Course: European Histories Cultures & Ideas Topic: Introduction To German Studies

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Anchor II: Cultur e & Diversity Cours e : Europ e a n Histories Cultur e s & Ideas Topic: Introdu c ti o n to Germ a n Studies

Conservatory 238/ German 295/ History 240 T/Th 1:002:15 Spring Semester 2014


CT!RS ro!" #n$re% S" &ergerson' (ept o! History' &ergersona)*m+,"e$*' 235-5.28' /!!i,e ho*rs: 203 Co,+e!air Ha00' T/Th 11:00-12:45' or 1y appointment
ro!" 2i00iam #" 3verett' Conservatory o! 4*si, an$ (an,e' 3verett2)*m+,"e$*' 235-285.' /!!i,e ho*rs: 329 Grant Ha00' T/Th 2:30-3:30 or 1y appointment ro!" 5" S,ott &a+er' (ept o! 6oreign 7ang*ages 8 7iterat*res' 1a+er+s)*m+,"e$*' 235-2823' /!!i,e ho*rs: 215 S,o!ie0$ Ha00' T*es" 11:30-1:00' 2e$" 10:00-12:00


RSE D ESCRI"TI!N German-spea+ing Centra0 3*rope has p0aye$ a pivota0 ro0e in the history an$ ,*0t*re o! mo$ern 3*rope" 3ven a short 0ist o! ma9or !ig*res sho%s the s,ope an$ impa,t o! Germans on the mo$ern %or0$: 4artin 7*ther' 2" #" 4o:art' 7*$%ig van &eethoven &erto0t &re,ht' 5ar0 4ar;' Sigm*n$ 6re*$' #$o0! Hit0er' <i,har$ 2agner' G*stav 4ah0er' !ormer 5ansas City hi0harmoni, ,on$*,tor Hans S,h%ieger' an$ =45C>s o%n 3rnst 4anheim"
This intro$*,tion to German St*$ies %i00 e;pose st*$ents to ma9or themes in German ,*0t*re' history' an$ i$eas" /verar,hing topi,s to 1e $is,*sse$ in this ,o*rse in,0*$e: Germany as the 0an$ o! poets an$ thin+ers' the i$ea o! a ?parti,*0ar path@ o! mo$erni:ation $istin,t !rom 2estern mo$e0sA an$ the ongoing importan,e o! ,o00e,tive memory in $e!ining German histories' ,*0t*re' an$ i$entities" The ,0assroom-1ase$' 0e,t*re- an$ seminar-sty0e ,o*rse %i00 reB*ire reg*0ar rea$ing an$ parti,ipation in ,0assroom $is,*ssions an$ a,tivities" Ct %i00 as+ st*$ents to pose German B*estions rather than provi$ing ans%ers" There are no prereB*isites or ,o-reB*isites' an$ it reB*ires no !oreign-0ang*age a1i0ity" This ,o*rse !*0!i00s the #n,hor CC reB*irement !or genera0 e$*,ation an$ may serve as an e;,e00ent entre into a ma9or in History or German' or a minor in German St*$ies" St*$ents ta+ing the ,o*rse as a ,0*ster ,o*rse have a separate sy00a1*s %ith *niB*e reB*irementsD


#ATI!NS Gra$es are ,a0,*0ate$ 1ase$ on 1000 points: Rando m $ui%%es E10F: 100 pts E10 pt ea,hF' on the rea$ings assigne$ !or the ,0ass that $ay "articipa ti o n : a" (is,*ssion: 100 pts

1" S,ript-in-han$ rea$ing o! p0ay: 50 pts ," ro9e,t !air : 50 pts &idter m E'a m E2 ho*rsF: 200 pts" Go* %i00 ta+e this e;am o*tsi$e o! ,0ass in the ,omp*ter e;amination room an$ yo* m*st sign *p !or it thro*gh &0a,+1oar$ in a$van,e" Group Repr es e n t a t i o n a l "ro(ect E3 partsF: These projects may overlap with the topic of a written or oral analytic project in your discourse II class, though there are different requirements for each assignment that will be explained in class. a" Dra)ts o! 1" an$ ,": 100 pts E50 pts ea,hF' graded for completeness only 1" * Artist+s, or *Scie nti st + s , Stat e m e n t : 100 pts' .50-1000 %or$s' $es,ri1ing the ?German@ B*estion at sta+e in the pro9e,t' three so*r,es o! inspiration' yo*r artisti, metho$ an$ ,hoi,es' an$ the impa,t yo* hope to have on yo*r a*$ien,e" Work on . using the Wiki tool in the !roject section of lackboard. ," The "ro(ect Itsel) : 100 pts" # %or+ o! art an$/or s,ien,e that see+s to represent an iss*e !rom the ,o*rse to an *nin!orme$ a*$ien,e" -inal E'a m E2 ho*rsF: 200 pts" Go* %i00 ta+e this e;am o*tsi$e o! ,0ass in the ,omp*ter e;amination room an$ yo* m*st sign *p !or it thro*gh &0a,+1oar$ in a$van,e" E'tra Credit !ptions : German-re0ate$ events %i00 1e anno*n,e$A st*$ents may a0so s*ggest them to instr*,tors" 1-10 pts !or atten$ing the event an$ 110 pts !or a 2 page essay re0ating it to one o! the themes an$ one o! the so*r,es !rom the ,o*rse"

St*$ents %i00 1e gra$e$ entire0y 1y the pro!essor in ,harge o! their se,tion an$ accordi n . to the stude n t learnin . o/(ective s )or this cours e " #00 st*$ent %or+ %i00 1e eva0*ate$ an$ gra$e$ on the 1asis o! sty0e' !ormat an$ ,ontent" ECn the ,ase o! the representationa0 pro9e,t' you will not be penali"ed on the basis of your artistic or scientific skills# F The st*$ent>s opinion is his or her o%n" There is one signi!i,ant ,aveat: hate %i00 not 1e to0erate$" The 1000 points %i00 1e ,onverte$ to a 100H s,a0e Ei" e" 9.5/1000I 9."5HF" 7etter gra$es %i00 1e a%ar$e$ on a stan$ar$ $istri1*tion" 6or instan,e: .0-.2"9H I C-' .3-.J"9HIC' ..H-.9"98ICK' an$ so on" The ,o*rse %i00 in,0*$e e;tra ,re$it options !or *p to 30 points on top o! yo*r gra$e" # German 0ang*age $is,*ssion gro*p may a0so 1e !orme$" German 0ang*age t*tors are a0so avai0a10e thro*gh the 0ang*age 0a1"


3a,h st*$ent must ,omp0ete her or his own work in,0*$ing %hen st*$ents are engage$ in gro*p e;er,ises or *sing ,omp*ters o*tsi$e the ,0assroom" 0agiarism res*0ts in !ai0*re' a,a$emi, $ishonesty in res*1mission" 7ate s*1missions are pena0i:e$ 1y ha0! a gra$e per $ay" St*$ents are e;pe,te$ to 1e e;treme0y ,ooperative %ith the other st*$ents" They sho*0$ ,omp0ete their %or+ in a time0y manner an$ ,omm*ni,ate responsive0y %ith others so that a00 st*$ents ,an s*,,ee$ in the ,o*rse" #t a00 2

times st*$ents m*st ,reate a s*pporting 0earning environment !or themse0ves an$ their peers" Sometimes' 1e,a*se o! i00ness or persona0 ,risis' st*$ents %i00 1e in,apa10e o! meeting a $ea$0ine' ,annot get a,,ess to rea$ing materia0s' ,annot ma+e it to ,0ass' or m*st miss an e;am" St*$ents sho*0$ $is,*ss this sit*ation %ith their instr*,tor in advance o! that $ea$0ine or ,0ass' an$ $eve0op a p0an !or ma+ing *p their %or+' i! they %ish to 1e e;,*se$ !rom their responsi1i0ities" =ne;,*se$ a1sen,es %i00 not 1e a,,ommo$ate$" #tten$an,e is man$atory !or a00 ,0asses" St*$ents m*st sign in %ith their instr*,tor !or ea,h ,0ass session" St*$ents %i00 1e pena0i:e$ !or ea,h *ne;,*se$ a1sen,es 1y re,eiving 0 parti,ipation points !or the $ay an$ miss the opport*nity !or a 10 point B*i:' i! one ta+es p0a,eA proportiona0 0osses !or 0ateness or partia0 atten$an,e %i00 1e ma$e" St*$ents %i00 1e en,o*rage$ to $rop the ,o*rse i! they have misse$ more than t%o %ee+s %orth o! ,0asses EJ tota0 ho*rsF" St*$ents are strong0y en,o*rage$ to *se the =45C 4L7 7i1G*i$e !or German St*$ies as a homepage !or their st*$ies an$ resear,h this semester" There are a n*m1er o! *se!*0 too0s avai0a10e there !or yo*" http://0i1g*i$es"0i1rary"*m+,"e$*/germanst*$ies


RES =niversity o! 4isso*ri System 3;e,*tive /r$er Lo" 38 0ays o*t prin,ip0es regar$ing the san,tity o! ,0assroom $is,*ssions at the *niversity" The po0i,y is $es,ri1e$ !*00y in Se,tion 200"015 o! the Co00e,te$ <*0es an$ <eg*0ations" Cn this ,0ass' st*$ents may ma+e a*$io or vi$eo re,or$ings o! ,o*rse a,tivity *n0ess spe,i!i,a00y prohi1ite$ 1y the !a,*0ty mem1er" Ho%ever' the re$istri1*tion o! any a*$io or vi$eo re,or$ings o! statements or ,omments !rom the ,o*rse to in$ivi$*a0s %ho are not st*$ents in the ,o*rse is prohi1ite$ %itho*t the e;press permission o! the !a,*0ty mem1er an$ o! any st*$ents %ho are re,or$e$' in,0*$ing those re,or$ings prepare$ 1y an instr*,tor" St*$ents !o*n$ to have vio0ate$ this po0i,y are s*19e,t to $is,ip0ine in a,,or$an,e %ith provisions o! Se,tion 200"020 o! the Co00e,te$ <*0es an$ <eg*0ations o! the =niversity o! 4isso*ri pertaining to st*$ent ,on$*,t matters"


The sy00a1*s an$ most rea$ings !or this ,o*rse ,an 1e !o*n$ on &0a,+1oar$" There are t%o 1oo+s assigne$ !or this ,o*rse" &oth %i00 1e avai0a10e !or p*r,hase at =45C &oo+ Store an$ on 2-Ho*r reserve at 4L7" 4ary 6*01roo+' $ %oncise &istory of 'ermany ECam1ri$ge 1991F CS&L: 0-52183320-2 Georg &M,hner' Woy"eck ECvan <" (ee' 2002F CS&L: 15JJJ34490 Go* %i00 1e rea$ing 6*01roo+ over the ,o*rse o! the semester on the si$e" Ct is Re2uire d )or Discussio n an$ there may 1e B*i::es a1o*t it' 1*t %e %i00 not 1e 3

$is,*ssing it per se in ,0ass" Go* %i00 1e rea$ing the p0ay !or a spe,i!i, %ee+ o! ,0asses in,0*$ing a script3 in3 hand per)or m a n c e o! Woy"eck 1y the st*$ents" The 1*0+ o! the rea$ing assignments %i00 ,onsist o! an e;tensive 0ist o! shorter so*r,es avai0a10e !or $o%n0oa$ thro*gh &0a,+1oar$" 4ost o! the te;ts are e;,erpts" Go* may %ish to 0oo+ at more o! the origina0 te;t !or *se in yo*r 0arger pro9e,ts" 3a,h ,0ass' %e %i00 1egin %ith the Re2uir e d )or Discussi on !or that ,0ass %hi,h is <eB*ire$ !or (is,*ssion !or a00 st*$entsA yo* sho*0$ <eB*ire$ !or Conte;t 0i1era00y !rom the second a r y te'ts a,,or$ing to yo*r interests" &e prepare$ to relat e the primary an$ se,on$ary te;ts in $is,*ssion an$ in yo*r e;aminations" St*$ents are reB*ire$ to parti,ipate in the script3 in3 hand readi n. o! Woy"eck as %e00 as present their representationa0 pro9e,t to a genera0 a*$ien,e $*ring the pro(ect )air " This !air ta+es p0a,e $*ring rea$ing $ays" #d(ust your sched ul e no45 Attend a n c e is mand a t o r y 5


#E St*$ents m*st rea$ one or more second a r y te'ts o! their ,hoi,e !or ea,h ,0ass" See !o0$er in Co*rse Content on &0a,+1oar$ name$ !or that topi,"

9: Germ a n $uestions
;an: <9 Interdisci plina rit y & Centr al Europ e=&ittel e u r o p a>0 e r . e r s o n ?6ith Dic@ers o n A #on.A & SellsB ;an: <C Culture=7ultur>0a @ e r ?6ith Dic@ers o n A #on.A & SellsB <eB*ire$ !or (is,*ssion: 3;,erpt !rom 5ant' CritiB*e o! N*$gment' 1.90" <eB*ire$ !or Conte;t: 6*01roo+' pre!a,e an$ intro$*,tion ;an: <D Speci al "ath=Sond e r 4 e .>0 e r . e r s o n ?6ith Dic@ers o n A #on.A & SellsB <eB*ire$ !or (is,*ssion: 3;,erpt' Thomas 4ann' <e!0e,tions o! an Lonpo0iti,a0 4an' 1920A an$ Geo!!rey &arra,0o*gh' ?Germany Gester$ay' To-(ay an$ Tomorro%@ !rom The /rigins o! 4o$ern Germany' 194." ;an: CE &elanc h oly=&ela nc h oli e>0a @ e r ?6ith Dic@ers o n A #on.A & SellsB <eB*ire$ !or (is,*ssion: (Mrer' 4e0an,ho0ia C' 1513-14" <eB*ire$ !or Conte;t: 6*01roo+' ,h" 2 -e/: F &em ory=Erinn e r u n .>Eve r e t t ?6ith Dic@ers o n A #on.A & SellsG no 0er. er s o n B <eB*ire$ !or (is,*ssion: 2agner' Tannh(user ' a,t 3 Eavai0a10e thro*gh /pera in Oi$eo $ata1aseF <eB*ire$ !or Conte;t: Ce0ia #pp0egate an$ ame0a otter' ?Germans as the P eop0e o! 4*si,>: Genea0ogy o! an C$entity@

<: !) Gods & &en

-e/: H Secula r Reli.ion>0a @ e r ?no 0er. e rs o n B <eB*ire$ !or (is,*ssion: 3" T" #" Ho!!man' ?&eethoven>s Cnstr*menta0 4*si,@ <eB*ire$ !or Conte;t: Car0 (ah0ha*s: ?The 4etaphysi, o! Cnstr*menta0 4*si,@ E!rom )ineteenth* %entury +usic F -e/: 99 o) the Gods=GItt er d a m m e r u n .>Eve r e t t ?no 0er. er s o n B <eB*ire$ !or (is,*ssion: 2agner' Se0e,tions !rom ,er -ing des )ibelungen <eB*ire$ !or Conte;t: 6*01roo+' ,h" 3

C: -reed o m & e n m e n t

-e/: 9C -reed o m=-rei h ei t>0er . e r s o n <eB*ire$ !or (is,*ssion: 7*ther' /n the 6ree$om o! a Christian erson' 1520 <eB*ire$ !or Conte;t: 6*01roo+' ,h" 4 -e/: 9D e n m e n t=Au) @l J r u n .>Eve r e t t <eB*ire$ !or (is,*ssion: &eethoven' Symphony Lo" 9 Eavai0a10e thro*gh La;os 4*si, 7i1rary $ata1aseFA 6rie$ri,h S,hi00er' ?/$e To Noy@/#n $ie 6re*$e E&0a,+1oar$FA 4o:art' ,ie .ntf/hrung aus dem 0erail1The $bduction from the 0eraglio ' !ina0e an$ 4o:art' ,ie 2auberfl3te ' a,t 2' s,enes .-9 E1oth operas avai0a10e thro*gh /pera in Oi$eo $ata1aseF

F: Sel) & !ther

-e/: <E !ther=-re m d e>Ev er e t t and 0a@er <eB*ire$ !or (is,*ssion: 3;,erpt !rom 7avater' hysiognomi, 6ragments' 1..2A 2agner' ?N*$aism in 4*si,"@ <eB*ire$ !or Conte;t: 6*01roo+' ,h" 5 -e/: <K Huma n 0ein.=&ens c h>0a @ e r ?no 0er. e rs o n B <eB*ire$ !or (is,*ssion: 3;,erpt !rom 6re*$' ?/n Transien,e'@ Civi0i:ation an$ Cts (is,ontents

K: Dialec tics & " s s

-e/: <L Civil Societ y=0Mr. e rlich e Gesellsch a ) t>0 er. e r s o n <eB*ire$ !or (is,*ssion: 5ant' 2hat is 3n0ightenmentQ 1.84A an$ 3;,erpt !rom Hege0' henomeno0ogy o! Spirit' 180.' on master an$ s0ave <eB*ire$ !or Conte;t: 6*01roo+' ,h" J &ar: F Historical &ateri alis m>0er . e r s o n <eB*ire$ !or (is,*ssion: 4ar;' The Comm*nist 4ani!esto' a00 Ehttp://%%%"mar;ists"org/ar,hive/mar;/%or+s/1848/,omm*nist-mani!esto/F

&ar: H !nline ?no Everet t B Go* m*st ta+e this e;am in the ,omp*ter testing 0a1oratory <H 314" Lo notes" Go* m*st sign *p !or a t%o-ho*r segment in a$van,e or yo* %i00 not 1e a00o%e$ to ta+e the e;am"

H: Scienc e & &an

&ar: 99 6issen sc h a ) t>0a @ e r <eB*ire$ !or (is,*ssion: &M,hner' 2oy:e,+' a00 &ar: 9C Script3 in3 Hand "er)or m a n c e>0 a @ e r A 0er. er s o n A Everet t ?6ith Dic@ers o n A #on.A & SellsB repare yo*r s,enes an$ 0ines" Class 4ill /e held in &N#C CK9A CK<A and FK< !arts to be played will be announced on lackboard4 0ee $ssignments

L: Nature & Roma n ti cis m

&ar: 9D The Rhine>Ever e t t <eB*ire$ !or (is,*ssion: Ce,i0ia Hop+ins orter' ?Cntro$*,tion@ an$ ?Con,0*sion: The <hine as 4*si,a0 4etaphor@ !rom The -hine as +usical +etaphor A S,h*1ert' ?(er 2an$erer@ Eavai0a10e thro*gh La;os 4*si, 7i1raryF &ar: <E Der 6and e r e r & sein Schat t e n>0a @ e r <eB*ire$ !or (is,*ssion: Tie,+' ?The <*nen1*rg'@ 1802A an$ C" (" 6rie$ri,hs' ?The 2an$erer a1ove the Sea o! 6og@

&ar: <K & <L D: "eopl e & Soil

Sprin. 0rea@

Apr: 9 Inte.r a ti v e 6ritin. & the Rep: "ro(ect>0er . e r s o n ?6ith Dic@ers o n A #on.A & SellsB <eB*ire$ !or Conte;t: 6*01roo+' ,h" . Apr: C Heima t>Ever e t t ?no 0er. er s o n B <eB*ire$ !or (is,*ssion: Nohn 5oege0' ?#$o0! hi0ipp an$ 3thni, 4*si,a0 Come$y in Le% Gor+Rs 7itt0e Germany@

O: State s & Societi es

Apr: D Sociolo.i es>0 er . e r s o n <eB*ire$ !or (is,*ssion: 3;,erpt !rom TSnnies' Comm*nity an$ So,iety' 188.A 4anheim' Charismati, 7ea$ership' 1953 Apr: 9E Culture s>Ever e t t J

<eB*ire$ !or (is,*ssion: 4a0,o0m &oy$' ?CSthen E1.1.-23F@ !rom ach A &a,h' &ran$en1*rg Con,erto Lo" 3 Eavai0a10e thro*gh La;os 4*si, 7i1raryF <eB*ire$ !or Conte;t: 7Ts:0U Som!ai' ?Hay$n at the 3sterhT:y Co*rt@ H!#D: <eB*ire$ 4eetings !or Gro*p <epresentationa0 ro9e,ts

9E: &odernity & &oderni s m

Apr: 9K Scienc e -iction>0a @ e r ?no 0er. er s o n B <eB*ire$ !or (is,*ssion: 6rit: 7ang' 4etropo0is' %at,h 1e!ore ,0ass at 4i00erLi,ho0s 0i1rary or on &0a,+1oar$ Apr: 9L Challen .i n . the Esta /lish m e n t>Ev er e t t <eB*ire$ !or (is,*ssion: #0e; <oss' ?City o! Lets: &er0in in the T%enties@ !rom The -est Is LoiseA 2ei00' S*ite !rom ,ie ,reigr3schenoper EThe Threepenny /pera5 Eavai0a10e thro*gh La;os 4*si, 7i1raryF H!#D: <eB*ire$ 4eetings !or Gro*p <epresentationa0 ro9e,ts

99: Germ a n y & Europe

Apr: << Germ a n y over All=M/er Alles>0er. e r s o n <eB*ire$ !or (is,*ssion: 3;,erpt !rom C0a*se%it:' /n 2ar' 1832A &ernhar$i' Le;t 2ar' 1914 Apr: <F Germ a n in Europ e>0er . e r s o n <eB*ire$ !or (is,*ssion: 6ran+0en' ?#00egory on the #1$i,ation o! 3mperor Char0es'@ 1555A So,,er Team' 2or0$ C*p 6ina0' &ern' 2010 D E: #pr" 25' (ra!ts Et%o partsF o! <epresentationa0 ro9e,t

9<: East & 6est

Apr: <O E'peri m e n t a l &usic>Ever e t t <eB*ire$ !or (is,*ssion: Gesa 5or$es' ?(armsta$t' ost%ar 3;perimentation' an$ the 2est German Sear,h !or a Le% 4*si,a0 C$entity@A an$ 5ar0-Hein: Sto,+ha*sen: 2yklus or 6ontakte E1oth avai0a10e tho*gh La;os 4*si, 7i1raryF &ay 9 0each -ilms>0a @ e r <eB*ire$ !or (is,*ssion: Noa,him Has0er' HeiVer Sommer' 19J8' %at,h 1e!ore ,0ass on reserve in 4i00er-Li,ho0s 0i1rary' 4e$ia Center' or avai0a10e on &0a,+1oar$"

9C: Conte m p o r a r y Germ a n y

&ay H Conclusio n>0er . e r s o n ?6ith Dic@ers o n A #on.A & SellsB <ea$: 6*01roo+' ,h" 8 8 9 D E: revise$ an$ !ina0 version o! gro*p pro9e,t" &ay D SellsB . "R!;ECT -AIR PP READING DA8PP ?6ith Dic@ers o n A #on.A &

ATTENDANCE RE$ IRED: ,e0e1ration o! gro*p pro9e,ts" &ay 9F -INA# ENA&INATI!N Go* m*st ta+e this e;am in the ,omp*ter testing 0a1oratory <H 314" Lo notes" Go* m*st sign *p !or a t%o-ho*r segment in a$van,e or yo* %i00 not 1e a00o%e$ to ta+e the e;am"

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