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e are a typical Punjabi joint family. My wife is 27 years, 5.2' height with 34C 28 36 figure.

We have been married for more than 10 years now. I was 34 when their affair started. We have only one daughter and she was just 2 years old then. I was working in a private company. My wife was a kind of shy and introvert pers on. Our sex life was normal with once a week sex. She was a kind of just lie bac k and enjoy. We ware very happy until I lost my left hand and one of my legs in a horrible car accident. After the accident I lost my job and not getting any ot her because my expertise was in the field of field marketing. No employer wants a marketing guy with one hand and one leg. At last my step brother told me to co me to his office and do some paper work as I was spending all my time in my home and getting bored.

My elder step brother was in the medicine whole sell business. His business was running properly and his income was incising day by day. After I lost my job my brother was bearing the expenses of our entire family. I was totally dependant o n him. He was a smart guy from the childhood. He was good in his studies too whe re as I was a last bench student all the time. He never gave me any importance b ecause he always treat me like the foolest person on earth. He was better than m e in every aspect of life except one thing my wife. Everything was so normal when once at around 9 am I was having my breakfast. Sud denly I saw my wife signaling flying kisses to my brother from the kitchen. My b rother is 4 years elder than me, married for more than 8 years with no kids. His wife recently left him and started living with her parents. However seeing this fly kiss I just pretended as though I know nothing and went to work as usual wi th lot of things running on my mind. I had mixed feeling of jealousy, hatred and aroused as well. I had to go to the toilet once to even masturbate just thinkin g that how my brother would be having sex with my wife - if ever they did. I fin ally made up my mind to remain silent and wait and watch how far this fling was going. Things did not come into my notice even after my hardest of tries to catch them in action. Either they were too cautious or it was their luck.

But my friend Sunil s wife Putul was my neighbor and my childhood friend. She was very frank in front of me as we ware friends and was one of my well-wishers. One day Putul came to my house and told me that my wife and my brother ware having an affair. She told me that she only knows some information but promised me that very soon she will take out all the information from my wife. She was my wife s f riend too and they generally used to go to cinema hall every week to watch movie s. One day Putul again came to my house and told me everything she knew from my wife. That night I asked my wife about this. First she tried to deny the fact but at l ast she broke her silence. Hiding her face in her hands she told me that actually she had already fucked my brother and that they have been doing it regularly. Then later she told me the whole episode right from the day one how things brewed up. She told me every thi ng because she knew I could not do any harm to them because I am not only a hand

icap man but also totally dependant on my brother. May be she thought that was a good moment to confess because this kind of affair always come out. My wife dis closed to me that she had been fucking brother since a year now. My brother is v ery romantic kind of person and misses no chance to pass comments on my wife. He use to wear shorts and exercise in from to my wife, sings romantic songs and bu y gifts for my wife. Once he even gifted a golden necklace with locket shaped heart. My wife told me that she replaced mangalsutra with his necklace and wore it instead. I remember this and when I had asked her why she changed it she said that mangalsutra is to o heavy and this she had bought to wear in the house. Soon she got more concerne d about herself in the house - about her looks and dresses. She use to keep her hair dry and loose, wear lipstick and her dresses became low cuts once as she to ld me that my brother use to insist my wife to do so. She started asking me to bring sexier flimsy bra and panties. So coming back to the story - she said that once when he was passing our room (I was not there) he called my wife from the window of our bedroom. My wife came closer to the windo w, he looked deep in my wife's eyes and told her that he loves her and even gave her a love letter describing how much he likes her. However, she had rebuffed h is move saying that it's not proper to think like this as she is his younger bro ther's wife. She told me that he was too insisting and soon started making calls repeatedly telling her not to misunderstand him and that he finds her very beau tiful and he loves her very much.

Once he even dared to hug my wife from behind while she was dressing up in our b edroom and kissed her on the neck while cupping her breasts. My wife head was sp inning after this incident and she use to get wet just thinking about it. My wif e started fantasizing about my brother and was slowly making up her mind to get laid by him. Because after the accident I was not able to fulfil ling her and she became very hungry from the inside also. She told me that she a ctually felt his cock on her ass when he hugged her from behind and got mesmeriz ed by its dimensions. Then after a week or so she wrote a letter tilling my brother that she also love s him and that she finds him very attractive and handsome. They would then smile at each other while crossing or even steal kisses whenever the opportunity came . My wife told me that my brother would never miss an opportunity to fondle her breasts or grab a handful of her ass. Both were looking for an opportunity to find them alone so that they can fuck to their hearts content. Finally after couple of weeks when nobody was there in the house my brother came while my wife was in the kitchen. He went to the kitchen and hugged her tightly from behind and started pressing his cock ov er my wife's ass. Slowly he brought his hands up and cupped both the breasts of my wife. My wife gave in and turned her head and offered herself for a lip kiss. My bro wasted no time and kissed her lips softly at first then their tongues we re exploring each others mouth. My wife was his cock on her ass and she out of s heer inquisitiveness brought her hand back and held my bros cock over his pants and gauged it proportions. She told me she was taken aback at its dimensions and was to mesmerize that she held it tightly in her fist for good amount of time. After sometime my brother bro held my wife by the wrist and led her to our bedro om. He made my wife lay on the bed on her back and then lying by her side both h ugged each other tightly, moaning and saying I love you to each other. She told me that my bro was pressing her tits real softly and slowly while their groins w ere mashing against each other. After sometime they separated and looked into ea ch other eyes and whispered I love you to each other. My wife told me that she f elt like a teenager girl who has found her first love. Soon my brother started p ulling her top and my wife was left in the bra. My bro cupped her tits and press

ed slowly kissing whispering I love you to my wife all the time. While kissing h is hands moved to the knot holding her pants and she was fiddling with my bros p ants. Soon my bro did away with his pants and my wife held his cock in her hands weighing and rubbing all the time.

She told me that it was much bigger and thicker than mine. Upon asking she told me about 3 inches longer and 1.5 inches thicker. So, that makes 8" long and 3" t hick. While my wife was playing with my brother cock he has inserted two fingers inside my wife's cunt which was overflowing with her ecstasy juices. My wife sa id she never felt so aroused earlier. She said that what ever they did during th e course they never stopped kissing. After my bro had kissed my wife to his hear ts content and had fondled her body completely he slowly lowered himself kissing her neck. His one hand had engulfed my wife's right breast while he brought his mouth to her left breast. Very delicately he held my wife's left breast in his other hand and kissed the b ig brown nipple. My wife felt like she was in seventh heaven. After he has kisse d its entire softness he took the nipple in his mouth and sucked it nice and har d yet very delicately. Then he changed his mouth to the right breast and kissed and sucked it too. In between these sucks he would lower his hand to my wife's c unt and insert a finger or two and fuck her for sometime. He got little apprehen sive that somebody might come my bro did not waste much time soon inserted laid himself in between my wife's both legs. Separating the legs further apart he pos itioned his mammoth cock over my wife's cunt mouth. My wife held his cock in his hand and kept it in front of her love hole. Now all set my bro inserted his coc k slowly savoring the taste of my wife's cunt. My wife told me her cunt felt ful l jammed and her cervix pushed.

After the cock was fully in my bro fucked her frantically. My wife also humped h er pelvis to meet his thrusts and held him tightly whenever she came. My wife sa id that she came so many times that she lost count. Soon my bro was also overwhe lmed and soon flooded my wife's cunt with his cum. My wife said she felt so much cum flooding her cunt that she was overwhelmed with the juices she had released . Then my bro came he kissed my wife goodbye and left. My wife also got up and d ressed herself. She said she felt wonderful and had she known that my bro was su ch a nice fuck she would have had her suhag raat with him. As soon as the sessio n was over he immediately left. Then started many more escapades of my wife. Both having tasted each other could not wait for the next fuck. So without waiting for the opportunity they started having sex when everyone slept in the night. My wife told me how they managed t o fuck the second time. So, later that night my bro was watching TV late at nigh t as sleep was far away from his eyes. When everybody had slept my wife got up a nd went to the toilet signaling my bro to follow. He followed and my wife entere d the toilet first leaving the door open. Soon my bro followed and locked the do or. Both hugged each other tightly kissing and exploring each others body. Soon my bro lifted her nighty and found that my wife was wearing nothing beneath. See ing my wife fully nude for the first time he went crazy and squeezed her tits ni cely. Slowly he circled my wife s nipples while tweaking the other nipple between his fingers. Later he sucked on to my wife's left breast like child sucks milk o ut of mother's mummeries. My bro spent lot of time playing and sucking the tits alternation between the two. My wife told me that my brother paid lot attention to the sides of her tits kissing and complementing the curves of her tits all th e time. My wife was holding his head in

both her hands and pressing his mouth to her tits. Then he lowered still further and delicately inserted a finger in my wife's cunt. My wife had to separate her legs to make way for the digit and a moan emanated from her mouth. Then taking the finger in his moth he complemented the taste of her juices.

Then he inserted two fingers and rubbed the thumb on her clit. My wife said she felt like completely was on the seventh heaven. She was fondling my bros head in his hand and lost count to as to times she came. After some time my bro got him self undressed. Seeing him naked my wife was mesmerized by my bros muscles, ches t and above all the big manhood. My bro guided my wife's hand to his cock and pr ompted her to hold his tightly and move her hand up and down his big cock. Later he guided one hand to cup the balls while other was still moving on his cock. T hen he asked my wife to sit down and kiss this cock. As though hypnotized she sh at down immediately and kissed the mushroom shaped purple head. She said its bea uty and size and the two balls that hung below the beautiful cock engrossed her. Then my bro also sat down and kissed her on lips and told her that she loves he r very much. Still kissing he told my wife to suck his cock. He got up and asked my wife to open her mouth. Holding the cock from its base she immediately opene d her mouth and started sucking the big mushroom head slowly. Slowly my bro held her head and with slow motions started fucking my wife's mouth. I asked her tha t she had never sucked my cock. She answered that with the beauty and size of my bros cock she c ould not resist herself moreover my bro loves her very much and if he wants her to do that then she can't deny. After some few more stroke he came in my wife's mouth. As he came he held my wife's in his arms and hugged her tightly kissing m y wife and twisting his cum in her mouth. They held on to each other for a long time and my wife's tits mashed against his chest. After some more kissing and fo ndling my brother regained his erection and he whispered in my wife s ear that he wants to fuck. She said its not possible in the toilet as there in not enough sp ace. She told him to her bedroom after some time. My wife came over to our room and hugged me and kissed but I did not move as I was fast asleep. Still assuring herself she moved aside and lied down waiting for my bro to come. We used to sl eep in two separated bed. In one bed I used to sleep and on another she and our baby used to sleep. We have separated our bed because I had to sleep keeping my crutches on my side. Soon my brother came and my wife signaled him to lie down beside her in her bed. He immediately did that and soon they were kissing and fondling each other witho ut making a noise. Because of the two mosquito nets in two different beds it was herd for any one to see through the mosquito-nets and understand what was happe ning on the other beds . Soon he got on top of my wife and my wife guided his co ck to her cunt's mouth and lowered herself a bit. In went the big cock head spli tting my wife's cunt. My wife took the cock bending her back like a bow to adjus t the size till their pubes entwined. Keeping his cock inside without any moveme nt both enjoyed the union while my 3 years old baby was sleeping beside them. Slowly bro brought his cock out only to penetrate again with much more vigor. My wife said she was in seventh heaven and lost count to number of times she came. It was her over ecstasy moment. Her cunt muscles were squeezing his cock each t ime she came as though it had found a long lost love. Bro in the mean time was k issing her all the time with one hand squeezing her tits alternating with each o ther. She was moving her hands on his back and hugging him tight upwards so as t o maximize the penetration. She said she wanted this to last fore ever but then after a long half an hour fucking my bro jolted and came in floods inside her so aping cunt. She was feeling his cock fucking her cervix so as thought fucking a cunt inside cunt. They held each other for long and after some time sh

e could feel his cock growing inside again. Soon he was bucking and started fuck ing again. My wife never asked him to stop as she said that she was madly in lov e with my bro. They fucked again this time changing position to doggy style, sid eways and then intermittently stopping to kiss and fondle each other and whisper ing I love you. When it was over it was 4 AM in the morning and that been over 4 hours of fuck. All this had happened with me sleeping on the other bed. She tol d me getting fucked without making a noise was a pure fun for them. In this one year she never remembered an week when they did not fucked. After we had over first child I her told her put copper T and she refused outright. She never allowed me to cum inside. However I remembered the day a year back when sh e told me that she feels sorry for me and that she if feeling to put CT. I was o verjoyed but little did I know that she wants to put CT coz se wants my bro to f uck and come inside her. I was shocked to hear her that they both madly love each and if pose problem there union then she wont be able to live. So the situation was such that if be deprived of fuck from my bro for even a single day then it s impossible. really very turned on by her idea and it aroused me. So now starts the fuck sions of my bro and wife after its been known to me. to she I was ses

So now a days every night I got the drawing room and watch TV while my bro would be fucking my wife in my bedroom and on my bed. I had to do that because my wif e loves it and I was totally dependant to my brother financially. Everyday the f uck session would start at 11Pm and last till 12:30AM. In those times I had to k eep my baby too. I had to wait with my erect cock. After 12:30 my wife used come to our drawing room to say that they are finished and I can now enter in our be drooms. Everything uses to happen spending a few words. Then after entering in to bed ro oms I used to sleep with her taking her in my hand. We used to spend half an hou r chatting and discussing our daily problems and future plans. Some time I would kiss her and find semen in her mouth too. So it was obvious that my bro use to cum both in cunt and mouth. Sometimes her tits would also be covered with dried cum and most interesting was she never bothered to clean. Slowly I would squeeze her lovely tits which are bloated due to my bros rigorous treatment. I would su ck her tits and find taste of my bros semen there too. Then I should lower my ha nd to her well stretched and fucked cunt and insert one or two fingers and find cunt oozing cum. All this while my wife would just close her eyes and whimper wi th low groans. Probably she is getting excited thinking of me (her husband) play ing with her who had been just freshly fucked her lover. Actually she was enjoyi ng being the wife of two men. I don't know about her but yes it was tremendous turn on for me to find my wife drenched in my bros cum. I hate my bro a lot, probably too jealous about his plu s points physicality and financially. Sometime when I would separate her clinche d thighs which she never separated thinking my bros cum should spill out. I also do this when I am all ready to fuck her and without much waste of time my small er cock enters the deflated cunt. I enjoy the feel of my bros cum in my wife's c unt which is all wet and flowing. Just feel of his is so high that without much fucking I come her cunt. Then my cock would come out and immediately she would c lench her legs together. Without saying word I would go to my place and sleep. T hese become a routing and almost reflexes. My bro started giving lot of gifts to my wife. He would give dresses, flimsy nig htyes, lacy bra and panties and sometimes ornaments also. They were least bother ed about me. Even some time in my presence he would call my wife and take to the other room for fucking or chatting like husband wife. In the dinner table I fou

nd that my wife serving the best foods to my brother. Presently they have starte d kissing in front of me. My wife wastes no opportunity to get fucked. Now a day s my bro use to take her to long outings and definitely fuck her marathon. Just few days before my wife told me that they have decided to have another baby so I have to stop fucking her for few months.(end)

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