ACI Column Design - V1.01

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SMRF COLUMN DESIGN TO ACI 318-89 Detention Tank

Perimeter Column 0 0
Date Filename 21-Mar-14


Materials: f'c fy fyh Ec Est Section Data: Depth Width Cover to ties Ro Eff. Depth Ag Ach As total Ast1 Ast2 Ic Is Frame Data: D1l W1l L1l D1r W1r L1r D1u W1u L1u D2l W2l L2l D2r W2r L2r D2b W2b L2b Lc mm mm m mm mm m mm mm m mm mm m mm mm m mm mm m Lc 800 400 7.8 0 0 No beam 0 600 900 3.1 800 400 7.8 0 0 No beam 0 600 900 3.1 3.1 0.017 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 0 #DIV/0! 0 0 #DIV/0! 0 mm mm^2 mm^2 mm^2 mm^2 mm^2 mm^4 mm^4 mm mm mm 750 1000 40 0.00985 680 750000 616400 7389.03 2506.99 791.681 4E+10 5E+08 0 Bar Distribution Layer 1 Layer 2 Layer 3 Layer 4 Layer 5 Layer 6 N/mm^2 N/mm^2 N/mm^2 N/mm^2 N/mm^2 34 413 275 32000 210000 Beta ey 0.804 0.002

Version 1.01 Checked Verified

No Bars 6 0 0 6 0 0

28 28 28 28 25 0

3695 0 0 3695 0 0

d' 674 400 300 76 0 0

Sum (I/L) columns, joint1 Sum (I/L) beams, joint 1 WRatio1 K Factor

Sum (I/L) columns, joint 2 Sum (I/L) beams, joint 2 WRatio2

0.017 #DIV/0! #DIV/0!

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Job Title

Job No.

Sheet No.

Ove Arup & Partners

Member/Location Drg. Ref. Made by

0 Perimeter Column

SMRF COLUMN DESIGN TO ACI 318-89 Detention Tank


0 0

Filename 21-Mar-14


Forces & Moments: Gravity Loads: Seismic Loads:

M1c must be +ve. and >= M2c If column is in double curvature, M2c must be -ve. If column is in single curvature, M2c must be +ve.

It is assumed that Me comes from ETABS analysis WITH P-DELTA EFFECTS INCLUDED If this is not so then seismic moments must be magnified in accordance with ACI 318-89 Cl. 10.11.5

Load factors: M1c M2c Pc Vc BetaD EI PHI*Pc Cm DeltaB Min. Eccentricity mm P P kN-m kN-m kN kN
(1.4D) (1.7L)

1.4D+1.7L 223 -115 7000 0 0.86 177786 #DIV/0! 0.40 #DIV/0! 38 Mu kN-m #DIV/0! 263

.9D 117 -56 4000 0 1 165341 #DIV/0! 0.41 #DIV/0! Mce Pce Vce kN-m kN kN

1.0E 250 956 Pce > .2Po 0

Consider orthogonal effects, UBC Cl. 2312(h)1

kN-m^2 kN

Factored Design Loads: .75*(1.4DL+1.7LL)+1.402E 1.4DL+1.7LL @ min. eccentricity

Pu Kn 6590 7000 M taken as axial load at min. eccentricity

.9DL+1.43E .9DL @ min. eccentricity

#DIV/0! 150

4967 4000

M taken as axial load at min. eccentricity

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Job Title

Job No.

Sheet No.

Ove Arup & Partners

Member/Location Drg. Ref. Made by

0 Perimeter Column

SMRF COLUMN DESIGN TO ACI 318-89 Detention Tank


0 0

Filename 21-Mar-14


Shear Design: Overstrength moments in beams and columns: Mb1los Mb1ros Mb2los Mb2ros Mcos kN-m kN-m kN-m kN-m kN-m 1350 0 1350 0 2885 Vcos due to beams Vcos due to column kN kN 435 Vcosb 1861 Vcosc 0 0 No right beam top No right beam bottom

Ultimate design shear force: Vu kN 435 0 Shear/Confinement reinforcement: Shear reinft. Confinement reinft. along width Confinement reinft. along depth mm^2/m mm^2/m mm^2/m 835 Nominal 10104 7322

Shear resistance of concrete: Vc Phi*Vc kN kN 912 775

Vc based on .9D axial load. Shear Check of Joint 1 Joint geometry: X1l X1r Wb1 Wb2 Eff. joint width Aj Forces/Strength: As top As bot. mm^2 mm^2 4100 2300 mm mm mm mm mm mm^2 250 450 450 900 675000 0 0 0

Left and right beams are different sizes, use answers with care

0 No beam

Shear force in reinforcement @ 1.25fy

Top Bottom

kN kN kN

2117 1187 435 2869 0

Shear force in col. due to beam overstrength moments Shear force in joint Number of column faces confined Joint shear strength Capacity Check at Joint 1



Capacity check uses As from joint design and beam sizes from Frame Data. Effective depth is taken as actual depth less 80. Caution! Beams are of different sizes, check that assumptions are ok Left Beam Right beam

N/A depth, -ve. M Phi Mg, -ve. M N/A depth, +ve. M Phi Mg, +ve. M

mm kN-m mm kN-m

146 986 82 580

#DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! kN-m #DIV/0!

Worksheet page 3 of 4

#DIV/0! #DIV/0!

Required column capacity, assuming upper column has same capacity


Job Title

Job No.

Sheet No.

Ove Arup & Partners

Drg. Ref. Made by


0 Perimeter Column

SMRF COLUMN DESIGN TO ACI 318-89 Detention Tank


0 0

Filename 21-Mar-14


Column Interaction Diagram 16000 14000 12000 10000 8000 Phi*N 6000 4000 2000 0 -2000 -4000 0 500 1000 Phi*M 1500 2000 2500

Factored Design Loads: .75*(1.4DL+1.7LL)+1.402E 1.4DL+1.7LL @ min. eccentricity .9DL+1.43E .9DL @ min. eccentricity

Mu kN-m #DIV/0! 263 #DIV/0! 150

Pu kN 6590 7000 4967 4000

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ACI Ref.


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ACI Ref.

be magnified

Eq. 10.10 Eq. 10.9 Eq. 10.12 Eq. 10.7

Eq. 10.6

Eq. 10.7

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ACI Ref. Eq. 11.4 & Cl.

Eq. 11.14 Eq. 21.3 & Eq. 21.4





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Worksheet page 4 of 4

DATA ENTRY FOR SMRF COL UMN DESIGN Titles : Job No. Job Title Member Location Drg. ref. File name Made by Mater ials : f'c fy fyh Ec Est Sec tio n Data: Depth W idth Cover to ties Ro Bar Distribution Layer 1 Layer 2 Layer 3 Layer 4 Layer 5 Layer 6 No Bars 6 0 0 6 mm mm mm 750 1000 40 0.010 Entry06 Entry07 Entry08 Entry09 0 N/mm^2 N/mm^2 N/mm^2 N/mm^2 N/mm^2 34 413 275 32000 210000 Entry01 Entry02 Entry03 Entry04 Entry05 Filename 61498 Detention Tank Perimeter Column

28 28 28 28 25

Area 3694.513 0 0 3694.513 0 0

d' 674 400 300 76 0

Fr am e Data: Depth, left beam top W idth, left beam top Length, left beam top Depth, right beam top W idth, right beam top Length, right beam top Depth, upper column W idth, upper column Length, upper column Depth, left beam bottom W idth, left beam bottom Length, left beam bottom Depth, right beam bottom W idth, right beam bottom Length, right beam bottom Depth, lower column W idth, lower column Length, lower column Length, design column Fo r s h ear c h ec k o f u p p er J o in t:

Depth of columns is in the plane of the frame, i.e. direction of earthquake loads mm mm m mm mm m mm mm m mm mm m mm mm m mm mm m m 600 900 3.10 3.10 800 400 7.80 0 0 0.00 600 900 3.10 800 400 7.80 0 0 Entry10 Entry11 Entry12 Entry13 Entry14 Entry15 Entry16 Entry17 Entry18 Entry19 Entry20 Entry21 Entry22 Entry23 Entry24 Entry25 Entry26 Entry27 Entry28

No right beam top

No right beam bottom

Edge distance is dimension from beam face to column face Edge distance should be 0 if no beam W idth of other beams is that covering the column

Edge distance for left beam top Edge distance for right beam top W idth of beam 1 in other direction

mm mm mm

250 0 450

Entry46 Entry47 Entry48

0 No right beam top

W idth of beam 2 in other direction Fo r c es an d Mo m en ts : Fo r c es d u e to g r avity lo ad s : M1c must be +ve. and >= M2c If column is in double curvature, M2c must be -ve. If column is in single curvature, M2c must be +ve. Load factors: M1c M2c Pc Vc BetaD P




1.4D+1.7L kN-m kN-m kN kN P (1.4D+1.7L) 223 Entry29 -115 Entry30 7000 Entry31 0 Entry32 0.86 Entry33

.9D 117 Entry34 -56 Entry35 4000 Entry36 0 Entry37 1.00 Entry38

Fo r c es d u e to s eis m ic lo ad s : It is assumed that Me comes from ETABS analysis W ITH P-DELTA EFFECTS INCLUDED If this is not so then seismic moments must be magnified in accordance with ACI 318-89 Cl. 10.11.5 Mce Pce Vce Over s tr en g th m o m en ts in fr am e b eam s : kN-m kN kN 250 956 Pce > .2Po 0 Entry39 Entry40 Entry41 Left and right moments should be of opposite sign such that their absolute sum is maximum. Left beam top Right beam top Left beam bottom Right beam bottom Sh ear Ch ec k o f Up p er J o in t kN-m kN-m kN-m kN-m 1350 0 1350 0 Entry42 Entry43 Entry44 Entry45 Co n s id er o r th o g o n al effec ts , UB C Cl. 2312(h )1

0 No right beam top 0 No right beam bottom

Areas entered should be those causing shear in column and are assumed to be common to left and right beams (if both exist). Left and right beams are different sizes, use answers with care

Area of top steel Area of bottom steel

mm^2 mm^2 Vc joint

4100 2300 0

Entry50 Entry51 3346 V joint 2869

c ts , UB C Cl. 2312(h )1

INTERACTION DIAGRAM FOR COLUMNS TO ACI 318-95 CX Balanced condition Pnt (max tension) NA Section 1 NA Section 2 NA Section 3 NA Section 4 NA Section 5 NA Section 6 NA Section 7 NA Section 8 NA Section 9 NA Section 10 NA Section 11 NA Section 12 NA Section 13 NA Section 14 NA Section 15 NA Section 16 NA Section 17 NA Section 18 NA Section 19 NA Section 20 M max at Pn max Pn max (max comp.) Pno (ult comp) M max @ 1.25fy 374 300 -0.0025 -0.0012 0.0000 0.0012 0.0024 -1294 -205 -2 38 75 113 150 188 225 263 300 338 375 413 450 488 525 563 600 638 675 713 750 30 60 90 121 151 181 211 241 271 301 331 362 392 422 452 482 512 542 573 603 -0.0509 -0.0240 -0.0150 -0.0105 -0.0078 -0.0060 -0.0047 -0.0037 -0.0030 -0.0024 -0.0019 -0.0015 -0.0011 -0.0009 -0.0006 -0.0004 -0.0002 0.0000 0.0002 0.0003 -0.0290 -0.0130 -0.0077 -0.0050 -0.0034 -0.0023 -0.0016 -0.0010 -0.0006 -0.0002 0.0001 0.0003 0.0005 0.0007 0.0009 0.0010 0.0011 0.0012 0.0013 0.0014 -0.0210 -0.0090 -0.0050 -0.0030 -0.0018 -0.0010 -0.0004 0.0000 0.0003 0.0006 0.0008 0.0010 0.0012 0.0013 0.0014 0.0015 0.0016 0.0017 0.0017 0.0018 -0.0031 0.0000 0.0010 0.0015 0.0018 0.0020 0.0021 0.0022 0.0023 0.0024 0.0024 0.0025 0.0025 0.0026 0.0026 0.0026 0.0026 0.0027 0.0027 0.0027 0.0030 0.0030 0.0030 0.0030 0.0030 0.0030 0.0030 0.0030 0.0030 0.0030 0.0030 0.0030 0.0030 0.0030 0.0030 0.0030 0.0030 0.0030 0.0030 0.0030 -1526 -1526 -1526 -1526 -1526 -1526 -1526 -1526 -1526 -1526 -1476 -1159 -890 -661 -461 -287 -133 3 126 236 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 411 AX 330 e1 -0.0019 e2 0.0001 e3 0.0008 e4 0.0024 e5 0.0030 N1 -1492 N2 0 N3 0

N4 1526 -1526 -31 755 1148 1384 1526 1526 1526 1526 1526 1526 1526 1526 1526 1526 1526 1526 1526 1526 1526

N5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

NCC 9539 871 1742 2613 3484 4355 5226 6096 6967 7838 8709 9580 10451 11322 12193 13064 13935 14806 15677 16548 17419

M1 446 456 456 456 456 456 456 456 456 456 456 441 346 266 198 138 86 40 -1 -38 -71

M2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

M3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

M4 456 -456 -9 226 343 414 456 456 456 456 456 456 456 456 456 456 456 456 456 456 456

M5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

MCC 2003 313 601 862 1096 1305 1487 1643 1773 1876 1954 2005 2029 2028 2000 1946 1866 1760 1627 1468 1283

N 9573 -3052 -2181 185 1842 3106 4213 5226 6096 6967 7838 8709 9631 10818 11957 13058 14128 15174 16198 17206 18199 19180 19610 19610 24513

M 2905 0 313 1048 1544 1896 2175 2400 2556 2685 2789 2866 2902 2832 2750 2654 2540 2408 2256 2082 1887 1668 1534 0 2885

PhiN 6701 -2747 -1963 164 1392 2174 2949 3658 4268 4877 5487 6096 6741 7573 8370 9141 9890 10622 11339 12044 12739 13426 13727 13727

PhiM 2034 0 282 928 1166 1327 1522 1680 1789 1880 1952 2006 2031 1982 1925 1858 1778 1686 1579 1457 1321 1168 1074 0

Phi1 0.700 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.700 0.700 0.700 0.700 0.700 0.700 0.700 0.700 0.700 0.700 0.700 0.700 0.700 0.700 0.700 0.700 0.700 0.700

Phi2 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.885 0.756 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000

Phi3 0.000 0.900 0.900 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000









M-N Diagram Perimeter Column, 34 MPa 500D x 1000W - 12xD28 16000 14000 12000 10000 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 -2000 -4000 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500

AXBal AXos AXs1 AXs10 AXs11 AXs12 AXs13 AXs14 AXs15 AXs16 AXs17 AXs18 AXs19 AXs2 AXs20 AXs3 AXs4 AXs5 AXs6 AXs7 AXs8 AXs9 Ach Ag Aj AllMBal AllMos AllMs1 AllMs10 AllMs11 AllMs12 AllMs13 AllMs14 AllMs15 AllMs16 AllMs17 AllMs18 AllMs19 AllMs2 AllMs20 AllMs3 AllMs4 AllMs5 AllMs6 AllMs7 AllMs8 AllMs9 AllNBal AllNos AllNs1 AllNs10 AllNs11 AllNs12 AllNs13 AllNs14 AllNs15 AllNs16 AllNs17 AllNs18 AllNs19

Interaction:C3 Interaction:C28 Interaction:C5 Interaction:C14 Interaction:C15 Interaction:C16 Interaction:C17 Interaction:C18 Interaction:C19 Interaction:C20 Interaction:C21 Interaction:C22 Interaction:C23 Interaction:C6 Interaction:C24 Interaction:C7 Interaction:C8 Interaction:C9 Interaction:C10 Interaction:C11 Interaction:C12 Interaction:C13 Cal_Sheet:E23 Cal_Sheet:E22 Cal_Sheet:E167 Interaction:O3..T3 Interaction:O28..T28 Interaction:O5..T5 Interaction:O14..T14 Interaction:O15..T15 Interaction:O16..T16 Interaction:O17..T17 Interaction:O18..T18 Interaction:O19..T19 Interaction:O20..T20 Interaction:O21..T21 Interaction:O22..T22 Interaction:O23..T23 Interaction:O6..T6 Interaction:O24..T24 Interaction:O7..T7 Interaction:O8..T8 Interaction:O9..T9 Interaction:O10..T10 Interaction:O11..T11 Interaction:O12..T12 Interaction:O13..T13 Interaction:I3..N3 Interaction:I28..N28 Interaction:I5..N5 Interaction:I14..N14 Interaction:I15..N15 Interaction:I16..N16 Interaction:I17..N17 Interaction:I18..N18 Interaction:I19..N19 Interaction:I20..N20 Interaction:I21..N21 Interaction:I22..N22 Interaction:I23..N23

AllNs2 Interaction:I6..N6 AllNs20 Interaction:I24..N24 AllNs3 Interaction:I7..N7 AllNs4 Interaction:I8..N8 AllNs5 Interaction:I9..N9 AllNs6 Interaction:I10..N10 AllNs7 Interaction:I11..N11 AllNs8 Interaction:I12..N12 AllNs9 Interaction:I13..N13 AsTotal Cal_Sheet:E24 Asbot Cal_Sheet:E172 Ast1 Cal_Sheet:E25 Ast2 Cal_Sheet:E26 Astop Cal_Sheet:E171 Balanced condition Interaction:A2 Beam Data_Entry:B7 Beta Cal_Sheet:H9 BetaCalc Cal_Sheet:T9..V9 Betadd Cal_Sheet:I111 Betaddl Cal_Sheet:G111 CXBal Interaction:B3 CXos Interaction:B28 CXs1 Interaction:B5 CXs10 Interaction:B14 CXs11 Interaction:B15 CXs12 Interaction:B16 CXs13 Interaction:B17 CXs14 Interaction:B18 CXs15 Interaction:B19 CXs16 Interaction:B20 CXs17 Interaction:B21 CXs18 Interaction:B22 CXs19 Interaction:B23 CXs2 Interaction:B6 CXs20 Interaction:B24 CXs3 Interaction:B7 CXs4 Interaction:B8 CXs5 Interaction:B9 CXs6 Interaction:B10 CXs7 Interaction:B11 CXs8 Interaction:B12 CXs9 Interaction:B13 Calculation Cal_Sheet:A1..Q259 Cityland Wack Wack Data_Entry:B6 Cmd Cal_Sheet:I115 Cmdl Cal_Sheet:G115 ColFactor1 Cal_Sheet:T144 ColFactor2 Cal_Sheet:T145 Confine Cal_Sheet:T175..W175 Cover Cal_Sheet:E19 D1l Cal_Sheet:E32 D1r Cal_Sheet:E35 D1u Cal_Sheet:E38 D2b Cal_Sheet:E47 D2l Cal_Sheet:E41 D2r Cal_Sheet:E44 Deltabd Cal_Sheet:I116 Deltabdl Cal_Sheet:G116 Depth Cal_Sheet:E17 DrgRef Data_Entry:C8

EIdl Ec EffDepth EffJwidth Eid Entry01 Entry02 Entry03 Entry04 Entry05 Entry06 Entry07 Entry08 Entry09 Entry10 Entry11 Entry12 Entry13 Entry14 Entry15 Entry16 Entry17 Entry18 Entry19 Entry20 Entry21 Entry22 Entry23 Entry24 Entry25 Entry26 Entry27 Entry28 Entry29 Entry30 Entry31 Entry32 Entry33 Entry34 Entry35 Entry36 Entry37 Entry38 Entry39 Entry40 Entry41 Entry42 Entry43 Entry44 Entry45 Entry46 Entry47 Entry48 Entry49 Entry50 Entry51 Est FileName ILB1l ILB1r

Cal_Sheet:G113 Cal_Sheet:E12 Cal_Sheet:E21 Cal_Sheet:E166 Cal_Sheet:I113 Data_Entry:C14 Data_Entry:C15 Data_Entry:C16 Data_Entry:C17 Data_Entry:C18 Data_Entry:C22 Data_Entry:C23 Data_Entry:C24 Data_Entry:C25 Data_Entry:C29 Data_Entry:C30 Data_Entry:C31 Data_Entry:C32 Data_Entry:C33 Data_Entry:C34 Data_Entry:C35 Data_Entry:C36 Data_Entry:C37 Data_Entry:C38 Data_Entry:C39 Data_Entry:C40 Data_Entry:C41 Data_Entry:C42 Data_Entry:C43 Data_Entry:C44 Data_Entry:C45 Data_Entry:C46 Data_Entry:C48 Data_Entry:C69 Data_Entry:C70 Data_Entry:C71 Data_Entry:C72 Data_Entry:C73 Data_Entry:F69 Data_Entry:F70 Data_Entry:F71 Data_Entry:F72 Data_Entry:F73 Data_Entry:C81 Data_Entry:C82 Data_Entry:C83 Data_Entry:C88 Data_Entry:C89 Data_Entry:C90 Data_Entry:C91 Data_Entry:C54 Data_Entry:C55 Data_Entry:C56 Data_Entry:C57 Data_Entry:C96 Data_Entry:C97 Cal_Sheet:E13 Data_Entry:C9 Cal_Sheet:F34 Cal_Sheet:F37

ILB2l ILB2r ILC ILC1u ILC2b Ic Is JobNo JobTitle Jr KFactor Krange L1l L1r L1u L2b L2l L2r LBBok LBTok LCBok Lc LoadsTable Location M1Bal M1cd M1cdl M1os M1s1 M1s10 M1s11 M1s12 M1s13 M1s14 M1s15 M1s16 M1s17 M1s18 M1s19 M1s2 M1s20 M1s3 M1s4 M1s5 M1s6 M1s7 M1s8 M1s9 M2Bal M2cd M2cdl M2os M2s1 M2s10 M2s11 M2s12 M2s13 M2s14 M2s15 M2s16

Cal_Sheet:F43 Cal_Sheet:F46 Cal_Sheet:F51 Cal_Sheet:F40 Cal_Sheet:F49 Cal_Sheet:E27 Cal_Sheet:E28 Data_Entry:C5 Data_Entry:C6 Data_Entry:B10 Cal_Sheet:E56 Cal_Sheet:T56..V56 Cal_Sheet:E34 Cal_Sheet:E37 Cal_Sheet:E40 Cal_Sheet:E49 Cal_Sheet:E43 Cal_Sheet:E46 Data_Entry:F40 Data_Entry:F31 Data_Entry:F46 Cal_Sheet:E51 Cal_Sheet:B119..I124 Data_Entry:C7 Interaction:O3 Cal_Sheet:I107 Cal_Sheet:G107 Interaction:O28 Interaction:O5 Interaction:O14 Interaction:O15 Interaction:O16 Interaction:O17 Interaction:O18 Interaction:O19 Interaction:O20 Interaction:O21 Interaction:O22 Interaction:O23 Interaction:O6 Interaction:O24 Interaction:O7 Interaction:O8 Interaction:O9 Interaction:O10 Interaction:O11 Interaction:O12 Interaction:O13 Interaction:P3 Cal_Sheet:I108 Cal_Sheet:G108 Interaction:P28 Interaction:P5 Interaction:P14 Interaction:P15 Interaction:P16 Interaction:P17 Interaction:P18 Interaction:P19 Interaction:P20

M2s17 M2s18 M2s19 M2s2 M2s20 M2s3 M2s4 M2s5 M2s6 M2s7 M2s8 M2s9 M3Bal M3os M3s1 M3s10 M3s11 M3s12 M3s13 M3s14 M3s15 M3s16 M3s17 M3s18 M3s19 M3s2 M3s20 M3s3 M3s4 M3s5 M3s6 M3s7 M3s8 M3s9 M4Bal M4os M4s1 M4s10 M4s11 M4s12 M4s13 M4s14 M4s15 M4s16 M4s17 M4s18 M4s19 M4s2 M4s20 M4s3 M4s4 M4s5 M4s6 M4s7 M4s8 M4s9 M5Bal M5os M5s1 M5s10

Interaction:P21 Interaction:P22 Interaction:P23 Interaction:P6 Interaction:P24 Interaction:P7 Interaction:P8 Interaction:P9 Interaction:P10 Interaction:P11 Interaction:P12 Interaction:P13 Interaction:Q3 Interaction:Q28 Interaction:Q5 Interaction:Q14 Interaction:Q15 Interaction:Q16 Interaction:Q17 Interaction:Q18 Interaction:Q19 Interaction:Q20 Interaction:Q21 Interaction:Q22 Interaction:Q23 Interaction:Q6 Interaction:Q24 Interaction:Q7 Interaction:Q8 Interaction:Q9 Interaction:Q10 Interaction:Q11 Interaction:Q12 Interaction:Q13 Interaction:R3 Interaction:R28 Interaction:R5 Interaction:R14 Interaction:R15 Interaction:R16 Interaction:R17 Interaction:R18 Interaction:R19 Interaction:R20 Interaction:R21 Interaction:R22 Interaction:R23 Interaction:R6 Interaction:R24 Interaction:R7 Interaction:R8 Interaction:R9 Interaction:R10 Interaction:R11 Interaction:R12 Interaction:R13 Interaction:S3 Interaction:S28 Interaction:S5 Interaction:S14

M5s11 M5s12 M5s13 M5s14 M5s15 M5s16 M5s17 M5s18 M5s19 M5s2 M5s20 M5s3 M5s4 M5s5 M5s6 M5s7 M5s8 M5s9 MBal MCCBal MCCos MCCs1 MCCs10 MCCs11 MCCs12 MCCs13 MCCs14 MCCs15 MCCs16 MCCs17 MCCs18 MCCs19 MCCs2 MCCs20 MCCs3 MCCs4 MCCs5 MCCs6 MCCs7 MCCs8 MCCs9 MMos MMs1 MMs10 MMs11 MMs12 MMs13 MMs14 MMs15 MMs16 MMs17 MMs18 MMs19 MMs2 MMs20 MMs3 MMs4 MMs5 MMs6 MMs7

Interaction:S15 Interaction:S16 Interaction:S17 Interaction:S18 Interaction:S19 Interaction:S20 Interaction:S21 Interaction:S22 Interaction:S23 Interaction:S6 Interaction:S24 Interaction:S7 Interaction:S8 Interaction:S9 Interaction:S10 Interaction:S11 Interaction:S12 Interaction:S13 Interaction:V3 Interaction:T3 Interaction:T28 Interaction:T5 Interaction:T14 Interaction:T15 Interaction:T16 Interaction:T17 Interaction:T18 Interaction:T19 Interaction:T20 Interaction:T21 Interaction:T22 Interaction:T23 Interaction:T6 Interaction:T24 Interaction:T7 Interaction:T8 Interaction:T9 Interaction:T10 Interaction:T11 Interaction:T12 Interaction:T13 Interaction:V28 Interaction:V5 Interaction:V14 Interaction:V15 Interaction:V16 Interaction:V17 Interaction:V18 Interaction:V19 Interaction:V20 Interaction:V21 Interaction:V22 Interaction:V23 Interaction:V6 Interaction:V24 Interaction:V7 Interaction:V8 Interaction:V9 Interaction:V10 Interaction:V11

MMs8 MMs9 MPnmax MPnt Madeby Mb1los Mb1ros Mb2los Mb2ros Mbsum Mce Mcos MinEcc Mude Mudle Mudlmin Mudmin N1Bal N1os N1s1 N1s10 N1s11 N1s12 N1s13 N1s14 N1s15 N1s16 N1s17 N1s18 N1s19 N1s2 N1s20 N1s3 N1s4 N1s5 N1s6 N1s7 N1s8 N1s9 N2Bal N2os N2s1 N2s10 N2s11 N2s12 N2s13 N2s14 N2s15 N2s16 N2s17 N2s18 N2s19 N2s2 N2s20 N2s3 N2s4 N2s5 N2s6 N2s7 N2s8

Interaction:V12 Interaction:V13 Interaction:V25 Interaction:V4 Data_Entry:C10 Cal_Sheet:D141 Cal_Sheet:D142 Cal_Sheet:D143 Cal_Sheet:D144 Cal_Sheet:L189..L190 Cal_Sheet:M107 Cal_Sheet:D146 Cal_Sheet:G117 Cal_Sheet:G123 Cal_Sheet:G121 Cal_Sheet:G122 Cal_Sheet:G124 Interaction:I3 Interaction:I28 Interaction:I5 Interaction:I14 Interaction:I15 Interaction:I16 Interaction:I17 Interaction:I18 Interaction:I19 Interaction:I20 Interaction:I21 Interaction:I22 Interaction:I23 Interaction:I6 Interaction:I24 Interaction:I7 Interaction:I8 Interaction:I9 Interaction:I10 Interaction:I11 Interaction:I12 Interaction:I13 Interaction:J3 Interaction:J28 Interaction:J5 Interaction:J14 Interaction:J15 Interaction:J16 Interaction:J17 Interaction:J18 Interaction:J19 Interaction:J20 Interaction:J21 Interaction:J22 Interaction:J23 Interaction:J6 Interaction:J24 Interaction:J7 Interaction:J8 Interaction:J9 Interaction:J10 Interaction:J11 Interaction:J12

N2s9 N3Bal N3os N3s1 N3s10 N3s11 N3s12 N3s13 N3s14 N3s15 N3s16 N3s17 N3s18 N3s19 N3s2 N3s20 N3s3 N3s4 N3s5 N3s6 N3s7 N3s8 N3s9 N4Bal N4os N4s1 N4s10 N4s11 N4s12 N4s13 N4s14 N4s15 N4s16 N4s17 N4s18 N4s19 N4s2 N4s20 N4s3 N4s4 N4s5 N4s6 N4s7 N4s8 N4s9 N5Bal N5os N5s1 N5s10 N5s11 N5s12 N5s13 N5s14 N5s15 N5s16 N5s17 N5s18 N5s19 N5s2 N5s20

Interaction:J13 Interaction:K3 Interaction:K28 Interaction:K5 Interaction:K14 Interaction:K15 Interaction:K16 Interaction:K17 Interaction:K18 Interaction:K19 Interaction:K20 Interaction:K21 Interaction:K22 Interaction:K23 Interaction:K6 Interaction:K24 Interaction:K7 Interaction:K8 Interaction:K9 Interaction:K10 Interaction:K11 Interaction:K12 Interaction:K13 Interaction:L3 Interaction:L28 Interaction:L5 Interaction:L14 Interaction:L15 Interaction:L16 Interaction:L17 Interaction:L18 Interaction:L19 Interaction:L20 Interaction:L21 Interaction:L22 Interaction:L23 Interaction:L6 Interaction:L24 Interaction:L7 Interaction:L8 Interaction:L9 Interaction:L10 Interaction:L11 Interaction:L12 Interaction:L13 Interaction:M3 Interaction:M28 Interaction:M5 Interaction:M14 Interaction:M15 Interaction:M16 Interaction:M17 Interaction:M18 Interaction:M19 Interaction:M20 Interaction:M21 Interaction:M22 Interaction:M23 Interaction:M6 Interaction:M24

N5s3 N5s4 N5s5 N5s6 N5s7 N5s8 N5s9 NBal NCCBal NCCos NCCs1 NCCs10 NCCs11 NCCs12 NCCs13 NCCs14 NCCs15 NCCs16 NCCs17 NCCs18 NCCs19 NCCs2 NCCs20 NCCs3 NCCs4 NCCs5 NCCs6 NCCs7 NCCs8 NCCs9 NNos NNs1 NNs10 NNs11 NNs12 NNs13 NNs14 NNs15 NNs16 NNs17 NNs18 NNs19 NNs2 NNs20 NNs3 NNs4 NNs5 NNs6 NNs7 NNs8 NNs9 NPnt Ndnl Ndnr Ndpl Ndpr PHIVcjt Page1 Page2 Page3

Interaction:M7 Interaction:M8 Interaction:M9 Interaction:M10 Interaction:M11 Interaction:M12 Interaction:M13 Interaction:U3 Interaction:N3 Interaction:N28 Interaction:N5 Interaction:N14 Interaction:N15 Interaction:N16 Interaction:N17 Interaction:N18 Interaction:N19 Interaction:N20 Interaction:N21 Interaction:N22 Interaction:N23 Interaction:N6 Interaction:N24 Interaction:N7 Interaction:N8 Interaction:N9 Interaction:N10 Interaction:N11 Interaction:N12 Interaction:N13 Interaction:U28 Interaction:U5 Interaction:U14 Interaction:U15 Interaction:U16 Interaction:U17 Interaction:U18 Interaction:U19 Interaction:U20 Interaction:U21 Interaction:U22 Interaction:U23 Interaction:U6 Interaction:U24 Interaction:U7 Interaction:U8 Interaction:U9 Interaction:U10 Interaction:U11 Interaction:U12 Interaction:U13 Interaction:U4 Cal_Sheet:F188 Cal_Sheet:I188 Cal_Sheet:F190 Cal_Sheet:I190 Cal_Sheet:I179 Cal_Sheet:A1..Q64 Cal_Sheet:A66..Q129 Cal_Sheet:A131..Q194

Pcd Pcdl Pce PhiMgnl PhiMgnr PhiMvPhiN PhiPcd PhiPcdl PhiPnmax PhiPnt PhiVc Phimgpl Phimgpr Phis1 Phis10 Phis11 Phis12 Phis13 Phis14 Phis15 Phis16 Phis17 Phis18 Phis19 Phis2 Phis20 Phis3 Phis4 Phis5 Phis6 Phis7 Phis8 Phis9 Pnmax Pno Pude Pudle Pudlmin Pudmin RBBok RBTok Ro SWidthRange SumILB1 SumILB2 SumILC1 SumILC2 UCTok Vbot Vc Vcd Vcdl Vce Vcosb Vcosc Vfactor Vfactor1 Vjt Vtop Vu

Cal_Sheet:I109 Cal_Sheet:G109 Cal_Sheet:M108 Cal_Sheet:F189 Cal_Sheet:I189 Interaction:W4..X26 Cal_Sheet:I114 Cal_Sheet:G114 Interaction:Y25..AA25 Interaction:Y4..AA4 Cal_Sheet:D155 Cal_Sheet:F191 Cal_Sheet:I191 Interaction:Y5..AA5 Interaction:Y14..AA14 Interaction:Y15..AA15 Interaction:Y16..AA16 Interaction:Y17..AA17 Interaction:Y18..AA18 Interaction:Y19..AA19 Interaction:Y20..AA20 Interaction:Y21..AA21 Interaction:Y22..AA22 Interaction:Y23..AA23 Interaction:Y6..AA6 Interaction:Y24..AA24 Interaction:Y7..AA7 Interaction:Y8..AA8 Interaction:Y9..AA9 Interaction:Y10..AA10 Interaction:Y11..AA11 Interaction:Y12..AA12 Interaction:Y13..AA13 Interaction:U25 Interaction:U27 Cal_Sheet:I123 Cal_Sheet:I121 Cal_Sheet:I122 Cal_Sheet:I124 Data_Entry:F43 Data_Entry:F34 Cal_Sheet:E20 Cal_Sheet:V160..AA161 Cal_Sheet:E54 Cal_Sheet:K54 Cal_Sheet:E53 Cal_Sheet:K53 Data_Entry:F37 Cal_Sheet:I174 Cal_Sheet:D154 Cal_Sheet:I110 Cal_Sheet:G110 Cal_Sheet:M109 Cal_Sheet:J144 Cal_Sheet:J146 Cal_Sheet:T179..W179 Cal_Sheet:T179..V179 Cal_Sheet:I176 Cal_Sheet:I173 Cal_Sheet:D150

W1l Cal_Sheet:E33 W1lr Cal_Sheet:T175..U175 W1r Cal_Sheet:E36 W1u Cal_Sheet:E39 W2b Cal_Sheet:E48 W2l Cal_Sheet:E42 W2r Cal_Sheet:E45 WRatio1 Cal_Sheet:E55 WRatio2 Cal_Sheet:K55 Wb1 Cal_Sheet:E164 Wb12 Cal_Sheet:V175..W175 Wb2 Cal_Sheet:E165 Width Cal_Sheet:E18 X1l Cal_Sheet:E162 X1r Cal_Sheet:E163 Xst1 Cal_Sheet:T25 Xst2 Cal_Sheet:T26 _NBSTARTMACRO Macros:B1 e1Bal Interaction:D3 e1os Interaction:D28 e1s1 Interaction:D5 e1s10 Interaction:D14 e1s11 Interaction:D15 e1s12 Interaction:D16 e1s13 Interaction:D17 e1s14 Interaction:D18 e1s15 Interaction:D19 e1s16 Interaction:D20 e1s17 Interaction:D21 e1s18 Interaction:D22 e1s19 Interaction:D23 e1s2 Interaction:D6 e1s20 Interaction:D24 e1s3 Interaction:D7 e1s4 Interaction:D8 e1s5 Interaction:D9 e1s6 Interaction:D10 e1s7 Interaction:D11 e1s8 Interaction:D12 e1s9 Interaction:D13 e2Bal Interaction:E3 e2os Interaction:E28 e2s1 Interaction:E5 e2s10 Interaction:E14 e2s11 Interaction:E15 e2s12 Interaction:E16 e2s13 Interaction:E17 e2s14 Interaction:E18 e2s15 Interaction:E19 e2s16 Interaction:E20 e2s17 Interaction:E21 e2s18 Interaction:E22 e2s19 Interaction:E23 e2s2 Interaction:E6 e2s20 Interaction:E24 e2s3 Interaction:E7 e2s4 Interaction:E8 e2s5 Interaction:E9 e2s6 Interaction:E10 e2s7 Interaction:E11

e2s8 e2s9 e3Bal e3os e3s1 e3s10 e3s11 e3s12 e3s13 e3s14 e3s15 e3s16 e3s17 e3s18 e3s19 e3s2 e3s20 e3s3 e3s4 e3s5 e3s6 e3s7 e3s8 e3s9 e4Bal e4os e4s1 e4s10 e4s11 e4s12 e4s13 e4s14 e4s15 e4s16 e4s17 e4s18 e4s19 e4s2 e4s20 e4s3 e4s4 e4s5 e4s6 e4s7 e4s8 e4s9 e5Bal e5os e5s1 e5s10 e5s11 e5s12 e5s13 e5s14 e5s15 e5s16 e5s17 e5s18 e5s19 e5s2

Interaction:E12 Interaction:E13 Interaction:F3 Interaction:F28 Interaction:F5 Interaction:F14 Interaction:F15 Interaction:F16 Interaction:F17 Interaction:F18 Interaction:F19 Interaction:F20 Interaction:F21 Interaction:F22 Interaction:F23 Interaction:F6 Interaction:F24 Interaction:F7 Interaction:F8 Interaction:F9 Interaction:F10 Interaction:F11 Interaction:F12 Interaction:F13 Interaction:G3 Interaction:G28 Interaction:G5 Interaction:G14 Interaction:G15 Interaction:G16 Interaction:G17 Interaction:G18 Interaction:G19 Interaction:G20 Interaction:G21 Interaction:G22 Interaction:G23 Interaction:G6 Interaction:G24 Interaction:G7 Interaction:G8 Interaction:G9 Interaction:G10 Interaction:G11 Interaction:G12 Interaction:G13 Interaction:H3 Interaction:H28 Interaction:H5 Interaction:H14 Interaction:H15 Interaction:H16 Interaction:H17 Interaction:H18 Interaction:H19 Interaction:H20 Interaction:H21 Interaction:H22 Interaction:H23 Interaction:H6

e5s20 e5s3 e5s4 e5s5 e5s6 e5s7 e5s8 e5s9 ey fc fy fyh mbalos s21 xl xr

Interaction:H24 Interaction:H7 Interaction:H8 Interaction:H9 Interaction:H10 Interaction:H11 Interaction:H12 Interaction:H13 Cal_Sheet:H10 Cal_Sheet:E9 Cal_Sheet:E10 Cal_Sheet:E11 Cal_Sheet:H137 Data_Entry:B8 Cal_Sheet:T160..U160 Cal_Sheet:T161..U161

_NBSTARTMACRO {EditGoto Data_Entry:A1..A1,0} {SelectBlock Data_Entry:C5..C5}


M-N Diagram 4% Reo, 51MPa










-4000 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500

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