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Dear Students: Now that Crescendo & Runboomi are over, you must be recharged to concentrate on your study

and make up for lost opportunity. This is the last chance for those who missed their assignment and also who wish to improve their score in the assignment on the Base Rate evaluated. The make up assignment for you given was: "Impact of changes in the RBI Policy Repo Rate on theBanks' Interest Rates and also the GDP, WPI inflation rates for the last few years" I had discussed this in the class and shown you the two graphs which I am attaching now especially for those who missed the lectures. These give you the answer up to October 2013. All that you have to do is collect data after that and plot the updated graphs and explain. Feel free to ask for clarification either in person or email since your mid sem is knocking at your door and I am available to field all your queries. I am also attaching another report on capital constraint facing Indian banks for your next classes. The last date for submission of assignment of 10 marks is 27th Feb. You are required to turn up for Viva this week by sending email of time and date to me. Hurry up and respond with your ATR by return email individually. Preserve this important email in your own interest. Best amar

--- Original message follows --Subject: Re: Banking Management: your marks on assignment and next opportunity Date: 16-02-2014 07:35

Dear Students: Tomorrow we'll review your performance in the assignment submitted by you. I had emailed to you the detailed calculation of Base Rate and also discussed in the class. Those who are serious about their career option took advantage of my domain expertise in the subject and have done well in assignment. Some interacted with me and improved their working out of a typical Base Rate. The rest have just copied from available material and have barely passed in the assignment. This was an opportunity grabbed by some of you who seek a good career. For the remaining, you still have an opportunity to recover from your belated wake up and work on my next assignment on plotting the change in repo rates in last few years and correlate with change in lending rates by banks to examine if the transmission of the rate signal by RBI is effective or otherwise and why. Many have not submitted assignments with an excuse of promotional work engaged in. I am sure they also seek a good career! They must be checking emails and could work off class and mail assignments. The above is another opportunity for all of you. Those we missed my earlier email: see extract below: Cheer amar

In today's class, we discussed how to work out the Base Rate. This will form a part of the 10 marks assignment to be submitted in next class for Gr 2 and 1. For details of calculation see Annx 11 of Reserve Bank Working Group on Benchmark Prime Lending Rate (BPLR) (The Report of the Group)

To help you read the details copy this link and access full text Those who fail to submit will not be evaluated as part of your assignment ! I'll ask at random to any one of you in the class to explain the rationale of above. Best, amar

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