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Wordland International Language and Business Training Center

14, Constantin Sandu-Aldea St., 1st floor, 012063 Bucharest 1 phone/fax 021-224-14-43

!"ail office#$ , %e& $$$.$

FINAL TEST Name of the st+'ent Compan) callin, for the test -ate



Complete the conversations with the correct form of TO BE or with A/AN or T E! "! A. __________ you Michael Jackson? B. No, I__________ Lewis Jackson the 3rd. #! A. Sa ine and Jac!uelinne __________ "ro# $rance. B. %hats ri&ht. Sa ine __________ "ro# 'aris. $! A. __________ you an en&ineer? B. No, I__________ a "inancial ad(iser. %! A. _____ )el#a _____ success"ul desi&ner? B. *es she _____ . &! A. __________ Maria and $elicity at the doctors? B. No, they __________ . %hey __________ at the #all.


Choose the correct wor's in italics! "! #! $! %! &! Jaco live/lives in Manchester since +,,-. I works/work in the city centre. .e take/takes the /03, train to London. She eat/eats lunch with her "riends e(ery day. Ana elle and )u&h have/has "our children.


Choose the correct option( A! $ranco Martine1 are/is he 234 o" .e 5lan, and it is a/the success"ul internet co#5any. .e 5lan emplo)s/emplo)er 6,,,, 5eo5le in Asia and 3uro5e. Mr. Martine1 alwa)s/'oes arri(e in the o""ice at /a#. )e has a &lass o" water ecause he not/'oesn*t drink tea or co""ee. %hen he rea'/rea's his e#ails. )e has a #eetin& with

Wordland International Language and Business Training Center

14, Constantin Sandu-Aldea St., 1st floor, 012063 Bucharest 1 phone/fax 021-224-14-43

!"ail office#$ , %e& $$$.$

a/the #arketin& de5art#ent at 7,a# e(ery day. )e doesnt o"ten has/have lunch. )e has a sandwich at his desk. In the/an a"ternoon he #eets the desi&n tea#. %he e#5loyees at .e 5lan ne(er 'on*t wor./wor. a"ter -5#. B! Bill Bower#an was/were a teacher and s5orts trainer at 8ni(ersity o" 4re&on. )e met/mete' and trained a student called 'hil 9ni&ht, and in/on 7:-; they started a s5orts co#5any to&ether. %he co#5anys na#e was/were Blue <i on S5orts =B<S>. %he co#5any intro'+ces/intro'+ce' a new/newl) style o" trainer and they called it ?Nike@. %he desi&ners not wante'/'i'n*t want the new trainer to e hea(yA they wanted it to e li,htl)/li,ht, to hel5 athletes run fast/fastl). %he 5roduct was success"ul and the co#5any eB5anded /+ic.//+ic.l). %he co#5any chan,e/chan,e' its na#e to Nike in 7:/C. %hen, at/in the 7::,s, Nike o5ened a h+,el)/h+,e retail outlet called Nike%own. Later, it sol'/sell its 5roducts on the internet. %oday, Nikes lo&o is famo+s/famo+sl) all o(er the world.


0atch the sentence halves! "! %his is #! 'leased to $! Janna is %! She works in the &! )es in char&e o" 1! Id like to 2! )ow #uch 3! 2an I ha(e your 4! )ow #any "5!Is there ""!.e can o""er a. a desi&ner. . art de5art#ent. c. the desi&n tea#. d. Brad 2arlton. e. #eet you. ". account nu# er? &. a discount? h. 5lace an order. i. are the 5rinters? D. a 7,E discount. k. would you like?


Complete the conversation with the correct form of the ver6s in 6rac.ets or an appropriate short answer! A. %hank you "or hel5in& with our #arket research. )ere is the "irst !uestion. .hat electrical 5roducts _______________ =youF uy> last year? B. I __________ = uy> a di&ital radio and a co#5uter. A. .hat __________ =youFdo> with your old electrical 5roducts? B. .ell, I __________ =o""er> the co#5uter to #y "riend, ut he __________ =not want> it. A. So, __________ =youFtake> the co#5uter so#ewhere to recycle it? B. No, I __________ =not ha(e> ti#e. A. __________ =you ha(e> the address o" a co#5any that recycles co#5uters? B. *es, I _____, ut it _____ =to e> ;, kilo#eters "ro# #y town. A. 49. .ell, we __________ = uild> a new recyclin& "actory in your town last #onth. B. GreatH

Wordland International Language and Business Training Center

14, Constantin Sandu-Aldea St., 1st floor, 012063 Bucharest 1 phone/fax 021-224-14-43

!"ail office#$ , %e& $$$.$

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