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Name: _________________________

2.2.6 Movement of Substances Worksheet

Substances move in and out of cells in 2 ways Diffusion Movement of molecules ________ a region of ____________________________ to a region of __________ concentration. Active Transport Movement of molecules from a less crowded (__________________________) to a more crowded (______________________________) area WI ! t"e use of energy. Molecules are #carried$ into or out of t"e cell using some of t"e cell%s energy.

Movement in cells takes place through membranes

&ll t"e membranes in a cell act in t"e same way 'ell membranes ( Mitoc"ondrial membranes ( Nuclear membranes ( '"loro)last membranes

Membranes can be *ermeable Semi *ermeable Im)ermeable ( _____________________________________ ( _____________________________________ ( _____________________________________

Diffusion in every ay life

Smell of )erfume ______________________ Stin+ bomb ,ood colouring in water ______________________

*age - of .

Name: _________________________

"""""""""""""" is the movement of """""""""" across a semi#permeable membrane from a region of """""""" $ater concentration to a region of """""""""" $ater concentration /smosis is a s)ecial ty)e of diffusion t"at __________________________________ /smosis is ______________

If )ure water is se)arated from salt water t"e following occurs: "e __________ molecules move __________ in bot" directions "e ________ molecules ____________ move out so more water moves in to t"e salt solution W"at you "ave is __________ moving from w"ere t"ere is a ________ concentration of water to w"ere t"ere is a __________ concentration of water t"is is osmosis

!smosis an Animal %ells

&nimal cells are only _____________________________________ If an animal cell is surrounded by a solution t"at is t"e ________ concentration as t"e _________________ in t"e cell __________ will move in and out at t"e same rate and t"e cell will ________________________ Many animals t"at live in t"e ______ "ave cyto)lasm wit" a ______________ concentration to ________________ It is t"e function of our ______________ to ma+e sure t"e fluid in our bodies t"at surrounds our cells (e0tra cellular fluid) "as a ____________ concentration

*age 2 of .

Name: _________________________

Animal cells in a less concentrate solution

If an animal cell is in a solution t"at is ________ concentrated t"an its cyto)lasm (i.e. if t"ere is more ________________________ t"an ____________ t"e cell) t"e water from outside will move into t"e cell and may cause it to __________ or die


Animal %ells in a more concentrate solution

If animal cells are in a solution t"at is ________ concentrated t"an t"eir cyto)lasm (i.e. if t"ere is more __________ in t"eir cyto)lasm t"an in t"e __________________________) t"en t"e water may leave t"e animal cell and t"e cells _________________ and may die

Shrivelle Animal %ells

!smosis an Plant %ells

o *lant cells "ave a ________________ w"ic" is surrounded by a ______________ o 'ell walls are _____________________________ and will allow all substances in and out of t"e cell *age 1 of .

Name: _________________________ o If a )lant cell is surrounded by a ________ concentrated solution t"en water from outside will move ________ t"e cyto)lasm and vacuole of )lant cells o "is is "ow roots absorb water by """"""""""""""

Water entering roots by osmosis

"e ________ outside is less concentrated t"an t"e ________________ in t"e cyto)lasm

o W"en t"e outside water enters t"e )lant cell t"e ______________ becomes bigger and t"e _________________ swells o "is causes t"e ________________________ to be )us"ed out towards t"e ________________ o W"en cells are fully #swelled2 li+e t"is wit" t"e membranes )us"ing against t"e cell wall t"ey are described as """"""""""""

Turgi %ells

Turgor pressure
o "is turgor )ressure gives )lants t"eir _______________ o If )lants did not "ave t"is t"ey would ________ o *lants t"at don3t "ave ________ suc" as ______________ and ______________________ rely on turgor )ressure for strengt"

Plant cells in a more concentrate solution

*age 4 of .

Name: _________________________ If )lant cells are surrounded by a ________ concentrated solution (for e0am)le if )lant cells were surrounded by __________________) t"e water inside t"e cell would move ______ to t"e more concentrated solution outside

o W"en t"is "a))ens t"e cell wall stays ___________ but t"e membrane ___________________ away from it o "is is called """""""""""""""""""""" o 'ells in t"is condition are called ________________________________ we can loo+ at t"is easily by )lacing a layer of red onion cells in salt water

Plasmolyse re onion cells

!smosis an &oo Preservation

o _______________ and __________ are t"e most common causes of food s)oilage o 5ot" t"ese cells are enclosed by a ________________ o If a food is )laced in a sugary or salty solution t"en any bacteria or fungi )resent will ________ _________________________________ to t"e more concentrated solution outside o W"en t"is "a))ens t"e cells will _____________________ and t"e food will not become contaminated wit" loads of bacteria and fungi

o ,is" and Meat (bacon) may be stored in a salty solution *age 6 of .

Name: _________________________ o 7ams8 marmalades and tinned fruits are stored in a sugary solution

Syllabus %an you) ...

9efine t"e term: Selectively )ermeable :0)lain t"e role of selectively )ermeable membranes. 9efine t"e terms: osmosis ; diffusion <ive e0am)les of diffusion and osmosis. 9efine t"e term: turgor. :0)lain turgidity in )lant cells. 9escribe t"e a))lication of "ig" salt or sugar concentration in food )reservation.

*age . of .

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