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An occasional body detox is important to get rid of accumulated toxins.

Toxins n aturally occur in the environment, they come from food and products that are use d such as lotions and other body care products. Some of the symptoms of too man toxins are sluggish, suffering from constant headaches, fatigue and body aches. It is important to detox to feel healthier and more energetic. A detox will work to clean out the blood by removing the impurities that are present. Various det ox products and programs will carry out the removal of impurities and toxins by improving blood circulation, resting various organs and promoting the eliminatio n of toxins through the sin, kidneys and intestines. Infrared saunas which will help the process of detoxification. The infrared saun a works better to remove toxins from the body more effectively as compared to a conventional steam sauna. An infrared sauna uses infrared rays which penetrate t he skin so that the muscle tissues and internal organs are heated which then pro motes perspiration. The process of perspiration will help the body release toxin s, excess harmful products such as metals, and food related accumulated impuriti es such as excess sodium, cholesterol and nicotine. The skin is also regenerated by the old skin being shed and new skin being exposed. The appearance of Cellul ite is improved through the use of infrared sauna as the pockets of fat and toxi ns are reduced so that the cellulite decrease in size and therefore in appearanc e. The advantages of using an infrared sauna in addition to the detoxification is t hat there is improved blood circulation as a result of more blood being pumped y the heart and the dilation of blood vessels, there is also weight loss as a res ult of the heart pumping more blood which uses plenty of energy thus burning cal ories, cellulite is also eliminated in the same way and improves health and the immune system so that people who undergo an infrared sauna treatment will feel h ealthier and better. Other benefits of using this type of sauna for body detox i s that there is pain relief as a result of blood vessels dilating, there is an e asing of stiffness and muscles spasms for the same reasons and these will in tur n increase the feeling of relaxation and stress relief as a result of all these effects as a result of the detoxification. A infrared sauna uses infrared rays which are similar to sun rays. This means th at the sauna is not steamy which is how the conventional sauna operates. It also takes a shorter time to heat and it will not use high temperatures similar to a steam sauna. The infrared rays are also able to penetrate the body much deeper and more effectively and that is why the temperature is not as high as the steam sauna. The rays are safe and there are no known side effects that are experienc ed after using the saunas. The saunas use direct radiant heat from patented heat ers that are strategically placed around the sauna so that the whole body is abl e to receive the heat for detoxification process to work in the ultimate manner. A infrared sauna is suitable for home use since it is small and takes very littl e space and it can be easily assembled and disassembled. However there are avail able saunas that are already assembled so that people who want to use the sauna for regular detoxification, this is a suitable choice. It also uses very little energy; almost the same as using a hair dryer which is another huge advantage. T his is in comparison to the steam conventional sauna that uses plenty of energy because the sauna needs time to warm up and it will need to run for a while for the sauna user to get the same benefits as an infrared sauna. The use of infrared saunas for body detox is one of the safest and easiest ways to enjoy better health in general and reduce symptoms associated with excess tox ins in the body. It is recommended that the use of the sauna is combined with a healthy diet such as fruits and vegetables to help with the elimination of toxin s.

Customer Reviews Did a little research on FIR saunas, and wanted to try one without investing too much money into it. This came in at a great price, and I had little to lose by buying it. There are 3 heat panels inside the device, one which is electric powered (back p anel), and two that are heat absorbing/radiating on either side of the device. The instructions are english translated directly from their original language, w hich can lead to some interesting combinations of words. Roughly, the controls a re this C Power button that turns the device on or off. Temp button, which change s the levels of power from 1 to 6. Time button, which increments the timer from 5 min to 40 min in 5 min increments. At first look, you can get shocked at the r eadout, thinking that is the temperature (340 degrees??) but when broken down in to 2 parts (level 3 temp for 40 min) it makes sense. The small folding chair inside can get warm, I would suggest a small wooden stoo l as a replacement. Also one of the wood dowels that provide support for the sha pe was a little shorter than the other one, but it was a minor quibble. The sauna can get quite hot at temps 5 and 6, and recommend that only for short periods of time (15 or 20 min). Be warned that the metal zippers can get warm C m ake sure you have a towel that you can use to hold onto the zippers or you may b e stuck in there until they cool down. I have been using it at 4 for 30 min, and find it quite comfortable. I might inv est in one of the bigger 2 person units later on, but until then this will do th e trick!

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