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Global State of Quality





Global States Future State

The ASQ Global State of Quality Research started three years ago when a group of organizations were working with ASQ and APQC on a large project to benchmark the performance and practices associated with enterprise quality management systems. While quality has a rich and mature knowledge and experience base to leverage, the organizations involvedsome ASQ Enterprise Quality Roundtable members, some not, but all large-scale businesses and market leadersidentified gaps in the current research for the quality discipline: What was missing was a representative sample of enterprise quality in practice around the globe and, once assembled, shared understanding about whats proven, whats applied, what is different/common, and whats best practice at an organizational level. Through the course of the project, critical questions went unanswered, such as: What is the right mix of resources to support quality? Is there a better or best way to govern and manage quality? What is a true culture of quality? How should quality measures be developed, applied, and reported? The core question driving the benchmarking project: How do the investments, programs, characteristics, and practices implemented in the quality management system directly impact and deliver on the performance and results of the organization? Answering this question remains no simple task. Complicating the situation is the fact that there are so many definitions, variations, standards, approaches, and views of quality, which makes it extremely difficult to create a baseline and common point of view. For example, developing quality competencies and skills is essential to the success of any quality management system because they affect everythingfrom everyday work and progress to the overall culture in which work gets done and organizations succeed. Quality leadership wants and needs to know, develop, and manage the right mix of quality resources and competencies to drive toward and achieve organizational performance. Yet, there is not even a common definition of the work quality professionals do, or the role, responsibilities, and influence they should have. The lack of a common definition makes it challenging to research just one element of enterprise qualitycompetency practiceslinked to quality performance, and then linked to organizational results. Prompted by the unfinished work of the earlier project, the unanswered questions asked by organizations and the global quality community every day, and the constant clamor for data and fact, ASQ and APQC embarked on the Global State of Quality Research. The idea was to gather data from large corporations around the world regarding the current state of quality practices to begin to understand commonalities as well as variation. This year the ASQ Global State of Quality Research created a baseline on how organizations do quality. This work has already begun and will continue to drive

The core question driving the benchmarking project: How do the investments, programs, characteristics, and practices implemented in the quality management system directly impact and deliver on the performance and results of the organization?

Global State of Quality Research | Insights and Continuing Conversations | 2013

the direction of the related and wholly new activities. (For what companies, institutions, organizations, even governments have done with the data, please see the Plus-Delta exercise in this final report.) Many of the participating organizations, sponsors, and more have already called for a follow-up to this inaugural research. Together with the continued support of the global quality community, we expect to do so in future years. For ASQ and APQC together, the Global State of Quality Research and other activities extend efforts toward a goal to provide comprehensive, valid, and reliable data regarding the quantitative impact that quality and continuous improvement processes and investments can have on organizational performance. We seek to provide organizations with the opportunity and platform to assess all aspects of their enterprise quality systemprocesses, practices, structuresto examine what could/should change and the potential impact. To accomplish this, future research, opportunity, and conversations will focus on creating:  A common scope and definition of the quality processes in the enterprise including suppliers and Qustomers.  A statistically valid and reliable method of defining the performance, measurement, and maturity of the quality processes within organizations, across industry, and even for the quality discipline as a whole.  A systematic method to gather quality process performance and practice data to provide ongoing assessment capabilities.

Global State of Quality Research | Insights and Continuing Conversations | 2013

These three outcomes require a specific set of deliverables that leads to the development of an enterprise quality maturity framework. These deliverables include:  A standardized, cross-industry process model for enterprise-wide quality. The process model defines the scope boundaries for quality, which clearly identifies what quality activities should be included in a quality management system. Ultimately, the quality processes may be customized for various industries, but a general set of common processes and activities that can be found within most industries is an essential starting point.  A holistic set of measures including outcomes, key performance indicators, and in-process enablers for each process and activity in the model. The quality process model provides the scope definition (what work is included) for each process and activity, which then allows for the creation of a common set of measures. This ensures the measures are clearly understood by all organizations and any data collected will be both valid and reliable. Measures will include outcomes, outputs, key performance indicators, and process enablers (productivity, efficiency, cycle time, and effectiveness) for each process and/or activity that will be used to build the quality maturity index.  An enterprise quality benchmark system and maturity index that aggregates the quality framework measures to define overall quality maturity and performance. The maturity index is a tool for an organization, industry, or the quality discipline to assess the performance of the quality process itself or within specific activities. Gauging and benchmarking performance provides quantifiable information to identify areas for further research, potential reallocation of resources, and the opportunity to validate quality-related practices and the impact on performance. The ultimate goal of the index is to create a valid, reliable, and trusted method of scoring the enterprise quality processes with organizations around the world. This will allow organizations to view their overall performance as related to all organizations or specific peer groups. Lastly, the maturity index will provide a method of linking specific quality practices, such as the ASQ Learning Institute competency matrices, directly to the performance of the quality process itself and to overall successfinancial or otherwiseof the organization. All of the deliverables from future ASQ Global State of Quality Research, from work in and for the global quality community, need to track improvement and drive change to provide organizations and the world the information needed to answer the toughest, most persistent question: What value does quality provide to organizations and customers, both in the present and in the future?

What value does quality provide to organizations and customers, both in the present and in the future?

Global State of Quality Research | Insights and Continuing Conversations | 2013

A Plus-Delta View
In an attempt to capture and represent top-of-mind feedback, year-to-date, on the inaugural ASQ Global State of Quality Research, and lay groundwork for improvement and future Global State of Quality work, ASQ, in late September, used electronic mail to circulate a series of questions to stakeholders. That stakeholder group included the Research Advisory Panel, ASQ Board of Directors leadership, the ASQ Global Advisory Council, ASQ division leaders worldwide, ASQ publication contributors, ASQ country counselors, and other thought leaders in the global quality community. The inquiries were grouped under four themes: insights; observations and opportunities; impact; and suggestions and recommendations. The actual responses, without individual attribution and with some editing, are summarized below, grouped into the same themes as the questions themselves. They also are organized into a quality tool plus-delta format. Altogether, the comments suggest appreciation and support for tackling the challenge to study and reportand as noted in the earlier article, Global States Future State, a call for more research. Thats where those deltas will be delved into, as they are rich in opportunities, expertise, and expectations for the next ASQ Global State of Quality Research. To continue the conversation and improvement cycles, as you review these responses add your own by emailing


Questions asked of stakeholders: 1. What are your most recent insights on the research overall? 2.  What are your most recent insights related to the study themes, trends, and key data points?

Plus  Organizations might use a framework for evaluating overall performance (i.e., Baldrige, EFQM, etc.), however, it does not appear they had a set of questions/criteria for evaluating their state of quality, as provided by the four themes [derived] in the study.  The way leaders view quality differently, from compliance to a continuous improvement platform, certainly has a large impact on the management and function of quality within the organization. It starts with how one views quality and the role of quality. Therefore, how an organization staffs and supports its quality function is born out of its particular view of qualitys role. This chosen level of resourcing then reinforces the broadness or narrowness of qualitys impact.  This is very important and innovative research, which

Delta  It appears theres an opportunity for cross-industry benchmarking between service and manufacturing organizations. For example, service organizations can improve their reliability by benchmarking the implementation of process metrics, such as CPM or first pass yield, and Six Sigma methods. Whereas it seems manufacturing could benefit from benchmarking how the service industry has integrated quality with their business strategy and have a higher frequency of reporting quality results across organizations.  ISO is widely embraced compared to traditional continuous improvement techniques. I think Baldrige must evolve out of the prize level toward a more actionable global performance improvement model someday.

Global State of Quality Research | Insights and Continuing Conversations | 2013

has reached some conclusions that we were already expecting. However, those unexpected conclusions have become a very important contributor to the worldwide quality state-of-the-art characterization. Embracing the concept of Qustomer is key to success of organizations.  Understanding customer need, involving customers in improvement work, and building long-term relationships with customers are three partly overlapping challenges that also concern different phases and complementary perspectives of collaboration. Together they constitute one of the four highest-ranked areas in the study. These findings validate the study by ASQ, showing that customer collaboration is an area in need of further research.  The significance of seeing the customer as a resource or partner is pointed out when it comes to accessing important knowledge, both to strengthen processes and facilitate an organizations approach to developing goods and services that are in demand. One group of respondents also specified the meaning of the challenge of getting the customer involved: We need to create a better strategy for getting closer to our customers. T  he results of the research are very interesting for providing services in the field of quality management systems, and also for organizations to have a benchmark in the field of quality approaches. We published several articles describing the results of the research. For our region [Czech Republic], it was interesting to reach the conclusion that quality tools are similar all over the world. We can also see a gap in providing Six Sigma and lean education. W  e hear that TQM is a true modern management philosophy, and this valuable study brings scientific evidence that is true; that more and more leaders around the globe are managing their organizations using, among other management philosophies, TQM. T  he impact of quality, from customer to supplier, is big from Tier 1 to Tier 2 companies but is very small from Tier 2 to Tier 3 and from Tier 3 to Tier 4; this confirms the belief that quality systems and TQM are somewhat weak in micro, small, and medium companies and strong in big organizations, and give usquality professionalsideas on where to focus future efforts. T  his study is important as it contributes to global companies and professionals who have a quality vision throughout the world.

 As the educational and training needs are diverse, to fit one or the other already packaged programs to everyone is tough. We need to work on altering the perception that we are unique and we are special, and collectively understand that there is still so much benefit to derive from standardized certification systems.  How can we more systematically tap the customers potential both as a resource in the development of our organization and as a participant in value creation? How do organizations that are skilled at both interpreting and balancing the future needs and anticipations of stakeholders operate? How do organizations that build local partnerships with the customer work?  The study does not show prominently placed countries like Japan and France. If their answers are included in other, this may indicate little interest in the study. Thus, marketing activities should be developed in order to make the study more global.  Im not sure if it represents an adequate number of countries to qualify the report as global. It represents [15, plus seven others] as listed, where inputs were gathered. The number of respondents from China was 52 for organizations with less than $100M; yet, the number of these organizations is huge and many of their products are flooding the globe for direct consumers [individuals] and organizations [mainly manufacturers].

Global State of Quality Research | Insights and Continuing Conversations | 2013

 In business, in the decision-making process of each day, intuition and experience are important, but they become really effective when underpinned by information.  We are, in some cases/countries, going backward in the quality management/business from a more holistic approach that affects the daily work of every employee to a strong manufacturing focus on compliance requirementsspecifically with the current global economic situation, where many organizations are cutting corners starting with quality management, to training, to cheaper materials from unqualified vendors.  Figure 7 [Discoveries 2013 report, p. 11] on the quality measures, which are used for trending and/ or predictive analytics in either operations or business processes, shows very interesting response rates. I thought that it would be the opposite; i.e., going down from mega organizations to smaller ones.

Global State of Quality Research | Insights and Continuing Conversations | 2013


Questions asked of stakeholders: 1.  What observations have you made or heard from others, regarding the researchgenerally or specifics? 2.  What opportunities surfaced through the research to date; what questions remain for future research?

Plus  Ive shared the research with a half-dozen audiences and it appears they are still digesting the data. I estimate more meaningful feedback will be harvested over time as they use the data for comparisons and research.  Transparency and benchmarking vs. respect and intellectual property. Standardization: perception/feeling vs. measurement.  The obvious questions about trends and current best arise. Given the research outlines what is, the question of where is quality going is served up. And understanding the differences found in the research, the current best approach to the various quality aspects is sought.  I have heard just a few opinions but those have been very positive; as more ASQ members and officials spread out the results of the study in the future, I trust we will hear more from people about it.

Delta  We need a sampling of random organizations for comparisons to our hand-selected observations to calculate response bias.  There must be a unique or standard ASQ definition of quality. ASQ can promote a global definition according to the quality trends (not ISO 9000).  ACSI and NPS [loyalty] arent mentioned; they provide great information of quality.  What roles can educational institutions/higher education play in developing the human capital needed to achieve exemplary organizational performance?  What are the main drivers of innovation that will produce sustainable competitive advantage? How do we make these drivers available in an organization? Quality for entrepreneurs. Sustainable global supply chain management. Quality improvement for government agencies.  Limitation of respondent representing country, e.g., lack of Japan, ASEAN countries, etc.  Could be better to include future trends/quality perception in near future, etc.

Global State of Quality Research | Insights and Continuing Conversations | 2013


Question asked of stakeholders: 1.  What impact has the ASQ Global State of Quality effort had on your thinking? In your organization? For the global quality community? Other?

Plus  Ive been using the research in my quality management classes [in Portugal]!  The overall impact the ASQ Global State of Quality effort has on my thinking, in terms of main lines of thought, guidance, and prediction is TOTAL!  The greatest impact is the role of inquiry with concern to how quality is being viewed and applied within the organization. Increasing the number of conversations about the role of quality and how best to lead, resource, and support is very helpful. Having ASQ convene these conversations is at the heart of being The Global Voice of Quality.  I have heard comments on the value of the research in helping organizations ask critical questions concerning qualitys role and resourcing.  The study provides benchmarking data on quality practices and organizational performance on a global scale.  Significant contemporary issues in quality management will be identified that can be turned into agenda items for future research work.  It reminds me to evolve our quality model toward a more global one that improves overall company performance [Peru].  It helps to benchmark quality practices with what the world is doing.  I take this opportunity to acknowledge the great work you have done in your research. It has provided answers to many concerns that are prevalent in the field internationally. I have found your results and findings very valuable and pertinent. We will share this report with quality professionals in Pakistan.  For SIQ, the Global State of Quality has been an inspiration and helps identify trends in quality work around the world. The Global State of Quality underlines the need for scientific studies that in an integrated way can take new situations and problems of companies and other organizations into consideration. For Sweden, the Global

Delta  Seek public platform/broad media market to get the word out about future studies and findings. Build in leveraging the impact through broader distribution.  It may be difficult to compare inputs from various countries, and Im not sure if all inputs are coming from the same understanding of respondents.  In the 21st century, peopleand especially children must not directly link pollutant smoke with industry. Please do not continue to use pictures like this.


Global State of Quality Research | Insights and Continuing Conversations | 2013

State of Quality confirms that by founding the Swedish Quality Management Academy as a close collaboration between universities, our possibilities to have an impact on the society will be better.  The report is good, the content comprehensive, and could be used when discussing with prospective clients for further cooperation [Slovenia].  The ASQ Global State of Quality effort can provide a bridge to connect quality researchers across nations. This platform can provide not only professional knowledge on quality, but also provide the trend and future applications of quality for many organizations in Taiwan.  The research was very beneficial. We could confirm we are going in the right way, and we received many interesting ideas. The results will be taken into account in setting up our strategic goals.  The importance of use of multiple, systemic quality measures to monitor and improve people, systems, processes, customer, and financial aspects of the organizations, and to make it in a routine, organized, and visible manner, and for many and diverse purposes (process performance, customer satisfaction, employee appraisals, etc.).  The study provides a checklist of what we should be doing (in terms of techniques, organization, measurements, work with external entities) if we want to have a holistic, robust TQM program.  This is a very good initiative as it helps promote quality concepts around the world while providing a common platform for professionals to enter into this very important field.  Comprehensive studies like this lead companies and professionals around the world to question their way of thinking and acting.  The research efforts were great, and I have never seen such worldwide research. Once again, ASQ shows that it is taking the lead when it comes to quality. The research opens my eyes to many areas that we ignore or mishandle. The global community should take advantage of this research as a baseline for future studies/researches.

Global State of Quality Research | Insights and Continuing Conversations | 2013



Questions asked of stakeholders: 1.  Recap any lingering suggestions and recommendations for a future ASQ Global State of Quality initiative. Delta  It will be very important to perform the same type of research three or five years from now, and analyze if something has changed concerning these issues. The Qustomer feels gimmicky and confusing.  The study must be continuously updated; it provides great information.  The comparisons must include more regions like Europe, North America, South America, Asia. Also industries like telecom, service, manufacturing, etc.  What it [The Global State of Quality Research] did not identify was innovation! I found this to be particularly surprising and contrary to everything Ive been hearing for the last three-plus years. I dont know how to reconcile innovation missing in a Global State of Quality study. Perhaps it was further down the Pareto chart than expected. Pakistan is not included in the report.  Research about which are the top three methodologies/ best practices that improve faster company results.  The concept of the Qustomer is unconvincing. The discussion does not mention those in organizations where the concept is not practical or inappropriate. Consequently, I would conjecture the impracticality or inappropriateness is not reflected in the statistics. Further, it almost appears as though someone simply gave a name [Qustomer] to the six percentages that fall above the value for all organizations. The discussion regarding the five organizations that have created an effective balance of the main factors involved in a Qustomer implementation raises significant questions as to how that balance is determined.  Identify best practices of managing innovation in business models, processes, and products that will bring value to stakeholders.  Identify processes that will develop sustainable quality culture throughout an organization, and extending to its business partners. Focus on the field of excellence (Baldrige, EFQM).

Plus  Company image and quality are other opportunity areas for research to define how to improve it. Brand image and pure image are key to CSI and loyalty.  Value-driven requirement flow in new product developmentincreasing speed of change and adaptability.  Leading for adaptability: rethinking leadership for quality and the role of quality managers.  Improved innovation and competitiveness through public procurement.


Global State of Quality Research | Insights and Continuing Conversations | 2013

 Questions focused on state support for quality initiatives could be very interesting.  We had only a few respondents, partly because of language. It would be fine to have the questionnaire also in the Czech languagewe can help with translation.  More details on what the companies are doing in terms of training (what are the most popular techniques), certifications, tools, and methodologies.  Many quality improvement programs have been initiated and for future research may be focused on areas such as the application of ISO 22200, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001, and their impact on food safety, environment, and occupational safety areas.  A specific study could be conducted with nondeveloped countries that are not mentioned in the research. This would help them to trace a road from where am I to where are they.  It will be a good opportunity to work more on the business culture of various worldwide organizations and its impact on quality.  Enhance regional coverage; expand ASEAN nation participation.  We must devote time and effort to understand the current stage of development of all countries, also putting at their disposal information and resources. In a globalized world, global institutions must have a strategy that does not leave anyone out.


Global State Data: Impact to Action in Finland

Under the leadership of the Finnish Quality Association, the ASQ Global State of Quality reports have put the spotlight on corporate quality performance and prompted national debate. Among the highlights:  Finlands National Broadcasting Company featured nearly  Finlands largest circulation daily an hour of broadcast time to the state of quality in the newspaper, Kauppalehti, featured reports country, including data from the research. based on the research data in August.  Finlands largest business daily newspaper, Kauppalehti,  Top CEOs were briefed on the data by the association. will dedicate a full page every other week on quality-related T  he associations Quality Magazine, September issue, success cases. featured the research and interviews related to the results. According to Tani Jrvinen, Finnish Quality Association president, For Finland, this survey has been very important. And we will see quality-related improvement projects and programs in the future.

Global State of Quality Research | Insights and Continuing Conversations | 2013


13 3 12 16 17 11 18 8 2 20 19 1 5 7 15 4 21 14 10 22 6

1. May 6 8 ASQ World Conference on Quality and Improvement Indianapolis, IN, USA 2. May 14 16 L-3 Conference Sarasota, FL, USA 3. May 21 ASQ Enterprise Meeting Milwaukee, WI, USA 4. June 5 6 Conference Board Quality Council Meetings Hartford, CT, USA 5. June 14 ASQ Automotive Symposium Detroit, MI, USA 6. June 17 20 EOQ Tallinn, Estonia 7. June 17 18 PepsiCo Quality Leadership Purchase, NY, USA 8. June 26 28 Coca-Cola Mexico Cancun, Mexico 9. July 15 16 PGQP Conference Porto Alegre, Brazil 10. July 19 20 BEL Conference Bangalore, India 11. September 10 11 QuEST Forum Americas Best Practices Conference Las Vegas, NV, USA 12. September 10 Quality Expo Chicago, IL, USA 13. September 12 ASQ Section 1204: Kick-off Meeting Racine, WI, USA 14. September 23 SKEA Abu Dhabi Best Practice Conference Abu Dhabi, UAE 15. September 23 AMS North America Conference 2013 Detroit, MI, USA 16. October 3 Microsoft Event Redmond, WA, USA 17. October 22 USA-China Quality and Measures Idea and Exchange Seminar Belmont, CA, USA 18. October 24 APQC Process Conference Houston, TX, USA 19. November 1 World Quality Month An Evening With ASQ Chair John Timmerman Minneapolis, MN, USA 20. November 4 World Quality Month-Global State of Quality Presentation Baxter Headquarters Round Lake, IL, USA 21. November 14 15 Portuguese Quality Congress Lisbon, Portugal 22. November 19 21 SIQ Quality in Public Sector and Society Gothenburg, Sweden


More than 550 press release pick-ups worldwide regarding the Global State of Quality Research since its announcement in November 2012. As of November 12, 2013, ASQ World Headquarters staff have been notified of these media coverage/media appearances. Additional coverage is likely to have occurred and ongoing media efforts are underway.

Beckers Hospital Review, USA How Does Global Healthcare Quality Stack Up Against Other Industries?

Training magazines Inside Training newsletter, USA Survey says Dedicated Department Leads to Quality Training Healthcare Finance News, USA Working to Preserve Quality

Quality Manufacturing Today, UK Taking the Pulse on Global Quality

Sigma, Netherlands Taking the Pulse on Global Quality Manufacturing Automation, Canada Taking the Pulse on Global Quality Manufacturing Today, USA Headline TBD

OCTOBER, USA Report Explores Quality Gaps in Manufacturing Systems Quality Radio Network, USA Performance Excellence USA Manufacturers Monthly, Australia New Quality Report Provides In-depth View of Manufacturing Quality Discipline Worldwide

Quality Engineering, Germany Vergleiche sind erwnscht Qualitt und Zuverlssigkeit, Germany ASQ-Report: Weltweit noch deutliche Unterschiede im Management von Qualitt Quality Digest Live, USA Interview with Laurel NelsonRowe, ASQ Managing Director

Industry Today, USA Taking the Pulse on Quality

Manufacturing Today, USA Manufacturers Show Gaps in Management Quality, New ASQ Study Shows

CRM Magazine, USA Giving Quality Initiatives the Respect They Deserve


Global State of Quality Research | Insights and Continuing Conversations | 2013

In Mandarin:

Gng duo In Spanish: Ms In Russian: Bolshe In Portuguese: Mais In English: More

A Final Thank-YouAnd More

This may be the postscript to the ASQ Global State of Quality Research: Insights and Continuing Conversations report. Yet, as weve learned from the very start of the work that would become research and a series of reports on the Global State of Quality, were at the very beginning. It is evident more research, analysis, data, and insights are needed and wanted. And so, we highlight the word more not only in English but also in the languages in which the first Global State of Quality Research survey was translated. As mentioned earlier in this report, ASQ and APQC have already begun to lay the foundation for further work related to the Global State of Quality. In this final content assembly from our 20122013 efforts, we featured specific feedback, comments on impact, and opportunities for improvement specific to Global State of Quality Research approaches in the future. We welcome further comment and conversations. In addition to the ASQ and APQC joint initiatives, ASQ will soon initiate the next installment of the ASQ Future of Quality Studya qualitative global research effort that employs the Delphi research methodology. The ASQ Future of Quality Study triggers intriguing thought-leader debate and dialogue among the global quality community. ASQ also seeks to further explore one of the Global State of Quality Research themesthe culture of qualitythrough additional research and content developments. 15

Global State of Quality Research | Insights and Continuing Conversations | 2013

Advisory Panel
Steven Bailey Principal Consultant and Master Black Belt DuPont Wilmington, DE, USA Lloyd Barker Director, Corporate Quality Alcoa, Inc. New York, NY, USA Sister Mary Jean Ryan Chair of the Board SSM Health Care St. Louis, MO, USA Roberto Saco CEO Aporia Advisors, Inc. Coral Gables, FL, USA Paulo Sampaio Assistant Professor University of Minho Braga, Portugal Tiia Tammaru Chairman of the Board Estonian Association for Quality (EAQ) Tallinn, Estonia Joal Teitelbaum Superior Council International Vice President Regional Program of Quality and Productivity (PGQP) Porto Alegre, Brazil Carl Thor President Jarrett Thor International Alexandria, VA, USA

These enormous undertakings are only envisioned and accomplished through the efforts of dedicated professionals passionate about quality, through the leadership of the ASQ board of directors, and through partners that contribute time, talent, and means to make initiatives like the ASQ Global State of Quality Research a reality. We thank our research advisory panel, our Enterprise Goldand Enterprise Silver-level sponsors, the ASQ World Partners involved in this effort, and the Global Quality Supporters. All are listed below.
From PDF

Enterprise Gold Sponsors

Enterprise Silver Sponsors

ASQ World Partners

Global Quality Supporters

ASQ Board of Directors Special Thanks to

Jorge Gerdau Johannpeter Chairman, Gerdau S.A.


Global State of Quality Research | Insights and Continuing Conversations | 2013

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