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Brand awareness of smart learn+ and need assessment at airtel

Learning & Development Project Submitted to: Professor J K Jain

Group 4 Akshata Jain Kshatriya Sanket Mukul Sharma Navdeep Sarthak Kapoor Swati Mahajan

13PGHR02 13PGHR20 13PGHR25 13PGHR27 13PGHR42 13PGHR55

Acknowledgement This study would not have been possible without the cooperation of & generous help from a number of people. While it may not be possible for us to express our thanks to each of them individually, we wish to place on my record my appreciation to them for all the help they extended to me during the project. We, as members of group 4 are highly indebted to Professor. J K Jain for his incessant guidance, both professional and personal along with motivation, which has been one of the key ingredients in the successful completion of this project. We would also like to thank Akriti Bajpayi, our alum who guided us and gave us an introduction to the training policies & means in airtel. She also provided us with information about smart learn+ which is the new intiative in learning and development, which has end to end training facilities & the employees of airtel at various levels who filled our questionnaire and helped us in successful & meaningful completion of our project.

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Executive Summary Telecommunication is a technology intensive industry with a high probability of obsolescence. Our country has witnessed a number of technologies varying from magneto exchanges to the modern new technology digital switches. We have also seen changes in the transmission technology from carrier systems to the DWDM systems providing long distance circuits across the country. Telecommunications today is both a public utility & a vital infrastructure. Therefore, an inhouse training centre is eesntial for continuous training & development of employees. Training is a process through which a person enhances & develops his efficiency, capacity & effectiveness at work by improving and updating his knowledge & understanding the skills required for performing his or her job in a better way. It also helps to cultivate appropriate and desired behavior and attitude towards the work. Unless training is provided, the jobs and lives of employees in organizations are at stake, it gives people an awareness of rules and procedures to guide their behaviors. It is an application of knowledge to improve the performance on the current job or to prepare one for an intended job. The project started of with the interaction of with Akriti Bajpayee and Vineet Gala, who helped us in the need assessment. We interacted with sales and also analyzed JD and some research paper to know the important parameters. In the next phase the parameter were taken and based on this a survey was formulated to find those parameters which should taken on priority to do the training .After this a interview were taken of ASM And RSM s done to find the Gap between the required knowledge of the parameter and the actual knowledge of the staff. In the next phase we have suggested a training plan to Airtel to fill this gap

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Table of Contents
Acknowledgement ........................................................................................................................... 2 Executive Summary ......................................................................................................................... 3 Industry Profile 4 About Airtel5 Sytematatic approach to training.9 Training needs..12

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In the early 1990s, the Indian government adopted a new economic policy aimed at improving India's competitiveness in the global markets and the rapid growth of exports. Key to achieving these goals was a world-class telecom infrastructure. In India, the telecom service areas are divided into four metros (New Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai and Kolkata) and 20 circles, which roughly correspond to the states in India. The circles are further classified under "A," "B" and "C," with the "A" circle being the most attractive and "C" being the least attractive. The regulatory body at that time the Department of Telecommunications (DOT) allocated two cellular licenses for each metro and circle. Thirty-four licenses for GSM900 cellular services were auctioned to 22 firms in 1995. The first cellular service was provided by, Modi Telstra in Kolkatta in August 1995. For the auction, it was stipulated that no firm can win in more than one metro, three circles or both. The circles of Jammu and Kashmir and Andaman and Nicobar had no bidders, while West Bengal and Assam had only one bidder each. In 1996, the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) bill was introduced in the Lok Sabha, and the president officially announced the TRAI ordinance on 25 January 1997. The government decided to set up TRAI to separate regulatory functions from policy formulation, licensing and telecom operations. Prior to the creation of TRAI, these functions were the sole responsibility of the DOT.

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AIRTEL - the company profile AirTel comes to you from Bharti Cellular Ltd, consortium of giants in the telecommunication business. AirTel launched its services in Delhi on November 14, 1995. It has at present over six lakh fifty thousand customers in its six years of pursuit of greater customer satisfaction; AirTel has redefined the business through marketing innovations, continuous technological up gradation of the network, introduction of new generation value added services and the highest standard of customer care. AirTel has consistently set the benchmarks for the Indian cellular industry to follow. First to launch Cellular service in Delhi on November, 1995. First operator to revolutionaries the concept of retailing with the inauguration of AirTel Connect (exclusive showrooms) in 1995. Today AirTel has 20 Customer Care Touch points called "Connects" and over 350 dealers in Delhi and NCR Towns First to expand its network with the installation of second mobile switching center in April, 1997 and the first in Delhi to introduce the Intelligent Network Platform First to provide Roaming to its subscribers by forming an association called World 1 Network. First to provide roaming facility in USA. Enjoy the mobile roaming across 38 partner networks & above 700 cities Moreover roam across international destinations in 119 countries including USA, Canada, and UK etc with 284 partner networks.

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Vision For 2015- What they want to become By 2015, airtel will be the most loved brand, enriching the lives of millions Mission We will meet the mobile communication needs of our customers through: Error- free service delivery Innovative products and services Cost efficiency Unified Messaging Solutions Bharti Values Inn venturing We will generate and implement entrepreneurial and innovative ideas, which will continuously create new growth engines. Customer First We are committed to delivering service beyond the expectations of the customer. Our quality of customer responsiveness clearly differentiates us from others. Performance Culture We benchmark our processes and performance against world-class standards. We distinguish between performers and non-performers by valuing achievement at the individual as well as the team level. Ours is a culture of inclusively where feedback, learning and ideas are actively encouraged, sought and acted upon. Valuing Partnership We are committed to building exemplary relationship with our partners, which stand on the principles of mutual trust and mutual growth

Valuing People We nurture an environment where people are respected and their uniqueness is valued. We believe that people are our key differentiators. Responsible Corporate Citizenship We are committed to making a positive and proactive contribution to the community. As a responsible corporate citizen we will contribute to and abide by Environmental and legal norms. Ethical Practices We will uphold the highest ethical standards in all internal and external relationship. We will not allow misuse or misrepresentation of any kind. The picture on the following page summarises the values & their brand promise.
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Figure1. Vision & Values

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Identification of organizational objectives/needs/growth potential and resources.

TASK ROLE ANALYSIS Identification of knowledge, skills and attitudes required .


Identification /definition of target population and performance analysis.


Identification of gap between existing and required level of knowledge skills and attitude. Isolate problem areas amenable to resolution through training

SETTING TRAINING OBJECTIVES In terms of behavioral charges

In terms of output/results



Arrange resource


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Carry out evaluation at various phases against the training objectives set. Develop follow-up measures for monitoring.


Against measures of job proficiency



Management can determine the training needs by answering the following questions: What are the organization's goals? What task must be completed to achieve these goals? What behaviors are necessary for each job incumbent to complete his/her assigned jobs? What deficiencies, if any, do incumbents have in skills, knowledge or attitudes required to perform the necessary behaviors? It again depends on seeing the performance of an individual? Based on out determination of the organization's needs, the type of work that is to be done, and the type of skills necessary to complete this work, the training programme should follow naturally. What kind of signals can warn a manager that employee training may be necessary? Clearly, the more obvious, ones relate directly to productivity; inadequate job performance assuming the individual is making a satisfactory effort, attention should be given toward raining the skill level of the worker. When a manager is confronted with a drop in productivity, it may suggest that skills need to be finetuned. In addition to productivity measures, a high reject rate or larger than usual scrap page may indicate a need for employee training. A rise in the number of accidents reported also suggests some type of re-training is necessary. There is also the future element: changes that are being imposed on the worker as a result of a job redesign or a technological breakthrough. These types of changes require a training effort that is fewer crises oriented; that is, a
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proportion for planned change rather than a reaction to immediately unsatisfactory condition.When inadequate performance results from a motivation problem rather than askills problem, the rewards and disciplinary action may be of greater relevance. Nor would training be the answer of the problem lies outside the job activity itself. For examples, if salaries are low, if supervision is poor, if workers benefits are inadequate or if the physical work tryout is deficient, spending on employee training may have little or no effect on productivity, since inadequate performance is due to conditions that training cannot remedy. Training can enhance skills but does nothing to relieve monotony. Once if has been determined that training is necessary, training goals must be established. Management should explicitly state what changes or results are sought for each employee. It is not adequate merely to say that change in employee knowledge, skills, attitudes or social behavior is desirable, we must clarify what is to change, and by how much. These goals should be tangible, feasible and measurable. It should be clear both to the management as well as the employee.

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- Identified


through the corporate MBO serious. It gives the necessary information, regarding thegaps which prevails

Manager personnel

Operative personnel
Training needs identified through employees merit rating system

External training
Exposure approved by divisional director and monitored by corporate training & development manager

Internal training
Needs identified through appraisal system, and programme monitored by corporate training and development manager.

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Types of training method the training methods which are generally used in an organization are classified into two i.e., a) On the job : The most important type of training is on the job training. The experience of actually doing something makes a lasting impression and has a reality that other types of training cannot provide. There are several types of training programmes which make use of on-the-job training concept which are as follows:

Off the job: This is a type of training which is imparted to the employees through education programmes,simulators and training aids etc.The off the job training includes the following: method

Training, as a process of long tem learning is essentially a developmental tool. Through, effectively utilizing this tool, the organization expects to achieve career objectives. Sensitize employees towards their role in achieving the organizational vision of Leadership through Differentiation. Contribute towards the career progressions of the employees by importing knowledge of an additional or reinforcing nature, developing skills and bringing about desired attitudinal changes among them. This would not merely prove effective in assisting them to achieve organizational goals but also enable enhancement of their self esteem and self confidences to face external challenges. Ours is changing and dynamic organizations which have to pay considerable emphasis on training and retraining its employees to enable them to be competent committed and have the capacity to change according to the external and internal demands and pressures. Training of employees is not merely the responsibility of the management or the training cell alone, but the responsibility of department managers as well. Accordingly, the human resource department must enable their involvement in the process of employee training and development.

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TRAINING STEPS There are four basic steps in carrying out the training function:

training and Reinforcement of training (D). Training Need Assessment consultation with the individual, his/her supervisor and the Head/Chief of the department. The performance management system as well as feedback by employees across the organization is used for collaborating the training needs. Training Calendar This carries details about the training programmes that will be conducted during the course of the year. In-hour and external training are held on behavioral as well as specific job related skills. Training Evaluations ascertain the value being added to the employees. Managers nominate employees for training. Attendance at the training classes is obligatory. You are encouraged to make the best use of these opportunities provided by the company to enhance your professional skills. Training records will be maintained in the Personal File of each employee, for review at any time

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We now try to analyze and interpret the data to reach a conclusion. We begin with the analysis of the data collected from the T&D staff. METHODS USED FOR TRAINING NEEDS ANALYSIS The training needs analysis is done generally by discussion with superiors and departmental heads. However, the participants themselves also play a vital role in identifying their own training needs. Also, performance appraisal sessions and customer feedback are two important ways through which training needs can be analyzed. Areas in which training is imparted Bharti provides training to all areas mentioned, however, the training imparted to the employees depends on the level of organizations. Frequency of training programme Training programmes are conducted at Bharti throughout the year. The duration depends on the type of the training. Training for computer basics are for 3-5 days, and for executive trainees are for 1 year. Changing trends in T&D today Focus on right attitude and overall development of the employee. Focus on sophistication of technologies Trainer-trainee cooperation Elements for making training programme successful Clear objectives, good faculty, right training method, physical arrangements, duration of training programme, contents of TP, and rewards/incentives after TP. We have used the method of Moving Averages to determine the rankings. Identification of training needs 90% involved 10% not involved. Effectiveness of training method used 85% said effective, 15% said ineffective. Achievement of training objectives 95% satisfied, 15% dissatisfied Continuous training 60% satisfied, 40% not satisfied Involvement in programme planning 55% happy with involvement, 45% not. Communication of problems to management 30% dissatisfied, 15% not involved, 55% involved and satisfied
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Different companies adopt different training and development as per the needs of trainee as well as organization so that person don't lack in any area of his activity, which in turn won't affect the company at large. Hence training as per the need arising up. At Bharti they have a separate education and training department, which looks for the training and development of employee. Here new technique includes 6 sigma, 5s, kaizan and so, where as hr includes, teambuilding, motivation, behavior, general includes the rest other kind of training and development progamme at Bharti Airtel Ltd.

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Too many cooks spoils the broth", many people create utter confusion, keeping this in mind. Accordingly many of the respondent feels that no of trainee whether in house or our house should be in and about 10-15 and should not exceed this where as few that it should be in the batch of 20 as they together is better, and very negligible feels that batch of 25-30 would also be suitable for training. We find out from this study that people like the concept of "small is beautiful"

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NEED IDENTIFICATION As already discussed in brief in report as to how it should be done so root of problem can be traced out and accordingly it can be treated well for the best output. There are so many ways to identify the cause of the problem. Over here we discussed 3 main causes where by few find that 3 of them are very much in use in industry. That is employee himself, performance appraisal, and superior assessment. Here we can see that the best to know about you is he. He can be monitored by the team head too who sees him working regularly and if found then can recommend him to undergo training.

Training small word covering wide connotation, is the way you groom some one in different environment and ways available as per the capacity as well as availability. On the complexities of it training is imparted to individual. At Airtel employees have been undergone in almost all the above category but most of them feel it should be held off the job so that they can concentrate approximately in what ever they are taught, where as they feel that some training like 6 sigma, 5s, Kaizan should be help on the job for its effectiveness.

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HOW FREQUENTLY YOU GO FOR TRAINING? Learning at Bharti is a continuous process and they learn at each and every stage. The education and training team continuously strive to make its colleague learn as frequent as possible. So that they are always prepared for any situation to face the competitive world. Proper training of employee is held as per the need and requirement of the employee related to the work he is assigned. So that he can do his best. But still if we see people frequently go for training.

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TRAINING ALIGNMENT WITH ORGANISATION OBJECTIVE Training programme is prepared keeping in mind the development of organization as well as employee. Most of the people feel that the training they undergo is aligned to organization objective only. But while during interview and self observation it was found that training at Bharti moves parallel i.e. organizational development as well as individual too rather they feel they go hand in hand.

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Yes feedback is taken from the trainee after the training is over. In terms like whether they liked the training, which they had undergone, was that sufficient enough to make them handy and competitive to go with. If not then what can be done which make it easy and handy to understand. If they are looking for any kind of further training keeping in mind any consecutive training related to previous undergone and if any new conceptual training emerged as on. LIMITATIONS der and the receiver, due to differing perceptions, communication errors in the form of miscomprehension, selective perception etc. creeps in. In this case too, these were unavoidable, and thus might have added to slight inaccuracy in my results. r major limitation was of time and nonavailablity of the concerned persons at times. because of some of its company policies.

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CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS Training analysis is done with the view of both the superiors and the criminals. The common feeling is that the thrust in future should be on developing people skills and not only functional skills. IT would be a key focus area. Many trainees are not satisfied with performance. Most of the times trainees involved in various programmes. Thus we conclude that Bharti's effort towards training and development has been successful. We also feel training should be imparted on current issues like change management etc. Training sessions should not to be long and self directed learning should be encouraged. Training process of Bharti Cellular Ltd. depends upon: Selecting the right training programmes e training programme and sending the information to the concerned employees

Evaluate training and incorporate changes if required.

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QUESTIONNAIRE 1. What are the methods used for the analysis of your training needs? i. Analysis by superiors or company, identification by individuals(TNA) ii. Discussion with superiors iii. Identification by group head or depending on departmental functional needs iv. Feedback from persons to be trained about what training they need and this is incorporated in PMIs programme to the extent possible by management. v. Planned interventions training. vi. Questionnaires filled by participants vii. Training is identified from a list which has been proposed by the training department, by the employee based on his needs and aptitude. viii. Self analysis ix. Depending on the type and nature of job being handled x. Discussions at departmental levels xi. Keeping in mind the career map of an employee and also the functional requirements. 2. Are you employees involved in identifying their training needs/ needs/areas of training?

3. What are the various areas in which training is imparted? i Company policies and procedures ii Functional skills iii Human relations iv Problem solving v Managerial and supervisory training vi Apprentice training vii Creativity viii Strategic planning ix Computers x Cross-functional skills 4. In future, what according to you would be the potential areas of training? i. Computer programming ii. Core technical areas iii. Management related iv. Work culture and discipline v. Objectives of organization
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vi. HRD/HRM vii. Strategic management viii. Corporate governance ix. Behavioral and emotional training x. Interpersonal and interactive skills xi. Adaptability to change in future xii. Problem solving xiii. Communication skills 5. What are the various training methods employed? On the job i. different locations with the location in charge ii. practical work Off the job i. lectures ii. audio-visual aids iii. simulations iv. discussions v. seminars vi. workshops vii. project work 6. Do you think the methods used are relevant and effective?

7. What are your objectives in attending a training programme? i. gain knowledge in your area ii. to enjoy social get together iii. develop competencies iv. self development v. personal satisfaction as well as taking a break from continuous and strenuous work vi. overcome mental blockage0 and eliminate complacency

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8. Do you think your objective of attending the training program is normally achieved?

9. What according to you are the key areas in which training should be imparted? i. Technical skills ii. Managerial skills iii. Computers iv. Functional areas v. Interpersonal relations vi. Self development vii. Behavioral skills viii. Handling workforce in the age group of 45-50 years ix. Human relations. x. Communication skills 10. Are you provided with adequate continuing training to keep you abreast of the changes in the environment?

11. What are the methods used to evaluate the effectiveness of a training programme? i. feedback after training ii. improvement in performance iii. written test/exam 12. Does the management take into consideration your opinion on the training programme?

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13. Identify the shortcomings in the programmes, if any, regarding the following? 1. physical arrangements 2. faculty 3. training methods 4. contents of the program 14. Have you communicated these problems to the management?

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