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Montoya 1 Marie Montoya Gardner English 10-2nd period 2 December 2013 Annotated Bibliography; Animal Farm " Animal

Farm: What Orwell Really Meant." The New York Review of Books. The New York Review, 2013. Web. 20 November 2013.

This article is all about the different types of view of the moral of the story. In 1946, Orwell wrote a letter to Dwight Macdonald in which Orwell summarized what Macdonald felt was the moral of the story. Orwell said that Macdonald felt like, " ' Animal Farm meant that revolution always ended badly for the underdog.' " In the second letter Orwell responds that the actual moral was to show that change will not happen until the society puts their foot down. Orwell states that the turning point for the story was when the pigs stole the apples.

This article is an incredibly helpful easy read after reading Animal Farm. With textual evidence, this article brought up to life the question of what the story was suppose to teach. Orwell's response to Macdonald is an eye opener for all the readers. It could have been even better if Macdonald would have responded to Orwell. The diction is extremely simple so that it can be understood by all. The criticism from the writer to the reader is as realistic as it could get if Orwell was alive today and the audience could ask him new questions.

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"Cruelty to Farm Animals Demands Exposure." The Washington Post. The Washington Post, 2013. Web. 18 Nov. 2013

The article posted by the Washington Post, provides important information about the animal cruelty occurring in farms. It focuses on the importance of the videos taken at slaughterhouses that reveal the extreme conditions these animals are in. Also, it mentions the different laws that have been born, in states like Tennessee, to try and amend the cruelty given to these animals in factory farms. Finally, it gives a clear insight to what the Humane Society of the United States thinks and acts upon watching the videos at the factory farms.

This easy, quick read article is perfect for a person looking to see how laws are protecting the rights of animals. It gives very specific reasons of how passing the law would benefit not only the animals but also the public. The public would benefit from reading this article to see the benefits from cameras that are monitoring these farms such as, " In 2007 the Humane Society documented unsafe practices at a California slaughterhouse that resulted in the largest recall of beef in U.S." The only defect from this article was that it did touch the point of view of the defenders against the cause. Old major warned the animals about the farmers that took advantage of them and this article explores the ultimate torture towards these animals. "George Orwell." Encyclopedia Britannica. Encyclopedia Britannica Online Academic Edition. Encyclopedia Britannica Inc., 2013. Web. 18 Nov. 2013.

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This biography from the Britannica Encyclopedia on George Orwell explores the life of the great author from 1903 to 1950. It recalls Orwell's early years in India, his birth place, to his real home of London. Some of his best literary works are briefly mentioned such as Animal Farm and Nineteen Eighty-Four. Orwell's life sadly ended with tuberculosis but his literature moved on to becoming classics.

The biography is a summary to the major events in his life and is an easy read for somebody who would like to understand and explore the life of George Orwell. The small one or two sentence overviews of the books give the reader new options of other wonderful pieces by the same author and what political topics it touches. The biography does not go in deep about Orwell's personalities but it covers a lot more in a short summary. Reading about the different scholarship and awards won by Orwell makes the readers of his books understand how bright he was and still is. "George Orwell Nearly Drowned in a Whirlpool Before Completing Nineteen Eighty-Four." The Telegraph. The Telegraph, 2013. Web. 1 Dec. 2013.

The recent article shows an unfortunate event in George Orwell's life. It gives us an insight in a bad experience which would have kept him from completing the classic of Nineteen Eighty-Four. Furness Interviews the adopted son of Orwell about this experience in the whirlpool in which they fell into after their dinghy was wrecked in a weir in Jura. Orwell was half way through the book by then but could not return to Jura to finish it before suffering tuberculosis. Through all of this though, he managed to finish his greatest book recognized by many.

Montoya 4 The insightful article is a great read for somebody studying the life of George Orwell. The interview with the son makes the article more specific and valuable because it is a reliable source. In the article the son also gives a personal insight on powerful words that were spoken when Orwell finished his book while in the hospital, " 'Well thats me finished. Completely and utterly. " This article gave more than just the story of a tragic event, it gave an look into the personal life and personality of a hardworking, incredible writer.

"In 1946, The New Republic Panned George Orwell's 'Animal Farm'."New Republic. New Republic, 1946. Web. 20 November 2013.

In 1946, George Soule's review of Animal farm was unimaginable. He explains that the book is confusing and not specific. Soule expresses that this book was, "just another way to say what has already been said before." He also argues that it will not be as famous because not enough time has passed for the book to become a hit. Finally, he affirms that Orwell has let everybody down and should think more next time before he writes.

This article is not an incredible easy read but it is very helpful to see a different perspective. This would be a perfect article for somebody who did not like the book to compare to. The book is famous for its ability to be clever in submerging outrageous ideas in a creative way, but this article provides an insight look at the people's point of view when it first came out. With this article the change of ideas throughout time are obvious.

Montoya 5 " The Pros and Cons of a Surveillance Society." International New York Times Magazine. International New York Times, 2013. Web. 20 November 2013.

In this article, the way of the government is described. It talks about how technology and the supervision of the government will either benefit or destroy the population. Privacy is the main topic that creates the debate between the people.

This article is a perfect easy read that will get the mind thinking. Its dialect is perfect for anybody that would like to learn more about the current issues. This article has topics that still relate to the modern world. The article mentions how the term "Big Brother" from Nineteen Eighty-Four has been use to compare the current situation. By relating it to Orwell's books, it shows how Orwell had timeless statements. In Animal Farm, the animals like society felt too taken control of, but when given a free pass, it became worst.

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