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High PR Do Follow Backlinks Scraper

The kept secret methods that will boost your backlinks, secure your place, and leave your competitors in Tears

Read it !are"ully and #mplement into actions

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How to $et High PR Backlinks From Do Follow Blogs % )f you are interested to get valuable bac&lin&s from "o8ollow blogs with specific domains including edu, com, net then you reached the right place to e1plore how to do this magic. %hough it seems to be hard to find the right blogs for you among myriads of blogs running in these domains, but don9t worry. As we said that it is a magic so it would be done by some :4agic #ords9. #hat you have to do is$ %o find the right blog and leave a valuable comment there with your user name and website +.!. %o avoid blog spamming, by using different comments on different blogs instead of pasting the same comment everywhere. %hought some people say that it9s :blac& hat9 or :gray hat9 ;0< attempt but there is nothing wrong in applying this tool if you are giving something valuable in return. ;o let9s start with our :4agic #ords9 to find out the right blogs for your website. 1/ %ype a (uery in google search bo1 with :site9 and :inte1t9 words. 8or e1ample$ ;ite$ .com =-owered by 2log0ngine. Net>

()t will list all .com sites powered by 2log0ngine.Net>, you can change the tld every time you put (uery in search bo1 for desired results as shown in screenshots

Also try same (uery without using :.N0%9 in the end.

2/ ?ou can also add specific words to get more specified results. 8or 01ample$ ;ite$ .com =-owered by 2log0ngine. Net> =;0<>

()t will display .com site powered by 2log0ngine.Net related to ;0< topic only. @ere again you can use your desired words in place of ;0< to get re(uired search results. A/ Another way to use magic words is$ site$ .edu =Allowed @%4! tags$BaC>

#ith special &eyword$ site$ .edu =Allowed @%4! tags$BaC> =ma&e money>

@ere again you can change :tld9 and specific words as desired. D/ ?ou can also get bac&lin&s from :;hout4i1 2o19 by using following url$ http$ @ere you will find following results with various user names in the lin&s listed below$ 8or e1ample in first lin& you find the user names :ngabacot9 and :Fdpartosa9 at ;hout4i1 2o1.

Now you can use the :ngabacot9 in ne1t search (uery as$ http$EEwww2.shoutmi1.comEGngabacot %his will give you direct access to the bo1 where you can leave comment to get a useful bac&lin&.

.epeat the process with various usernames found in proceeding search results to get direct access to their bo1es at ;hout4i1 bo1.

;o &eep increasing the number of (uality bac&lin&s for your site and achieve a good -. by google page ran& results as bac&lin&s are the main factor in improving the -. of any blog or website.

Black Hat Tricks :2lac& @at %ric&s9, a highly controversial issue for some people but one of the most effective ;0< strategies to get websites higher in serps. %herefore only 10 percent webmasters ta&e bold decision to apply this controversial ;0< tool. @ere we have tried to e1plain this useful ;0< strategy in a very convenient and simple way. !et9s start by doing following actions. 1/ <pen google home page and type :2uy Hiagra9 in the search bo1. @ere you will se that how someone ran&ed for :buy Hiagra9 with certain forums li&e viddler. 8or e1ample at following lin&s http$EEwww.viddler.comEe1ploreE2uy3heapHiagra1 <. www.viddler.comEe1ploreE2uy3heapHiagra1

Now see that how many lin&s are coming to this page for :buy Hiagra9. %ype this url in google search bo1 and you will ama*ed to find that 10D lin&s are coming only fron this first attempt he does. !et9s try another one$ www.carroll.eduEboardsEmember.phpGuI2D2JK

@ere he tried to use 0"+ domain which has an authority status in search engine ran&ing. And from here 1J20 (uality lin&s are achieved in a single attempt. Now &eep trying following &in&s and see how many (uality lin&s are ta&en Fust by these simple tric&y attempts. swi&.netE+ser$LetHiagraNow (a great lin& producing D,6A0 lin&s








2y ran&ing with all these domains and forums he has moved from spot D to spot 1 successfully. Now you were thin&ing that what is :Hiddler9 actuallyG Hiddler is Fust li&e hubpages and s(uidoo and matters a lot when it comes to site promotion. ;o if you also want to use this site promotion tool then do the following steps. 1/ ;ign up for Hiddler and fill out all re(uired info along with adding your website there. 2/ .emember your user name should be &eyword rich. A/ After getting confirmation email Fust go to :About me9 page and put &eyword rich information and lin& there. Put &ink in 'se"ul (ikis to $et more Backlinks) Now you can try following$ #i&i site$.edu

8rom which you find 1,220,000 results and can edit most of them to sign up and to place lin& in your profile there. 8or e1tracting more benefits from some .edu, enter the followings$ N site$.edu inurl$wp/login.php Oblog

N site$.gov inurl$wp/login.php Oblog

N site$.edu inurl$>wp/admin> Ologin

%hese lin&s will give you direct access to blog page of specific edu sites, where you can leave comment and +.! to get bac&lin& easily. #mportant Tip *bout +edu, Blog )f you don9t want to be listed as spammer then use secondary &eywords as user name. !i&e instead of using :ma&e money online9 Fust use :wor& at home man9 or some other secondary &eyword. .emember one thing that such blogs monitored much more than wi&is so be conscious about using &eywords and share the benefit of authority of edu domain given by Loogle search engine optimi*ation. Backlinks Report *nalysis All of us are aware of the fact that bac&lin&ing is one of the most successful strategy in )nternet mar&eting therefore lots of literature is available online or offline to e1plain it precisely. 2ut s sometimes situation becomes confusing in the presence of lots of information on

same issue and a person don9t actually understanding that what to do and what not to do when it comes to bac&lin&ing his blog or site. @ere we have discussed some important points mentioned in bac&lin&s report based upon real world e1perimentation. !et9s have a loo& over these vital aspects of bac&lin&ing. Basic Principles o" Backlinking N+se same te1t in anchor tags used for bac&lin&ing and try to lin& inner page of site rather than lin&ing home page. N"o not become choosy about searching relevant sites it is not imperative to get (uality bac&lin&s from relevant sites only. A successful and busy site with good -. can provide (uality traffic. N+se good &eyword tool to get useful &eyword for your niche e.g. :4icro Niche 8inder9 could be a better choice in this case.

N+se proper &eyword term in article directories and forum including 0*ine, LoArticles and warrior 8orums etc.

N)nstead of wasting your time in blog commenting prefer searching those forums where you can access profiles easily and can use @%4!E22 code in About 4e or 2io 2o1 to lin& your site to get "o8ollow bac&lin&s. N+se :Loogle Alerts9 to get automatic notification whenever your profile has got accessed or found.

N3reate bac&lin&ing power list of stable profiles in word or e1cel sheet to be organi*ed in bac&lin&ing process. N.emember that )- diversity is must for (uality bac&lin&s, lin&s form same )- addresses are not counted by Loogle. N<ther software forums li&e -un22, )-.2oard, v2ulletin, ;48, 01pression0ngine can be used to get (uality bac&lin&s. 4oreover you can visit http$ to get updates for successful and high -. forums.

NAbove all be patience throughout the process and wait for achieving good -. as it could ta&e 2 to D wee&s or more to see the result of your efforts. How to -inimi.e the Risk o" *ccount Disabling or Banning in Forums% NAdd your photo or your friend9s or cousin9s with their permission. N#ait for the time when your user name disappear from home page new users list and then add lin& to your profile. NAdd only 2 to A lin&s to your profile and see the stability of your account if everything is going normal then you can add more lin&s. NNever post or comment in such forums otherwise your lin&s will be e1posed to moderators and your account will be banned. NAdd profile info in forum accounts to ma&e it real. ?ou can use macro programs li&e :.oboform9 to facilitate the process.

NPoin busy forums with at least 1000 members there. (hy 'se S/0 1uake% ;0< Qua&e is wonderful software which tells you that whether it is a "o8ollow place or not. %hough it slows down the speed of computer but &eeps your system updated after very two hours. )f you are interested to get more results in one clic& with their e1act -. info then open google home page and clic& :preferences9. ;croll down and change the number of results from 10 to 100 per page and clic& :;ave -references9. Now enter your desired (uery and see the results for best -. with ;0< Qua&e by toggling its arrows.

How to $et Backlinks 1uota 0nline% Lo to :4y#ay!in&s ;ervice9 and subscribe there to get bac&lin&s (uota with )- diversity and good -..

How to /n2oy 0n3page S/0% :#ebceo9 is another useful ;0< tools which can be downloaded from http$EEwww.webceo.comEdownloadEinde1.htm to get on/page ;0<. )t analy*es the page content for desired &eyword and tells what to do to get better results.

?ou can also aiming for or for more targeted country specific bac&lin&s. And also google has subdomain in to search bac&lin&s from blogs.

@ere9s another tips for you to grab some more Fuicy bac&lin&s $ / / $o to http)44dropmylink5com and put your 6ueries there Type your competitor page and put it on http)44www5backlinkwatch5com5 7ou can see their backlinks that you can e8ploit and in2ect your links on5 / $o to http)44www5S/0analy.er5net "or various S/0 tools and regularly check your web S/RPS position againsts your competitor5 / Try to list the links and automate the link in2ection with automation so"tware like S/9'ke or :rummer i" you are in the mood "or blackhat5 3ombine he techni(ue above to scrape more authentic bac&lin&s. "on9t limit the bac&lin&s only from your country. %han&s for reading, but it won9t ma&e you rich unless you implement these techni(ue into actions and good luc& R

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