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Thom challenges Gary Kreep - Isnt the birther

movement really about racism?


By BorderRaven 2009-10-21

No, not about racism. In fact it is a testament to our nation a person

of color made it to and through the convention. The US Constitution
is more important than any man.

Unfortunately there were some frauds, deception, ignorance, criminal

negligence, conspiracies, and a foul up.

"Mundus vult decipi." Sebastian Franck, Paradoxa Ducenta

Octoginta, CCXXXVIII (1542) "The world loves to be deceived."

I'm undecided on location of birth, so I'll consider it moot, for now.

Also, without DNA, we cannot conclude the details of conception.
Except I calculate conception occurred around October 28, 1960.
I'm not getting into the first wife of BHO Sr, or the children he left in

Assuming Barack H. Obama II (BHO II) was born in Hawaii, to a US

citizen mother and a British father. That right there makes him a US
citizen through his mother, but not a "natural born" citizen (NBC),
since his father was British. Barack knows this and he has said it.

> Nothing beyond this point will make BHO II, eligible to be POTUS.

Frauds -- BHO II entered race for POTUS, accepting campaign monies,

and signed papers declaring he met constitutional eligibility
requirements for POTUS. He is educated and should know.

Deception or Propaganda -- BHO II, put a certification of live birth

online for all to see. The document was "filed by registrar", but not
"accepted by registrar". Other than to prove BHUO II, is a citizen, it is

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Thom challenges Gary Kreep - Isnt the birther
movement really about racism?

By BorderRaven 2009-10-21

worthless! Also, it hasn't enough information to prove conclusively the

circumstances of birth, and requires additional information. It is

Janice Okubo
“We don’t destroy vital records”

"I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a
nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by
the content of their character." -- Martin Luther King, Jr.

Complicit in these crimes against the US Constitution, was the

Mainstream Media. The MSM got drunk with the sensationalism over a
person of color running for POTUS. It was both sad and comical to
witness what happened. The more people showed up for an event,
the more the MSM promoted BHO II, and then more people showed up
for an event, then more the MSM hyped the campaign. It looked like
two dogs chasing each other's tail. That was the funny part. The sad
part was seeing the MSM ignore all but BHO II.

I'm not sure when I became aware of the efforts to stop the frenzy,
and alert the media and the public to the fact BHO II, was not eligible.
Everyone said, BHO II, is a citizen, look his BC is on FactCheck, you

"Mundus vult decipi, ergo decipiatur", a Latin phrase, means

"The world wants to be deceived, so let it be deceived."

Conspiracy -- After the DNC Convention, Nancy Pelosi, and BHO II,
conspired to sign and mail to 49 states, the certificates of nomination,
essentially declaring BHO II and Sen. Biden, were qualified, vetted,

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Thom challenges Gary Kreep - Isnt the birther
movement really about racism?

By BorderRaven 2009-10-21

nominated, and their names could go on the ballots. Unfortunately,

she omitted the part saying the candidates were constitutionally
qualified for POTUS. Neither candidate was vetted, therefore since
BHO II, is ineligible, Biden cannot succeed to POTUS.

Voter Ignorance: The voters went to the polls high on Hope and
Change, and they voted.

I voted for Chuck Baldwin, and I guess, I was trusting the systems in
place, a bit too much, to catch the error and correct it.

A foul up. The counting of the Electoral College Vote.

"Upon such reading of any such certificate or paper, the President of

the Senate shall call for objections, if any."
-- 3 USC 15 -- Counting electoral votes in Congress

2008 ELECTION 2009 Electoral College Vote Count

"It is clear, from the text of the Constitution, and the relevant
statutory law implementing the Constitution's textual commitments,
that challenges to the qualifications of a candidate for president can,
in the first instance, be presented to the voting public before the
election, and, once the election is over, can be raised as objections as
the electoral votes are counted in the Congress," wrote Assistant U.S.
Attorneys Roger West and David DeJute.

"Therefore, challenges such as those purportedly raised in this case

are committed, under the Constitution, to the electors, and to the
Legislative branch."

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Thom challenges Gary Kreep - Isnt the birther
movement really about racism?

By BorderRaven 2009-10-21


Watch closely, as each state vote is counted and following the report
Vice President Cheney failed to call for objections as the statute

(See the You Tube video of the 2009 electoral vote count at about the
27:00 minute mark.) 3 U.S.C. § 15,

Criminal negligence: Nobody but a small minority, categorized as

"birthers" seem to care, the US Constitution -- the "framework" of the
USA government has been ignored. That's a very dangerous, slippery
slope, and we need to gain control.

With all of the documented crimes above, I pray a competent court

grants standing and discovery.

Some people say, “Any US citizen can be POTUS and that’s not so.

Can an unwed, pregnant, illegal alien cross the border illegally, birth a
baby and that baby grows up to become a USA President?

I hope you say no, or else you seriously need some schooling.

"American citizen by birth", and a "natural born US citizen", are two

different entities, both sharing equal rights, but only one being
eligible to be POTUS. Those born of the blood OR the soil, are USA

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Thom challenges Gary Kreep - Isnt the birther
movement really about racism?

By BorderRaven 2009-10-21

citizens. Those born of the blood AND the soil, are USA Natural Born
Citizens eligible for POTUS.

Citizenship only requires birth of blood or on soil. If NBC only required

birth on soil, then a few million anchor babies would qualify for
POTUS. You have flimsy evidence of a Hawaiian birth, Hawaiian
residence, yes, but not a birth. The requirement, of both blood and
soil for NBC, has long been established and followed, until, BHO
fraudulently conspired with Nancy Pelosi, and usurped POTUS, for the
DNC. Obama admits his father was British.

Therefore he is a FRAUD POTUS!

"American citizen by birth", and a "natural born”

Immigrants are aliens who carry a passport and obey the laws. Illegal
aliens don't have a passport, and don't obey the laws. Aliens do not
have a birth right of USA citizenship.

An alien is not subject to the Jurisdiction of the USA, as they are

traveling under a passport, except both an illegal alien and an alien
under passport, have not relinquished bonds to their homeland, nor
established allegiance to the USA, and the citizenship of the mother
transfers to the minor child. Aliens can run to or call on their
consulates or Embassy, for help, since they owe allegiance to and are
subject to the jurisdiction of laws and treaties, of their homeland, not
the USA. A child born to an alien mother, with no known USA citizen
father, on USA soil, really should not be a USA citizen, since the
parent is subject to foreign jurisdiction, and has not established
allegiance to the USA.

An alien in a foreign country must obey the laws of that country.

However, a child born to an alien, is not subject to the Jurisdiction of

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Thom challenges Gary Kreep - Isnt the birther
movement really about racism?

By BorderRaven 2009-10-21

the USA, as their parent(s) is/are traveling under a passport, except

both an illegal alien and an alien under passport, have not
relinquished bonds to their homeland, nor established allegiance to
the USA, and the citizenship of the mother transfers to the minor
child. Aliens can run to or call on their consulates or Embassy, for
help, since they owe allegiance to and are subject to the jurisdiction
of laws and treaties, of their homeland, not the USA. A child born to
an alien mother, with no known USA citizen father, on USA soil, really
should not be a USA citizen, since the parent is subject to foreign
jurisdiction, and has not established allegiance to the USA.

Fix the 14th and 8 USC 1401 !


1. House Resolution passed 378-0 is a testament to the stupidity and

ignorance which has permeated the Congress

2. George Romney, born of USA citizen parents in Mexico. Should not

have been allowed to run. The party vets their candidate, and nobody
provides checks and balances.

3. The CERTIFICATION OF LIVE BIRTH, that BHO II, put online is not a
CERTIFICATE OF LIVE BIRTH. Read that again, those are two different
entities and only the CERTIFICATE has best reliability. What you see
online, has been “FILED BY REGISTRAR”, but until it has been
“ACCEPTED BY REGISTRAR” it is not good. At any rate the Long Form
or CERTIFICATE OF LIVE BIRTH, is what is reliable. I allege the motive
for BHO II, to put the CERTIFICATION OF LIVE BIRTH online, was for
PROPAGANDA VALUE. It worked, because millions of USA citizen

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Thom challenges Gary Kreep - Isnt the birther
movement really about racism?

By BorderRaven 2009-10-21

voters bought the deception, either that or they are all just too stupid
to see a fraud. The Emperor has no clothes. How many people are still
hypnotized with adoration for Obama? Imagine their shock, when the
truth comes out.

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