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Module 08.

Basic Aerodynamics
08.1. Physics of the Atmosphere. Question Number. 1. The ISA. Option A. assumes a standard day. Option B. is taken from the equator. Option C. is taken from 4 de!rees "atitude. Corre#t Ans$er is. is taken from 4 de!rees "atitude. %&p"anation. The properties of a standard day are re"ated to sea "e'e" at "atitude 4 de!rees "atitude. See the (orum for more detai"s. Question Number. ). At hi!her a"titudes as a"titude in#reases* pressure. Option A. de#reases at #onstant rate. Option B. de#reases e&ponentia""y. Option C. in#reases e&ponentia""y. Corre#t Ans$er is. de#reases e&ponentia""y. %&p"anation. +ressure de#reases , sure- But the rate of de#rease redu#es $ith a"titude. At 1./// ft* ha"f the pressure is "ost a"ready* and there is sti"" another 4/*///ft or so to !o. Question Number. 0. 1hen the pressure is ha"f of that at sea "e'e"* $hat is the a"titude2. Option A. 1)*/// ft. Option B. 1.*/// ft. Option C. .*/// ft. Corre#t Ans$er is. 1.*/// ft. %&p"anation. 3ust one of those fa#ts you ha'e to "earn , but it is quoted in 4ust about e'ery te&t book on CAA readin! "ist. Question Number. 4. If !au!e pressure on a standard day at sea "e'e" is ) +SI* the abso"ute pressure is. Option A. 05.6 +SI. Option B. 1/.0 +SI. Option C. 40.. +SI. Corre#t Ans$er is. 05.6 +SI. %&p"anation. Abso"ute pressure 7 !au!e pressure p"us atmospheri# pressure. Atmospheri# pressure at sea""e'e" 7 14.6 +SI. Question Number. . +ressure de#reases. Option A. in'erse"y proportiona" to temperature. Option B. proportiona""y $ith a de#reases in temperature. Option C. +ressure and temperature are not re"ated.

Corre#t Ans$er is. proportiona""y $ith a de#reases in temperature. %&p"anation. Temperature and 'o"ume are dire#t"y proportiona" , Char"es8 9a$. Question Number. :. As air !ets #o"der* the ser'i#e #ei"in! of an air#raft. Option A. redu#es. Option B. in#reases. Option C. remains the same. Corre#t Ans$er is. in#reases. %&p"anation. As air !ets #o"der it !ets denser. 9ift in#reases ;remember the "ift equation has density< and the en!ines produ#e more thrust , so it #an #"imb hi!her. Question Number. 6. 1hat is sea "e'e" pressure2. Option A. 1/1).0 mb. Option B. 1/10.) mb. Option C. 1/0).) mb. Corre#t Ans$er is. 1/10.) mb. %&p"anation. 9earn the ISA sea "e'e" quantities* in a"" units. Question Number. .. =o$ does IAS at the point of sta"" 'ary $ith hei!ht2.

Option A. It de#reases. Option B. It is pra#ti#a""y #onstant. Option C. It in#reases. Corre#t Ans$er is. It is pra#ti#a""y #onstant. %&p"anation. The sta""in! IAS at a"titude is pra#ti#a""y the same as it is at sea "e'e". That8s be#ause IAS is not #orre#ted for density. Question Number. 5. 1hat is the "apse rate $ith re!ard to temperature2. Option A. 4>C per 1/// ft. Option B. 1.5.>C per 1/// ft. Option C. 1.5.>( per 1/// ft. Corre#t Ans$er is. 1.5.>C per 1/// ft. %&p"anation. The "apse rate is appro&imate"y )>C per 1/// feet ;in the troposphere<. Question Number. 1/. Standard sea "e'e" temperature is. Option A. )/ de!rees Ce"sius. Option B. / de!rees Ce"sius. Option C. 1 de!rees Ce"sius. Corre#t Ans$er is. 1 de!rees Ce"sius. %&p"anation. 1 de!rees C is standard sea "e'e" temperature-. Question Number. 11. As a"titude in#reases* pressure. Option A. de#reases e&ponentia""y. Option B. de#reases at #onstant rate.

Option C. in#reases e&ponentia""y. Corre#t Ans$er is. de#reases e&ponentia""y. %&p"anation. As a"titude in#reases* pressure de#reases e&ponentia""y. Sin#e pressure is !i'en by density ? !ra'ity ? hei!ht* both density and hei!ht de#reases ;that is* hei!ht abo'e the point you measurin!< so the de#rease in pressure is e&ponentia". Question Number. 1). 9apse rate usua""y refers to. Option A. @ensity. Option B. +ressure. Option C. Temperature. Corre#t Ans$er is. Temperature. %&p"anation. Temperature "apse rate is #onstant up to 0:///ft ,)de!rees per 1///ft. Question Number. 10. Temperature abo'e 0:*/// feet $i"". Option A. in#rease e&ponentia""y. Option B. de#rease e&ponentia""y. Option C. remain #onstant. Corre#t Ans$er is. remain #onstant. %&p"anation. Temperature "apse rate up to 0:*/// feet ;the tropopause< is appro&imate"y ) de!rees #enti!rade per 1/// feet. Abo'e the tropopause it is #onstant. Question Number. 14. 1ith in#reasin! a"titude pressure de#reases and. Option A. temperature de#reases at the same rate as pressure redu#es. Option B. temperature de#reases but at a "o$er rate than pressure redu#es. Option C. temperature remains #onstant to ./// ft. Corre#t Ans$er is. temperature de#reases but at a "o$er rate than pressure redu#es. %&p"anation. See a !raph of pressure a!ainst a"titude and temperature a!ainst a"titude. +ressure de#reases faster than temperature therefore pressure has a !reater effe#t upon the performan#e of the air#raft. Question Number. 1 . 1hat is the temperature in #omparison to ISA #onditions at 0/*///ft2. Option A. ,:/>C. Option B. />C. Option C. ,4 >C. Corre#t Ans$er is. ,4 >C. %&p"anation. ISA 7 1 >C temperature "apse rate is )>C per 1///ft. Therefore 0//// 7 , :/ A 1 7 4 . Question Number. 1:. At $hat a"titude is the tropopause2. Option A. 0:*/// ft. Option B. 6*/// ft. Option C. :0*/// ft. Corre#t Ans$er is. 0:*/// ft. %&p"anation. The tropopause is 0:*/// ft. Abo'e the tropopause is the stratosphere.

Question Number. 16. 1hat appro&imate per#enta!e of o&y!en is in the atmosphere2. Option A. 1)B. Option B. )1B. Option C. 6.B. Corre#t Ans$er is. )1B. %&p"anation. )1B o&y!en* 6.B nitro!en* 1B other !ases.

Question Number. 1.. 1hi#h has the !reater density2. Option A. Air at "o$ a"titude. Option B. Air at hi!h a"titude. Option C. It remains #onstant. Corre#t Ans$er is. Air at "o$ a"titude. %&p"anation. Air density redu#es $ith a"titude.

Question Number. 15. At $hat a"titude does stratosphere #ommen#e appro&imate"y2. Option A. Sea "e'e". Option B. 0:*/// ft. Option C. :0*/// ft. Corre#t Ans$er is. 0:*/// ft. %&p"anation. The stratosphere is abo'e 0:*/// ft.

Question Number. )/. A pressure of one atmosphere is equa" to. Option A. 14.6 psi. Option B. 1 in#h =!. Option C. 1// mi""ibar. Corre#t Ans$er is. 14.6 psi. %&p"anation. One atmosphere is 14.6 psi.

Question Number. )1. The mi""ibar is a unit of. Option A. atmospheri# temperature. Option B. pressure a"titude. Option C. barometri# pressure. Corre#t Ans$er is. barometri# pressure. %&p"anation. Barometri# pressure is measured in mi""ibar.

Question Number. )). 1ith an in#rease in a"titude under I.S.A. #onditions the temperature in the troposphere. Option A. remains #onstant. Option B. de#reases. Option C. in#reases. Corre#t Ans$er is. de#reases. %&p"anation. Temperature redu#es at a "apse rate of 1.5. de!rees #e"sius per thousand feet from sea "e'e" to about 0:///ft ;the tropopause<.

Question Number. )0. A barometer indi#ates. Option A. pressure. Option B. density. Option C. temperature. Corre#t Ans$er is. pressure. %&p"anation. A barometer indi#ates pressure.

Question Number. )4. The amount of $ater 'apour #apa#ity in the air ;humidity ho"din! #apa#ity of the air< is. Option A. !reater on a #o"der day* and "o$er on a hotter day. Option B. doesn8t ha'e a si!nifi#ant differen#e. Option C. !reater on a hotter day and "o$er on a #o"der day. Corre#t Ans$er is. !reater on a hotter day and "o$er on a #o"der day. %&p"anation. The amount of $ater 'apour #apa#ity in the air is !reater on a hotter day. Question Number. ) . 1hi#h #ondition is the a#tua" amount of $ater 'apour in a mi&ture of air and $ater2. Option A. Ce"ati'e humidity. Option B. Abso"ute humidity. Option C. @e$ point. Corre#t Ans$er is. Abso"ute humidity. %&p"anation. Abso"ute humidity is the 8a#tua"8 amount of $ater in a mi&ture of air and $ater. Question Number. ):. 1hi#h $i"" $ei!h the "east2. Option A. 5. parts of dry air and ) parts of $ater 'apour. Option B. / parts of dry air and / parts of $ater 'apour. Option C. 0 parts of dry air and : parts of $ater 'apour. Corre#t Ans$er is. 0 parts of dry air and : parts of $ater 'apour. %&p"anation. 1ater 'apour is :)B the $ei!ht of dry air.

Question Number. )6. 1hi#h is the ratio of the $ater 'apour a#tua""y present in the atmosphere to the amount that $ou"d be present if the air $ere saturated at the pre'ai"in! temperature and pressure2. Option A. Abso"ute humidity. Option B. @e$ point. Option C. Ce"ati'e humidity. Corre#t Ans$er is. Ce"ati'e humidity. %&p"anation. Ce"ati'e humidity is the ratio of the $ater 'apour a#tua""y present to the $ater 'apour that the air $ou"d ho"d if it $ere saturated.

Question Number. ).. The speed of sound in the atmosphere. Option A. #han!es $ith a #han!e in pressure. Option B. 'aries a##ordin! to the frequen#y of the sound. Option C. #han!es $ith a #han!e in temperature. Corre#t Ans$er is. #han!es $ith a #han!e in temperature. %&p"anation. Speed of sound is affe#ted by air temperature on"y.

Question Number. )5. 1hat is sea "e'e" pressure2. Option A. 1/0).) mb. Option B. 1/1).0 mb. Option C. 1/10.) mb. Corre#t Ans$er is. 1/10.) mb. %&p"anation. Sea "e'e" pressure is 1/10.) mb.

Question Number. 0/. 1hi#h statement #on#ernin! heat andDor temperature is true2. Option A. Temperature is a measure of the kineti# ener!y of the mo"e#u"es of any substan#e. Option B. Temperature is a measure of the potentia" ener!y of the mo"e#u"es of any substan#e. Option C. There is an in'erse re"ationship bet$een temperature and heat. Corre#t Ans$er is. Temperature is a measure of the kineti# ener!y of the mo"e#u"es of any substan#e. %&p"anation. Temperature is a measure of the kineti# ener!y of the mo"e#u"es of a substan#e. =eat is a form of ener!y e&#han!e.

Question Number. 01. 1hat is abso"ute humidity2. Option A. The temperature to $hi#h humid air must be #oo"ed at #onstant pressure to be#ome saturated. Option B. The a#tua" amount of the $ater 'apour in a mi&ture of air and $ater.

Option C. The ratio of the $ater 'apour a#tua""y present in the atmosphere to the amount that $ou"d be present if the air $ere saturated at the pre'ai"in! temperature and pressure. Corre#t Ans$er is. The ratio of the $ater 'apour a#tua""y present in the atmosphere to the amount that $ou"d be present if the air $ere saturated at the pre'ai"in! temperature and pressure. %&p"anation. Abso"ute =umidity is the a#tua" amount of $ater 'apor in a "iter of !as.

Question Number. 0). The temperature to $hi#h humid air must be #oo"ed at #onstantpressuretobe#ome saturated is #a""ed. Option A. re"ati'e humidity. Option B. de$ point. Option C. abso"ute humidity. Corre#t Ans$er is. de$ point. %&p"anation. The temperature to $hi#h humid air must be #oo"ed to be#ome saturated is #a""ed the 8due point8.

Question Number. 00. @ensity #han!es $ith a"titude at a rate. Option A. of )k!Dm0 per 1/// ft. Option B. $hi#h #han!es $ith a"titude. Option C. $hi#h is #onstant unti" 11 km. Corre#t Ans$er is. $hi#h #han!es $ith a"titude. %&p"anation. The rate of #han!e of density is not #onstant , it diminishes $ith a"titude. So no sin!"e fi!ure for "apse rate #an be quoted. Question Number. 04. Abo'e : *.// ft temperature. Option A. de#reases by 1.5.>C up to 11 */// ft. Option B. remains #onstant up to 11 */// ft. Option C. in#reases by /.0/0>C up to 11 */// ft. Corre#t Ans$er is. in#reases by /.0/0>C up to 11 */// ft. %&p"anation. : *.//ft is the upper stratosphere boundary. Temperature in#reases $ith a"titude in the stratosphere. Question Number. 0 . At sea "e'e"* ISA atmospheri# pressure is. Option A. 14.6 k+a. Option B. 1/ Bar. Option C. 14.6 +SI. Corre#t Ans$er is. 14.6 +SI. %&p"anation. An a"ternati'e to 1/10.)mb. Question Number. 0:. On a 'ery hot day $ith ambient temperature hi!her than ISA* the pressure a"titude is )/*/// ft. =o$ mu#h $i"" the density a"titude be2. Option A. the same.

Option B. !reater than )/*///ft. Option C. "ess than )/*///ft. Corre#t Ans$er is. !reater than )/*///ft. %&p"anation. E@ensity A"titude is pressure a"titude #orre#ted for temperature and humidity. Assumin! #onstant humidity ;$e are to"d no different< ISA or abo'e temperature $i"" further thin the air for a !i'en pressure a"titude thus makin! the density a"titude hi!her. Note F At ISA Temp density and pressure a"titude $i"" be the same and for "ess than ISA density a"titude $i"" be "ess, Got a"" that--. E Question Number. 06. The atmospheri# Hone $here the temperature remains fair"y #onstant is #a""ed the. Option A. Stratosphere. Option B. Ionosphere. Option C. Troposphere. Corre#t Ans$er is. Stratosphere. %&p"anation. The stratosphere starts at 0:*///ft and rises to about ::*///ft. Question Number. 0.. In the ISA the hei!ht of the tropopause is. Option A. 11*/// feet. Option B. 11*/// metres. Option C. 0:*/// metres. Corre#t Ans$er is. 11*/// metres. %&p"anation. 11*/// metres or 0:*/// feet appro&imate"y. Question Number. 05. In the ISA the sea "e'e" pressure is taken to be. Option A. 14 +SI. Option B. 1/10.) mb. Option C. 1./10 mb. Corre#t Ans$er is. 1/10.) mb. %&p"anation. 1/10.) mi""ibars. Question Number. 4/. In the ISA the temperature "apse rate $ith a"titude is taken to be F . Option A. dependent on pressure and density #han!es. Option B. "inear. Option C. non "inear. Corre#t Ans$er is. "inear. %&p"anation. NI9.. Question Number. 41. +ut in sequen#e from the !round up. Option A. tropopause* stratosphere* troposphere. Option B. tropopause* troposphere* stratosphere. Option C. troposphere* tropopause* stratosphere. Corre#t Ans$er is. troposphere* tropopause* stratosphere.

%&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. 4). The Internationa" Standard Atmosphere #an be des#ribed as. Option A. the atmosphere at 4 de!rees north "atitude. Option B. the atmosphere at the equator $ith #ertain #onditions. Option C. the atmosphere $hi#h #an be used 1or"d$ide to pro'ide #omparab"e performan#e resu"ts. Corre#t Ans$er is. the atmosphere $hi#h #an be used 1or"d$ide to pro'ide #omparab"e performan#e resu"ts. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. 40. The temperature "apse rate be"o$ the tropopause is. Option A. 1>C per 1/// ft. Option B. )>C per 1/// ft. Option C. 0>C per 1/// ft. Corre#t Ans$er is. )>C per 1/// ft. %&p"anation. 1.5.>C per 1/// ft to be e&a#t. Question Number. 44. Abo'e the tropopause air pressure. Option A. de#reases at a #onstant rate. Option B. de#reases e&ponentia""y. Option C. in#reases e&ponentia""y. Corre#t Ans$er is. de#reases e&ponentia""y. %&p"anation. Air pressure #ontinues to de#rease e&ponentia""y in the stratosphere.

Question Number. 4 . 1hi#h of the fo""o$in! is #orre#t2. Option A. Abso"ute pressure A Atmospheri# pressure 7 Gau!e pressure. Option B. Abso"ute pressure 7 Gau!e pressure A Atmospheri# pressure. Option C. Atmospheri# pressure 7 Abso"ute pressure A Gau!e pressure. Corre#t Ans$er is. Abso"ute pressure 7 Gau!e pressure A Atmospheri# pressure. %&p"anation. Abso"ute pressure 7 Gau!e pressure A Atmospheri# pressure. Question Number. 4:. As the a"titude in#reases $hat happens of the ratio of Nitro!en to O&y!en2. Option A. In#reases. Option B. @e#reases. Option C. Stays the same. Corre#t Ans$er is. Stays the same. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. in#reased2. 46. 1hat happens to the density of air as a"titude is

Option A. @e#reases. Option B. Stays the same. Option C. In#reases. Corre#t Ans$er is. @e#reases. %&p"anation. NI9. 08.2. Aerodynamics . Question Number. 1. An air#raft is tra'e""in! at a speed of 6)/ nauti#a" mi"es per hour. To #a"#u"ate speed in I+= you. Option A. di'ide by /..0. Option B. mu"tipy by /..0. Option C. mu"tip"y by 1.1 . Corre#t Ans$er is. mu"tip"y by 1.1 . %&p"anation. 1nmph 7 1.1 mph 1mph 7 /..0nmph. Question Number. ). 9ift on a de"ta $in! air#raft. Option A. in#reases $ith an in#reased an!"e of in#iden#e ;an!"e of atta#k<. Option B. does not #han!e $ith a #han!e in an!"e of in#iden#e ;an!"e of atta#k<. Option C. de#reases $ith an in#rease in an!"e of in#iden#e ;an!"e of atta#k<. Corre#t Ans$er is. in#reases $ith an in#reased an!"e of in#iden#e ;an!"e of atta#k<. OC does not #han!e $ith a #han!e in an!"e of in#iden#e ;an!"e of. %&p"anation. This question is mu#h easier than it "ooks at first read. A"" $in! types ;strai!ht* s$ept* de"ta et#.< in#rease "ift $ith an in#rease in an!"e of atta#k ;up to the sta"" an!"e<. Question Number. 0. The Cof+ is the point $here. Option A. the "ift #an be said to a#t. Option B. the three a&is of rotation meet. Option C. a"" the for#es on an air#raft a#t. Corre#t Ans$er is. the "ift #an be said to a#t. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. 4. 1hen an air#raft e&perien#es indu#ed dra!. Option A. air f"o$s under the $in! span $ise to$ards the root and on top of the $in! span $ise to$ards the tip. Option B. Neither a< or b< sin#e indu#ed dra! does not #aused by span $ise f"o$. Option C. air f"o$s under the $in! span $ise to$ards the tip and on top of the $in! span $ise to$ards the root. Corre#t Ans$er is. air f"o$s under the $in! span $ise to$ards the tip and on top of the $in! span $ise to$ards the root. OC Neither a< or b< sin#e indu#ed dra! does not #aused by. %&p"anation. The hi!h pressure under the $in! f"o$s around the tip to the "o$ pressure on top of the $in!. The resu"tin! 'orte& is $hat #auses indu#ed dra!. Sin#e air is 'is#ous it dra!s the air underneath the $in! to$ards the tip* and pushes the air on top of the $in! to$ards the root.

Question Number. . At sta""* the $in!tip sta!nation point. Option A. doesnJt mo'e. Option B. mo'es to$ard the "o$er surfa#e of the $in!. Option C. mo'es to$ard the upper surfa#e of the $in!. Corre#t Ans$er is. mo'es to$ard the "o$er surfa#e of the $in!. %&p"anation. At sta"" the an!"e of atta#k is hi!h ;a"" a"on! the $in!< and the sta!nation point mo'es to$ards the "o$er surfa#e of the $in!. Question Number. :. The ri!!in! an!"e of in#iden#e of an e"e'ator is. Option A. the an!"e bet$een the bottom surfa#e of the e"e'ator and the "on!itudina" datum. Option B. the an!"e bet$een the bottom surfa#e of the e"e'ator and the horiHonta" in the ri!!in! position. Option C. the an!"e bet$een the mean #hord "ine and the horiHonta" in the ri!!in! position. Corre#t Ans$er is. the an!"e bet$een the mean #hord "ine and the horiHonta" in the ri!!in! position. %&p"anation. The an!"e of in#iden#e of any surfa#e is measured from the mean #hord "ine. Question Number. 6. 1hi#h of the fo""o$in! is true2. Option A. 9ift a#ts at ri!ht an!"es to the re"ati'e airf"o$ and $ei!ht a#ts 'erti#a""y do$n. Option B. 9ift a#ts at ri!ht an!"es to the $in! #hord "ine and $ei!ht a#ts 'erti#a""y do$n. Option C. 9ift a#ts at ri!ht an!"es to the re"ati'e air f"o$ and $ei!ht a#ts at ri!ht an!"es to the air#raft #entre "ine. Corre#t Ans$er is. 9ift a#ts at ri!ht an!"es to the re"ati'e airf"o$ and $ei!ht a#ts 'erti#a""y do$n. %&p"anation. 9ift a#ts at ri!ht an!"es to the re"ati'e airf"o$ and $ei!ht a#ts 'erti#a""y do$n. Question Number. .. The 'erti#a" fin of a sin!"e en!ined air#raft is. Option A. para""e" $ith the "on!itudina" a&is but not the 'erti#a" a&is. Option B. para""e" $ith both the "on!itudina" a&is and 'erti#a" a&is. Option C. para""e" $ith the 'erti#a" a&is but not the "on!itudina" a&is. Corre#t Ans$er is. para""e" $ith both the "on!itudina" a&is and 'erti#a" a&is. OC para""e" $ith the 'erti#a" a&is but not the "on!itudina" a&is. %&p"anation. Sin!"e en!ined air#raft fin is offset to "eft to #ounter torque...i.e. #hord of fin is at an an!"e to."on!itudina" a&is. Question Number. 5. E1hat happens to air f"o$in! at the speed of sound $hen it enters a #on'er!in! du#t2.E Option A. Ke"o#ity in#reases* pressure and density de#reases.

Option B. Ke"o#ity* pressure and density in#rease. Option C. Ke"o#ity de#reases* pressure and density in#rease. Corre#t Ans$er is. Ke"o#ity de#reases* pressure and density in#rease. %&p"anation. Subsoni# air in in#ompressib"e* so density does not #han!e. But this is soni# speed* and e'erythin! ;+ and K< #han!e opposite to $hat they $ou"d if it $ere subsoni# air. @ensity in#reases* as does pressure* and 'e"o#ity de#reases. See Ie#hani#s of ("i!ht by AC Lermode. Question Number. 1/. As the an!"e of atta#k of an airfoi" in#reases the #entre of pressure. Option A. remains stationary. Option B. mo'es aft. Option C. mo'es for$ard. Corre#t Ans$er is. mo'es for$ard. %&p"anation. As the an!"e of atta#k of the aerofoi" in#reases* the #entre of pressure mo'es for$ard. Question Number. 11. Kapour trai"s from the $in!tips of an air#raft in f"i!ht are #aused by. Option A. "o$ pressure abo'e the $in! and hi!h pressure be"o$ the $in! #ausin! 'orti#es. Option B. "o$ pressure abo'e the $in! and hi!h pressure be"o$ the $in! #ausin! a temperature rise. Option C. hi!h pressure abo'e the $in! and "o$ pressure be"o$ the $in! #ausin! 'orti#es. Corre#t Ans$er is. "o$ pressure abo'e the $in! and hi!h pressure be"o$ the $in! #ausin! 'orti#es. %&p"anation. Kapour trai"s are #aused by $in! tip 'orti#es $hi#h are #aused by "o$ pressure abo'e the $in! and hi!h pressure be"o$ the $in!. Question Number. 1). The #hord "ine of a $in! is a "ine that runs from. Option A. the #entre of the "eadin! ed!e of the $in! to the trai"in! ed!e. Option B. ha"f $ay bet$een the upper and "o$er surfa#e of the $in!. Option C. one $in! tip to the other $in! tip. Corre#t Ans$er is. the #entre of the "eadin! ed!e of the $in! to the trai"in! ed!e. %&p"anation. The #hord "ine is a STCAIG=T "ine $hi#h !oes from the "eadin! ed!e of the $in! to the trai"in!. Question Number. 10. The an!"e of in#iden#e of a $in! is an an!"e formed by "ines. Option A. para""e" to the #hord "ine and "on!itudina" a&is. Option B. para""e" to the #hord "ine and the 'erti#a" a&is. Option C. para""e" to the #hord "ine and the "atera" a&is. Corre#t Ans$er is. para""e" to the #hord "ine and "on!itudina" a&is. %&p"anation. The an!"e of in#iden#e is the an!"e bet$een the #hord "ine and the "on!itudina" a&is.

Question Number. 14. The #entre of pressure of an aerofoi" is "o#ated. Option A. 0/ , 4/B of the #hord "ine for$ard of the "eadin! ed!e. Option B. /B of the #hord "ine ba#k from the "eadin! ed!e. Option C. 0/ , 4/B of the #hord "ine ba#k from the "eadin! ed!e. Corre#t Ans$er is. 0/ , 4/B of the #hord "ine ba#k from the "eadin! ed!e. %&p"anation. The #entre of pressure is positioned rou!h"y 0/ , 4/ B of the #hord "ine BACL from the "eadin! ed!e. Question Number. 1 . Compressibi"ity effe#t is. Option A. dra! asso#iated $ith the form of an air#raft. Option B. the in#rease in tota" dra! of an aerofoi" in transoni# f"i!ht due to the formation of sho#k $a'es. Option C. dra! asso#iated $ith the fri#tion of the air o'er the surfa#e of the air#raft. Corre#t Ans$er is. the in#rease in tota" dra! of an aerofoi" in transoni# f"i!ht due to the formation of sho#k $a'es. %&p"anation. Compressibi"ity effe#t is asso#iated $ith an in#rease in dra! durin! the transoni# f"i!ht sta!e. Question Number. 1:. A hi!h aspe#t ratio $in! $i"" !i'e. Option A. hi!h profi"e and "o$ indu#ed dra!. Option B. "o$ profi"e and hi!h indu#ed dra!. Option C. "o$ profi"e and "o$ indu#ed dra!. Corre#t Ans$er is. hi!h profi"e and "o$ indu#ed dra!. %&p"anation. A hi!h aspe#t ratio has a "o$er indu#ed dra! ;due to "ess $in! tip effe#t< and a hi!her fronta" area therefore !reater profi"e dra!. Question Number. 16. Aerofoi" effi#ien#y is defined by. Option A. "ift o'er dra!. Option B. "ift o'er $ei!ht. Option C. dra! o'er "ift. Corre#t Ans$er is. "ift o'er dra!. %&p"anation. At p"us 4de!rees AOA the "ift $ei!ht ratio is !reatest. This is the optimum AOA therefore the $in! is at its most effi#ient $hen "ift is !reatest and dra! is at a minimum. Question Number. 1.. The re"ationship bet$een indu#ed dra! and airspeed is* indu#ed dra! is. Option A. dire#t"y proportiona" to the square of the speed. Option B. dire#t"y proportiona" to speed. Option C. in'erse"y proportiona" to the square of the speed. Corre#t Ans$er is. in'erse"y proportiona" to the square of the speed. %&p"anation. Indu#ed dra! de#reases proportiona""y $ith the square of the speed.

Question Number. 15. 1hat is the definition of An!"e of In#iden#e2. Option A. The an!"e the underside of the mainp"ane or tai"p"ane makes $ith the horiHonta". Option B. The an!"e the underside of the mainp"ane or tai"p"ane makes $ith the "on!itudina" datum "ine. Option C. The an!"e the #hord of the mainp"ane or tai"p"ane makes $ith the horiHonta". Corre#t Ans$er is. The an!"e the #hord of the mainp"ane or tai"p"ane makes $ith the horiHonta". %&p"anation. An!"e of in#iden#e is the 8$in! settin! an!"e8. That is the an!"e of the #hord of the mainp"ane or tai"p"ane $ith the horiHonta" , or air#raft #entre "ine $hen in the ri!!in! position. Question Number. )/. 1hat is Boundary 9ayer2. Option A. Separated "ayer of air formin! a boundary at the "eadin! ed!e. Option B. S"u!!ish "o$ ener!y air that sti#ks to the $in! surfa#e and !radua""y !ets faster unti" it 4oins the free stream f"o$ of air. Option C. Turbu"ent air mo'in! from the "eadin! ed!e to trai"in! ed!e. Corre#t Ans$er is. S"u!!ish "o$ ener!y air that sti#ks to the $in! surfa#e and !radua""y !ets faster unti" it 4oins the free stream f"o$ of air. %&p"anation. The boundary "ayer is the "ayer of air immediate"y in #onta#t $ith the air#raft skin $hi#h is s"o$ed do$n by the skin fri#tion. Question Number. )1. E1hat is the #o""e#ti'e term for the fin and rudder and other surfa#es aft of the #entre of !ra'ity that he"ps dire#tiona" stabi"ity2.E Option A. %mpenna!e. Option B. (use"a!e surfa#es. Option C. %ffe#ti'e kee" surfa#e. Corre#t Ans$er is. %ffe#ti'e kee" surfa#e. %&p"anation. A"" the side surfa#es aft of the #entre of !ra'ity $hi#h aid the dire#tiona" stabi"ity are #o""e#ti'e"y #a""ed the %((%CTIK% L%%9 SMC(AC%.

Question Number. )). EA de#rease in in#iden#e to$ard the $in! tip may be pro'ided to.E Option A. pre'ent ad'erse ya$ in a turn. Option B. retain "atera" #ontro" effe#ti'eness at hi!h an!"es of atta#k. Option C. pre'ent span $ise f"o$ in maneu'ers. Corre#t Ans$er is. retain "atera" #ontro" effe#ti'eness at hi!h an!"es of atta#k. %&p"anation. A de#rease in in#iden#e to$ards the $in!tip ;kno$n as $ashout< #auses the $in! root to sta"" before the $in! tip. So* e'en after the $in! roots ha'e sta""ed* the $in! tips are sti"" f"yin! and fu"" ai"eron #ontro" is pro'ided.

Question Number. )0. (or a !i'en aerofoi" produ#tion "ift* $here+ 7 pressure and K 7 'e"o#ity. Option A. +1 is !reater than +)* and K1 is "ess than K). Option B. +1 is !reater than +)* and K1 is !reater than K). Option C. +1 is "ess than +) and K1 is !reater than K). Corre#t Ans$er is. +1 is !reater than +)* and K1 is "ess than K). %&p"anation. Bernou""i8s prin#ip"e app"ies. Question Number. )4. 9o$ $in! "oadin!. Option A. in#reases sta""in! speed* "andin! speed and "andin! run. Option B. in#reases "ift* sta""in! speed and maneu'erabi"ity. Option C. de#reases sta""in! speed* "andin! speed and "andin! run. Corre#t Ans$er is. de#reases sta""in! speed* "andin! speed and "andin! run. %&p"anation. 1in! "oadin! is air#raft $ei!ht di'ided by $in! area* therefore an air#raft $ith a "o$ $in! "oadin! $i"" require "ess "andin! speed* "ess "andin! run and ha'e a de#reased sta""in! speed. Question Number. ) . As a !enera" ru"e* if the aerodynami# an!"e of in#iden#e ;an!"e of atta#k< of an aerofoi" is s"i!ht"y in#reased* the #entre of pressure $i"". Option A. mo'e to$ards the tip. Option B. mo'e for$ard to$ards the "eadin! ed!e. Option C. ne'er mo'e. Corre#t Ans$er is. mo'e for$ard to$ards the "eadin! ed!e. %&p"anation. As the an!"e of atta#k in#reases the #entre of pressure mo'es to$ards the "eadin! ed!e. Question Number. ):. The 8$in! settin! an!"e8 is #ommon"y kno$n as. Option A. an!"e of dihedra". Option B. an!"e of in#iden#e. Option C. an!"e of atta#k. Corre#t Ans$er is. an!"e of in#iden#e. %&p"anation. The $in! settin! an!"e is #ommon"y kno$n as the 8an!"e of in#iden#e8.

Question Number. )6. 1hen does the an!"e of in#iden#e #han!e2. Option A. It ne'er #han!es. Option B. 1hen the air#raft attitude #han!es. Option C. 1hen the air#raft is as#endin! or des#endin!. Corre#t Ans$er is. It ne'er #han!es. %&p"anation. The an!"e of in#iden#e is the an!"e at $hi#h the $in! is 8set8 into the fuse"a!e. It ne'er #han!es. Question Number. ).. As the an!"e of atta#k de#reases* $hat happens to the #entre of pressure2. Option A. It mo'es rear$ards.

Option B. Centre of pressure is not affe#ted by an!"e of atta#k de#rease. Option C. It mo'es for$ard. Corre#t Ans$er is. It mo'es rear$ards. %&p"anation. The #entre of pressure mo'es (OC1AC@S $ith an INCC%AS% in an!"e of atta#k. Therefore it mo'es C%AC1AC@S $ith a @%CC%AS% in an!"e of atta#k. Question Number. )5. A de#rease in pressure o'er the upper surfa#e of a $in! or aerofoi" is responsib"e for. Option A. appro&imate"y )D0 ;t$o thirds< of the "ift obtained. Option B. appro&imate"y 1D) ;one ha"f< of the "ift obtained. Option C. appro&imate"y 1D0 ;one third< of the "ift obtained. Corre#t Ans$er is. appro&imate"y )D0 ;t$o thirds< of the "ift obtained. %&p"anation. 9ook at a dia!ram of the "ift distributions on the top and bottom surfa#es of a $in!. )D0rds of the "ift is pro'ided by the top surfa#e. Question Number. 0/. 1hi#h of the fo""o$in! types of dra! in#reases as the air#raft !ains a"titude2. Option A. Interferen#e dra!. Option B. +arasite dra!. Option C. Indu#ed dra!. Corre#t Ans$er is. Indu#ed dra!. %&p"anation. As density de#reases $ith a"titude* the "ift must be #ompensated by in#reasin! an!"e of atta#k. Indu#ed dra! in#reases $ith an!"e of atta#k* therefore indu#ed dra! in#reases $ith a"titude. Question Number. 01. The "ayer of air o'er the surfa#e of an aerofoi" $hi#h is s"o$er mo'in!* in re"ation to the rest of the airf"o$* is kno$n as. Option A. none of the abo'e. Option B. #amber "ayer. Option C. boundary "ayer. Corre#t Ans$er is. boundary "ayer. %&p"anation. The boundary "ayer is the "ayer of air in immediate #onta#t $ith the skin of the air#raft $hi#h is s"o$ed do$n by skin fri#tion. Question Number. 0). 1hat is a #ontro""in! fa#tor of turbu"en#e and skin fri#tion2. Option A. Countersunk ri'ets used on skin e&terior. Option B. Aspe#t ratio. Option C. (ineness ratio. Corre#t Ans$er is. Countersunk ri'ets used on skin e&terior. %&p"anation. Countersunk ri'ets in#rease skin fri#tion and turbu"en#e. Question Number. 00. If the C of G is aft of the Centre of +ressure.

Option A. $hen the air#raft ya$s the aerodynami# for#es a#tin! for$ard of the Centre of +ressure. Option B. #han!es in "ift produ#e a pit#hin! moment $hi#h a#ts to in#rease the #han!e in "ift. Option C. $hen the air#raft sides"ips* the C of G #auses the nose to turn into the sides"ip thus app"yin! a restorin! moment. Corre#t Ans$er is. #han!es in "ift produ#e a pit#hin! moment $hi#h a#ts to in#rease the #han!e in "ift. %&p"anation. If the C of G is aft of the #entre of pressure ;not norma"* but possib"e<* an in#rease in "ift $i"" pit#h the air#raft nose,up* $hi#h $i"" in#rease the "ift e'en further et#. et#. Question Number. 04. The upper part of the $in! in #omparison to the "o$er.

Option A. de'e"ops "ess "ift. Option B. de'e"ops the same "ift. Option C. de'e"ops more "ift. Corre#t Ans$er is. de'e"ops more "ift. %&p"anation. 9ook at the "ift distribution dia!ram of an aerofoi" and see ho$ appro&imate"y )D0rds of the "ift is deri'ed from the top surfa#e. Question Number. 0 . 1hat effe#t $ou"d a for$ard CG ha'e on an air#raft on "andin!2. Option A. In#rease sta""in! speed. Option B. Cedu#e sta""in! speed. Option C. No effe#t on "andin!. Corre#t Ans$er is. In#rease sta""in! speed. %&p"anation. A for$ard CG $ou"d require the tai" of the air#raft to e&ert more do$n"oad to keep the nose "e'e". This $i"" in#rease the $in! "oadin! and thus the air#raft $ou"d sta"" at a hi!her speed. Question Number. 0:. QN= refers to. Option A. quite near horiHon. Option B. settin! the a"timeter to Hero. Option C. settin! the mean sea "e'e" atmospheri# pressure so an a"timeter reads the aerodrome a"titude abo'e mean sea "e'e". Corre#t Ans$er is. a"timeter reads the aerodrome a"titude abo'e mean sea "e'e". %&p"anation. Q8 is the mathemati#a" symbo" for pressure. 8N=8 stands for Nauti#a" =ei!ht. QN= refers to the settin! of a#tua" sea "e'e" atmospheri# pressure so the a"timeter indi#ates the a#tua" a"titude abo'e sea "e'e" of the non,standard day.

Question Number. 06. QN% refers to. Option A. settin! the mean sea "e'e" atmospheri# pressure in a##ordan#e $ith ICAO standard atmosphere i.e. 1/10 mi""ibars. Option B. Settin! an a"timeter to read aerodrome a"titude abo'e sea "e'e".

Option C. quite ne$ equipment. Corre#t Ans$er is. settin! the mean sea "e'e" atmospheri# pressure in a##ordan#e $ith ICAO standard atmosphere i.e. 1/10 mi""ibars. %&p"anation. Q8 is the mathemati#a" symbo" for pressure. 8N%8 stands for Nauti#a" %"e'ation. QN% refers to the settin! of the standard sea "e'e" atmospheri# pressure ;i.e. 1/10mb< so the a"timeter indi#ates the e"e'ation abo'e mean sea "e'e". ;A"thou!h it is not the 8true8 e"e'ation* if it is not a standard day<. Question Number. 0.. An aspe#t ratio of . F 1 $ou"d mean. Option A. span :4* mean #hord .. Option B. mean #hord :4* span .. Option C. span squared :4* #hord .. Corre#t Ans$er is. span :4* mean #hord .. %&p"anation. Aspe#t Catio is the ratio of the span to the #hord. Question Number. 05. Q(% is. Option A. airfie"d pressure. Option B. differen#e bet$een sea "e'e" and airfie"d pressure. Option C. sea "e'e" pressure. Corre#t Ans$er is. airfie"d pressure. %&p"anation. Q8 is the mathemati#a" symbo" for pressure. 8(%8 stands for (ie"d %"e'ation. Q(% refers to settin! airfie"d pressure so the a"timeter indi#ates Hero on the run$ay. Question Number. 4/. (or any !i'en speed* a de#rease in air#raft $ei!ht* the indu#ed dra! $i"". Option A. de#rease. Option B. remain the same. Option C. in#rease. Corre#t Ans$er is. de#rease. %&p"anation. Indu#ed dra! is 8"ift dependant dra!8. 9ess "ift and there $i"" be "ess indu#ed dra!. Question Number. 41. The amount of "ift !enerated by a $in! is. Option A. !reatest at the tip. Option B. #onstant a"on! the span. Option C. !reatest at the root. Corre#t Ans$er is. !reatest at the root. %&p"anation. See a dia!ram of the "ift distribution of the $in! ;'ie$ed from the front< and you $i"" see it is parabo"i#. The $in! tip 'orti#es de#rease the "ift at the tips. Question Number. 4). Indu#ed @ra! is. Option A. !reatest to$ards the tip and do$n$ash de#reases from tip to root.

Option B. !reatest to$ards the $in! tip and do$n$ash is !reatest to$ards the root. Option C. !reatest to$ards the $in! root and do$n$ash is !reatest at the tip. Corre#t Ans$er is. !reatest to$ards the tip and do$n$ash de#reases from tip to root. %&p"anation. Indu#ed dra! is asso#iated $ith $in!tip 'orti#es. The !reater the 'orti#es at the tip* the !reater is the indu#ed dra!. Question Number. 40. Indu#ed @ra! is. Option A. ne'er equa" to profi"e dra!. Option B. equa" to profi"e dra! at Kmd. Option C. equa" to profi"e dra! at sta""in! an!"e. Corre#t Ans$er is. equa" to profi"e dra! at Kmd. %&p"anation. Sket#h the dra! #ur'es ;dra! a!ainst speed<. Indu#ed dra! de#reases e&ponentia""y $ith speed. +rofi"e dra! in#reases e&ponentia""y $ith speed. Kmd ;minimum dra! speed< is $here they meet. Question Number. 44. 1ith an in#rease in air#raft $ei!ht. Option A. Kmd $i"" be at a hi!her speed. Option B. Kmd $i"" be at the same speed. Option C. Kmd $i"" be at a "o$er speed. Corre#t Ans$er is. Kmd $i"" be at a hi!her speed. %&p"anation. Sket#h the dra! #ur'es ;dra! a!ainst speed<. Indu#ed dra! de#reases e&ponentia""y $ith speed. +rofi"e dra! in#reases e&ponentia""y $ith speed. The indu#ed dra! is e"e'ated $ith $ei!ht ;sin#e it is "ift dependant< and so #uts the profi"e dra! further to the ri!ht ;hi!her Kmd<. Question Number. 4 . (or a !i'en IAS an in#rease in a"titude $i"" resu"t in. Option A. an in#rease in indu#ed dra!. Option B. no #han!e in the 'a"ue of indu#ed dra!. Option C. an in#rease in profi"e dra!. Corre#t Ans$er is. an in#rease in indu#ed dra!. %&p"anation. 1ith a de#rease in density the air#raft must f"y $ith a !reater an!"e of atta#k ;C9< to #ompensate for the "oss of "ift. Indu#ed dra! is dependant upon AOA* therefore indu#ed dra! in#reases $ith a"titude. Question Number. 4:. As the an!"e of atta#k of a $in! is in#reased in "e'e" f"i!ht. Option A. the C of G mo'es aft and the Cof+ for$ard. Option B. the Cof+ and transition point mo'e for$ard. Option C. the Cof+ mo'es for$ard and the sta!nation point aft o'er the upper surfa#e. Corre#t Ans$er is. the Cof+ and transition point mo'e for$ard. OC the Cof+ mo'es for$ard and the sta!nation point aft o'er the.

%&p"anation. As AOA in#reases in "e'e" f"i!ht* Cof+ mo'es for$ard and the Transition +oint ;the point at $hi#h the "aminar f"o$ breaks a$ay and forms into turbu"ent f"o$< a"so mo'es for$ard. Question Number. 46. Sta"" indu#ers may be fitted to a $in!. Option A. at the root to #ause the root to sta"" first. Option B. at the tip to #ause the root to sta"" first. Option C. at the root to #ause the tip to sta"" first. Corre#t Ans$er is. at the root to #ause the root to sta"" first. %&p"anation. Sta"" indu#ers ;or sta"" strips< are p"a#ed at the root of the $in! to trip up the airf"o$ 4ust before fu"" sta"" to ensure the $in! sta""s first at the root ;and maintains the ai"eron authority e'en $ith a partia""y sta""ed $in!<. Question Number. 4.. The optimum an!"e of atta#k of an aerofoi" is the an!"e at $hi#h. Option A. the aerofoi" produ#es ma&imum "ift. Option B. the aerofoi" produ#es Hero "ift. Option C. the hi!hest "iftDdra! ratio is produ#ed. Corre#t Ans$er is. the hi!hest "iftDdra! ratio is produ#ed. %&p"anation. The optimum an!"e of atta#k is the an!"e at $hi#h the hi!hest "iftDdra! ratio is produ#ed. Question Number. 45. A hi!h aspe#t ratio $in! has a. Option A. in#reased indu#ed dra!. Option B. de#reased skin fri#tion dra!. Option C. de#reased indu#ed dra!. Corre#t Ans$er is. the hi!hest "iftDdra! ratio is produ#ed. %&p"anation. Indu#ed dra! de#reases $ith in#reasin! aspe#t ratio. ;=o$e'er* skin fri#tion dra! a"so redu#es $ith an in#reased #hord "en!th due to thi#kenin! of the boundary "ayer , but this is "ess si!nifi#ant.<. Question Number. /. Iinimum tota" dra! of an air#raft o##urs. Option A. $hen indu#ed dra! is "east. Option B. at the sta""in! speed. Option C. $hen profi"e dra! equa"s indu#ed dra!. Corre#t Ans$er is. $hen profi"e dra! equa"s indu#ed dra!. %&p"anation. Sket#h the dra! #ur'es ;dra! a!ainst speed<. Indu#ed dra! de#reases e&ponentia""y $ith speed. +rofi"e dra! in#reases e&ponentia""y $ith speed. Kmd ;minimum dra! speed< is $here they meet. Question Number. 1. If the $ei!ht of an air#raft is in#reased* the indu#ed dra! at a !i'en speed. Option A. $i"" in#rease. Option B. $i"" de#rease. Option C. $i"" remain the same.

Corre#t Ans$er is. $i"" in#rease. %&p"anation. If $ei!ht is in#reased* for a !i'en speed the air#raft must f"y at a !reater an!"e of atta#k ;C9<. Indu#ed dra! in#reases $ith in#reased AOA. Question Number. ). The transition point on a $in! is the point $here. Option A. the boundary "ayer f"o$ #han!es from "aminar to turbu"ent. Option B. the f"o$ di'ides to pass abo'e and be"o$ the $in!. Option C. the f"o$ separates from the $in! surfa#e. Corre#t Ans$er is. the boundary "ayer f"o$ #han!es from "aminar to turbu"ent. %&p"anation. The transition point is a point on the surfa#e of the $in! $here the boundary "ayer #han!es from "aminar to turbu"ent. Question Number. 0. The boundary "ayer of a body in a mo'in! airstream is.

Option A. a "ayer of air o'er the surfa#e $here the airspeed is #han!in! from free stream speed to Hero speed. Option B. a "ayer of separated f"o$ $here the air is turbu"ent. Option C. a thin "ayer of air o'er the surfa#e $here the air is stationary. Corre#t Ans$er is. a thin "ayer of air o'er the surfa#e $here the air is stationary. OC a "ayer of air o'er the surfa#e $here the airspeed is #han!in! from free stream speed to Hero speed. %&p"anation. The boundary "ayer is a thin "ayer of s"o$ed air in #onta#t $ith the surfa#e of the skin $hi#h is s"o$ed by fri#tion. Speed ran!in! from stationary to free stream speed. Question Number. 4. A "aminar boundary "ayer $i"" produ#e. Option A. more skin fri#tion dra! than a turbu"ent one. Option B. the same skin fri#tion dra! as a turbu"ent one. Option C. "ess skin fri#tion dra! than a turbu"ent one. Corre#t Ans$er is. "ess skin fri#tion dra! than a turbu"ent one. %&p"anation. Skin fri#tion dra! is !reater in a turbu"ent boundary "ayer than in a "aminar boundary "ayer. Question Number. . The boundary "ayer is. Option A. thi#kest at the "eadin! ed!e. Option B. thi#kest at the trai"in! ed!e. Option C. #onstant thi#kness from "eadin! to trai"in! ed!es. Corre#t Ans$er is. thi#kest at the trai"in! ed!e. %&p"anation. The boundary "ayer is thi#kest at the trai"in! ed!e. Question Number. :. The amount of thrust produ#ed by a 4et en!ine or a prope""er #an be #a"#u"ated usin!. Option A. Ne$tonJs 0rd "a$. Option B. Ne$tonJs )nd "a$. Option C. Ne$tonJs 1st "a$.

Corre#t Ans$er is. Ne$tonJs )nd "a$. %&p"anation. Ne$ton8s se#ond "a$ is (or#e 7 Iass & A##e"eration. Question Number. 6. An en!ine $hi#h produ#es an eff"u& of hi!h speed $i"" be. Option A. "ess effi#ient. Option B. more effi#ient. Option C. speed of eff"u& has no affe#t on the en!ine effi#ien#y. Corre#t Ans$er is. "ess effi#ient. %&p"anation. A pure turbo4et a##e"erates a "o$ mass of air at a hi!h rate and is "ess effi#ient than a turbo fan or turbo prop. This is be#ause the $asted ener!y is 1D)mK) of the 4et eff"u&. Question Number. .. 1in! "oadin! is #a"#u"ated by $ei!ht. Option A. di'ided by "ift. Option B. di'ided by !ross $in! area. Option C. mu"tip"ied by !ross $in! area. Corre#t Ans$er is. di'ided by !ross $in! area. %&p"anation. 1in! "oadin! is $ei!ht di'ided by $in! area and measured in Ne$tons per square metre. Question Number. 5. Indu#ed dra! is. Option A. nothin! to do $ith speed. Option B. proportiona" to speed. Option C. in'erse"y proportiona" to the square of speed. Corre#t Ans$er is. in'erse"y proportiona" to the square of speed. %&p"anation. Indu#ed dra! is in'erse"y proportiona" to the square of the speed , i.e. it redu#es $ith the square of the speed. Question Number. :/. As the an!"e of atta#k in#reases the sta!nation point.

Option A. mo'es to$ards the upper surfa#e. Option B. does not mo'e. Option C. mo'es to$ards the "o$er surfa#e. Corre#t Ans$er is. mo'es to$ards the "o$er surfa#e. %&p"anation. The sta!nation point is the stationary air at the "eadin! ed!e of the $in!. As the an!"e of atta#k in#reases the sta!nation point mo'es to$ards the "o$er surfa#e. Question Number. :1. The term pit#h,up is due to. Option A. #ompressibi"ity effe#t. Option B. !round effe#t. Option C. "on!itudina" instabi"ity. Corre#t Ans$er is. "on!itudina" instabi"ity.

%&p"anation. +it#h,up8 is a "on!itudina" instabi"ity. It is #aused by $in!tip sta"" on s$ept $in!s* resu"tin! ina drop of the tai". Question Number. :). In a steady #"imb at a steady IAS* the TAS is. Option A. more than IAS. Option B. the same. Option C. "ess than IAS. Corre#t Ans$er is. more than IAS. %&p"anation. IAS 7 TAS & square root of si!ma. Si!ma is the ratio of density at a"titude to density at sea, "e'e". Si!ma is a"$ays "ess than 1. Question Number. :0. An untapered strai!ht $in! $i"". Option A. ha'e no ya$ effe#t in bankin!. Option B. sta"" at the root first. Option C. ha'e no #han!e in indu#ed dra! in the bank. Corre#t Ans$er is. sta"" at the root first. %&p"anation. The strai!ht $in! $i"" a"$ays sta"" at the root first. This is the desired sta"" #hara#teristi#. Question Number. :4. 1ith the ai"erons a$ay from the neutra"* indu#ed dra! is. Option A. hi!her on the "o$er $in! p"us profi"e dra! in#reases. Option B. un#han!ed but profi"e dra! is hi!her. Option C. hi!her on the upper $in! p"us profi"e dra! in#reases. Corre#t Ans$er is. hi!her on the upper $in! p"us profi"e dra! in#reases. %&p"anation. Indu#ed dra! is 8"ift dependant dra!8. The upper $in! has more "ift and hen#e more indu#ed dra!. It a"so has more profi"e dra! due to the ai"eron8s protrusion into the airf"o$. Question Number. : . A"" the "ift #an be said to a#t throu!h the. Option A. #entre of pressure. Option B. #entre of !ra'ity. Option C. norma" a&is. Corre#t Ans$er is. #entre of pressure. %&p"anation. A"" the "ift is said to a#t throu!h the #entre of pressure. Question Number. ::. The #on#ept of thrust is e&p"ained by. Option A. Bernou""iJs theorem. Option B. Ne$tonJs 0rd "a$. Option C. Ne$tonJs 1st "a$. Corre#t Ans$er is. Ne$tonJs 0rd "a$. %&p"anation. Ne$ton8s Third 9a$ states 8%'ery a#tion has an equa" and opposite rea#tion8.

Question Number. :6. The #amber of an aerofoi" se#tion is. Option A. the an!"e $hi#h the aerofoi" makes $ith the re"ati'e airf"o$. Option B. the #ur'ature of the median "ine of the aerofoi". Option C. the an!"e of in#iden#e to$ards the tip of a $in!. Corre#t Ans$er is. the #ur'ature of the median "ine of the aerofoi". %&p"anation. Aerofoi" #amber is the #ur'ature of the median "ine of the aerofoi".

Question Number. :.. Indu#ed dra!. Option A. is #aused by skin fri#tion. Option B. is asso#iated $ith the "ift !enerated by an aerofoi". Option C. resu"ts from disturbed airf"o$ in the re!ion of mainp"ane. OC is asso#iated $ith the "ift !enerated by an aerofoi". Corre#t Ans$er is. resu"ts from disturbed airf"o$ in the re!ion of mainp"ane atta#hments. %&p"anation. Indu#ed dra! is often #a""ed 8"ift dependant dra!8 be#ause it in#reases $ith in#reasin! "ift ;due to in#reased AOA<. Question Number. :5. As air f"o$s o'er the upper #ambered surfa#e of an aerofoi"* $hat happens to 'e"o#ity and pressure2. Option A. Ke"o#ity in#reases* pressure in#reases. Option B. Ke"o#ity in#reases* pressure de#reases. Option C. Ke"o#ity de#reases* pressure de#reases. Corre#t Ans$er is. Ke"o#ity in#reases* pressure de#reases. %&p"anation. As air f"o$s o'er the upper #ambered surfa#e of an aerofoi"* 'e"#ity in#reases and pressure de#reases. This is Bernou""i8s effe#t. Question Number. 6/. 1hat is the for#e that tends to pu"" an air#raft do$n to$ards the earth2. Option A. Thrust. Option B. 1ei!ht. Option C. @ra!. Corre#t Ans$er is. 1ei!ht. %&p"anation. 1ei!ht tends to pu"" the air#raft do$n to$ards the earth. Question Number. 61. The an!"e at $hi#h the #hord "ine of the aerofoi" is presented to the airf"o$ is kno$n as. Option A. an!"e of atta#k. Option B. resu"tant. Option C. an!"e of in#iden#e. Corre#t Ans$er is. an!"e of atta#k. %&p"anation. An!"e of Atta#k is the an!"e at $hi#h the #hord "ine of the aerofoi" is presented to the airf"o$.

Question Number. 6). The ima!inary strai!ht "ine $hi#h passes throu!h an aerofoi" se#tion from "eadin! ed!e to trai"in! ed!e is #a""ed. Option A. the #hord "ine. Option B. the dire#tion of re"ati'e airf"o$. Option C. #entre of pressure. Corre#t Ans$er is. the #hord "ine. %&p"anation. The Chord 9ine is the ima!inary strai!ht "ine $hi#h passes throu!h the aerofoi" from "eadin! ed!e to trai"in! ed!e. Question Number. 60. 1hat is the an!"e bet$een the #hord "ine of the $in!* and the "on!itudina" a&is of the air#raft* kno$n as2. Option A. An!"e of dihedra". Option B. An!"e of atta#k. Option C. An!"e of in#iden#e. Corre#t Ans$er is. An!"e of in#iden#e. %&p"anation. An!"e of in#iden#e is the an!"e bet$een the #hord "ine of the $in! and the "on!itudina" a&is of the air#raft. Question Number. 64. 1in! tip 'orti#es #reate a type of dra! kno$n as. Option A. form dra!. Option B. profi"e dra!. Option C. indu#ed dra!. Corre#t Ans$er is. indu#ed dra!. %&p"anation. Indu#ed dra! is asso#iated $ith $in!tip 'orti#es. Question Number. 6 . 1hi#h of the fo""o$in! des#ribes the 8%mpenna!e82. Option A. Tai" se#tion of the air#raft* in#"udin! fin* rudder* tai" p"ane and e"e'ators. Option B. Nose se#tion of an air#raft* in#"udin! the #o#kpit. Option C. The $in!s* in#"udin! the ai"erons. Corre#t Ans$er is. Tai" se#tion of the air#raft* in#"udin! fin* rudder* tai" p"ane and e"e'ators. %&p"anation. %mpanna!e8 is the $ho"e tai" of the air#raft in#"udin! fin* rudder* tai"p"ane and e"e'ator. Question Number. 6:. As the an!"e of atta#k is in#reased ;up to the sta"" point<* $hi#h of the fo""o$in! is #orre#t2. Option A. Both a< and b< are #orre#t. Option B. +ressure differen#e bet$een top and bottom of the $in! in#reases. Option C. 9ift in#reases. Corre#t Ans$er is. Both a< and b< are #orre#t. %&p"anation. As the an!"e of atta#k is in#reased the pressure differen#e bet$een the upper and "o$er surfa#es of the $in! is in#reased. This #auses the "ift to in#rease.

Question Number. 66. 1hat type of dra!* depends on the smoothness of the body* and surfa#e area o'er $hi#h the air f"o$s2. Option A. (orm dra!. Option B. +arasite dra!. Option C. Skin fri#tion dra!. Corre#t Ans$er is. Skin fri#tion dra!. %&p"anation. Skin fri#tion dra! depends upon the smoothness of the body and the surfa#e area. Question Number. 6.. 1hen airf"o$ 'e"o#ity o'er an upper #ambered surfa#e of an aerofoi" de#reases* $hat takes p"a#e2. Option A. +ressure de#reases* "ift in#reases. Option B. +ressure in#reases* "ift de#reases. Option C. +ressure in#reases* "ift in#reases. Corre#t Ans$er is. +ressure in#reases* "ift de#reases. %&p"anation. 1hen airf"o$ 'e"o#ity o'er the upper #ambered surfa#e of an aerofoi" @%CC%AS%S* the pressure in#reases and thus the "ift de#reases. Question Number. 65. 1hen an air#raft sta""s. Option A. "ift in#reases and dra! de#reases. Option B. "ift and dra! in#rease. Option C. "ift de#reases and dra! in#reases. Corre#t Ans$er is. "ift de#reases and dra! in#reases. %&p"anation. 1hen an air#raft sta""s the dra! in#reases and the "ift de#reases.

Question Number. ./. 1in! "oadin! is. Option A. the ma&imum a"" up $ei!ht mu"tip"ied by the tota" $in! area. Option B. the ma&imum a"" up $ei!ht di'ided by the tota" $in! area. Option C. the ratio of the a"" up $ei!ht of the air#raft to its basi# $ei!ht. Corre#t Ans$er is. the ratio of the a"" up $ei!ht of the air#raft to its basi# $ei!ht. OC the ma&imum a"" up $ei!ht di'ided by the tota" $in! area. %&p"anation. 1in! 9oadin! is $ei!ht di'ided by $in! area. Ieasured in Ne$tons per Square Ietre. Question Number. .1. An air#raft $in! $ith an aspe#t ration of : F 1 is proportiona" so that. Option A. the $in! area is si& times the span. Option B. the mean #hord is si& times the thi#kness. Option C. the $in! span is si& times the mean #hord. Corre#t Ans$er is. the $in! span is si& times the mean #hord. %&p"anation. If aspe#t ratio is : F 1 the $in! span is : times the mean #hord.

Question Number. .). Mp$ard and out$ard in#"ination of a mainp"ane is termed. Option A. dihedra". Option B. s$eep. Option C. sta!!er. Corre#t Ans$er is. dihedra". %&p"anation. Mp$ard and out$ard in#"ination of a mainp"ane is termed dihedra".

Question Number. .0. 1hi#h of the fo""o$in! for#es a#t on an air#raft in "e'e" f"i!ht2. Option A. 9ift* dra!* thrust. Option B. 9ift* thrust* and $ei!ht. Option C. 9ift* thrust* $ei!ht* and dra!. Corre#t Ans$er is. 9ift* thrust* $ei!ht* and dra!. %&p"anation. 9ift* thrust* $ei!ht and dra! a#t on an air#raft in "e'e" f"i!ht.

Question Number. .4. 1ith referen#e to a"timeters* Q(% is. Option A. the manufa#turers re!istered name. Option B. quite fine equipment. Option C. settin! aerodrome atmospheri# pressure so that an a"timeter reads Hero on "andin! and take off. Corre#t Ans$er is. settin! aerodrome atmospheri# pressure so that an a"timeter reads Hero on "andin! and take off. %&p"anation. Q is the mathemati#a" symbo" for pressure. (% stands for (ie"d %"e'ation. Q(% refers to settin! the a"timeter to aerodrome atmospheri# pressure so the a"timeter reads Hero on "andin! and takeoff. Question Number. . . Mnder the ICAO 8Q8 #ode there are $hi#h three settin!s2. Option A. Q%(* QN=* Q%N. Option B. Q%* QN* QQ%. Option C. Q(%* QN=* QN%. Corre#t Ans$er is. Q(%* QN=* QN%. %&p"anation. The ICAO 8Q8 #odes are Q(%. QN%* QN=. Question Number. .:. 1in! "oadin! is. Option A. 1ING AC%A ? 1ING C=OC@. Option B. GCOSS 1%IG=T di'ided by GCOSS 1ING AC%A. Option C. the u"timate tensi"e stren!th of the $in!. Corre#t Ans$er is. GCOSS 1%IG=T di'ided by GCOSS 1ING AC%A. %&p"anation. 1in! "oadin! is !ross $ei!ht di'ided by $in! area measured in Ne$tons per Square Ietre.

Question Number. .6. 1ei!ht is equa" to. Option A. mass ? a##e"eration. Option B. mass ? !ra'ity. Option C. 'o"ume ? !ra'ity. Corre#t Ans$er is. mass ? !ra'ity. %&p"anation. 1ei!ht 7 mass ? !ra'ity in strai!ht and "e'e" f"i!ht. In a manoeu're* additiona" a##e"erations are present* $hi#h are sometimes #onsidered to in#rease $ei!ht. The question #an therefore be ans$ered in t$o $ays. Question Number. ... Indu#ed dra!. Option A. in#reases $ith in#rease in air#raft $ei!ht. Option B. in#reases $ith an in#rease in speed. Option C. redu#es $ith an in#rease in an!"e of atta#k. Corre#t Ans$er is. in#reases $ith in#rease in air#raft $ei!ht. %&p"anation. Indu#ed dra! in#rease $ith air#raft $ei!ht be#ause it is 8"ift dependant dra!8. Question Number. .5. Airf"o$ o'er the upper surfa#e of the $in! !enera""y.

Option A. f"o$s to$ards the tip. Option B. f"o$s to$ards the root. Option C. f"o$s strai!ht from "eadin! ed!e to trai"in! ed!e. Corre#t Ans$er is. f"o$s to$ards the root. %&p"anation. @ue to $in! tip 'orti#es there is a !enera" f"o$ of air from tip to root on the top surfa#e* and root to tip on the "o$er surfa#e. Question Number. 5/. 1ith an in#rease in aspe#t ratio for a !i'en IAS* indu#ed dra! $i"". Option A. redu#e. Option B. remain #onstant. Option C. in#rease. Corre#t Ans$er is. redu#e. %&p"anation. A "on! s"ender $in! ;hi!h aspe#t ratio< has a "o$ indu#ed dra!.

Question Number. 51. If the density of the air is in#reased* the "ift $i"". Option A. remain the same. Option B. in#rease. Option C. de#rease. Corre#t Ans$er is. in#rease. %&p"anation. See the formu"a for "ift. 9ift is dire#t"y proportiona" to air density.

Question Number. aerofoi" are.


A"" the fa#tors that affe#t the "ift produ#ed by an

Option A. an!"e of atta#k* 'e"o#ity* $in! area* aerofoi" shape* air density. Option B. an!"e of atta#k* air temperature* 'e"o#ity* $in! area. Option C. an!"e of atta#k* air density* 'e"o#ity* $in! area. Corre#t Ans$er is. an!"e of atta#k* 'e"o#ity* $in! area* aerofoi" shape* air density. %&p"anation. 9ift formu"a is C9 ;in#"udes aerofoi" shape and an!"e of atta#k< ? 1D) ? air density ? 'e"o#ity squared. Question Number. 50. A $in! se#tion suitab"e for hi!h speed $ou"d be. Option A. thin $ith hi!h #amber. Option B. thi#k $ith hi!h #amber. Option C. thin $ith "itt"e or no #amber. Corre#t Ans$er is. thin $ith "itt"e or no #amber. %&p"anation. A hi!h speed $in! is thin $ith "itt"e #amber. Question Number. 54. The indu#ed dra! of an air#raft. Option A. in#reases if aspe#t ratio is in#reased. Option B. de#reases $ith in#reasin! speed. Option C. in#reases $ith in#reasin! speed. Corre#t Ans$er is. de#reases $ith in#reasin! speed. %&p"anation. Indu#ed dra! de#reases $ith in#reasin! speed. Question Number. 5 . As the speed of an air#raft in#reases* the profi"e dra!.

Option A. de#reases at first then in#rease. Option B. in#reases. Option C. de#reases. Corre#t Ans$er is. in#reases. %&p"anation. +rofi"e dra! in#reases $ith in#reasin! speed. Question Number. 5:. The sta!nation point on an aerofoi" is the point $here.

Option A. the boundary "ayer #han!es from "aminar to turbu"ent. Option B. the su#tion pressure rea#hes a ma&imum. Option C. the airf"o$ is brou!ht #omp"ete"y to rest. Corre#t Ans$er is. the airf"o$ is brou!ht #omp"ete"y to rest. %&p"anation. The sta!nation point on the aerofoi" is the point $here the airf"o$ is brou!ht #omp"ete"y to rest on the "eadin! ed!e. Question Number. 56. The sta""in! of an aerofoi" is affe#ted by the. Option A. transition speed. Option B. airspeed. Option C. an!"e of atta#k. Corre#t Ans$er is. an!"e of atta#k. %&p"anation. The sta"" position of an aerofoi" is determined by its an!"e of atta#k on"y.

Question Number. 5.. The most fue" effi#ient of the fo""o$in! types of en!ine is the. Option A. turbo,4et en!ine. Option B. turbo,fan en!ine. Option C. ro#ket. Corre#t Ans$er is. turbo,fan en!ine. %&p"anation. The turbo fan is the most fue" effi#ient en!ine. Question Number. 55. The quietest of the fo""o$in! types of en!ine is the. Option A. turbo,4et en!ine. Option B. ro#ket. Option C. turbo,fan en!ine. Corre#t Ans$er is. turbo,fan en!ine. %&p"anation. The turbo fan is the quietest en!ine. Question Number. 1//. (or$ard motion of a !"ider is pro'ided by. Option A. the $ei!ht. Option B. the dra!. Option C. the en!ine. Corre#t Ans$er is. the $ei!ht. %&p"anation. The $ei!ht pro'ides for$ard motion of a !"ider. Question Number. 1/1. +rofi"e dra! #onsists of $hat dra! types2. Option A. (orm* indu#ed and interferen#e. Option B. (orm* indu#ed and skin fri#tion. Option C. (orm* skin fri#tion and interferen#e. Corre#t Ans$er is. (orm* skin fri#tion and interferen#e. %&p"anation. +rofi"e dra! ;kno$n as +arasite dra! in the MSA< #onsists of (orm @ra!* Skin (ri#tion @ra! and Interferen#e @ra!. Question Number. 1/). An air#raft in strai!ht and "e'e" f"i!ht is sub4e#t to. Option A. a "oad fa#tor of 1. Option B. a "oad fa#tor of N. Option C. Hero "oad fa#tor. Corre#t Ans$er is. a "oad fa#tor of 1. %&p"anation. An air#raft in strai!ht and "e'e" f"i!ht is sub4e#t to a "oad fa#tor of 1 ;i.e. 1!<. Question Number. 1/0. Aspe#t ratio is !i'en by the formu"a. Option A. Iean Chord D Span. Option B. Span) D Area. Option C. Span) D Iean Chord. Corre#t Ans$er is. Span) D Area.

%&p"anation. Aspe#t Catio is spanDmean #hord. Iu"tip"y top and bottom by span and you !et span)Darea. Question Number. 1/4. An aspe#t ratio of . means. Option A. the mean #hord is . times the span. Option B. the span is . times the mean #hord. Option C. the area is . times the span. Corre#t Ans$er is. the span is . times the mean #hord. %&p"anation. An Aspe#t Catio of . means the span is . times the #hord. Question Number. 1/ . A hi!h aspe#t ratio $in!. Option A. has a hi!her sta"" an!"e than a "o$ aspe#t ratio $in!. Option B. is stiffer than a "o$ aspe#t ratio $in!. Option C. has "ess indu#ed dra! than a "o$ aspe#t ratio $in!. Corre#t Ans$er is. has "ess indu#ed dra! than a "o$ aspe#t ratio $in!. %&p"anation. A "on! s"ender $in! ;hi!h aspe#t ratio< has "ess indu#ed dra! than a short stubby $in!. Question Number. 1/:. Indu#ed do$n$ash. Option A. redu#es the effe#ti'e an!"e of atta#k of the $in!. Option B. in#reases the effe#ti'e an!"e of atta#k of the $in!. Option C. has no effe#t on the an!"e of atta#k of the $in!. Corre#t Ans$er is. redu#es the effe#ti'e an!"e of atta#k of the $in!. %&p"anation. Indu#ed do$n$ash redu#es the effe#ti'e an!"e of atta#k of the $in!. Question Number. 1/6. A strai!ht re#tan!u"ar $in!* $ithout any t$ist* $i"". Option A. ha'e "ess an!"e of atta#k at the tip. Option B. ha'e !reater an!"e of atta#k at the tip. Option C. ha'e the same an!"e of atta#k at a"" points a"on! the span. Corre#t Ans$er is. ha'e the same an!"e of atta#k at a"" points a"on! the span. OC ha'e "ess an!"e of atta#k at the tip. %&p"anation. @ue to $in!tip 'orti#es* there is more do$n$ash at the tip* and therefore there is "ess an!"e of atta#k at the tip. Question Number. 1/.. Gi'en ) $in!s* the first $ith a span of 1)m and a #hord of ) m. The se#ond has a span of :m and a #hord of 1m. =o$ do their Aspe#t Catios #ompare2. Option A. The first is hi!her. Option B. They are the same. Option C. The se#ond is hi!her. Corre#t Ans$er is. They are the same. %&p"anation. Aspe#t ratio 7 SpanDChord.

Question Number. 1/5. The C of G mo'es in f"i!ht. The most "ike"y #ause of this is. Option A. mo'ement of passen!ers. Option B. #onsumption of fue" and oi"s. Option C. mo'ement of #ar!o. Corre#t Ans$er is. #onsumption of fue" and oi"s. %&p"anation. Consumption of fue" and oi" #auses the C of G to mo'e in f"i!ht. Question Number. 11/. A strai!ht re#tan!u"ar $in!* $ithout any t$ist* $i"". Option A. sta"" equa""y a"on! the span of the $in!. Option B. sta"" first at the tip. Option C. sta"" first at the root. Corre#t Ans$er is. sta"" first at the root. %&p"anation. A strai!ht re#tan!u"ar $in! $i"" sta"" first at the root. This is be#ause the effe#ti'e an!"e of atta#k is redu#ed at the tips be#ause of the !reater do$n$ash at the tips. Question Number. 111. 1hen an air#raft e&perien#es indu#ed dra!. Option A. air f"o$s under the $in! span $ise to$ards the root and on top of the $in! span $ise to$ards the tip. Option B. air f"o$s under the $in! span $ise to$ards the tip and on top of the $in! span $ise to$ards the root. Option C. Neither a< or b< sin#e indu#ed dra! does not #ause span $ise f"o$. Corre#t Ans$er is. Neither a< or b< sin#e indu#ed dra! does not #ause span $ise. OC air f"o$s under the $in! span $ise to$ards the tip and on top of the $in! span $ise to$ards the root. %&p"anation. Indu#ed dra! #auses air to f"o$ under the $in! span $ise to$ards the tip and on top of the $in! span $ise to$ards the root. Question Number. 11). An aerop"ane $in! is desi!ned to produ#e "ift resu"tin! from re"ati'e"y. Option A. positi'e air pressure be"o$ and abo'e the $in!8s surfa#e. Option B. positi'e air pressure be"o$ the $in!8s surfa#e an ne!ati'e air pressure abo'e the $in!8s surfa#e. Option C. ne!ati'e air pressure be"o$ the $in!8s surfa#e and positi'e air pressure abo'e the $in!8s surfa#e. OC ne!ati'e air pressure be"o$ the $in!8s surfa#e and positi'e air. Corre#t Ans$er is. ne!ati'e air pressure be"o$ the $in!8s surfa#e and positi'e air. %&p"anation. The $in! is desi!ned to produ#e "ift resu"tin! from re"ati'e"y positi'e air pressure be"o$ the $in! surfa#e and ne!ati'e air pressure abo'e the $in! surfa#e. Question Number. 110. Aspe#t ratio of a $in! is defined as the ratio of the. Option A. $in!span to the mean #hord. Option B. $in!span to the $in! root. Option C. square of the #hord to the $in!span. Corre#t Ans$er is. $in!span to the mean #hord.

%&p"anation. Aspe#t ratio is defined as the ratio of the $in! span to mean #hord. Question Number. 114. 1hi#h of the fo""o$in! is true2. Option A. 9ift a#ts at ri!ht an!"es to the re"ati'e airf"o$ and $ei!ht a#ts 'erti#a""y do$n. Option B. 9ift a#ts at ri!ht an!"es to the $in! #hord "ine and $ei!ht a#ts 'erti#a""y do$n. Option C. 9ift a#ts at ri!ht an!"es to the re"ati'e air f"o$ and $ei!ht a#ts at ri!ht an!"es to the air#raft #entre "ine. Corre#t Ans$er is. 9ift a#ts at ri!ht an!"es to the re"ati'e air f"o$ and $ei!ht a#ts 'erti#a""y do$n. %&p"anation. 9ift a#ts at ri!ht an!"es to the re"ati'e airf"o$ and $ei!ht a#ts 'erti#a""y do$n. Question Number. 11 . The airf"o$ o'er the upper surfa#e of a #ambered $in!.

Option A. in#reases in 'e"o#ity and redu#es in pressure. Option B. in#reases in 'e"o#ity and pressure. Option C. redu#es in 'e"o#ity and in#reases in pressure. Corre#t Ans$er is. in#reases in 'e"o#ity and redu#es in pressure. %&p"anation. Airf"o$ f"o$in! o'er the upper surfa#e of an aerofoi" in#reases in 'e"o#ity and de#reases in pressure. Question Number. 11:. 1ith in#reased speed in "e'e" f"i!ht. Option A. profi"e dra! in#reases. Option B. indu#ed dra! in#reases. Option C. profi"e dra! remains #onstant. Corre#t Ans$er is. profi"e dra! in#reases. %&p"anation. 1ith in#reased speed in "e'e" f"i!ht* the profi"e dra! in#reases and the indu#ed dra! de#reases. Question Number. 116. An aerop"ane $in! is desi!ned to produ#e "ift resu"tin! from re"ati'e"y. Option A. positi'e air pressure be"o$ the $in!8s surfa#e and ne!ati'e air pressure abo'e the $in!8s surfa#e. Option B. ne!ati'e air pressure be"o$ the $in!8s surfa#e and positi'e air pressure abo'e the $in!8s surfa#e. Option C. positi'e air pressure be"o$ and abo'e the $in!8s surfa#e. Corre#t Ans$er is. positi'e air pressure be"o$ and abo'e the $in!8s surfa#e. %&p"anation. The $in! is desi!ned to produ#e "ift resu"tin! from re"ati'e"y positi'e air pressure be"o$ the $in! surfa#e and ne!ati'e air pressure abo'e the $in! surfa#e.E. Question Number. bet$een the. 11.. The an!"e of atta#k of an aerofoi" se#tion is the an!"e

Option A. underside of the $in! surfa#e and the mean airf"o$. Option B. #hord "ine and the re"ati'e airf"o$. Option C. #hord "ine and the #entre "ine of the fuse"a!e. Corre#t Ans$er is. #hord "ine and the re"ati'e airf"o$. %&p"anation. An!"e of atta#k of an aerofoi" is the an!"e bet$een the #hord "ine and the re"ati'e air f"o$. Question Number. 115. A s$ept $in! tends to sta"" first at the. Option A. #entre se#tion. Option B. root. Option C. tip. Corre#t Ans$er is. tip. %&p"anation. A s$ept $in! tends to sta"" first at the tip. Question Number. 1)/. The trai"in! 'orte& on a pointed $in! ;taper ratio 7 /< is. Option A. at the tip. Option B. equa""y a"" a"on! the $in! span. Option C. at the root. Corre#t Ans$er is. at the root. %&p"anation. The 'orte& of a pointed $in! #on#entrated at the root of the $in! , e&a#t"y opposite to strai!ht $in!s. Question Number. 1)1. The "ift #ur'e for a de"ta $in! is. Option A. more steep than that of a hi!h aspe#t ratio $in!. Option B. "ess steep than that of a hi!h aspe#t ratio $in!. Option C. the same as that of a hi!h aspe#t ratio $in!. Corre#t Ans$er is. "ess steep than that of a hi!h aspe#t ratio $in!. %&p"anation. A de"ta $in! produ#es "ess "ift for any !i'en an!"e of atta#k than any other type of $in!. Question Number. 1)). An in#rease in the speed at $hi#h an aerofoi" passes throu!h the air in#reases "ift be#ause. Option A. the in#reased speed of the airf"o$ #reates a !reater pressure differentia" bet$een the upper and "o$er surfa#es. Option B. the in#reased speed of the airf"o$ #reates a "esser pressure differentia" bet$een the upper and "o$er surfa#es. Option C. the in#reased 'e"o#ity of the re"ati'e $ind in#reases the an!"e of atta#k. Corre#t Ans$er is. the in#reased 'e"o#ity of the re"ati'e $ind in#reases the an!"e. OC the in#reased speed of the airf"o$ #reates a !reater pressure differentia" bet$een the upper and "o$er surfa#es. %&p"anation. In#reasin! the speed of an aerofoi" in#reases the pressure differentia" bet$een the upper and "o$er surfa#e. Question Number. 1)0. A de"ta $in! has.

Option A. a "o$er sta"" an!"e than a strai!ht $in!. Option B. a hi!her sta"" an!"e than a strai!ht $in!. Option C. the same sta"" an!"e than a strai!ht $in!. Corre#t Ans$er is. a hi!her sta"" an!"e than a strai!ht $in!. %&p"anation. A de"ta $in! has a mu#h hi!her sta"" an!"e than a norma" $in! ;some as mu#h as 4/ de!rees<. Question Number. 1)4. The airf"o$ o'er the upper surfa#e of a #ambered $in!.

Option A. redu#es in 'e"o#ity and in#reases in pressure. Option B. in#reases in 'e"o#ity and redu#es in pressure. Option C. in#reases in 'e"o#ity and pressure. Corre#t Ans$er is. in#reases in 'e"o#ity and redu#es in pressure. %&p"anation. Airf"o$ o'er the upper surfa#e of a #ambered surfa#e of the $in! in#reases in 'e"o#ity and de#reases in pressure. Question Number. 1) . The speed of air o'er a s$ept $in! $hi#h #ontributes to the "ift is. Option A. "ess than the air#raft speed. Option B. the same as the air#raft speed. Option C. more than the air#raft speed. Corre#t Ans$er is. "ess than the air#raft speed. %&p"anation. If air#raft speed is K* speed of airf"o$ o'er $in! $hi#h #ontributes to "ift is K#os;s$eepan!"e<. Cos;s$eepan!"e< O 1. See AC Lermode* Ie#hani#s of ("i!ht ;1/th edition<. +! 0 5 (i! 11.1:. Question Number. 1):. (or a !i'en an!"e of atta#k* indu#ed dra! is. Option A. !reater on a hi!h aspe#t ratio $in!. Option B. !reater to$ards the $in! root. Option C. !reater on a "o$ aspe#t ratio $in!. Corre#t Ans$er is. !reater on a "o$ aspe#t ratio $in!. %&p"anation. A "o$ aspe#t ratio $in! ;short,stubby $in!< has a !reater indu#ed dra!. Question Number. 1)6. In strai!ht and "e'e" f"i!ht* the an!"e of atta#k of a s$ept $in! is. Option A. "ess than the air#raft an!"e to the horiHonta". Option B. more than the air#raft an!"e to the horiHonta". Option C. the same as the air#raft an!"e to the horiHonta". Corre#t Ans$er is. "ess than the air#raft an!"e to the horiHonta". %&p"anation. Sin#e the 8effe#ti'e8 'e"o#ity 'e#tor o'er a s$ept $in! is not para""e" $ith the for$ard dire#tion of the air#raft* a #han!e in pit#h of the air#raft has "esser effe#t upon the AOA of the $in!. Question Number. 1).. Indu#ed dra!.

Option A. is equa" to the profi"e dra! at Kmd. Option B. is equa" to the profi"e dra! at the sta""in! speed. Option C. is ne'er equa" to the profi"e dra!. Corre#t Ans$er is. is equa" to the profi"e dra! at Kmd. %&p"anation. Indu#ed dra! is equa" to profi"e dra! at Kmd. Question Number. 1)5. A de"ta $in! air#raft f"yin! at the same speed ;subsoni#< and an!"e of atta#k as a s$ept $in! air#raft of simi"ar $in! area $i"" produ#e. Option A. more "ift. Option B. "ess "ift. Option C. the same "ift. Corre#t Ans$er is. "ess "ift. %&p"anation. A de"ta $in! air#raft at any !i'en an!"e of atta#k and speed $i"" produ#e "ess "ift than any other type of $in!. Question Number. 10/. The sta!nation point is. Option A. stati# pressure minus dynami# pressure. Option B. dynami# pressure on"y. Option C. stati# pressure p"us dynami# pressure. Corre#t Ans$er is. stati# pressure p"us dynami# pressure. %&p"anation. At sta!nation* the pressure is tota" ;stati# p"us dynami#<. Question Number. 101. On a s$ept $in! air#raft* due to the ad'erse pressure !radient* the boundary "ayer on the upper surfa#e of the $in! tends to f"o$. Option A. to$ards the root. Option B. to$ards the tip. Option C. dire#t"y from "eadin! ed!e to trai"in! ed!e. Corre#t Ans$er is. to$ards the tip. %&p"anation. @ue to ad'erse pressure !radient on a s$ept $in!* the boundary "ayer s"ides to$ards the tip and thi#kens at the tip. This is $hy s$ept $in!s sta"" first at the tips. Question Number. 10). 1ith in#reased speed in "e'e" f"i!ht. Option A. indu#ed dra! in#reases. Option B. profi"e dra! in#reases. Option C. profi"e dra! remains #onstant. Corre#t Ans$er is. profi"e dra! in#reases. %&p"anation. +rofi"e dra! in#reases $ith speed* indu#ed dra! de#reases $ith speed. Question Number. 100. If a s$ept $in! sta""s at the tips first* the air#raft $i"".

Option A. pit#h nose up. Option B. ro"". Option C. pit#h nose do$n. Corre#t Ans$er is. pit#h nose up.

%&p"anation. Sin#e the tips are behind the Centre of Gra'ity* "osin! the "ift at the tips $i"" #ause the nose to rise. Question Number. 104. The thi#knessD#hord ratio of the $in! is a"so kno$n as.

Option A. fineness ratio. Option B. mean #hord ratio. Option C. aspe#t ratio. Corre#t Ans$er is. fineness ratio. %&p"anation. The thi#knessD#hord ratio of the $in! is a"so kno$n as the fineness ratio. ;Te#hni#a""y* thi#knessD#hord ratio 7 1Dfineness ratio<. Question Number. 10 . ("e&ure of a rear$ard s$ept $in! $i"". Option A. in#rease the "ift and hen#e in#rease the f"e&ure. Option B. in#rease the "ift and hen#e de#rease the f"e&ure. Option C. de#rease the "ift and hen#e de#rease the f"e&ure. Corre#t Ans$er is. de#rease the "ift and hen#e de#rease the f"e&ure. %&p"anation. ("e&ure of a rear$ard s$ept $in! $i"" de#rease the "ift ;sin#e the $in! presents its upper surfa#e to the airf"o$ and the an!"e of atta#k redu#es< and so the $in! f"e&es ba#k. Question Number. 10:. A =i!h Aspe#t Catio $in! is a $in! $ith. Option A. short span* "on! #hord. Option B. "on! span* "on! #hord. Option C. "on! span* short #hord. Corre#t Ans$er is. "on! span* short #hord. %&p"anation. Aspe#t ratio is the ratio of span to #hord. Question Number. 106. Sta"" #ommen#in! at the root is preferred be#ause. Option A. it pro'ides the pi"ot $ith a $arnin! of #omp"ete "oss of "ift. Option B. the ai"erons be#ome ineffe#ti'e. Option C. it $i"" #ause the air#raft to pit#h nose up. Corre#t Ans$er is. it pro'ides the pi"ot $ith a $arnin! of #omp"ete "oss of "ift. %&p"anation. Sta"" #ommen#in! at the root #auses turbu"ent air to hit the tai"p"ane. The resu"tin! 8buffet8 $arns the pi"ot 4ust before #omp"ete sta"". Question Number. 10.. An air#raft f"yin! in 8!round effe#t8 $i"" produ#e. Option A. the same "ift as a simi"ar air#raft outside of !round effe#t. Option B. "ess "ift than a simi"ar air#raft outside of !round effe#t. Option C. more "ift than a simi"ar air#raft outside of !round effe#t. Corre#t Ans$er is. more "ift than a simi"ar air#raft outside of !round effe#t. %&p"anation. An air#raft f"yin! in !round effe#t $i"" ha'e more "ift than an air#raft not f"yin! in !round effe#t ;$hi#h is $hy sea!u""s !"ide #"ose to the $ater surfa#e<.

Question Number. 105. If the an!"e of atta#k of a $in! is in#reased in f"i!ht* the. Option A. Cof+ $i"" mo'e aft. Option B. Cof+ $i"" mo'e for$ard. Option C. C of G $i"" mo'e aft. Corre#t Ans$er is. Cof+ $i"" mo'e for$ard. %&p"anation. In#reasin! the AOA mo'es the Cof+ for$ard. Question Number. 14/. The Cams =orn Korte& on a for$ard s$ept $in! $i"" be. Option A. more than a rear$ard s$ept $in!. Option B. "ess than a rear$ard s$ept $in!. Option C. the same as a rear$ard s$ept $in!. Corre#t Ans$er is. "ess than a rear$ard s$ept $in!. %&p"anation. A for$ard s$ept $in! does not suffer from the Cams =orn Korte&. Question Number. 141. (or a #ambered $in! se#tion the Hero "ift an!"e of atta#k $i"" be. Option A. 4 de!rees. Option B. Hero. Option C. ne!ati'e. Corre#t Ans$er is. ne!ati'e. %&p"anation. A non symmetri#a" $in! $i"" produ#e some "ift at Hero de!rees. Therefore it must ha'e a ne!ati'e an!"e of atta#k to produ#e Hero "ift. Question Number. 14). Airf"o$ at subsoni# speed is taken to be. Option A. #ompressib"e. Option B. either a or b dependin! on a"titude. Option C. in#ompressib"e. Corre#t Ans$er is. in#ompressib"e. %&p"anation. Subsoni# airf"o$ is a"$ays #onsidered to be in#ompressib"e. Question Number. 140. Bernou""i8s equation sho$s that. Option A. at #onstant 'e"o#ity the kineti# ener!y of the air #han!es $ith a #han!e of hei!ht. Option B. $ith a #han!e in 'e"o#ity at #onstant hei!ht the stati# pressure $i"" #han!e. Option C. $ith a #han!e in speed at #onstant hei!ht both kineti# and potentia" ener!ies #han!e. Corre#t Ans$er is. $ith a #han!e in 'e"o#ity at #onstant hei!ht the stati# pressure $i"" #han!e. %&p"anation. Bernou""i8s theorem states that if 'e"o#ity in#reases* the stati# pressure de#reases* and 'i#e 'ersa.

Question Number. 144. If f"uid f"o$ throu!h a 'enturi is said to be in#ompressib"e* the speed of the f"o$ in#reases at the throat to. Option A. a""o$ for a redu#tion in stati# pressure. Option B. maintain a #onstant 'o"ume f"o$ rate. Option C. a""o$ for an in#rease in stati# pressure. Corre#t Ans$er is. maintain a #onstant 'o"ume f"o$ rate. %&p"anation. Ko"ume f"o$ rate is #onstant at a"" parts of the f"o$ ;if f"uid in in#ompressib"e< re!ard"ess of #ross se#tiona" area. Question Number. 14 . To produ#e "ift* an aerofoi" must be. Option A. asymmetri#a". Option B. symmetri#a". Option C. either symmetri#a" or asymmetri#a". Corre#t Ans$er is. either symmetri#a" or asymmetri#a". %&p"anation. To produ#e "ift* the aerofoi" #an be either symmetri#a" or asymmetri#a". Question Number. 14:. 9ift is dependent on. Option A. the net area of the $in! *the density of the f"uid medium and the 'e"o#ity. Option B. the area of the $in!* the density of the f"uid medium* and the square of the 'e"o#ity. Option C. the fronta" area of the $in!* the density of the f"uid medium and the 'e"o#ity. Corre#t Ans$er is. the area of the $in!* the density of the f"uid medium* and the square of the 'e"o#ity. %&p"anation. See the formu"a for "ift. Question Number. 146. A $in! de'e"ops 1/*/// N of "ift at 1// knots. Assumin! the $in! remains at the same an!"e of atta#k and remains at the same a"titude* ho$ mu#h "ift $i"" it de'e"op at 0//knots2. Option A. 0/*/// N. Option B. 5//*/// N. Option C. 5/*/// N. Corre#t Ans$er is. 5/*/// N. %&p"anation. See the formu"a for "ift. Ke"o#ity is squared* so if you trip"e the 'e"o#ity* the "ift is 5 times. Question Number. 14.. The an!"e of atta#k is. Option A. re"ated to an!"e of in#iden#e. Option B. a"$ays kept be"o$ 1 de!rees. Option C. not re"ated to the an!"e of in#iden#e. Corre#t Ans$er is. not re"ated to the an!"e of in#iden#e. %&p"anation. See definitions of an!"e of atta#k and an!"e of in#iden#e.

Question Number. 145. The differen#e bet$een the mean #amber "ine and the #hord "ine of an aerofoi" is. Option A. neither are strai!ht. Option B. they both may be #ur'ed. Option C. one is a"$ays strai!ht and the other may be strai!ht. Corre#t Ans$er is. one is a"$ays strai!ht and the other may be strai!ht. %&p"anation. See the definitions of mean #amber and #hord "ine. Question Number. 1 /. If the C of G is #a"#u"ated after "oadin! as $ithin "imits for take off. Option A. a further #a"#u"ation is required prior to "andin! to a""o$ for fue" and oi" #onsumption. Option B. a further #a"#u"ation is required prior to "andin! to a""o$ for f"ap dep"oyment. Option C. no further #a"#u"ation is required. Corre#t Ans$er is. a further #a"#u"ation is required prior to "andin! to a""o$ for fue" and oi" #onsumption. %&p"anation. If the CG of the fue" is not dire#t"y on the empty air#raft CG* the "oaded air#raft CG must be #a"#u"ated t$i#e ;$ith and $ithout fue"<. Question Number. 1 1. =e"i#opter rotor b"ades #reate "ift by. Option A. pushin! the air do$n. Option B. $orkin! "ike a s#re$. Option C. #reatin! "o$ pressure abo'e the b"ades. Corre#t Ans$er is. #reatin! "o$ pressure abo'e the b"ades. %&p"anation. A pure aerodynami#ist $ou"d say a"" three are #orre#t. But probab"y a< is te#hni#a""y most #orre#t. Question Number. 1 ). The span $ise #omponent of the airf"o$ is. Option A. !reater at hi!her speeds. Option B. unaffe#ted by speed. Option C. "ess at hi!her speeds. Corre#t Ans$er is. "ess at hi!her speeds. %&p"anation. The tip 'orti#es are "ess at hi!h speed ;due to "o$er AOA at hi!h speed<. The tip 'orti#es #ause the span $ise f"o$. Question Number. 1 0. A $in! fen#e. Option A. a#ts as a "ift dumpin! de'i#e. Option B. redu#es span $ise f"o$ on a s$ept $in! thus redu#in! indu#ed dra!. Option C. in#reases "atera" #ontro". Corre#t Ans$er is. redu#es span $ise f"o$ on a s$ept $in! thus redu#in! indu#ed dra!. %&p"anation. A $in! fen#e redu#es span $ise f"o$. Cefer F Barnard and +hi""pott +a!e 6..

Question Number. 1 4. 1ith a"" #onditions remainin! the same* if the air#raft speed is ha"'ed* by $hat fa#tor is the "ift redu#ed2. Option A. =a"f. Option B. By a fa#tor of 4. Option C. Cemains the same. Corre#t Ans$er is. By a fa#tor of 4. %&p"anation. 9ift is proportiona" to the square of air#raft speed. Question Number. 1 . The boundary "ayer o'er an aerofoi" is. Option A. a "ayer of air #"ose to the aerofoi" $hi#h is mo'in! at a 'e"o#ity "ess than free stream air. Option B. a "ayer of turbu"ent air #"ose to the aerofoi" $hi#h is mo'in! at a 'e"o#ity "ess than free stream air. Option C. a "ayer of air #"ose to the aerofoi" that is stationary. Corre#t Ans$er is. a "ayer of air #"ose to the aerofoi" $hi#h is mo'in! at a 'e"o#ity "ess than free stream air. %&p"anation. Boundary "ayer air #onsists of turbu"ent and "aminar airf"o$. Question Number. 1 :. On a s$ept $in! air#raft* the fineness ratio of an aerofoi" is. Option A. hi!hest at the root. Option B. equa" throu!hout the span. Option C. hi!hest at the tip. Corre#t Ans$er is. hi!hest at the tip. %&p"anation. (ineness ratio ;#hordDthi#kness< is !reatest at the tip. (ineness ratio is the in'erse of thi#knessD#hord ratio. Some te&tbooks differ on the definition of 8fineness ratio8 but most state (C 7 #hordDthi#kness. Quote AP+ Ie#hani#s Airframe =andbook +a!e 0) 8If a $in! has a hi!h fineness ratio* it is a 'ery thin $in!. A thi#k $in! has "o$ fineness ratio8. Question Number. 1 6. Stream"inin! $i"" redu#e. Option A. indu#ed dra!. Option B. skin fri#tion dra!. Option C. form dra!. Corre#t Ans$er is. form dra!. %&p"anation. (orm dra! is a fun#tion of shape. Question Number. 1 .. If an air#raft has a !ross $ei!ht of 0/// k! and is then sub4e#ted to a tota" $ei!ht of :/// k! the "oad fa#tor $i"" be. Option A. )G. Option B. 5G. Option C. 0G. Corre#t Ans$er is. )G. %&p"anation. 9oad fa#tor is a measure of ho$ many times hea'ier the air#raft 8fee"s8 #ompared to ho$ hea'y it a#tua""y is.

Question Number.

1 5.

I#e formed on the "eadin! ed!e $i"" #ause the air#raft to.

Option A. sta"" at a hi!her speed. Option B. sta"" at a "o$er speed. Option C. sta"" at the same sta"" speed and AOA. Corre#t Ans$er is. sta"" at a hi!her speed. %&p"anation. I#e #han!e the $in! se#tion shape and hen#e "ift ;C9< is "ess and sta"" speed is !reater. Question Number. 1:/. Mnder $hat #onditions $i"" an air#raft #reate best "ift2.

Option A. =ot damp day at 1)// ft. Option B. Co"d dry day at )// ft. Option C. Co"d $et day at 1)// ft. Corre#t Ans$er is. Co"d dry day at )// ft. %&p"anation. Co"d dry air at "o$ a"titude pro'ides ma&imum air density hen#e best "ift. Question Number. 1:1. As Ia#h number in#reases* $hat is the effe#t on boundary "ayer2. Option A. Be#omes more turbu"ent. Option B. @e#reases in thi#kness. Option C. Be#omes "ess turbu"ent. Corre#t Ans$er is. Be#omes more turbu"ent. %&p"anation. As speed in#reases ;speed here is measured in Ia#h< the transition point mo'es for$ard* hen#e turbu"ent boundary "ayer in#reases. Question Number. 1:). @urin! a !"ide the fo""o$in! for#es a#t on an air#raft.

Option A. "ift and $ei!ht on"y. Option B. "ift* dra!* $ei!ht. Option C. "ift* $ei!ht* thrust. Corre#t Ans$er is. "ift* dra!* $ei!ht. %&p"anation. No thrust in a !"ide. The $ei!ht pro'ides the for$ard motion. Question Number. 1:0. If an ai"eron is mo'ed do$n$ard. Option A. the sta""in! an!"e of that $in! is in#reased. Option B. the sta""in! an!"e is not affe#ted but the sta""in! speed is de#reased. Option C. the sta""in! an!"e of that $in! is de#reased. Corre#t Ans$er is. the sta""in! an!"e of that $in! is de#reased. %&p"anation. The ai"eron in#reases the 8"o#a"8 AOA and pro'ides a !reater #amber. Both $i"" #ause the sta""in! an!"e of the $in! to de#rease.

Question Number. 1:4. If the $in! "oadin! of an air#raft $ere redu#ed the sta""in! speed $ou"d. Option A. in#rease. Option B. not be affe#ted. Option C. de#rease. Corre#t Ans$er is. de#rease. %&p"anation. An in#rease in $in! "oadin! in#reases the sta"" speed. And 'i#e 'ersa. Question Number. 1: . The "ift on a $in! is in#reased $ith. Option A. an in#rease in temperature. Option B. an in#rease in pressure. Option C. an in#rease in humidity. Corre#t Ans$er is. an in#rease in pressure. %&p"anation. 9ift depends on density. In#reases in humidity and temperature redu#e density. In#rease in pressure in#reases density. Question Number. 1::. The airf"o$ behind a norma" sho#k$a'e $i"". Option A. a"$ays be subsoni# and in the same dire#tion as the ori!ina" airf"o$. Option B. a"$ays be supersoni# and in the same dire#tion as the ori!ina" airf"o$. Option C. a"$ays be subsoni# and def"e#ted from the dire#tion of the ori!ina" airf"o$. Corre#t Ans$er is. a"$ays be subsoni# and in the same dire#tion as the ori!ina" airf"o$. %&p"anation. The airf"o$ behind a norma" sho#k is subsoni#* and in the same dire#tion. It is supersoni# behind an ob"ique sho#k ;and s"i!ht"y def"e#ted<. Question Number. 1:6. Indu#ed dra! #an be redu#ed by the use of. Option A. stream"inin!. Option B. hi!h aspe#t ratio $in!s. Option C. fairin!s at 4un#tions bet$een fuse"a!e and $in!s. Corre#t Ans$er is. hi!h aspe#t ratio $in!s. %&p"anation. =i!h aspe#t ratio $in!s ha'e "o$ indu#ed dra! ;I% a !"ider $in!<. Question Number. 1:.. Interferen#e dra! #an be redu#ed by the use of. Option A. fairin!s at 4un#tions bet$een fuse"a!e and $in!s. Option B. hi!h aspe#t ratio $in!s. Option C. stream"inin!. Corre#t Ans$er is. fairin!s at 4un#tions bet$een fuse"a!e and $in!s. %&p"anation. Interferen#e dra! o##urs as a resu"t of turbu"en#e at $in! body 4oints. Question Number. 1:5. G"idin! an!"e is the an!"e bet$een. Option A. !round and the !"ide path. Option B. air#raft and f"i!ht path. Option C. air#raft and airf"o$. Corre#t Ans$er is. !round and the !"ide path.

%&p"anation. The !reater the 9D@ an!"e the "ess the !"ide an!"e is, therefore you #an !"ide further. Question Number. 16/. +rope""er So"idity #an be in#reased by. Option A. in#reasin! the number of b"ades. Option B. de#reasin! the "en!th of the b"ades. Option C. in#reasin! the b"ade an!"e. Corre#t Ans$er is. in#reasin! the number of b"ades. %&p"anation. A C Lermode Ie#hani#s of ("i!ht C= 4 +a!e 10. sho$s methods of in#reasin! so"idity. Question Number. 161. 9ift is !enerated by a $in!. Option A. most"y on the bottom surfa#e. Option B. most"y on the top surfa#e. Option C. equa""y on the top and bottom surfa#es. Corre#t Ans$er is. most"y on the top surfa#e. %&p"anation. )D0 of "ift is produ#ed by the top surfa#e. Question Number. 16). 9ift is dependent on. Option A. the area of the $in!* the density of the f"uid medium and the square of the 'e"o#ity. Option B. the net area of the $in!* the density of the f"uid medium and the 'e"o#ity. Option C. the fronta" area of the $in!* the density of the f"uid medium and the 'e"o#ity. Corre#t Ans$er is. the area of the $in!* the density of the f"uid medium and the square of the 'e"o#ity. %&p"anation. 9ift 7 9ift Coeffi#ient & 1D) & density & 'e"o#ity) & $in! area ;9ift formu"a<. Question Number. 160. To produ#e "ift* an aerofoi" must be. Option A. symmetri#a". Option B. asymmetri#a". Option C. either ;a< or ;b<. Corre#t Ans$er is. either ;a< or ;b<. %&p"anation. A symmetri#a" $in! $i"" produ#e "ift if presented at a suitab"e positi'e an!"e of atta#k. Question Number. 164. If f"uid f"o$ throu!h a 'enturi is said to be in#ompressib"e* the speed of the f"o$ in#reases at the throat to. Option A. a""o$ for a redu#tion in stati# pressure. Option B. a""o$ for an in#rease in stati# pressure. Option C. maintain a #onstant 'o"ume f"o$ rate. Corre#t Ans$er is. maintain a #onstant 'o"ume f"o$ rate. %&p"anation. Continuity of f"o$ prin#ip"e.

Question Number. 16 . Bernou""i8s equation sho$s that. Option A. at #onstant 'e"o#ity the tota" ener!y of the air #han!es $ith a #han!e in hei!ht. Option B. $ith a #han!e in speed at #onstant hei!ht both kineti# and potentia" ener!ies #han!e. Option C. $ith a #han!e in 'e"o#ity at #onstant hei!ht the stati# pressure $i"" #han!e. Corre#t Ans$er is. $ith a #han!e in 'e"o#ity at #onstant hei!ht the stati# pressure $i"" #han!e. %&p"anation. Bernou""i8s theorem states that if 'e"o#ity in#reases* the stati# pressure de#reases* and 'i#e 'ersa. Question Number. 16:. Airf"o$ at sub,soni# speed is taken to be. Option A. in#ompressib"e. Option B. #ompressib"e. Option C. either ;a< or ;b< dependin! on a"titude. Corre#t Ans$er is. in#ompressib"e. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. 166. The tota" dra! of an air#raft. Option A. #han!es $ith speed. Option B. in#reases $ith speed. Option C. in#reases $ith the square of speed. Corre#t Ans$er is. #han!es $ith speed. %&p"anation. The !raph of TOTA9 dra! a!ainst airspeed is 8M8 shaped. # #an be the on"y #orre#t ans$er. Question Number. 16.. QQQQQQQ an!"e of atta#k is kno$n as optimum an!"e of atta#k. Option A. to 6 de!rees. Option B. 0 to 4 de!rees. Option C. 1/ to 1) de!rees. Corre#t Ans$er is. 0 to 4 de!rees. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. 165. Indu#ed dra! is QQQQQQQQ at root. Option A. "o$est. Option B. !reatest. Option C. neutra". Corre#t Ans$er is. "o$est. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. 1./. +rofi"e dra! is QQQQQQQ to speed.

Option A. neutra". Option B. in'erse"y proportiona". Option C. proportiona". Corre#t Ans$er is. proportiona". %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. 1.1. A sho#k sta"" o##urs at. Option A. "ar!e an!"es of atta#k. Option B. sma"" an!"es of atta#k. Option C. equa""y both "ar!e and sma"" an!"es of atta#k. Corre#t Ans$er is. sma"" an!"es of atta#k. %&p"anation. An ar!uab"e point. Sho#k sta"" is due to sho#k indu#ed separation $hi#h #an o##ur at any an!"e of atta#k* but it $ou"d be diffi#u"t to a#hie'e the hi!h speed ne#essary $ith a hi!h an!"e of atta#k. Question Number. 1.). 1hat happens to the $in!tip sta!nation point as the AOA in#reases2. Option A. It mo'es do$n and under the "eadin! ed!e. Option B. It mo'es up and o'er the "eadin! ed!e. Option C. It remains un#han!ed. Corre#t Ans$er is. It mo'es do$n and under the "eadin! ed!e. %&p"anation. It mo'es do$n and under the "eadin! ed!e. Question Number. 1.0. 1hat does the term 8$in! $ashout8 mean2. Option A. The desi!n of the $in! that !i'es the $in! tip a "o$er an!"e of in#iden#e. Option B. The desi!n of the $in! that !i'es the $in! tip a mu#h !reater an!"e of in#iden#e. Option C. The airf"o$ mo'es to$ard the end of the $in!. Corre#t Ans$er is. The desi!n of the $in! that !i'es the $in! tip a "o$er an!"e of in#iden#e. %&p"anation. 1in! is t$isted su#h that in#iden#e is "o$er at the tip. Question Number. 1.4. The point at $hi#h airf"o$ #eases to be "aminar and be#omes turbu"ent is the. Option A. boundary point. Option B. transition point. Option C. separation point. Corre#t Ans$er is. transition point. %&p"anation. transition point. Question Number. 1. . 1hi#h of the fo""o$in! is true about +rofi"e dra!2. Option A. +rofi"e dra! 7 Skin @ra! A (orm @ra!. Option B. +rofi"e dra! 7 skin dra! A indu#ed dra!. Option C. +rofi"e dra! 7 indu#ed dra! A (orm dra!.

Corre#t Ans$er is. +rofi"e dra! 7 Skin @ra! A (orm @ra!. %&p"anation. +rofi"e dra! 7 Skin @ra! A (orm @ra!. Question Number. 1.:. 1hi#h statement is true2. Option A. Both Indu#ed dra! and profi"e dra! in#rease $ith the square of the airspeed. Option B. +rofi"e dra! in#reases $ith the square of the airspeed. Option C. Indu#ed dra! in#reases $ith the square of the airspeed. Corre#t Ans$er is. Indu#ed dra! in#reases $ith the square of the airspeed. %&p"anation. +rofi"e dra! in#reases $ith the square of the airspeed but indu#ed dra! de#reases $ith the square of the airspeed. Question Number. 1.6. 1hi#h statement is true2. Option A. Ce#tan!u"ar $in!s sta"" at the root first. Option B. Both tapered and re#tan!u"ar $in!s $i"" sta"" at the tip first. Option C. Tapered $in!s sta"" at the root first. Corre#t Ans$er is. Ce#tan!u"ar $in!s sta"" at the root first. %&p"anation. Ce#tan!u"ar $in!s sta"" at the root first. Question Number. 1... @urin! in'erted "e'e" f"i!ht an air#raft a##e"erometer sho$s. Option A. ,)!. Option B. ,1!. Option C. /!. Corre#t Ans$er is. ,1!. %&p"anation. In'erted ;"e'e"< f"i!ht is ,1!. Question Number. 1.5. @urin! strai!ht and "e'e" f"i!ht an air#raft a##e"erometer sho$s. Option A. 4!. Option B. 1!. Option C. )!. Corre#t Ans$er is. 1!. %&p"anation. Strai!ht and "e'e" f"i!ht is 1!. Question Number. 15/. 1hi#h of the fo""o$in! is in#orre#t about indu#ed dra!2. Option A. It $i"" in#rease in'erse"y to the square of the airspeed. Option B. It $i"" de#rease in proportion to the square of the airspeed. Option C. It $i"" in#rease $hen the an!"e of atta#k is redu#ed. Corre#t Ans$er is. It $i"" in#rease $hen the an!"e of atta#k is redu#ed. %&p"anation. 1hi#h is In#orre#t. Question Number. 151. 1hat produ#es the most "ift at "o$ speeds2.

Option A. =i!h #amber. Option B. 9o$ aspe#t ratio. Option C. =i!h aspe#t ratio. Corre#t Ans$er is. =i!h aspe#t ratio. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. 15). If the an!"e of atta#k is Hero* but "ift is produ#ed* the.

Option A. $in! is symmetri#a". Option B. $in! is #ambered. Option C. $in! has positi'e an!"e of in#iden#e. Corre#t Ans$er is. $in! is #ambered. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. 150. 1hen is the an!"e of in#iden#e the same as the an!"e of atta#k2. Option A. Ne'er. Option B. In des#ent. Option C. 1hen re"ati'e airf"o$ is para""e" to "on!itudina" a&is. Corre#t Ans$er is. 1hen re"ati'e airf"o$ is para""e" to "on!itudina" a&is. %&p"anation. NI9. 08.3. Theory of Flight . Question Number. 1. ("aps at "andin! position. Option A. de#rease "andin! speed. Option B. de#rease take off and "andin! speeds. Option C. de#rease take off speed. Corre#t Ans$er is. de#rease "andin! speed. %&p"anation. A"thou!h an air#raft $i"" take,off $ith f"aps at "andin! position* this is not norma". Question Number. ). As a subsoni# air#raft speeds,up* its Centre of +ressure.

Option A. mo'es aft. Option B. mo'es for$ard. Option C. is unaffe#ted. Corre#t Ans$er is. mo'es aft. %&p"anation. Assumin! that the air#raft is to remain at #onstant a"titude* it must redu#e its an!"e of atta#k as it speeds,up. This a"one $i"" mo'e the Cof+ rear$ards* in a##ordan#e $ith the sub,soni# an!"e of atta#k #han!e theory. Question Number. 0. 9o$erin! of the f"aps. Option A. in#reases dra!. Option B. in#reases "ift.

Option C. in#reases dra! and "ift. Corre#t Ans$er is. in#reases dra! and "ift. %&p"anation. 3eppesen AA+ Te#hni#ian Genera" Te&tbook. +a!e 1,16. Question Number. 4. 1in! spoi"ers* $hen used asymmetri#a""y* are asso#iated $ith. Option A. rudder. Option B. e"e'ators. Option C. ai"erons. Corre#t Ans$er is. ai"erons. %&p"anation. +a""ett Automati# ("i!ht Contro" 4th %dition +a!e 1. 3eppesen AP+ Te#hni#ian Airframe Te&tbook +a!e 1,1). Question Number. . 1hat do rudder'ators do2. Option A. Contro" ya$ and ro"". Option B. Contro" pit#h and ya$. Option C. Contro" pit#h and ro"". Corre#t Ans$er is. Contro" pit#h and ya$. %&p"anation. 3eppesen AA+ Te#hni#ian Genera" Te&tbook. +a!e 1,1: fi! 1,0:. Question Number. :. 1hat #ontro"s pit#h and ro"" on a de"ta $in! air#raft2.

Option A. Ai"erons. Option B. %"e'ons. Option C. %"e'ators. Corre#t Ans$er is. %"e'ons. %&p"anation. 3eppesen AA+ Te#hni#ian Genera" Te&tbook. +a!e 1,16. Question Number. 6. 1hat does a trim tab do2. Option A. A""o$s the C of G to be outside the norma" "imit. Option B. +ro'ides finer #ontro" mo'ements by the pi"ot. Option C. %ases #ontro" "oadin! for pi"ot. Corre#t Ans$er is. %ases #ontro" "oadin! for pi"ot. %&p"anation. AP+ Genera" Te&tbook +! ),0 . Question Number. .. =o$ does a ba"an#e tab mo'e2. Option A. In the same dire#tion a sma"" amount. Option B. In the opposite dire#tion proportiona" to the #ontro" surfa#e it is atta#hed to. Option C. In the same dire#tion proportiona" to the #ontro" surfa#e it is atta#hed to. Corre#t Ans$er is. In the opposite dire#tion proportiona" to the #ontro" surfa#e it is atta#hed to. %&p"anation. AP+ Genera" Te&tbook +! ),0:.

Question Number. 5. If an air#raft is ya$in! to the "eft* $here $ou"d you position the trim tab on the rudder2. Option A. To the #entre. Option B. To the "eft. Option C. To the ri!ht. Corre#t Ans$er is. To the "eft. %&p"anation. Automati# f"i!ht #ontro"* +a""ett* 4th %dition +a!e 40. Question Number. 1/. If an air#raft is f"yin! $ith a "eft $in! "o$* $here $ou"d you mo'e the "eft ai"eron trim tab2. Option A. @o$n. Option B. Mp. Option C. Io'in! the ai"eron trim tab $i"" not #orre#t the situation. Corre#t Ans$er is. Mp. %&p"anation. Automati# f"i!ht #ontro"* +a""ett* 4th %dition +a!e 40. Question Number. 11. 1hen a "eadin! ed!e f"ap is fu""y e&tended* $hat is the s"ot in the $in! for2. Option A. To re,ener!ise the boundary "ayer. Option B. To in#rease the "ift. Option C. To a""o$ the f"ap to retra#t into it $hen it retra#ts. Corre#t Ans$er is. To re,ener!ise the boundary "ayer. %&p"anation. +a""ett Automati# ("i!ht Contro" )nd %dition +a!e /. 3eppesen AP+ Te#hni#ian Airframe Te&tbook +a!e 1,0). Question Number. 1). 1ith respe#t to differentia" ai"eron #ontro"* $hi#h of the fo""o$in! is true2. Option A. The up !oin! and do$n !oin! ai"erons both def"e#t to the same an!"e. Option B. The up !oin! Ai"eron mo'es throu!h a sma""er an!"e than the do$n !oin! ai"eron. Option C. The do$n !oin! ai"eron mo'es throu!h a sma""er an!"e than the up !oin! ai"eron. Corre#t Ans$er is. The do$n !oin! ai"eron mo'es throu!h a sma""er an!"e than the up !oin! ai"eron. %&p"anation. Ie#hani#s of ("i!ht* Lermode* +a!e 0/1. The do$n !oin! ai"eron mo'es "ess* to redu#e the indu#ed dra! $hi#h #auses ad'erse ai"eron ya$. Question Number. 10. The aerop"ane fin is of symmetri#a" aerofoi" se#tion and $i"" therefore pro'ide a side,"oad. Option A. on"y $hen the rudder is mo'ed. Option B. if a suitab"e an!"e of atta#k de'e"ops due either ya$ or rudder mo'ement. Option C. on"y if a suitab"e an!"e of atta#k de'e"ops due to ya$. Corre#t Ans$er is. if a suitab"e an!"e of atta#k de'e"ops due either ya$ or rudder mo'ement.

%&p"anation. Cudder def"e#tion or ya$. Question Number. 14. An air#raft "eft $in! is f"yin! "o$. The ai"eron trimmer #ontro" to the "eft ai"eron trim tab in the #o#kpit $ou"d be. Option A. mo'ed up #ausin! the "eft ai"eron to mo'e up. Option B. mo'ed up #ausin! the "eft ai"eron to mo'e do$n. Option C. mo'ed do$n #ausin! the "eft ai"eron to mo'e do$n. Corre#t Ans$er is. mo'ed up #ausin! the "eft ai"eron to mo'e do$n. %&p"anation. @o$n ai"eron required , $hi#h requires up trim. Question Number. 1 . An e"e'ator tab mo'es do$n. Option A. to make the nose !o do$n. Option B. to #ountera#t for the air#raft f"yin! nose hea'y. Option C. to #ountera#t for the air#raft f"yin! tai" hea'y. Corre#t Ans$er is. to #ountera#t for the air#raft f"yin! nose hea'y. %&p"anation. %"e'ator tab @O1N* e"e'ator M+* air#raft nose M+. Question Number. 1:. The sta"" mar!in is #ontro""ed by. Option A. speed bu! #ursor. Option B. %+C "imits. Option C. an!"e of atta#k and f"ap position. Corre#t Ans$er is. an!"e of atta#k and f"ap position. %&p"anation. ("i!ht Instruments and Automati# ("i!ht Contro" +a!e 140D4. Question Number. 16. Other than spoi"ers* $here are speed brakes "o#ated2.

Option A. Mnder the (use"a!e. Option B. %ither side of the (use"a!e. Option C. On the $in!. Corre#t Ans$er is. %ither side of the (use"a!e. %&p"anation. Ceferen#e BAe 14: et#. Question Number. 1.. 1ith a trai"in! ed!e f"ap bein! "o$ered* due to risin! !usts* $hat $i"" happen to the an!"e of atta#k2. Option A. Tend to de#rease. Option B. Stay the same. Option C. Tend to in#rease. Corre#t Ans$er is. Tend to in#rease. %&p"anation. Assumin! that 8risin! !ust8 means it has a 'erti#a" #omponent. Question Number. 15. A de'i#e used do dump "ift from an air#raft is. Option A. "eadin! ed!e f"aps. Option B. trai"in! ed!e f"aps. Option C. spoi"er.

Corre#t Ans$er is. spoi"er. %&p"anation. Spoi"ers are sometimes #a""ed 8"ift dumps8. Question Number. )/. The purpose of a s"ot in a $in! is to. Option A. pro'ide housin! for the s"at. Option B. speed up the airf"o$ and in#rease "ift. Option C. a#t as 'enturi* a##e"erate the air and re,ener!ise boundary "ayer. Corre#t Ans$er is. a#t as 'enturi* a##e"erate the air and re,ener!ise boundary "ayer. %&p"anation. A s"ot is to a#t as 'enturi* a##e"erate the air and re,ener!ise boundary "ayer. Question Number. )1. 9ar!e f"ap dep"oyment. Option A. #auses in#reased span $ise f"o$ to$ards tips on $in! upper surfa#e. Option B. #auses in#reased span $ise f"o$ to$ards tips on $in! "o$er surfa#e. Option C. has no effe#t on span $ise f"o$. Corre#t Ans$er is. #auses in#reased span $ise f"o$ to$ards tips on $in! "o$er surfa#e. %&p"anation. ("aps in#rease the pressure differentia" bet$een top and bottom surfa#es* in#rease tip 'orti#es and span $ise f"o$. Question Number. )). 1hi#h part of the $in! of a s$ept,$in! air#raft sta""s first2. Option A. Tip sta""s first. Option B. Both sta"" to!ether. Option C. Coot sta""s first. Corre#t Ans$er is. Tip sta""s first. %&p"anation. The tip of a s$ept $in! sta""s first. Question Number. )0. @urin! f"i!ht* an air#raft is ya$in! to the ri!ht. The air#raft $ou"d ha'e a tenden#y to f"y. Option A. ri!ht $in! "o$. Option B. "eft $in! "o$. Option C. nose up. Corre#t Ans$er is. ri!ht $in! "o$. %&p"anation. The "eadin! $in! ;"eft $in!< has in#reased "ift* #ausin! it to rise. Question Number. )4. In the re'ersed #amber horiHonta" stabi"iHer. Option A. there is an in#reased tai" p"ane up,for#e. Option B. the e"e'ator #auses tai" do$n mo'ement i.e. in#reased tai" p"ane do$n for#e. Option C. there is an in#reased tai"p"ane do$n,for#e. Corre#t Ans$er is. there is an in#reased tai"p"ane do$n,for#e. %&p"anation. The "o$er #ambered surfa#e produ#es a do$n,for#e on the tai".

Question Number. ) . 1hen the trai"in! ed!e f"ap is e&tended. Option A. C+ mo'es rear$ard. Option B. the C+ mo'es for$ard but the CG does not #han!e. Option C. the C+ mo'es for$ard and the pit#hin! moment #han!es to nose up. Corre#t Ans$er is. C+ mo'es rear$ard. %&p"anation. C+ mo'es rear$ards $hen the f"ap is e&tended. Question Number. ):. 1ith a drop in ambient temperature* an air#raft ser'i#e #ei"in! $i"". Option A. rise. Option B. not be affe#ted. Option C. "o$er. Corre#t Ans$er is. rise. %&p"anation. As ambient temperature drops* density in#reases and air#raft performan#e in#reases. Question Number. )6. 1hat type of f"ap is this2. Option A. Sp"it f"ap. Option B. +"ain f"ap. Option C. (o$"er f"ap. Corre#t Ans$er is. Sp"it f"ap. %&p"anation. Sp"it f"ap. Question Number. ).. Ser'o tabs. Option A. enab"e the pi"ot to brin! the #ontro" surfa#e ba#k to neutra". Option B. mo'e in su#h a $ay as to he"p mo'e the #ontro" surfa#e. Option C. pro'ide artifi#ia" fee". Corre#t Ans$er is. mo'e in su#h a $ay as to he"p mo'e the #ontro" surfa#e. %&p"anation. AP+ Te#hni#ian Airframe Te&tbook +!.1,)5. Question Number. )5. Sprin! Tabs. Option A. pro'ide artifi#ia" fee". Option B. enab"e the pi"ot to brin! the #ontro" surfa#e ba#k to neutra". Option C. mo'e in su#h a $ay as to he"p mo'e the #ontro" surfa#e. Corre#t Ans$er is. mo'e in su#h a $ay as to he"p mo'e the #ontro" surfa#e. %&p"anation. AP+ Te#hni#ian Airframe Te&tbook +!.1,)5. Question Number. 0/. %&tendin! a "eadin! ed!e s"at $i"" ha'e $hat effe#t on the an!"e of atta#k of a $in!2. Option A. In#rease the an!"e of atta#k. Option B. @e#rease the an!"e of atta#k. Option C. No effe#t on an!"e of atta#k. Corre#t Ans$er is. @e#rease the an!"e of atta#k. %&p"anation. NI9.

Question Number. 01. To ensure that a $in! sta""s at the root first* sta"" $ed!es are. Option A. insta""ed on the $in! "eadin! ed!e at the $in! root. Option B. insta""ed on the $in! "eadin! ed!e at the $in! tip. Option C. insta""ed at the $in! trai"in! ed!e at the $in! root. Corre#t Ans$er is. insta""ed on the $in! "eadin! ed!e at the $in! root. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. 0). Lrue!er f"aps make up part of the. Option A. $in! "o$er surfa#e "eadin! ed!e. Option B. $in! "o$er surfa#e trai"in! ed!e. Option C. $in! upper surfa#e "eadin! ed!e. Corre#t Ans$er is. $in! "o$er surfa#e "eadin! ed!e. %&p"anation. 3eppesen AP+ Te#hni#ian Airframe Te&tbook 1,06. Automati# ("i!ht Contro" +a""ett +a!e 0 fi! 1.06 ;Note F "o$er surfa#e $hen retra#ted* upper surfa#e $hen e&tended.<. Question Number. 00. In a turn* $in! spoi"ers may be dep"oyed. Option A. to assist the up !oin! ai"eron. Option B. in unison $ith both the up !oin! and do$n !oin! ai"erons. Option C. to a#t as an airbrake* intera#tin! $ith the ai"erons. Corre#t Ans$er is. to assist the up !oin! ai"eron. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. 04. @ut#h ro"e is mo'ement in. Option A. ya$ and pit#h. Option B. ya$ and ro"". Option C. pit#h and ro"". Corre#t Ans$er is. ya$ and ro"". %&p"anation. A'ioni# (undamenta"s 3eppesen pa!e )51. Question Number. 0 . 1hat is the main purpose of a friHe ai"eron2. Option A. In#rease dra! on the up !oin! $in!. Option B. @e#rease dra! on the up !oin! $in!. Option C. =e"p pi"ot o'er#ome aerodynami# "oads. Corre#t Ans$er is. @e#rease dra! on the up !oin! $in!. %&p"anation. The (rise ai"eron in#reases dra! on the up,!oin! ai"eron* $hi#h is on the do$n!oin! $in!. And Kise 'ersa on the other ai"eron. Question Number. 0:. ("ap asymmetry #auses the air#raft to. Option A. nose do$n. Option B. !o one $in! do$n. Option C. nose up. Corre#t Ans$er is. !o one $in! do$n.

%&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. 06. If an air#raft mo'es in ya$* $hat a&is is it mo'in! about2. Option A. 9on!itudina". Option B. 9atera". Option C. Norma". Corre#t Ans$er is. Norma". %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. 0.. If an air#raft is aerodynami#a""y stab"e. Option A. air#raft returns to trimmed attitude. Option B. Cof+ mo'es ba#k. Option C. air#raft be#omes too sensiti'e. Corre#t Ans$er is. air#raft returns to trimmed attitude. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. 05. 1hat are !round spoi"ers used for2. Option A. To assist the air#raft #omin! to a stop. Option B. To s"o$ the air#raft. Option C. To dump "ift. Corre#t Ans$er is. To dump "ift. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. 4/. Iass ba"an#e $ei!hts are used to. Option A. ba"an#e the trai"in! ed!e of f"yin! #ontro" surfa#es. Option B. #ountera#t f"utter on #ontro" surfa#es. Option C. ba"an#e the tabs. Corre#t Ans$er is. #ountera#t f"utter on #ontro" surfa#es. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. 41. 1hat is a s"ot used for2. Option A. In#reased an!"e of atta#k durin! approa#h. Option B. In#rease the speed of the airf"o$. Option C. To reinfor#e the boundary "ayer. Corre#t Ans$er is. To reinfor#e the boundary "ayer. %&p"anation. Automati# ("i!ht Contro" +a""ett +a!e 0. Question Number. 4). An!"e of Atta#k is the an!"e bet$een #ord "ine and. Option A. horiHonta" a&is. Option B. re"ati'e air f"o$. Option C. tip path p"ane. Corre#t Ans$er is. re"ati'e air f"o$. %&p"anation. Automati# ("i!ht Contro" +a""ett +a!e 0.

Question Number. 40. A hi!h "ift de'i#e is used for. Option A. take,off on"y. Option B. take,off and "andin!. Option C. "andin! on"y. Corre#t Ans$er is. take,off and "andin!. %&p"anation. Automati# ("i!ht Contro" +a""ett +a!e /. Question Number. 44. =o$ is a spoi"er inter#onne#ted to other f"i!ht #ontro" systems2. Option A. Spoi"er to e"e'ator. Option B. Spoi"er to ai"eron. Option C. Spoi"er to f"ap. Corre#t Ans$er is. Spoi"er to ai"eron. %&p"anation. Automati# ("i!ht Contro" +a""ett +a!e 4. Question Number. 4 . 1hat is ai"eron droop2. Option A. The droop of ai"erons $ith no hydrau"i#s on. Option B. The "eadin! ed!e of both ai"erons presented to the airf"o$. Option C. One ai"eron "o$ered. Corre#t Ans$er is. The droop of ai"erons $ith no hydrau"i#s on. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. 4:. %arths atmosphere is. Option A. 0D o&y!en* )D nitro!en. Option B. 4D o&y!en* 1D nitro!en. Option C. 1D o&y!en* 4D nitro!en. Corre#t Ans$er is. 1D o&y!en* 4D nitro!en. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. 46. An anti,ba"an#e tab is used. Option A. to re"ie'e sti#k "oads. Option B. for trimmin! the air#raft. Option C. to !i'e more fee" to the #ontro"s. Corre#t Ans$er is. to !i'e more fee" to the #ontro"s. %&p"anation. 3eppesen AP+ Te#hni#ian Airframe Te&tbook 1,)5. Question Number. 4.. The fin he"ps to !i'e. Option A. dire#tiona" stabi"ity about the norma" a&is. Option B. dire#tiona" stabi"ity about the "on!itudina" a&is. Option C. "on!itudina" stabi"ity about the norma" a&is. Corre#t Ans$er is. dire#tiona" stabi"ity about the norma" a&is. %&p"anation. 3eppesen AP+ Te#hni#ian Airframe Te&tbook 1,)).

Question Number. 45. If an air#raft mo'es in ro""* it is mo'in! about the. Option A. "on!itudina" a&is. Option B. norma" a&is. Option C. "atera" a&is. Corre#t Ans$er is. "on!itudina" a&is. %&p"anation. Ie#hani#s of f"i!ht by A.C. Lermode pa!e )41. Question Number. /. 1hat effe#t does "o$erin! the f"aps for take,off ha'e2.

Option A. In#reases "ift P redu#es dra!. Option B. In#reases "ift and dra!. Option C. In#rease "ift on"y. Corre#t Ans$er is. In#reases "ift and dra!. %&p"anation. A'ioni#s (undamenta"s. 3eppesen +a!e )44. Question Number. 1. 1hat effe#t does "o$erin! f"aps for takeoff ha'e2. Option A. Cedu#es takeoff speeds on"y. Option B. Cedu#es "andin! speeds on"y. Option C. Cedu#es takeoff and "andin! speeds. Corre#t Ans$er is. Cedu#es takeoff speeds on"y. %&p"anation. A'ioni#s (undamenta"s. 3eppesen +a!e )44. Question Number. ). 1hen the f"aps are "o$ered. Option A. the "ift 'e#tor mo'es rear$ard. Option B. there is no effe#t on the "ift 'e#tor. Option C. the "ift 'e#tor mo'es for$ard. Corre#t Ans$er is. the "ift 'e#tor mo'es rear$ard. %&p"anation. Automati# ("i!ht Contro"* +a""ett +a!e 1. Question Number. 0. At take,off* if the f"aps are "o$ered there is a. Option A. "ar!e in#rease in "ift and dra!. Option B. "ar!e in#rease in "ift and sma"" in#rease in dra!. Option C. sma"" in#rease in "ift and dra!. Corre#t Ans$er is. "ar!e in#rease in "ift and dra!. %&p"anation. A'ioni#s (undamenta"s. 3eppesen +a!e )44. Question Number. 4. 1in! spoi"ers be used. Option A. to assist the respe#ti'e do$n !oin! ai"eron in a turn. Option B. as !round spoi"ers on "andin!. Option C. to assist the e"e'ators. Corre#t Ans$er is. as !round spoi"ers on "andin!. %&p"anation. Automati# ("i!ht Contro". +a""ett pa!e . AP+ Te#hni#ian Airframe Te&tbook by 3eppesen. 1,14.

Question Number. . @ifferentia" ai"eron #ontro" $i"". Option A. #ause a nose do$n moment. Option B. pre'ent ya$in! in #on4un#tion $ith rudder input. Option C. #ause a nose up moment. Corre#t Ans$er is. pre'ent ya$in! in #on4un#tion $ith rudder input. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. :. @ut#h Co"" affe#ts. Option A. pit#h and ya$ simu"taneous"y. Option B. ya$ and ro"" simu"taneous"y. Option C. pit#h and ro"" simu"taneous"y. Corre#t Ans$er is. ya$ and ro"" simu"taneous"y. %&p"anation. Automati# ("i!ht Contro". +a""ett pa!e ):. Question Number. 6. 1hi#h of the fo""o$in! are primary #ontro" surfa#es2.

Option A. %"e'ators* ai"erons* rudder. Option B. Co"" spoi"ers* e"e'ators* tabs. Option C. %"e'ators* ro"" spoi"ers* tabs. Corre#t Ans$er is. %"e'ators* ai"erons* rudder. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. .. A sp"it f"ap. Option A. forms part of the trai"in! ed!e8s "o$er surfa#e $hen retra#ted. Option B. forms part of the "eadin! ed!e8s "o$er surfa#e $hen retra#ted. Option C. forms part of the trai"in! ed!e8s upper surfa#e $hen retra#ted. Corre#t Ans$er is. forms part of the trai"in! ed!e8s "o$er surfa#e $hen retra#ted. %&p"anation. 3eppesen AP+ Airframe Te#hni#ian Te&tbook +a!e1,0/ D01. Question Number. 5. An anti,ser'o tab. Option A. assists the pi"ot to mo'e the #ontro"s ba#k to neutra". Option B. mo'es in the opposite dire#tion to the #ontro" surfa#e to assist the pi"ot. Option C. mo'es in the same dire#tion as the #ontro" surfa#e to assist the pi"ot. Corre#t Ans$er is. assists the pi"ot to mo'e the #ontro"s ba#k to neutra". %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. :/. S"ats. Option A. keep the boundary "ayer from separatin! for "on!er. Option B. in#rease the o'era"" surfa#e area and "ift effe#t of $in!. Option C. a#t as an air brake. Corre#t Ans$er is. keep the boundary "ayer from separatin! for "on!er. %&p"anation. 3eppesen A P + te#hni#ian airframe te&tbook pa!e 1,0).

Question Number. :1. @ue to the #han!e of "ift for#es resu"tin! from the e&tension of f"aps in f"i!ht. Option A. nose shou"d be "o$ered* redu#in! AOA. Option B. nose shou"d be raised* in#reasin! AOA. Option C. nose shou"d remain in the same position* maintainin! same AOA. Corre#t Ans$er is. nose shou"d be "o$ered* redu#in! AOA. %&p"anation. The main purpose of f"aps is to in#rease "ift so that the pi"ot #an "o$er the nose* in#rease de#ent an!"e and !et a better 'ie$ of the run$ay. Question Number. :). ("i!ht spoi"ers. Option A. #an be dep"oyed on the do$n !oin! $in! in a turn to in#rease "ift on that $in!. Option B. #an be used to de#rease "ift to a""o$ #ontro""ed de#ent $ithout redu#tion of airspeed. Option C. #an be used $ith differentia" ai"erons to redu#e ad'erse ya$ in a turn. Corre#t Ans$er is. #an be used to de#rease "ift to a""o$ #ontro""ed de#ent $ithout redu#tion of airspeed. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. :0. If the air#raft is f"yin! nose hea'y* $hi#h dire#tion $ou"d you mo'e the e"e'ator trim tab2. Option A. Mp to mo'e e"e'ator do$n. Option B. Mp to mo'e e"e'ator up. Option C. @o$n to mo'e e"e'ator up. Corre#t Ans$er is. @o$n to mo'e e"e'ator up. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. :4. 1in! tip 'orti#es are stron!est $hen. Option A. f"yin! hi!h speed strai!ht and "e'e" f"i!ht. Option B. f"yin! into a head$ind. Option C. f"yin! s"o$"y at hi!h an!"es of atta#k. Corre#t Ans$er is. f"yin! s"o$"y at hi!h an!"es of atta#k. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. : . Aerodynami# ba"an#e. Option A. $i"" redu#e aerodynami# "oadin!. Option B. $i"" #ause C+ to mo'e for$ard of hin!e and #ause o'erba"an#e. Option C. $i"" #ause C+ to mo'e to$ards the trai"in! ed!e and #ause instabi"ity. Corre#t Ans$er is. $i"" redu#e aerodynami# "oadin!. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. ::. A ba"an#e tab. Option A. effe#ti'e"y in#reases the area of the #ontro" surfa#e. Option B. assists the pi"ot to mo'e the #ontro"s.

Option C. is used to trim the appropriate a&is of the air#raft. Corre#t Ans$er is. assists the pi"ot to mo'e the #ontro"s. %&p"anation. 3eppesen A P + Te#hni#ian Te&tbook p! 1,)5. Question Number. :6. %"e'ons #ombine the fun#tions of both. Option A. rudder and e"e'ator. Option B. e"e'ator and ai"eron. Option C. rudder and ai"eron. Corre#t Ans$er is. e"e'ator and ai"eron. %&p"anation. 3eppesen AP+ Te#hni#ian Airframe Te&tbook +a!e 1,1: (i! 1,0:. Question Number. :.. ("utter #an be redu#ed by usin!. Option A. a horn ba"an#e. Option B. mass ba"an#in!. Option C. ser'o tabs. Corre#t Ans$er is. mass ba"an#in!. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. :5. An e"e'ator pro'ides #ontro" about the. Option A. "on!itudina" a&is. Option B. "atera" a&is. Option C. horiHonta" stabi"iHer. Corre#t Ans$er is. "atera" a&is. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. 6/. The outboard ai"erons on some "ar!e air#raft. Option A. are iso"ated at hi!h speeds. Option B. are iso"ated to impro'e sensiti'ity. Option C. are iso"ated at "o$ speeds. Corre#t Ans$er is. are iso"ated at hi!h speeds. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. 61. 1hi#h $in! in#reases dra! $hen the ai"erons are mo'ed2. Option A. Both $in!s in#rease dra! but the $in! $ith the up,!oin! ai"eron in#reases more. Option B. Both $in!s ha'e an equa" in#rease in dra!. Option C. Both $in!s in#rease dra! but the $in! $ith the do$n,!oin! ai"eron in#reases more. Corre#t Ans$er is. Both $in!s in#rease dra! but the $in! $ith the do$n,!oin! ai"eron in#reases more. %&p"anation. 3eppesen A P + Te#hni#ian Airframe Te&tbook pa!e 1,):. Question Number. 6). 1hi#h f"ap $i"" in#rease $in! area and #amber2.

Option A. S"ot. Option B. Sp"it. Option C. (o$"er. Corre#t Ans$er is. (o$"er. %&p"anation. 3eppesen AP+ Te#hni#ian Airframe Te&tbook +a!e )/. Question Number. 60. 1in! "oadin! of an air#raft. Option A. 'aries $ith dynami# "oadin! due to air #urrents. Option B. is independent of a"titude. Option C. de#reases $ith density. Corre#t Ans$er is. is independent of a"titude. %&p"anation. 1in! "oadin! 7 air#raft $ei!htD$in! area. Question Number. 64. An automati# s"at $i"" "ift by itse"f $hen the an!"e of atta#k is. Option A. hi!h. Option B. hi!h or "o$. Option C. "o$. Corre#t Ans$er is. hi!h. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. 6 . On air#raft fitted $ith spoi"ers for "atera" #ontro"* ro"" to the ri!ht is #aused by. Option A. "eft spoi"ers e&tendin!* ri!ht spoi"ers remainin! retra#ted. Option B. ri!ht spoi"ers e&tendin!* "eft spoi"ers remainin! retra#ted. Option C. "eft and ri!ht spoi"ers e&tendin!. Corre#t Ans$er is. ri!ht spoi"ers e&tendin!* "eft spoi"ers remainin! retra#ted. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. 6:. A sp"it f"ap in#reases "ift by in#reasin!. Option A. the an!"e of atta#hment of the "o$er hin!ed portion. Option B. the surfa#e area. Option C. the #amber of the top surfa#e. Corre#t Ans$er is. the an!"e of atta#hment of the "o$er hin!ed portion. %&p"anation. 3eppesen A P + Te#hni#ian Airframe Te&tbook pa!e 1,0/. Question Number. 66. 1hen the trai"in! ed!e f"aps are "o$ered* the air#raft $i"". Option A. pit#h nose up. Option B. pit#h nose do$n. Option C. sink. Corre#t Ans$er is. pit#h nose do$n. %&p"anation. @ue to the #entre of pressure mo'in!.

Question Number. 6.. In ai"eron #ontro". Option A. the up !oin! ai"eron mo'es further than do$n !oin! ai"eron. Option B. the do$n !oin! ai"eron mo'es further than up !oin! ai"eron. Option C. it is assisted by the rudder. Corre#t Ans$er is. the up !oin! ai"eron mo'es further than do$n !oin! ai"eron. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. 65. The air#raft is #ontro""ed about the "atera" a&is by the.

Option A. ai"erons. Option B. e"e'ator. Option C. rudder. Corre#t Ans$er is. e"e'ator. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. ./. The air#raft is #ontro""ed about the norma" a&is by the.

Option A. ai"erons. Option B. e"e'ator. Option C. rudder. Corre#t Ans$er is. rudder. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. .1. @ut#h ro"" is. Option A. a #ombined ya$in! and ro""in! motion. Option B. primari"y a pit#hin! instabi"ity. Option C. a type of s"o$ ro"". Corre#t Ans$er is. a #ombined ya$in! and ro""in! motion. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. .). The air#raft is #ontro""ed about the "on!itudina" a&is by the. Option A. ai"erons. Option B. e"e'ator. Option C. rudder. Corre#t Ans$er is. ai"erons. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. .0. Cudder'ators $hen mo'ed* $i"" mo'e. Option A. opposite to ea#h other on"y. Option B. to!ether on"y. Option C. either opposite ea#h other or to!ether* dependin! on the se"e#tion. Corre#t Ans$er is. either opposite ea#h other or to!ether* dependin! on the se"e#tion %&p"anation. 3eppesen AP+ Te#hni#ian Airframe Te&tbook +a!e 1:.

Question Number. .4. As a #onsequen#e of the C of G bein! #"ose to its aft "imit. Option A. the sti#k for#es $i"" be hi!h in fore and aft pit#h* due to the hi!h "on!itudina" stabi"ity. Option B. the sti#k for#es to manoeu're "on!itudina""y $i"" be "o$ due to the "o$ stabi"ity. Option C. the sti#k for#es $hen pit#hin! the nose do$n $i"" be 'ery hi!h. Corre#t Ans$er is. the sti#k for#es $hen pit#hin! the nose do$n $i"" be 'ery hi!h. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. . . 1hat is the term used for the amount of $ater in the atmosphere2. Option A. Ce"ati'e humidity. Option B. Abso"ute humidity. Option C. @e$ point. Corre#t Ans$er is. Abso"ute humidity. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. .:. An anti,ba"an#e tab is mo'ed. Option A. 'ia a fi&ed "inka!e. Option B. hydrau"i#a""y. Option C. $hen the C.G. #han!es. Corre#t Ans$er is. 'ia a fi&ed "inka!e. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. .6. A ser'o tab is operated. Option A. dire#t"y by the pi"ot to produ#e for#es $hi#h in turn mo'e the main #ontro" surfa#es. Option B. automati#a""y* and mo'es in the same dire#tion as the main #ontro" surfa#es. Option C. by a trim $hee" and mo'es in the opposite dire#tion to the main #ontro" surfa#es $hen mo'ed. Corre#t Ans$er is. dire#t"y by the pi"ot to produ#e for#es $hi#h in turn mo'e the main #ontro" surfa#es. %&p"anation. 3eppesen AP+ Te#hni#ian Airframe Te&tbook +a!e )0. Question Number. ... On an air#raft $ith an a"",mo'in! tai"p"ane* pit#h up is #aused by. Option A. de#reasin! tai"p"ane in#iden#e. Option B. up mo'ement of the e"e'ator trim tab. Option C. in#reasin! tai"p"ane in#iden#e. Corre#t Ans$er is. de#reasin! tai"p"ane in#iden#e. %&p"anation. NI9.

Question Number. .5. 1hen #he#kin! fu"" ran!e of #ontro" surfa#e mo'ement* they must be positioned by. Option A. mo'in! them by hand dire#t"y unti" a!ainst the primary stops. Option B. mo'in! them by hand dire#t"y unti" a!ainst the se#ondary stops. Option C. operatin! the #ontro" #abin #ontro"s unti" the system is a!ainst the primary stops. Corre#t Ans$er is. operatin! the #ontro" #abin #ontro"s unti" the system is a!ainst the primary stops. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. 5/. An e&#ess of aerodynami# ba"an#e $ou"d mo'e the #ontro" surfa#e #entre of pressure. Option A. rear$ards* resu"tin! in too mu#h assistan#e. Option B. rear$ards* resu"tin! in "oss of assistan#e. Option C. for$ards* resu"tin! in an unstab"e o'erba"an#e. Corre#t Ans$er is. for$ards* resu"tin! in an unstab"e o'erba"an#e. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. 51. A f"yin! #ontro" mass ba"an#e $ei!ht. Option A. keeps the #ontro" surfa#e C of G as #"ose to the trai"in! ed!e as possib"e. Option B. tends to mo'e the #ontro" surfa#e C of G #"ose to the hin!e "ine. Option C. ensures that the C of G a"$ays a#ts to aid the pi"ot thus re"ie'in! #ontro" #o"umn "oad. Corre#t Ans$er is. tends to mo'e the #ontro" surfa#e C of G #"ose to the hin!e "ine. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. 5). The type of f"ap $hi#h e&tends rear$ards $hen "o$ered is #a""ed a. Option A. p"ain f"ap. Option B. sp"it f"ap. Option C. (o$"er f"ap. Corre#t Ans$er is. (o$"er f"ap. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. 50. 1hi#h of the fo""o$in! trai"in! ed!e f"aps !i'e an in#rease in $in! area2. Option A. Sp"it f"ap. Option B. (o$"er f"ap. Option C. S"otted f"ap. Corre#t Ans$er is. (o$"er f"ap. %&p"anation. NI9.

Question Number.


1hi#h of the fo""o$in! is not a primary f"yin! #ontro"2.

Option A. %"e'ator. Option B. Tai"p"ane. Option C. Cudder. Corre#t Ans$er is. Tai"p"ane. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. 5 . A "eadin! ed!e s"at is a de'i#e for. Option A. in#reasin! the sta""in! an!"e of the $in!. Option B. de#reasin! the sta""in! an!"e of the $in!. Option C. de#reasin! $in! dra!. Corre#t Ans$er is. in#reasin! the sta""in! an!"e of the $in!. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. 5:. A Lrue!er f"ap is. Option A. a f"ap $hi#h e&tends rear$ards but does not "o$er. Option B. a "eadin! ed!e f"ap $hi#h hin!es for$ard. Option C. a "eadin! ed!e s"at $hi#h e&tends for$ard. Corre#t Ans$er is. a "eadin! ed!e f"ap $hi#h hin!es for$ard. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. 56. A tab $hi#h assists the pi"ot to mo'e a f"yin! #ontro" by mo'in! automati#a""y in the opposite dire#tion to the #ontro" surfa#e is #a""ed a. Option A. ser'o tab. Option B. !eared ba"an#e tab. Option C. trim tab. Corre#t Ans$er is. !eared ba"an#e tab. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. 5.. 1hat is atta#hed to the rear of the 'erti#a" stabi"iHer2.

Option A. %"e'ator. Option B. Ai"eron. Option C. Cudder. Corre#t Ans$er is. Cudder. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. 55. 1hat is fitted on the air#raft to enab"e the pi"ot to redu#e his speed rapid"y in e'ent of se'ere turbu"en#e* or speed tendin! to rise abo'e the Ne'er %&#eed 9imit2. Option A. 9ift dumpers. Option B. Air brakes. Option C. 1hee" brakes. Corre#t Ans$er is. Air brakes.

%&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. 1//. 1hen spoi"ers are used asymmetri#a""y* they #ombine $ith. Option A. ai"erons. Option B. rudder. Option C. e"e'ators. Corre#t Ans$er is. ai"erons. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. 1/1. E1hat is used to #orre#t any tenden#y of the air#raft to mo'e to$ards an undesirab"e f"i!ht attitude2.E Option A. Trim tabs. Option B. Sprin! tabs. Option C. Ba"an#e tabs. Corre#t Ans$er is. Trim tabs. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. 1/). The "ayer of air o'er the surfa#e of an aerofoi" $hi#h is s"o$er mo'in!* in re"ation to the rest of the airf"o$* is kno$n as. Option A. none of the abo'e are #orre#t. Option B. #amber "ayer. Option C. boundary "ayer. Corre#t Ans$er is. boundary "ayer. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. #a""ed a. Option A. s"at. Option B. s"ot. Option C. f"ap. Corre#t Ans$er is. %&p"anation. NI9. 1/0. A #ontro" surfa#e $hi#h forms a s"ot $hen dep"oyed is


Question Number. 1/4. Asymmetri# f"aps $i"" #ause. Option A. the air#raft to des#end. Option B. the air#raft to as#end. Option C. one $in! to rise. Corre#t Ans$er is. one $in! to rise. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. 1/ . 1hen airf"o$ 'e"o#ity o'er an upper #ambered surfa#e of an aerofoi" de#reases* $hat takes p"a#e2.

Option A. +ressure de#reases* "ift in#reases. Option B. +ressure in#reases* "ift de#reases. Option C. +ressure in#reases* "ift in#reases. Corre#t Ans$er is. +ressure in#reases* "ift de#reases. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. 1/:. 1hat is a #ontro""in! fa#tor of turbu"en#e and skin fri#tion2. Option A. Countersunk ri'ets used on skin e&terior. Option B. Aspe#t ratio. Option C. (ineness ratio. Corre#t Ans$er is. Countersunk ri'ets used on skin e&terior. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. 1/6. Chan!es in air#raft $ei!ht. Option A. #ause #orrespondin! #han!es in tota" dra! due to the asso#iated "ift #han!e. Option B. $i"" not affe#t tota" dra! sin#e it is dependant on"y upon speed. Option C. $i"" on"y affe#t tota" dra! if the "ift is kept #onstant. Corre#t Ans$er is. #ause #orrespondin! #han!es in tota" dra! due to the asso#iated "ift #han!e. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. 1/.. 1hen an air#raft sta""s. Option A. "ift in#reases and dra! de#reases. Option B. "ift and dra! in#rease. Option C. "ift de#reases and dra! in#reases. Corre#t Ans$er is. "ift de#reases and dra! in#reases. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. 1/5. Spoi"er pane"s are positioned so that $hen dep"oyed.

Option A. ro"" $i"" not o##ur. Option B. pit#h trim is not affe#ted. Option C. no ya$ takes p"a#e. Corre#t Ans$er is. pit#h trim is not affe#ted. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. 11/. The air#raft sta""in! speed $i"". Option A. on"y #han!e if the IT1A $ere #han!ed. Option B. be unaffe#ted by air#raft $ei!ht #han!es sin#e it is dependant upon the an!"e of atta#k. Option C. in#rease $ith an in#rease in $ei!ht. Corre#t Ans$er is. in#rease $ith an in#rease in $ei!ht. %&p"anation. NI9.

Question Number. 111. In a bank and turn. Option A. e&tra "ift is not required if thrust is in#reased. Option B. e&tra "ift is not required. Option C. e&tra "ift is required. Corre#t Ans$er is. e&tra "ift is required. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. 11). The method emp"oyed to mass ba"an#e #ontro" surfa#es is to. Option A. fit bias strips to the trai"in! ed!e of the surfa#es. Option B. atta#h $ei!hts for$ard of the hin!e "ine. Option C. a""o$ the "eadin! ed!e of the surfa#e to pro4e#t into the airf"o$. Corre#t Ans$er is. atta#h $ei!hts for$ard of the hin!e "ine. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. 110. Contro" surfa#e f"utter may be #aused by. Option A. e&#essi'e p"ay in trim tab atta#hments. Option B. hi!h stati# fri#tion in trim tab #ontro" tabs. Option C. in#orre#t an!u"ar mo'ement of trim tabs. Corre#t Ans$er is. e&#essi'e p"ay in trim tab atta#hments. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. 114. A differentia" ai"eron #ontro" system resu"ts in. Option A. ai"eron dra! bein! redu#ed on the inner $in! in a turn. Option B. ai"eron dra! bein! redu#ed on the outer $in! in a turn. Option C. ai"eron dra! bein! #ompensated by sma"" rudder mo'ements. Corre#t Ans$er is. ai"eron dra! bein! redu#ed on the outer $in! in a turn. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. 11 . The primary fun#tion of a f"ap is. Option A. to trim the air#raft "on!itudina""y. Option B. to a"ter the position of the #entre of !ra'ity. Option C. to a"ter the "ift of an aerofoi". Corre#t Ans$er is. to a"ter the "ift of an aerofoi". %&p"anation. 3eppesen A P + Te#hni#ian Airframe Te&tbook pa!e 1,0/. Question Number. 11:. The an!"e of atta#k at $hi#h sta"" o##urs. Option A. #an be 'aried by usin! f"aps and s"ats. Option B. depends on the $ei!ht of the air#raft. Option C. #annot be 'aried* it is a"$ays #onstant. Corre#t Ans$er is. #an be 'aried by usin! f"aps and s"ats. %&p"anation. NI9.

Question Number. 116. The sta""in! speed of an air#raft. Option A. is in#reased $hen it is hea'ier. Option B. does not #han!e. Option C. is in#reased $hen it is "i!hter. Corre#t Ans$er is. is in#reased $hen it is hea'ier. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. 11.. A $in! f"ap $hi#h has dropped or partia""y e&tended on one $in! in f"i!ht $i"" "ead to. Option A. a fi&ed banked attitude $hi#h $ou"d be #orre#ted by use of the rudder. Option B. a pit#hin! moment $hi#h $ou"d be #orre#ted by used of the e"e'ators. Option C. a steady ro""in! tenden#y $hi#h $ou"d be #orre#ted by use of the ai"erons. Corre#t Ans$er is. a steady ro""in! tenden#y $hi#h $ou"d be #orre#ted by use of the ai"erons. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. 115. 1ith an in#rease in the amount of f"ap dep"oyment* the sta""in! an!"e of a $in!. Option A. remains the same. Option B. in#reases. Option C. de#reases. Corre#t Ans$er is. de#reases. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. 1)/. Aerodynami# ba"an#e of a #ontro" surfa#e may be a#hie'ed. Option A. by a horn at the e&tremity of the surfa#e for$ard of the hin!e "ine. Option B. by $ei!hts added to the #ontro" surfa#e aft of the hin!e "ine. Option C. by a trimmin! strip at the trai"in! ed!e of the surfa#e. Corre#t Ans$er is. by a horn at the e&tremity of the surfa#e for$ard of the hin!e "ine. %&p"anation. 3eppesen AP+ Te#hni#ian Airframe Te&tbook +a!e )4 +ara 6. Question Number. 1)1. A #ontro" surfa#e is pro'ided $ith aerodynami# ba"an#in! to. Option A. assist the pi"ot in mo'in! the #ontro". Option B. in#rease stabi"ity. Option C. de#rease the dra! $hen the #ontro" is def"e#ted. Corre#t Ans$er is. assist the pi"ot in mo'in! the #ontro". %&p"anation. 3eppesen AP+ Te#hni#ian Airframe Te&tbook +a!e )4 +ara 6. Question Number. 1)). @o$n$ard disp"a#ement of an ai"eron. Option A. in#reases the an!"e at $hi#h its $in! sta""s.

Option B. de#reases the an!"e at $hi#h its $in! $i"" sta"". Option C. has no effe#t on its $in! sta""in! an!"e* it on"y affe#ts the sta""in! speed on that $in!. Corre#t Ans$er is. de#reases the an!"e at $hi#h its $in! $i"" sta"". %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. 1)0. @ue to the tai"p"ane an!"e of atta#k #han!e* the f"ap, indu#ed do$n$ash on the tai"p"ane. Option A. $i"" tend to #ause an air#raft nose,up pit#h. Option B. Emay #ause a nose,do$n or nose,up pit#h dependin! upon the initia" tai"p"ane "oad .E Option C. $i"" tend to #ause an air#raft nose do$n pit#h. Corre#t Ans$er is. $i"" tend to #ause an air#raft nose,up pit#h. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. 1)4. @ue to the #han!e in "ift #oeffi#ient a##ompanyin! e&tension of the f"aps* to maintain the "ift #onstant it $ou"d be ne#essary to. Option A. raise the nose. Option B. "o$er the nose. Option C. keep the pit#h attitude #onstant. Corre#t Ans$er is. "o$er the nose. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. 1) . The e&tension to the rudder ;shaded portion sho$n on the dia!ram<* is pro'ided to. Option A. make the pi"ot a$are of the aerodynami# for#es en#ountered $hen mo'in! the #ontro". Option B. pro'ide aerodynami# assistan#e for the pi"ot $hen mo'in! the rudder. Option C. pre'ent #ontro" surfa#e f"utter. Corre#t Ans$er is. pro'ide aerodynami# assistan#e for the pi"ot $hen mo'in! the rudder. %&p"anation. 3eppesen AP+ Te#hni#ian Airframe Te&tbook +a!e ) +ara 6. Question Number. 1):. A differentia" ai"eron #ontro" is one $hi#h !i'es. Option A. the do$n,!oin! ai"eron more tra'e" than the up,!oin! one. Option B. equa" ai"eron tra'e" in ea#h dire#tion* but 'ariab"e for sti#k mo'ement. Option C. a "ar!er ai"eron up tra'e" than do$n. Corre#t Ans$er is. a "ar!er ai"eron up tra'e" than do$n. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. 1)6. 1hi#h "eadin! ed!e de'i#e impro'es the "aminar f"o$ o'er the $in!2. Option A. ("ap and s"at. Option B. S"at.

Option C. ("ap. Corre#t Ans$er is. S"at. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. 1).. The ba"an#e tab is an au&i"iary surfa#e fitted to a main #ontro" surfa#e. Option A. operatin! automati#a""y to assist the pi"ot in mo'in! the #ontro"s. Option B. operated independent"y at $hi#h point in the "en!th of #ab"e the tensiometer is app"ied. Option C. operatin! automati#a""y to pro'ide fee" to the #ontro"s. Corre#t Ans$er is. operatin! automati#a""y to assist the pi"ot in mo'in! the #ontro"s. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. 1)5. Aerodynami# ba"an#in! of f"i!ht #ontro"s is a#hie'ed by. Option A. p"a#in! a $ei!ht ahead of the hin!e point. Option B. p"a#in! a $ei!ht in the "eadin! ed!e of the #ontro" surfa#e. Option C. pro'idin! a portion of the #ontro" surfa#e ahead of the hin!e point. Corre#t Ans$er is. pro'idin! a portion of the #ontro" surfa#e ahead of the hin!e point. %&p"anation. A9D0,)4 para 4.). Question Number. 10/. Aerodynami# ba"an#e is used to. Option A. redu#e the #ontro" "oad to Hero. Option B. make the f"yin! #ontro"s easier to mo'e. Option C. pre'ent f"utter of the f"yin! #ontro"s. Corre#t Ans$er is. make the f"yin! #ontro"s easier to mo'e. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. 101. A horn ba"an#e is. Option A. a rod pro4e#tin! for$ard from the #ontro" surfa#e $ith a $ei!ht on the end. Option B. a rod pro4e#tin! up$ard from the main #ontro" surfa#e to $hi#h the #ontro" #ab"es are atta#hed. Option C. a pro4e#tion of the outer ed!e of the #ontro" surfa#e for$ard of the hin!e "ine. Corre#t Ans$er is. a pro4e#tion of the outer ed!e of the #ontro" surfa#e for$ard of the hin!e "ine. %&p"anation. 3eppesen AP+ Te#hni#ian Airframe Te&tbook +a!e 1:. Question Number. 10). A #ontro" surfa#e is mass ba"an#ed by. Option A. the atta#hment of $ei!hts a#tin! on the hin!e "ine. Option B. fittin! a ba"an#e tab. Option C. the atta#hment of $ei!hts a#tin! for$ard of the hin!e "ine.

Corre#t Ans$er is. %&p"anation. NI9.

the atta#hment of $ei!hts a#tin! for$ard of the hin!e "ine.

Question Number. 100. The purpose of anti,ba"an#e tabs is to. Option A. re"ie'e sti#k "oads. Option B. trim the air#raft. Option C. !i'e more fee" to the #ontro" #o"umn. Corre#t Ans$er is. !i'e more fee" to the #ontro" #o"umn. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. 104. Rou ha'e ad4usted the e"e'ator trim tab to #orre#t for nose hea'y. 1hat $as the dire#tion of tra'e" of the trim tab2. Option A. The e"e'ator trim tab has mo'ed do$n. Option B. The e"e'ator trim tab has mo'ed up. Option C. The port e"e'ator tab has mo'ed up and starboard mo'ed do$n. Corre#t Ans$er is. The e"e'ator trim tab has mo'ed do$n. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. 10 . The tropopause e&ists at about. Option A. 1.*/// ft. Option B. 0/*/// ft. Option C. 0:*/// ft. Corre#t Ans$er is. 0:*/// ft. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. 10:. Indu#ed dra! #ur'e #hara#teristi#s of a s"ender de"ta $in! are su#h that there is. Option A. an in#rease in !radient $ith $in! speed. Option B. no #han!e in !radient $ith $in! speed. Option C. de#rease in !radient $ith $in! speed. Corre#t Ans$er is. de#rease in !radient $ith $in! speed. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. 106. If an air#raft is ya$in! "eft* the trim tab on the rudder $ou"d be positioned. Option A. to the ri!ht* mo'in! the rudder "eft. Option B. to the #entre. Option C. to the "eft* mo'in! the rudder ri!ht. Corre#t Ans$er is. to the "eft* mo'in! the rudder ri!ht. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. 10.. Instabi"ity !i'in! ro"" and ya$. Option A. is dut#h ro"". Option B. is "on!itudina" stabi"ity.

Option C. is "atera" stabi"ity. Corre#t Ans$er is. is dut#h ro"". %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. 105. Korte& !enerators are fitted to. Option A. mo'e transition point rear$ards. Option B. mo'e transition point for$ards. Option C. ad'an#e the onset of f"o$ separation. Corre#t Ans$er is. mo'e transition point for$ards. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. 14/. 9eadin! ed!e f"aps. Option A. in#rease sta""in! an!"e of the $in!. Option B. de#rease sta""in! an!"e of the $in!. Option C. do not #han!e the sta""in! an!"e. Corre#t Ans$er is. in#rease sta""in! an!"e of the $in!. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. 141. Lrue!er f"aps are on. Option A. the "eadin! ed!e. Option B. either the "eadin! or trainin! ed!e. Option C. the trai"in! ed!e. Corre#t Ans$er is. the "eadin! ed!e. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. 14). S$eepba#k $i"". Option A. de#rease "atera" stabi"ity. Option B. not affe#t "atera" stabi"ity. Option C. in#rease "atera" stabi"ity. Corre#t Ans$er is. in#rease "atera" stabi"ity. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. 140. A p"ain f"ap. Option A. does not in#rease the $in! area on dep"oyment. Option B. is atta#hed to the "eadin! ed!e of the $in!. Option C. forms part of "o$er trai"in! ed!e. Corre#t Ans$er is. does not in#rease the $in! area on dep"oyment. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. 144. A sp"it f"ap* $hen dep"oyed. Option A. is used on"y on hi!h speed air#raft. Option B. in#reases "ift $ithout a #orrespondin! in#rease in dra!. Option C. in#reases dra! $ith "itt"e "ift #oeffi#ient in#rease* from intermediate to fu""y do$n.

Corre#t Ans$er is. in#reases dra! $ith "itt"e "ift #oeffi#ient in#rease* from intermediate to fu""y do$n. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. 14 . A f"yin! #ontro" mass ba"an#e $ei!ht. Option A. keeps the #ontro" surfa#e C of G as #"ose to the trai"in! ed!e as possib"e. Option B. tends to mo'e the #ontro" surfa#e C of G #"ose to the hin!e "ine. Option C. tends to mo'e the #ontro" surfa#e C of G for$ard of the hin!e "ine. Corre#t Ans$er is. tends to mo'e the #ontro" surfa#e C of G #"ose to the hin!e "ine. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. 14:. An e"e'ator #ontro"s the air#raft motion in. Option A. ya$. Option B. ro"". Option C. pit#h. Corre#t Ans$er is. pit#h. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. 146. Air abo'e Ia#h /.6 is. Option A. #ompressib"e on"y $hen abo'e the speed of sound. Option B. in#ompressib"e. Option C. #ompressib"e. Corre#t Ans$er is. #ompressib"e. %&p"anation. Air#raft ("i!ht Barnard and +hi"pot* Se#ond %dition +a!e1)0. Ie#hani#s of ("i!ht AC Lermode 1/th %dition +a!e 0. . Question Number. 14.. Supersoni# air passin! throu!h a di'er!ent du#t #auses the. Option A. pressure to in#rease* 'e"o#ity to in#rease. Option B. pressure to in#rease* 'e"o#ity to de#rease. Option C. pressure to de#rease* 'e"o#ity to in#rease. Corre#t Ans$er is. pressure to de#rease* 'e"o#ity to in#rease. %&p"anation. Ie#hani#s of ("i!ht AC Lermode 1/th %dition +a!e 04/. Question Number. 145. An air#raft f"yin! be"o$ the tropopause des#ends at a #onstant True Airspeed. Its Ia#h. No. $i"". Option A. not #han!e. Option B. de#rease. Option C. in#rease. Corre#t Ans$er is. de#rease. %&p"anation. Speed of sound INCC%AS%S $ith @%CC%ASING a"titude* so ma#h number $i"" de#rease.

Question Number. 1 /. A nose do$n #han!e of trim ;tu#k,under< o##urs due to sho#k indu#ed. Option A. tip sta"" on a de"ta $in! air#raft. Option B. root sta"" on a de"ta $in! air#raft. Option C. tip sta"" on a strai!ht $in! air#raft. Corre#t Ans$er is. root sta"" on a de"ta $in! air#raft. %&p"anation. +a""ett Automati# ("i!ht Contro" )nd %dition +a!e 4 . Question Number. 1 1. A symmetri#a" aerofoi" is a##e"eratin! throu!h Ia#h 1 $ith an an!"e of atta#k of />. A sho#k $a'e $i"" form. Option A. on the upper and "o$er surfa#e and $i"" mo'e aft unti" the point of ma&imum #amber. Option B. on the upper and "o$er surfa#e and $i"" mo'e aft. Option C. on the upper surfa#e on"y and mo'e aft. Corre#t Ans$er is. on the upper and "o$er surfa#e and $i"" mo'e aft. %&p"anation. Sho#k$a'es form on upper and "o$er surfa#es B%GINNING at point of ma& #ur'ature* !radua""y mo'in! ba#k. Question Number. 1 ). Sho#k sta"". Option A. o##urs at hi!h speeds. Option B. is a f"ap do$n sta"" and o##urs at hi!h speeds. Option C. o##urs at "o$ speeds. Corre#t Ans$er is. o##urs at hi!h speeds. %&p"anation. Sho#k sta"" ;or sho#k indu#ed sta""< is #aused by the formation of sho#k $a'es in the transoni# speed ran!e. Question Number. 1 0. As you approa#h supersoni# speed. Option A. thrust is redu#ed. Option B. tota" dra! is in#reased. Option C. "ift is redu#ed. Corre#t Ans$er is. tota" dra! is in#reased. %&p"anation. An additiona" dra! , $a'e dra! , is added to the tota" dra!. Question Number. 1 4. Ia#h trim in some air#raft assists. Option A. "atera" stabi"ity. Option B. 'erti#a" stabi"ity. Option C. "on!itudina" stabi"ity. Corre#t Ans$er is. "on!itudina" stabi"ity. %&p"anation. Ia#h trim is used to #orre#t the "on!itudina" trim upset durin! the transoni# speed ran!e. Question Number. 1 . Before an air#raft rea#hes #riti#a" ma#h. Option A. the nose pit#hes up be#ause the C+ mo'es (or$ard. Option B. the air#raft buffets be#ause the C+ mo'es to the sho#k $a'e. Option C. the nose pit#hes do$n be#ause the C+ mo'es rear.

Corre#t Ans$er is. the nose pit#hes do$n be#ause the C+ mo'es rear. %&p"anation. Ie#hani#s of ("i!ht 1/th edition Barnard and +hi"pott +! 041. Question Number. 1 :. On a standard day* at $hi#h a"titude $i"" the speed of sound be the !reatest2. Option A. )/*/// ft. Option B. 1/*/// ft. Option C. Sea "e'e". Corre#t Ans$er is. Sea "e'e". %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. 1 6. 1hi#h of the fo""o$in! $i"" in#rease the Criti#a" Ia#h Number of an aerofoi"2. Option A. Msin! a thin airfoi" and s$eepin! the $in!s ba#k. Option B. @e#reasin! the fineness ratio of the $in!s. Option C. In#reasin! the aspe#t ratio of the $in!s. Corre#t Ans$er is. Msin! a thin airfoi" and s$eepin! the $in!s ba#k. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. 1 .. As an air#raft a##e"erates throu!h the transoni# re!ion* the #entre of pressure tends to. Option A. turn into a sho#k $a'e. Option B. mo'e rear$ard. Option C. mo'e for$ard. Corre#t Ans$er is. mo'e rear$ard. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. 1 5. Supersoni# air !oin! throu!h an in#ipient sho#k $a'e $i"" de#rease its speed and. Option A. de#rease temperature and in#rease density. Option B. in#rease temperature and de#rease density. Option C. in#rease temperature and in#rease density. Corre#t Ans$er is. in#rease temperature and in#rease density. %&p"anation. Ie#hani#s of ("i!ht AC Lermode 1/th %dition +a!e 0): fi! 11.4. Question Number. 1:/. An in#rease in ma#h number $i"" #ause the. Option A. Cof+ to mo'e rear$ards !i'in! more do$n$ash on the tai" p"ane. Option B. Cof+ to mo'e for$ards !i'in! "ess do$n$ash on the tai" p"ane. Option C. Cof+ to mo'e rear$ards !i'in! "ess do$n$ash on the tai" p"ane. Corre#t Ans$er is. Cof+ to mo'e rear$ards !i'in! "ess do$n$ash on the tai" p"ane. %&p"anation. Automati# ("i!ht Contro"* +a""ett. +a!e /.

Question Number. 1:1. At speeds abo'e Ia#h 1* sho#k$a'es $i"" form abo'e and be"o$ the $in!. Option A. at the trai"in! ed!e. Option B. at both the "eadin! ed!e and the trai"in! ed!e. Option C. at the "eadin! ed!e. Corre#t Ans$er is. at both the "eadin! ed!e and the trai"in! ed!e. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. 1:). Abo'e the #riti#a" ma#h number* the dra! #oeffi#ient.

Option A. in#reases. Option B. remains the same. Option C. de#reases. Corre#t Ans$er is. in#reases. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. 1:0. Ia#h trim #ounters. Option A. "on!itudina" instabi"ity. Option B. 'erti#a" instabi"ity. Option C. "atera" instabi"ity. Corre#t Ans$er is. "on!itudina" instabi"ity. %&p"anation. Automati# ("i!ht Contro" +a""ett pa!e )01 and /. Question Number. 1:4. At hi!h Ia#h Numbers abo'e Ia#h ).)* some air#raft meta"s. Option A. su#h as a"uminium* be#ome britt"e. Option B. "ose their stren!th due to the kineti# heatin! effe#t. Option C. $i"" shrink due to the e&treme pressures in'o"'ed. Corre#t Ans$er is. "ose their stren!th due to the kineti# heatin! effe#t. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. 1: . Ia#h trim operates. Option A. a"on! the "on!itudina" a&is. Option B. a"on! the "atera" a&is. Option C. to redu#e @ut#h ro"". Corre#t Ans$er is. a"on! the "on!itudina" a&is. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. 1::. To in#rease #riti#a" ma#h number. Option A. the $in!s are s$ept. Option B. e"e'ons are fitted. Option C. tai"erons are fitted. Corre#t Ans$er is. the $in!s are s$ept. %&p"anation. NI9.

Question Number. 1:6. 1hen approa#hin! the speed of sound the. Option A. pressure abo'e the $in! e&#eeds the pressure be"o$ the $in! in p"a#es. Option B. pressure abo'e the $in! #an ne'er e&#eed the pressure be"o$ the $in!. Option C. pressure abo'e the $in! equa"s the pressure be"o$ the $in!. Corre#t Ans$er is. pressure abo'e the $in! e&#eeds the pressure be"o$ the $in! in p"a#es. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. 1:.. Airspeeds abo'e the speed of sound* but not e&#eedin! 4 times the speed of sound are. Option A. supersoni#. Option B. hypersoni#. Option C. hyposoni#. Corre#t Ans$er is. supersoni#. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. 1:5. An air#raft e&perien#es a "ar!e "oss of "ift and a bi! in#rease in dra! in strai!ht and "e'e" f"i!ht* $hat $ou"d be the most probab"e #ause2. Option A. Atmospheri# #onditions. Option B. Air#raft rea#hed its #riti#a" ma#h number. Option C. Se'ere head $inds. Corre#t Ans$er is. Air#raft rea#hed its #riti#a" ma#h number. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. 16/. A Ia#h Trimmer is a de'i#e $hi#h. Option A. pre'ents the air#raft from e&#eedin! its #riti#a" Ia#h No. Option B. automati#a""y #ompensates for trim #han!es in the transoni# re!ion. Option C. s$it#hes out trim #ontro" to pre'ent dama!e in the transoni# speed ran!e. Corre#t Ans$er is. automati#a""y #ompensates for trim #han!es in the transoni# re!ion. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. 161. Ia#h trim usua""y operates bet$een. Option A. /.5 ma#h and /.55 ma#h. Option B. /.6 and /.. ma#h. Option C. /.: ma#h /.6 ma#h. Corre#t Ans$er is. /.6 and /.. ma#h. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. Option A. ICS. 16). Ia#h trimmin! is initiated by an input si!na" from the.

Option B. 'erti#a" !yro. Option C. CA@C. Corre#t Ans$er is. 'erti#a" !yro. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. 160. Ia#h trim pre'ents. Option A. the nose droppin! in a "o$ speed turn. Option B. the nose droppin! at hi!h speed. Option C. the nose "iftin! at hi!h speed. Corre#t Ans$er is. the nose droppin! at hi!h speed. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. 164. Criti#a" Ia#h No. may be in#reased by. Option A. usin! a hi!her thi#knessD#hord ratio $in!. Option B. s$eepin! ba#k the $in!. Option C. usin! more po$erfu" en!ines. Corre#t Ans$er is. s$eepin! ba#k the $in!. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. 16 . Airf"o$ either side of a norma" sho#k $a'e is. Option A. soni# upstream and do$nstream. Option B. soni# upstream* subsoni# do$nstream. Option C. subsoni# upstream* soni# do$nstream. Corre#t Ans$er is. soni# upstream* subsoni# do$nstream. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. 16:. Ia#h Number is defined as. Option A. speed of sound at sea "e'e" di'ided by "o#a" speed of sound. Option B. IAS di'ided by the "o#a" speed of sound. Option C. TAS di'ided by "o#a" speed of sound. Corre#t Ans$er is. TAS di'ided by "o#a" speed of sound. %&p"anation. 3eppesen AP+ Te#hni#ian Airframe Te&tbook +a!e ::. Question Number. 166. The reason for sharp "eadin! ed!ed $in!s on hi!h speed air#raft is to. Option A. enab"e the sho#k$a'e to be a##urate"y positioned. Option B. de#rease $a'e dra!. Option C. de#rease boundary "ayer. Corre#t Ans$er is. enab"e the sho#k$a'e to be a##urate"y positioned. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. 16.. Criti#a" Ia#h Number is defined as. Option A. that number at $hi#h the airf"o$ be#omes supersoni#.

Option B. that free,stream Ia#h Number at $hi#h some part of the airf"o$ o'er the air#raft be#omes soni#. Option C. the minimum ma#h number at $hi#h the air#raft #an !o supersoni#. Corre#t Ans$er is. that free,stream Ia#h Number at $hi#h some part of the airf"o$ o'er the air#raft be#omes soni#. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. 165. The transoni# re!ion is a re!ion of. Option A. a"" subsoni#. Option B. a"" supersoni#. Option C. mi&ed airf"o$. Corre#t Ans$er is. mi&ed airf"o$. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. 1./. Immediate"y do$nstream of an ob"ique sho#k$a'e is a"$ays. Option A. supersoni#. Option B. the same as upstream. Option C. subsoni#. Corre#t Ans$er is. supersoni#. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. 1.1. 1a'e dra!. Option A. in#reases in the supersoni# re!ion. Option B. in#reases at the "o$ speed sta"". Option C. in#reases in the transoni# re!ion. Corre#t Ans$er is. in#reases in the transoni# re!ion. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. 1.). (or in#reased I#rit. Option A. de#rease thi#knessD#hord ratio. Option B. de#rease s$eepba#k. Option C. de#rease true airspeed. Corre#t Ans$er is. de#rease thi#knessD#hord ratio. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. 1.0. Symptoms of sho#k sta"" are. Option A. de#rease in speed* buffet and mo'ement of the #entre of pressure. Option B. buffet* "oss of #ontro"* and instabi"ity. Option C. #ompressibi"ity effe#ts* buffet and "oss of #ontro". Corre#t Ans$er is. buffet* "oss of #ontro"* and instabi"ity. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. 1.4. S$eepba#k in#reases I#rit by.

Option A. de#reasin! the amount of airf"o$ o'er the "o$est point on the aerofoi" se#tion. Option B. de#reasin! the amount of airf"o$ o'er the hi!hest point on the aerofoi" se#tion. Option C. in#reasin! the amount of airf"o$ o'er the hi!hest point on the aerofoi" se#tion. Corre#t Ans$er is. de#reasin! the amount of airf"o$ o'er the hi!hest point on the aerofoi" se#tion. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. 1. . Ia#h number is. Option A. the ratio of the air#rafts TAS to the speed of sound at the same atmospheri# #onditions. Option B. the ratio of the air#rafts IAS to the speed of sound at the same atmospheri# #onditions. Option C. the ratio of the air#rafts TAS to the speed of sound at sea "e'e". Corre#t Ans$er is. the ratio of the air#rafts TAS to the speed of sound at the same atmospheri# #onditions. %&p"anation. ("i!ht Instruments and Automati# ("i!ht Contro"* @a'id =arris +a!e 15. Question Number. 1.:. The #riti#a" Ia#h number is. Option A. the Ia#h No. $hen a sho#k $a'e forms at the "eadin! ed!e. Option B. the Ia#h No. $hen the air#raft rea#hes the speed of sound. Option C. the air#raft Ia#h. No. $hen the airf"o$ rea#hes the speed of sound at some point on the air#raft. Corre#t Ans$er is. the air#raft Ia#h. No. $hen the airf"o$ rea#hes the speed of sound at some point on the air#raft. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. 1.6. Abo'e the Criti#a" Ia#h No. the dra! #oeffi#ient $i"".

Option A. remain the same. Option B. start to in#rease. Option C. start to de#rease. Corre#t Ans$er is. start to in#rease. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. 1... A $in! of "o$ thi#knessD#hord ratio* the Criti#a" Ia#h No. $i"" be. Option A. "o$er than a $in! of hi!h thi#knessD#hord ratio. Option B. hi!her than a $in! of hi!h thi#knessD#hord ratio. Option C. the same as a $in! of hi!h thi#knessD#hord ratio. Corre#t Ans$er is. hi!her than a $in! of hi!h thi#knessD#hord ratio. %&p"anation. NI9.

Question Number. 1.5. An aerop"ane f"yin! abo'e the Criti#a" Ia#h No. $i"" usua""y e&perien#e. Option A. a nose up pit#h. Option B. an os#i""ation in pit#h. Option C. a nose do$n pit#h Corre#t Ans$er is. a nose do$n pit#h. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. 15/. Tu#k,under #an be #ountera#ted by. Option A. ma#h trim. Option B. ai"eron re'ersa". Option C. trim tabs. Corre#t Ans$er is. ma#h trim. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. 151. 1hat #auses tu#kunder2. Option A. ("ap ba#k effe#t. Option B. Sho#k sta"". Option C. Ai"eron re'ersa". Corre#t Ans$er is. Sho#k sta"". %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. 15). 1hen does a sho#k sta"" o##ur2. Option A. 1hen the air#raft for$ard speed is abo'e Ia#h One. Option B. At the #riti#a" Ia#h number of the aerop"ane. Option C. 1hen the air#raft rea#hes speed of sound in a di'e. Corre#t Ans$er is. At the #riti#a" Ia#h number of the aerop"ane. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. 150. 1ith an in#rease in a"titude under I.S.A. #onditions* the temperature in the troposphere. Option A. in#reases. Option B. remains #onstant. Option C. de#reases. Corre#t Ans$er is. de#reases. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. 154. Air either side of an ob"ique sho#k$a'e is !enera""y.

Option A. soni#. Option B. supersoni#. Option C. subsoni#. Corre#t Ans$er is. supersoni#. %&p"anation. NI9.

Question Number. 15 . @o$nstream of a norma" sho#k $a'e. Option A. pressure de#reases temperature in#reases. Option B. pressure and temperature in#rease. Option C. pressure and temperature de#rease. Corre#t Ans$er is. pressure and temperature in#rease. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. 15:. Speed of sound 'aries $ith. Option A. a"titude. Option B. temperature. Option C. pressure. Corre#t Ans$er is. temperature. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. 156. Immediate"y do$nstream of a norma" sho#k$a'e* air is a"$ays. Option A. subsoni#. Option B. supersoni#. Option C. the same as upstream. Corre#t Ans$er is. subsoni#. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. 15.. In#reased s$eepba#k. Option A. impro'es tip sta"" #hara#teristi#s. Option B. raises I#rit. Option C. de#reases stabi"ity. Corre#t Ans$er is. raises I#rit. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. 155. Aerodynami# heatin!. Option A. in#reases as a fun#tion of airspeed. Option B. in#reases $ith skin fri#tion. Option C. de#reases $ith a"titude. Corre#t Ans$er is. in#reases as a fun#tion of airspeed. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. )//. To o'er#ome ineffe#ti'e #ontro" surfa#e prob"ems in the transoni# re!ion. Option A. an a"" mo'in! tai"p"ane may be used. Option B. hydrau"i# po$ered e"e'ators may be used. Option C. (rise ai"erons may be used. Corre#t Ans$er is. an a"" mo'in! tai"p"ane may be used. %&p"anation. NI9.

Question Number. )/1. An air#raft f"yin! be"o$ the tropopause des#ends at a #onstant True Airspeed* its Ia#h. No. $i"". Option A. remain the same. Option B. in#rease. Option C. de#rease. Corre#t Ans$er is. de#rease. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. )/). To #ounter the effe#t of a shift of #entre of pressure as an air#raft f"ies throu!h the transoni# re!ion* fue" is pumped. Option A. for$ards. Option B. ba#k$ards. Option C. side$ays. Corre#t Ans$er is. ba#k$ards. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. )/0. An air#raft f"yin! abo'e the tropopause des#ends at a #onstant True Airspeed* its Ia#h. No. $i"". Option A. remain the same. Option B. de#rease. Option C. in#rease. Corre#t Ans$er is. remain the same. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. )/4. The 'e"o#ity of sound $ith an in#rease in a"titude $i"".

Option A. remain #onstant. Option B. in#rease. Option C. de#rease. Corre#t Ans$er is. de#rease. %&p"anation. ("i!ht Instruments and Automati# ("i!ht Contro" Systems* @a'id =arris +a!e 15. Question Number. )/ . Ia#h number equa"s the ratio of. Option A. a"titude to airspeed. Option B. soni# speed to indi#ated airspeed. Option C. true airspeed to "o#a" soni# speed. Corre#t Ans$er is. true airspeed to "o#a" soni# speed. %&p"anation. ("i!ht Instruments and Automati# ("i!ht Contro" Systems* @a'id =arris +a!e 15. Question Number. )/:. Tu#k,under is #aused by. Option A. tip sta"" on a strai!ht $in! air#raft.

Option B. tip sta"" on a s$ept $in! air#raft. Option C. root sta"" on a s$ept $in! air#raft. Corre#t Ans$er is. root sta"" on a s$ept $in! air#raft. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. )/6. The purpose of s$eepba#k on an aerofoi" is to. Option A. de#rease dra!. Option B. de#rease I#rit. Option C. in#rease I#rit. Corre#t Ans$er is. in#rease I#rit. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. )/.. As the airspeed o'er a #ambered $in! is in#reased* a sho#k $a'e $i"" appear initia""y. Option A. at the "eadin! ed!e. Option B. at the trai"in! ed!e. Option C. near the point of ma&imum #ur'ature. Corre#t Ans$er is. near the point of ma&imum #ur'ature. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. )/5. In the transoni# speed ran!e. Option A. the position of the $in! #entre of pressure remains #onstant. Option B. the #entre of pressure mo'ement may be#ome os#i""atory. Option C. the #entre of pressure initia""y mo'es for$ard* then ba#k. Corre#t Ans$er is. the #entre of pressure mo'ement may be#ome os#i""atory. OC the #entre of pressure initia""y mo'es for$ard* then ba#k. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. )1/. The an!"e of atta#k of a b"ade is the. Option A. an!"e bet$een the spin a&is and re"ati'e air f"o$. Option B. an!"e bet$een the #hord "ine and p"ane of rotation. Option C. an!"e bet$een the #hord "ine and re"ati'e airf"o$. Corre#t Ans$er is. an!"e bet$een the #hord "ine and re"ati'e airf"o$. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. )11. On a he"i#opter* $hat is b"ade dra!!in!2. Option A. Io'ement of ea#h b"ade 'erti#a""y about their "atera" hin!es. Option B. Conta#t of the b"ade tips on the !round. Option C. Io'ement of ea#h b"ade horiHonta""y about their 'erti#a" hin!e. Corre#t Ans$er is. Io'ement of ea#h b"ade horiHonta""y about their 'erti#a" hin!e. %&p"anation. AP+ Genera" Te&tbook +! ), .. Question Number. )1). 9ift !enerated by a b"ade is proportiona" to the. Option A. re"ati'e airf"o$ and the pit#h.

Option B. air#raft airspeed and an!"e of atta#k. Option C. re"ati'e airf"o$ and the an!"e of atta#k. Corre#t Ans$er is. air#raft airspeed and an!"e of atta#k. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. )10. 1hat effe#t does the !round ha'e on a he"i#opter2. Option A. No effe#t. Option B. In#reases "ift. Option C. In#reases thrust. Corre#t Ans$er is. In#reases "ift. %&p"anation. AP+ Airframe Te#hni#ian Te&tbook +! 1, .. Question Number. )14. 1hat damps 'ibrations on a he"i#opter2. Option A. S$ashp"ate. Option B. S#issor "e'ers. Option C. Bifi"ar damper. Corre#t Ans$er is. Bifi"ar damper. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. )1 . 1hat desi!n fa#tors !o'ern C+I of a he"i#opter rotor2.

Option A. 1ei!ht of b"ade. Option B. (ineness ratio. Option C. %n!ine and !earbo&. Corre#t Ans$er is. 1ei!ht of b"ade. %&p"anation. AP+ Airframe Te#hni#ian Te&tbook +! 1, 4. http F DD$$$.tpub.#omD#ontentDhseriesDTI,1,1 )/,): ,)0D#ssDTI,1,1 )/,): ,)0Q1/4.htm Question Number. )1:. Ce"ati'e 'e"o#ity of a he"i#opter rotor. Option A. in#reases at for$ard tra'e""in! b"ade. Option B. is equa" for a"" b"ades. Option C. in#reases at retreatin! b"ade. Corre#t Ans$er is. in#reases at for$ard tra'e""in! b"ade. %&p"anation. AP+ Airframe Te#hni#ian Te&tbook +! 1, 5. Question Number. )16. 1hen OAT in#reases* $hat happens to an he"i#opter operatin! #ei"in!2. Option A. @e#rease. Option B. In#rease. Option C. No effe#t. Corre#t Ans$er is. @e#rease. %&p"anation. As temperature in#reases* density de#reases and air#raft performan#e de#reases.

Question Number. )1.. 1ith the he"i#opter in for$ard f"i!ht* parasiti# dra! $i"" #ause the he"i#opter to. Option A. pit#h nose do$n $ith an in#rease in for$ard airspeed. Option B. pit#h nose do$n $ith a de#rease in for$ard airspeed. Option C. pit#h nose up $ith an in#rease in for$ard in airspeed. Corre#t Ans$er is. pit#h nose do$n $ith an in#rease in for$ard airspeed. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. )15. 1hen a b"ade mo'es about the f"appin! hin!e. Option A. the pit#h an!"e of the b"ade a"$ays redu#es. Option B. the dra! for#es on the b"ade #han!e. Option C. the dra! for#es on the b"ade #han!e and the an!"e of atta#k ;AOA< #han!es. Corre#t Ans$er is. the dra! for#es on the b"ade #han!e and the an!"e of atta#k ;AOA< #han!es. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. ))/. To maintain the position of the he"i#opter $ith a de#rease in air density* the pi"ot must in#rease. Option A. main rotor C+I. Option B. #y#"i# pit#h. Option C. #o""e#ti'e pit#h. Corre#t Ans$er is. #o""e#ti'e pit#h. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. ))1. The for#es $hi#h !o'ern the #onin! an!"e are. Option A. "ift and #entrifu!a" for#e. Option B. thrust and #entrifu!a" for#e. Option C. "ift and thrust. Corre#t Ans$er is. "ift and #entrifu!a" for#e. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. ))). As a he"i#opter a##e"erates in "e'e" for$ard f"i!ht abo'e appro&imate"y 1 knots* it $i"" be ne#essary to F . Option A. redu#e po$er be#ause of the additiona" "ift due to trans"ationa" f"i!ht. Option B. in#rease po$er be#ause rotor C+I is in#reasin!. Option C. redu#e po$er be#ause rotor profi"e dra! is redu#ed. Corre#t Ans$er is. redu#e po$er be#ause of the additiona" "ift due to trans"ationa" f"i!ht. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. ))0. Assumin! the phase "a! of a rotor b"ade is 5/o and the #ontro" ad'an#e an!"e is 1 de!rees* then the pit#h operatin! arm must be at the hi!hest point of the s$ash p"ate F . Option A. 5/o ahead of the hi!hest f"appin! position.

Option B. 6 o ahead of the hi!hest f"appin! position. Option C. 1/ o ahead of the hi!hest f"appin! position. Corre#t Ans$er is. 6 o ahead of the hi!hest f"appin! position. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. ))4. A he"i#opter is ho'erin! and the pi"ot app"ies ri!ht peda".Assumin! the main rotor rotates anti #"o#k$ise 'ie$ed from abo'e* the he"i#opter $i"". Option A. des#end* un"ess the pi"ot in#hes the thrott"e open. Option B. as#end* un"ess the pi"ot de#reases rotor C+I. Option C. des#end* un"ess the pi"ot app"ies more #o""e#ti'e pit#h. Corre#t Ans$er is. des#end* un"ess the pi"ot in#hes the thrott"e open. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. )) . A he"i#opter has a main rotor $hi#h rotates anti, #"o#k$ise 'ie$ed from abo'e* and is fitted $ith an anti,torque tai" rotor. It $i"" tend to drift side$ays to. Option A. port* if the tai" rotor is mounted on the "eft side of the air#raft. Option B. starboard* $hi#he'er $ay the tai" rotor is fitted. Option C. port* if the tai" rotor is mounted on the ri!ht side of the air#raft. Corre#t Ans$er is. starboard* $hi#he'er $ay the tai" rotor is fitted. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. )):. As the rotor head is ti"ted to tra'e" for$ard* $hat happens to the rear$ard tra'e""in! b"ade8s pit#h an!"e2. Option A. In#reases. Option B. @e#reases. Option C. No #han!e. Corre#t Ans$er is. In#reases. %&p"anation. AP+ Te#hni#ian Airframe Te&tbook +!.1, 5. Question Number. ))6. The tai" rotor. Option A. produ#es a for#e opposin! torque rea#tion. Option B. produ#es a for#e in the same dire#tion as torque rea#tion. Option C. is not sub4e#t to dissymmetry of "ift. Corre#t Ans$er is. produ#es a for#e opposin! torque rea#tion. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. )).. 1ith the tai" rotor peda"s in neutra"* the tai" rotor b"ade pit#h $i"" be. Option A. positi'e. Option B. ne!ati'e. Option C. neutra". Corre#t Ans$er is. positi'e. %&p"anation. NI9.

Question Number. ))5. The main rotor dri'e shaft is ti"ted "atera""y on some he"i#opters to #orre#t tai" rotor. Option A. drift. Option B. torque. Option C. ro"". Corre#t Ans$er is. drift. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. )0/. Certain he"i#opters tend to ti"t "atera""y $hen "andin!. This prob"em #an be o'er#ome by p"a#in! the tai" rotor thrust. Option A. be"o$ the "ine of the main rotor hub. Option B. abo'e the "ine of the main rotor hub. Option C. in "ine $ith the main rotor hub. Corre#t Ans$er is. in "ine $ith the main rotor hub. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. )01. Ground #ushion effe#t is produ#ed by. Option A. re#ir#u"atin! air !i'in! additiona" "ift. Option B. in#reased pressure under the main rotor dis#. Option C. in#rease in density abo'e the fuse"a!e. Corre#t Ans$er is. in#reased pressure under the main rotor dis#. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. )0). A he"i#opter ho'erin! near a ta"" bui"din! $i"". Option A. drift a$ay from it. Option B. be unaffe#ted by it. Option C. drift to$ards it. Corre#t Ans$er is. drift to$ards it. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. )00. @roopin! of he"i#opter b"ades is #ompensated by. Option A. f"appin!. Option B. dra!!in!. Option C. #entrifu!a" for#e. Corre#t Ans$er is. #entrifu!a" for#e. %&p"anation. Centrifu!a" for#e #ountera#ts the droop of he"i#opter b"ades at "o$ C+I. Question Number. )04. @urin! de#ent $ith po$er,on* on a he"i#opter. Option A. "ift* $ei!ht and thrust are a#tin! on the he"i#opter. Option B. "ift* dra! and thrust are a#tin! on the he"i#opter. Option C. "ift* dra!* thrust and $ei!ht are a#tin! on the he"i#opter. Corre#t Ans$er is. "ift* dra!* thrust and $ei!ht are a#tin! on the he"i#opter.

%&p"anation. A"" four for#es a#t on the he"i#opter. Question Number. )0 . A he"i#opter ho'erin! )m abo'e the !round sub4e#t to a stron! #ross $ind $i"". Option A. "ose "ift due to the remo'a" of the !round #ushion effe#t. Option B. in#rease "ift due to !round #ushion effe#t. Option C. "ose "ift due to re#ir#u"ation. Corre#t Ans$er is. "ose "ift due to re#ir#u"ation. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. )0:. 1ith a drop in ambient temperature* an air#raft ser'i#e #ei"in! $i"". Option A. "o$er. Option B. rise. Option C. not be affe#ted. Corre#t Ans$er is. rise. %&p"anation. As ambient temperature drops* density in#reases and air#raft performan#e in#reases. Question Number. )06. @urin! an autorotati'e des#ent* rotor C+I $i"" be. Option A. hi!her than in po$ered f"i!ht. Option B. "o$er than in po$ered f"i!ht. Option C. substantia""y the same as in po$ered f"i!ht. Corre#t Ans$er is. hi!her than in po$ered f"i!ht. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. )0.. =e"i#opter b"ades are. Option A. symmetri#a". Option B. hi!h"y #ambered. Option C. re'erse #ambered. Corre#t Ans$er is. symmetri#a". %&p"anation. =e"i#opter b"ades are usua""y symmetri#a" se#tion. Question Number. )05. Autorotati'e for#e is the. Option A. #omponent of the tota" rea#tion $hi#h a#ts for$ard in the p"ane of rotation in opposition to dra!. Option B. for#e required to turn in a ho'er. Option C. for#e the pi"ot must app"y to the #o""e#ti'e "e'er to obtain a #ontro""ed des#ent. Corre#t Ans$er is. #omponent of the tota" rea#tion $hi#h a#ts for$ard in the p"ane of rotation in opposition to dra!. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. )4/. Autorotation.

Option A. "ea'es the air#raft $ith no dire#tiona" #ontro". Option B. resu"ts in a "oss of po$er. Option C. is the produ#tion of "ift from free"y rotatin! rotor b"ades. Corre#t Ans$er is. is the produ#tion of "ift from free"y rotatin! rotor b"ades. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. )41. If the main rotor of a he"i#opter rotates in an anti, #"o#k$ise dire#tion $hen 'ie$ed from abo'e* and a ho'erin! "eft turn is required* the fo""o$in! mo'ements of the #ontro"s are se"e#ted F . Option A. Cudder peda" to the "eft* and de#rease thrott"e. Option B. Cudder peda" to the "eft* and in#rease thrott"e. Option C. Cudder peda" to the ri!ht* and in#rease thrott"e. Corre#t Ans$er is. Cudder peda" to the "eft* and de#rease thrott"e. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. )4). =e"i#opter deri'es its "ift from. Option A. air is pushed do$n$ard. Option B. rotor a#ts as a airs#re$. Option C. the b"ade of the he"i#opter #reates a "o$ pressure abo'e it. Corre#t Ans$er is. the b"ade of the he"i#opter #reates a "o$ pressure abo'e it. %&p"anation. A"" three are #orre#t* but an aerodynami#ist $ou"d #hoose a 8#reates a "o$ pressure abo'e it8. Question Number. )40. A t$o b"aded he"i#opter rotor on a #entra" !imba" is #a""ed. Option A. semi ri!id rotor. Option B. fu""y arti#u"ated rotor. Option C. ri!id rotor. Corre#t Ans$er is. semi ri!id rotor. %&p"anation. AP+ Te#hni#ian Airframe Te&tbook +!.1, 0. Question Number. )44. If a he"i#opter rotor dis# is rotatin! anti#"o#k$ise* 'ie$ed from abo'e $here* $ou"d a pit#h input be fed into the dis# to mo'e the he"i#opter ba#k$ards* ;5/ de!rees to $hat<2. Option A. In front of the "atera" a&is. Option B. 9eft of the "on!itudina" a&is. Option C. Ci!ht of the "on!itudina" a&is. Corre#t Ans$er is. Ci!ht of the "on!itudina" a&is. %&p"anation. @ue to pre#ession of the rotor dis#* the input to ti"t the dis# ba#k$ards must be p"a#ed 5/ de!rees before* in dire#tion of motion of the dis#. Question Number. )4 . On a he"i#opter* $hat is 'orte& rin! state2. Option A. Tip 'orte& bui"d,up durin! ho'er. Option B. Tip 'orte& interferen#e at hi!h for$ard speed. Option C. Ground 'orte& interferen#e $hen ho'erin! #"ose to the !round.

Corre#t Ans$er is. Tip 'orte& bui"d,up durin! ho'er. %&p"anation. @urin! ho'er* the tip 'orte& of one b"ade adds to the tip 'orti#es of the pre#edin! b"ades* produ#in! a "ar!e 'orte& rin! and a 'ery ineffi#ient he"i#opter. Question Number. )4:. C"imbs $ith for$ard speed require "ess po$er than 'erti#a" #"imbs* be#ause of. Option A. trans"ationa" "ift. Option B. in#reased inertia. Option C. for$ard momentum. Corre#t Ans$er is. trans"ationa" "ift. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. )46. Trans"ationa" f"i!ht is. Option A. a#hie'ed by raisin! or "o$erin! the #o""e#ti'e "e'er. Option B. $hen the he"i#opter #han!es from one steady f"i!ht #ondition to another. Option C. a#hie'ed by ti"tin! the rotor dis# in the dire#tion of f"i!ht. Corre#t Ans$er is. a#hie'ed by ti"tin! the rotor dis# in the dire#tion of f"i!ht. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. )4.. The best desi!n of a rotor b"ade is $here the Cof+. Option A. mo'es free"y a"on! the "en!th of the b"ade. Option B. does not mo'e. Option C. is insi!nifi#ant. Corre#t Ans$er is. does not mo'e. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. )45. 1hen the #y#"i# sti#k is eased for$ard in the ho'er position. Option A. a"titude is in#reased. Option B. for$ard thrust is de#reased. Option C. 'erti#a" "ift is redu#ed. Corre#t Ans$er is. 'erti#a" "ift is redu#ed. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. ) /. The rotor #one is formed by. Option A. b"ade a"i!nment. Option B. #entrifu!a" for#e and "ift. Option C. #entrifu!a" for#e on"y. Corre#t Ans$er is. #entrifu!a" for#e and "ift. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. b"ade tip path. ) 1. Tra#kin! is #arried out toQQQQQQQQQQQQQthe main rotor

Option A. restore. Option B. a"i!n. Option C. ba"an#e. Corre#t Ans$er is. a"i!n. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. ) ). The ad'an#in! b"ade of a he"i#opter is the one mo'in!.

Option A. one mo'in! for$ard into re"ati'e airf"o$. Option B. hi!hest b"ade. Option C. one mo'in! in dire#tion of re"ati'e air f"o$. Corre#t Ans$er is. one mo'in! for$ard into re"ati'e airf"o$. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. ) 0. 9ift is !enerated by. Option A. do$n,$ash be"o$ the b"ade. Option B. hi!h pressure abo'e the b"ade. Option C. "o$ pressure abo'e the b"ade. Corre#t Ans$er is. "o$ pressure abo'e the b"ade. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. ) 4. Stati# stabi"ity of a he"i#opter is. Option A. the stabi"ity of the he"i#opter $hen ho'erin!. Option B. the tenden#y mo'e ba#k to$ard neutra" after disturban#e. Option C. the tenden#y to os#i""ate unti" the neutra" is a#hie'ed. Corre#t Ans$er is. the tenden#y mo'e ba#k to$ard neutra" after disturban#e. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. ) . (or$ard 'e"o#ity #auses the ad'an#in! b"ade to. Option A. f"ap do$n to in#rease "ift. Option B. !i'e in#reased "ift due to b"ade f"appin!. Option C. f"ap up to redu#e "ift. Corre#t Ans$er is. f"ap up to redu#e "ift. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. ) :. 1hen mo'in! from the ho'er to for$ard f"i!ht it is ne#essary to. Option A. in#rease the en!ine po$er. Option B. de#rease the en!ine po$er. Option C. maintain #onstant en!ine po$er. Corre#t Ans$er is. in#rease the en!ine po$er. %&p"anation. NI9.

Question Number. ) 6. After a #han!e in #o""e#ti'e pit#h the Cotor C+I $i"" rise and fa"". This is #a""ed. Option A. stati# droop. Option B. transient droop. Option C. under s$in!. Corre#t Ans$er is. transient droop. %&p"anation. The =e"i#opter and =o$ it ("ies by 3ohn (ay +a!e )/D)1. The initia" tota" fa"" in rotor C+I is #a""ed transient droop. The #han!e in stabi"ised C+I is referred to as stati# droop. The C+I differen#e bet$een transient droop and stati# droop is #a""ed the unders$in!. Question Number. ) .. be at ma&imum f"ap at. Option A. 5/>. Option B. />. Option C. 1./>. Corre#t Ans$er is. 5/>. %&p"anation. NI9. After a #han!e in pit#h of a rotor b"ade* the b"ade $i""

Question Number. ) 5. The rotor dis# is. Option A. the !round #ushion. Option B. the distan#e bet$een tip to tip. Option C. the rotor head hub. Corre#t Ans$er is. the distan#e bet$een tip to tip. %&p"anation. Automati# ("i!ht Contro". +a""ett. +a!e 5D:/ fi! 1.4). Question Number. ):/. The ma&imum for$ard speed of a he"i#opter is "imited by. Option A. retreatin! b"ade sta"" and the for$ard speed of the ad'an#in! b"ade. Option B. en!ine po$er. Option C. the shape of the fuse"a!e. Corre#t Ans$er is. retreatin! b"ade sta"" and the for$ard speed of the ad'an#in! b"ade. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. ):1. 1hat prin#ip"e does the de"ta 0 hin!e use2. Option A. Trian!u"ar pit#h #han!e "e'er. Option B. ("appin! a#tuators. Option C. Offset hin!es. Corre#t Ans$er is. Offset hin!es. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. ):). As the an!"e of atta#k of a rotor b"ade in#reases* it affe#ts the. Option A. f"appin! for#es.

Option B. dra!!in! and the f"appin! for#es. Option C. dra!!in! for#es. Corre#t Ans$er is. dra!!in! and the f"appin! for#es. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. ):0. 1ith an in#rease in its an!"e of atta#k* the dra! a#tin! on a rotor b"ade. Option A. de#reases. Option B. in#reases. Option C. remains #onstant. Corre#t Ans$er is. in#reases. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. ):4. (or#es on a he"i#opter* in a po$er,on des#ent are. Option A. "ift* dra!* thrust* $ei!ht. Option B. "ift* dra!* thrust. Option C. $ei!ht* dra!* "ift. Corre#t Ans$er is. "ift* dra!* thrust* $ei!ht. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. ): . The be"" stabi"ity au!mentation system is based on. Option A. f"appin! hin!es. Option B. offset hin!es. Option C. !yros#opi# for#es. Corre#t Ans$er is. !yros#opi# for#es. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. )::. @urin! for$ard f"i!ht the ad'an#in! b"ade $i"". Option A. f"ap do$n. Option B. f"ap up. Option C. "a!. Corre#t Ans$er is. f"ap up. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. ):6. 1hat is the ad'an#in! b"ade on a he"i#opter doin!2. Option A. Goin! to the hi!hest point. Option B. In#reasin! in "ift. Option C. In#reasin! in dra!. Corre#t Ans$er is. In#reasin! in "ift. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. ):.. 1hat is the s$ash p"ate on a he"i#opter used for2. Option A. Contro" of the pit#h of the rotor b"ades. Option B. Contro" of the speed of the rotor b"ades.

Option C. Contro" of the f"ap of the rotor b"ades. Corre#t Ans$er is. Contro" of the pit#h of the rotor b"ades. %&p"anation. Automati# ("i!ht Contro" +a""ett +a!e :1. Question Number. ):5. Mp$ash on a he"i#opter $ou"d resu"t in. Option A. de#rease in "ift. Option B. in#rease in "ift $ithout an in#rease in po$er. Option C. de#rease in speed. Corre#t Ans$er is. in#rease in "ift $ithout an in#rease in po$er. %&p"anation. Mp$ash in#reases an!"e of atta#k. Question Number. )6/. After a ro"" to the "eft of a stati#a""y unstab"e he"i#opter* the he"i#opter $ou"d. Option A. #ontinue to ro"" further. Option B. remain at the position that it had ro""ed to. Option C. ro"" ba#k to the horiHonta". Corre#t Ans$er is. #ontinue to ro"" further. %&p"anation. Automati# ("i!ht Contro" +a""ett +a!e : . Question Number. )61. The differen#e bet$een transient droop and stati# droop is. Option A. o'ers$in!. Option B. unders$in!. Option C. a ho"e in one. Corre#t Ans$er is. unders$in!. %&p"anation. The =e"i#opter history* pi"otin! and ho$ it f"ies 3ohn (ay ISBN.1, 6///),/0/,1 +a!e No )1E. Question Number. )6). 1hat happens to a he"i#opter in autorotati'e f"i!ht2. Option A. The rotor !oes in the norma" dire#tion of rotation. Option B. The rotor !oes the opposite dire#tion to the norma" dire#tion of rotation. Option C. The #abin !oes in the dire#tion of rotation. Corre#t Ans$er is. The rotor !oes in the norma" dire#tion of rotation. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. )60. The C+I of the rotor b"ades is #onstant* $ithin sma"" "imits to. Option A. pre'ent b"ades o'er,speedin!. Option B. pre'ent b"ades fo"din! up durin! f"i!ht. Option C. redu#e torque "oadin!. Corre#t Ans$er is. pre'ent b"ades fo"din! up durin! f"i!ht. %&p"anation. NI9.

Question Number. )64. To maintain the position of the he"i#opter* $hen ho'erin! $ith a de#rease in air density* the pi"ot must. Option A. in#rease the #o""e#ti'e pit#h. Option B. in#rease rotor C+I. Option C. in#rease the #y#"i# pit#h. Corre#t Ans$er is. in#rease the #o""e#ti'e pit#h. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. )6 . Ce"ati'e airf"o$ o'er a he"i#opter b"ade. Option A. in#reases at the tip. Option B. is unaffe#ted by b"ade position. Option C. in#reases at the root. Corre#t Ans$er is. in#reases at the tip. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. )6:. An he"i#opter fin he"ps to !i'e. Option A. "on!itudina" stabi"ity about the norma" a&is. Option B. dire#tiona" stabi"ity about the norma" a&is. Option C. dire#tiona" stabi"ity about the "on!itudina" a&is. Corre#t Ans$er is. dire#tiona" stabi"ity about the norma" a&is. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. )66. After a ro"" to the "eft of a stati#a""y stab"e he"i#opter* the he"i#opter $ou"d. Option A. #ontinue to ro"". Option B. #ome ba#k to "e'e" f"i!ht. Option C. in#reases ro"". Corre#t Ans$er is. #ome ba#k to "e'e" f"i!ht. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. )6.. So"idity of the rotor is the ratio of the. Option A. b"ade area to dis# area. Option B. a"" up $ei!ht to b"ade area. Option C. a"" up $ei!ht to dis# area. Corre#t Ans$er is. b"ade area to dis# area. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. )65. 1hi#h dire#tion is the air f"o$in! throu!h the main rotor durin! autorotation2. Option A. Mp$ards. Option B. +ara""e" to the rotor #hord "ine. Option C. @o$n$ards. Corre#t Ans$er is. Mp$ards. %&p"anation. NI9.

Question Number. )./. The purpose of an off,set 'erti#a" stabi"iHer is to. Option A. pro'ide stabi"ity durin! 'erti#a" f"i!ht. Option B. re"ie'e some of the "oad on the tai" rotor durin! for$ard f"i!ht. Option C. pro'ide "ift durin! for$ard f"i!ht. Corre#t Ans$er is. re"ie'e some of the "oad on the tai" rotor durin! for$ard f"i!ht. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. ).1. The purpose of the horiHonta" stabi"iHer is to. Option A. maintain the air#raft in as near a horiHonta" attitude as possib"e* durin! for$ard f"i!ht. Option B. to redu#e rotor head "oads durin! trans"ationa" f"i!ht. Option C. to stabi"iHe the air#raft in the ho'er. Corre#t Ans$er is. maintain the air#raft in as near a horiHonta" attitude as possib"e* durin! for$ard f"i!ht. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. ).). @urin! autorotation* the rudder peda"s. Option A. $ou"d need to be ba#ked off due to the "oss of torque. Option B. $ou"d ha'e no effe#t on dire#tiona" #ontro". Option C. $ou"d need to be ad'an#ed to #ountera#t the in#reased torque. Corre#t Ans$er is. $ou"d need to be ba#ked off due to the "oss of torque. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. ).0. In for$ard f"i!ht* the ad'an#in! b"ade $ou"d be e&pe#ted to. Option A. "a!. Option B. in#rease pit#h. Option C. f"ap up. Corre#t Ans$er is. f"ap up. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. ).4. 1hen the he"i#opter mo'es from the ho'er to trans"ationa" f"i!ht* the "ift 'e#tor $i"". Option A. remain 'erti#a". Option B. mo'e for$ard. Option C. mo'e aft. Corre#t Ans$er is. mo'e for$ard. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. ). . If the b"ade an!"e of atta#k in#reases. Option A. "ift in#reases on"y. Option B. "ift and dra! in#reases. Option C. dra! in#reases on"y. Corre#t Ans$er is. "ift and dra! in#reases.

%&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. ).:. 1hen a b"ade is f"appin! up. Option A. pit#h $i"" in#rease. Option B. pit#h $i"" de#rease. Option C. "ift and dra! both in#rease. Corre#t Ans$er is. pit#h $i"" de#rease. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. ).6. Korte& rin! start requires. Option A. retreatin! b"ade sta"". Option B. ad'an#in! b"ade sta"". Option C. po$er on des#ent. Corre#t Ans$er is. po$er on des#ent. %&p"anation. The he"i#opter and ho$ it f"ies +a!e 116 by 3ohn (ay. Question Number. )... Cotor tip 'orti#es are stron!est $hen. Option A. ho'erin! $ith hi!h $ei!ht. Option B. f"yin! hi!h speed in strai!ht and "e'e" f"i!ht. Option C. f"yin! into a head$ind. Corre#t Ans$er is. ho'erin! $ith hi!h $ei!ht. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. ).5. Tai" rotor effe#ts the he"i#opter in. Option A. pit#h and ro"". Option B. 'erti#a" a&is. Option C. horiHonta" a&is. Corre#t Ans$er is. 'erti#a" a&is. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. )5/. A b"ade of a =e"i#opter Iain Cotor is. Option A. hi!h"y #ambered. Option B. re'erse #ambered. Option C. symmetri#a""y #ambered. Corre#t Ans$er is. symmetri#a""y #ambered. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. )51. =e"i#opter rotor b"ades produ#e "ift by. Option A. mo'in! a sma"" mass of air do$n$ards s"o$"y. Option B. mo'in! a "ar!e mass of air do$n$ards qui#k"y. Option C. #reatin! a "o$er pressure abo'e the b"ade than be"o$. Corre#t Ans$er is. #reatin! a "o$er pressure abo'e the b"ade than be"o$. %&p"anation. NI9.

Question Number. )5). 1ith an in#rease in for$ard 'e"o#ity of a he"i#opter* the in#rease in parasiti# dra! $i"" #ause the fuse"a!e attitude to. Option A. pit#h do$n. Option B. remain "e'e". Option C. pit#h up. Corre#t Ans$er is. pit#h do$n. %&p"anation. The amount of parasiti# dra! in#reases $ith in#reasin! airspeed* so that the thrustDparasite dra! ;nose do$n< #oup"e be#omes stron!er. Question Number. )50. On a he"i#opter* rotor dis# "ift happens. Option A. 1./> "ater. Option B. 5/> "ater. Option C. immediate"y. Corre#t Ans$er is. immediate"y. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. )54. @urin! an autorotati'e de#ent* rotor C+I $i"" be. Option A. hi!her than in po$ered f"i!ht. Option B. appro&imate"y the same as in po$ered f"i!ht. Option C. "o$er than in po$ered f"i!ht. Corre#t Ans$er is. hi!her than in po$ered f"i!ht. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. )5 . 9ift in a he"i#opter is a resu"t of. Option A. pit#h ? square root of speed. Option B. an!"e of atta#k ? 'e"o#ity squared. Option C. an!"e of atta#k ? 'e"o#ity squared and for$ard speed. Corre#t Ans$er is. an!"e of atta#k ? 'e"o#ity squared. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. )5:. at ma&imum f"ap at. Option A. 1./>. Option B. 5/>. Option C. />. Corre#t Ans$er is. 5/>. %&p"anation. NI9. After a #han!e in pit#h of a rotor b"ade the b"ade $i"" be

Question Number. )56. 1hen the rotor b"ade in#reases its an!"e of atta#k* the #entre of pressure. Option A. does not mo'e. Option B. mo'es rear$ards. Option C. mo'es for$ard. Corre#t Ans$er is. does not mo'e.

%&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. )5.. Autorotati'e for#e attempts to pu"" the rotor b"ade. Option A. in the dire#tion of norma" rotation. Option B. both in and a!ainst the dire#tion of norma" rotation. Option C. a!ainst the dire#tion of norma" rotation. Corre#t Ans$er is. in the dire#tion of norma" rotation. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. )55. The !round effe#t is effe#ti'e up to a hei!ht equa""in!.

Option A. t$i#e the diameter of the rotor dis#. Option B. the "en!th of the fuse"a!e. Option C. the diameter of the rotor dis#. Corre#t Ans$er is. the diameter of the rotor dis#. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. 0//. Io'ement of the #o""e#ti'e #ontro" $i"". Option A. in#rease the pit#h of the main rotor b"ades. Option B. in#rease the pit#h of the tai" rotor. Option C. ti"t the dis# and in#rease en!ine po$er. Corre#t Ans$er is. in#rease the pit#h of the main rotor b"ades. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. 0/1. Cotor b"ade sai"in! is a prob"em at. Option A. "o$ rotor C+I at en!ine shut do$n. Option B. norma" rotor C+I in !usty #onditions. Option C. hi!h rotor C+I at en!ine start up. Corre#t Ans$er is. "o$ rotor C+I at en!ine shut do$n. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. 0/). The "ayer of air o'er the surfa#e of an aerofoi" $hi#h is s"o$er mo'in!* in re"ation to the rest of the airf"o$* is kno$n as. Option A. #amber "ayer. Option B. boundary "ayer. Option C. none of the abo'e are #orre#t. Corre#t Ans$er is. boundary "ayer. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. 0/0. $i"" tend to. Option A. f"ap do$n. Option B. no #han!e. Option C. f"ap up. @urin! he"i#opter for$ard f"i!ht the retreatin! b"ade

Corre#t Ans$er is. %&p"anation. NI9.

f"ap do$n.

Question Number. 0/4. 1hen airf"o$ 'e"o#ity o'er an upper #ambered surfa#e of an aerofoi" de#reases* $hat takes p"a#e2. Option A. +ressure in#reases* "ift de#reases. Option B. +ressure de#reases* "ift in#reases. Option C. +ressure in#reases* "ift in#reases. Corre#t Ans$er is. +ressure in#reases* "ift de#reases. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. 0/ . 1hat is a #ontro""in! fa#tor of turbu"en#e and skin fri#tion2. Option A. Countersunk ri'ets used on skin e&terior. Option B. (ineness ratio. Option C. Aspe#t ratio. Corre#t Ans$er is. Countersunk ri'ets used on skin e&terior. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. 0/:. Chan!es in air#raft $ei!ht. Option A. $i"" on"y affe#t tota" dra! if the "ift is kept #onstant. Option B. $i"" not affe#t tota" dra! sin#e it is dependant on"y upon speed. Option C. #ause #orrespondin! #han!es in tota" dra! due to the asso#iated "ift #han!e. Corre#t Ans$er is. #ause #orrespondin! #han!es in tota" dra! due to the asso#iated "ift #han!e. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. 0/6. 1hen an aerofoi" sta""s. Option A. "ift and dra! in#rease. Option B. "ift de#reases and dra! in#reases. Option C. "ift in#reases and dra! de#reases. Corre#t Ans$er is. "ift de#reases and dra! in#reases. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. 0/.. 1hen a he"i#opter rotor dis# is ti"ted for$ard* $hat happens to the pit#h of the retreatin! b"ade2. Option A. In#reases. Option B. Cemains #onstant. Option C. @e#reases. Corre#t Ans$er is. In#reases. %&p"anation. NI9.

Question Number.


Airf"o$ throu!h the main rotor dis# in autorotation is.

Option A. a"$ays do$n throu!h the rotor dis#. Option B. a"$ays up throu!h the rotor dis#. Option C. may be either up or do$n. Corre#t Ans$er is. a"$ays up throu!h the rotor dis#. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. 01/. The b"ade sta""in! speed $i"". Option A. on"y #han!e if the IT1A $ere #han!ed. Option B. in#rease $ith an in#rease in he"i#opter $ei!ht. Option C. be unaffe#ted by he"i#opter $ei!ht #han!es sin#e it is dependant upon the an!"e of atta#k. Corre#t Ans$er is. in#rease $ith an in#rease in he"i#opter $ei!ht. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. 011. Ground effe#t $i"" be most apparent $hen. Option A. ta&iin! in the ho'er. Option B. ho'erin! #"ose to the !round. Option C. ta&iin! on the !round. Corre#t Ans$er is. ho'erin! #"ose to the !round. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. 01). 1hen enterin! into a stab"e autorotati'e state* the main rotor C+I $i"" initia""y. Option A. in#rease. Option B. de#rease. Option C. be unaffe#ted. Corre#t Ans$er is. de#rease. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. 010. The sta""in! speed of an he"i#opter b"ade. Option A. is in#reased $hen the he"i#opter is hea'ier. Option B. is in#reased $hen the he"i#opter is "i!hter. Option C. does not #han!e. Corre#t Ans$er is. is in#reased $hen the he"i#opter is hea'ier. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. 014. =e"i#opters in for$ard f"i!ht are usua""y. Option A. dire#tiona""y stab"e. Option B. "atera""y stab"e. Option C. "on!itudina""y stab"e. Corre#t Ans$er is. dire#tiona""y stab"e. %&p"anation. NI9.

Question Number. 01 . Stabi"ity of a he"i#opter is its. Option A. abi"ity to ho'er at a fi&ed point abo'e the !round. Option B. abi"ity to mo'e in a"" 0 a&is $here and $hen required. Option C. abi"ity to return to ori!ina" attitude after disp"a#ement. Corre#t Ans$er is. abi"ity to return to ori!ina" attitude after disp"a#ement. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. 01:. In for$ard f"i!ht the re"ati'e air 'e"o#ity at ea#h b"ade.

Option A. is !reatest for the retreatin! b"ade. Option B. is equa" at a"" b"ades due to #ompensation. Option C. is !reatest for the ad'an#in! b"ade. Corre#t Ans$er is. is !reatest for the ad'an#in! b"ade. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. 016. 1hat for#es are a#tin! on the he"i#opter durin! des#ent2. Option A. 9ift on"y. Option B. 9ift and $ei!ht. Option C. 1ei!ht on"y. Corre#t Ans$er is. 9ift and $ei!ht. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. 01.. The !round #ushion effe#t is apparent. Option A. in the ho'er on"y. Option B. in the ho'er and at "o$ trans"ationa" f"i!ht #"ose to the !round. Option C. on the !round on"y. Corre#t Ans$er is. in the ho'er and at "o$ trans"ationa" f"i!ht #"ose to the !round. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. 015. If the an!"e of atta#k is in#reased on a main rotor b"ade.

Option A. there is no #han!e in dra!. Option B. there is an in#rease in dra!. Option C. there is a redu#tion in dra!. Corre#t Ans$er is. there is an in#rease in dra!. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. 0)/. A he"i#opter main rotor b"ade may be tapered from root to tip to. Option A. equa"ise "ift a"on! the b"ade. Option B. redu#e indu#ed dra!. Option C. redu#e the b"ade $ei!ht. Corre#t Ans$er is. equa"ise "ift a"on! the b"ade.

%&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. 0)1. A he"i#opter main rotor b"ade is t$isted from root to tip to. Option A. permit the b"ade to strai!hten under aerodynami# "oad. Option B. equa"ise "ift a"on! the b"ade. Option C. !i'e the b"ade additiona" stren!th. Corre#t Ans$er is. equa"ise "ift a"on! the b"ade. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. 0)). Trans"ationa" drift is. Option A. the tenden#y for the air#raft to drift "atera""y. Option B. the tenden#y for the air#raft to turn to port. Option C. the tenden#y for the air#raft to pit#h nose up. Corre#t Ans$er is. the tenden#y for the air#raft to drift "atera""y. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. 0)0. The #hoi#e of aerofoi" se#tion for a rotor b"ade is su#h that. Option A. it has a stab"e #entre of pressure. Option B. the Cof+ mo'es 'ery s"o$"y. Option C. the Cof+ mo'es rapid"y in response to pit#h #han!es. Corre#t Ans$er is. it has a stab"e #entre of pressure. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. 0)4. 1hen the rotor b"ade is f"appin! up* the an!"e of atta#k.

Option A. remains the same as the pit#h an!"e. Option B. is "ess than the pit#h an!"e. Option C. is !reater than the pit#h an!"e. Corre#t Ans$er is. is "ess than the pit#h an!"e. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. 0) . 1hen the rotor b"ade is f"appin! do$n* the pit#h an!"e.

Option A. is "ess than the an!"e of atta#k. Option B. remains the same. Option C. is !reater than the an!"e of atta#k. Corre#t Ans$er is. is "ess than the an!"e of atta#k. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. 0):. Option A. 1.*/// ft. Option B. 0/*/// ft. The tropopause e&ists at about.

Option C. 0:*/// ft. Corre#t Ans$er is. 0:*/// ft. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. 0)6. The rotor b"ades operate at the best 9iftD@ra! ratio $hen their. Option A. an!"e of atta#k is / de!rees. Option B. pit#h an!"es #"ose"y approa#h the sta"" an!"e. Option C. an!"e of atta#k is about A0 de!rees. Corre#t Ans$er is. an!"e of atta#k is about A0 de!rees. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. 0).. The #entre of pressure of an aerofoi" is that point on the #ord "ine. Option A. $hi#h mo'es most* $ith #han!es in an!"e of atta#k* if the se#tion is symmetri#a". Option B. at $hi#h the hi!hest pressure is said to a#t. Option C. at $hi#h the "ift for#es resu"tant is said to a#t. Corre#t Ans$er is. at $hi#h the "ift for#es resu"tant is said to a#t. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. 0)5. The main rotor assemb"y of a he"i#opter pro'ides. Option A. both "ift and horiHonta" thrust. Option B. "ift* a #omponent of $hi#h is horiHonta" so thrust is obtained. Option C. "ift* but an unba"an#ed #omponent in the dire#tion of f"i!ht mo'es the air#raft for$ard. Corre#t Ans$er is. "ift* a #omponent of $hi#h is horiHonta" so thrust is obtained. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. 00/. An ad'anta!e of the symmetri#a" se#tion b"ades used on he"i#opters is that. Option A. the mo'ement of the #entre of pressure $ith #han!es of the an!"e of atta#k is !reater than that of a fi&ed $in!. Option B. the #entre of pressure mo'es for$ard $ith #han!es in an!"e of atta#k. Option C. the position of the feather a&is and the #entre of pressure and #entre of !ra'ity #oin#ide* pro'idin! stabi"ity. Corre#t Ans$er is. the position of the feather a&is and the #entre of pressure and #entre of !ra'ity #oin#ide* pro'idin! stabi"ity. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. 001. 1hi#h part of the rotor dis# produ#es the most "ift durin! for$ard f"i!ht2. Option A. The mid,span portion. Option B. The front portion. Option C. The rear portion.

Corre#t Ans$er is. %&p"anation. NI9.

The front portion.

Question Number. 00). The aerofoi" shape of a main rotor b"ade is symmetri#a" in order to make the b"ade ha'e. Option A. the hi!hest possib"e "ift #o,effi#ient $hen ho'erin!. Option B. the best possib"e autorotati'e #hara#teristi#s. Option C. a re"ati'e"y stab"e #entre of pressure position $ith #han!es in an!"e of atta#k. Corre#t Ans$er is. a re"ati'e"y stab"e #entre of pressure position $ith #han!es in an!"e of atta#k. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. 000. Aspe#t ratio is the ratio of the. Option A. dis# diameter to the #hord. Option B. b"ade #hord to the dis# area. Option C. b"ade span to the #hord. Corre#t Ans$er is. b"ade span to the #hord. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. 004. @is# "oadin! is defined as the. Option A. ratio of !ross $ei!ht to dis# area. Option B. ratio of b"ade area to dis# area. Option C. ratio of !ross $ei!ht to tota" b"ade area. Corre#t Ans$er is. ratio of !ross $ei!ht to dis# area. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. 00 . A he"i#opter has a main rotor $hi#h rotates anti#"o#k$ise 'ie$ed from abo'e. 1hat happens if a "oss of anti,torque de'i#e at #ruise speed in f"i!ht2. Option A. Nose pit#hes up s"i!ht"y A ya$ to ri!ht. Option B. Nose pit#hes up s"i!ht"y A ya$ to "eft. Option C. No appre#iab"e #han!e. Corre#t Ans$er is. Nose pit#hes up s"i!ht"y A ya$ to ri!ht. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. 00:. O'er pit#h #auses. Option A. an in#rease in C+I. Option B. a redu#tion in C+I. Option C. b"ades to #one up. Corre#t Ans$er is. b"ades to #one up. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. 006. A shrouded tai" rotor.

Option A. redu#es need for #y#"i# featherin!. Option B. !i'es #ontro" in pit#h and ya$. Option C. has in#reased airf"o$ so ya$ #an be #ontro""ed by the rudder. Corre#t Ans$er is. redu#es need for #y#"i# featherin!. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. 00.. In a he"i#opter $ith its main rotor turnin! anti, #"o#k$ise* $hi#h $ay does the air#raft tend to drift2. Option A. +ort if tai" rotor is mounted on the ri!ht. Option B. Starboard* irrespe#ti'e of $hi#h side the tai" rotor is mounted on. Option C. +ort if tai" rotor is mounted on the "eft. Corre#t Ans$er is. Starboard* irrespe#ti'e of $hi#h side the tai" rotor is mounted on. %&p"anation. NI9. 08. . Flight !ta"ility and #ynamics. Question Number. 1. @ihedra" $in!s #ombat instabi"ity in. Option A. ya$. Option B. side,s"ip. Option C. pit#h. Corre#t Ans$er is. side,s"ip. %&p"anation. As the air#raft side,s"ips* there is a !reater an!"e of atta#k on the "o$er $in! $hi#h in#reases "ift*strai!htens the air#raft and stops the side,s"ip. Question Number. ). An air#raft* $hi#h is "on!itudina""y stab"e* $i"" tend to return to "e'e" f"i!ht after a mo'ement in $hi#h a&is2. Option A. +it#h. Option B. Ra$. Option C. Co"". Corre#t Ans$er is. +it#h. %&p"anation. 9on!itudina" stabi"ity is stabi"ity about the pit#h a&is. Question Number. 0. The norma" a&is of an air#raft passes throu!h. Option A. the #entre of !ra'ity. Option B. a point at the #entre of the $in!s. Option C. at the #entre of pressure. Corre#t Ans$er is. the #entre of !ra'ity. %&p"anation. A"" the a&is of the air#raft ;norma"* "on!itudina" and "atera"< pass throu!h the #entre of !ra'ity. Question Number. 4. @ue to the #han!e in do$n$ash on an untapered $in! ;i.e. one of #onstant #hord "en!th< it $i"". Option A. not pro'ide any dampin! effe#t $hen ro""in!. Option B. not suffer ad'erse ya$ effe#ts $hen turnin!.

Option C. tend to sta"" first at the root. Corre#t Ans$er is. tend to sta"" first at the root. %&p"anation. The #han!e in do$n$ash is #aused by the $in!tip 'orti#es* $hi#h has a "esser affe#t inboard than it does at the tip. The do$n$ash redu#es the effe#ti'e an!"e of atta#k ;more so at the tip<. This #auses the root of the $in! to sta"" before the tip. Question Number. . Corre#tin! for a disturban#e $hi#h has #aused a ro""in! motion about the "on!itudina" a&is $ou"d re,estab"ish $hi#h of the fo""o$in!2. Option A. 9atera" stabi"ity. Option B. 9on!itudina" stabi"ity. Option C. @ire#tiona" stabi"ity. Corre#t Ans$er is. 9atera" stabi"ity. %&p"anation. The air#raft8s response to ro""in! is "atera" stabi"ity. Question Number. :. +orpoisin! is an os#i""atory motion in the. Option A. ya$ p"ane. Option B. ro"" p"ane. Option C. pit#h p"ane. Corre#t Ans$er is. pit#h p"ane. %&p"anation. +orpoisin! is an os#i""atory motion in pit#h* about the "atera" a&is. Question Number. 6. @ire#tiona" stabi"ity is maintained. Option A. by the tai"p"ane* and #ontro""ed by the e"e'ators. Option B. by the kee" surfa#e and fin* and #ontro""ed by the rudder. Option C. by the mainp"anes* and #ontro""ed by the ai"erons. Corre#t Ans$er is. by the kee" surfa#e and fin* and #ontro""ed by the rudder. %&p"anation. @ire#tiona" stabi"ity is maintained by the kee" surfa#e and the fin and #ontro""ed by the rudder. Question Number. .. 9on!itudina" stabi"ity is !i'en by. Option A. the fin. Option B. the $in! dihedra". Option C. the horiHonta" tai"p"ane. Corre#t Ans$er is. the horiHonta" tai"p"ane. %&p"anation. The horiHonta" stabi"iHer ;tai"p"ane< pro'ides "on!itudina" stabi"ity. Question Number. 5. 9atera" stabi"ity is !i'en by. Option A. the horiHonta" tai"p"ane. Option B. the ai"erons. Option C. the $in! dihedra". Corre#t Ans$er is. the $in! dihedra". %&p"anation. The $in! dihedra" pro'ides "atera" stabi"ity.

Question Number. 1/. Stabi"ity about the "atera" a&is is !i'en by. Option A. the ai"erons. Option B. the horiHonta" tai"p"ane. Option C. $in! dihedra". Corre#t Ans$er is. the horiHonta" tai"p"ane. %&p"anation. Stabi"ity about the "atera" a&is is "on!itudina" stabi"ity. The horiHonta" stabi"iHer ;tai"p"ane< pro'ides "on!itudina" stabi"ity. Question Number. 11. S$eepba#k of the $in!s $i"". Option A. de#rease "atera" stabi"ity. Option B. not affe#t the "atera" stabi"ity. Option C. in#rease "atera" stabi"ity. Corre#t Ans$er is. in#rease "atera" stabi"ity. %&p"anation. 1hen an air#raft ro""s* it sides"ips. A sides"ippin! air#raft $ith s$eepba#k has a hi!her AC on the "eadin! $in! than than it has on the trai"in! $in!. The "ift is !reater on a hi!her AC $in!* so it #orre#ts the ro"". ;1/ de!rees of s$eepba#k has the same effe#t as 1 de!ree of dihedra"<. Question Number. 1). @ut#h Co"" is. Option A. primari"y a pit#hin! instabi"ity. Option B. a #ombined ro""in! and ya$in! motion. Option C. a type of s"o$ ro"". Corre#t Ans$er is. a #ombined ro""in! and ya$in! motion. %&p"anation. @ut#h ro"e is a #ombination of ro"e and ya$. Question Number. 10. A hi!h $in! position !i'es. Option A. more "atera" stabi"ity than a "o$ $in!. Option B. "ess "atera" stabi"ity than a "o$ $in!. Option C. the same "atera" stabi"ity as a "o$ $in!. Corre#t Ans$er is. more "atera" stabi"ity than a "o$ $in!. %&p"anation. The pendu"um effe#t produ#ed by the fuse"a!e of a hi!h $in! air#raft pro'ides more "atera" stabi"ity. Question Number. 14. @ire#tiona" stabi"ity may be in#reased $ith. Option A. pit#h dampers. Option B. horn ba"an#e. Option C. ya$ dampers. Corre#t Ans$er is. ya$ dampers. %&p"anation. Ra$ dampers in#rease dire#tiona" stabi"ity. Question Number. 1 . 9atera" stabi"ity may be in#reased $ith. Option A. in#reased "atera" dihedra". Option B. in#reased "atera" anhedra". Option C. in#reased "on!itudina" dihedra". Corre#t Ans$er is. in#reased "atera" dihedra".

%&p"anation. 9atera" dihedra" in#reases "atera" stabi"ity. ;BT1 F 9on!itudina" dihedra" is the differen#e bet$een mainp"ane and tai"p"ane an!"es of in#iden#e<. Question Number. 1:. 9on!itudina" stabi"ity is in#reased if the. Option A. CG is for$ard of the C+. Option B. Thrust a#ts on a "ine be"o$ the tota" dra!. Option C. C+ mo'es for$ard of the CG. Corre#t Ans$er is. CG is for$ard of the C+. %&p"anation. If the CG is for$ard of the C+ it $i"" ha'e a nose,do$n tenden#y $hi#h makes the air#raft "ess "ike"y to sta"" and therefore it $i"" ha'e more "on!itudina" stabi"ity. Question Number. 16. @ire#tiona" stabi"ity is about the. Option A. "atera" a&is. Option B. "on!itudina" a&is. Option C. norma" a&is. Corre#t Ans$er is. norma" a&is. %&p"anation. @ire#tiona" stabi"ity is stabi"ity about the norma" a&is. Question Number. 1.. 9atera" stabi"ity is about the. Option A. "on!itudina" a&is. Option B. norma" a&is. Option C. 'erti#a" a&is. Corre#t Ans$er is. "on!itudina" a&is. %&p"anation. 9atera" stabi"ity is stabi"ity about the "on!itudina" a&is. Question Number. 15. 9on!itudina" stabi"ity is pro'ided by the. Option A. horiHonta" stabi"iHer. Option B. 'erti#a" stabi"iHer. Option C. mainp"ane. Corre#t Ans$er is. horiHonta" stabi"iHer. %&p"anation. 9on!itudina" stabi"ity is pro'ided by the horiHonta" stabi"iser ;tai"p"ane<. Question Number. )/. If the air#raft turns and side,s"ips. Option A. the s$eepba#k of the $in! $i"" #orre#t the sides"ip. Option B. the kee" surfa#e $i"" #orre#t the sides"ip. Option C. the dihedra" of the $in! $i"" #orre#t the sides"ip. Corre#t Ans$er is. the dihedra" of the $in! $i"" #orre#t the sides"ip. %&p"anation. http F DD$$$.a""star.fiu.eduDaeroDa&es00.htm Question Number. )1. An air#raft disturbed from its norma" f"i!ht path* and automati#a""y returns to that norma" f"i!ht path* $ithout any a#tion on the part of the pi"ot is kno$n as.

Option A. air#raft sta"". Option B. air#raft instabi"ity. Option C. air#raft stabi"ity. Corre#t Ans$er is. air#raft stabi"ity. %&p"anation. Stabi"ity is the air#raft8s abi"ity for the air#raft to return to its norma" f"i!htpath after bein! disturbed. Question Number. )). The fin !i'es stabi"ity about $hi#h a&is2. Option A. 9on!itudina" a&is. Option B. 9atera" a&is. Option C. Norma" a&is. Corre#t Ans$er is. Norma" a&is. %&p"anation. The fin !i'es stabi"ity about the norma" a&is. Question Number. )0. If the nose of the air#raft is rotated about its "atera" a&is* $hat is its dire#tiona" mo'ement2. Option A. Co""in! or bankin! to the "eft or ri!ht. Option B. Turnin! to the "eft or ri!ht. Option C. C"imbin! or di'in!. Corre#t Ans$er is. C"imbin! or di'in!. %&p"anation. (or an air#raft to #"imb or di'e it must be rotated about ts "atera" a&is. Question Number. )4. The fun#tion of an air#raft fin. Option A. is to pro'ide dire#tiona" #ontro". Option B. is to pro'ide strai!ht airf"o$ a#ross the rudder. Option C. is to pro'ide stabi"ity about the norma" a&is. Corre#t Ans$er is. is to pro'ide stabi"ity about the norma" a&is. %&p"anation. The fun#tion of the air#raft fin is to pro'ide stabi"ity about the norma" a&is. Question Number. ) . Io'ement of an air#raft about its norma" a&is. Option A. is ro""in!. Option B. is ya$in!. Option C. is pit#hin!. Corre#t Ans$er is. is ya$in!. %&p"anation. ya$in!8 is mo'ement of the air#raft about its norma" a&is. Question Number. ):. If* after a disturban#e* an aerop"ane initia""y returns to its equi"ibrium state. Option A. it has neutra" stabi"ity. Option B. it has stati# stabi"ity and may be dynami#a""y stab"e. Option C. it is neutra""y unstab"e. Corre#t Ans$er is. it has stati# stabi"ity and may be dynami#a""y stab"e. %&p"anation. Stati# stabi"ity is $hen an air#raft returns to its equi"ibrium ;trimmed< state. @ynami# stabi"ity is the abi"ity of the air#raft to oppose the disturban#e.

Question Number. )6. Stabi"ity of an air#raft is. Option A. the tenden#y of the air#raft to return to its ori!ina" trimmed position after ha'in! been disp"a#ed. Option B. the tenden#y of the air#raft to sta"" at "o$ airspeed. Option C. the abi"ity of the air#raft to rotate about an a&is. Corre#t Ans$er is. the tenden#y of the air#raft to return to its ori!ina" trimmed position after ha'in! been disp"a#ed. %&p"anation. Stabi"ity is the tenden#y for the air#raft to return to its ori!ina" position after bein! disp"a#ed. Question Number. ).. The three a&es #on#erned $ith stabi"ity of an air#raft ha'e. Option A. norma" a&is throu!h C of G. 9atera" a&is , $in! tip to $in! tip. 9on!itudina" a&is , nose to tai" but not throu!h C of G. Option B. "on!itudina"* "atera" and norma" a&is a"" passin! throu!h air#raft #entre of !ra'ity. Option C. "on!itudina" a&is nose to tai"* "atera" a&is at furthest span point* norma" a&is throu!h #entre of pressure. Corre#t Ans$er is. "on!itudina"* "atera" and norma" a&is a"" passin! throu!h air#raft #entre of !ra'ity. %&p"anation. The "on!itudina"* "atera" and norma" a&is a"" pass throu!h the air#raft8s #entre of !ra'ity. Question Number. )5. If an air#raft returns to a position of equi"ibrium it is said to be. Option A. positi'e"y stab"e. Option B. neutra""y stab"e. Option C. ne!ati'e"y stab"e. Corre#t Ans$er is. positi'e"y stab"e. %&p"anation. If an air#raft is positi'e"y stab"e it $i"" return to its trimmed position. Question Number. 0/. The pendu"um effe#t on a hi!h $in! air#raft. Option A. has no effe#t on "atera" stabi"ity. Option B. in#reases "atera" stabi"ity. Option C. de#reases "atera" stabi"ity. Corre#t Ans$er is. in#reases "atera" stabi"ity. %&p"anation. +endu"um effe#t on a hi!h $in! air#raft in#reases "atera" stabi"ity. Question Number. 01. After a disturban#e in pit#h* an air#raft #ontinues to os#i""ate at #onstant amp"itude. It is. Option A. "on!itudina""y unstab"e. Option B. "on!itudina""y neutra""y stab"e. Option C. "atera""y unstab"e. Corre#t Ans$er is. "on!itudina""y neutra""y stab"e.

%&p"anation. If an air#raft os#i""ates in pit#h $ithout the os#i""ations in#reasin! or de#reasin! it is "on!itudina""y neutra""y stab"e. Question Number. 0). On an air#raft $ith an a"",mo'in! tai"p"ane nose up pit#h is #aused by. Option A. de#reasin! tai"p"ane in#iden#e. Option B. in#reasin! tai"p"ane in#iden#e. Option C. up mo'ement of the trim tab. Corre#t Ans$er is. de#reasin! tai"p"ane in#iden#e. %&p"anation. To make the nose pit#h,up* the tai"p"ane do$n "oad must be in#reased. This is done by de#reasin! its in#iden#e ;or in#reasin! its ne!ati'e in#iden#e<. Question Number. 00. 1hat !i'es the air#raft dire#tiona" stabi"ity2. Option A. Kerti#a" stabi"iser. Option B. %"e'ators. Option C. =oriHonta" stabi"iser. Corre#t Ans$er is. Kerti#a" stabi"iser. %&p"anation. The 'erti#a" stabi"iser !i'es the air#raft dire#tiona" stabi"ity. Question Number. 04. In f"i!ht if the air#raft nose !ets an up$ard !ust of $ind* $hat #hara#teristi# $i"" ha'e the !reatest effe#t to #ountera#t it2. Option A. 1in! S$eep. Option B. =oriHonta" stabi"iser and fuse"a!e "en!th. Option C. +osition of the #entre of pressure re"ati'e to the #entre of !ra'ity. Corre#t Ans$er is. =oriHonta" stabi"iser and fuse"a!e "en!th. %&p"anation. 9on!itudina" stabi"ity is effe#ted main"y by the stabi"iser and "en!th of fuse"a!e behind the C of G. Question Number. 0 . To #orre#t dut#h ro"" you must damp os#i""ation around F . Option A. the "on!itudina" a&is. Option B. the "atera" a&is. Option C. the 'erti#a" a&is. Corre#t Ans$er is. the 'erti#a" a&is. %&p"anation. @ut#h Co"" is a fi!ure of ei!ht os#i""ation around the 'erti#a" a&is. Question Number. 0:. An e"e'ator trim tab is used to. Option A. #ountera#t prope""er torque. Option B. pre'ent the #ontro" surfa#e from sta""in! the airf"o$. Option C. redu#e #ontro" #o"umn for#es on the pi"ot. Corre#t Ans$er is. redu#e #ontro" #o"umn for#es on the pi"ot. %&p"anation. See AC Lermode Chapter 5. Question Number. 06. A hi!h $in! air#raft $i"" be more.

Option A. "atera""y stab"e than a "o$ $in! air#raft. Option B. "on!itudina""y stab"e than a "o$ $in! air#raft. Option C. dire#tiona""y stab"e than a "o$ $in! air#raft. Corre#t Ans$er is. "atera""y stab"e than a "o$ $in! air#raft. %&p"anation. @ue to pendu"um effe#t of the fuse"a!e* a hi!h $in! air#raft $i"" be more "atera""y stab"e than a "o$ $in! air#raft. Question Number. 0.. After an air#raft has been disturbed from its strai!ht and "e'e" f"i!ht* it returns to its ori!ina" attitude $ith a sma"" amount of de#reasin! os#i""ation.The air#raft is. Option A. stati#a""y stab"e but dynami#a""y unstab"e. Option B. stati#a""y unstab"e but dynami#a""y stab"e. Option C. stati#a""y stab"e and dynami#a""y stab"e. Corre#t Ans$er is. stati#a""y stab"e and dynami#a""y stab"e. %&p"anation. Stati# stabi"ity is the abi"ity of the air#raft to return to its untrimmed position. @ynami# stabi"ity is the abi"ity of the air#raft to not os#i""ate about the trimmed position. Question Number. 05. If there is an in#rease of density* $hat effe#t $ou"d there be in aerodynami# dampenin!2. Option A. @e#reased. Option B. In#reased. Option C. None. Corre#t Ans$er is. In#reased. %&p"anation. ("i!ht for#es ;and hen#e aerodynami# dampenin!< are a"" in#reased $ith in#reasin! density. Question Number. 4/. Ra$in! is a rotation around. Option A. the "atera" a&is obtained by the rudder. Option B. the norma" a&is obtained by the rudder. Option C. the norma" a&is obtained by the e"e'ator. Corre#t Ans$er is. the norma" a&is obtained by the rudder. %&p"anation. Ra$in! is rotation around the norma" a&is obtained by the rudder. Question Number. 41. 9atera" stabi"ity is redu#ed by in#reasin!. Option A. dihedra". Option B. s$eepba#k. Option C. anhedra". Corre#t Ans$er is. anhedra". %&p"anation. Anhedra" is a do$n$ard and out$ard in#"ination of the $in!. It is opposite to dihedra". Question Number. 4). Option A. dihedra". Option B. kee" and fin. AHimuth stabi"ity is dependent on.

Option C. tai"p"ane. Corre#t Ans$er is. kee" and fin. %&p"anation. AHimuth is a fan#y $ord for 8dire#tion8. Question Number. 40. S$eepba#k of the $in!s $i"". Option A. in#rease "atera" stabi"ity at hi!h speeds on"y. Option B. not affe#t "atera" stabi"ity. Option C. in#rease "atera" stabi"ity at a"" speeds. Corre#t Ans$er is. in#rease "atera" stabi"ity at a"" speeds. %&p"anation. 1/ de!rees of s$eepba#k pro'ides the same effe#t as 1 de!ree of dihedra". Question Number. 44. If you ha'e an air#raft that is more "atera""y stab"e then dire#tiona""y stab"e it $i"" tend to F . Option A. bank. Option B. s"ip. Option C. skid. Corre#t Ans$er is. skid. %&p"anation. Skiddin! out of turns is symptomati# of dut#h ro""* e&tra 'erti#a" stabi"isers are often added to #orre#t this ;Nimrod IC)<. Question Number. 4 . A #entre of !ra'ity position #"ose to its aft "imit $i"" #ause the air#raft to. Option A. pit#h nose do$n and in#rease its "on!itudina" stabi"ity. Option B. pit#h nose up and de#rease its "on!itudina" stabi"ity. Option C. pit#h nose up and in#rease its "on!itudina" stabi"ity. Corre#t Ans$er is. pit#h nose up and de#rease its "on!itudina" stabi"ity. %&p"anation. AC Lermode pa!e 14 states that a pit#h up $i"" in#rease AOA and further destabi"ise the air#raft. Question Number. 4:. A sharp"y s$ept $in! $i"" promote. Option A. e&#essi'e "atera" instabi"ity. Option B. e&#essi'e "on!itudina" stabi"ity. Option C. e&#essi'e "atera" stabi"ity. Corre#t Ans$er is. e&#essi'e "atera" stabi"ity. %&p"anation. S$ept $in! fi!hter air#raft often ha'e anhedra" to promote !reater ro"" rate* $hi#h is needed due to e&#essi'e stabi"ity. Question Number. 46. 1hi#h #ontro" surfa#es pro'ide "atera" #ontro" * a"so "on!itudina" #ontro" and stabi"ity2. Option A. Cudder'ators. Option B. Tai"erons. Option C. ("apperons. Corre#t Ans$er is. Tai"erons. %&p"anation. Tai"erons are a"" mo'in! tai"p"anes as fitted to the TornadoE.

Question Number. 4.. If* after a disturban#e* an aerop"ane initia""y returns to its equi"ibrium state. Option A. it has neutra" stabi"ity. Option B. it has stati# stabi"ity and may be dynami#a""y stab"e. Option C. it is neutra""y unstab"e. Corre#t Ans$er is. it has stati# stabi"ity and may be dynami#a""y stab"e. %&p"anation. Question says nothin! about o'ershootin! and os#i""atin!* so it #ou"d be dynami#a""y unstab"e* e'en thou!h it is stati#a""y stab"e. Question Number. 45. Ra$ dampers are desi!ned to. Option A. pre'ent dut#h ro"". Option B. assist the pi"ot to mo'e the rudder. Option C. redu#e the effe#t of #rabbin! due to #ross $inds. Corre#t Ans$er is. pre'ent dut#h ro"". %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. /. Tu#k under o##urs $hen. Option A. a sho#k sta"" o##urs on the outboard portion of s$ept $in!. Option B. a sho#k sta"" $arnin! o##urs on the inboard position of a strai!ht $in!. Option C. the air#raft rea#hes I#rit. Corre#t Ans$er is. the air#raft rea#hes I#rit. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. 1. The "atera" a&is is. Option A. a strai!ht "ine throu!h the CG at ri!ht an!"es to the "on!itudina" and "atera" a&is. Option B. a strai!ht "ine throu!h the CG from nose to tai". Option C. a strai!ht "ine throu!h the CG para""e" to a "ine 4oinin! the $in!tips. Corre#t Ans$er is. a strai!ht "ine throu!h the CG para""e" to a "ine 4oinin! the $in!tips. %&p"anation. A strai!ht "ine throu!h the CG para""e" to a "ine 4oinin! the $in!tip. Question Number. ). The main fa#tors $hi#h affe#t "on!itudina" stabi"ity are.

Option A. desi!n of the fuse"a!e and position of the CG. Option B. desi!n of the mainp"ane and position of the CG. Option C. desi!n of the tai"p"ane and position of the CG. Corre#t Ans$er is. desi!n of the tai"p"ane and position of the CG. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. 0. Option A. @ire#tiona". Option B. 9atera". A ya$in! motion pro'ides $hat kind of Stabi"ity2.

Option C. 9on!itudina". Corre#t Ans$er is. @ire#tiona". %&p"anation. Ra$in! is dire#tiona" stabi"ity. Question Number. 4. 1here $ou"d you find the norma" a&is2. Option A. Throu!h C of G at ri!ht an!"es to "on!itudina" and "atera" a&is. Option B. Kerti#a""y throu!h Cof+. Option C. In "ine $ith the $in! tips throu!h C of G. Corre#t Ans$er is. Throu!h C of G at ri!ht an!"es to "on!itudina" and "atera" a&is. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. . 1hen a air#raft is in a s"ides"ip and is ya$in! the. Option A. the fin $i"" #orre#t the ya$in! motion. Option B. the effe#ti'e kee" area $i"" make the a# ya$ further into the dire#tion of the sides"ip. Option C. the dihedra" $i"" pre'ent the ya$ motion. Corre#t Ans$er is. the effe#ti'e kee" area $i"" make the a# ya$ further into the dire#tion of the sides"ip. %&p"anation. +a!e )5/ Ie#hani#s of ("i!ht Lermode. Question Number. :. As a #onsequen#e of the C of G bein! #"ose to its aft "imit. Option A. the sti#k for#es to manoeu're "on!itudina""y $i"" be "o$ due to "o$ stabi"ity. Option B. the sti#k for#es $i"" be hi!h in fore and aft pit#h* due to the hi!h "on!itudina" stabi"ity. Option C. the sti#k for#es $hen pit#hin! the nose do$n $i"" be 'ery hi!h. Corre#t Ans$er is. the sti#k for#es $hen pit#hin! the nose do$n $i"" be 'ery hi!h. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. 6. 1ith the C of G on its for$ard "imit. Option A. the #han!e in #ontro" "oadin! is dependant on the position of the Cof+. Option B. #ontro" "oadin! de#reases. Option C. #ontro" "oadin! in#reases. Corre#t Ans$er is. #ontro" "oadin! in#reases. %&p"anation. NI9. 08.$. Question Number. 1. A 8s"u!8 is a unit of. Option A. mass. Option B. density. Option C. 'o"ume. Corre#t Ans$er is. mass. %&p"anation. NI9.

Question Number. ). An under#arria!e "e! in f"i!ht produ#es 0 "bs of dra! at 1//kts. If speed is in#reased to )//kts the dra! $ou"d be. Option A. 1) "bs. Option B. 5 "bs. Option C. : "bs. Corre#t Ans$er is. 1) "bs. %&p"anation. +rofi"e dra! rises $ith K squared. Question Number. 0. A sta"" $arnin! de'i#e must be set to operate. Option A. at a speed 4ust abo'e sta""in! speed. Option B. at a speed 4ust be"o$ sta""in! speed. Option C. at the sta""in! speed. Corre#t Ans$er is. at a speed 4ust abo'e sta""in! speed. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. 4. In #ruise the $ei!ht of an aerop"ane is de#reasin! as fue" is used. A sta"" $ou"d o##ur. Option A. at a "o$er speed. Option B. at the same speed. Option C. at a hi!her speed. Corre#t Ans$er is. at a "o$er speed. %&p"anation. Sta"" speed in#reases $ith in#reasin! $ei!ht. Question Number. . The purpose of 8stream"inin!8 is to redu#e. Option A. profi"e dra!. Option B. skin fri#tion dra!. Option C. indu#ed dra!. Corre#t Ans$er is. profi"e dra!. %&p"anation. NI9. Question Number. :. As hei!ht in#reases* $ith an!"e of atta#k and speed #onstant. Option A. "ift $i"" remain #onstant. Option B. "ift In#reases. Option C. "ift de#reases. Corre#t Ans$er is. "ift de#reases. %&p"anation. That is $hy a !reater an!"e of atta#k is required at hi!her a"titude.

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