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EVEN MORE THAN OTHERS By Swami Karmananda (Douglas Remington, os Angeles! Honorary i"e Mem#er, Ameri$an %ita So$iety &or t'e rest o" t'e world, Budd'ism is more di""i$ult to understand t'an any ot'er religion, #e$ause t'e Budd'a taug't not'ing a#out %od, or sal(ation as it)s generally understood in t'e *ewis', +'ristian, Moslem, or Hindu religions, T'e Budd'a taug't one t'ing alone- t'at is, 'ow to end su""ering in one)s li"e, T'e B'aga(ad %ita, too, o""ers a way to end su""ering, and in t'is regard, t'ere is .er"e$t agreement wit' Budd'ism, T'is $an #e $on"irmed in t'e "ollowing %ita (erses- /, 01, /-23, 3-/4, 2-56, 2-//7 /8, and 50-/9, Do your duty to t'e #est o" your a#ility, O Ar:una, wit' your mind atta$'ed to t'e ord, a#andoning worry and sel"is' atta$'ment to t'e results, and remaining $alm in #ot' su$$ess and "ailure, T'e sel"less ser(i$e is a yogi$ .ra$ti$e t'at #rings .ea$e and e;uanimity o" mind, (/,01! All sorrows are destroyed u.on attainment o" tran;uility, T'e intelle$t o" su$' a tran;uil .erson soon #e$omes $om.letely steady and united wit' t'e Su.reme, (/,23! My de(otee attains .ea$e #y <nowing t'e Su.reme Being as t'e en:oyer o" sa$ri"i$es and austerities, as t'e great ord o" t'e entire uni(erse, and as t'e "riend o" all #eings, (3,/4! T'e yoga o" meditation destroys all sorrow "or t'e one w'o is moderate in eating, re$reation, wor<ing,, and wa<ing, (2,56! A"ter Sel"7reali=ation (SR!, one does not regard any ot'er gain su.erior to SR, Esta#lis'ed in SR, one is not mo(ed e(en #y t'e greatest $alamity, (2,//! T'e state o" se(eran$e o" union wit' sorrow is $alled yoga, T'is yoga s'ould #e .ra$ti$ed wit' "irm determination, and wit'out any mental reser(ation, (2,/8! >'en one rises a#o(e t'e t'ree modes o" material Nature t'at originate in t'e #ody, one attains immortality or sal(ation, and is "reed "rom t'e .ains o" #irt', old age, and deat',(50,/9!

THE BHA%AVAD %?TA TEA+HES T>O @ATHS Kris'na said- A?n t'is world ? 'a(e stated a two"old .at' o" s.iritual dis$i.line in t'e .ast, T'e .at' o" Sel"7<nowledge "or t'e $ontem.lati(e ones, and t'e .at' o" unsel"is' wor< (Se(a, Karma7yoga! "or all ot'ers, (8,98!A T'e .at' o" sel"7<nowledge o" t'e %ita w'i$' is re"erred to as A*naan,A was t'e .at' o" t'e Budd'a and is e(en $alled #y t'e same name, *'anna, #y t'e Nort'ern Budd'ists in Ti#et, ?n "a$t t'is .at' o" t'e B'aga(ad %ita is really $loser to Budd'ism t'an t'e @rotestants are to t'e +at'oli$s, ?n .ra$ti$e Tere(ada Budd'ism and t'e .at' o" *naan o" t'e %ita are eBa$tly t'e same, T'ere are only minor

di""eren$es, t'at $ould .ro#a#ly #e resol(ed s'ould t'ere e(er #e an attem.t at re$on$iliation, w'i$' until t'is time 'asn)t o""i$ially o$$urred, T'e Budd'a)s Santi.att'ana Sutra as translated wit' $ommentaries #y Nyana.oni<a T'era is .ure *'anna, and t'e Hindus w'o .ra$ti$e *naan 'a(e .ro"ited #y t'is wonder"ul wor<, &or in all o" Hinduism t'ere is not anot'er s$ri.ture wit' $ommentaries as $om.lete77not e(en #y t'e great Tent' +entury Sage, Swami S'an<ara, w'o is anot'er good sour$e o" *naan $ommentaries, T'e Hindu is at a greater ad(antage, 'owe(er, #e$ause t'e Budd'a is a$$e.ted as a Hindu, and t'ere"ore, t'e Hindu may a(ail 'is or 'er sel" o" t'e (ast wealt' o" Budd'ist s$ri.ture, But :ust as +'ristianity #ro<e away "rom it)s mot'er religion, *udaism, t'e Budd'ists 'a(e #ro<en away "orm Hinduism and "ormed a totally di""erent religion, Based on t'is se.aration, t'e Budd'ist does not del(e into t'e dee. roots o" Budd'ism w'i$' a#ound in t'e B'aga(ad %ita, T'ere"ore, t'e Budd'ist is at a distin$t disad(antage, T'e main di""eren$e #etween t'e Budd'ists and t'e Hindus is o(er one issue and one issue onlyt'at is, t'e $on$e.t o" a .ersonal %od, T'ere are eB$e.tions to t'is #road generali=ation, Some se$ts o" de(otional Budd'ists do .ray to t'e Budd'a as a %od, #ut "or t'e mainstream t'is isn)t true, T'e Budd'ist #elie(es t'at t'e end o" su""ering (sal(ation! $omes "rom .ersonal e""ort, and not #y way o" a .ersonal %od, Some Budd'ists assert t'ere is no %od, #ut t'is is not eBa$tly true, ?n t'e earliest o" all Budd'ist s$ri.tures, t'ere are numerous mentions o" %ods, +ountless times t'e Budd'a alludes to t'e "a$t t'at 'e is #ot' a Tea$'er o" men and a Tea$'er o" %ods, and t'at His .osition is a#o(e #ot', Alt'oug' t'e Budd'a doesn)t really eB.lain t'at .osition, it)s generally $on$luded 'e was an ordinary man w'o "ound enlig'tenment, And t'is enlig'tenment .romotes one to a .osition #eyond time, s.a$e and $reation77e(en a#o(e t'e gods, ?n "a$t 'e was a *naan Cogi w'o went "art'er t'an any *naan Cogi 'as e(er gone, %ods are $learly esta#lis'ed in t'ese "irst Tere(ada s$ri.tures, But it is also esta#lis'ed t'at enlig'tenment does not de.end on t'ese %ods, T'e *naan s$ri.tures o" t'e B'aga(ad %ita $learly esta#lis' t'is same .osition, so "or t'is "irst .at' mentioned in t'e %ita- t'at is, AT'e .at' o" (*naan! Sel"7<nowledge "or t'e $ontem.lati(e ones (8-98!,A t'e Budd'ist 'a(e no ;uarrel, T'e .ro#lem $omes "rom t'e se$ond .at', ADnsel"is' wor< (Se(a, Karma7yoga! "or all ot'ers, (8,98! Kris'na eB.lains t'is .at' as "ollows, ADo your duty to t'e #est o" your a#ility, O Ar:una, wit' your mind atta$'ed to t'e ord, a#andoning worry and sel"is' atta$'ment to t'e results, and remaining $alm in #ot' su$$ess and "ailure, T'e sel"less ser(i$e is a yogi$ .ra$ti$e t'at #rings .ea$e and e;uanimity o" mind, (/,01!A >it' one)s mind atta$'ed to Kris'na, t'is se$ond .at' suggests a .ersonal %od, and t'is seems at "irst to .resent an unre$on$ila#le di""eren$e, But it really doesn)t, ?n order to eBamine t'e matter, it)s ne$essary to digress momentarily and address t'e num#er one .ro#lem "a$ing t'e Budd'ist missionaries in t'e west, T'e >estern student o" Budd'ism 'as no trou#le wit' t'e .'iloso.'y or wit' t'e meditation, T'e .ro#lem $omes in .ra$ti$e, Most 'a(e di""i$ulty .ra$ti$ing Amind"ulnessA in t'e wor<7a7day7world, ?t is 'ard .ra$ti$ing mind"ulness- t'at is, .aying attention amid t'e distra$tions o" a 'e$ti$ wor< li"e, Many #elie(e t'at mind"ulness $an only #e .ra$ti$ed e""e$ti(ely #y mon<s and, t'ere"ore, not "or 'ouse'olders at all, Ot'ers #elie(e anyone under any $onditions $an .ra$ti$e mind"ulness, ?t)s t'is writer)s o.inion "rom a$tual .ersonal eB.erien$e, t'e Budd'a)s mind"ulness is not .ra$ti$al in t'e wor< .la$e, ?t)s a .ra$ti$e "or mon<s only, or "or 'ouse'olders on some 'oliday77 not at wor<,

?n our 'e$ti$ >estern wor< en(ironment, it)s ne$essary to $on$entrate on t'e :o#77 not on :ust .aying attention, T'is is w'ere t'e %ita o""ers a dramati$ ad(antage to .resent Budd'ist tea$'ings, Verse /-01 o" t'e %ita gi(en a#o(e is a <ind o" mind"ulness, #ut t'is mind"ulness $an #e .ra$ti$ed in t'e wor< .la$e wit' tremendous su$$ess, Naturally no Budd'ist would $all t'is mind"ulness, sin$e it in(ol(es, doing one)s duty wit' one)s mind on %od, dedi$ating t'e "ruits o" a$tions (results o" wor<! to t'e ord, But t'e %ita says it)s not a se.arate .at', ?n "a$t it says- AT'e ignorant E not t'e wise E $onsider t'e .at' o" Sel"7 <nowledge and t'e .at' o" sel"less ser(i$e (Karma7yoga! as di""erent "rom ea$' ot'er, T'e .erson, w'o 'as truly mastered one, gets t'e #ene"its o" #ot', (3,90!A AndA>'ate(er goal a renun$iant rea$'es, a Karma7yogi also rea$'es t'e same goal, T'ere"ore, t'e one w'o sees t'e .at' o" renun$iation and t'e .at' o" unsel"is' wor< as t'e same really sees, (See also 2,95 and 2,9/! (3,93!A Now it)s not my intention to get into some argument a#out old mot'7eaten manus$ri.ts, #ut t'ese statements o" %ita $an easily #e .ro(en #y .ersonal eB.erien$e, ?n t'is writer)s .ersonal eB.erien$e, t'e a#o(e (erses are true, ?t)s .ossi#le to "ind t'at #y dedi$ating t'e results o" a$tions to %od, it)s .ossi#le to trans$end t'e .'ysi$al world and o#ser(e 'ig' states o" *naan w'ile wor<ing in t'e 'e$ti$ wor< .la$e, One "inds "rom .ersonal eB.erien$e t'at renoun$ing t'e results o" a$tions is :ust as an e""e$ti(e "or #rea<ing lose "orm t'e .'ysi$al world as t'e Budd'ist mon<)s .at' o" mind"ulness, T'at is w'y t'e %ita says in a "ollowing (erse- AT'e wise w'o <nows t'e trut' <nows- A? do not'ing at all,A ?n seeing, 'earing, tou$'ing, smelling, eating, wal<ing,, #reat'ingF and s.ea<ing, gi(ing, ta<ing, as well as o.ening and $losing t'e eyes, t'e wise #elie(es t'at only t'e senses are o.erating u.on t'eir o#:e$ts, (See also 8,/6, 58,/4, and 50,54! (3,91794!A T'e %ita says t'e .at' o" sel"less ser(i$e is an easier .at'- AKris'na says, AT'e .at' o" Sel"7 <nowledge and t'e .at' o" sel"less ser(i$e #ot' lead to t'e su.reme goal, But, o" t'e two, t'e .at' o" sel"less ser(i$e is su.erior to .at' o" Sel"7<nowledge, #e$ause it is easier to .ra$ti$e, (3,9/! ? 'ad an im.ossi#le time trying to .ra$ti$e traditional mind"ulness, ? lost se(eral *o#s #e$ause ? was $on$entrating on .aying attention instead o" a$tually doing t'e :o#, As a Budd'ist ? "ound it 'el."ul to go #a$< to t'e idea o" a .ersonal %od and .ra$ti$e t'e %ita)s .at' o" sel"less ser(i$e and use it as a tool "or wor<ing in t'e world, ?n "a$t it $ured my mental stress, Traditional mind"ulness, 'owe(er, a$tually $aused me untold .ain and su""ering, T'is was 'ard to re$on$ile wit' t'e Budd'a)s tea$'ing77.romising t'at t'e .ro$ess would end my su""ering, Ta<ing t'e a..roa$' o" t'e %ita was not a .ermanent a..roa$'77only as a means o" $, ?t was a$tually and eB.eriment, and #e$ause it)s s$ienti"i$, anyone $an do t'is same eB.eriment, Sel"less ser(i$e or Karma Coga turned out to #e a more e""e$ti(e way to wor<, As ? $on$entrated on doing my duty, ? $onstantly as<ed t'e Dltimate Reality "or 'el. wit' my mundane :o#, ?mmediately t'e :o# got easier, And #y dedi$ating t'e results ? was "or$ed to grow s.iritually, ? dedi$ated all my results, t'e good and t'e #ad, Dedi$ating t'e #ad results are t'e 'ardest, ?t)s 'ard to go #eyond t'e "rustrations o" .ossi#le "ailure, no$iation "or my ser(i$es, long 'ours wit' small salary, and a 'ost o" ot'er .ains and su""erings t'at t'e ego 'angs on, But #y dedi$ating t'em to t'e Dni(erse, ? was a#le to trans$end t'e ego and es$a.e t'e resulting .ain and su""ering, ? "ound "rom my .ersonal eB.erien$e t'at Karma Coga ended my emotional .ain77not mind"ulness, Budd'ist tea$'ers, .lease ta<e note,

T'e #est .art was yet to $ome, Doing t'is only a "ew mont's .ro(ided a trans$endental (iew o" reality t'at ? 'ad eB.erien$ed #e"ore #ut only in meditation, ? <e.t trying to "ind "ree time "or meditation and going o"" on retreats, On$e ? too< t'e .osition o" t'e %ita as a ser(ant, t'ere was no se.arate time, My time at wor< wasn)t di""erent "rom my "amily time or retreat time, A"ter t'ere mont's my salary dou#led on my new :o#, My #oss said a"ter my t'ree mont' re(iew, A?t)s o#(ious you li<e your :o#,A &or a long time ? 'eld a resentment against my Budd'ist Tea$'er, But it wasn)t 'is "ault, He was a mon<, and as su$' 'e was tea$'ing "rom 'is .ersonal eB.erien$e, w'i$' was di""erent t'an mine, He didn)t 'a(e to wor< at a 'e$ti$ :o# "or a li(ing, T'e early s$ri.tures were all re$orded #y mon<s w'i$' is a di""erent .at' t'an t'e 'ouse'older, Alt'oug' t'e Budd'a 'ad all <inds o" dis$i.les, generals o" armies, .rostitutes, "armers, mer$'ants, et$, t'ere were ne(er any s$ri.tures re$orded t'at would 'a(e gi(en a se.arate tea$'ing to t'e 'ouse'older, ?)m sure, 'owe(er, t'ose tea$'ings were gi(en77:ust not re$orded, By going #a$< to t'e an$ient tea$'ings o" ?ndia, s.e$i"i$ally t'e B'aga(ad %ita, ? #elie(e ? got t'e Budd'a)s tea$'ings "or 'ouse'olders, w'i$' 'as not sur(i(ed to t'is .resent time, Now ? $an .ra$ti$e t'e%ita)s mind"ulness in meditation and also in t'e midst o" s'attering and$ras'ing worldst'at is, wor<ing at my mundane :o#, Be"ore any Budd'ist dismisses t'e sel"less ser(i$e o" t'e %ita, #e$auseit)s not s$ri.turally do$umented in Budd'ist tea$'ing, t'e reader s'ould$onsider t'e only s$ri.ture 'anded to us dire$tly "rom t'e Budd'a, T'' o" ASel"7<nowledge "or t'e $ontem.lati(e ones,A 'as #een re$orded#y t'e Budd'ist mon<s w'o 'eard Him dire$tly, But t'e .at' o" Asel"lesswor< (Se(a, Karma7yoga! "or all ot'ers, (8,98!A 'as #een re$orded tooand still sur(i(es, T'is latter .at' $an #e seen "rom t'e way t'e Budd'ali(ed 'is li"e, Swami Vi(e<ananda, w'o was t'e "irst Hindu to $ome East and .rea$' att'e >orld @arliament o" Religions in 5148, was ;ui$< to .oint to t'eBudd'a)s li"e as t'e #est eBam.le o" Karma Coga (unsel"is' ser(i$e asdes$ri#ed in t'e %itta! to e(er 'a(e #een esta#lis'ed in t'e 'istory o"t'e world, Vi(e<ananda writeset me tell you in $on$lusion o" one man w'o a$tually $arried t'istea$'ing o" Karma Coga into .ra$ti$e, T'at man is Budd'a, He is t'e oneman w'o e(er $arried t'is into .er"e$t .ra$ti$e, All t'e .ro.'ets o" t'eworld eB$e.t Budd'a, 'ad eBternal moti(es to mo(e t'em to unsel"is'a$tion, T'e .ro.'ets o" t'e world wit' t'is one eB$e.tion, may #e di(ided into two sets77one sets 'olding t'at t'ey are in$arnations o" %od $ome down on eart', and t'e ot'er 'olding t'at t'ey are only messengers o" %odF and #ot' draw t'eir im.etus "or wor< "rom outside, eB.e$t reward "rom outside, 'owe(er 'ig'ly s.iritual may #e t'e language t'ey use, But Budd'a is t'e only one w'o said, A? do not $are to <now your (arious t'eories o" %od, >'at is t'e use o" dis$ussing all t'e su#tle do$trines a#out t'e soulG Do good and #e good and t'is will ta<e you to "reedom and to w'ate(er trut' t'ere is,A He was in t'e $ondu$t o" 'is li"e, a#solutely wit'out .ersonal moti(esF and w'at man wor<ed more t'an 'eG S'ow me in all 'istory one $'ara$ter w'o 'as soared so 'ig' a#o(e t'em all, T'e 'uman ra$e 'as .rodu$ed one su$' $'ara$ter, su$' 'ig' .'iloso.'y, su$' wide'y, T'is great .'iloso.'er, .rea$'ing t'e 'ig'est .'iloso.'y, yet 'as t'e dee.est'y "or t'e lowest o" animals, and 'e ne(er .uts "ort' any $laims "or 'imsel", He is t'e ideal Karma Cogi, a$ting entirely wit'out moti(e, and t'e 'istory o" 'umanity 'as s'own 'im to #e t'e greatest man e(er #ornF #eyond $om.are, t'e greatest $om#ination o" #rain and 'eart t'at e(er eBisted, t'e greatest soul7.ower t'at 'as e(er #een mani"ested, He is t'e "irst great re"ormer t'e world 'as seen, He is t'e "irst w'o dared to say, ABelie(e not #e$ause some old manus$ri.ts are .rodu$ed, #elie(e not #e$ause it)s your national #elie", #e$ause you 'a(e #een made to #elie(e it "rom $'ild'oodF #ut reason it all out, and a"ter you)(e analy=ed it, t'en i" you "ind it will do good to one and all, #elie(e

it, li(e u. to it, and 'el. ot'ers li(e u. to it,A He wor<s #est w'o wor<s wit'out any moti(e, neit'er "or money, nor "or "ame, nor "or anyt'ing elseF and w'en a man $an do t'at, 'e will #e a Budd'a, and out o" 'im will $ome a .ower to wor< in su$' a manner as will trans"orm t'e world, T'is man re.resents t'e (ery 'ig'est ideal o" Karma Coga,


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