaborate how the project of playscript writing and video making by English Literature students from other regions in Indonesia can contribute to providing more educational videos for Indonesian children. Keywords: children educational videos, local wisdom, playscript Big Books in Action: Empowering Childrens Cultural Identity in Early Literacy Learning Emma Malia STKIP Pasundan Cimahi, West Java Abstract This paper will discuss roles of Big Books as media for children to empower them the awareness of their cultural identity in their stage of early literacy learning. Children love stories. Stories in Big Books, deliberately, offer a fascinating experience of early readings. Big books supply good literature with large print and colourful illustrations for children to strive toward independent reading. Big Books enable children to enrich oral language development through, at least three ways (Lynch, 2008): (1) the modelled reading, (2) riskfree participation by the children in subsequent readings and discussions, and (3) the meaningful teaching of skills within context which are all positive for powerful learning experiences. The themes of many Big Books will fit easily into the current theme plans; others may suggest new topics to explore (Vacca et al., 2003). As Big Books can be explored to relate the area of interests, we share the themes into an exposure of childrens cultural identity with the result of various conditions including: location, gender, race, history, nationality, language, ethnicity, aesthetics, and even food. The result of this discussion has a conclusion: for teachers, it is an excellent strategy to bring Big Books to the class for teaching reading in primary education with learners who are developing new language literacy (Nambiar, 1999) and for children, they have a better understanding of the individual as a coherent whole subject into a 16 | P a g e


Emma Malia STKIP Pasundan Cimahi, West Java

collection of various cultural identifiers. Keywords: Big Books, cultural identity, literacy learning Character Development in KKPK (Kecil-Kecil Punya Karya) Wiwiet Eva Savitri Universitas Negeri Surabaya Abstract Character building is now becoming one national education goal of Indonesia. Many efforts are taken to pursue the goal. In terms of creative writing, especially in making narrative, a way to reach that goal is through characters development. Characters in any narrative should be strongly developed and able to show and influence readers to imitate or to avoid similar deeds. Nowadays in Indonesia there is KKPK which is various novelette written by young children. Ideally KKPK should serve as a good assistance to build national characters since its readers are primarily children/elementary school students as well. From children to children books at a glance seems to be safe for children because it will be free from inappropriate content. Yet, it is questioned whether character development in KKPK really helps to build readers character and introduce local customs, values, and wisdom. This article will try to analyze KKPK focusing on this issue. Keywords: character development, character building, local values Children' s Creativity in Using English Words in Their Novels Dian Rivia Himmawati Universitas Negeri Surabaya


Wiwiet Eva Savitri English Department, State University of Surabaya


Dian Rivia Himmawati English Department, State University of Surabaya

abstract Nowdays writing creatively is not only dominated by adults. Writing novels, short stories, poems and comics is getting popular for children. Children under 12 also express their imagination and depict their experiences in creative writing. They are most inspired by children who were succesful to publish their work. Anthologies or novels series such as KKPK (Kecil-Kecil Punya Karya), PCPK (Penulis Cilik Punya Karya),CCPK (Cilik-Cilik Punya Karya) enhance this popularity. Interestingly, the language choice they use in their work reflects the language in daily use. It is assumed that they potray their daily language in their work. Futhermore, the words coming into their work are inserted by some English words. It simply means that under 12 years old they have known those words and use it in certain contexts. Sometimes they draw on it to name the title of her work/books. In this case, Using "English" is considered as the cool thing to do or prestigious one for the kids in Indonesia. The use of English seems to attract the readers who are definitely kids with the same range of age as the authors. So, analyzing the functions of the use of English special terms or words in Novel KKPK, PCPK, and CCPK is interesting to conduct from Discourse Analysis point of 17 | P a g e

view. From this analysis, it can show if the kid authors trully understand the use of English words or English terms in their work or not and in what context English words or terms are employed in their novels. The use of English words reflect the children's creativity in writing their novels when the children are succesful to use it in the appropriate contexts. Keywords: children's creativity, children's literature, contexts, novels FRIDAY, 21 MARCH 2014 - Session 2 - Room 4 moderator: Mamik T W 1. Ristiyanti Harsono Prasetijo Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana, Salatiga Employing Javanese Wisdom in Creative Writing Abstract Indonesian children and young adults are in a crises of wisdom in their conducts. Subjects pertaining to moral and wisdom have been abolished from the curriculum. Parents are busy with their jobs pursuing adopted modern life style which does not accommodate local wisdom. Teachers of English and other subjects should take a proactive action to combat this. Creative writing can be an effective tool in teaching students the traditional Javanese wisdom which is of acceptable good value to the Javanese and other ethnics. This paper has an (ambisious) objective to make teachers realize their important role to implant the Javanese wisdom through creeative writing with the hope that the students can adopt and apply it in their daily conducts. Keywords: Javanese wisdom, creative writing Students Endings and their Meanings: A Case Study of Reading Scott O'Dells Island of the Blue Dolphins Ririn Kurnia Trisnawati Jenderal Soedirman University Abstract Studying a literary work can be creatively done by involving the students as its readers. There are some ways to involve the readers such as asking them to create interpretations, to elicit their comments, and to make an ending of that particular literary works. Making an ending by involving the students can actively arouse students creativity in continuing the story based on their own version and their own imagination. As proposed by Reader-Response Theory, making an ending of a literary piece is believed to be one way of analyzing the students interpretation, and it includes revealing the phenomenology of their reading process. This paper is going to address the students endings of Book Report Class at English Department of Jenderal Soedirman University. Qualitatively analyzed, the students endings of Scott O'Dells Island of the Blue Dolphins are collected and concluded. There were 40 students involved in this study, and their endings were analyzed to reveal the creativity, imagination and thoughts students have to make such 18 | P a g e


Ririn Kurnia Trisnawati Jenderal Soedirman University

endings. As a result, there are three notions shown by the students e.g. they create the open-ending, they create happy-ending, and, surprisingly many of them are interested to discuss the issue of racial discrimination and slavery within their ending. The latter even proves that making ending is not only to provoke the students creativity and imagination but also to derive their sensitivity of the more global issues. Keywords: creativity, ending, reader-response theory, sensitivity 3. Nur Chakim English Department, State University of Surabaya Syair Tanpo Waton: Translating and Reproductive Writing Nur Chakim Universitas Negeri Surabaya Abstract Thirty minutes before Javanese muslims perform the five prayers at mosques in Surabaya, NU mosques always sound off the local poem sung by Gus Nizam, the leader of pondok pesantren Ahlus-Shofa Wal-Wafa (NOT by Gus Dur as assumed by people). This Javanese poem is sounded off as a piece of advice for muslims in order to become good muslims. Some of the moral values obtained from the poem are good muslims; must have clean heart and brain, may not be deceived with the glamour of world, must be patient, must perform their regular prayer to God, must comprehend an implement the Holy Quran and Hadist, always remember God by dzikir day and night. Interestingly, many Javanese people do not understand the meaning of the poem although it is sounded five times a day. This writing is concerned with the translation of the poem sung by Gus Nizam. Since it is part of literary works, then literary translation is implemented. Literary translation is the translation of texts within the field of literature. Translation of literary works (novels, short stories, plays, poems, etc.) is considered a literary pursuit in its own right. The figure of speech of the poem is also analysed. There are several steps done by students in analysing the poem in the Translation Class. First, students translate the Syair Tanpo Waton from Javanese into Indonesian to infer the moral values (local wisdom). Second, Students create/ reproduce similar poem in Indonesian with topics based on moral values in Syair Tanpo Waton. Third, Students also translate the poems from Indonesian into English. Fourth, students paraphrase their poem to make it easily understood. Keywords: Translation, Syair Tanpo Waton, Reproductive Writing, Javanese into Indonesian, Indonesian into English. 4. I Gusti Agung Paramitha Eka Putri State University of Malang Dont Sit on the Pillow: An Exploration of Local Wisdom and Social Values in Balinese Myths through Creative Writing I Gusti Agung Paramitha Eka Putri State University of Malang 19 | P a g e

Abstract Traditional stories, such as legends and folktales, have been manifested into valuable materials in reading and writing class. But, one kind of traditional belief which is very familiar to Indonesian students i.e. myth has been neglected for so long. It is almost impossible to see teachers use myths as creative writing topic in the classroom since they are widely known as false beliefs that contain supernatural beings. In short, it is considered irrelevant to include myths in the classroom. Myths, however, cover up local wisdoms as well as precious life philosophies that teach people how to behave in the society. For instance, Balinese myths which are shared mouth-tomouth tell a lot of social norm along with consequences that might occur if they are ignored. Striving to write a short story about Balinese myths helps the students to claim English in a personal way. Furthermore, the short stories encompassing local wisdom and social values cultivated by the students will vary greatly from one to another as they are given freedom in making up plot, characters, and setting of their pieces of writing, and thus, the creative doors are widely open. The main aims of the paper are (1) to show that Balinese myths are story seeds which can be convincingly written in English and (2) to discover the possibilities of exploring local wisdom as well as introducing life philosophies through creative writing in English language teaching. At the end part of this paper, a model of classroom application will be presented. Keywords: Balinese myths, local wisdom, social values, creative writing FRIDAY, 21 MARCH 2014 - Session 2 - Room 5 moderator: Hujuala Rika Ayu 1. Motikala Subba Dewan Tribhuvan University, Nepal Telling and Retelling Story: Pedagogical Implication in Creative Writing Abstract (for workshop) According to Albert Einstein, storytelling is "the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge." Since storytelling and retelling is an oral tradition, my paper will draw insights on the role of narrating story for capturing students motivation in the classroom. Moreover, the paper deals with the use of story for developing receptive and productive skills through metaphors in light of the language functions. Examples will be drawn how students can be encouraged to think beyond ordinary situation and use linkers, connectives and other semantic markers for their self-expression by showing cause and effect relationships. Storytelling, therefore, will contribute to creative writing by fostering an atmosphere for the students to come with their inner version of stories. Key Words: oral tradition, peer sharing, adaptation, practice Local Culture in Short Stories: Read One, Write a New One Abstract You do not need to have a lot of material to write a completely new 20 | P a g e


Ivy Sultana King Khalid University

and original short story. Very often what you need is a keen eye for observation. Observation of what you may ask. Observation of how people are going about their lives would be my answer. The ways people go about their lives constitute the culture of a given area, a place, a locality. The idea of my workshop for you would be to explore our local cultures. And then you would bind together ideas we have explored and the observations we have managed to make about our local cultures to weave a short story. As a take off for such an activity we would read one of Ernest Hemingways short stories, Cat in the Rain (1925), carefully and would see if we can write a completely new short story in response. Keywords: original story, observation, local cultures, short story

SATURDAY, 22 MARCH 2014 -- SESSION 3 - Room 1 moderator: Diana B D 1. Didit Widiatmoko Suwardikun Telkom University, Bandung Visual Character of Indonesian Printed Advertisement 1970-1976 Didit Widiatmoko Suwardikun Telkom University, Bandung

Abstract Advertising as a reflection of the culture of a nation, Indonesian visual character is reflected in the advertisements. Indonesian national cultural identity that was formed after the proclamation of independence faced increasing challenges. 1970 is the beginning of an opening of foreign investment which stimulates increased foreign advertising business in Indonesia. The advertisers effort is to build a culture through the exchange of value and cultivate the myth to becomes ideology of target audience. The impact of foreign investment is the entry of foreign values into the culture of Indonesia. How does foreign culture infiltrate? Analyzed on 100 printed advertisement samples which published during 1970-1976 using content analysis an then visual analysis of layout , typography , race and clothing of advertising models, and then associated to construction conditions of environmental that influenced. Compared to visualization at the beginning of independence, the layout pattern, typography and the figures, they represented the increase of Western types character. Indonesian advertisement visual character is a translation of the design concept of visualization overseas advertising agency that affiliated with Indonesian companies. An understanding of an infiltration pattern of foreign culture can be used to establish a new identity of the Indonesian national culture. Keywords : Advertisement, Foreign Investment, Indonesian Visual Character 2 Susiati Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta English-Javanese Slippery Language by Javanese Community (English Learners): Forms, Sounds, and Meanings (A Sociolinguistics Study) Susiati Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta 21 | P a g e

( Abstract Language can not be separated from the culture where the users are in. When people are learning a foreign language, they sometimes relate it to their native one since language is arbitrary. The arbitrary is dynamic that people are free to combine or interfer one language to another. In this paper writing, the writer means to raise a social phenomenon of slippery language that Javanese phonemes are used to utter English forms, but they have totally different meanings each other. For example, blubuk-blubuk (Javanese) to sound blue book in English. Blubuk-blubuk is Javanese which means a sound produced when someone plunges into water and not gets out soon, and then his or her mouth flow air through the water. While blue book is English which the meaning is a book in blue. Here the writer aims to find the English form variety used and the Received Pronunciation made in Javanese sounds. Data are taken from expressions written on the back side of truck board and English-Javanese slippery language community website. The analysis results show that the English forms vary: words, phrases, and sentences. However, only one pronunciation made in the Javanese sounds are received, but the others are not. Finally, the meanings of both languages are not equivalent at all each other. Keywords: Slippery Language, English Form Variety, Javanese Sounds, Sociolinguistics 3. R. Chusnu Yuli Setyo. Universitas Islam Lamongan. E-learning Literacy Level and Digital Wisdom of the Lamongan Digital-Immigrant English Teachers

R. Chusnu Yuli Setyo and Hariyanto Universitas Islam Lamongan and Abstract Since 1980s, the development of information and communication technologies (ICTs), such as computers and the Internet, have been changing world rapidly and fundamentally. One of the fundamental changes is on education field, especially on the use of digital technologies for learning and teaching-which is well known as elearning. However, in fact, most of English teachers rarely use the digital technologies in their classroom. Hence, this study presents the results of a research, which examined the current level of e-learning literacy of a group of digital immigrant teachers of English as a foreign language (EFL), investigated factors affecting the use of elearning in their class, investigated the influencing factors their low or high level of e-learning literacy, and investigated the digital wisdom done by English teachers. The participants of the research were the English teachers of Junior High School which is organized in the forum of Musyawarah Guru Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris (MGMP-BIG) in Lamongan, East Java. The selected participants were for those who were born before 1980. These teachers, classified by Prensky as digital immigrant teachers, were invited to respond the questionnaires and to answer the interview. The results of the study described the real portrait of the e-learning literacy level of the 22 | P a g e

English teachers and recommended the need of intensive e-learning training for English teachers. Key words: E-learning Literacy, Digital Immigrant teachers, Digital Wisdom Local-Culture-Based Instructional Writing Dwijani Ratnadewi Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya E-mail address: Abstract Western stories like Snow White or Cinderella all use the Western culture, based on where such story originated. Thus there is coherence between the stories, language and culture and the readers would easily accept it. When a local-culture-based story is created by western person, then certainly the spirit of the story remains West nuances. Like Alladin which was filmed by Walt Disney, we may only see the clothes, house shapes, characters and locations that look Middle Eastern, but the culture and language of course remains the West. What if a local person writes about his own local culture in English ? In his research Nishida ( 2005) states that every member of a community will bring their native-culture schemas when he interacts. So when he writes he uses the existing schemas to create a story. Thomas (1983) mentions this situation as a sociopragmatic failure. Some Western labels may be used but the use of the native principles, ground rules and value may not be avoided. When the students learn to write in Creative writing courses , then they may create local culture-based English story. The problem is that when the essay is read by the owner of the language itself , it is not impossible that the English essay is poorly understood or poses a different interpretation. From some of these cases it may be occasions when writing in English from a local author only for local readers. For wider scope, perhaps the story should be modified through proofreading by native speaker of English. Keywords: culture, sociopragmatics, schemas, native


Dwijani Ratnadewi Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya E-mail address:

SATURDAY, 22 MARCH 2014 -- SESSION 3 - Room 2 moderator: Retno Wulandari 1. Henny Herawati Sanata Dharma University Voicing Local Culture through Creative Writing Henny Herawati Sanata Dharma University Abstract Creative Writing is often regarded as being reserved for gifted writers. For EFL students, moreover, Creative Writing gives a double challenge as they should express their creative ideas in English, which, for them, is a foreign language. Offered as an elective course in the English Education Study Program of Sanata Dharma 23 | P a g e

University, this course aims at nurturing students creativity and encouraging them to write their creative ideas in three major literary genres in English. As the English language has become a global language, it should now be seen as a means of communicating our feelings, thoughts, ideas, and more importantly, of voicing our local culture and wisdom to the world. This paper, hence, shares ideas to engage students in activities and projects that encourage them to explore and express their local culture and identity through their creative writing. First, it will review the theories and researches on teaching Creative Writing in English language classroom. Then, this paper will describe the nature of Creative Writing class in the context of this study. Next, it will elaborate the activities done in class and outside the class, including journal writing, hot-seat, 10-minute writing, as well as well as group projects such as class blog and literary magazine, to promote students articulation of their local culture in their creative work. This paper will also present some examples of students work that show their identity as Indonesians. Finally, it will reflect on the values and hurdles of teaching Creative Writing to voice our local culture. Keywords: creative writing, local culture, identity. 2. Deny Efita Nur Rakhmawati Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung Representing Local Values through Cultural Places in EFL Creative Writing Class Deny Efita Nur Rakhmawati Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung Abstract Western cultures are getting dominant in Indonesia especially in its some big areas. One of them is West Java which ironically has very rich local cultures, called as Sundanese culture. In this area, there are so many cultural places with their local values that are getting forgotten. This research, therefore, tries to represent the local values through West Java cultural places in creative writing class. It is integrated into the English Department classes in Sunan Gunung Djati State Islamic University in the year 2011. While carrying out the research, qualitative research method is employed and the data are mainly gathered from the students creative writings and interviews. Their creative writings are based on their field observation on a cultural place named Kampung Naga in West Java. The result of this research shows that the students give positive response on this activity. It is good in developing the students writing skills through collaborative activities and increasing their imagination by describing the results of their observations. Moreover, visiting traditional cultural places are able to raise their awareness of local values, which can be a bridge to appreciate both Western and West Java culture. At the end, it is hoped that this research might be able to be applied in some other cultural places in Indonesia. Keywords: creative writing, local values, cultural places, West Java 3. Sri Herminingrum and Rediscovering the Forgotten Values of Local Wisdom: 24 | P a g e

Muhammad Rozin Faculty of Cultural Studies, Universitas Brawijaya

A Case Study on the Students Perception towards the Significance of Cultural Identity

Sri Herminingrum and Muhammad Rozin Faculty of Cultural Studies, Universitas Brawijaya / Abstract A lot of research findings showed that the values of local wisdom had changed over time and tended to be exceedingly diminished. Modernization shifted the present cultural agents perception toward their own heritage. The values of local wisdom are not easy to trace. And when local wisdom is believed to have significant role to build identity; the todays existence of local wisdom becomes a crucial problem for students. This research was done to map and to locate the position of local wisdom in the perception of English Literature Department students of Universitas Brawijaya. It was aimed to trace how the students perceive the significance of local wisdom values and how far they internalize the values as part of their self-concept. Through the study of questionnaire and field research, it was revealed that the massive bombardment of imported cultures due to globalization played the major role in the diminishing values of local wisdom among the students. Apart from the controversies over the pedagogical foundation of creative writing, the important thing is that the heart of the students creativity in their writing process should not be neglected. Imagination will flourish if there is a bridge to transmit social, political, moral, and even religious ideals of local wisdom to new generations of students. Therefore, building cultural representation and identity through creative writing needs a sort of movement to open the students horizon first rediscovering the local wisdom values. Keywords: local wisdom, creativity, imagination, rediscovering 4. Nur Fauziah State University of Surabaya Sawunggaling as Media to Improve Students Creativity of Writing Nur Fauzia In modern era, folklore is seldom found. Even children are not interested in it. Media offers animation movie and cartoon which are attracting children. This situation will give distance between folklore with children. They will never know what folklore is. In the contrast, Indonesia has many folklores which are spreading in thousand islands of Indonesia. It is pity that Indonesian do not recognize their own culture even children who will be the next generation. Then it is needed to campaign Indonesias culture. One of it is through folklore that contents attractive story and local wisdom. This paper will reveal folklore Sawunggaling which is famous from East Java. Sawunggaling is a hero who struggle for his family and also his nation. There is much local wisdom that can be applied in human life. Furthermore, Sawunggaling can be used as media to improve 25 | P a g e

students creativity to write a story in school. They will understand the meaning of creativity and how to implement it to the writing which is folklore as the media. Then they will find other folklore and write a story which shows their creativity to reveal the local wisdom of folklore. Key words: sawunggaling, story, local wisdom, student, creativity, writing SATURDAY, 22 MARCH 2014 -- SESSION 3 - Room 3 moderator: Henny Dwi Iswati 1. Ariya Jati Diponegoro University A Practice in Electronic Creative Blank Verse Writing Ariya Jati Diponegoro University Abstract This paper practically explains how to creatively write a blank verse from an excerpt and transform the blank verse into a music notation. The practice is led by the individuality in between a prose and a poem on the one hand and in between a poem and music. It is intended to relate the excerpt to the blank verse as well as the blank verse to 5/4 music accompaniment. The practice comes into two stages, namely poetic scansion and musical transformation. The poetic scansion alters the excerpt into three quatrains in unrhymed iambic pentameters, and the musical transformation alters the poetic metrics into the musical measures in I-IV-V chord progression using a music writing freeware. The practice results in the readability of the poem and the playability of its music. In other words, the practice amplifies the relation between the poetic metrics and the music measures, so the blank verse is not only poetic, but also musical. Keywords: excerpt, blank verse, transformation, music notation 2 Sutrisno Sadji Evenddy Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa University poetic scansion, musical

Revitalizing Freewriting in Writing Sutrisno Sadji Evenddy Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa University Abstract Writing is a creative activity. We need it in a scientific and creative writing. We know that there are some steps to product a good writing. An important step which should be done when we are writing is freewriting. As considering this step, we cannot express our ideas as well. In many writing activities, most of the learners always think rules before starting writing. As the result, they will not write anything. It is believed that writing rules are strongly needed. But, in doing freewriting we should forget all about rules. Consequently we can more explore our ideas . Freewriting is the step of writing to reveal the creativity and ideas in author's head. Also, freewriting is used to get started on writing activities. Ideally, if we want to explore our ideas maximally we should not think about grammar or writing 26 | P a g e

rules at the first. Therefore, the writer would like to re-discuss briefly the significance of freewriting in writing. In addition, to bring students ideas, the writer would like to encourage teachers and lecturers to provide opportunities and encourage their students to do freewriting. Thus, this paper is referred to students especially for teachers, and teacher educators who are teaching at school and universities. Keywords: Revitalizing, creativity, freewriting, writing Empowering Literature Class through Creative Writing Task: Let students Write Their Own Version Asih Santihastuti University of Jember Abstract Teaching literature or bringing literature into English class can be an interesting yet risky plan to execute, as reading a short story can be boring and monotonous sometimes. Most likely, the main activity that the teacher and students have beside reading is answering the questions, discussing the unfamiliar words and/or the moral value/s only. Consequently, students might fail to enjoy the work because they are demanded to read a certain story which may possibly not their favorite theme. For this, a creative writing activity can be taken into consideration to use in class. Letting the students express their mind after reading the story by asking them rewrite the story with their own version could maintain students interest as well as facilitate their writing skill. This paper attempts to highlight the successful integration of creative writing task into literature class and how it helps teacher maintain the students attention during the class. That students creativity is being challenged in modifying the story which accordingly exploits their vocabulary richness to produce the new version of their own is the outcome that the students can get for carrying out this activity. Besides, it also shows how this simple idea can considerably improve the atmosphere of the class with its effortless procedures. In brief, it is a two in one solution which is quite productive and fun to be applied in literature/English class. The paper will be devided into sub topics deal with the background, the related review of literatures, the procedures of the activity and the expected results. Keywords: creative writing, literature class, short story, students motivation Reproduction Text Embedded Domination in Its Interpretation Kiyan Pishkar Islamic Azad University,Jieroft Branch,I.R.Iran and Diana Budi Darma State University of Surabaya Faculty of Language and Art 27 | P a g e


Asih Santihastuti University of Jember


Diana Budi Darma State University of Surabaya

English Department Indonesia Abstract Creative process in folktale has common themes that enable readers to comprehend similar interpretations. In the future, versions are made to preserve the stories, which include written, objectified and translated treatments on the texts. From all these aspects, there is an element which is less discussed, and that is domination. This term was a key word for postcolonial concepts, especially Deconstruction. It was a great issue because of intensifying on the meanings rather than aesthetic values. Results are identified based on popularities of the story not the creative process. As an example Timun Mas and Thumbelina are folktales. One is originated from Java, Indonesia and later is from Denmark. Both backgrounds are rarely known but become famous when it is translated into English. The media in this case English is an example of domination. Keywords: reproduction, themes, domination SATURDAY, 22 MARCH 2014 -- SESSION 3 - Room 4 moderator: Zainul 1. Putu Agus Pramerta Universitas Mahasaraswati Denpasar Inserting the Concept of Tat Twam Asi in Teaching Writing Putu Agus Pramerta Universitas Mahasaraswati Denpasar Abstract In the 21st century, writing is essential for the students to success. It plays important roles to fulfill the global needs. Having good writing skill is the requirement of global needs. It means that, in order to be able to write well, they have to be engaged and given experience in organizing and elaborating thoughts. However, in fact, they have little classroom engagement and experience in fostering and exploring their own ideas. They seem to be facing a comfortable routine, such as doing exercise, drafting, and rewriting as little as possible to get the paper done as soon as possible. In line with the goal of national education, the teaching is expected to incorporate local wisdom. Incorporating local wisdom is believed to develop students creativity and engagement. Teaching writing commonly pays less attention on the insertion of local wisdom. One of local wisdom of Balinese (Hindu) people which is particularly relevant to the practice of teaching is Tat Twam Asi. Tat Twam Asi is a concept of being empathetic and cooperative. It is believed that it promotes students engagement during the process of writing. Since this study can provide and share teaching experiences which is local wisdombased, the presenter finds it significant to insert the local wisdom to cope with the challenging global needs and to give contribution to the teaching writing. Keywords: writing, teaching writing, local wisdom, Tat Twam Asi 28 | P a g e

Melania Shinta Harendika Universitas Brawijaya

Developing Students Self-Identity through Jaka Budug and Putri Kemuning Playwriting Melania Shinta Harendika Universitas Brawijaya Abstract In recent years, there have been decreasing standards of Indonesian students manners, which is caused by the inability to apply the moral values in the education system. One way to solve this is to restore the position of our tradition and culture for the instruction in the classroom. Jaka Budug and Putri Kemuning is a folktale from East Java, which is rich of moral values. Its catchy story is suitable to seize the students attention. This paper is to put several adapted playwriting activities forward from Jaka Budug and Putri Kemuning. These activities are applicable in Creative Writing Classroom for the fifth semester students of Study Program of English, Faculty of Cultural Studies, Universitas Brawijaya. This is an action research in which the proposed material is retained as they are, but it is changed in some ways by devising new materials. Several steps are done in these activities such as reading the folktale, retrieving the moral values, creating the plot and adapting the original story, re-writing and editing. In designing the materials, Theory of Identity Concerns and Self-motives (Ellemers, et al, 2002) combined with Types of Classroom Writing Performance (Brown, 2001) are applied. The result of this research shows that folktales playwriting activities can have a result in the second cell of the taxonomy of Identity Concerns and self-motives, in which it creates a high commitment of self-identity. In addition, such applicable categories of classroom writing performance as imitative, intensive, self-writing, and display writing are very useful in both increasing students ability in creative writing and forming their self-identities. Keywords: playwriting, self-identity, folktales, writing performance nusantarawisdom in 101 characters to improve students creative writing skill Lyla Anggerwina Kusuma Universitas Negeri Surabaya Abstract Concerning the use of language skills and its application for communicating culture, language, even it is in the classroom, should both explicitly and implicitly address cultural elements which is known as local wisdom as a means to communicate humans value of life around the world and reaching the future of students success in applying the language for their real life. To achieve the goal of improving students critical thinking by using culture as a wider vision in learning language, teachers can apply a technology such as twitter in teaching culture in this 21st century into their EFL classes. Twitter, one of the sophisticated social media, contributes so many benefits in language teaching especially teaching writing skill because of its special features such as the hashtag feature, Kultwit 29 | P a g e


Lyla Anggerwina Kusuma Universitas Negeri Surabaya (

new trend action, short characters in commenting, shared-linking feature among social media, etc. This study then focusses on implementing twitter in language teaching especially in writing by commenting on Indonesian local wisdom phenomena such as Indonesia traditional activities their philosophy and daily life activities that had been published in picture sharing by using WHQ brainstorming in 101 words through kultwiting with specific hashtag (nusantarawisdom).Creating meaningful writing text, commenting the issues of the posted culture, sharing knowledge about Indonesian culture around the world through writing activity are that possibly performed by the students as an authentic learning activities which improve students critical thinking for real life demand. This paper then provides analytical point of views by looking at why and how twitter can be considered as an indispensable pedagogical tool in teaching critical writing followed by its practical example of the application of twitter as a project based learning activity to share Indonesia local wisdom around the world. Keywords:twitter, writing, culture, critical thinking, authentic learning, project-based study. 4. Arik Susanti, Anis Trisusana, English Department State University of Surabaya Abstract One of the basic competencies for senior high school is that the students can analyze social functions, text structure and linguistic elements in folklore as the form of simple narrative text (curriculum 2013). Moreover, the students are expected to create short stories. Folklore can be adapted to teach short story writing because it is suitable with the students ages, culture and levels. Besides, it can also increase the students motivation and imagination to write short story. In the process of teaching short story writing, the teacher can use an Indonesian folklore such as the Legend of Surabaya. After reading the folklore, teacher asks the students to find the intrinsic elements that are characters, plot, theme and setting. Then, the students summarize the story using their own words. The following step is to have each student write a short story. Every student must decide the theme, plot, setting and characters of his story and finally create his original short story submitted to the teacher. It is assumed that using folklore can motivate and improve the students imagination that they can write a short story. Key words: folklore, short story Folklore for Teaching Short Story Writing Arik Susanti, Anis Trisusana, English Department State University of Surabaya

SATURDAY, 22 MARCH 2014 -- SESSION 3 - Room 5 moderator: Ahmad Munir 1. Alan Maley Freelance Language Consultant (UK) Tapping into the Local Culture through Creative Writing. Abstract 30 | P a g e

Participants will work on a number of tried and tested creative writing techniques to produce poems and stories. However, the raw material for their writing will draw on People, Places and Things from their own familiar, local environment: People : family members, friends, local characters, etc. Places: home, school, town or village, landscapes, shops, etc. Things: flowers, fruit, food, birds, trees, sounds, music, times of day, etc. In order to do this, they will need to observe carefully things they may previously have taken for granted, and discover the extraordinary in the ordinary. Keywords: local, culture, creative writing, noticing

Muhammad Saiful Islam King Khalid University

Tradition as Inspiration: Reading a Canonical Poem and Writing a New Poem Abstract T. S. Eliot in his seminal essay Tradition and the Individual Talent (1919) prescribes the would be writers to breathe into the store house of the tradition for inspiration and then come up with a product, a poem I would insist, that would somehow reflect the poets loyalty to, knowledge of and obedience to the tradition. Eliots tradition would be a collection of canonical works and the Western philosophyas a simplistic and short explanation would manifest. However, when we think of tradition do we think of the English canon? What does tradition mean to us as most of us are creative writers writing in English and are from different cultural backgrounds-- cultural backgrounds in which English is not the native language? (2 minutes) In connection to this problematic argument, a very brief introduction will be given on Eliots Tradition and the Individual Talent (1919). (5 minutes) A discussion will follow as to what tradition constitutes for the participants. (10 minutes) Participants will be given five minutes to read Matthew Arnolds Dover Beach (1867). After spending five minutes reading Dover Beach, participants will write a poem or an imaginative piece that would somehow project their ideas on tradition. (20 minutes) A few of the parcipants will be invited to read voluntarily from what they have written. (8 minutes)

Keywords: tradition, canon, cultural background, writing in English, T. S. Eliot, Matthew Arnold

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SATURDAY, 22 MARCH 2014 -- SESSION 4 - Room 1 moderator: Asrori 1. Maya Valiantien Nita Universitas Mulawarman Developing Skill and Creativity in Shaping Identity through Creative Writing Nita Maya Valiantien Universitas Mulawarman Abstract Teaching the skill of writing needs more attention since this skill requires collaboration between thinking skill and creativity. Particularly in Indonesia where the use of English is considered as a foreign language, the process of teaching writing must include more local context to help the students gather ideas easily with something more familiar to them. In addition, the use of local context in learning English will influence the students to use English as a part of their life and as a way to spread the value of their culture to others. Creative writing as a way that enables students to improve writing skill can be implemented in various and repeated stages. Theories and studies regarding the practice of teaching creative writing and how it can influence students to build their identity have been developed. In general, teacher should not directly ask the students to write. Instead, telling them a story or asking them to read a story as a model or source of ideas of their writing which is closely related to their culture will be very helpful. Later, teacher can ask the students to practice writing short paragraph containing their culture and together review some points related to good writing. It is expected that after having continuous practice, the students can complete their writing in longer and better composition which contains more local culture as their identity. Keywords: creative writing, writing skill, local culture, identity. 2 Ika Fitriani State University of Malang Indonesian Teachers and Students Narrative Writing Tendency: A Dilemma on the Local and Foreign Loads Ika Fitriani State University of Malang Abstract: Narrative text is one of the text types compulsorily taught in Indonesian Junior High School, particularly in the VIII and IX grade. Students, then, are required to develop both receptive and productive skills related to the narrative texts. To be underlined, English and Indonesian narrative tell such different cultures that teachers need to be very careful in the process of selecting materials. Moreover, it is a dilemma as English should provide students the greatest chance of direct contact with the global world, yet maintain students national characters and identities at the same time. Concerning on that situation, this current study aims at digging-up the phenomenon on the narrative text tendency both 32 | P a g e

from teachers and students point of view which covers three main things: (1) teachers and students knowledge on both local and foreign narrative texts; (2) teachers tendency and consideration in selecting narrative materials; and (3) students tendency in writing narrative texts. Furthermore, the researcher employed questionnaire, interview, and FGD in the data collection process which revealed the differences between local and foreign narrative in EFL class within Indonesian contexts and its further implication. Key Words: narrative text, local, foreign, writing Writing for Reading: Using Learners Own Stories in Promoting Extensive Reading Program Gita Mutiara Hati Universitas Bengkulu Abstract The main point in an extensive reading class is students read a large amount of texts and enjoy them. However, finding the right and interesting reading materials to read is not always easy. The availability of interesting as well as comprehensible texts written in English is very limited so the teacher often asks the students to find them on the internet. The problem is, choosing the right texts on the internet takes some times since there are abundant texts with different level and topics available. Students may get confused and lost when they are trying to find the texts that interest them. Another way to provide students with suitable reading texts is to integrate creative writing project into the extensive reading class. In this project, students are asked to write compositions creatively with the topics they are familiar with. Their writing are then used as reading sources in the extensive reading class. This paper tries to discuss why the integration of creative writing into the extensive reading class will work, the steps of how to implement the project of creative writing in the extensive reading class, and finally it ends with the conclusion about the advantages which may be gained by impelementing this creative writing project into not only the extensive reading program but also other classes. Keywords: creative writing, extensive reading, compositions, reading texts 4. Rahayu Kuswardani English Department-State University of Surabaya Reader s Response with Percentage to help Indonesian Students in Appreciating English Literary Works Rahayu Kuswardani Universitas Negeri Surabaya Abstract Indonesian students who are studying in university level still find the subject of literary appreciation taxiing. Mostly the difficult part is in the way to state opinion about the authors implied message. To help them in reducing the level of difficulty in that subject, the researchers applied readers response with percentage in doing 33 | P a g e


Gita Mutiara Hati Universitas Bengkulu

appreciation on particular English literary work. The subjects of this study were 40 students who registered in literary appreciation class and they did not have any idea on how to write an appreciation of a particular literary work before. The students were accustomed to tell their opinion orally and they did not have the experience in stating their opinion written. The selected literary works were The Good Corn, Colonels Lady, The Jewel and The Awakening. In every works, students had to divide the instrinsic elements such as the title, setting, characters and plot in different numbers of percentage so that when they were combined, those number of percentage would add up into 100 percent. They had to decide on their own the amount of percentage in every part of the intrinsic elements. After dividing the elements differently they had to state their opinion why they did so, why the put those different numbers of percentage. The result of this percentage method turned out to be a successful one. The students were complaining at first, but the more they practiced the easier the did on the percentage. Later on, they did not use the percentage at all. Key words: readers response, literary intrinsic elements, percentage SATURDAY, 22 MARCH 2014 -- SESSION 4 - Room 2 moderator: Anis Tri Susana 1. Lilik Handayani Perwi Darmajanti Politeknik Perkapalan Negeri Surabaya Integrating Maritime Culture and Local Wisdom of Indonesia in Empowering College Students Narrative Writing Lilik Handayani Perwi Darmajanti Politeknik Perkapalan Negeri Surabaya Abstract Developing college students creative writing is a great challenging task due to their limited vocabularies as well as their knowledge constraints of grammar and organizing the ideas based on its genre. These problems in writing encountered by college students can be overcome by integrating maritime culture and local wisdom of Indonesia in the joyful creative writing task. Short story within narrative genre was selected and implemented in teaching writing through process of portfolio assessment. The method of teaching writing was firstly begun by exposing students to video lecturing the ten tips of writing. The notions of maritime culture and local wisdom of Indonesia were explored to inspire students to write their short stories. At the end of learning writing activities, students were asked to answer questionnaires and share their works in front of the class, thus both lecturers and classmates are able to give comments and suggestions to revise. Students finally should revise their short stories and write reflective learning journal. The result of study reflects that students interest in writing short stories exploring maritime culture and local wisdom of Indonesia is increased. Since they have sufficient background 34 | P a g e

knowledge or schemata on the topic and develop their own unique style in expressing their ideas although they have been exposed to story prompts as a standard model. Keywords: narrative writing, schemata, maritime culture, local wisdom, story prompts Haiku Writing: Fostering Students Creativity and Imagination Syahara Dina Amalia Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta Abstract This paper offers an experience of teaching Poetry for university students, particularly in teaching Haiku. Haiku is known as one of the short poems originated from Japan. It comprises only three lines and 17 syllables. Haikus main theme is nature but it often mirrors human feeling which is usually revealed in the last line. Writing haiku is a good start for students who are new to learning poetry as it stimulates them to use both their imagination and creativity. Students are guided to create or tell certain modes of feeling from which they are going to express in the last line of their haiku. They are also asked to imagine and describe such kind of situation or condition according to a particular season to be put in the first two lines of their haiku. At the end of the process, they are asked to read their haiku to their classmates. By doing so, they are not only able to write as their own creativity and imagination but also able to express their feelings. This activity, although it might not been widely investigated in Indonesia, has become one of the most amusing activities experienced by my students during the learning of Poetry. This paper comprises literature reviews regarding Haiku, the significance of teaching Haiku to ELT students, and the elaboration explaining my experience in teaching Haiku. This paper ends with some suggestions in teaching Haiku to stimulate students creative writing. Keywords: haiku, poetry, creativity, imagination 3. Marwito Wihadi LBPP-LIA Bandung An Interactively Argumentative Writing Project: A Classroom Voice from Non-Formal Education Settings Abstract My paper will report what I conducted in the class, related to the completition of Argumentative Essay in an interactive way. In fact, they interacted verbally to cater the ideas of writing completition. In essence, I manipulated the topics in the Course book/Student book concerning Technological Advancement: the western products e.g. ipod, owning western values. Then, students, treated as an indivual ,were encouraged to voice their individual values/belief towards the artifacts of tecnological advancement. Later, they weighed the advantages and disadvantages of the product on the basis of their individual values/belief. Also, mine is in particular concerning about fostering their individual values as being wrapped in the writing project so as to turn out into fostering 35 | P a g e

Syahara Dina Amalia Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

local wisdom in a class. In the end, they are expected to act and think dependenly of relevant global knowledge. Likewise, they are able to discern which western values are suitable for their local contexts and which ones are not for their own sake. The creative writing in the classroom in which their individually voiced values on the technological advancement to foster their indivividual values in an interactive way typically endorsed in non-formal english eduaction is the essence of my paper. Keywords: Writing Processes, Argumentative Essay, the 4Cs principles, Interaction Exploring Local Wisdom in Students Writing: Reflecting Progress of End Product Tasks in Achievement Test Lilla Musyahda Universitas Airlangga Abstract Achievement tests are often written by the teachers and given to the students to see how well they are doing. Ideally, they should reflect a progress not a failure. They have to reinforce the learning that has taken place, not go out of their way to expose weakness. Meanwhile, the class of Academic Writing in Faculty of Humanity of Airlangga University has some obstacles in gaining the ultimate goal. Therefore, the writer would like to tailor an instruction which views the class as end product tasks in the framework of crosscultural pragmatics. The main idea of this study concerns with the ability of the language users to pair sentences with the contexts. It reflects the cultural values that can be explained and made sense of independently established cultural priorities. It is an approach which emphasizes the construction of end product as the main thing to be focused on. It stresses that writing is re-writing, re-vision, seeing with new eyes has central role to play in the act of creating text. It addition it also increase students awareness of alternative ways of studying, and to explore their ability in expressing their idea in different cultural context. The context-description of students works refer to knowledge of appropriate subject matter in which it promotes the value of local wisdom. It will then be assessed with holistic rubrics which all criteria are evaluated at the same time to see the progress of the learners. Key words: end-product tasks, achievement test, holistic rubrics, cross-cultural pragmatics SATURDAY, 22 MARCH 2014 -- SESSION 4 - Room 3 moderator: Ririn P 1. Ratih Wahyu Korpriani Universitas Negeri Malang Exploring Tulungagungs Beauty: Inspiring People to Create Documentary Script Ratih Wahyu Korpriani Universitas Negeri Malang Abstract Paciwistu stands for Paguyuban Cinta Wisata Tulungagung. It is 36 | P a g e


Lilla Musyahda Universitas Airlangga

the name of group who explore the natural beauty of Tulungagung. The members of this group usually visit beaches, mountains and other beautiful places in Tulungagung. Some places are located in rural area which only few people know about. Therefore Paciwistu is founded to explore the hidden beauty of Tulungagungs heritage. To support this objective the documentary script is needed and it will be useful for the advertising and make Tulungagugs heritage known worldwide. Unfortunately, only few people want to make a kind of writing documentary as a result of their visit. The documentary of their visit is mostly in the form of photographs which is uploaded in Facebook Group. The photograph, actually, can be made as an inspiration to write and produce more prestige documentary script. As an ethnographic research, this present paper starts with the description of beautiful places in Tulungagung. Some reasons of why the member never put the documentary on writing are also discussed. The next point is how to make the result of exploration as a documentary script. It is hoped that this present paper can inspire and motivate people, particularly people in Tulungagung, to create writing. Moreover, the writing can also bring benefits for Tulungagung itself. Indirectly it will expose the heritage of Tulungagung which only few people know. Keywords: Paciwistu, Tulungagungs beauty, creative writing 2. Wisma Yunita English Study Program, Universitas Bengkulu Incorporating Local Wisdom in Folklores into English Short Stories in University Classroom Writing: Why and How? Wisma Yunita English Study Program, Universitas Bengkulu Abstract Learning a language means learning its culture. Local wisdom as a part of a culture is an important and inseparable aspect of a language of a community. The local wisdom is usually inherited from generation to generation mostly by a word of mouth. It is in stories, proverbs, songs, and riddles which is known as folklores. In a country such as Indonesia, a big archipelago country, there a lot of folklores to be used in English language teaching. In this country, where English has a status as a foreign language, the culture of the English speaking countries has been learnt for a long period of time by the English language learners. Exposing a lot by the culture of those inner circle countries, it is now the time for the practitioner, especially the English teachers at universities, to move further and incorporate the local wisdom in folklores into English short stories in university classroom writing. The process of incorporating the local wisdom in folklores into the English short stories will stimulate the students creativity in writing. In this paper, the writer will discuss about the reasons why the English teachers in Indonesia especially at universities should incorporate the local wisdom in folklores into English short stories in classroom writing and provide the practical steps on how to incorporate the local wisdom in folklores into the English short stories.

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Keywords: Folklores, local wisdom, short stories and writing. 3. Juliati Simple, Local and Critical Notions as the Starting Points in Writing Process: The Use of Ahmad Toharis Anthology of short stories entitled Rusmi Ingin Pulang in Creative Writing Class Juliati As an attempt of incorporating local wisdom in creative writing class, one of the activities that the teacher has to do is searching local literature. One of the local literatures which can potentially be used is Ahmad Toharis short stories compiled in an anthology entitled Rusmi Ingin Pulang. Assuming that there is abundance of local wisdoms in it, the teachers next step is revealing the local wisdoms and integrating them in the learning process. With his reputation as one of Indonesian prominent writers who consistently elevates rural society, Ahmad Tohari is also well-known for his simple style of writing, simple theme, and local values. In spite of his simplicity and locality, there is an interesting aspect concerning his lucid notion of being critical as the base of his creative writing. In his short stories compiled in this anthology, Tohari puts forward his critical views concerning what happens to rural woman. As an act of criticism can lead to an act of creativity, it can be said that being critical opens spaces for being creative in writing. This paper distinctively aims to reveal Ahmad Toharis simple, local and critical notion reflected in his anthology of short stories Rusmi Ingin Pulang, and to find out how these notions can be exposed in creative writing activities to arise the students ability in producing their work. The result of this paper is expected to be fruitful for teachers of creative writing class in gaining success of incorporating local wisdom in their teaching . Keywords: simple, local, critical, local wisdom, rural woman Let Traditional Dayak Music Inspire Your Short Stories Ni Wayan Sukraini State University of Malang Abstract When it comes to teaching narrative text, most teachers of English in Indonesia simply take famous tales such as Cinderella and other stories as the examples. Those stories are originally from other countries, meaning they reflect the culture which is not quite compatible with Indonesian culture. However, being knowledgeable about the local wisdom of students own area is very important, since they rarely experience it in modern society. Some teachers of English want to promote this notion by having the students rewrite Indonesian legends or folklores. However, this technique does not always encourage students to be creative in producing their own stories. This present paper discusses the importance of integrating local wisdom i.e. Dayak culture into the teaching of creative writing in classroom. The paper also proposes a classroom activity where the students are required to write short stories which are inspired by 38 | P a g e


Ni Wayan Sukraini State University of Malang

Dayak traditional song lyrics. This activity is worth doing as the students get to learn Dayak culture reflected in the song, to be inspired by the lyrics to create short stories, and to share their knowledge on the local wisdom to other people through their writings. A model of classroom application is presented at the end of this paper. Keywords: short stories, song lyrics, Dayak culture, local wisdom SATURDAY, 22 MARCH 2014 -- SESSION 2 - Room 4 moderator: Himmawan 1. Jayakaran Mukundan Universiti Putra Malaysia Abstract What makes writing creative?

In this mini-workshop I will show teachers how they can make their writing lessons more creative. This I am sure will make their learners become more creative as well. I will start by showing how simple task manipulation strategies can make writing become more interesting. Then I will provide examples of tasks which will make learners enjoy their writing lessons throughout their life in school. Keywords: writing, creative Sensing the History in Narrative Pre-Writing Activity Abstract Composing narratives in second language, i.e. English, can sometimes be a daunting task for students. Different capacity in writing and vocabulary mastery have often been accused to be the cause of the writers block. Therefore, this workshop is designed to help teachers in assissting students to explore their five-senses and vocabulary to be employed in their writing. One of the ways is by introducing simple creative writing poems (Five-Senses Poetry, Cinquain, and Diamante) as pre-writing process that can make their work come alive. At the same time, they will also revisit the history by being the witness of the event. Thus, the 50-minutes workshop is anticipated to have the following sequence: (1) introducing the participants to the use of the three poems in language classroom; (2) composing the work after watching a historically-related video; (3) Asking the participants to sit in groups to compose the poems; and finally (4) sharing the works and discussing ideas for further application. Hopefully, by having the session, the participants will not only be enlightened to employ the method but also inspired to find other possibilities of unlocking their students imagination. Keywords: five-senses poem, cinquain, diamante, narrative


Mierza Miranti Al Taqwa College Indonesia

workshop request: 1. A laptop or computer if possible connected to internet 2. Speaker with a plug to laptop 3. LCD Projector

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