3m - Worksheet 1

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Colegio San Ignacio Concepcin English Department 2014 NM3 - Ms Vernica Orme o

ENGLISH WORKSHEET 1 Unit 1: Back to school, age 35

St!"ent#s name $ra"e 3M Date

Goals: In this handout, students will be able to: Study vocabulary related to Education Study and practice using first conditional and future time clauses

VOCABULARY a% &ns'er the (!estions in pairs% 1% 3hen "i" the Secon" 3orl" 3ar en"4 2% 3hat is the capital o. Ne' 5ealan"4 3% 3ho 'rote Don 6!i7ote4 4% -o' man, 8ilo),tes are there in a mega),te4 9% 3hat#s 9 7 1: ; 44 <% -o' man, legs "oes an insect ha=e4 >% 3hat is 'ater ma"e o.4 )% Match the (!estions 'ith the school s!)*ects%
Chemistr, $eograph, -istor, In.ormation /echnolog, 0iterat!re Math 1h,sics 2iolog,


)eha=e start

cheat "o



Verbs Verbs

Colegio San Ignacio Concepcin English Department 2014 NM3 - Ms Vernica Orme o



re=ie' pass lea=e


college principal Elementar, school

1ri=ate school


1laces ? 1eople

1!)lic school

st!"ent Secon"ar, school preschool

School 0i.e@ Complete the sentences 'ith a s!ita)le 'or"% /henA match the sentences an" the pict!res%

1 BBB 3e ha=e to 'ear a horri)le CCCCCCCCC 2 BBB /he CCCCCCCCC here is =er, strict% 3 BBB M, CCCCCCCCC is terri)le this semesterD 4 BBB I lo=e CCCCCCCCC It#s m, .a=o!rite s!)*ect% 9 BBB 0oo8D I got m, test CCCCCCCCC to"a,D

Colegio San Ignacio Concepcin English Department 2014 NM3 - Ms Vernica Orme o

Eea"ing% Eea" care.!ll,% &ns'er the (!estions% So school these "a,s is eas,4 /hin8 again% BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB People and politicians complain that school is getting easier. Damian Whitworth, a 35-year-old journalist, decided to see for himself. He spent a week as a student at a ritish secondary school, rentwood !ountry High "chool. #t$s a large pu%lic school and has a%out &,'(( students, girls and %oys, ages %etween && and &'. French M, .irst lesson is French% I am in a class o. 13-,ear-ol"s% O!tsi"e the classroom some girls start interrogating me% G1H Are you really in our class? % +-o' ol" are ,o!4# - +-o' ol" "o ,o! thin8 I am4# I repl,% +3ellC ,o!#re not 13D# First 'e ha=e a listening test that I .in" "i..ic!lt% I get 14 o!t o. 20% Not )a"% /hen 'e ma8e re=ie' lists on the comp!ter% G2H BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB % No' e=er, st!"ent has one% Math &s 'e 'ait o!tsi"e the math classroom a teacher tells me to )!tton m, shirt all the 'a, !p% /he math teacher !ses an interacti=e 'hite)oar" that has graphics an" =i"eoA )!t the st!"ents "on#t loo8 =er, intereste" in the lesson% & cell phone rings an" a st!"ent h!rries to t!rn it o..% G3H BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB % History Mr% Fishleigh is the histor, teacher% -e "oesn#t ha=e man, pro)lems controlling the noise le=el% GOthers teachers "o%H G4H BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB -e tal8s to them as i. the, 'ere a"!lts an" gets their attention in ret!rn% Lunch In the ca.eteria 'e can choose )et'een tra"itional an" .ast .oo"% 2!rgers an" .ries are the most pop!lar meal%

Information and communication technology 3e are "esigning sprea"sheets .or cell pone sales an" I cannot imagine a more )oring lesson%

Most st!"ents ha=e Internet access at home an" the school has a 'e)site 'here parents can see 'hat home'or8 their chil"ren ha=e an" 'hen the, ha=e to han" it in% Religious education /he teacher intro"!ces !s to me"itation% 3e sit cross-legge" an" tr, to .ill o!r min"s 'ith )lac8ness an" thin8 positi=el, a)o!t people 'ho 'e ha=e )een thin8ing negati=el, a)o!t% For 19 min!tes the st!"ents sitA e,es close"A in total silence% 3hen the, lea=e the class the, are slightl, "aIe"@ +Incre"i)leD# +&maIingD# +3e sho!l" "o this in mathD#

/he )ell rings% En" o. school .or the "a,% &s 'e lea=e there is a .ight at the school gates% G:H BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB % +I. an,one hits an,oneA I#ll call the police#A sa,s a teacher%

Colegio San Ignacio Concepcin English Department 2014 NM3 - Ms Vernica Orme o

SoA has school gotten easier4 It#s "i..ic!lt to sa, i. school has )ecome har"er or easier since I 'as a chil" )eca!se teaching metho"s ha=e change" so m!ch% &ll I can sa, is that "!ring m, 'or8ing li.e I ha=e ha" man, tiring e7periences% 2eing )ac8 at school .or a 'ee8 'as as tiring as an, o. them% 2eing a st!"ent to"a, is =er,A =er, har" 'or8% Eea" the intro"!ction again% 3h, "i" Damian 3hit'orth go )ac8 to school4 3hat 8in" o. school "i" he go to4 Eea" the te7t again an" p!tt he phrases &-- in the correct places% & J & cro'" o. st!"ents is 'atching 2 J -o'e=erA the st!"ents are totall, in=ol=e"% C J -e#s .rien"l, 'ith the st!"entsA )!t not too .rien"l,% D J 3hen I 'as the same age as these 8i"sA I ha" ne=er !se" a comp!ter% E J It#s a magical moment an" the most e..ecti=e class I#=e e=er seen% F J +&re ,o! reall, in o!r class4# $ J One )o, sa,s he has .ries e=er, "a,% - J 1hones that ring in class are con.iscate" !ntil the en" o. the 'ee8%

rammar% First con"itional an" .!t!re time cla!ses% In pairsA ans'er the (!estions% 1 3hen 'as the last time ,o! too8 a test4 Di" ,o! pass or .ail4 2 3hat#s the ne7t test ,o! are going to ta8e4 -o' "o ,o! .eel a)o!t it4 3 -o' "o ,o! !s!all, .eel )e.ore ,o! ta8e a test4 4 3hat "o ,o! !s!all, "o the night )e.ore a test4 9 -a=e ,o! e=er .aile" an important test ,o! tho!ght ,o! ha" passe" Gor =ice =ersaH4

Carla an" E!)en are 'aiting .or their res!lts% 0isten to Carla ans'er (!estions 1-9% /hen "o the same 'ith E!)en% 1 3as the test "i..ic!lt4 2 3hen an" ho' 'ill ,o! get the res!lts o. the test4 3 -o' 'ill ,o! cele)rate i. ,o! get a high score4 4 3hat 'ill ,o! "o i. ,o! "on#t get the score ,o! nee"4
Carla just took Ruben just took the the SAT TOEF

0isten an" complete the sentences% 1 /he, pro)a)l, 'on#t a"mit me unless BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB% 2 As soon as BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBA I#ll loo8 !p m, scoresD 3 I "on#t 'ant to plan an, cele)rations until BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB%

Colegio San Ignacio Concepcin English Department 2014 NM3 - Ms Vernica Orme o

4 If I "on#t get into collegeA BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB% 9 !hen BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBA the,#ll email the res!lts%

0isten to Carla an" E!)en% Di" the, get the res!lts the, nee"e"4 3hat scores "i" the, get4 3hat are the, going to "o4 rammar Ban"% First con"itional an" .!t!re time cla!ses K 'henA !ntilA etc% First con"itional sentences@ i. Gor !nlessH K simple presentA 'ill;'on#t K )ase .orm
If ,o! "on#t st!", har"A ,o!#ll .ail the e7am% -e#ll )e late .or 'or8 if he "oesn#t h!rr, !p% She 'on#t get into college unless she gets goo" gra"es

Lse the present tense GNO/ the .!t!reH a.ter if in the .irst con"itional sentences% unless M i.Cnot E!" I won t go unless she invites me # I won t go if she doesnot invite me" No! can also !se an imperati=e instea" o. the will cla!se E!" $ome and see us ne!t wee% if you have time" F!t!re time cla!ses
As soon as ,o! get ,o!r test res!ltsA call me% 3e#ll ha=e "inner when ,o!r .ather gets home% I 'on#t go to )e" until ,o! come home% I#ll ha=e l!nch before I lea=e% After I gra"!ate .rom collegeA I#ll pro)a)l, ta8e a ,ear o.. an" tra=el%

Lse the simple present GNO/ the .!t!reH a.ter whenA as soon asA untilA before an" after to tal8 a)o!t the .!t!re &s soon as M at the moment 'henA e!" I ll call you as soon as I arrive" #$ercises% &% Complete 'ith a 'or" or e7pression .rom the list%
a.ter J as soon as J )e.ore J i. J !nless J !ntil J 'hen

E7 &.ter 'e ha=e "innerA 'e co!l" go .or a 'al8% 1 I m!st 'rite the "ate on m, calen"ar BBBBBBBBBBBBBBB I .orget it% 2 0et#s 'ait !n"er the tree BBBBBBBBBBBBBBB it stops raining% 3 /his *o) is =er, !rgentA so please "o it BBBBBBBBBBBBBBB ,o! can%

Colegio San Ignacio Concepcin English Department 2014 NM3 - Ms Vernica Orme o

4 3e 'on#t get a ta)le at the resta!rant BBBBBBBBBBBBBBB 'e "on#t h!rr,% 9 I#ll pa, ,o! )ac8 BBBBBBBBBBBBBBB I get m, .irst pa,chec8% < I can#t go BBBBBBBBBBBBBBB ,o! pa, .or m, tic8et% I#m )ro8e% > /he,#ll )e reall, happ, BBBBBBBBBBBBBBB the, hear ,o!r ne's% : I 'ant to go on 'or8ing BBBBBBBBBBBBBBB I#m <9% /hen I#ll retire% O I m!st rene' m, passport BBBBBBBBBBBBBBB I go to Me7ico% 10 BBBBBBBBBBBBBBB ,o! 'or8 har"erA ,o! 'on#t pass the .inal e7am% 2% Complete 'ith the simple present or will% E7% I#ll gi=e him ,o!r message 'hen I see him% GseeH 1 Don#t .orget to t!rn o.. the lights )e.ore ,o! BBBBBBBBBBBBBBB% Glea=eH 2 $o to )e" 'hen the mo=ie BBBBBBBBBBBBBBB% G.inishH 3 /he, BBBBBBBBBBBBBBB marrie" !ntil the, .in" a place t oli=e% Gnot getH 4 I. I see EmmaA I BBBBBBBBBBBBBBB her ,o! are loo8ing .or her% GtellH 9 I#ll call ,o! as soon as I BBBBBBBBBBBBBBB at the hotel% Garri=eH < No! 'on#t )e a)le to par8 !nless ,o! BBBBBBBBBBBBBBB there earl,% GgetH > &s soon as it stops rainingA 'e BBBBBBBBBBBBBBB o!t% GgoH : She 'on#t li8e c!rr, i. she BBBBBBBBBBBBBBB spic, .oo"% Gnot li8eH O Don#t 'rite an,thing !ntil I BBBBBBBBBBBBBBB ,o!% GtellH 10 3hen she .in"s o!t 'hat he#s "oneA she BBBBBBBBBBBBBBB .!rio!s% G)eH Listening@ &% 0oo8 at this e7tract .rom a /V g!i"e an" the photo% &ns'er the (!estions%

%&'' (hat)ll (each *#m

First part o. the si7-part series .ollo'ing a gro!p o. mo"ern 1<-,ear-ol" st!"ents in a 1O90s )oar"ing school

1 3hat "o ,o! thin8 the i"ea o. the program 'as4 2 3hich o. these things "o ,o! thin8 the st!"ents hate" most4 the .oo" 'earing a !ni.orm not )eing a)le to 'atch /V


Colegio San Ignacio Concepcin English Department 2014 NM3 - Ms Vernica Orme o

going .or cross-co!ntr, r!ns not )eing a)le to !se their cell pones

ha=ing a lot o. home'or8 ta8ing col" sho'ers

3 3hat "o ,o! thin8 the "iscipline 'as li8e4 -o' "o ,o! thin8 the st!"ents 'ere p!nishe" i. the, )eha=e" )a"l,4 4 Do ,o! thin8 the st!"ents "i" 'ell or )a"l, 'hen the, too8 1O90s e7ams4 2% 0isten to a /V critic tal8ing a)o!t the program &hat ll &each Em% &n" mar8 the sentences / Gtr!eH or F G.alseH% 1 BBBB Si7teen teenagers too8 part in the e7periment% 2 BBBB /he, "i"n#t ha=e to sleep at school% 3 BBBB /he !ni.orms 'ere not =er, com.orta)le% 4 BBBB /he, ha" to sta, insi"e the school gro!n"s all the time% 9 BBBB /he st!"ents 'eren#t allo'e" to tal8 "!ring the classes% < BBBB /he, reall, misse" )eing a)le to !se comp!ters an" calc!lators% > BBBB /he, tho!ght the classes 'ere )oring% : BBBB /he st!"ents .aile" )eca!se the, 'eren#t intelligent eno!gh% O BBBB School s!)*ects to"a, are easier than in the 1O90s% 10 BBBB Most o. the teenagers en*o,e" the e7periment% C% 0isten an" complete the song%
PNo!D NesA ,o!D Stan" still la""ieDP 3hen 'e 1 CCCCCCCC% an" 'ent to schoolA there 'ere certain teachersA 'ho 'o!l" 2 CCCCCCCC% the chil"ren an, 'a, the, co!l"% GPMo=eDPH 2, po!ring o!t their "erisionA !pon an,thing 'e 3 CCCCCCCC%A e7posing e=er, 'ea8nessA ho'e=erA care.!ll, hi""en ), the 8i"s% P-ahahahaha%%%P G2!t inH 2!t in the to'nA it 4 CCCCCCCC% 'ell 8no'n that 'hen the, got home at nightA their .at an" ps,chopathic 'i=esA 'o!l" thrash themA 'ithin inches o. their li=esD OohDDD 3e "onQt nee" no 9 CCCCCCCC%% 3e "onQt nee" no < CCCCCCCC% control% No "ar8 sarcasm in the > CCCCCCCC%% /eacher lea=e them 8i"s alone% -e,A teacherD : CCCCCCCC% them 8i"s aloneD &ll in allA itQs *!st another O CCCCCCCC%in the 'all% &ll in allA ,o!Qre *!st another )ric8 in the 10 CCCCCCCC% 3e "onQt nee" no e"!cation% 3e "onQt nee" no tho!ght control% No "ar8 11 CCCCCCCC% in the classroom% /eachers lea=e them 8i"s alone% -e,A teacherD 0ea=e !s 8i"s aloneD &ll in allA ,o!Qre *!st another )ric8 in the 'all% &ll in allA ,o!Qre *!st another )ric8 in the 'all% P3rongD 12 CCCCCCCC% it againDP GP3rongD Do it againDPH PI. ,o! "onQt 13 CCCCCCCC% ,er meatA ,o! canQt ha=e an, p!""ingDP P-o' can ,o! ha=e an, p!""ingA 'hen ,o! "onQt eat ,er meat4DP GPNo!DPH

Colegio San Ignacio Concepcin English Department 2014 NM3 - Ms Vernica Orme o

PNesA ,o!D 2ehin" the )i8e she"sD 14 CCCCCCCC% still


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