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Republic Act No.


April 10, 2007

AN ACT TO STRENGTHEN THE REGULATOR !UNCT"ONS O! THE #H"L"##"NE O$ERSEAS E%#LO %ENT A&%"N"STRAT"ON '#OEA(, A%EN&"NG !OR TH"S #UR#OSE RE#U)L"C ACT NO. *042, OTHER+"SE ,NO+N AS THE -%"GRANT +OR,ERS AN& O$ERSEAS !"L"!"NOS ACT O! 199. Be it enacted by the Senate and the House of Representatives of the Philippines in Congress assembled: SECT"ON 1. Section 23, paragraph (b.1) of Republic Act. No. 8042, other i!e "no n a! the #$igrant %or"er! an& '(er!ea! )ilipino! Act of 1**+# i! hereb, a-en&e& to rea& a! follo !: #(b.1) .hilippine '(er!ea! /-plo,-ent A&-ini!tration 0 1he A&-ini!tration !hall regulate pri(ate !ector participation in the recruit-ent an& o(er!ea! place-ent of or"er! b, !etting up a licen!ing an& regi!tration !,!te-. 2t !hall al!o for-ulate an& i-ple-ent, in coor&ination ith appropriate entitie! concerne&, hen nece!!ar,, a !,!te- for pro-oting an& -onitoring the o(er!ea! e-plo,-ent of )ilipino or"er! ta"ing into con!i&eration their elfare an& the &o-e!tic -anpo er re3uire-ent!. #2n a&&ition to it! po er! an& function!, the a&-ini!tration !hall infor- -igrant or"er! not onl, of their right! a! or"er! but al!o of their right! a! hu-an being!, in!truct an& gui&e the or"er! ho to a!!ert their right! an& pro(i&e the a(ailable -echani!- to re&re!! (iolation of their right!.# #2n the recruit-ent an& place-ent of or"er! to !er(ice the re3uire-ent! for traine& an& co-petent )ilipino or"er! of foreign go(ern-ent! an& their in!tru-entalie!, an& !uch other e-plo,er! a! public intere!t! -a, re3uire,

the a&-ini!tration !hall &eplo, onl, to countrie! here the .hilippine! ha! conclu&e& bilateral labor agree-ent! or arrange-ent!: Provided, 1hat !uch courtrie! !hall guarantee to protect the right! of )ilipino -igrant or"er!4 an&: Provided, further, 1hat !uch countrie! !hall ob!er(e an&5or co-pl, ith the international la ! an& !tan&ar&! for -igrant or"er!.# SEC. 2. Section 2* of the !a-e la i! hereb, repeale&. SEC. /. Section 30 of the !a-e la i! al!o hereb, repeale&. SEC. 4. All la !, or&er!, i!!uance!, rule! or regulation! or part! thereof incon!i!tent ith the pro(i!ion! of thi! Act are hereb, repeale&, a-en&e& or -o&ifie& accor&ingl,. SEC. .. if, for an, rea!on, an, portion or pro(i!ion of thi! Act i! &eclare& uncon!titutional or in(ali&, the other portion! or pro(i!ion! hereof !hall not be affecte& thereb,. SEC. 0. 1hi! Act Shall ta"e effect fifteen (1+) &a,! after it! publication in at lea!t t o ne !paper! of general circulation.

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