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Detoxing the body is one of the most important things one should know always.

De toxifying the body is a complex procedure these days. In earlier days, people we re living very close to nature and they never consumed artificial and harmful fo od items, but these days everything has become artificial and no one is taking c are about health. This is because the people are thinking mainly about making mo ney and no one is taking care about their health. Let us see what the important reasons for toxifying the body and how to detoxify it. Now let us see what the reasons for toxifying the body at first. Then we will be able to know how to detoxify the body. 1) Most of the toxics that enter our body enter via food. We eat junk foods toda y in large quantities. Most of the people in the world today are dependent on ju nk foods these days. Some of them are dependent on them to such an extent that t hey dont eat traditional food items at all. They eat lots of biscuits, breads, bun s, burgers, sandwiches, cakes, chips, wafers etc. these are full of saturated fa ts and Trans fatty acids. Trans fatty acids are the worst types of fats which ar e sure to cause heart diseases. 2) Another reason for toxifying the body is the usage of harmful chemicals in ou r day today life. We live amid a large number of chemical substances in our dail y life. We use toothpaste, detergents, soaps and many other things in our daily life. Along with that, we use chemical pesticides, insecticides, fertilizers and other chemicals. All these are highly toxic and toxify our body. The people use a large number of chemicals like DDT and many other insecticides which are very harmful to the health. They are slow poisons which kill you slowly. 3) Some toys and Ganesh idols that the Indians prepare during the Ganesh festiva l also contribute to toxicity. These idols are painted with chemical paints, whi ch contain lead, which is one of the worst poisonous substances which affect the brain of the children. The children who come into contact with leadened poisons become mentally retarded in the later stages of their lives. Along with these i dols, the new toys that you give as gifts to your child may also contain this su bstance in the paint which has been applied to them. So think twice before givin g a gift of toy to your child. Now let us see how to detoxify the body which has already been toxified. ossible to remove the toxins which are of plant or animal origin, but if ins are of chemical origin, its impossible or very difficult to remove . Let us see the important modifications in diet that help you to remove from the body. It is p the tox such toxins toxins

Fruits and vegetables are the best items for removing the toxins from the body. T here are different kinds of vitamins, minerals and other important detoxifying s ubstances in these fruits and vegetables. Fruits like banana, watermelon, papaya , grapes etc are the rich sources of anti oxidants which help in removing the ch emical toxins in the body. So eat lots of fruits and vegetables every day. Pumpk in, cucumber and tomato etc are the richest sources of water and along with that , they help to remove toxins from the body. Vitamins are always associated with the removal of toxins from the body. Drink a lot of water every day. You need to drink more than 3-4 liters of water e very day. Water helps to wash out the toxins from the body. Water helps to remov e toxins in two ways. It helps to remove them by urination and also by sweating. Always drink boiled water; otherwise you will have to suffer from different wat er borne diseases. So take care about this fact. Eat vegetables which are rich in dietary fibers. Dietary fibers help to regulate the movement of bowels and that helps to avoid constipation. Regular bowel movem ents help to remove toxins from the body effectively. The food items which are r

ich in dietary fibers are beans, cabbage, carrots, radish etc. There are certain types of spices like garlic, onion, spinach, mustard, sesame, p epper etc which help in removing the toxins from the body. So use them in your d iet as much as possible.

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