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Product Data Sheet


General characterisation
Chemical description fatty acid amide derivate with betain structure

Labelin in!ormation
"NC" name#s$ Cocamidopropyl Betaine

%e istrations
"n redient C&S%'No( 61789-4 E"NECS)EL"NCS'No. !6" #88

O!!iciall* listed in ) +ualit* con!orms to Product properties

&ppearance $%&'()*+ ,% is a clear to sli-htly turbid. li-ht yellow. pumpable li/uid with a faint odour. E,ample o! use (his amphoteric surfactant is suited for universal application in cosmetic and pharmaceutical surfactant preparations. 0n combination with anionic surfactants. syner-istic effects are achieved which lead to a dermatolo-ical improvement of the consumer product.

Characteristic -alues
(he specifications stated in the para-raphs 12uality control data1 and 13dditional product descriptive data1 finally and conclusively describe the properties of the 4roduct. +ualit* control data 5$ata which is used for /uality release and is certified for each batch.6 3ppearance conforms to standard )dour conforms to standard 7urfactant matter 9ater 7odium chloride p& value 5# 86 !9 - "1 8 64 -66 8 4. - 6. 8 4. - 6. 0ndirect via water and sodium chloride content $:; &-000 "a $:; &-000 9 $:; &-000 1

&dditional product descripti-e data 5$ata which is proven statistically but not determined re-ularly.6 $ichloroacetate < " ppm

=onochloroacetate ;ree fatty acid 5C1!6 $=343

< # ppm ma>. 1.# 8 ma>. 1 ppm

Stora e and transportation

0n sealed ori-inal containers and at temperatures between ? and 4 ? C $%&'()*+ ,% remains stable for at least one year. )n account of its hi-h salt content the product can have a corrosive effect durin- stora-e in stainless steel tan@s. $%&'()*+ ,% contains formaldehyde as preservative.

3ll products in the te>t mar@ed with an + are trademar@s of the Co-nis -roup. (he information on product specifications provided herein is only bindin- to the e>tent confirmed by Co-nis in a written 7ales 3-reement. C):*07 %A4B%77C' $07CC30=7 3*' B%74)*70B0C0(' ;)B (&% 7D0(3B0C0(' ); (&% 4B)$DC(7 ;)B 3*' 74%C0;0C )B 43B(0CDC3B 4DB4)7%7 0*(%*$%$ B' (&% D7%B. 7u--estions for the use and application of the products and -uide formulations are -iven for information purposes only and without commitment. 7uch su--estions do not release Co-nisE customers from testin- the products as to their suitability for the customerFs intended processes and purposes. Co-nis does not assume any liability or ris@ involved in the use of its products as the conditions of use are beyond its control. (he user of the products is solely responsible for compliance with all laws and re-ulations applyin- to the use of the products. includin- intellectual property ri-hts of third parties.

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