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A metric space (S, d) consists of a set S and a distance function, d satisfying: 1.

d(x, y ) 0

nonnegativity nondegeneracy

2. d(x, y ) = 0 x = y 3. d(x, y ) = d(y, x)

symmetry triangel inequality

4. d(x, y ) d(x, z ) + d(z, y )

Let (M, d) be a metric space For each xed x M and > 0, the set

D(x, ) = {y M | d(x, y ) < }

is called the disk about x (also neighborhood about x)

A set A M is called open if for each x A, there exists an > 0 such that D(x, ) A A neighborhood of a point in M is an open set containins that point

Facts: The intersection of a nite number of open subsets of M is open The union of an arbitrary collection of open subsets of M is open The empty set and the whole set M are open

The discrete metric on M is d0 such that

d0 (x, y ) = 0 if x = y and d0 (x, y ) = 1 if x = y

Let A M A point x is called an interior point of A if there is an open set U A : x U (since disks are open, can say if there exists an : D(x, ) A) The interior of A is the collection of all interior points of A and is denoted int(A) The interior of a set A is the largest open subset of A

A set in a metric space is called closed if its complement is open Equivalently, a set is closed if it contains all of its accumulation points

Facts: The union of a nite number of closed subsets is closed The intersection of an arbitrary family of closed subsets is closed The whole space and the empty set are both closed

A point p in a metric space M is called an accumulation point of a set A M if every open set U containing p contains a point q = p : q U

Let (M, d) be a metric space, and A M The closure of A, denoted cl(A) is the intersection of all closed sets containing A (it is the smallest closed set containing A). Equivalently, the closure of a set is the union of that set and all of its accumulation points For A M , cl(A) consists of A plus the accumulation points of A

Let (M, d) be a metric space and xk a sequence in M . xk converges to a point in M if for every open set U containing x, there is an integer N such that k N = xk U Equivilantly, a sequence xk converges to x M i > 0, N : k N = d(x, xk ) <

The boundary of a set A M is dened as: cl(A) cl(M \A)

Equivalently, the boundary of A is the the closure of A minus the interior of A Equivalently, the boundary of A is the set of all x such that every neighborhood of x contains at least one point in A and one point not in A, i.e. every neighhborhood of x contains a point in A and a point in M \A

Let M be a metric space. A subset A M is called sequentially compact if every sequence in A has a subsequence that converges to a point in A A cover of A is a collection {Ui } of sets whose union contains A A subset A of a metric space M is called compact if every open cover of A has a nite subcover Every nite set is compact, as is the empty set A set A M is called totally bounded if for each > 0 there is a nite set {x1 , x2 , . . . , xN } in M such that the union of D(xi , ) covers A * Totally bounded = bounded (but not converse)

In a general metric space, M , the following are equivalent: M is compact M is sequentially compact (compact sequentially compact is BolzanoWeierstrass) M is complete and totally bounded Heine-Borel Theorem: in Rn , a set is compact it is closed and bounded

Nested Set Property: Let Fk be a sequence of compact nonempty sets such that Fk+1 Fk for all k N. Then there is at least one point in k=1 Fk

A map : [a, b] M , where M is a metric space, is M continuous if tk t implies (tk ) (t) for every converging sequence tk in [a, b] (intuitively, a continuous function has no breaks or jumps in its graph) A continuous path joining two points x, y in a metric space M is a mapping : [a, b] M such that (a) = x, (b) = y and is continuous A set in path connected if every two points in the set can be joined by a continous path lying in the set. Let A be a subset of a metric space M . If there exist two open sets U, V such that: U V A= AU = AV = AU V

Then A is said to be disconnected . If such sets do not exist, then A is connected Path connected = conncected

Let (M, d) be a metric space an xk a sequence of points in M . We say xk converge to a point x M


lim xk = x or xk x as k

if for every open set U containing x, there is an integer N such that k N = xk U

Equivalantly, a sequence xk in M converges to x M i > 0, N : k N = d(x, xk ) < vk v in Rn the sequences of all the individual coordinates converge to the correspoinding coordinate of v in R A set A M si closed the limit of every sequence in A lies in A For a set B M , x cl(B ) there exists a sequence in B that converges to x

Let (M, d) be a metric space. A Cauchy sequence is a sequence xk M such that > 0 N : m, n > N = d(xm , xn ) <

A space M is complete every Cauchy sequence in M converges to a point in M

In a normed space, a sequence xk is bounded if there is a number B such that k, ||xk || B

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