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Friction Worksheet
PART A Questions Multiple Choice 1) Name the varia !e that is causing the change in friction in the fo!!owing examp!es. "se the fo!!owing possi !e answers: a) #u rication $or change of state) c) &urface area e) Norma! force. ) %hange to or from ro!!ing friction d) 'exture

a) (i! is used to reduce friction on door hinges. ) )eavy cars have etter traction in snow than !ight cars. c) %ars skid more easi!y on wet roads than on dry roads. d) %ars using tires with good tread stop *uicker than cars with a!d tires. e) +eop!e fa!! down more often on ro!!er skates than when in shoes. 2) ,n each of the fo!!owing situations state what effect the change wi!! have on friction using the fo!!owing choices: a) increase ) decrease c) no change

a) 'he norma! force increases. ) 'he speed of the o -ect changes from 1. m/s to 2. m/s. c) 'he speed of the o -ect changes from . m/s to 2. m/s. d) 'he roughness of on!y one surface is increased. e) 'he surface area in contact increases. f) / !u ricant is added etween the surfaces. g) r changes to k h) 'wo pieces of ru ing meta! are moved from earth to outer space. Questions Fill In 1) Name a varia !e that has no effect on friction. 2) 0iscosity is the friction of which of the three states of matter. 1) &tate one ru!e that indicates the direction of the friction force. 2) 'rue / Fa!se: ,f the friction force is ca!cu!ated as 1. N3 this force is a!ways acting on the o -ect in *uestion. 4) 5ive one rea! !ife specific examp!e for each of the varia !es e!ow3 one for when friction is desired and one for when friction is not desired.

6ake a F78 for each pro !em and show a!! work. 1) / 42 N s!ed is pu!!ed across a cement sidewa!k at constant ve!ocity. / hori9onta! force of 1: N is exerted. ;hat is the coefficient of kinetic friction< PART B:Problems 1) / !arge ox is eing dragged across the f!oor at constant ve!ocity. ,f the ox has a mass of :. kg and it takes a 4. N force3 acting hori9onta!!y3 to drag the ox3 what is the coefficient of friction< 2) / o!der of mass 24 kg is pushed on a surface with a coefficient of kinetic friction of ..=4. ;hat force has to e app!ied to produce an acce!eration of 2 m/s <

Questions 1) &uppose you push a wooden !ock against the wa!! and push hori9onta!!y to keep it from fa!!ing. 8raw a diagram to showing the forces on the !ock. Name the forces. 2) ;hen a foot a!! defensive !ineman wants to stop an opponent3 he puts his shou!der into his opponent>s ody and !ifts up. )ow does this affect the a i!ity of his opponent to acce!erate< ?xp!ain.

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