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CDR: Call_drop / RTCH_success_end

100*( MC736+MC993+MC994+MC621+MC995+MC996+MC14C+MC739+MC921C) (MC718+MC717A+MC717B-(MC712))

MC736- NB_TCH_DROP_EST_PHAS_RLF_TRX Number of TCH (in HR or FR usage) drops in TCH established phase due to radio link failure (radio link timeout or Lapdm timer expiry), per TRX. 1) Whenever a 48.058 CONNECTION FAILURE INDICATION message with a cause value of "radio link failure" is received on Abis interface for a TCH channel (after successful seizure). 2) Whenever an 48.058 ERROR INDICATION message is received on Abis interface and leads to a los. MC993- NB_AMR_TCH_DROP_RLF_TRX_PM110 Number of AMR TCH (NB or WB AMR) for which Repeated SACCH is not activated, dropped in established TCH phase due to radio link failure (radio link timeout or Lapdm timer expiry), per TRX. For TCH using AMR codecs (NB or WB) but for which the feature Repeated SACCH is not activated by the BSC: 1) whenever a 48.058 CONNECTION FAILURE INDICATION message with a cause value of "radio link failure" is received on Abis interface for a TCH channel (after successful seizure). 2) Whenever a 48.058 ERROR INDICATION message is received on Abis interface and leads to a loss of call. MC994- NB_AMR_TCH_DROP_RLF_TRX_RSACCH_PM110 Number of AMR TCH (NB or WB AMR) for which Repeated SACCH is activated, dropped in established TCH phase due to radio link failure (radio link timeout or Lapdm timer expiry), per TRX. This counter takes into account TCH in traffic. For TCH using AMR codecs (NB or WB) but for which the feature Repeated SACCH is activated by the BSC: 1) whenever a 48.058 CONNECTION FAILURE INDICATION message with a cause value of "radio link failure" is received on Abis interface for a TCH channel (after successful seizure). 2) Whenever an 48.058 ERROR INDICATION message is received on Abis interface and leads to a loss of call. MC621- NB_TCH_DROP_OUT_HO_EXEC_TRX Number of TCH drops during the execution of any TCH outgoing handover, per TRX. MC621 = C621 1) Inter-cell TCH handover: whenever the timer supervising the handover procedure (T3103) expires. 2) External TCH handover: whenever the timer supervising the handover procedure on the serving cell (T8) expires. 3) Intra-cell TCH handover: whenever the timer supervising the handover procedure (T3107) expires. MC995- NB_AMR_TCH_DROP_OUT_HO_TRX_PM110 Number of TCH using AMR codecs (NB or WB) but with Repeated FACCH not activated, dropped during the execution of any TCH outgoing handover, per TRX. This counter takes into account handovers from TCH in traffic. For TCH using AMR codecs (NB or WB) but for which the feature Repeated FACCH is not activated by the BSC: 1) Inter-cell TCH handover: whenever the timer supervising the handover procedure (T3103) expires. 2) External TCH handover (2G -> 2G): whenever the timer supervising the handover procedure on the serving cell (T8) expires, except if a 48.008 CLEAR COMMAND with "normal event/call control" cause was received from the MSC, leading to a normal call release. In such a case, the handover is considered as successful. 3) Intra-cell TCH handover: whenever the timer supervising the handover procedure (T3107) expires. 4) 2G -> 3G HO: whenever the timer supervising the 2G-3G handover procedure on the serving cell (T3121) expires, except if a 48.008 CLEAR COMMAND with "normal event/call control" cause was received from the MSC, leading to a normal call release. In such a case, the 2G->3G handover is considered as successful. MC996- NB_AMR_TCH_DROP_OUT_HO_TRX_RFACCH_PM110 Number of TCH using AMR codecs (NB or WB) and with Repeated FACCH activated, dropped during the execution of any TCH outgoing handover, per TRX. This counter takes into account handovers from TCH in traffic or in signaling mode. For TCH using AMR codecs (NB or WB) but for which the feature Repeated FACCH is activated by the BSC: 1) Inter-cell TCH handover: whenever the timer supervising the handover procedure (T3103) expires. 2) External TCH handover (2G -> 2G): whenever the timer supervising the handover procedure on the serving cell (T8) expires, except if a 48.008 CLEAR COMMAND with "normal event/call control" cause was received from the MSC, leading to a normal call release. In such a case, the handover is considered as successful. 3) Intra-cell TCH handover: whenever the timer supervising the handover procedure (T3107) expires. 4) 2G -> 3G HO: whenever the timer supervising the 2G-3G handover procedure on the serving cell (T3121) expires, except if a 48.008 CLEAR COMMAND with "normal event/call control" cause was received from the MSC, leading to a normal call release. In such a case, the 2G->3G handover is considered as successful. MC14C- NB_TCH_DROP_EST_PHAS_BSS_PB Counter Number of TCH (in HR or FR usage) drops in TCH established phase due to BSS problem. It may happen that several causes of failures mentioned below are detected consecutively. In that case, the counter will only be incremented once, as soon as the call is released. 1) Whenever an 48.058 ERROR REPORT message with a cause value of "O&M intervention" is received on Abis interface after TCH seizure and leads to a loss of call. 2) Whenever an 48.058 ERROR REPORT message on SAPI 0 with a cause value of "message sequence error" is received on Abis interface after TCH seizure and leads to a loss of call. 3) Whenever a LAPD failure is reported to the Layer 3 of the BSC (for an RSL supporting a TCH transaction after successful TCH seizure) and leads to a loss of call. 4) Whenever a TCH call release is initiated by the BSS O&M FAULT MANAGEMENT application part or by the BSS TELECOM application part as the result of a system defense action which may be due to BSS equipment failures external to the BSC (e.g. RSL failure or CU recovery failure), or due to BSC internal hardware problems (e.g. TCU failure or DTC failure) or due to BSC internal software problems (e.g. inconsistencies detected between software modules or lack of software resources (memory, timer reference, file reference...) or communication problems between different processor boards).

MC739- NB_TCH_DROP_EST_PHAS_REM_TRANS_FAIL_TR Number of TCH (in HR or FR usage) drops in TCH established phase due to remote transcoder failures (per TRX). The counter is incremented whenever a 48.058 CONNECTION FAILURE INDICATION message with cause "Remote Transcoder Failure" is received on Abis interface for an established TCH connection. The BSC considers a TCH connection as "established" once a 44.018 ASSIGNMENT COMPLETE message (in case of normal assignments or an internal intra-cell handovers) or a 44.018 HANDOVER COMPLETE message (in case of an internal inter-cell incoming HO or an external inter-cell incoming HO) has been received for the TCH connection. Note 1: MC739 = C739. Note 2: The counter is incremented only once per established TCH connection. Thus, even if the BTS sends several 48.058 CONNECTION FAILURE INDICATION messages with cause "Remote Transcoder Failure" for a particular established TCH connection, BSC will increment the counter only once for that connection. MC921c - NB_PREEMPTED_CALLS Number of pre-empted calls in the cell. Whenever a 48.008 CLEAR REQUEST or UPLINK RELEASE INDICATION message with preemption cause is sent to the MSC. MC718- NB_TCH_NOR_ASS_SUCC_TRX Number of TCH (in HR or FR usage) normal assignment successes, per TRX Whenever a 44.018 ASSIGNMENT COMPLETE message is received on Abis interface for a TCH channel that is not involved in a handover procedure. MC717A- NB_INC_TCH_HO_SUCC_TRX Number of incoming internal and external TCH (in HR or FR usage) handover successes per TRX; since there are no reliable means at the target BSC to distinguish external directed retry from external handover, the external directed retries are counted by this counter. MC717b = C717b 1) Internal inter-cell or external TCH handover: whenever a 44.018 HANDOVER COMPLETE message is received on Abis interface from the target cell for a TCH channel. 2) Intra-cell handover: whenever an 44.018 ASSIGNMENT COMPLETE message is received on Abis interface on the target channel. MC717B- NB_INC_TCH_HO_SUCC_TRX Number of incoming internal and external TCH (in HR or FR usage) handover successes per TRX; since there are no reliable means at the target BSC to distinguish external directed retry from external handover, the external directed retries are counted by this counter. MC717b = C717b 1) Internal inter-cell or external TCH handover: whenever a 44.018 HANDOVER COMPLETE message is received on Abis interface from the target cell for a TCH channel. 2) Intra-cell handover: whenever an 44.018 ASSIGNMENT COMPLETE message is received on Abis interface on the target channel. MC712- NB_TCH_OUT_HO_SUCC_TRX Nb of outgoing TCH handover successes, per TRX. Intracell, internal intercell and external handovers are counted together. MC712 = C712 1) External HO: whenever 48.008CLEAR COMMAND (cause="handover successful") is received on the serving BSC on the TCH channel 2) Internal inter-cell HO: whenever 44.018HANDOVER COMPLETE is received from the MS via the target cell on the TCH channel 3) Internal intra-cell HO: whenever 44.018ASSIGNMENT COMPLETE is received from the MS via the cell on the TCH channel Note: This counter counts both inter-PLMN and intra-PLMN handover events. Note: This counter doesnt count hantover to UMT

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