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There are two type of planning 1) CLASSICAL PLANNING: The environment which are fully o !erva le" #etermini!tic" finite" !tatic an# #i!crete$ %) N&N CLASSICAL PLANNING: The environment which i! partially o !erva le or !tocha!tic environment


'arlier we !aw that problem !ol"#$% &%e$'! are a le to plan ahea# ( to con!i#er the con!e)uence! of sequences of action! ( efore acting$ *e al!o !aw that a ($o)le*%e b&!e* &%e$'! can !elect action! a!e# on e+plicit" logical repre!entation! of the current !tate an# the effect! of action!$ Thi! allow! the agent to !uccee# in comple+" inacce!!i le environment! that are too #ifficult for a pro lem(!olving agent

Problem Sol"#$% A%e$'! + ,$o)le*%e b&!e* A%e$'! - Pl&$$#$% A%e$'!


1$ Generate a goal to achieve %$ Con!truct a plan to achieve goal from current !tate ,$ '+ecute plan until fini!he# -$ .egin again with new goal /unction! u!e# in the algorithm: STAT'(0'SC1IPTI&N: u!e! a percept a! input an# return! the #e!cription of the initial !tate in a format re)uire# for the planner$ I0'AL(PLANN'1: i! the planning algorithm 2A3'(G&AL(45'16: a!7! the 7nowle#ge a!e what the ne+t goal will e$

3.1./ PRO0LE. SOLVING "! PLANNING Con!i#er the ta!7 of getting mil7 or algorithm fail! mi!era ly anana ect form !uper mar7et8 the !tan#ar# !earch

In !earche! 9pro lem !olving)" operator! are u!e# !imply to generate !ucce!!or !tate! an# we can not loo7 :in!i#e: an operator to !ee how it;! #efine#$ The goal(te!t pre#icate al!o i! u!e# a! a : lac7 o+: to te!t if a !tate i! a goal or not$ The !earch cannot u!e propertie! of how a goal i! #efine# in or#er to rea!on a out fin#ing path to that goal$ Hence this approach is all algorithm and representation weak. Planning i! con!i#ere# #ifferent from pro lem !olving ecau!e of the #ifference in the way they repre!ent !tate!" goal!" action!" an# the #ifference! in the way they con!truct action !e)uence!$

Pro lem! with Pro lem !olving agent:

< It i! evi#ent from the a ove figure that the actual ranching factor woul# e in the thou!an#! or

million!$ The heuri!tic evaluation function can only choo!e !tate! to #etermine which one i! clo!er to the goal$ It cannot eliminate action! from con!i#eration$ The agent ma7e! gue!!e! y con!i#ering action! an# the evaluation function ran7! tho!e gue!!e!$ The agent pic7! the e!t gue!!" ut then ha! no i#ea what to try ne+t an# therefore !tart! gue!!ing again$
< It con!i#er! !e)uence! of action! eginning from the initial !tate$ The agent i! force# to #eci#e

what to #o in the initial !tate fir!t" where po!!i le choice! are to go to any of the ne+t place!$ 5ntil the agent #eci#e! how to ac)uire the o =ect!" it can>t #eci#e where to go$ Planning empha!i?e! what i! in operator an# goal repre!entation!$ There are three 7ey i#ea! ehin# planning: < to "open up" the representations of !tate" goal!" an# operator! !o that a rea!oner can more intelligently !elect action! when they are nee#e# < the planner is free to add actions to the plan wherever they are nee#e#" rather than in an incremental !e)uence !tarting at the initial !tate < most parts of the world are independent of most other parts which ma7e! it fea!i le to ta7e a con=unctive goal an# !olve it with a #ivi#e(an#(con)uer !trategy 3.1.1 SITUATION CALCULS Situation calculu! i! a ver!ion of fir!t(or#er(logic 9/&L) that i! augmente# !o that it can rea!on a out action! in time$

3.1.2 STRIPS 3S'&$4or* Re!e&r56 I$!'#'7'e Problem Sol"er8

Cla!!ical Planner! u!e the ST1IPS 9Stanfor# 1e!earch In!titute Pro lem Solver) language to #e!cri e !tate! an# operator!$ It i! an efficient way to repre!ent planning algorithm!$

State! are repre!ente# y con=unction! of function(free groun# literal!" that i!" pre#icate! applie# to con!tant !ym ol!" po!!i ly negate#$ An e+ample of an initial !tate i!: At(Home) @A (Have(Milk) @A (Have(Bananas) @A (Have(Drill) @A $$$ Goal! are a con=unction of literal!$ Therefore the goal i! At(Home) @A Have(Milk) @A Have(Bananas) @A Have(Drill) Goal! can al!o contain varia le!$ .eing at a !tore that !ell! mil7 i! e)uivalent to At( ) @A !ells( "Milk) Strip! operator! con!i!t of three component! < &5'#o$ *e!5r#p'#o$: what an agent actually return! to the environment in or#er to #o !omething$ < pre5o$*#'#o$: con=unction of atom! 9po!itive literal!)" that !ay! what mu!t e true efore an operator can e applie#$ < e44e5' o4 &$ oper&'or: con=unction of literal! 9po!itive or negative) that #e!cri e how the !ituation change! when the operator i! applie#$ '+ample: An e+ample action of going from one place to another:
#p9ACTI&N:$o(there)" P1'C&N0:At(here) %& 'ath(here" there) '//'CT:At(there) @A (At(here))


There are two main approache! to !olving planning pro lem!" #epen#ing on the 7in# of !earch !pace that i! e+plore#: 1$ Situation(!pace !earch %$ Planning(!pace !earch

PLAN SPAC' S'A1CB < the !earch !pace i! the !pace of all po!!i le plan! < a no#e corre!pon#! to a partial plan < initially we will !pecify an :initial plan: which i! one no#e in thi! !pace

< <

a goal no#e i! a no#e containing a plan which i! complete" !ati!fying all of the goal! in the goal !tate the no#e it!elf contain! all of the information for #etermining a !olution plan 9e$g$ !e)uence of action!)

3.2.1 SITUATION SPACE SEARCH In !ituation !pace !earch < The !earch !pace i! the !pace of all po!!i le !tate! or !ituation! of the worl# < Initial !tate #efine! one no#e < A goal no#e i! a !tate where all goal! in the goal !tate are !ati!fie# < A !olution plan i! the !e)uence of action! 9e$g$ operator in!tance!) in the path from the !tart no#e to a goal no#e
There are % approache! to !ituation(!pace planning: 1$ Progre!!ion !ituation(!pace planning %$ 1egre!!ion !ituation(!pace planning FORWARD CHAINING OR PROGRESSION SITUATION SPACE PLANNING

(orward)chaining from initial !tate to goal !tate Loo7! =u!t li7e a !tate(!pace !earch e+cept ST1IPS operator! are !pecifie# in!tea# of a !et of ne+t(move function! 6ou can u!e any !earch metho# you li7e 9i$e$ ./S" 0/S" AC) D#!&*"&$'&%e: huge !earch !pace to e+plore" !o u!ually very inefficient" high ranching factorD

1$ Start from initial !tate %$ /in# all operator! who!e precon#ition! are true in the initial !tate ,$ Compute effect! of operator! to generate !ucce!!or !tate! -$ 1epeat !tep! E%(E, until a new !tate !ati!fie! the goal con#ition!


/ormulation a! !tate(!pace !earch pro lem: < Initial !tate F initial !tate of the planning pro lem Literal! not appearing are fal!e < Action! F tho!e who!e precon#ition! are !ati!fie# A## po!itive effect!" #elete negative < Goal te!t F #oe! the !tate !ati!fy the goal < Step co!t F each action co!t! 1 0AC,WARD CHAINING OR REGRESSION SITUATION SPACE PLANNING


Backward)chaining from goal !tate to initial !tate


1egre!!ion !ituation(!pace planning i! u!ually more efficient than progre!!ion ecau!e many operator! are applica le at each !tate" yet only a !mall num er of operator! are applica le for achieving a given goal Bence" regre!!ion i! more goal(#irecte# than progre!!ion !ituation(!pace planning D#!&*"&$'&%e* cannot alway! fin# a plan even if one e+i!t!D

< <

Al%or#'6m9 1$ Start with goal no#e corre!pon#ing to goal to e achieve# %$ Choo!e an operator that will add one of the goal! ,$ 1eplace that goal with the operator>! precon#ition! -$ 1epeat !tep! E%(E, until you have reache# the initial !tate G$ *hile ac7war#(chaining i! performe# y ST1IPS in term! of the generation of goal!" !u (goal!" !u ( !u (goal!" etc$" operator! are u!e# in the forwar# #irection to generate !ucce!!or !tate!" !tarting from the initial !tate" until a goal i! foun#$ ,$%$% 'HA2PL': .&H *&1L0

Definitions of Descriptors: o$'&ble3:89 loc7 i! on top of the ta le o$3:;<89 loc7 i! on top of loc7 + 5le&r3:89 there i! nothing on top of loc7 I therefore it can e pic7e# up 6&$*emp'<9 you are not hol#ing any loc7 Definitions of Operators: &pJACTI&N: p#5(7p3:8 P1'C&N0: onta le9+)" clear9+)" han#empty '//'CT: hol#ing9+)" Konta le9+)" Kclear9+)" Khan#empty L &pJACTI&N: p7'*o)$3:8 P1'C&N0: hol#ing9+) '//'CT: onta le9+)" clear9+)" han#empty" Khol#ing9+) L &pJACTI&N: !'&5(3:;<8 P1'C&N0: hol#ing9+)" clear9y) '//'CT: on9+"y)" clear9+)" han#empty" Khol#ing9+)" Kclear9y) L

&pJACTI&N: 7$!'&5(3:;<8 P1'C&N0: clear9+)" on9+"y)" han#empty '//'CT: hol#ing9+)" clear9y)" Kclear9+)" Kon9+"y)" Khan#empty ) L

S'e p E1 S'&'e Appl#5&ble Oper&'or! pic7up9A) un!tac79C".) Oper&'or Appl#e* pic7up9A)

onta le9A) M onta le9.) M on9C" .) M clear9A) M clear9C) M han#empty E% Konta le9A) M onta le9.) M on9C" .) M Kclear9A) M clear9C) M E, hol#ing9A) onta le9.) M on9C" .) M on9A" C) M clear9A) M Kclear9C) M han#empty M Khol#ing9A)

put#own9A) !tac79A"C)


Matches goal state so


,$%$, B'51ISTICS /&1 STAT'(SPAC' S'A1CB < Neither progre!!ion or regre!!ion are very efficient without a goo# heuri!tic$ Bow many action! are nee#e# to achieve the goalN '+act !olution i! NP har#" fin# a goo# e!timate Two approache! to fin# a#mi!!i le heuri!tic: < The optimal !olution to the rela+e# pro lem$ 1emove all precon#ition! from action! < The !u goal in#epen#ence a!!umption: The co!t of !olving a con=unction of !u goal! i! appro+imate# y the !um of the co!t! of !olving the !u pro lem! in#epen#ently$

3./ PARTIAL ORDER PLANNING T&TAL &10'1 v! PA1TIAL &10'1 PLANN'1 Any planner that maintain! a partial !olution a! a totally or#ere# li!t of !tep! foun# !o far i! calle# a 'o'&l or*er pl&$$er" or a l#$e&r pl&$$er$ Alternatively" if we only repre!ent partial(or#er con!traint! on !tep!" then we have a p&r'#&l or*er pl&$$er" which i! al!o calle# a $o$ l#$e&r pl&$$er$ In thi! ca!e" we !pecify a !et of temporal con!traint! etween pair! of !tep! of the form S1 O S% meaning that !tep S1 come! efore" ut not nece!!arily imme#iately efore" !tep S%$ *e al!o !how thi! temporal con!traint in graph form a! S1 PPPPPPPPPQ S% ST1IPS i! a total(or#er planner" a! are !ituation(!pace progre!!ion an# regre!!ion planner! Partial(or#er planner! e+hi it the property of lea!t commitment ecau!e con!traint! or#ering !tep! will only e in!erte# when nece!!ary$ &n the other han#" !ituation(!pace progre!!ion planner! ma7e commitment! a out the or#er of !tep! a! they try to fin# a !olution an# therefore may ma7e mi!ta7e! from poor gue!!e! a out the right or#er of !tep!$

0ifference! etween !ituation(!pace algorithm an# plan(!pace algorithm An alternative i! to !earch through the !pace of plans rather than a !pace of situations$ That i!" we !tart with a !imple" incomplete plan" which we call a p&r'#&l pl&$$ Then we con!i#er way! of e+pan#ing the partial plan until we come up with a complete plan that !olve! the pro lem$ *e u!e thi! approach when the or#ering of !u (goal! affect! the !olution$

Two type! of operator! are u!e#:

< 1efinement operator! ta7e a partial plan an# a## con!traint! to it$ They eliminate !ome plan!

from the !et an# they never a## new plan! to it$

< A mo#ification operator #e ug! incorrect plan! that the planner may ma7e" therefore we can

worry a out ug! later$ Key Difference Between Plan-Space Planning and Situation-Space Planning In Situation-Space planners all operations, all variables, and all orderings must be fixed when each operator is applied Plan-Space planners ma!e commitments "i e , what steps in what order# only as necessary $ence, Plan-Space planners do leastcommitment planning


A pl&$ i! formally #efine# a! a #ata !tructure con!i!ting of the following - component!: 1$ A !et of plan !tep! %$ A !et of !tep or#ering con!traint! ,$ A !et of varia le in#ing con!traint! -$ A !et of cau!al lin7! E:&mple9 'lan9 ST'PS:JS1:#p(ACTI&N: !tart)" S%:#p9ACTI&N: (inish" P1'C&N0: #nta,le9c)" #n9 "c)" #n9a" ) L" &10'1INGS: JS1 O S%L" .IN0INGS: JL" LIN3S: JL )

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