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Questionnaire to measure job satisfaction Demographics 1. What is your gender? Male female 2.

For how long have you been associated with this organization? Less than a year 1-2 years 3-5 years more than 5 years 3. What is your income bracket? 0-25000 25000-35000 35000-50000 Training 1 Probation/parole officers are given adequate training related to their individual jobs 2 Officers are encouraged to attend various trainings aimed at assisting them to advance 3 Supervisors and/or team leaders provide adequate orientation and on-the-job training for new hires.

above 50000 Strongly Disagree Nuetral Agree Strongly disagree Agree

Job-related Stress 4 My job is often frustrating in ways that cause me to become angry 5 I feel I am under a great deal of pressure when I am at work 6 There are many aspects of my job over which I feel I have no control. 7 I sometimes feel a threat to my personal safety when I am on the job Input Into Policies and Procedures 8 Officers here are often asked to participate in departmental decision-making. 9 Officers have the freedom to make some decisions on their own without consulting a supervisor. 10 Officers are encouraged to establish their own work plans and schedules. Meaningfulness of the Job 11 My job here utilizes well my skills and abilities 12 I find my job to be challenging and often

Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly disagree Agree

Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly disagree Agree

Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly disagree Agree

difficult. 13 My job is challenging, but in a way more positive than negative. 14 My job allows me to feel as though I am being productive and contributing something.

Job Satisfaction 15 Overall I am satisfied with my job. 16 This job measures up to the goals I had in mind for myself when looking for employment. 17 I would say that I enjoy the work I do here. 18 Overall, I am satisfied with the salary associated with my job. 19 My satisfaction with my job here is sufficient that I have no immediate plans to look for another job elsewhere. 20 Overall, I am satisfied with the benefit package associated with my job

Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly disagree Agree

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