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1.1. Background of The Research Communication is a basic need for human beings. The main instrument of communication is language. It is very important for our activities. They use it to express their feeling of something, to show the appreciations of something and to give the relationship with others. Language and society are related and they cannot be separated. No human can live without language and language cannot be used without society. Language and society influence or determine each other. Orally the language which is usually mastered well by people is their mother tongue or native language. Most of them firstly used their mother tongue to communicate to their family and society. The study that related to human or society and language is called sociolinguistics. Sociolinguistics is the study of language in relation to society (Hudson: 1980). One of linguistics branches that has a lot of cases to be analyzed is sociolinguistics. Sociolinguistics is a term including the aspects of linguistics applied toward the connections between language and society, and the way how to use it in different social situations. It ranges from the study of the wide variety of dialects across a given region down to the analysis between the way men and women speak one to another. Sociolinguistics often shows us the humorous realities of human speech and how a dialect of a given language can often describe the

age, sex, and social class of the speaker; it codes the social function of a language. The community whose members used one language as means of communication, people call the individuals of such community as a monolingual community. People who are not monolingual in every day are named as bilingual and if people use more than two languages are named as multilingual. Nowadays, in the society there are so many people who have more than one language. In communication, language is different from one part of country to another and very varieties. The variety in language is used in certain conditions for certain needs. According to Ferguson (1971: 30) definition of variety that any body of human speech patterns which is sufficiently homogeneous to be analyzed by available techniques of synchronic description and which has a sufficiently large repertory of elements and their arrangements or processes with broad enough semantic scope to function in all formal contexts of communication. However during their communication with other people, language is different from one part of country or to another country so they need to understand among them what they mean. There is a demand for the people to master or know the other languages. This condition caused many people learn another language to make their communication more effective. For instance, English is as an international language which used by most people all over the world whether it is as native language, the second language or foreign language. In Indonesia, English is the most widely used and to be

learnt as the foreign language. So, as people know many vocabularies of Indonesian have borrowed from English or combined with English. The following examples are phenomena showing in the influence of English to Indonesian: 1. Phrase : Show room, Quality control 2. Word : Palace, Fire, venue Code mixing is two languages use together by the conversant to extent that they change from one language into another the course of a single utterance Wardhaugh (1986:103). It means that code mixing occur when pieces of one language are used the speaker is basically using another. The language pieces taken from another are often words. But they can also be phrases or larger units. Nababan (1982: 32 ciled in. Rosidy, 2010). gives a point that circumstance causes language become dissimilar when people mix two (or more) languages or model of language in the situation in which language bearing the mixing of language. In state of that way, only relaxation of speaker and/or his custom pay attention. This habit is referred to as code mixing. In formal language situation code mixing seldom happens. The upper most characteristic form of code mixing becomes in a state of that way, this matter is caused by the lack of correct expression in using that language, so that require to use word or expression for other language (foreign language).

Indonesian Idol is a reality television singing competition created by Simon Fuller and produced by RCTI Production Team and Fremantle Media Asia, which began airing on RCTI on March 2004 and became one of the most popular shows in the history of Indonesian television. Part of the Idol franchise, it was as a spin-off from the UK show Pop Idol. A Decade of Dreams, premiered on RCTI on December 27, 2014. Anang Hermansyah, Ahmad Dani, Tantri kotak and Titi Dj as the judges. Daniel Mananta returns as the host. As we know A decade of dream in Indonesia is Indonesian idol, as we all know the famous talent show in Indonesia is the Indonesian idol, and sing songs that the finalists on indonesian idol pop inggris. Regarding the phenomenon above so the writer is interested in conducting research entitled : A SOCIOLINGUISTIC ANALYSIS OF CODE MIXING OF INDONESIAN AND ENGLISH BY YHE JUDGES INDONESIAN IDOL 2014 ON RCTI

1.2. Problem of the Research The comment by Judges Indonesian Idol 2014 when the finalist Indonesian Idol use code mixing Indonesia and English research problem of the thesis. Became the


Limitation of Research The research will study of code mixing Indonesia and English by the judges Indonesian idol 2014, when they are comment the finalist Indonesian Idol.


Formulation of the research. In writing this thesis writer will analyze same case that happen by the Judges Indonesian Idol who speak when Finalis Indonesian Idol finish singing. There is question to be raised as the problem of this analysis. 1. What types verbal code mixing of Indonesia and English used by Judges Indonesian Idol 2014? 2. What are the reasons used code mixing of Indonesia and english by Judges Indonesian Idol when they are comment the finalist?


The Research Purpose The purpose of this research 1. To find out what types verbal code mixing of Indonesia and English used Judges Indonesian Idol 2014. 2. To find out why the code mixing of Indonesia and English are used by Judges Indonesian Idol 2014, when they are comment the finalist.

1.6. The Research Significances 1.6.1 Theoritical From this research hope can increase and develop knowledge about variation of language which used I the society, also can be classifying that variety following the types and reasons used code to bilinguals. Besides

that, following this research also got description about choosen of language in Indonesia which has multicultural, especially by Judges Indonesian Idol 2014.


Practical Through the research has conducted by the researcher can be applied to bilinguals about used of code in society. Then also in the future can use to the readers as the reference in doing the research about code mixing of Indonesia and English in the society and other variation of language.

CHAPTER II REVIEW OF THE RELATED LITERATURE 2.1. Related Theories 2.1.1 Sociolinguistic As Chika (1982) in Pardede and Kisno (2012: 13) said that, contens of sociolinguistics is the study of the ways people use language in social interaction. So, people in social interaction needs language, because language is has the important part to social life. Sociolinguistic actually derived from two basic variables, the first is Socio variable and second is Linguistic variable. Socio basically study about the social and linguistic variable study about language. Socio variable is construction the science in the social or community. Stockwell (2002: 3) said that The social variable is the factor that determines a variation in language. In this social variable included gender, geography, and age and so on. As one example more near area from one place to another is more similar the language used and more far the areas, between one place to another the language is more different. Linguistic is the science about language. Stockweel (2002: 3) said that, the linguistic variable is the feature that you want to investigate. This might be a language likes (English, Basque, Hokkien), or a dialect likes (Irish Hiberno-English, Jamaican, Patwa), or a style (formal, careful, casual), or register (romantic, novel), or syntactic pattern (passive, intransitive, verb agreement), or a word or phrase (neb, you-all, you-know),

or particular sound (/h/, /t/, /a/).So, linguistics is arranges all the rule about small unit from the language become the general unit the language. In social language needed sociolinguistic science for the arrange structural of language become systematic.

2.1.2 Bilingualism Based on Pardede and`Kisno (2012: 145) said that people who speak two languages are called by bilingual. Bilingualism concerns with people who use two or more language in their daily life. But bilinguals are rarely equally fluent in their languages. Some speak one language better than another. Half of the world population is bilingual, and it is difficult to find out the society that is really monolingual. Indonesia is a country that all citizens master at least two languages, one regional language and another Indonesia. Bilingualism is still considered an uninteresting field today that no really precise statistics talks about the member and distribution of speakers or two or more languages in the nation of the world.

2.1.3 Code There are two understanding of code. One is referring to neutral label for any system of communication including language. So the term is not only limited to specific signaling system. For example, how many codes do you speak? I speak two codes, Indonesian and Javanese.









characterized in language; it is defined in terms of mutual intelligible. Register is a code, variation, style are codes. When the two persons communication use two different language and they are agree with and know it so that meat they are doing of the code. Code Switching When the people use one code language then switch to another code used to conversation in their community so they are doing code switching. Recording to Pardede and Kisno (2012 : 126) said that, when bilingual speakers swith from one variaty to another, they do code switching. In the other book also give definition about Code switching. Based on Gumperz (1982: 59) in Stockwell (2002: 32) also said that, definition code is gathering usage in the same speech exchange of two different grammatical system or sub system. People in the society sometime not aware if in their spoken use code switching. The example in our reality language which is using code switching to conversation every day in the society, like in the conversation as following Ary Elis Ary Elis Ary : Sudah siap bimbinganmu Elis? : Belum, masih Bab I. Kamu dah siap? : Sudah Bab IV, tapi belum Acc. : it is easy, dont worry. : ah jangan songong kamu.

The conversation above is performed by two English students: Ary and Elis. Firstly they had it in Indonesian. But Elis decided to switch to English when she saw that two another students came toward them. Code Mixing Code mixing happened when the people mix between one code language to another code used together to communicate in their society. Based on Pardede and Kisno (2012: 128) said that The transfer of linguistics elements from one language into another is code mixing. Code mixing usually happened naturally in our conversation. An example in conversation bellows use code mixing for communication. A : Kok tumben sepi pagi ini? B : Ssssstt! Jangan berisik lagi ada meeting tu. Code mixing used in that conversation is mixing between Indonesian into English language. Not only Indonesian to English language can mix in conversation. Other language also usually used in our conversation like Indonesian to traditional language, as example in conversation bellow. A : Punya pitih ngak kamu sekarang? (Uang) B : Jangan Tanya duit dech klo lagi tanggal tua gini. Word pitih in conversation used person A is padangnese language but it mixed when persons A conversation use Indonesian language.

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