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PEST and PESTLE analysis is a framework used in the environmental scanning component of strategic management. Under PEST and PESTLE analysis are external factors which are the major players in the success and failure of an organization. Political factor is the government intervention in the economy. This includes tax policy, labor and environmental law, trade restrictions, tariffs, and political stability. Under Economic factor is economic growth, interest and inflation rates. These factors directly affect the cost of capital in business operation as well as the costs in exporting goods and the supply and price of the imported goods in the economy. Social factors include cultural aspects, population growth rate, health consciousness and age distribution while trends in this factor will greatly affect the demand for the products. Another factor is Technological where R&D (research and Development), automation, technology incentives and rate of technological change fall in. With its technological shifts, it will affect the costs and quality of the products that will also lead to innovation. Environmental factors such as weather, climate, and climate change will be an important aspects in the organizations growth that help them develop strategies involving these kind of events. Lastly, legal factors which include discrimination law, consumer law, antitrust law, employment law, health and safety law will company's operation, costs, and demand for products. These laws will also have effect on employees in which they'll perform such standard under their respective organizations. With these existing factors in external environment, company's success wills highly depend on the industry it belongs. It is because each factor will have different impacts on the operation in the organization, as well as how it provides better information about certain opportunities and possible threats to be focus on.

Country Analysis - Philippines

Introduction The country analysis report on Philippines provides a wide array of analytical inputs to analyze the country's performance, and the objective is to help the reader to make business decisions and prepare for the future. The report on Philippines analyzes the political, economic, social, technological, legal and environmental (PESTLE) structure of Philippines. The report provides a holistic view of Philippines from historical, current and future perspective. Insightful analysis on critical current and future issues is presented through detailed SCPT (strengths, challenges, prospects and threats /risks) analysis for each of the PESTLE segments. In addition, the PESTLE segments are supplemented with relevant quantitative data to support trend analysis. The PESTLE country analysis report series provides an in-depth analysis of 50 major countries.Features and Benefits.
Religions: Catholic 82.9% (Christian 76%, Aglipayan 2%), Muslim 5%, Evangelical 2.8%, Iglesia ni Kristo 2.3%, other catholic 29%, other 1.8%, unspecified 0.6%, none 0.1% (2000 census) Population: 103,775,002 (July 2012 est.) country comparison to the world: 12 Age structure: 0-14 years: 34.6% (male 17,999,279/female 17,285,040) 15-64 years: 61.1% (male 31,103,967/female 31,097,203) 65 years and over: 4.3% (male 1,876,805/female 2,471,644) (2011 est.) Literacy: definition: age 15 and over can read and write total population: 92.6% male: 92.5% female: 92.7% (2000 census) Railways: total: 995 km country comparison to the world: 87 narrow gauge: 995 km 1.067-m gauge (484 km are in operation) (2010) Roadways : total: 213,151 km country comparison to the world: 24 paved: 54,481 km unpaved: 158,670 km (2009)

Waterways : 3,219 km (limited to vessels with draft less than 1.5 m) (2011)

Country Australia
Ethnic groups: white 92%, Asian 7%, aboriginal and other 1% Languages: English 78.5%, Chinese 2.5%, Italian 1.6%, Greek 1.3%, Arabic 1.2%, Vietnamese 1%, other 8.2%, unspecified 5.7% (2006 Census) Religions: Protestant 27.4% (Anglican 18.7%, Uniting Church 5.7%, Presbyterian and Reformed 3%), Catholic 25.8%, Eastern Orthodox 2.7%, other Christian 7.9%, Buddhist 2.1%, Muslim 1.7%, other 2.4%, unspecified 11.3%, none 18.7% (2006 Census) Population: 22,015,576 (July 2012 est.) country comparison to the world: 54

Age structure:
0-14 years: 18.3% (male 2,040,848/female 1,937,544) 15-64 years: 67.7% (male 7,469,092/female 7,266,143) 65 years and over: 14% (male 1,398,576/female 1,654,508) (2011 est.)

Legal system:
Railways: total: 6,399 km country comparison to the world: 29 standard gauge: 5,927 km 1.435-m gauge (3,853 km electrified)

Roadways :
total: 110,778 km paved: 110,778 km (includes 1,696 km of expressways) (2008)

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