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tion Timing

es Late

2. Plug Fires Early



t m ove ckwise.

To correct move stator counterclockwisc.

A. Stator

B. Turn the stator clockwise 5.

en retar de

le as sh own the same

wn in Fig.


*Alter adjusting, tighten the stator ptate screws securely, and reinstall the magneto flywheel (Pg. 44) . GRechec k the timing with strobe l ight, and readjust if
necessary. Elnstal l the magneto cover and gas ket.


Ig marks can be checked ler (special tool). and turn the magneto flythe piston is close to the k ad unscrew the spark plug. (special tool) in the plug
;auge on the TDC finder.


White/ Red

Rectifier Circci i t Capaci tor

Co i l

E l ectri cal Switch

Spark PIug

B l ack

Signal Coil

*Turn on the tester switches. TO void extremely high voltage shocks, do not touch the coil or leads.

cGradually slide the arcing distance adjusting knob from

left to right (swat l d istance to large d istance) carefu lly chec kin g the arcin g.

Stop moving the knob at the point where the arcing begins to fluctuate, and nota the knob position in mm. The reading should show the value in Table KS.

Table KB

Arcng Distance

Stan dard Finder A (57001-402)

B. Dial Gauge

6 mm or more

* Measure with the Kawasaki Electrotester.

e flywheel to set the piston at exact TDC (top nter), and set the dial to zero.

Arcing Distance Measurement

he flywheel cl oc kwise until the d ial gauge reads

3.0 mm and then counterclockwise until the dial eads 2.83 mm.
ing mark on the flywheel shoul d al ign with the

pro|ection on the cran kcase at this point. If not, set the piston at 2.83 mm BTDC (before ad center) and make a new timing mark on the
l just undei the projection.


he muffler (Pg. 3 7). he ign ition timing. When inspecting ign ition tim ing alter verify ing g marks with a dial gauge, use your new tim ing

lf the distante reading is tess than the val ue shown in the table, the ignition coil or spark plug cap is detective. To determine wh ich part is defec tive, measure the arcing distante again with the spark plug cap removed from the lgnition coil. If the arcing distance is su bnormal as before, the trou ble is with the ignition

coil itself. It the arcing d istance is now normal, the trou ble is with the spark plug cap.
If an Electrotester is not available, the coil can be checked for a broken or badly shorted winding with an oh mmeter. However, an ohmmeter caniot detect layer shorts and shorts resulting from insulation breakdown

under h igh vol tage.

To measure the ignition coil resistance: Remove the fuel tan k. cDiscon nect the green/wh ite ignition coil lead, pull the

Coil Test

spark plug cap off the spark plug, and test the windig ,,
as shown in Table K6. For masurement of se.cndary winding resistance, remove the spark pl ug cap from the spark plug lead.


Table K6

lgnition Coil Resistance



Con nections Ground Green/\Yhite Grou nd Spark Plug Lead

Reading* 0.050 0.076 U .3 8 2.07 kU

Secondary x J kU
l gn ition Coil O

* Measured when the coil is cold (room or atmospheric

temperatu re).

ite Lead

A. 3-pin Connector

If the resistance in th is test is found to be tess than

the propcr val ue, there is a short in the exciter circuit. In either cas, replace both the exciter coil and

and/or signal coil. No read ing (=) indcates an open signal coils. If, however, the coil checks out good, the cause is probably a loss of magnetism in the flywheel,
necessitating flywheel replacement.

NOTE: If, alter checking all these items, there is still ign ition trouble, warm the machine up thoroughly and check the stator coils wh ite they are hot.

Spark Plug The spark plug ignites the fuel/air mixture in the
bustion cham ber. To do this effectively and at the

g Lead

pr a

time, the correct spark pl ug must be used, and plug must be kept clean and adjusted (Pg. 2).

il does not produce an adequate spark, or primary or secondary winding does not rrect resistance, replace the ignition coil .

e the ignition coil if the spark plug lead damage.

gnal Coils tion

ark is weak or absent alter the spark plug, and CDI unit are found to be all function-

, and if the wiring is all in good condition y connected, the cause may be a short the exciter coil or signal coil, or a l oss of

own in Table K7.

the fly wheel magnets. fuel tan k. meter, and measu re the resistance between Reach

Resistance at Exciter and Signal Coils

eter 0 U

Connections Reading* \Yh ite/Red +* Black J 26 90 U

0.7 0.8 m m
J . Ter mi nal

0 U

White /Red


24.9 37.3 U

when coils are cold (room or atmosph eric

4. Gas ket
5. Center E lee tro de 6. Side Electro de

2. l nsu l ato r

e) .

3. Cement

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