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By Watchman Dean
March 21, 201
DON'T HANG YOURSELF! Three lessons in scriptural context (Studying Colossians 1) !"#$%e &r"'a'(y hear) "* +ta,-n. /"meth-n. "#t "* c"nte0t1+ 2"ne are m"re .#-(ty "* th-/ than the re(-.-"#/ 3h" "*ten 4#"te +/"#n) '-te/+ *r"m /cr-&t#re t" +&r"%e the-r )"ctr-ne/1+ I$m ."-n. t" .-%e y"# an e0am&(e "* a %er/e that -/ "*ten ta,en "#t "* c"nte0t, then /h"3 y"# t3" "ther /cr-&t#re/ that ma,e n" /en/e #n(e// y"# a&&(y c"nte0t1 5C"nte0t 'e-n., 3hat -/ the SUBJECT matter "* the '"",, cha&ter an) %er/e y"# are rea)-n.61

Lesson 1: Jesus is the CREATOR of the world? Colossians 1: 16

" For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him:" Chr-/t-an/ e%ery3here 4#"te th-/ %er/e an) -nter&ret -t t" mean that +'y h-m+ -/ a re*erence t" Je/#/ Chr-/t1 They ta,e -t +"#t "* c"nte0t+ an) -t -/ /" %ery ea/y t" &r"%e1 L"", at the /entence that &rece)e/ th-/ %er/e an) 3e /ee t" 3h"m -/ 'e-n. re*erre) 3hen -t /ay/, "by him. " Verse 15:

" Who is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of every creature: I a/, y"#, WHO -/ the +/#'7ect+ "r c"nte0t "* %er/e 18? I* y"# /ay +Je/#/+ y"# are "n(y &art(y r-.ht1 In %er/e 18 -t -/ ta(,-n. a'"#t Je/#/ '#t -n the c"nte0t "* h-m a/ the +-ma.e "* the -n%-/-'(e 9")1+ S" the c"nte0t SHI:TS *r"m Je/#/ a("ne t" +the -n%-/-'(e 9")1+ S" 3hen 3e enter %er/e 1; an) -t /ay/ " y him+ -t$/ /t-(( ta(,-n. a'"#t +the -n%-/-'(e 9")+ 5"* 3h"m Je/#/ -/ the IMA9E61 2"3, -* Je/#/ !S the -n%-/-'(e 9"), then h"3 can he 'e +the image "# the -n%-/-'(e 9")?+ I* he -/ the -n%-/-'(e 9") then he$/ n"t +$he im%&e "# the -n%-/-'(e 9")1+ Th-/ -/ 7#/t c"mm"n /en/e1 C"nte0t )-ctate/ that the +h-m+ -n +By h-m 3ere a(( th-n./ create)+ -/ +the -n%-/-'(e 9")1+ I* y"# /t-(( aren$t c"n%-nce) 'ac, #& a *e3 m"re %er/e/< + 1 '"("ssi%)s 1: 1* "That ye might walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing, being fruitful in every good work, and increasing in the knowledge of God;" =er/e 10 )em"n/trate/ that, e%en th"#.h Je/#/ Chr-/t -/ 'e-n. /&",en "* here -n C"("//-an/ 1, he -/ the SUBTE>T "* the me//a.e an) that 9OD, the I2=ISIBLE 9OD -/ the c"nte0t1 The a#th"r /ee,/ t" /h"3 h"3 9OD ha/ /a%e) #/ thr"#.h H-/ S"n1 5Wh-ch 3"#() 'e a c"m&(ete an) #tter e0erc-/e -n *#t-(-ty -* 9") +ERE the SO2, the a#th"r -/ "n(y ca#/-n. c"n*#/-"n an) /h"#() rather c"ncentrate "n /h"3-n. #/ h"3 9") 'ecame h-/ O2L! SO2 /" that he c"#() /a%e #/61 S"me 3"#() ha%e #/ t" 'e(-e%e that the a#th"r -/ /hr"#)-n. h-/ tr#e me//a.e 5that Je/#/ -/ n"t rea((y the IMA9E "* 9") '#t -/ -n *act 9OD HIMSEL:6 -n /ecrecy? Wh-ch -/ /#r&r-/-n. -n -t/e(* 3hen y"# c"n/-)er that Chr-/t-an/ #nan-m"#/(y a.ree that the centra( &"-nt "* /a(%at-"n -/ 'e(-e* that Je/#/ IS 9")? S", t" them, the a#th"r -/ m#c,-n. #& the me//a.e "* /a(%at-"n 3-th mean-n.(e// /tatement/ (-,e +Je/#/ -/ the !,AGE "* the -n%-/-'(e 9"),+ 3hen the a#th"r

REALLY 3ant/ #/ t" ,n"3 that Je/#/ !S the -n%-/-'(e 9")1 H"3 r-)-c#("#/1 C(ear(y c"nte0t /ay/ that 9") an) Je/#/ are SE-ARATE -n th-/ cha&ter an) that 9OD -/ the "ne 3h" create) the 3"r()/ 5n"t h-/ -ma.e Je/#/61 H"3 can an +-ma.e+ create anyth-n.? An -ma.e -/ a re*(ect-"n "* /"me"ne, n"t that /"me"ne1 It$/ (-,e -* Th"ma/ E)-/"n /t"") -n *r"nt "* a m-rr"r an) /"me"ne &"-nte) at the -ma.e -n the m-rr"r an) /a-) +that -ma.e there -/ the tr#e creat"r "* the ( '#('1+ D-) Th"ma/ E)-/"n #/e h-/ -ma.e -n the m-rr"r t" create the ( '#('? O: COURSE 2OT, yet that -/ E>ACTL! h"3 many han)(e th-/ /cr-&t#re1 NOW let's look at two examples of how a scripture can e changed y ignoring CON!"#!$


2"h) 3: 14 "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life "

S/ri0$1re 5:
1 2"h) 5: 15 " !f any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him "

2"3, -* I /-m&(y rea) th-/ "ne /entence -n 1 J"hn 2< 18 -t /eem/ that I$m 'e-n. t"() n"t t" ("%e my *e(("3 man? It ma,e/ n" /en/e )"e/ -t? We ha%e t" rea) the ent-re %er/e, 3e then /ee he$/ n"t ta(,-n. a'"#t the -EO-LE -n the 3"r(), 5a/ -t -/ -n the *-r/t /cr-&t#re6 '#t -/ ta(,-n. a'"#t the TH!NGS -n the 3"r()< +

1 2"h) 5: 15 " Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world !f any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him "

The following lesson shows how you can take two verses that are disconnected and put them together to give them an entirely new message that was never intended:

S/ri0$1re 1:
,%$$he7 58: 5 " "nd he #Judas Iscariot$ cast down the pieces of silver in the temple, and departed, and went and hanged himself "

S/ri0$1re 5:
L19e 1*: 38 " "nd he said, %e that shewed mercy on him Then said &esus unto him, Go, and do thou likewise " S" a/ y"# can /ee, -t$/ %ery )"#/ -.n"r-n. c"nte0t 3hen y"# 4#"te /cr-&t#re1 !"# 'OULD 7#/t han. y"#r/e(*?

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