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Page 2-3 4-23 24 29 40 49 54 63 72 From the Editors Desk Highlights of the 200th Council Meeting Texture Depth Determination for Sand Mix Asphalt Modified with Sulphur, Slurry and Flyash M. Satyakumar, R. Satheeshchandran and K.C. Wilson Performance of Warm Mix Asphalt for Indian Conditions Arun Gaur and Sunil Bose Evaluation of Stripseal for Use in Expansion Joints Parameshwaran Lakshmy, Rana R., Singh Y.K. and Sharma S.K. A Study on Lateral Placement and Speed of Vehicles on Two-Lane Roads K. Balaji, M.R.K. Bharadwaj and Partha Pratim Dey Selection of RS Walls' Facia : A View Point Goel Rajiv Experimental Investigation to Predict PBT, UCS & CBR Values from DCP Test for Cement-Flyash Stabilished Soil Mukesh A. Patel and H.S. Patel A Comparative Study on the Laboratory and Field CBR Values of Granular Sub-Base Material for Pavement Construction Kaushik Bandyopadhyay and Sunanda Bhattacharjee

NUMBEr 9 COntEnts

SEPtEMBEr 2013 ISSN 0376-7256

82-86 Circular Issued by MORT&H 87 88 Tender Notice of NH Circle Lucknow Important Announcement - Forthcoming International Seminar

The Indian Roads Congress

E-mail: Jamnagar House, Shahjahan Road, New Delhi - 110 011 Tel : Secretary General: +91 (11) 2338 6486 Sectt. : (11) 2338 5395, 2338 7140, 2338 4543, 2338 6274 Fax : +91 (11) 2338 1649

Founded : December 1934 IRC Website:

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No part of this publication may be reproduced by any means without prior written permission from the Secretary General, IRC.
Edited and Published by Shri Vishnu Shankar Prasad on behalf of the Indian Roads Congress (IRC), New Delhi. The responsibility of the contents and the opinions expressed in Indian Highways is exclusively of the author/s concerned. IRC and the Editor disclaim responsibility and liability for any statement or opinion, originality of contents and of any copyright violations by the authors. The opinions expressed in the papers and contents published in the Indian Highways do not necessarily represent the views of the Editor or IRC.

From the Editors Desk


(EcOnOMy SaLvatiOn thrOUgh ROad SEctOr)
Dear Readers,
To what extent strength of road sector is harnessed in an economy also points towards the resilience embedded strength of that economy. Normally, the road sector is also clubbed with other sectors of infrastructure but the time has come when this sector should be given its due important place. Not very often the road and road transport sector is considered to be an indicator for health of an economy, an indicator which can be closely monitored to ascertain and assess the direction in which economy is moving i.e. on the path of growth or towards negative side. This is inspite of the fact that most of the other sectors of economy are dependent on this sector some to a larger extent and some to lesser extent for survival. This may be a debatable issue but requires a deeper thinking from all. During the last few months indications were made about the impending direction of economy based on the available symptoms and the positive role which road sector can play to upturn the economy. It is not out of place to mention that road sector persay has immense potential to influence the rise of every sector in the country, provided the bottlenecks afflicting it are addressed at the earliest. This requires multi-pronged strategy. In a simplistic way to arrive at such strategy there is a need to view the issues in three manner from inside, from outside and with a holistic view. The inside view will provide an opportunity to assess internal constraints, weaknesses and strengths. View from outside will help in assessing the coordination and cooperation, inter-linkages and interdependency. The holistic view will help in assessing the growth potential & influencing factors to harness the true potential alongwith optimization of resources and meeting the challenges with a futuristic view. The assessment of impact on the economy at local level or at regional level or at national level on account of inadequate road connectivity or due to poor roads or good roads or efficient road connectivity have not been quantified due to which it is very difficult to precisely indicate the extent of negative and positive accruals to respective economies. Further the positive impact on the economic growth on account of good road and efficient connectivity are visible and a large number of examples are available all over the world. The stress and attention which have been given by the Government in our country since mid-80s to the road sector has been one of the factor of pushing Indias economy towards one of the fastest growing economy category. In the current economic scenario the need of the hour is to have a review and re-look on the issues and implementation strategy in the road sector. The economics of road sector calls for collaborative action to build upon the success already achieved. In the present scenario when there is an air of despair about health of economy, one may also look at the positive signals which needs to be grabbed to turn around the economic scenario. The monsoon this year is good which should set to yield a good harvest and, therefore, there may be a resultant spurt in consumption. Thanks to the governments initiative and efforts some stalled projects in infrastructure are gaining traction. The world economy is also turning towards betterment especially as per the signals coming from USA and parts of the Europe. This coupled with the falling rupee should augur well for export oriented industry. The

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Current Account Deficit (CAD), high rate of inflation and the pace at which the rupee is depreciating are the matters of concern which are contributing towards investors dis-interest in undertaking big tickets projects with private sector financing. The Indian currency (Rupee) is highly under-valued at this point of time and the current speed of depreciation/ hammering of Indian currency may not be on account of real reasons depicting the strength of the economy. As per the available indicators, it may go up to a level of 67-68 (for US $) in the short term but the Indian currency may regain some of its lost value in short to medium term and may settle in a range of 57-60 (for US $). In such a period of uncertainty and high currency fluctuation, the sector which are dependence on import of material/technology, etc. the negative impact may be more visible. However, road sector may play a very big role in strengthening Indian currency. The contribution in GDP terms, in financial terms and in economic terms by the road sector both in direct terms and indirect terms needs to be optimized and proper harnessing methodologies needs to be put in place. The good thing is that it is not very difficult to achieve. The road sector can be a savior to the sagging Indian economy at this juncture. The requirement is to tap the local and indigenous strength, to take steps to boost growth by creating the environment conducive to investment by fast-tracking of road infrastructure projects, to encourage bilateral financing as well as technology transfer in road sector. In addition more pronounced results may be available by undertaking innovative but much needed steps for 'Innovation in Budgeting, Crowd Sourcing and most importantly Technical Audit of the existing implementation process as well as financial & administrative impediments. The road sector is perhaps the only sector which can create robust demand in semi-urban/semi-rural/rural areas in the scenario of static or contracting demand in urban areas by fast tracking the road implementation system. A large amount of foreign currency inflow in the tourism sector, health care sector, consumer sector, etc. can be achieved provided the message of good, safe and efficient road network is emitted from the foreign travellers on the Indian roads. This period also throws open excellent opportunity for capital good sector to come with cutting edge indigenous road construction machinery & equipments. The slogan of Self-reliance given earlier by Indias Prime Minister Late Smt. Indira Gandhi Ji has gained much more importance today and the same should be adopted both in short and long term measures. The aspects of current economic crisis may not have any parallel in the recent history. It needs careful diagnosis for effectively managing the same. However, time tested solutions lying within to boost investment in basic infra sectors coupled with faster delivery mechanism needs immediate attention. Among all sectors, road infrastructure sector has the highest potential to arrest the economic slowdown. It is a force multiplier for Indias trade, tourism, economy and inclusive growth leading to peoples welfare at large. Therefore, the game changer capability of the road sector demands for granting it a separate category Strategic Economic Infrastructure to make available adequate resources in all terms on priority basis to allow it to play its due role in growth, growth and growth of Indian economy. Lets adopt Road Technomics. We shall require a substantially new manner of thinking if human kind is to survive  Albert Einstein

Place: New Delhi  Dated: 21st August, 2013

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Vishnu Shankar Prasad Secretary General


HighLights Of 200 COUnciL MEEting HIGHLIGHTS OF THE 200th COUnciL MEEting OF THE INDIAN ROADS CONGRESS HELD AT NEw DELhi FrOM 11th tO 13th AUgUst, 2013
Some Pictorial Glimpses of 200th Council Meeting


Honble Minister of Road Transport & Highways, Shri Oscar Fernandes being received by President, IRC, Shri C. Kandasamy, Director General (Road Development) & Special Secretary, MORT&H

Honble Minister of Road Transport & Highways, Shri Oscar Fernandes being welcomed by Secretary General, IRC, Shri Vishnu Shankar Prasad

Honble Minister of Road Transport & Highways, Shri Oscar Fernandes meeting the members of the Reception Committee

Honble Minister of Road Transport & Highways, Shri Oscar Fernandes on way to the Council Meeting Hall

Honble Minister of Road Transport & Highways, Shri Oscar Fernandes on way to the Council Meeting Hall

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Honble Minister of Road Transport & Highways, Shri Oscar Fernandes visiting the IRC Books Stall at India Habitat Centre

Honble Minister of Road Transport & Highways, Shri Oscar Fernandes meeting the Executive Committee Members of IRC

Honble Minister of Road Transport & Highways, Shri Oscar Fernandes being welcomed in traditional manner with shawl by President, IRC, Shri C. Kandasamy, Director General (Road Development) & Special Secretary, MORT&H at the 200th Council Meeting

A view of the dais during the 200th Council Meeting

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Lighting of Traditional Lamp during the Council Meeting

Honble Minister of Road Transport & Highways, Shri Oscar Fernandes addressing the Council of IRC during its 200th Meeting A history is made

Honble Minister of Road Transport & Highways, Shri Oscar Fernandes addressing the Council of IRC

Honble Minister of Road Transport & Highways, Shri Oscar Fernandes being presented Memento by Secretary General, IRC, Shri Vishnu Shankar Prasad

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Honble Minister of State for Road Transport & Highways, Shri Sarvey Sathyanarayana being received by President, IRC Shri C. Kandasamy, Director General (Road Development) & Special Secretary, MORT&H

Honble Minister of State for Road Transport & Highways Shri Sarvey Sathyanarayana being welcomed by Secretary General, IRC, Shri Vishnu Shankar Prasad

Honble Minister of State for Road Transport & Highways, Shri Sarvey Sathyanarayana on way to the Council Meeting Hall

Honble Minister of State for Road Transport & Highways Shri Sarvey Sathyanarayana visiting the IRC Books Stall at India Habitat Centre

A view of the dais during Inaugural Function of the 200th Council Meeting

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Lighting of Traditional Lamp during the 200th Council Meeting

Honble Minister of State for Road Transport & Highways, Shri Sarvey Sathyanarayana being welcomed in traditional manner with shawl by President, IRC, Shri C. Kandasamy, Director General (Road Development) & Special Secretary, MORT&H at the 200th Council Meeting

Honble Minister of State for Road Transport & Highways, Shri Sarvey Sathyanarayana during the Inaugural Function of the 200th Council Meeting

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Honble Minister of State for Road Transport & Highways, Shri Sarvey Sathyanarayana Releasing new IRC publications during the Inaugural Function of 200th Council Meeting

Release of IRC:113-2013 Guidelines for the Design and Construction of Geosynthetic Reinforced Embankment on Soft Subsoils during the 200th Council Meeting

First copy of IRC:113-2012 being presented to Guest of Honour Lt. Gen A.T. Parnaik, SM, VSM, Director General Border Roads

Release of IRC:114-2013 Guidelines for Use of Silica Fume in Rigid Pavements

First copy of IRC:114-2013 being presented to Guest of Honour Shri V.K. Gupta, Director General (Works), CPWD

Release of IRC:SP:46-2013 Guidelines for Design and Construction of Fiber Reinforced Concrete Pavements

First copy of IRC:SP:46-2013 being presented to Shri P.N Jain, Immediate Past-President, IRC

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Release of IRC:SP:50-2013 Guidelines on Urban Drainage

First copy of IRC:SP:50-2013 being presented to Shri V.K. Gupta, DG (W), CPWD

Release of IRC:SP:97-2013 Guidelines on Compaction Equipment for Roads Works

First copy of IRC:SP:97-2013 being presented to Lt. Gen. A.T. Parnaik, SM, VSM, DGBR

Honble Minister of State for Road Transport & Highways being presented memento by President, IRC, Shri C. Kandasamy, Director General (Road Development) & Special Secretary, MORT&H

A view of the dais during National Anthem


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Honble Minister of State for Road Transport and Highways, Shri Sarvey Sathyanarayana delivering Inaugural Address during the 200th Council Meeting

President, IRC, Shri C. Kandasamy, Director General (Road Development) & Special Secretary, MORT&H delivering Presidential Address

Vice President, IRC, Shri K.K.Y Mahindrakar, VSM, delivering Welcome Address

Guest of Honour, Lt. Gen. A.T. Parnaik, SM, VSM, Director General Border Roads, delivering his Address

Guest of Honour, Shri V.K. Gupta, Director General, CPWD, delivering his Address

Secretary General, IRC, Shri Vishnu Shankar Prasad, proposing the Vote-of-Thanks

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Address by Honble Minister of Road Transport & Highways, Shri Oscar Fernandes Ji during 200th Council Meeting of Indian Roads Congress Honble Minister of Road Transport & Highways, Shri Oscar Fernandes addressed the IRC Council during the second day of 200th Council Meeting held at India Habitat Centre, New Delhi from 11th to 13th August, 2013. A history has been created by this address, as it was the first occasion when Honble Minister for Road Transport & Highways ever addressed the IRC Council while the Council meeting was in progress. In his address, Honble Minister emphasized on use of apt system of maintenance of roads, so that no rain water stagnates on the surface of the road. Highlighting the need of adequate drainage system both along & across the roads, he gave the slogan of Rain-Drain, Rain-Drain, which should be adopted to ensure that the rain water flows into the drain. The Honble Minister mentioned that ironically the stagnation of water on the road surface is one of the major causes of potholes as the stagnated water ruptures the bituminous road surface at a faster pace. He also emphasized upon the need for carrying out immediate repairs to keep the roads potholes free and impressed upon the concept of A stitch in time saves nine. While appreciating the release of new Codes of Practices, Guidelines and Specification by Indian Roads Congress, Honble Minister advocated for regular updation of the same to keep the road professionals abreast with emerging/cutting edge technology, new materials, equipment and methodologies. Honble Minister stressed upon the need of not only full use of working season but to complete the road works at least one month before the onset of monsoon so that people should be able to experience smooth ride during monsoon period instead of bumpy ride. The need to undertake protective and preventive maintenance including thin overlay to timely seal the ruptures/cracks in the road surfaces should be 12 practiced as was done earlier. Honble Minister also mentioned that the Ministry of Road Transport & Highways will soon issue the direction to all road owning organizations for use of non-working season for project preparation and relevant necessary approvals. Highlighting the need for value for money, Honble Minister touched upon the judicious usage of resources while confirming enough availability of funds to cater to the need of all roads. Speaking on the occasion, Honble Minister gave an innovative concept of containing road rage & bringing sanctity on the roads and gave the slogan of Aap Pehle. This shifting of mindset of the road users from the concept of Main Pehle to Aap Pehle may help in avoiding a number of accidents and will contribute immensely towards enhancing the road safety. On the need of structures on the road including superstructure/underpasses, Honble Minister pointed that proper assessment may be carried out before hand to meet the aspirations of the people and they should be so provided so that the sufferings of the people can be alleviated. Highlighting the development taken place under the Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana (PMGSY), Honble Minister supported the need of providing connectivity to every house and home through durable roads. The concrete roads provide an alternative methodology but simultaneously Honble Minister cautioned to keep in view the soil condition and the climatic condition. Stressing the necessity to examine and assess the reasons for carrying out repeated repairing of any stretch of road, Honble Minister highlighted the need of bringing research from lab to practice/application in the field. Honble Minister opined that dedicated funds may be raised by levying a Cess under CSR for launching applied research program on mission mode in the road sector INDIAN HIGHWAYS, September 2013

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keeping in view that technologies are advancing fast and the scenario for resources/materials is changing every day. It may not be feasible in next few years to make available sand and gravel as easily as is available now and todays scenario is much worse than what was existed few years ago. Therefore, the good things of the past, good practices of the past and the good experience of the past should be recorded and disseminated for the benefits of the people. Highlighting this concept of pooling of experience, Honble Minister impressed upon the need of obtaining suggestions and ideas from all involved with the project to achieve inclusive participation and finding optimal solutions besides faster execution of the work. Ending the address on a positive note, Honble Minister appreciated the role being played by IRC in furthering the efforts of the Government in the road sector and desire to have regular interactions with fraternity of IRC on both formal and informal basis.

Address by Hon'ble Minister of State for Road Transport & Highways Shri Sarvey Sathyanarayana Ji during Inauguration of 200th Council Meeting of Indian Roads Congress held at New Delhi from 11th to 13th August, 2013 Its my privilege and honour to be here today amongst the stalwarts of Road sector on the occasion of Inaugural function of the 200th Mid Term Council meeting of Indian Roads Congress in New Delhi. This is my 2nd opportunity to inaugurate the Council meeting of IRC, first one was the 73rd Annual Session of IRC at Coimbatore on 8th January this year, which I am told was a grand success. I would like to share my heartfelt appreciation on the working of this organization and its unrelenting efforts for Highway development in the country. Indian Roads Congress (IRC) is a pivotal organization which provides a common platform for pooling of wisdom of highway engineers and practitioners from all over the country which is being used in development of Standards, Specifications, Code of Practices, Guidelines, research based State of art Reports, etc. on various aspects of road and bridges. IRC is tirelessly working to incorporate the latest and best industry practices in these Codes and has achieved many a milestone in this endeavour. Notably, IRC has done a commendable job in ensuring common benchmark by publishing Standards in road construction for ensuring uniformity all over the country. It has INDIAN HIGHWAYS, September 2013 also kept the knowledge base broad and updated to International Standards. These Standards are of great help in planning, designing, implementation of road construction and maintenance programmes both on National Highways as well as for other categories of Roads. It is on the strength of the IRC documents that country could dream of taking massive initiatives in road sector. Today Indians can take pride of witnessing the World biggest road development programs which are being undertaken in this country under the UPA Governments initiatives which includes National Highways development Programme (NHDP), Special Accelerated Road Development Programme in North Eastern Region (SARDP-NE) and PMGSY scheme for rural roads. Road infrastructure contributes not only to the economic growth of the nation but also helps in poverty alleviation and generation of employment. It is necessary that all of us join hands with the Highway Engineers to provide world class roads to our Citizens, thereby facilitating safe & efficient access to education, health and well-being, within the context of inclusive and sustainable development. UPA Government has given a thrust to all areas of infrastructure in the 13

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country. It is no more a secret that the highway sector in the country is witnessing a significant increase in activities, in recent years. The Government has made substantial efforts to tackle the constraints being faced by the road sector and through continuous reform measures the same are being addressed. Apart from government-financed construction activities, there is a policy to encourage private-sector financing in roads through Public Private Partnership (PPP) mode. In addition the World Bank, ADB & other multi-lateral agencies are also financing the Indian road sector. But, with the growing road construction industry, environmental burdens are not far behind because of the use of resources, the emission of pollutants and global warming, which affect society at large. Roads have significant impacts on both nearby communities and the natural environment. New roads bring development to previously underdeveloped areas, sometimes causing significant effects on sensitive environments and the lifestyles of indigenous people. Today, in the context of large investments in the road transport sector, the Indian Roads Congress has assumed a much greater significance than ever before. The Indian Roads Congress, therefore, has an uphill task to come up to the expectations in evolving standards for innovative environment friendly materials and processes in planning, design, operation, construction and maintenance of roads and bridges in the country. It is heartening to note that to this end the Indian Roads Congress is promoting new materials and techniques for use on our roads. I have been told that these new materials and techniques are being accredited, based on the research carried out in our county and other foreign countries. Our UPA Government is committed to an allround development of road network in the country. Strategically, adding lanes to existing highway and upgrading existing roads in initial phase will reduce greenhouse gas emissions by easing congestion. This 14 strategy is paying by reducing the amount of fuel that vehicles waste in stop-and-go traffic, leading to lower releases of greenhouse gases from vehicles. India is soon going to have one of the worlds most extensive road networks through various phases of the National Highways Development Project, SARDP-NE and PMGSY program planned by the Government. With the improvement in road conditions, the users are also willing to pay for user fees (Toll) which is augmenting the financial resources. The issue of setting up a regulatory body is under active consideration of the government which will boost more investment in the sector. Thus UPA Government under the inspiring leadership and guidance of Madam Sonia Gandhi Ji, dynamic and energetic Honble Prime Minister of India Dr. Manmohan Singh Ji and Shri Oscar Fernandes Ji, Honble Union Minister of Road Transport & Highways has been taking all necessary steps to address and resolve all important issues of the road sector. The perception of the people regarding maintenance and upkeep plays an important role in any sector and the road sector is also not an exception. The maintenance and that too effective maintenance of the roads especially during the monsoon period is an important issue which requires putting in place a cost effective maintenance & rehabilitation framework and guidelines. I am told that Indian Roads Congress have brought out a number of Guidelines covering different aspects of maintenances and new Guidelines are being framed to improve the performance and durability of the treatment/interventions measures. Our Government will eagerly await the publication of these new Guidelines. I would like to mention that appropriate maintenance strategies preserve the national assets and the road infrastructure is one of the most valuable National assets. Proper implementation of various road projects is the most important aspect. This requires higher INDIAN HIGHWAYS, September 2013

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professional ethics and commitment to ensure that roads constructed at such high cost are long lasting and do not deteriorate prematurely. These are National assets and they should be managed like other assets so that we get good quality roads and they need to be maintained efficiently with proper strategy and planning. We should consider proactive approach in maintenance instead of attending to very badly damaged roads, by way of crisis management, as is the case so far. I, on this occasion, make an earnest appeal to the entire highway engineers gathered here, including representatives of Contractors, consultants, Concessionaires, engineers from State PWDs and other departments to take a pledge in not compromising on the quality of construction besides completing the road projects without time & cost over-run. Such a commitment will go a long way in providing durable roads, conserving scarce material like aggregates, sand, earth, requiring minimum maintenance. I am told that IRC is developing the Manual for Expressway, Manual for Six-Laning, Rural Road Guidelines, etc. which will be discussed and finalized during this Council Meeting. Such documents of IRC will provide the much needed support to the governments initiative in the road sector and my government duly recognizes the contribution of IRC in the National building programmes of UPAs government. Another very important issue to which I would like to draw the attention of Experts is the road safety. During the year 2011, there were around 5.0 lakh road accidents resulting in the deaths of over 1.42 lakh people. Each day, nearly 390 people die on our roads. In India, more than half of road accident victims are in the age group 20-65 years, the key wage earning and child raising age group. The loss of the main bread earner and head of household due to death or disability can be catastrophic, leading to lower living standards and poverty, in addition to the human cost INDIAN HIGHWAYS, September 2013 of bereavement. This is an unacceptable price to pay for mobility. It is imperative that the Government reaches out to the people to spread the message of road safety. Education and awareness will go a long way to bring about a change in the attitude and behavior of our people. There is a need to address the issue of road safety through not only multi pronged strategy but also through innovative approach. Recently our Ministry took a landmark initiative to save lives of accident victims by providing prompt and appropriate medical care during Golden Hour, and thereby reduce fatalities in road accidents. A Toll free No.1033 has been started for reporting of accidents. A 24x7x365 Call Centre has been set up to receive reports of accidents, deploy nearest ambulance and alert local police authorities, hospital and Road Safety Volunteers. Six Advance Life Support and five Basic Live Support Ambulances fitted with GPS device have been deployed to transport accident victims to the nearest hospital. 61 local youth nominated by Nehru Yuva Kendra Sangathan (NYKS) have been enrolled as Road Safety Volunteers to provide First Aid to accident victims, assist in their shifting to hospital and monitor treatment. The Road Safety Volunteers were trained in first aid by All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS). 44 private hospitals have been empaneled to provide treatment at CGHS/ AIIMS rates. In addition, there are seven Government hospitals located on the stretch. Cashless treatment for first 48 hours within overall ceiling of Rs.30,000/will be provided if the accident victim is admitted in a private, empaneled hospital. Ministry has recently launched this cashless scheme as a pilot project on Delhi-Jaipur Highway to encourage road safety and for the convenience of the general public. After successful launch of the pilot project, a few more pilot projects on other NH stretches are being considered by our Ministry. Data from the Pilot Project(s) would be used for formulating a pan-India scheme for cashless treatment of road accident victims. 15

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Ministry of Heavy Industry and Public Enterprises has sanctioned a project for crash investigation of serious accidents through NATRIP and IIT, Delhi, for which they have allocated Rs.1.19 crore from auto cess fund. I am happy to learn that under new initiatives of IRC, two Pan India Programmes are being planned one for creating pool of Road Safety Auditors and other being involving young school children under road safety programme, which I am told will be reaching to every household in the country. My compliments to IRC for the same. I am sure that the deliberations during this Council Meeting would be quite useful for the highway profession and they will enrich knowledge regarding road construction & maintenance techniques without compromising quality, durability, serviceability, safety, health and environment. It will guide the Government in deciding the future road infrastructure needs of the country. I am told that to achieve this objective IRC is getting some assistance & help from the World Bank revise/up-date Guidelines, Standards and Specifications comparable to international standards. This effort of IRC is really commendable.

Presidential Address by Shri C. Kandasamy, Director General (Road Development) & Special Secretary, Ministry of Road Transport and Highways It is a matter of great honour and privilege for me to welcome you all as President of IRC on the occasion of 200th Council Meeting of this Apex organization in the road sector. On behalf of entire fraternity of IRC, I feel honoured to welcome Honble Minister of State for Road Transport & Highways, Shri Sarvey Sathyanarayana Ji who had agreed to spare his valuable time to be amongst us today and bless the event. Sir we are indeed very grateful to you. As you all know very well that Indian Roads Congress is instrumental in bringing uniformity in planning, design, construction, maintenance and operation of all categories of roads and road infrastructure in the Country. During its journey spread over 79 years (since 1934), the role and responsibilities of IRC have increased manifold. I am happy to mention that IRC has stood all demands and pressures and with each passing day it is striving to achieve higher levels of excellence. Since the last Council Meeting, IRC have made many more strides in spreading its reach. I am happy to mention that the student fraternity is being associated by IRC, and in this direction a national event Transport 16 Infrastructure Congress & Expo-2013 was organized at MNIT, Jaipur as a collaborative endeavor with the educational institutions. I am told that in this event, students from 25 engineering colleges and universities from various States had participated and showcased their talent and capabilities through working models and posters on real life issues in the road and road transport sector. The event was so successful that MNIT Jaipur, I am told, have planned to organize it on an annual basis. The IRC is also collaborating with research institutions at regional level, with intent to pool experience and expertise to provide various optimal solutions, to address road infrastructure related issues. In this series, a Workshop-cum-Seminar was organized in collaboration with Highway Research Station (HRS), Chennai on 26th April, 2013 on the topic Possible Solutions in the City Transport System, including Pedestrian Segregation and Automated Parking Facilities For the last two decades, India has been witnessing exponential growth in registered vehicles. This is resulting in greater demands from various segments INDIAN HIGHWAYS, September 2013

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of the vehicle users. The improvement in per capita income has also resulted in higher aspirations of the road users. To cater to the needs and demands of the road users, Government has launched the biggest road development programme in the Country, and I am happy to mention that Indian Roads Congress fraternity, is contributing to this nation building efforts of the Government, by bringing out the Code of Practices, Guidelines and Manuals, adapting the cutting edge techniques/technologies and new materials. I take this opportunity to mention, that today IRC can claim to be a global organization with whom some of the highly reputed road organizations in the World are getting associated. In November an International Seminar is being organized in association with the Government of France & PIARC at New Delhi on the theme of Experience gained in PPP Projects. The Japan Road Association (JRA) have shown keen interest in associating with Indian Roads Congress, and have proposed a Memorandum of Understanding, which may allow access to the best techniques and technologies of Japan in the road sector. We all know that the present decade is the decade of innovation as declared by Govt. of India. No Organization and sector can move on sustainable basis unless the concept of innovations and research are given due attention. I am happy to mention that Indian Roads Congress is moving on the path of growth and development in this niche area as well. Initiatives are being taken towards innovative concepts of skywalks and to use municipal waste/mining and industrial waste, etc. in road construction. The green initiative being taken by IRC which includes techniques for material conservation, will go a long way in providing sustainable solutions to road owning organizations in the Country. The use of waste by-products may help in freeing the landfills to benefit the people at large, thereby creating win-win situation for both the civic agencies and the road sector. INDIAN HIGHWAYS, September 2013 It is my pleasure to mention that for the first time the Indian Roads Congress is bringing such a large number of documents before its Council for approval. This has become possible only because of the unprecedented and tireless efforts made by all the Technical Committees of IRC and IRC Secretariat. This is also due to the greater faith reposed by road owning agencies, and the government organizations including Planning Commission, Ministry of Rural Development and Ministry of Road Transport & Highways. I am also happy to mention that the Manual for Specifications & Standards for Expressways has been prepared in a record time of just six months and on behalf of IRC, I extend my compliments to the Expert Group, G-1 Committee & H-7 Committee, without whose efforts this could not have been possible. During this Council meeting, important documents which will be discussed also includes revision of Six Laning Manual in which the concept of pedestrian segregation through pedestrian pathways is getting introduced. Toilets on lay-bye areas are also being considered to enhance road safety. The present decade is the decade of action for road safety as declared by United Nations, and the segregation of vulnerable pedestrians will be a major initiative in achieving road safety. Today during this 200th Council Meeting, we will be witnessing a rare event with 5 Codes/Guidelines being released at the hands of Honble Minister. Sir, these Guidelines & Codes which are covering the crucial areas of this important segment of infrastructure, would help the road sector professionals to create better road facilities. I am happy to mention that World Bank have taken special interest and initiatives to associate with IRC in road safety areas, and discussions are under way for associating the experts of World Bank and IRC in 17

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formulating new Guidelines/Code of Practices. Also a programme is being worked out in consultation with the World Bank to create a pool of road safety auditors on Pan India basis. These will go a long way in achieving the aim of reducing the road accidents to 50% from the current level by the year 2020.

Address by Guest of Honour Lt. Gen. A.T. Parnaik, Director General Border Roads Organization, SM, VSM during Inauguration of 200th Council Meeting of Indian Roads Congress held at New Delhi from 11th to 13th August, 2013 Speaking on the occasion, Lt. Gen. A.T. Parnaik, SM, VSM highlighted the need to learn lessons from unprecedented devastation taken place in Uttarakhand due to natural calamity on account of cloud burst coupled with landslides and floods. During this tragedy severe damages to the road network have taken place and a number of bridges have washed out. The changes in the climatic conditions are required to be assessed and addressed. The impact assessment of cloud burst and melting glaciers in the Himalayan region is utmost priority now. To serve our people in a better way there is an urgent requirement for better early warning systems which can be based on the sophisticated radar/equipment India is already having. He also highlighted the need of a single organization to plan the road network especially in the hilly terrain instead of multiple agency system existing at present. Such a single agency may be provided with all the required support viz. trained manpower, engineers & professionals, cutting edge technology and clear goals with due coordination & cooperation from other organizations so as to enable such organization to meet the challenges on sustainable basis. He impressed upon the importance of maintenance of ecological balance in the fragile terrain especially in the hilly region. Towards this, close coordination and cooperation between the research agencies and other organizations including irrigation departments constructing the dams is required to develop appropriate strategy and methodology. The challenges being posed by global warming are emerging to be a significantly 18 important factors which are affecting the functioning of environmental measures especially in Himalayan region. The problem is not confined to India only but a number of nations across the globe are facing similar problems of unprecedented climatic changes leading to heavy rainfall and floods. He further mentioned that now the road research and technology have to raise the bar to find solutions to this burning problem which are assuming big proportion as time passes. Research has to be a more meaningful and oriented towards sustainable infrastructure. In this context he cited the example of Korea which has launched a road which is now charging electric driven buses. He cited similar examples how the problems of pollution, safety, speed reduction, etc. can be addressed by meaningful research. Another point he highlighted was sharing of research among the academic and research organizations. He stressed on the need for more coordination and sharing of research activities which can save efforts of research community and accelerate research activities for the larger benefits of people around the world. The policy guidelines should be guided by the strategic environment and the research should be aligned to develop specifications for construction, maintenance, sustainability so that integrated approach could be evolved to provide better infrastructure. He thanked the IRC for its efforts in bringing out relevant publications and offered his assistance in its endeavor to achieve higher goals. INDIAN HIGHWAYS, September 2013

HighLights Of 200th COUnciL MEEting

Address by Guest of Honour Shri V. K. Gupta, Director General (Works), CPWD during Inauguration of 200th Council Meeting of Indian Roads Congress held at New Delhi from 11th to 13th August, 2013 Shri V. K. Gupta, DG (Works), CPWD applauded the efforts of IRC in bringing together the vide gamut of expertise in the road sector and pooling of experience of the Experts from all over the country on a single platform. The leadership of IRC in the road sector is well known and road engineers take pride in associating with IRC. He mentioned that the challenges before the engineers on the issue of sustainability, economy, efficiency and innovations are much more than before and in addition the emerging global trends, climatic changes and increased pressure for conservation of natural resources or non-availability of traditional materials are making these challenges much more difficult. He emphasized that the time has come that the sustainability criteria should be considered as the bedrock in the engineer practice rather than as an option. To achieve this goal he expressed the need for developing multi-disciplinary competencies to capture the social environment parameters and dovetailing them in engineering and economic decision making as the call of the day. He also flagged the issue of climatic change and global warming and its adverse effect which at this stage is playing havoc with the humanity specially in hills. He stressed for the need of streamlining the process and methodologies right from the stage of project conceptualization DPR preparation, tendering and timely execution so that the efficient delivery mechanism is maintained throughout the project. To this end, the use of latest technology like Digital Terrain Modeling (DTM), Geometric techniques for road construction in hill areas, etc. may also be explored. He also expressed the need for harmonization of synthetic and natural material such as Bamboo and Jute for geosynthetic applications for control of erosion in green field areas. The technology has to be promoted by the domain experts who should shoulder the responsibility for making the solution cheaper and sustainable for the people. He expressed his thanks to the IRC and urged the Council to also deliberate on these important aspects.

Release of New Publications of IRC Honble Minister of State for Road Transport & Highways Shri Sarvey Sathyanarayan Ji released the following five new Publications of IRC during the 200th Council Meeting of IRC held at New Delhi from 11th August to 13th August, 2013:1. IRC:113-2013 Guidelines for the Design and Construction of Geosynthetic Reinforced Embankments on Soft Subsoils. 2. 3. 4. IRC:114-2013 Guidelines for Use of Silica Fume in Rigid Pavement. IRC:SP:97-2013 Guidelines on Compaction Equipment for Road Works IRC:SP:46-2013 Guidelines for Design & Construction of Fiber Reinforced Concrete Pavements. IRC:SP:50-2013 Drainage. Guidelines on Urban


Gist of Proceedings of 200th Council Meeting of IRC The three day Council Meeting held from 11th to 13th August, 2013 comprised of three events:- Council Meeting of IRC on 11th 12th August, 2013; Highway Research Board (HRB) Meeting on the forenoon of 13th August, 2013 & Meeting of E-in-Cs/Chief Engineers of all the States in the afternoon of 13th August, 2013.

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HighLights Of 200th COUnciL MEEting

During the Council Meeting the following amendments and documents were considered. After detailed deliberations the same have been approved. 1. Draft Amendment to Clause Nos. 219.5.1 And 219.9 (ii) of IRC: 6-2010 finalised by Loads and Stresses Committee Draft Amendment to Fig.13 of IRC:6-2010 finalised by Loads and Stresses Committee Draft "Manual on Specifications and Standards for Expressways" Draft Amendment to IRC:112-2011 Code of Practice for Concrete Road Bridges finalised by Concrete (Plain, Reinforced and PreStressed) Structures Committee Draft Amendment to Table 3 of IRC:56-2011 Guidelines For Steel Pedestrian Bridges (First Revision) finalised by Steel & Composite Structures Committee Draft First Revision of IRC:SP:55-2001 Guidelines on Traffic Management in Work Zones finalized by Transport Planning and Traffic Engineering Committee Draft "Guidelines for Use of Cold Mix Technology in Construction and Maintenance of Roads using Bitumen Emulsion finalized by Road Maintenance and Asset Management Committee Draft "Guidelines for Structural Evaluation of Flexible Road Pavements using Falling Weight Deflectometer (FWD) Technique" finalized By Flexible Pavement Committee Draft "Specifications for the use of Waste Plastic in Hot Bituminous Mixes in Wearing Courses" finalized by Flexible Pavement Committee Draft Revision of "Manual of Specifications and Standards for Six Laning of Highways through Public Private Partnership" 11. Draft Revision of IRC:SP:62-2004 Guidelines for Design & Construction of Cement Concrete Pavements for Rural Roads finalized by Rigid Pavement Committee Draft Revision of IRC:107-1992 Specification for Bitumen Mastic Wearing Courses finalized by Flexible Pavement Committee (H-2)


2. 3. 4.

During Council Meeting, the following Presentations on New Material/New Technology/Techniques/ Equipment/New Initiatives, etc. were made:1. Presentation on Eliminator mma resin based cold spray applied bridge deck waterproofing system and highway maintenance products by Mr. James Hopper. Presentation on Secured Movement of Pedestrian Along/Across Congested Roads An Application of Skywalk Facility by Prof. P.K. Sarkar, School of Planning & Architecture, New Delhi Presentation on Modern Construction Equipment for Road Building in India by Shri Raghavendra Naik, M/s Volvo Presentation on New Initiatives on PMGSY Programme by Shri P.K. Katare, Director, NRRDA Presentation on Daft Guidelines for Design & Construction of Mega Coastal Sea-links in India by Dr. V.K. Raina Presentation on RBI 81 by M/s Alchemist Touchnology Limited. Presentation on Study on Rutting Criteria for Flexible Pavement Design APTF by Shri M. N. Nagabhushana, CRRI The Council paid the tribute to the members of IRC, who had departed for heavenly abode since the last Council Meeting held at Coimbatore till 31st July, 2013.









6. 7.





INDIAN HIGHWAYS, September 2013

HighLights Of 200th COUnciL MEEting

Pictorial Glimpses of the Participants in the Event

Dr. Lakshmy Parameshwaran, Member Secretary, B-2 Committee presenting Draft Amendments to IRC:6-2010

Shri Ninan Koshi, Convenor, B-4 Committee presenting the Draft Amendments to IRC:112-2011 Code of Practice for Concrete Road Bridges

Shri S.C. Sharma, Team Leader of the Expert Group presenting the Draft Manual on Specifications and Standards for Expressways

Shri A.P. Bahadur, Convenor of the Sub Group, H-1 Committee presenting Draft Revision of IRC:SP-55 Guidelines on Traffic Management in Work Zones

Dr. P.K. Jain, Convenor of the Sub Group, H-6 Committee presenting Draft "Guidelines for Use of Cold Mix Technology in Construction and Maintenance of Roads Using Bitumen Emulsion

Mr. James Hopper, presenting on Eliminator" mma resin based cold spray applied bridge deck waterproofing system and highway maintenance products

INDIAN HIGHWAYS, September 2013


HighLights Of 200th COUnciL MEEting

Dr. K. Sudhakar Reddy, Member, H-2 Committee presenting the Draft "Guidelines for Structural Evaluation of Flexible Road Pavement using Falling Weight Deflectometer (FWD) Technique"

Dr. Sunil Bose, Co-Convenor, H-2 Committee presenting the Draft "Specifications for the Use of Waste Plastic in Hot Bituminous Mixes in Wearing Courses"

Prof. P.K. Sarkar, Co-Convenor, H-8 Committee presenting the document on "Secured Movement of Pedestrian Along/Across Congested Roads An Application of Skywalk Facility"

Shri S.K. Puri, Convenor, G-1 Committee presenting the Draft revision of IRC:SP:87-2010 "Manual of Specifications and Standards for Six Laning of Highways through Public Private Partnership"

Dr. B.B. Pandey, Convenor of the Sub Group, H-3 Committee presenting the Draft Revision of IRC: SP:62 Guidelines for Design & Construction of Cement Concrete Pavements for Rural Roads"

Dr. P.K. Katare, Director, NRRDA presenting "New Initiatives on PMGSY Programme"


INDIAN HIGHWAYS, September 2013

HighLights Of 200th COUnciL MEEting

Dr. V.K. Raina, International Expert presenting Draft "Guidelines for Design & Construction of Mega Costal Sea Links in India"

A view of the Participants during the Council Meeting

View of the dais and the Participants during the 200th Council Meeting

View of the Participants during the 200th Council Meeting

View of the Participants of the 200th Council Meeting paying tribute to the departed souls

INDIAN HIGHWAYS, September 2013




The road surface characteristics that affect primarily the users are safety and riding quality. These characteristics are in turn related to surface texture (macro texture), which influences water dispersal and ability of a tire to contact the road surface. This paper deals mainly with texture depth contribution to tire pavement contact. Three test stretches, each having a length of 275 m were made for the study by adding mineral fillers such as flyash, slurry and sulphur with beach sand and bitumen at different combination and conduct skid and texture depth tests at two times in an year. A stepwise regression analysis was used, to indicate the separate and distinct effect of several mixture properties such as percentage of airvoids, flow value and unit weight on the texture depth of the experimental surface mixtures along with the skid resistance. Based on this field studies and statistical analysis conclusions are made.


Flexible pavements are the most common pavement structure in all over the world. The top layers of the structure are bituminous mixtures. Apart from the quality and performance of asphalt mixes it is important to determine the resistance to skid and surface evenness. In the early stages, surface evenness maintenance work was confined to remedying potholes and assessment of wet weather skid resistance. Since then, in response to rapid growth, most countries have been concerned with road traffic surface evenness,[6] the skid resistance of highway pavements, particularly when wet condition as a serious problem due to continuous rise in traffic speeds and densities. The surface texture of a pavement or runway is important for the safety aspect of the running surface. A good surface texture is necessary at high vehicle speeds to facilitate rapid drainage of water from the surface and to utilise the tyre tread rubber to absorb some of the kinetic energy of the vehicle. There are
* ** Professor, Asst. Professor,

great numbers of road factors influencing the tire road interaction in a variety of ways. These factors are related to road geometric design, road surface factors (type of binder, aggregate texture, roughness and microtopography)[2]. The three primary factors influencing the skid resistance performance of bituminous roadways are pavement distress, macro texture and micro texture. Macro-texture is the result of the size, shape, and arrangement of aggregate particles in the mix. The material properties that have direct influence on skid resistance are the type, size (gradation), shape, wear state, and the resistance to polishing wear. Goel et al. indicated that the co-efficient of friction is significantly affected by the property of materials used in the preparation of bituminous mixtures[4]. The mixture properties such as flow value, air voids and unit weight are also affecting the skid resistance of a flexible pavement. There are lot of studies so far conducted by various agencies for exploring the aggregate properties and gradation[3,5,8]. In this paper an attempt is made to correlate the mixture properties to the texture depth and skid resistance. The main goal of this paper is to analyze the influence of road surface texture of sand asphalt pavement modified with various mineral fillers on skid resistance. Skidding, i.e. loss of adhesion between a vehicles tyres and the road surface occurs in many road accidents whether or not it is the actual cause of the accident. Over the years, tyre manufacturers have done a lot of research into different types of rubber and tread patterns to improve the safety of motor vehicles. Many state governments have introduced regulations concerning the tread depth and general condition of the tyres. The tread rubber is a material capable of

Department of Civil Engineering, College of Engineering, Trivandrum

*** Former M. Tech Student,


INDIAN HIGHWAYS, September 2013

TECHNICAL PAPERS large, almost totally recoverable deformations. The pavement surface is considered as completely rigid and unyielding. Pavement surface micro asperities distort tire rubber; this is the first component of tire pavement friction-deformation (Hysterisis) component. Any individual rubber surface particle goes through a deformation cycle as it passes over pavement asperity. The second component of tire pavement friction is the adhesion developed between the rubber and the extruded pavement surface material[1]. It has been shown that adhesive component of friction is speed dependent, whereas the hystresis component is relatively independent of speed except at high speeds where it decreases as the tire gains heat. 2 PRESENT STUDY In the present study surface texture of the sand asphalt base course layer was explored using skid resistance test and sand patch test. Three types of mineral fillers such as slurry, a waste product obtained from the production of manufactured sand, flyash and sulphur are used in different combination along with beach sand and ordinary bitumen to improve the properties of mixture and explore the scope of beach sand as an alternative to the aggregates. Three test stretches, each having a length of 300 m were laid at Konni, Pathanamthitta district, Kerala for best understanding of the performance. 2.1 Materials Used The materials used in the preparation of sand asphalt surface course include bitumen, beach sand and mineral fillers. 2.2 Beach Sand The beach sand which is free from debris was collected from Kollam Beach, Kerala, for the preparation of sand asphalt mixture. The specific gravity of the beach sand was found out using Pycnometer method and is obtained as 2.30 and uniformity coefficient is obtained as 1.5. 2.3 Bitumen Ordinary bitumen of grade 60-70 was collected from Cochin Refinery was used for the mix preparation. INDIAN HIGHWAYS, September 2013 The physical characteristics such as Penetration, Softening Point, Ductility and Specific Gravity were evaluated in laboratory as per IS:1203-1978, IS:1205-1978, IS:1208-1978 and IS 1202. The results obtained are given in Table 1.
Table 1 Physical Properties of Asphalt
Test Description Penetration at 25C (1/10 mm) Softening Point C Ductility, cm Specific Gravity Results 63 53.5 96 cm 1.012 Standard Values as per IRC 60 to 70 40 to 55C >75 cm 0.97 to 1.02

2.4 Mineral Fillers As the beach sand and bitumen mix alone are not suitable for use because of its low stability, high air voids and high bitumen requirement, three fillers such as sulphur, fly ash and slurry were identified from the laboratory experiments and used in this investigation. The specific gravity and source of each filler material used for the study is depicted in the Table 2.
Table 2 Specific Gravity and Source of Filler Materials
Sl. No. 1 2 3 Filler Material Sulphur Fly ash Slurry Specific gravity 1.96 2.45 2.80 Material Source Local Market Hindustan Newsprint, Kottayam Poabs Group, Trivandrum

2.5 Material Proportioning and Mix Design Different combinations of fillers along with beach sand and bitumen were tried in the laboratory and the best combinations found out which have better mix properties. Three types of mixes were considered in the laboratory such as beach Sand-Slurry-Asphalt (S-Sr-A), Sand-Asphalt-Sulphur (S-A-S) and Sand-Fly ash-Asphalt-Sulphur (S-F-A-S) and explored the properties by using the standard test conditions. From this the best combination was selected and laid in the field. The properties of the mix are depicted in the Table 3. 25

Table 3 The Properties of Mix

Sl. No.

Mix Combination

Mix Proportion 70-20-6 85-4-11 42-42-4-12

1 2 3

Sand -Slurry- Asphalt Sand-Asphalt-Sulphur Sand-Fly Ash-AsphaltSulphur

Marshall Stability (kN) 4.15 9.00 13.20

Load Repetitions 395 636 828

Deformation (mm) 12.58 9.94 6.67

Stiffness Modulus (Mpa) 425.2 792.3 1161.6

2.6 Field Tests The Sand Patch Method was used to determine the texture depth of experimental test stretches. The tests were carried out two time of an year, one immediately after the compaction, i.e. in summer season and the other after a season i.e. in rainy season. The test is carried out as per the modified test method of Tex- 436-A, Measurement of Texture Depth by Sand Patch Method, Texas Highway Department[7]. The texture depth was determined from the sand-patch diameter obtained from the field test by using the formula, T=4v/(d4) where, T is the texture depth, v is the volume of sand and d is the average sand-patch diameter. The pictorial representation of texture depth determination is given in the Fig. 1.

The skid resistance of the pavement was also tested by using the BS Pendulum Skid Resistance Tester. The tests are carried out in two times one is immediately after the compaction and other one is on the next season i.e. at the end of rainy season. The tests were done as per the procedure adopted in TRRL1969 report. 3 DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS OF THE RESULTS

Fig. 1 Pictorial Representation of Sand Patch Method

To indicate the separate and distinct effect of the mixture properties on the skid resistance of the experimental asphalt surface mixtures, the particle and composition effect were analyzed statistically in association with the Texture Depth (TD) obtained from various mix compositions. In addition of skid resistance, airvoids, flow value and unit weight were also included as independent variables for possible association with the TD. The analysis was facilitated by the use of stepwise regression equation in stepwise manner using the SPSS statistical software. The texture depth and skid resistance obtained is depicted in Table 4.

Table 4 Texture Depth of and Skid Resistance of Test Stretches

Sl. No. Mix Combination 1 S-Sr-A 2 3 S-A-S S-F-A-S

Season Summer Rainy Summer Rainy Summer Rainy

Average Skid Resistance 68.17 53.33 70.33 56.42 71.42 59.50

Average Texture Depth (mm) 0.42 0.45 0.47 0.48 0.48 0.52


INDIAN HIGHWAYS, September 2013

TECHNICAL PAPERS From the table it is seen that the average skid resistance values varies from 68.17 to 71.42 in summer season and from 53.33 to 59.5 in rainy season and S-F-A-S mix offers the maximum skid resistance in both season. Texture depth data is varying from 0.42 to 0.48 mm in summer season and 0.45 to 0.52 in rainy season. S-F-A-S mix offers the maximum texture depth in both seasons. The variation of texture depth in rainy season may be due to the raveling occurred because of the heavy rains in Kerala region regardless of composition of the mixture. The texture depth variation with respect to the combination of mixes is shown in the Fig. 2. 3.1 Statistical Analysis of the Results

Fig.2 Comparison of Texture Depth

The texture depth resulted from sand patch test were correlated with the skid resistance the relation is plotted in Fig.3 and is seen to be linear with a correlation coefficient of 0.804 for summer season and 0.902 for rainy season.

The data were analyzed statistically for association with the skid resistance and texture depth units obtained from various mix combinations. In addition of this the percentage of air voids, unit weight and flow value of mixes were also included as independent variables for possible association with the skid resistance and texture depth. In each case, the various independent variables were inserted one at a time until the most significant parameter was obtained. The order of insertion was determined by using the partial correlation coefficient as a measure of relative importance of the variables not yet in the equation, as variables was entered in the regression, the P-value for each variable in the regression at any stage of the calculation were evaluated and compared with preselected percentage point of P-value. To indicate the separate and distinct effects of aggregate factors on the skid resistance and texture depth of the experimental asphalt mixtures, cross tabulations on variables of interrelation were also made to identify the relationship among variables relevant to skid resistance and texture depth of filler modified sand mix asphalt and contribution of particle and composition indexes of paving mixture. All the variables Air Voids in the total mix (AV), Flow Value (FV) and Unit Weight (UW) were considered initially. The value for each independent was systematically checked at a confidence level of 95 percent, any variable which is not significant were left out, and analysis were carried out considering only the significant variables. The analysis details are depicted in the Table 4.
Table 4 Analysis of Variance of all Parameters
Model 1 Regression Residual Total 2 Regression Residual Total Sum of Squares 0.021 0.001 0.022 0.021 0.001 0.022 df 3 2 5 2 3 5 0.011 0.000 45.500 0.006b Mean Square 0.007 0.000 F 24.017 Sig. 0.040a

Fig.3 Effect of Texture Depth on Skid Resistance


Predictors: (Constant), SR, AV, FV 27

INDIAN HIGHWAYS, September 2013

TECHNICAL PAPERS b. c. Predictors: (Constant), AV, FV Dependent Variable: TD sulphur, slurry and fly ash exhibits superior surface characteristics compared to conventional dense mix. The texture depth has not much significant effect on skid resistance of sand asphalt mixes, which are considered for the investigation. REFERENCES
1. Clapp, T. G., (1983), Special Correlation of the Surface Profile in the Development of a Tire and Pavement Interaction Force Model, MSc Thesis, North State Carolina. Ludema, K.C and B.D Gujrati, (1973), An analysis of the literature on tyre-road skid resistanc, American Society for Testing and Materials Special Technical Publication 541, Philadelphia. Gallaway, B. M., Epps, J. A., and Tomita, H., (1971), Effects of Pavement Surface Characteristics and Textures on Skid Resistance, Research Report 138 4, Texas Transportation Institute A&M University, College Station, March. Goel, V. K., Gupta, A.K., Vasan, R. M. and Chauhan, M.P.S. (1995), Effect of Pavement Materials on Skid Resistance, Proceedings of International Conference on Roads and Road Transport Problems (ICORT-95), New Delhi, India, December, Volume 1 pp.399-411. Mohamed, A. A., (2001), Skid Resistance and texture Depth Analysis of Stone Mastic Asphalt, MSc Thesis, Universiti Putra Malaysia. OECD., (1984), Road Surface Characteristics, their Interaction and their Optimization, Report Prepared by OECD Scientific Expert Group. Tex-436-A, Measuring Texture Depth by the Sand Patch Method. Stephens, J. E. and Geotz, W. H. (1967), Effect of Aggregate Factors on Pavement Friction, Highway Research Bulletin 302, pp 1-17. MoRTH Specification for Road and Bridge Works, Ministry of Road Transport and Highways, 2001. IRC:37-2001, IS:1203-1978, IS:1205-1978, IS:1208-1978.

The results indicated that the flow value and air voids significantly affect the texture depth of mineral filler modified sand mix asphalt mixture stretches tested in this investigation. From the statistical analysis shown in Table 5, it is clear that texture depth has relatively considerable effect on skid resistance in the sand asphalt mixture. From the analysis the following models were developed Model (i) TD = -0.004AV-0.002SR-0.290FV+1.532 Model (ii) TD = -0.003AV-0.252FV+1.292. That is also observed from the field experience that relatively less texture depth was occurred in the mixtures tried but they offer more skid resistance compared to other mixes. This is due to the effect of fillers added in the sand mix asphalt.
Table 5 Summary of the Results
Model 1 2 R 0.986a 0.984




R Square 0.973 0.968

Adjusted R Square 0.932 0.947

Std. Error of the Estimate 0.01721 0.01528 6. 5.

a. b. c.

Predictors: (Constant), SR, AV, FW Predictors: (Constant), AV, FW Dependent Variable: TD

7. 8.


The mixture properties like percentage of air voids, unit weight of mixes and flow value has the significant effect on the texture depth variation of a pavement. The results of this investigation showed that sand mix asphalt mix modified with mineral fillers such as

9. 10.


INDIAN HIGHWAYS, September 2013

PErfOrMancE Of WarM Mix AsPhaLt fOr Indian COnditiOns


Several new processes have been developed to reduce the mixing and compaction temperatures of hot mix asphalt with the quality of the resulting pavement. The European countries started using technologies that appear to allow reduction in compaction temperatures at which asphalt mixes are produced and placed. These technologies have been termed as Warm Mix Asphalt (WMA). WMA mixes can save money in the plant through reduced energy costs. Warm mixes may permit trucking of loads of asphalt over longer distances, without fear of critical loss of temperature, allowing contractors to expand market areas. A laboratory study was conducted to determine the applicability of warm asphalt to typical paving operations and environmental conditions commonly found in the India, including the performance of the mixes in quick traffic turn-over situations and high temperature conditions.

laws forever being tightened by time may be right for India to tilt its way towards environmental friendly technology. 1.2 Advantages of WMA Warm asphalt mixes produce emissions at a greatly reduced level from conventional hot mix plants. Warm asphalt mixes can save money in the plant through reduced energy costs. Warm mixes may permit trucking of loads of asphalt over longer distances, without fear of critical loss of temperature, allowing contractors to expand market areas. Warm mixes allow construction of pavements in colder weather, because critical loss of temperature in the cold will be less, resulting longer construction season extending into the winter. Warm mixes can allow faster construction of pavements made up of deep lifts of asphalt, for example intersections, which need to be opened as soon as possible. Another potential advantage is that oxidative hardening of the asphalt will be minimized with the lower operating temperatures. This may result in changes in pavement performance such as reduced thermal cracking, block cracking, or may cause the mix to be tender when placed. Warm-mix asphalts are compatible with super pave mix designs.

1 1.1


All around the globe efforts are being put forward to protect the environment. Currently emphasis is on reducing CO2 emissions in view of reducing the greenhouse effect. CO2 is the part of our natural environment but as it is also created in the burning of coal, gas, mankind and petroleum products. The breathing of mankind alone causes more than half of the current quantity of CO2. In 1995 approximately 23 billion tons of CO2 were emitted worldwide, of which approximately 900 million tons of CO2. To avoid significant impact of CO2 emissions in future on our environment worldwide, efforts are being made to reduce these emissions significantly. In India the Supreme Court had banned the use of Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) plants in metropolitan cites like Delhi to reduce CO2 emission. With environmental emissions

* **

Asstt. Professor, Civil Engineering Department, MNIT, Jaipur Head, Flexible Pavement Division, CRRI (Retd.), New Delhi

INDIAN HIGHWAYS, September 2013


TECHNICAL PAPERS 2 MatEriaL EvaLUatiOn Three types of materials namely mineral aggregates, Bitumen (conventional 80/100) and Warm Asphalt were used in this study for preparation of Bituminous Concrete (BC) mix. Test Impact Value Flakiness Index Elongation Index Specific Gravity Result 20.31% 14.1% 14.5% Coarse Aggregates (20 mm) Fine Aggregates (10 mm) Stone Dust Lime 2.1 Aggregates

The mineral aggregates were obtained from the local quarry. Representative samples of aggregates were tested in the laboratory. Results are given in Table 1. Water Absorption

Table 1 Physical Properties of Aggregate

2.638 2.643 2.652 2.764

0.12 0.15

2.2 Bitumen 80/100 penetration grade bitumen was used as base bitumen for preparation of Warm Asphalt mix. The bitumen was tested in the laboratory and results are given in Table 2. Warm Asphalt Warm asphalt was prepared in laboratory by adding Type of Test Ductility (in cm) Softening Point in C Penetration at 25C,100 gm, 5 Sec, 1/10 mm Specific Gravity at 27C Elastic Recovery at 15C (in %) 2.2.1 Viscosity Temperature Relationship of Binders At high temperatures bitumen behaves as a simple Newtonian liquid, the ratio of shear stress to shear strain is constant. At low temperature the ratio of shear stress to shear strain is not constant and the binder behaves as Non- Newtonian liquid. The degree of fluidity at the application temperature greatly influences the strength characteristics of the paving mixes. High or low viscosity during mixing and/or compaction has been observed to give lower stability value. Viscosity of binder at 60C has significant influence on the

certain waxy product to 80/100 grade bitumen. The bitumen was heated to a temperature of 150C and blended for a period of 15 minutes to completely blend the synthetic wax with bitumen. This product is a propriety item developed by CRRI New Delhi. This has a formulation which is different from Sasobit, Aspha-Min and Asphaltan B. The basic properties of warm asphalt are shown in Table 2 80/100 Bitumen +90 50.7 85 1.025 20 Warm Asphalt 100+ 74 44 1.03 30

Table 2 Test Results of Conventional Bitumen and Warm Asphalt

performance of the bituminous pavements during hot summer days. Thus the viscosity temperature relationship is very vital for mixing and compaction of the binder. The relationship between conventional (80/100) and Warm Asphalt was obtained by using Physical Rheo lab MC 1. 2.3 Mineral Aggregate Proportioning Proportioning for bituminous concrete mixes was finalized as per MoRTH and presented in Table 3. The same proportions were used for warm and conventional bitumen. INDIAN HIGHWAYS, September 2013


Table 3 Final Proportioning of Mineral Aggregate

Sieve Size (mm)

Cumulative % Passing of blended Aggregate 20 mm 10 mm (%) 6 mm (%) (%) 38 26 26.00 26.00 26.00 24.3 7.74 0.53 0 0 0 0 0 35 35.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 34.86 32.51 26.43 20.87 11.73 6.58 3.07 Filler (Lime) (%) 1 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Combined Grading 100 100 99.56 72.60 60.93 43.60 34.03 27.43 21.87 12.73 7.58 4.07

MoRT&H LIMITS Lower Limit Upper Limit

26.5 19 13.2 9.5 4.75 2.36 1.18 0.6 0.3 0.15 0.075

38.00 37.56 10.6 0.63 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

100 79 59 52 35 28 20 15 10 5 2

100 100 79 72 55 44 34 27 20 13 8

Marshall Specimens were prepared with warm mix asphalt and compacted at 105C, 125C and 155C. For comparison Marshall Specimens were

prepared with conventional bitumen and compacted at same temperature. The results are given in Table 4 to 9.

Table 4 Marshall Parameters with Warm Asphalt at Compaction Temperature 105C

Binder Bulk Density, Specific Gravity Air Voids VMA (%) VFB (%) Stability Flow Value Content, (%) (gm/cc) (gm/cc) (%) (kN) (mm) 5.5 6.0 6.5 2.299 2.344 2.354 2.442 2.427 2.411 5.8 3.4 2.3 17.86 16.70 16.8 67.19 79.65 85.94 1327.38 1371.22 1048.58 3.9 3.7 3.8

Table 5 Marshall Parameters with Warm Asphalt at Compaction Temperature 125C

Binder Bulk Density, Specific Air Voids VMA (%) VFB (%) Stability Flow Value Content, (%) (gm/cc) Gravity (gm/cc) (%) (kN) (mm) 5.5 6.0 6.5 2.311 2.341 2.333 2.442 2.427 2.411 5.3 3.5 3.2 17.44 16.70 17.55 69.12 79.12 81.48 962 944 808 3.6 3.9 2.8

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Table 6 Marshall Parameters with Warm Asphalt at Compaction Temperature 155C

Binder Bulk Density, Specific Gravity Air Voids VMA (%) VFB (%) Stability Flow Value Content, (%) (gm/cc) (gm/cc) (%) (kN) (mm) 5.5 6.0 6.5 2.320 2.338 2.340 2.416 2.404 2.398 5.01 3.63 2.94 17.12 16.91 17.29 70.69 78.48 82.98 955 936 856 3.6 5.6 4.8

Table 7 Marshall Parameters with 80/100 binder at Compaction Temperature 105C

Binder Bulk Density, Specific Gravity Air Voids VMA (%) Content, (%) (gm/cc) (gm/cc) (%) 5.5 6.0 6.5 2.281 2.315 2.351 2.439 2.423 2.407 6.55 4.48 2.36 19.94 17.75 16.91

VFB (%) Stability Flow Value (kN) (mm) 59.2 74.1 86.0 853 1202 972 3.9 3.8 3.4

Table 8 Marshall Parameters with 80/100 binder at Compaction Temperature 125C

Binder Bulk Density, Specific Gravity Air Voids VMA (%) VFB (%) Stability Flow Value Content, (%) (gm/cc) (gm/cc) (%) (kN) (mm) 5.5 6.0 6.5 2.322 2.344 2.357 2.439 2.423 2.407 4.8 3.2 2.2 17.0 16.7 16.7 71.7 80.3 87.3 849 1042 1037 4.1 4.6 4.9

Table No 9 Marshall Parameters with 80/100 binder at Compaction Temperature 155C

Binder Bulk Density, Specific Gravity Air Voids VMA (%) VFB (%) Stability Flow Value Content, (%) (gm/cc) (gm/cc) (%) (kN) (mm) 5.5 6.0 6.5 2.4 2.346 2.365 2.381 2.439 2.423 2.407 3.8 2.4 1.1 16.2 15.9 15.8 76.2 84.8 93.1 1425 1270 1213 3.6 3.7 3.8

Indirect Tension Test for Resilient Modulus (ASTM D 4123-82)

The Marshall specimens were prepared with conventional and warm binders and tested for Bulk Density, Resilient modulus (MR) at a temperature of 25C, 30C and 35C. Indirect Tension Test for

Resilient Modulus was carried out at a repetitive load 1000 N, frequency 0.1 Hertz. The Specimens were placed in the temperature control cabinet for a minimum period of two hours for conditioning the specimen before testing. Results are given in Table 10.


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Table 10 Resilient Modulus for Marshall Specimens at Different Temperatures

Binder Type

Binder Content (%) 5.5 6 6.5

Bulk Density (gm/cc) 2.316 2.303 2.333 2.250 2.296 2.315 2.322 2.344 2.357 2.293 2.324 2.323 2.308 2.341 2.347 2.314 2.302 2.332

Average Resilient Modulus at 25C, (MPa) 6836 2621 3235 1487 3203 2501 1807 3539 2050 6308 7599 5113 5335 5196 4757 6828 3582 5810

Average Resilient Modulus at 30C (MPa) 1110 1095 1039 2868 2096 2753 1144 1094 1292 1280 2103 965 1923 1147 1007 4583 2222 3951

Average Resilient Modulus at 35C, (MPa) 1088 806 768 1034 1143 781 641 913 727 1887 1803 897 1911 1100 1025 2066 1175 1003

Conventional Bitumen at 105C WMA at 105C

5.5 6 6.5

Conventional Bitumen at 125C WMA at 125C

5.5 6 6.5 5.5 6 6.5

Conventional Bitumen at 155C WMA at 155C

5.5 6 6.5 5.5 6 6.5


Dynamic Creep Test

Total strain at 1 hour of loading, p; The slope of the steady state portion of the plot of total strain versus time of loading, m; And the creep stiffness, Sc

The Uni-axial creep test is effective in identifying the sensitivity of asphalt concrete mixtures to permanent deformation or rutting. The creep test should be performed at a realistic testing temperature and at a stress level approximating field stress conditions. The creep test is shown to be sensitive to mixture variables such as Grade of binder, Binder content, aggregate type, Air void content, Temperature of testing and Testing stress state. Three parameters from the creep test are effective indicators of mixture permanent deformation sensitivity: INDIAN HIGHWAYS, September 2013

Specimens are placed in the temperature control cabinet for a minimum of two hours. The total load of 69 kPa was applied for 0.1 second and rest period of 0.9 second at a frequency of 1 Hz. The load was applied for 3600 sec. The test was carried out at 40C. The test was conducted under unconfined conditions. Results are shown in Table 11. 33

Table 11 Dynamic Creep Test Result

S.No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Mould Description 5.5% of warm asphalt & compaction temperature of 105C 6.0% of warm asphalt & compaction temperature of 105C 6.5% of warm asphalt & compaction temperature of 105C 5.5% of warm asphalt & compaction temperature of 125C 6% of warm asphalt & compaction temperature of 125C 6.5% of warm asphalt & compaction temperature of 125C 5.5% of warm asphalt & compaction temperature of 155C 6% of warm asphalt & compaction temperature of 155C 6.5% of warm asphalt & compaction temperature of 155C 5.5% of 80/100 binder & compaction temperature of 155C 6% of 80/100 binder & compaction temperature of 155C 6.5% of 80/100 binder & compaction temperature of 155C

Creep Stiffness, Accumulated Design Resilient Remarks (MPa) Strain (%) Modulus, (MPa) 8.9 5.5 5.6 6.2 8.0 13.10 5.0 4.8 4.6 8.3 6.6 4.7 0.649 1.22 1.14 1.04 1.11 2.23 1.09 1.33 2.11 0.65 1.03 1.55 237.77 183.37 205.77 262.99 184.17 237.14 311.14 286.57 240.59 225.69 222.95 229.97 No failure No failure No failure No failure No failure No failure No failure No failure No failure No failure No failure No failure


Indirect Tensile Test

The standard Marshall Specimens of 100 mm diameter and 63.5 mm height were prepared for each binder. The loading is such as to maintain a deformation rate of 2 inches/minute (50.8 mm/minute). The test temperature was maintained at 25C and the specimens were conditioned at 25C for 2 hours prior to the test. A 0.5 - inch (12.7 mm) wide curved loading strips was used to provide a uniform stress distribution.

The tensile strength ratio of the bituminous mixes is used to determine the moisture susceptibility of the mixes. The specimens were placed in the water bath maintained at 60C for 24 hours and then immediately placed in the environmental chamber maintained at 25C for two hours. The ratio of the wet to dry indirect tensile strength is recorded as Tensile Strength Ratio (TSR) of the bituminous mix. The test results of bulk density, indirect tensile strength and are presented in Table 12.


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Table 12 Indirect Tensile Strength Test Results for Marshall Specimen Mould ID Conventional Bitumen at 105C Binder Content (%) 5.5 6 6.5 WMA at 105C 5.5 6 6.5 Conventional Bitumen at 125C 5.5 6 6.5 WMA at 125C 5.5 6 6.5 Conventional Bitumen at 155C 5.5 6 6.5 WMA at 155C 5.5 6 6.5 Bulk Density (gm/cc) 2.259 2.326 2.324 2.281 2.327 2.338 2.208 2.291 2.294 2.297 2.307 2.323 2.311 2.332 2.345 2.343 2.353 2.36 2.28 2.305 2.324 2.323 2.328 2.318 2.291 2.325 2.333 2.349 2.347 2.346 2.313 2.314 2.278 2.325 2.329 2.335 2.332 2.302 2.314 2.347 2.341 2.308 2.323 2.324 2.293 2.357 2.344 2.322 2.315 2.296 2.250 2.333 2.303 Average Bulk Density (gm/cc) 2.316 Indirect Tensile Strength (MPa) 371.1 448.2 490.9 363.99 304.6 436.94 477.25 490.12 404.21 415.72 415.42 399.91 445.88 433.81 445.8 446.6 353.85 367.5 554.42 457.98 371.67 580.64 458.63 418.74 449.88 438.89 397.15 430.45 346.32 383.85 636.31 533.93 303.56 583.79 603.39 639.14 621.3 443.7 585.1 365.1 413.8 444.4 438.7 476.2 506.2 360.7 446.2 439.8 407.7 410.0 483.7 370.8 427.4 Average ITS, (MPa) 409.7

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TECHNICAL PAPERS 2.7 Wheel Tracking Test The rutting in asphalt concrete layer is caused by combination of densification (volume change) and shear deformations, both resulting from repetitive application of traffic loads. The rate of permanent deformation accumulation increases rapidly at higher temperatures; therefore the laboratory testing be conducted at higher temperatures. Wheel tracking apparatus consists of a loaded wheel and a confined mould in which the 300x300x50 mm specimen for BC is rigidly restrained on its four sides. The loaded wheel (To apply a load to the wheel, under Standard Test Conditions, of (5205) N a weighed cantilever arm is provided) which bears on a test specimen held on a reciprocating table. The table moves to and fro beneath the wheel in the fixed horizontal plane. The centre of the contact area of the tyre shall describe simple harmonic motion with respect to the centre of the top of the specimen, with a frequency of (210.2) load cycles per minute and a total distance to travel of (2305) mm. Before testing begins, ensure that the specimen has attained the test temperature + 1.0C. The results are shown in Table 13.

Table 13 Outcomes of Wheel Tracking Test

No. of Cycles 50 100 150 200 250 500 750 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 5500 6000 6500 7000 7500 8000 8500 9000 9500 10000

80/100 binder 0.7 1.05 1.35 1.54 1.75 2.49 3 3.55 4.4 5.1 5.75 6.3 6.75 7.28 7.69 8.05 8.35 8.75 9 9.3 9.56 9.59 10.15 10.25 10.29 10.35

Warm Asphalt 0.99 1.46 1.55 1.65 1.85 2.25 2.85 3.05 3.65 3.95 4.35 4.39 5.25 5.35 5.85 6.05 6.35 6.75 7.05 7.15 7.19 7.21 7.24 7.28 7.34 7.36


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TECHNICAL PAPERS 2.8 Emission Test While preparing the mix for the preparation of moulds, the emission of gases were rested by the equipment called Volatile Organic Analyzer (VOC Analyzer). The min RAE 2000 monitor uses a newly developed electrode less discharge UV lamp as the high energy photon source for the PID (Photo lonization Detector). As organic vapors pass by the lamp, they are photo ionized and the ejected electrons are detected as a current. The PID sensor with a standard 10.6eV lamp detects a broad range of organic vapors. A lamp with high photon energy will measure the more kinds of compounds, whereas low photon energies are selective for easily ionizable compounds such as aromatics. In principle, any compound with ionization energy lower than that of the lamp photons can be measured. With this equipment the emission of benzene, toluene, xylene, and styrene are tested. The results are shown in Table 14.

Table 14 Emission Test Results

Gas Name

Warm Asphalt Warm Asphalt At Compaction At Compaction Temperature of 105c Temperature of 125c Min Avg 0.90 0.00 0.63 75.6 Max 1.65 0.00 1.67 241 Min 0.60 0.00 0.55 53.6 Avg 0.87 0.00 0.75 77.9 Max 1.23 0.00 1.15 102

Warm Asphalt At Compaction Temperature of 155c Min 0.0 0.0 0.0 76.0 Avg 0.0 0.0 0.0 90.0 Max 0.0 0.0 0.0 105.9

Conventional Asphalt At Compaction Temperature of 155c Min 0.00 0.00 0.60 22.78 Avg 0.00 0.00 0.32 26.90 Max 0.00 0.00 0.50 31.00

Benzene 0.60 Xylene Styrene Toluene 3 0.00 0.37 58.5

REsULts and AnaLysis

3.1 Marshall Mix Design 3.1.1 Air Voids Air voids of the Marshall specimens which were prepared by warm asphalt were decreased as the bitumen content increases and temperature increases. At compaction temperature of 105C, we get air voids of 5.8 where as in conventional binder at compaction temperature of 155C, we get low air voids of 3.8. Maximum air voids was observed in Marshall Moulds prepared by warm asphalt at compaction temperature of 105C. And also air voids of moulds prepared by warm asphalt are compared with conventional binder prepared at compaction temperature of 155C. 3.2 Resilient Modulus

content and higher temperatures decreased the MR and in case of compaction temperature of 125C it was reversed. The maximum MR values observed was 3203 MPa for moulds prepared at compaction temperature of 105C, 7599 MPa for moulds prepared at compaction temperature of 125C and 6828 MPa for moulds prepared at compaction temperature of 155C. Similarly the maximum MR values observed were 6836 MPa, 3539 MPa and 5335 MPa for moulds prepared at compaction temperatures of 105C, 125C and 155C respectively. 3.3 Indirect Tensile Strength

It was observed from the Table 10 for warm asphalt at compaction temperature of 105C and 155C that the increase in binder content and increase in temperature increased the MR but at higher binder INDIAN HIGHWAYS, September 2013

The ITS values were decreased and then increased with increase in binder content in case of warm asphalt where as in conventional it was reversed. The maximum ITS observed in case of warm asphalt moulds prepared at 105C was 483 kPa at 5.5% binder content. In case of warm asphalt moulds prepared at 125C the maximum ITS observed was 506.2 kPa at 5.5% binder content. In case of warm asphalt moulds 37

TECHNICAL PAPERS prepared at 155C the maximum ITS observed was 621.3 kPa at 6.5% binder content. In case of conventional binder moulds prepared at 155C the maximum ITS was observed was 444.4 kPa. 3.4 Wheel Tracking Test 3. The results for Warm Asphalt at compaction temperature 155C were erratic, where as at compaction temperature 105C results were reliable. WMA mix has slightly better water resistant properties than conventional mix as obtained from Tensile Strength results. WMA mix have indicated slightly higher resilient modulus, at high compaction temperatures and improved resistance to permanent deformation as obtained from dynamic creep and wheel tracking tests, as compared to mix with neat bitumen. More Research on evaluating the emissions of gases from warm asphalt is needed which would help in quantifying the benefits before and after paving the mixes and in designing the environment friendly technology using warm asphalt mixes. The warm asphalt technology has been developed for the first time in the country. The results were found to be promising and more Research and Development is required before it may be commercially utilized.


Comparison of rutting depth between conventional and WA mix is shown in Table 13. For this slab was prepared with Warm Asphalt at compaction temperature of 105C with optimum binder content and for conventional binder slab was prepared at compaction temperature of 155C. Result showed that rutting was high in Conventional Bitumen Mix whereas WA mix showed a significant improved rutting resistance. 3.5 Emission Tests In emission tests, for the mix prepared with warm asphalt at 105C at the benzene ration was observed 0.6 ppm as minimum level and maximum level 1.65 ppm. At high temperatures (155C) the benzene concentration was not observed in both the cases was asphalt and conventional binder. It may be either because of formation in to compound or Benzene evaporation takes place at lower temperature (105C). Toluene concentration was observed high in case of warm asphalt mix at 105C. In no case xylene was observed. In case of Styrene the maximum level is observed for warm mix at 105C and at 155C there is no styrene observed. Further studies are required and results are inconclusive. 4 COncLUsiOns




1. 2. Newcomb, D. E. (2004), Warm Mix-the Next Hot Topic, NAPA Report. Hurley, G.C. and Prowell, B. D. (2004), Evaluation of Aspha-min (Zeolite) for use in Warm Mix Asphalt, NCAT Report. Hurley, G.C. and Prowell, B. D. (2005), Evaluation of Sasobit for use in Warm Mix Asphalt, NCA T report. Warm Mix asphalt Pavements: Technology of the future?, Asphalt Review Volume 24, No.1, June 2005. Warm Asphalt Mix Placed on Beltway, HMA , volume 10, No.6, November and December 2005. Hubbard, B. M. Aspha-Min Warm Mix Asphalt Demonstration Project, Orlando. By Construction Company, Orlando, FL, 2004. Hampton, T U.S. Studies Warm-Mix Asphalt Methods: NAPA, European Producers to Sponsor Laboratory Research Effort.

Based on the results from the lab testing, the following conclusions are made:1. From the above laboratory findings, it can be concluded that WMA can be successful laid at lower temperature (110C) as compared to conventional mix. There is no saving in bitumen content as optimum bitumen content was same in mixes prepared with neat bitumen at high temperature (155C) and W A (1.1 lower temperature (110C).

3. 4. 5. 6.




INDIAN HIGHWAYS, September 2013

8. Arnold, J.C. (2005)Sasobit: Characterization of Properties and Effects on Binder and Asphalt. Presented in 41st Conference of the Association of Road and Traffic Engineers, Saxonia, Leizig, Germany. AASHTO Standing Committee on Highways Technical Meeting on Warm asphalt Technology at Nashville, TN. IS 1201 to 1220-1978, Methods for Testing Tar and Bituminous Materials, Indian Standard Institution, New Delhi. IS:73-1992, Paving Bitumen Specifications, Indian Standard Institution, New Delhi. Ministry of Road Transport and Highways (2001), Specifications for Road and Bridge Works (Fourth Revision), Indian Roads Congress, New Delhi. SHRP M009 (1992), Fatigue Life of Bituminous Mixes, Strategic Highway Research Program, National Research Council, Washington, D.C. Asphalt Institute Manual Series No.2 (MS-2), Sixth Edition, Mix Design Methods.;



11. 12.


14. 15.

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The expansion joints in the bridge deck are provided to accommodate the structural movements due to number of internal and external factors such as variations in temperature, imposition of live loads, earthquake, and shrinkage. These expansion joints malfunction due to various reasons and causes discomfort to the users. The strip seal expansion joints are provided with a special shaped seal of elastomeric material such as chloroprene to span the joint opening. This important component of the expansion joint assembly gets deteriorated with the age or due to improper vulcanization of the rubber while its conversion to chloroprene or due to the use of poor quality rubber to make it cost effective. There are various tests that are required to be qualified by the chloroprenestrip seal. This paper highlights the tests to be performed on the raw material of strip seal to ascertain the functional performance. Also, a comparison of physical properties of chloroprene and ordinary rubber is presented for the benefit of bridge engineers.

loss of water tightness leading to see page of water resulting in corrosion of the expansion joint assembly, bearing and other structural elements and also causes riding discomfort to the road users. Earlier, repair/ replacement of the expansion joints was a problematic phenomenon due to non-availability of the ready made expansion joint assemblies, ready mix concrete and concrete cutters. With the development of new materials and technologies, at present, the expansions joints are repaired or replaced at a faster pace. There are different types of expansion joints that are used depending upon the bridge movement like buried joint, filler joint, asphaltic plug joint, compression seal joints, strip seal joints and modular joints etc. Among these, strip seal expansion joint is widely used in concrete bridges. This paper discusses in detail the significance and methodology for evaluation of properties of chloroprene seal used in expansion joints. Also, it highlights the tests performed on the strip seal to ascertain the functional performance and the results are compared with that of ordinary rubber to understand the difference in properties. 2 StriP SEaL JOint


Expansion joints are used to accommodate/allow expansion and contraction of the bridge deck due to temperature changes, creep and shrinkage of concrete, imposition of live load, wind load and earthquake. These joints also protect the edges of concrete deck from vertical wheel loads and to seal the joint opening. Depending upon the initiation factor, there may be longitudinal, transverse movement or rotation about a longitudinal or transverse axis. The superstructure moves longitudinally in relation to the abutments as a result of thermal movements, and due to vehicular braking/tractive effort. Expansion joints are among the smaller elements of the bridge structure, but when they fail to function properly, may create problems out of proportion to their size. Malfunctioning of the joints can create serious structural problems such as development of cracks due to restrained movements,
* ** Chief Scientist, Bridges & Structures Division, Technical Officer, B&S Division,

The strip seal expansion joints are provided with a specially shaped elastomeric seal generally made of chloroprene to span the joint opening as shown in Fig. 1(a). The seal is mechanically locked into a pair of edge beam that is in turn anchored to the edges of the deck slab as shown in Fig. 1(b). These edge beams serve two main functions, (i) to firmly hold the seal in its housing during its expansion or contraction

CSIR-CRRI, New Delhi

*** Principal Technical Officer, B&S Division,


INDIAN HIGHWAYS, September 2013

TECHNICAL PAPERS depending upon the movement of the deck slab and (ii) to protect the bridge deck edges adjacent to edge beam from damage due to vehicular impact. This type of joint is used for movements up to 80 mm and the strip seals are available in different configurations and shape depending upon the movement range. The shape of the seal shall be such that it helps in selfremoval of debris collected during the normal joint operation. These seals shall posses high tear strength, high resistance to aging and be insensitive to oil, and ozone. Though the chloroprene seals are supposed to have a life of about 10 years, but in many bridges they get deteriorated with time. The probable causes for poor performance of strip seals are (i) improper design and installation, (ii) debris accumulated in the joint, (iii) large skew angle, and (iv) aging. The deterioration of the seal leads to ingress of the water and collection of debris in the joint opening and leads to clogging of expansion joint. The strip seals can be replaced with minimal traffic disruption. However, it is essential to fulfil the pre-installation criteria to achieve the expected service life of expansion joints. It has been observed that in many bridges, the strip seals fails prematurely just within 5 years. The premature failure of strip seal may be caused mainly due to (i) thermal movement of the bridge superstructure greater than its predicted value used for design, (ii) improper installation of expansion joint during construction, and (iii) wheel loads transmitted to seal by the deposited debris in the joint. During the premature failure of the strip seal, the seal is either torn or get pulled out from the steel edge beam. The consequence of strip seal failure leads to distress in bridge substructure due to the water ingress, which can result in large repair/replacement cost. The pre-installation criteria of these joints include routine tests on raw materials used in strip seal joints such as steel used in edge beam and chloroprene used in seals as well as performance tests on expansion joint assemblies. The details of these tests are specified in IRC:SP:69-2011. CSIR-Central Road Research Institute (CSIR-CRRI) has taken up a Research Scheme sponsored by Ministry of Road Transport and Highways (MoRT&H) to create Expansion Joint Testing Facilities and the setting up of various test facilities is in progress. In the first phase of the project, testing facilities have been created for chloroprene seal to evaluate the properties of chloroprene seal as given in Table1.

(a) Strip Seal Joint

(b) Edge Beam Fig.1 Strip Seal Type Expansion Joint

3 EvaLUatiOn Of PrOPErtiEs ChLOrOPrEnE SEaL


To evaluate the properties, tests were conducted on three samples each of chloroprene seal and normal rubber sheet. The thickness of the chloroprene seal and rubber is 5.65 mm and 5.25 mm respectively. The specimens of both materials were tested in the laboratory to evaluate the properties as mentioned in Table 1.

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Table 1 Properties of Chloroprene Seal as per IRC:SP:69-2011

S. No. Type of Material A. Chloroprene Seal Hardness


Standard DIN 53505 ASTM D2240 DIN 53504 ASTM D412 DIN 53504 ASTM D412 DIN 53507 ASTM D 624 C (Die C) DIN 53512 DIN 53516 DIN 53517 ASTM D 395 (Method B) DIN 53508

Specified Value 63 +5 Shore A 55+ 5 Shore A Min. 11 MPa Min. 13.8 MPa Min. 350% Min. 250% Min.10 N/mm Min. 10N/mm Min. 25% Max. 220 mm3 Max. 28%

Tensile Strength Elongation of Fracture Tear Propagation Strength Longitudinal Transverse Shock Elasticity Abrasion Residual Compression Strain (22h/70C/30% strain) Ageing in hot air (14 days/70C) Change in hardness Change in tensile strength Change in elongation at fracture Aging in Ozone Swelling behaviour in oil (168h/25C) (ASTM Oil No. 1) Volume Change Change in hardness ASTM oil No. 3 Volume Change Change in hardness Cold hardening point Laboratory tests that need to be performed on the raw material of the chloroprene seal as given in Table 1 have been discussed in detail as follows: 3.1

+7 Shore A Max. -20% Max. -20% DIN 53509 DIN 53521 Max. +5% Max. -10% Shore A Max. +25% Max.-20 Shore A ASTM D 1043 Hardness Min.-35C No Cracks

Hardness measurements are based on either initial indentation or indentation after a specified period of INDIAN HIGHWAYS, September 2013


TECHNICAL PAPERS time or both. The materials for determining indentation hardness of substances are classified as thermoplastic elastomers, vulcanized (thermoset) rubber, elastomeric materials and plastic. The indentation hardness is inversely related to the penetration and is dependent on the elastic modulus and viscoelastic behavior of the material. Both the test specimens were tested using the durometer as specified in ASTM D 2240-5 and shown in Fig.2.

(a) Dumb-Bell Shaped Specimen

(b) Elongated State of Chloroprene Seal Fig. 3 Tensile Testing of Chloroprene Seal Fig. 2 Durometer (Shore A)



Tensile Strength and Elongation at Fracture

Tear Propagation Strength - Longitudinal/ Transverse

This test is used to evaluate tensile strength and elongation at fracture properties of vulcanized thermoset rubbers and thermoplastic elastomer. These properties depend both on the material and exposure conditions i.e., temperature, humidity and specimen geometry such as extension rate. To conduct the test, the specimens of chloroprene seal in dumb-bell type-1 shape of thickness 5.65 mm were prepared to meet ASTM D412 requirement and shown in Fig. 3(a). The tensile load on the specimen was applied through a machine which is capable to produce a uniform rate of grip separation of 500 mm 5 mm/min and as shown in Fig. 3 (a) and (b). INDIAN HIGHWAYS, September 2013

This test is used to measure the force required to cause a neck or cut in test specimen of chloroprene seal. In this test, a mechanical process to rupture is initiated and propagated at a location of high stress concentration caused by a cut, defect or localized deformation. The tear strength is measured according to ASTM D624 on a specimen of different geometries such type-A, type-B, type-C etc. with the use of a die. The Type-C die is used to measure the tear strength of chloroprene seal through a tensile testing machine which is capable to produce a uniform rate of grip separation of 500 mm 5 mm/min. To calculate the tear strength (TS) in kN/m of thickness by Eq. 1. 43

TECHNICAL PAPERS 3.4 Ts = F/d F d ... 1 in Fig. 4. The shock elasticity is the ratio between the rebounded and applied energy when a spherically terminated mass impacts a test specimen. Rebound resilience is determined by a freely falling pendulum hammer that is dropped from a given height that impacts a test specimen and imparts to it certain amount of energy. A portion of that energy is returned by the specimen to the pendulum and may be measured by the extent to which the pendulum rebounds, whereby the restoring force is determined by gravity. The angle of fall of the hammer is 90. The rebound resilience in percent is obtained from Eq. 2.

where, = Maximum force in (N) recorded during test. = Mean thickness of test specimen.

Shock Elasticity

This property is used to determine the resilience, expressed in terms of percentage resilience or rebound resilience by a Schob Type rebound pendulum apparatus as specified in ASTM D 7121-05 and shown

(a) Schob Rebound Pendulum Apparatus Fig. 4 Shock Elasticity Test Setup

(b) Specimens Cutting Dies


R = (1 cos)100

... 2

where, R is the resilience and is the angle of fall i.e., 90. Abrasion Test

This test is used to measure the abrasion resistance of rubber subject to frictional wear in actual service. It is measured by moving a test piece across the surface of an abrasive sheet which is mounted on a revolving drum as shown in the Fig 5. It is expressed as Abrasion Resistance Index (ARI) in percent computed using the Eq. 3. ARI = (m1 dt/mt d1)100 ... 3 where, m1 & d1 is the mass loss and density of the standard test piece and mt and dt are the mass loss and density of test specimen. 3.6

Fig. 5 Abrasion Tester

Residual Compression Strain or Compression Set

Rubber deforms under the application of load and rarely returns completely to its original dimension


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TECHNICAL PAPERS when the applied load is removed. The difference between the original and final dimension is known as compression set. This test is performed to measure the ability of rubber compounds to retain elastic properties after prolonged action of compressive forces. The compression set of strip seal materials is tested according to Method B, (i.e., under constant deflection in air) of ASTM D 395 as the hardness of the strip seals are well below 90. The standard dimensions of the specimens are 12.5 0.5 mm thick, 29 mm diameter, 6.0 0.2 mm thick and 13 mm in diameter. The specimens are conditioned at least for three hours prior to testing. If the compression set is likely to be affected by humidity, then the specimen are conditioned at a relative humidity of 50 5 % for at least 24 hours before the test is conducted. The specimen are compressed up to 25% of the thickness of the specimen under the compression set apparatus as shown in Fig.6 to meet the requirements of ASTM D 395-03. After this, the specimen in the compression test set up is kept in the heating oven at 100C for 40 hours. The compressive strain in the specimen can be deduced from the Eq.4 as given below: C = [(to tf)/(to tn)]100 ... 4 where, to, tf are original thickness and final thickness of the specimen after removal from the compression set apparatus, and tn is the thickness of the spacers of the compression set apparatus as shown in Fig. 6(a) and (b).

(a) Fig. 6 Compression Set Apparatus



Aging in Ozone

Strip seal material needs to be tested for ozone resistance. This test is used to evaluate the resistance of sealant materials to cracking when exposed to an atmosphere containing ozone and the procedure prescribed in ASTM D 1149 was followed. The specimen qualifies, if the material exhibits no cracks after the test, when the test is performed for 70 hours at 300 ppm of ozone at 40C and test specimens are subjected to 20% strain as per ASTM D 5973. It may be noted that IRC:SP:69-2011 has specified that the

test shall conducted as per DIN 53508 for 24 hours at 50 ppm of ozone at 25C, when test specimens are subjected to 20% strain. 3.8 Oil Swell Test This test is used to determine the ability of seal material to withstand the effect of oils and generally is performed in accordance with ASTM D 471. It may be noted that ASTM specifies the test to be conducted for 70 hours at 100C, where as IRC:SP:69-2011 specifies the test to be conducted using either ASTM oil No. 1 or ASTM oil No. 3 and has specified DIN 53521 as the 45

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TECHNICAL PAPERS reference standard . Further, DIN 53521 specifies the test to be conducted for 168 hours and only at 25C. The maximum volume change has been specified as +5% and 25% when using ASTM oil No. 1 and ASTM Oil No. 3 respectively, whereas ASTM O-471 specifies the maximum weight increase of specimen as 45%, when tested for 70 hours at 100C. 3.9 Aging in Hot Air

The properties of an elastomer may change after prolonged exposure to high temperature. Therefore, tests are carried out to establish the changes in the physical properties at elevated room temperature. To understand aging in hot air, the tensile test in accordance with ASTM D 412 and durometer hardness tests in accordance with ASTM D 2240 are conducted on specimen that are heated in an oven at 100C for 70 hours. For strip seal to qualify the tests the material shall not lose more than 20% of its tensile strength or elongation at break and hardness shall not exceed 10 points when compared to the results from the test under normal conditions. 3.10 Cold Hardening Point This test is used to measure the apparent modulus of rigidity also known as apparent shear modulus of elasticity at a specified range of temperature. It is measured by the angular deflection occurring when the specimen is subjected to an applied torque. This test is also known as torsion test. The specimen deflected beyond its elastic limit and the value obtained by this test may be affected by the creep characteristics of the material. To conduct this test, torsion testing apparatus has been used which is shown in Fig. 7, which is capable of exerting a torque sufficient to deflect a test specimen in the range of 5 to 100 of arc that depends on the stiffness and span of the specimen. The test specimen shall be of size 63.5 mm in length and 6.35 mm width tolerance of 0.025 mm in each dimension and its thickness varies from 1 to 3 mm which makes it possible to test the materials of widely different stiffnesss. The apparent modulus of rigidity of the specimen G, for each temperature can be worked out using Eq. 5. 46
Fig. 7 Torsion Testing Apparatus

G = 917TL/ab3u

... 5

Where, T is the applied torque (N-m), L, a, and b are span, width and thickness of the specimen respectively, is the angle of deflection of torque pulley (degree) and u is the ratio of a/b.

3.11 Discussion of Test Results The results of the tests that were conducted on chloroprene seal and normal rubber are discussed in this section. The hardness values of chloroprene seal and normal rubber that obtained from tests has been represented in Table 2. It is observed that the chloroprene strip seal sample meets the requirement while the normal rubber does not meet the permissible values specified in Table 1. As the natural rubber

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TECHNICAL PAPERS exhibited a hardness value greater than specified value of 55+5, it can be inferred that the natural rubber has greater tendency towards tearing than chloroprene. The stress-strain relationship obtained from tensile test on both the chloroprene and normal rubber is shown in Fig. 8 (a) and Fig. 8 (b) respectively. This shows that the elongation of chloroprene is more than normal rubber.

Table 2 Test Values of Hardness of Chloroprene Seal and Ordinary Rubber S. No. 1. Type of Material Chloroprene Seal Thickness (mm) 5.66 5.66 5.63 6.12 6.15 6.12 Hardness (23C) 56 55 57 84 83 85 Hardness (100C, 20 hrs.) 56 56 55 82 83 82


Normal Rubber

(a) Chloroprene

(b) Normal Rubber

Fig. 8 Stress-Strain Relationship of (a) Chloroprene and (b) Normal Rubber

From Table 3, it is seen that the tensile strength and percent elongation of chloroprene sample qualifies the values of 13.8 MPa minimum and 250% elongation, respectively as given in Table 1. Both the samples do not exhibit significant changes in hardness, tensile strength and % elongation due to aging in hot air as can be seen from Table 2 and 3. The tested chloroprene

seal material meets the requirements from the point of view of shock elasticity as well as the apparent torsion rigidity (refer Table 3). However, the chloroprene strip seal has exhibited about 15% residual compressive strain than specified in Table 1. However, the normal rubber exhibited almost double the specified value of residual compressive strain.

Table 3 Comparison of Properties of Chloroprene Seal and Ordinary Rubber Type of Material Tensile Strength (MPa) % Elongation Shock Compression Apparent Modulus of Elasticity (%) Set (%) Rigidity (G) MPa at Room Temp. 47 38 at 100C, 40 hrs. 32.41 57.33 at Room Temp. 33.2 121.3 -35C, 40 hrs 33.2 131.4

at Room 100C for at Room 100C for Temp. 20 hrs Temp. 20 hrs Chloroprene Seal Normal rubber 15.8 2.8 15.70 2.80 900 192 900 192

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TECHNICAL PAPERS From this limited study, it is seen that there is a lot of variation in the various properties of normal rubber in comparison to chloroprene. Therefore, it is advised that the proper care must be taken during the vulcanization process to achieve the desired performance parameters of chloroprene seal for use in bridge expansion joints. 4 COncLUsiOn after proper testing and evaluation, for which the required facilities being developed at CRRI may be used, which may help in socio-economic development of our country. AcknOwLEdgEMEnts This limited study is an outcome of a Ministry of Road Transport and Highways (MoRT&H) Research Scheme (B-34) on Creation of Expansion Joint Testing Facility at CRRI, New Delhi. CSIR-CRRI, New Delhi acknowledges MoRT&H for partially funding this project. Authors are grateful to Director, CSIRCentral Road Research Institute, New Delhi for his guidance and encouragement. The paper has been published with the permission of Director, CSIR-CRRI, New Delhi. Thanks are also due to Sh. Surender Kumar Verma, Sh. Vijay Kumar, Sh. Rajveer Singh, and other staff of the Bridges and Structures Division, CSIR-CRRI for their assistance during the laboratory work. REfErEncEs
1. IRC:SP:69-2011, Guidelines & Specifications for Expansion Joints, The Indian Roads Congress, New Delhi. NCHRP Report 204, Bridge Deck Joint-Sealing Systems for Evaluation and Performance Specification, Transportation Research Board, Washington. ASTM D 412, Method for Vulcanized Rubber and Thermoplastic Elastomers Tension, American Society for Testing and Materials, United States. ASTM D 624, Method for Tear Strength Conventional Vulcanized Rubber and Thermoplastic Elastomers, American Society for Testing and Materials, United States. ASTM D 7121, Method for Rubber Property Resilience Using Schob Type Rebound Pendulum, American Society for Testing and Materials, United States. ASTM D 395-03, Method for Rubber Property Compression Set, American Society for Testing and Materials, United States. ASTM D 1043-02, Method for Stiffness Properties of Plastic as a Function of Temperature by means of a Torsion Test, American Society for Testing and Materials, United States.

It is seen that the strip seals being imported and proprietary items, IRC:SP:69-2011 has specified both ASTM and DIN standards to be used for material characterization depending on the source of supply of the material under consideration as indicated in Table 1. However, it is seen that both the standards have not been specified for all the tests. Further, it is important to note that the test conditions and limiting values specified in these standards are different for most of the tests. Based on the study, the following conclusions have been made: 1. From Table 1, it is seen that the temperature at which some of the tests are to be conducted as per DIN standards is much lower than the temperature specified in ASTM standards. Further, generally in the most part of India, the bridges and expansion joints are subjected to high temperature in summer than specified in DIN standard, which is applicable to countries with totally different meteorological conditions. Therefore, adaptability of DIN standards for qualifying the strip seals used in our country needs to be logically assessed. Detailed studies are required to evaluate the effectiveness and accuracy of the specifications and test methods specified in various standards such as ASTM or DIN for specifying them in IRC:SP:69-2011. Currently all the chloroprene material used in expansion joints is being imported to India from various countries. However, if proper care is taken during vulcanization, then the chloroprene seal can be indigenously prepared










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About 3000 data collected on lateral placement and speed of different category of vehicles at various sections of two lane roads are analyzed. For the collection of data the lane width was divided into segments of 25 cm each and the placement of left rear wheel of vehicles was noted along with the time taken to travel the trap length (30 m) using a stop watch. Equations were developed between the lateral placement and speed for all categories of vehicles from the field data. The analysis shows that heavy vehicles (truck and bus), 3-wheelers, and slow moving vehicles (bicycles and man-pulled cycle rickshaws) follow a linear relation, while 2-wheelers and cars follow a second degree polynomial relation. The vehicles as a whole follow a second degree polynomial relation. The results of this study give a better insight to the variation in speed with placement.

2 BACKGROUND LITERATURE Bhardwaj et al.1 conducted a study on the position of outer wheel path on Indian highways to determine the most frequent position of the outer wheel for the three categories of carriageway width; single, intermediate and two lane. Data were collected at sixteen sites manually by transversely dividing the road into sections of 30 cm width. It was observed that the lateral distribution is not as per normal distribution relationship. They found that within the fast moving vehicles, the heavy commercial vehicles move closer towards the edge of the pavement as compared to the lighter and fast moving vehicles such as cars. As the carriageway width increased from single lane to intermediate lane there was a shift in the modal placement of all types of vehicles away from the edge of the pavement. Nagraj et al.4 conducted a study on linear and lateral placement of vehicles to develop inter-relationship between speeds and vehicular dimensions with linear and lateral spacing. It was observed that the average lateral placement is a function of stream speed. The average left spacing increases with the increase in mean speed till an optimal is reached, and then it decreases. Summalo and Merisalo6 reported that with the decrease in speed there is a greater shift towards the right (left in Indian conditions), particularly during night driving. Chandra and Dev Raj2 observed that for a 5.6 m wide pavement and bad condition of shoulder heavy vehicles and car avoided coming closer than 20 cm and 70 cm from the pavement edge respectively. For good condition of shoulders, heavy vehicles could travel up to 20 cm from the pavement edge. Taragin and Eckhardt9 found that the shoulder width does not influence the

1 INTRODUCTION The term placement of vehicle indicates the position of left rear wheel from the edge of the pavement when the vehicle is in motion. The term speed of vehicle indicates the ratio of the distance travelled to the time taken to travel that distance by the vehicle. Wheel load applications on the full carriageway width are generally non-uniformly distributed, and most trafficking is seen to occur along certain bands of smaller width, called wheel path. The characteristics of lateral placement of vehicles across the pavement width are important to know whether the traffic is channelized or distributed over the pavement width. It is a path of maximum repetition that is distressed more and cracking and pavement deformations are confined mostly to this area having maximum wheel load repetitions. In the simulation of mixed traffic flow also it is required to assign the position of a vehicle within a lane when it enters the test section. The present study was undertaken to study the relation of placement and speed of different vehicles on two lane roads.
* **

Flat No-201, 1-9-699&700, Eden Enclave, Vidya Nagar, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh Plot No-117/A, New Marutinagar (East), Kothapet, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh

*** Assistant Professor, IIT Bhubaneswar,

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TECHNICAL PAPERS effective pavement width for moving vehicles when there are no vertical obstructions immediately adjacent to the shoulder. Taragin7 studied the effect of objects parked on the shoulder in two lane and four lane roads. It was observed that when object was placed on the shoulder at the pavement edge, the effect on the lateral placement of vehicles is greatest and decreases rapidly as the distance of the object increases from the pavement edge. Taragin8 further studied two lane rural highways with 3.6 m traffic lanes carrying light to moderate traffic volumes. Free moving passenger cars maintained an average lateral position progressively farther from the centre line of the highway as the shoulder was increased in width and improved in type. Reddy and Pandey5 studied the lateral placement of commercial vehicles on Indian highways. It was observed that for single-lane roads, about 80% of the rear wheel paths of the commercial vehicles were located within 0.5 m of the maximum repetitions path. In case of two-lane roads, the maximum repetition path was closer to the centre line of the carriageway and about 50% of the rear wheel paths were playing in the central 1.0 m strip. Dey et al.3 studied the lateral position of vehicles under mixed traffic conditions. They found that the placement of vehicles may follow a unimodal or a bimodal curve depending upon the percentage of slow and fast moving vehicles. They introduced two parameters Placement Factor (PF) and Skewness Range (SR) to describe the placement of vehicles and they concluded that the placement data follow a unimodal curve if PF and SR are less than 1.30 and 0.54 respectively. 3 FIELD STUDIES AND DATA COLLECTION The data for this study were collected for about 3000 vehicles at various sections of different two lane
Type of Vehicle 2-Wheelers Car 3-Wheelers Slow Moving Vehicles Heavy Vehicles All Speed (km/h) Mean S.D. 42.53 3.11 52.54 2.9 42.60 2.61 17.08 0.39 42.52 1.25 42.86 6.63

roads. The sections were two lane intercity roads with 7.0 m pavement width and 3.6 m wide almost identical shoulders on either side. The data were collected at different sections of SH-2 (Near Tarakeswar), SH-7 (Near Burdwan), SH-8 (Near Baliatore) and SH-9 (Near Durgapur). The test sections were free from the effect of intersections, bus stops, parked vehicles, curvature and pedestrians. Traffic studies were designed to determine the lateral position of different vehicles and their speeds at the selected road sections. The sections were so chosen as to have a wide variation in the percentage of motorized and non-motorized traffic. A trap length of 30 m was chosen for determining the speed of vehicles. At the mid-length of section the width was divided into segments of 25 cm each with self adhesive cloth tape, and these were numbered serially from the pavement edge to the center of the road. The placement of left rear wheel of vehicles crossing the section was noted along with the time taken to travel the trap length using a stop watch of least count of 0.01s. Data were collected for about six hours on each test location. 4 ANALYSIS AND DISCUSSION

The vehicular placement and the time taken to travel the trap length for all categories of vehicles on a section were noted. The data were sorted with respect to the placement and the speed of the vehicles was then calculated (km/h) from the time data. The placement of left rear wheel of each vehicle from the left edge of the pavement was converted in cm. The mean speed and the standard deviation from the average speed were calculated; also the mean placement and standard deviation from the average placement for each category of vehicles were calculated and are given in Table 1.
Placement (cm) MEAN S.D. 159.94 53.46 169.60 52.87 63.28 45.26 61.00 29.14 137.79 52.33 151.20 58.64 Sample size 1133 419 568 150 725 2995

Table 1 Statistics of Speed and Placement of Vehicles


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TECHNICAL PAPERS The average speed corresponding to a particular placement was taken and then graphs were drawn between the respective placements (cm) and average speeds (km/h). This exercise was done separately for different types of vehicles (2-wheelers, cars, 3-wheelers, slow moving vehicles and heavy vehicles) and graphs were plotted. The plot showed that the speed of the vehicle increases as it shifts towards the centre of the road. Regression analysis was done and its goodness was checked by the value of coefficient of correlation. The same was also done for the all the vehicles as a whole. The equations, sample size and the R squared value of respective vehicles are shown in a Table 2. The graphs obtained are shown in Figs. 1 to 6.

Fig. 3 Effect of Placement on Speed of 3-Wheelers

Fig. 4 Effect of Placement on Speed of SMVs

Fig. 1 Effect of Placement on Speed of 2-Wheelers

Fig. 5 Effect of Placement on Speed of Heavy Vehicles

Fig. 2 Effect of Placement on Speed of Cars Fig. 6 Effect of Placement on Speed (All vehicles)

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Table 2 Equations and R2 Values of Different Vehicle Types

Vehicle Type 2-Wheelers Cars 3-Wheelers Heavy Vehicles Slow Moving Vehicles All

Equation* y = -0.00009x2 + 0.085x + 31.49 y = -0.0003x2 + 0.156x + 36.41 y = 0.045x + 37.07 y = 0.022x + 39.48 y = 0.011x +16.35 y = -0.0006x2 + 0.296x + 14.93

R2 0.925 0.640 0.612 0.842 0.769 0.936

Sample Size 1133 419 568 725 150 2995

* x indicates placement in cm; y indicates average speed of vehicle in km/h

For the validation of the model the lateral placement and speed data were collected separately at section of a two-lane road (SH-9 of West Bengal) and test sections were free from the effect of intersections, bus stops, parked vehicles, curvature and pedestrians. The predicted average speed values from the model at different lateral positions were compared with the average speed values observed from the field. It has been observed that the average speed of 2-wheelers

are on the higher side as compared to the predicted values from the model and this difference is maximum (+14%) when the 2-wheelers shift towards the centre line of the road. Similar trend was observed in case of cars also. But, in case of 3-wheelers the predicted (model) speed was higher than the field values. The speed from the model is compared with the observed speed in the field as tabulated in Table 3.

Table 3 Comparison of Speed and Placement Data

Placement from the Edge of the Pavement (cm) 2-wheeler Speed from the Model (km/h) 35.5 39.1 42.2 44.9 47.1 48.9 Speed % Speed from Error from Field the ObserModel vations (km/h) (km/h) 38.3 43.3 45.8 46.2 51.3 55.8 7.8 10.8 8.4 2.8 8.9 14.1 37.6 38.1 37.7 36.8 37.8 38.5 Cars Speed from Field Observations (km/h) 42.3 41.7 45.7 46.3 42.3 45.2 % Error Speed from the Model (km/h) 39.3 41.6 43.8 46.1 48.3 0.0 3-W Speed from Field Observations (km/h) 35.2 37.6 38.4 40.5 40.8 -% Error Speed from the Model (km/h) 39.7 39.7 39.7 39.5 --HV Speed from Field Observations (km/h) 43.6 43.5 41.5 40.5 --% Error

50 100 150 200 250 300

12.5 9.6 21.1 25.7 12.0 17.3

-10.5 -9.6 -12.3 -12.0 -15.5 --

9.9 9.4 4.6 2.4 ----


Data collected for placement and speed of vehicles at various sections of different two lane roads were analyzed in this paper. The analysis of these data across a lane under mixed traffic conditions indicates 52

that vehicular speed increases as the vehicle shifts towards the centre of the road. However, this trend is only followed for 3-wheelers, slow moving vehicles and heavy vehicles, In case of 2-wheelers and cars the vehicular speed initially increases up to a certain extent and then it starts decreasing. The reason for INDIAN HIGHWAYS, September 2013

TECHNICAL PAPERS this is as the vehicles shifts towards the centre of the road it is affected by the vehicles coming from opposite direction. This is not observed in the case of heavy vehicles as their motion is not disturbed by the presence of other vehicles. In case of 3-Wheelers and Slow Moving Vehicles the relationship was linearly increasing, it is obvious due to their lower average speed as they have a tendency to travel near the edge of the road. The analysis shows that, 3 wheelers, heavy vehicles and slow moving vehicles follow a linear relation, while 2-wheelers and cars follow a second degree polynomial relation. The vehicles as a whole followed a second degree polynomial relation. REFERENCES
1. Bhardwaj, S., Chadha, R., Jhingan, J.K., and Nanda, P. K. (1989). Position of outer wheel path on Indian highways-a case study. Highway Research Bulletin, No. 39, Indian Roads Congress, New Delhi, 79-92. Chandra, S. and Raj, Dev. (1999). Role of shoulders in traffic operations. Indian Highways, 27(11), Indian Roads Congress, New Delhi, 31-38. 8. 3. Dey, P.P., Chandra, S., and S., Gangopadhaya. (2006) Lateral distribution of mixed traffic on two-lane roads, Jr. of Transportation Engineering, ASCE, 132 (7), 597-600. Nagraj, B. N., George, K. J., and John, P. K. (1990). A study on linear and lateral placement of vehicles in mixed traffic environment through video-recording. Highway Research Bulletin, No. 42, Indian Roads Congress, New Delhi, 105-36. Reddy, K. S., and Pandey, B. B. (1995). Lateral placement of commercial vehicles on highways. Highway Research Bulletin, No. 53, Indian Roads Congress, New Delhi, 63-84. Summalo, H., and Merisalo, A. (1978). Measuring the lateral position of vehicles on the road-system and preliminary results. Traffic Engg. and Control, 19(7), 328-30. Taragin, A. (1955). Driver behaviour as affected by objects on highway shoulders. HRB Proceedings, Vol. 34, 453-72. Taragin, A. (1958). Driver behaviour as related to shoulder type and width on two-lane highways. HRB 170, Highway Research Board, Washington, D. C., 54-76. Taragin, A. and Eckhardt, H. G. (1953). Effect of shoulders on speed and lateral placement of motor vehicles. HRB Proceedings, Vol. 32, 371-82.







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SELEctiOn Of RS WaLLs Facia : A ViEw POint


India has undertaken large infrastructure up-gradation projects and Reinforced Soil Walls are being widely used for building high embankments due to various reasons such as limited right of way, to minimize land acquisition, poor founding soil conditions, economy considerations & ease of construction etc. The quantum of work has increased many folds and contractors have to choose from various available

alternates by evaluating economy, aesthetic, durability and speed of construction. The reinforced soil wall facia affects all the above factors and require special attention. Reinforcing element and the type of backfill also affects the economy but here the matter is limited to the type of facia and their merits and demerits. For ease of understanding and presentation tabular form has been adopted.

RS Walls Facia: Modular Blocks vis--vis Discrete Panels Sr. No. 1 Modular Blocks For modular blocks that are generally used as facing for RS Walls, there is no positive connection between the blocks and geogrid and the connection strength is mobilized from the friction between the geogrid and the blocks under the normal selfweight of the blocks stacked one above the other. Some block systems also use friction of granular fill between hollow block spaces. There are no mechanical connections to connect the facing with the soil reinforcing element. Discrete Panels Properly designed mechanical connection between the reinforcing element and the discrete panel facia exists. The connection of reinforcing element with facia panels is achieved by using loops/hooks and connectors, which provide full connection strength.

MD Earthcon Systems India Pvt. Ltd., E-mail:


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TECHNICAL PAPERS RS Walls Facia: Modular Blocks vis--vis Discrete Panels Sr. No. 2 Modular Blocks There is a limitation on the connection strength that can be achieved between the geogrid and the block by friction. This puts a limit on the maximum height of RS wall that can be constructed with modular blocks having a depth to height ratio of upto 1.5 (i.e. depth 300 mm and height 200 mm). Also, the block walls are constructed with a batter of 3 to 6. This reduces the effective normal load at block geogrid interface and thus further reduces the connections strength. Discrete Panels The connection can be designed for the desired level of force. Connection strength thus does not put a limit on the height of RS wall that can be constructed.

Blocks are manufactured by dry-cast process using a block making machine, wherein zero slump concrete is poured into the mould, compacted and ejected immediately. The locally available machines, which are either manual or semi-automatic, produce inadequate vibration and compaction. This results in inferior quality of blocks, which lack strength and durability on account of porosity.

Discrete panels are produced by pouring concrete into the steel moulds and compacting using needle/form vibrators. The concrete in the panels is vibrated and hence required strength and durability is achieved. M35 concrete strength is achieved easily.

Although most specifications call for M35 grade of facia concrete, in the opinion of the author not more than M20 concrete is achieved in these blocks.

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TECHNICAL PAPERS RS Walls Facia: Modular Blocks vis--vis Discrete Panels Sr. No. 4 Modular Blocks The dry concrete requires higher content of fines viz. cement, sand and 10 mm down aggregates in order to get smooth surface finish, which otherwise would be honeycombed. Also dry concrete has to be produced using handi mixers as this cannot be transported using Transit Mixers. This results in higher cost of concrete and higher cost of production. Discrete Panels The concrete can be produced and handled with existing facilities and at a lower cost. No separate arrangement like a handi mixer etc. is required. Also the cost of concrete and its production is as per standard norms. The panel finish is superior to those of blocks.

The work of concrete production, block casting, The labor requirement is minimal. A light crane de-moulding, shifting etc. is entirely manual. is required in addition to the existing facilities of Labor availability in the festival and harvesting batching plant and transit mixers. seasons affects the progress of work.

As mentioned above, block walls are constructed with batter ranging from 3 to 6. In case of a 10 m high wall, a block wall (with 6 batter) will require 2.1 m additional space beyond the carriageway (both sides put together).

Panel Walls can be constructed with zero batter (with steel strips and geo-strap/tie) or with maximum nominal batter of 1.5 (i.e. 1 in 40), thus minimal extra space is required beyond the carriageway width.


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TECHNICAL PAPERS RS Walls Facia: Modular Blocks vis--vis Discrete Panels Sr. No. 7 Modular Blocks Discrete Panels The size of the blocks in elevation is about This area can be easily achieved using only 70 200 mm x 450 mm giving a frontal area of moulds. 0.09 sqm. Even if the production of blocks is 2000 nos. per day (which is a large no. to cast and handle), one can achieve only 180 sqm of facia area per day.

Block machines maintenance is generally outsourced, resulting in higher breakdown time. Also, even if one machine, out of the inventory available at site, is down, the loss of production is high. For example, if there are three machines at a site and one is down, the production rate is down to 67%.

As far as panel moulds are concerned, with one damaged mould the effect on the progress is minimal. Also the mould maintenance can be done, one by one, without affecting the progress.

For casting & stacking of Segmental blocks about Space requirement for casting and stacking of 40 to 50% extra space is required as compared panels is generally 50% as compared to blocks. to the space required for casting and stacking of panels for a given output of wall area per month.


Only one type of block is cast. Hence planning of Because of the different types of panels (in terms casting and erection program is fairly simple and of panel sizes and spacing of fixtures embedded straight forward. in the panel) casting schedule has to be carefully planned as per approved drawings and the erection plan. It is required to place a 600 mm wide filter media The filter media is only 300 mm and the textile is behind the blocks, with a full layer of geotextile required only over panel joints in bands/ strips. sandwiched between filter media and RE fill. The cost of glue is additional. The cost of filter media and geotextile is higher. Also the process of placement of textile is time consuming.


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TECHNICAL PAPERS RS Walls Facia: Modular Blocks vis--vis Discrete Panels Sr. No. 12 Modular Blocks Discrete Panels

The blocks are unreinforced and hence save on the The concrete consumption for panels is about cost of reinforcement. The average depth is about 0.14 to 0.18 m3/m2. The consumption of steel 300 mm, but the concrete consumption is about reinforcement is about 4.0 to 5.0 kg/m2. 0.2 m3/m2. The remaining 0.1 m3/m2 is hollow space, which is filled with single size aggregates.


The speed of block placement in the walls is slow on account of small size and manual operations. This results in higher idling of the earthwork equipment, which is a big cost. The entire economy of block wall construction is lost in the erection process.

Due to large size of facia panels, erection speed of over 100 Sqm/day can be easily achieved with one erection gang comprising of 8 to 10 workers and one crane. Each panel is equivalent to about 25-36 nos. of blocks.


For wall heights more than 8 m, in order to satisfy the connection strength at the bottom of the wall, the spacing of the grids is reduced to 200 mm to 400 mm. The maximum spacing in any case is 600 mm. This results in frequent interruption to the earthwork resulting in higher idling of earthwork equipment.

Irrespective of the height (generally prevailing) a constant spacing of 0.8 m can be adopted. This result in uninterrupted fill of 800 mm (4 layers of 200 mm) before panel erection work restarts.


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TECHNICAL PAPERS RS Walls Facia: Modular Blocks vis--vis Discrete Panels Sr. No. 15 Modular Blocks Blocks are handled manually and crane is not required. Also any propping or any special T&P is not required. The blocks are prone to move due to vibration of the roller. Hence, the alignment of the wall is likely to get disturbed. For high walls, it becomes difficult to control the alignment of the walls at site. After construction, it becomes really difficult to accommodate precast crash barrier. Therefore, block walls are not suited for high approach walls. Discrete Panels A light crane/Hydra is required for handling the panels. Propping of first layer of panels is required. Clamps and wooden wedges required for erection. Panels have a tendency to rotate outwards during compaction depending on quality of fill, compaction equipment etc. Sufficient initial inward batter has to be provided, to compensate for the outward movement.


Slow speed of construction and highly labour Overall economic benefits due to high speed of intensive work can delay the project and thus construction are expected to be sizable for BOT affect the overall economics. projects, where even a days delay in completion matters. Due to small size of blocks, it is not possible to provide good architectural finishes (except using colour concrete) in the segmental block walls. It is not possible to provide organization logos on the segmental blocks. Due to large size of facia panels it is possible to provide very good architectural finishes to the facia panels. Logos of the organizations can be inscribed on the Facia panels.


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TECHNICAL PAPERS RS Walls Facia: Modular Blocks vis--vis Discrete Panels Sr. No. 18 Modular Blocks Discrete Panels The longitudinal facia flexibility is achieved using The longitudinal and transverse facia flexibility block cracking. This means, in case there is more is achieved using pre-defined panel joints with than acceptable differential ground settlement, it flexible packing/air gap. shall result in block cracking, which will give a false sense of failure to general public and client.


In the absence of flexible jointing material and The discrete panels allow differential settlements opening between adjacent modular blocks (like up to 1.0% (1 in 100), which is double the block those present in discrete panels), the longitudinal facia capacity. differential settlement capacity is usually restricted to below 0.5% (1 in 200). With traffic on the service roads adjacent to the RS walls, during an unfortunate accident it may happen that a vehicle may hit the wall. The plain concrete segmental blocks can get crushed and may even lead to collapse of other blocks that sit on top of each other. Also there is no available methodology to repair a block wall locally from outside. In case of panel walls some panels may get damaged, but due to positive connection between the facing and reinforcing elements, the possibility of panels falling off is ruled out. The damaged panels can be repaired with the available methods like soil nailing etc.


In fact, the code of practice written for block walls design and followed by many suppliers viz. NCMA is meant for landscaped walls only.


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TECHNICAL PAPERS RS Walls Facia: Modular Blocks vis--vis Discrete Panels Sr. No. 21 Modular Blocks For block walls, good quality granular fill is to be used to mitigate the consequences of potential differential settlement between the block facing and the reinforcement. This is on account of nil transverse flexibility. Discrete Panels In case of panel-facia walls, commonly available granular fill material can be used; however intermediate fills can also be used for some applications.


Under the seismic loading, the normal load shall further reduce resulting in corresponding reduction in the connection strength. Hence, as per FHWA-NHI-00-043 document, frictional type connections should NOT be used where seismic Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA) is > 0.19 g.

Thus block walls cannot be used for seismic zones IV (PGA 0.24 g) and V (PGA 0.36 g). Also it is advisable to extend the restriction to the regions in zone III (PGA 0.16 g) which are abutting zone IV and V. 23 Design philosophy is similar to those for panels except that some additional checks are required for connection strength at all grid layers. In brief, the normal load at all grid levels is calculated depending on the block dimensions, its weight and wall batter. The normal load at any given grid level dictates the maximum connection force allowed. The maximum design grid load has to be within this connection force with a given factor of safety. The mechanical connection is designed for all possible strengths of reinforcing elements used.

The method of evaluation of reinforcing element design force is dependent on the type of reinforcing element used. Two methods of analysis are used viz. Tie Back Wedge Method (for extensible reinforcements like geogrids, kactive used for earth pressure evaluation) and Coherent Gravity Method (for inextensible reinforcements like steel strips While evaluating grid design loads, the relief due and geo-straps viz. Paraweb and Kolotie etc., k0 to wall batter can be considered but that due to used for earth pressure evaluation). (angle of wall friction), as given in NCMA, It is unfortunate that some of the suppliers using should be ignored. It is worth mentioning here that geo-straps design their walls using tie back wedge the NCMA guidelines are meant for landscaped method i.e. active earth pressure is assumed to structures only, and their use for permanent act upon walls. This practice of under-designing highway structures is not justified. requires correction.

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TECHNICAL PAPERS Hybrid Block-Panel Facia In the recent times, the use of hybrid block-panel system has become popular because of the inherent economy. The size of the facing unit is in the range of 1400 mm (L) x 600 mm (H) x 210 mm (D) and is reinforced. The facia has no mechanical connectors for the grids. The grids are spaced at a constant spacing of 600 mm (equal to the height of the facia) and are attached to the facia using frictional and/or shear key connection. Laboratory tests have been conducted in some reputed academic institutions to establish the efficacy of the connection. However, the fundamental principal of unreinforced modular block wall behaviour under longitudinal differential settlements has been ignored. The facia has to tolerate longitudinal differential settlements [as mentioned above, restricted to below 0.5% (1 in 200) for unreinforced block walls], which is a must for the facia stability. Under the longitudinal differential settlements the unreinforced block can crack (being unreinforced) or articulate (because of their small dimensions), and hence are able to retain the connection strength. This behaviour is absent in the reinforced large sized block-panel. Under the longitudinal differential settlements the large sized reinforced block-panel cannot crack or articulate, and hence cannot retain the connection strength, required for facia stability. This is also more prone to damage under a seismic activity. COncLUsiOns Both the type of facia viz. large panel and modular blocks are technically correct and have been adopted successfully. However the construction practices prevailing in India at present renders the modular block type of facia less acceptable. Unless the quality issues are addressed w.r.t. to production of modular block facia, this type of facia may remain a second choice. Use of block walls under seismic zones IV and V should be avoided. The concept of hybrid blockpanel should be discouraged. Design of Geo-straps systems should be performed using Coherent Gravity method only. There is therefore need of proper guidelines in this matter and if it is not possible immediately, intermediate guidelines in terms of dos and Donts are required.


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Soil stabilisation is a process to treat a soil to maintain, alter or improve the performance of the soil as a construction material and very important to minimise the cost of earth work in case of unavailability of good earth at nearby source. The use of Stabilising agent, for sub-grade with weak soil, improves strength parameter such as cohesion and improvement in cohesion leads to strengthening of embankment. This will ultimately lower down the road construction cost. In this research fly-ash and cement are used as stabilizing agents with the sandy soil to improve strength properties and also to increase binding properties to prevent settlement of sub-grade and rain cut of road shoulders. Improved strength of soil provides stability to road embankment against soil erosion and settlement during rainy seasons. The present paper describes outcome of experimental investigation of effect stabilising agents such as fly-ash and cement used with non-cohesive soil. The effects of stabilizing agent on soil characteristics and strength parameters are measured using tests like Sieve analysis, Liquid limit test, Plastic limit test, Plate Bearing Test, Dynamic cone penetrometer test, unconfined compressive strength and CBR test. Using results of investigation, correlations are derived from multi variable linear regression between simple, rapid and economical Dynamic cone penetrometer test with CBR, UCS & K-value for various proportion of cement and Fly-ash mixed with sandy soil. Use of these correlations will prove cost-effective and reduce considerable time.

saturated embankments, the durability of the roads or runways depends to a large extent on shear strength characteristics of sub-grade material. Sub-grade soils are essential component of pavement structures and their poor performance is the cause of many premature pavement failures. Road engineers have long been recognized long term benefits of increase in strength of pavement sub-grade soil by mixing in a cementitious binder during reconstruction. The addition of such stabilizing agent improves strength and resists softening action due to water intrusion. To stabilize the soil, cement and fly ash were used in different proportion. Fly ash is a bigger dump in India, which can be reduce only by reusing in road sub-grade in present infrastructure boom. It is very difficult to find earth resources for road works, therefore use of fly-ash reduce the demands of earth and also reduce the cost of road. To perform an effective and reliable pavement design, an accurate and representative material characterization technique is essential. Such technique would be more acceptable if it is simple, rapid and economical. The evaluation of sub-grade strength is an important for the road pavement during design, execution and performance stages. Hence here an attempt was made to stabilize the sub-grade soil by adding flyash and cement in various proportions. For these mixes, soil characteristics and strength parameters were evaluated and those were correlated with each other. The use of CBR or K-Value is mandatory for flexible or rigid pavement design respectively. To estimate the CBR, UCS or K-value for the various proportion of stabilizing agents and soil demands significant effort


There is a need for highly stable and high strength sub-grade to take care of present traffic. The soil can be stabilized in situ, in case of unavailability of suitable soil for sub-grade. For example sub-grade of sandy non-cohesive soil, soil can easily slide or flow out from sub-grade. This soil settles in water merging with road and forms rain cut to the shoulder. There are possibilities of erosion, settlement collapse, sliding of

* **

Research Scholar, Ganpat University, Mehsana, Gujarat Associate Professor Department of Applied Mechanics, L. D. College of Engineering Ahmedabad, Gujarat

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TECHNICAL PAPERS and time. But use of Dynamic cone penetrometer is faster and easier way to estimate the strength parameters. In view of present pavement design procedures, it reflects that there is a need of performing direct monitoring of stiffness of stabilized subgrade, which is used for design, during construction and operation period. This job demands rapid & easy way to check stabilized subgrade strength parameters. This can be possible by using correlation between results of DCP with other test results like PBT, UCS and CBR. 2 SCOPE OF WORK reflect on conducting an experimental investigation on effect on strength parameters by adding stabilising agents like cement and fly ash in subgrade soil. For the purpose, sandy soil of near Dantiwada, Banaskantha, North Gujarat were collected to performed various necessary tests. The CBR, PBT, UCS & DCP tests were conducted on natural soil & stabilized soil by adding cement (1 to 5% in increment of 1%) & Fly ash (10 to 50% in increment of 10%). Maximum dry density and Optimum moisture content were obtained for each proportion by Modified Compaction test procedure. CBR, PBT, UCS & DCP tests were conducted at M.D.D. and O.M.C. three tests were conducted for each trial. 3 METHODOLOGY ADOPTED 3.1 Collection of Sample and Gradation

Soil of North Gujarat region, due to non-cohesive, low plasticity and good seepage properties, water enters in sub grade soil of road easily and soil get settled, hence there is rise of rain cut at the shoulder. Also settlement collapse and erosion will occur in the embankment soil. As stated in introduction, to prevent settlement collapse and rain cut, stabilization of soil by cement and fly-ash is cost-effective option for improvement of strength parameters. Present study
Material Proportion S:C:F Gravel Soil Fly Ash 100 100 0 0 Coarse 0 0 Grain Size analysis (%) Sand Medium 19 0

Silty sand were collected at location near Dantiwada, Banaskantha District, Gujarat the index properties of the silty sand were determined as shown in Table-1 and Grain Size analysis was as per Fig.1.
Atterbergs Limit (%) Silt/Clay Fine 48 18 33 82 Liquid Limit 26 -Plastic Limit 21 NP Plasticity Index 5 NP Specific Gravity

Table 1 Physical Properties of Soil and Fly Ash

2.65 2.07

Chemical and Physical Analysis of Stabilizing Agent 53 grade O.P.C cement & flyash were used to stabilize the soil. The properties cement & flyash used are as shown in Table-2 and Table 3.
Table 2 Chemical Analysis of 53 Grade O.P.C. Cement
S.No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Chemical Constituents CaO SiO2 Al2O3 Fe2O3 MgO Alkalies (K2O,Na2O) SO3 64 22 4.5 3.5 1.4 0.7 2.4 Percentage


Fig. 1 Grain Size Analysis of Soil


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Table 3 Chemical Analysis of Fly Ash

4 EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION 4.1 Plate Bearing Test (PBT) The investigation was carried out on prototype test cylindrical mould of 490 mm diameter and 490 mm height made of 10 mm thick steel plate. The mould is stiffened by 12 mm thick and 40 mm wide steel ring at bottom and top. The photograph of mould and Reaction frame are shown in Fig. 2A.

Sr. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Chemical Constituents Silica as SiO2 Alumina as Al2O3 Oxide of iron as Fe2O3 Titanium Oxide as TiO2 Lime as CaO Magnesia as MgO Potash as K2O Soda as Na2O Sulphate as SO3 Phosphate as P2O3 Loss on Ignition Others

Percentage 69.50 9.10 1.60 NIL 0.30 0.15 0.005 0.025 0.0605 0.0002 2.80 0.012

3.3 Laboratory Investigation of Trial Samples

Fig. 2A The Photograph of Mould and Reaction Frame

It was planned to perform the Plate Bearing Test (PBT), California Bearing Ratio (CBR) test, Unconfined Compressive Strength (UCS) & Dynamic Cone Penetration (DCP) Test for 4 day soaked remolded soil samples prepared at M.D.D. and O.M.C. using modified proctor test procedure. The tests were performed for following proportion. a) b) c) d) Only Soil Soil + Cement (1,2,3., 5 percent) Soil + Flyash (10,20,30.50 percent) and Soil + Cement (1,2,3., 5 percent) + flyash (10,20,30, ., 50 percent).

For soaking of the sample, 6 mm diameter holes were drilled at uniform spacing at the bottom of mould. During soaking top soil surface was closed by perforated steel plate, which is properly clamped with mould to prevent swelling or particles displacement of soil. It was placed in steel water tank of larger size by means of crane so that sample in mould got saturated during soaking are as shown in Fig.2B.


Results Analysis

Results obtained from Experimental Investigation are used to evaluate strength parameter of subgrade from stabilizing agent proportion and DCP by multiple variable Regression which is faster and easier determination strength parameters.

Fig. 2B Mould with Saturation Tank

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TECHNICAL PAPERS The diameter of the test mould for the sample satisfies the recommendation for the experimental set up and the test procedure as per the Indian standard, that is the per the Indian standard, that is the diameter of the loading plate should be Approximately one fifth of the diameter of the sample specimen mould in order to overcome the effect due to the confining of the boundary. PBT were conducted on samples prepared in the test mould. Weight of sample required to fill the mould of an inner diameter of 490 mm and a sample depth of 400 mm was determined. Total soil was filled in five equal layers by static efforts using compression testing machine specially developed as shown in Fig. 3. minute. This procedure was continued up to the total settlement became 1.75 mm or more three tests were performed and average of three results are presented in Table-2 Similar tests were performed for the each proportion at M.D.D and soaked condition. The K-Value was obtained from PBT and results are presented in the Table 4. 4.2 Dynamic Cone Penetrometer (DCP)

DCP test were performed using cylindrical mould at the same densities and moisture content in soaked condition as were done in the case of test using PBT. Fig. 4 shows test set up for DCP specially developed with digital facilities for blows count and penetration measurement and also mechanical arrangement for hammer falling.

Fig. 4 Digital Dynamic Cone Penetrometer

Fig. 3 Compression Testing Machine for Static Compression of Sample in Mould

The load was applied on the circular plate of diameter 10.5 cm and thickness of 15 mm by manually operated jack. The load is applied without impact, fluctuation or eccentricity. Initially a seating load of 0.007 MPa was applied and released before the actual test was started. The loads were applied in convenient increment and measured by proving ring of capacity 50 kN and more as needed and settlement of Plate for each increment were measured by two nos. of dial gauge (0.01 mm accuracy) placed at diametrically opposite ends of the plate. The settlements were measured until the rate of settlement becomes less than 0.025 mm per

In DCP test the 8 kg hammer was dropped through the height of 575 mm on the anvil. Hammer was dropped by mechanical pulling arrangement. The anvil was connected with rod attached by 60 degree cone of 20 mm diameter. This was kept on the top of the soil surface. In the DCP test, observation was made of number of blows corresponding to penetration of cone through digital display. The penetration test using DCP was performed up to 300 mm depth, The penetration resistance was obtained that was the ratio of the total penetration to the corresponding number of blows. Similar tests were performed for the each at M.D.D and O.M.C. for each proportion in soaked condition. The results of the test were observed and are noted in the Table 4. 4.3 California Bearing Ratio Test (CBR)

CBR test were performed on soaked soil samples as per the test procedure stipulated in Indian standard. In the CBR test, load and penetration reading of 50 mm


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TECHNICAL PAPERS plunger were observed at a rate of 1.25 mm/minute, the load for 2.5 mm and 5 mm were observed, the load was expressed as a percentage of standard load value at a respective deformation level. CBR test were
Trial No. Soil % T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 T8 T9 T10 T11 T12 T13 T14 T15 T16 T17 T18 T19 T20 T21 T22 T23 T24 T25 T26 T27 T28 T29 T30 T31 T32 T33 T34 T35 T36 100 99 98 97 96 95 90 80 70 60 50 89 88 87 86 85 79 78 77 76 75 70 69 68 67 66 65 59 58 57 56 55 48 47 46 45 Cement % 0 1 2 3 4 5 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 Fly Ash % 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 10 10 10 10 10 20 20 20 20 20 30 30 30 30 30 40 40 40 40 40 50 50 50 50 50 M.D.D. kN/m3 21.6 21.7 22.1 22.3 22.4 22.5 20.1 19.9 19.5 18.8 17.9 21.0 21.2 21.4 21.5 21.6 20.2 20.4 20.5 20.7 20.8 19.9 20.1 20.2 20.3 20.4 19.7 19.9 20.0 20.2 20.3 19.3 19.5 19.7 19.8 20.0

conducted at the same densities and moisture contents for soaked sample as were performed using PBT and DCP Test results of CBR are tabulated in Table 4

Table 4 Test Results

O.M.C % 7.20 7.40 7.50 7.70 7.90 8.00 7.60 7.90 8.50 9.50 10.10 7.80 8.00 8.20 8.40 8.50 8.00 8.50 8.60 8.77 8.90 8.90 9.30 9.80 10.00 10.20 9.60 9.90 10.30 10.40 110.60 10.50 10.80 10.90 11.00 11.20 CBR % 38 95 138 158 172 179 40 42 54 50 30 44 86 98 125 132 46 56 75 87 90 69 75 89 95 102 65 72 83 113 119 34 40 43 50 63 K-Value from PBT N/mm2/mm 1.24 2.28 2.95 3.55 3.76 3.94 1.26 1.29 1.50 1.42 1.09 1.36 2.07 2.32 2.77 2.85 1.35 1.62 1.86 2.15 2.17 1.78 1.88 2.13 2.32 2.35 1.75 1.82 1.96 2.62 2.65 1.14 1.28 1.38 1.45 1.70 UCS N/mm2 0.372 0.889 1.580 1.900 2.180 2.340 0.375 0.382 0.505 0.500 0.290 0.421 0.725 0.898 1.260 1.420 0.435 0.515 0.693 0.819 0.835 0.663 0.693 0.835 0.892 0.950 0.625 0.665 0.735 1.100 1.170 0.328 0.375 0.425 0.461 0.568 DCP mm/blow 1.320 0.600 0.150 0.090 0.070 0.040 1.280 1.270 0.960 1.060 1.570 1.200 0.650 0.530 0.250 0.190 1.200 0.980 0.770 0.680 0.600 0.830 0.760 0.600 0.600 0.520 0.880 0.830 0.700 0.400 0.380 1.380 1.280 1.220 1.060 0.870

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TECHNICAL PAPERS 4.4 Unconfined Compressive Strength (UCS) 5.2 Prediction of UCS From DCP For Soil Stabilized With Cement And Fly Ash A relation between UCS and penetration index determined from DCP results for Soil stabilized with fly ash and cement is expressed by Equation No. 2. UCS = -2.22621037410-3 Cement 3.89445874310-3 Fly Ash - 1.047421746 DCP + 1.739202047 ... 2

The maximum load that can be transmitted to the sub soil depends upon the resistance of the underlying soil. This ismeasure of the resistance of the soil by compressibility or shearing deformation, so it is prime important to find compression. Unconfined compression test is the load required per unit area to fail the unconfined soil specimen by application of compressive pressure. UCS test were conducted at the same densities and moisture contents as were performed using PBT, CBR and DCP 5 DEVELOPMENT OF MULTIVARIABLE LINEAR REGRESSION USING EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS

A plot between actual and predicted value UCS values is shown in Fig. 6.

5.1 Prediction of CBR From DCP For Soil Stabilized With Cement And Fly Ash A relation between CBR and penetration index determined from DCP results, for Soil stabilized with cement and fly ash and is expressed by Equation No. 1. Cement CBR = 5.01261389910-1 0.193729457 Fly Ash - 87.7742487 DCP + 153.1592742 ... 1
Fig. 6 Predicted and Actual UCS

A plot between actual and predicted value CBR values is shown in Fig. 5.

5.3 Prediction of KPBT From DCP For Soil Stabilized With Cement And Fly Ash A relation between KPBT and penetration index determined from DCP results for Soil stabilized with fly ash and cement is expressed by Equation No. 3. = 1.68774027610-2 Cement KPBT -3 4.39734329410 Fly Ash - 1.569462216 DCP + 3.306461346 ... 3

A plot between actual and predicted value KPBT values is shown in Fig. 7.
Fig. 5 Predicted and Actual CBR


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TECHNICAL PAPERS results of various tests like PBT, CBR and UCS with DCP of soil. The correlations developed are very useful rapid estimation of strength parameters of nonplasticsilty sand simply by conducting Dynamic Cone Penetrometer test (DCP) at site. Based on experimental results the following conclusions are drawn. 1. The values of California Bearing Ratio (CBR), Unconfined Compressive Strength (UCS) and Modulus of subgrade reaction (KPBT) increase with increase in cement content in soil. The values of California Bearing Ratio (CBR), Unconfined Compressive Strength (UCS) and Modulus of subgrade reaction (KPBT) increase with increase in fly ash content maximum up to 30 % in soil then after values decrease with addition of fly ash. The values of California Bearing Ratio (CBR), Unconfined Compressive Strength (UCS) and Modulus of subgrade reaction (KPBT) increase with addition of fly ash and cement content in soil varied for fly ash content 10 to 50 % and cement content 1 to 5 %. Results show that increase in Shear parameters can help directly to lay bituminous layer on stabilized subgrade. This solution will economize the Pavement construction. Selection of optimal content of stabilizing agent is to determine the utility of the stabilized product and the target level of strength required on the utility of product. The purpose of using stabilizing agent in soil be divided in two categories (1) to achieve maximum strength for the mix or (2) to target level of strength. Based on project requirement by using above correlations between various strength parameters, design engineer can judge the appropriate proportion of the stabilizing agent. A graph is plotted between actual and predicted results obtained from multiple variable regression analysis to get an idea about feasibility of correlations. 69

Fig. 7 Predicted and Actual KPBT

5.4 Prediction of Maximum Dry Density From DCP For Soil Stabilized With Cement and Fly Ash A relation between M.D.D. and penetration index determined from DCP results for Soil stabilized with fly ash and cement is expressed by Equation No. 4. M.D.D. = 1.72772790110-1 Cement -2 - 4.68690053810 Fly Ash - 0.378485616 DCP + 21.51508609 ... 4 3.

A plot between actual and predicted value M.D.D. values is shown in Fig. 8.


Fig. 8 Predicted and Actual MDD



The above experimental analysis was carried out to develop the multiple variable co relations between

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TECHNICAL PAPERS 6. These multiple variable correlations are helpful for consultants/engineers in quick determination of CBR, K-Value, UCS in non-plastic silty sand stabilized with varying proportion of fly ash and Cement. Non-plastic silty sand stabilized with fly-Ash/ cement will prevent settlement of subgrade, collapse of embankment and erosion of shoulders. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
13. 7. IS:2720 (Part-3, Section-1)-1980, Methods of Test For Soils : Part-3 Determination of Specific Gravity, Section 1 Fine Grained Soils. IS:1498 -1970, Classification and Identification of Soils for General Engineering Purposes. IS: 1888-1982, Method of Load Test on Soils IS:2720 (Part-4)-1985, Methods of Test for Soils: Part -4 Grain Size Analysis IS : 2720 (Part-16) -1983, Indian Standard Method of Test for Soils, Laboratory Determination of CBR. IS : 2720 (Part-5)-1985, Method of test for Soils : Part-5 Determination of Liquid and Plastic Limit. IS:2720 (Part-8), Method of test of Soils : Part -8 Determination of Water Content-Dry Density Relation using Heavy Compaction. IS : 9214- 1974, Method of Determination of Modules of Subgrade Reaction ( K-Value) of Soils in Field. Jeffrey E., Harrick., and Tim L. Jones., (2002). A dynamic Cone Penetrometer for Measuring Penetration Resistance. Kleyn, E.G., (1975) , The Use of the Dynamic Cone Penetrometer (DCP), Rep. No.-2/74. Transval Roads Department, South Africa. Kleyn, E.G., and Savage, P.E.(1982). The Application of the Pavement DCP to Determine the Bearing Properties and Performance of the Road Pavements, International Symposium on Bearing Capacity of Roads and Airfields, Trodheim, Norway. Livneh, J., Ishai, I., and Livneh, N.A. (1992). Automated DCP Device Versus Manual DCP Device, Rd. And Transport Res. Vol. 1, No.4. Livneh, M. (1987). Validation of Correlation between a Number of Penetration Test and In situ California Bearing Ratio Tests, Transp. Res. Rec. 1219. Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., pp. 56-67. Livneh, M. (200). Friction Correction Equation for the Dynamic Cone Pentrometer in Subsoil Strength Testing Paper Presented at the 79th Transporation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C. Livneh, M., and Ishai, I. (1988). The Relationship Between In situ CBR Test and the Various Penetration Tests. Proc.First Int. Conf. On Penetration Testing, Orlando, Fl, pp.445-452. Livneh, M., and Livneh, N.A. (1994). Subgrade Strength Evaluation with the Extended Dynamic Cone Penetrometer, Proc. 7th Int. IAEG Congress.

8. 9. 10. 11. 12.


We are deeply indebted to Mr. V.D. Patel (IRC Council Member, Superintending Engineer (R&B Dept., Govt. of Gujarat) and Present Superintending Engineer (Q.C.), GIDC, Govt. of Gujarat, whose help, stimulating suggestions, knowledge, experience and encouragement helped us in all the times of study and analysis of the project in the pre and post research period. REFERENCES
1. Burnham, T. R. (1997), Application of Dynamic Cone Penetrometer to Minnesota Department of Transportation Pavement Assessment Procedures, Report No. MN/RC97/19, Minnesota Department of Transportation, St. Paul, MN. D.Jones., & J.Harvey., (2005). Final Report for California Department of Transporation., Relationship between DCP, Stiffness, Shear Strength and R-Value. DeMello, V. (1971). The Standard Penetration Test A State-of-the-Art Report, Fourth Pan-American Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, Vol. 1, pp. 1-86. George, K. P., and Uddin, W, (2000), Subgrade Characterization for Highway Pavement Design, Final Report, Mississippi Department of Transportation Jackson, MS. Harison, J.R. (1983). Correlation between CBR and DCP strength Measurements of Soils, Proc. Instn. of Civ. Engrs. London, Part-2. Harison, J.R. (1987). Correlation between California Bearing Ratio and Dynamic Cone Penetrometer Strength Measurement of Soils, Proc. Instn of Civ. Engrs., London, Part-2, pp. 83-87.

14. 15.














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23. Livneh, M., Ishai, I., and Livneh, N.A. (1995). Effect of Vertical Confinement on Dynamic Cone Penetrometer Strength Values in Pavement and Subgrade Evaluation, Transp. Res. RC. 1473, pp. 1-9. McElvaney, J., and Djatnika, I.(1991). Strength Evaluation of Lime-Stabilized Pavement Foundation Using the Dynamic Cone Pentrometer, Australian Rd. Res., Volume 21, No. 1, pp. 40-52. Mohammadi., S.D., & Nikoudel, M.R., The Use of Dynamic Cone Penetrometer (DCP), To Determine Some useful Relationships fro Sandy and Clayey Soils. Puppala A. J., Acar, Y.B., and Tumay, M.T.(1995). Cone Penetration in very Weakly Cemented Sand, J.Of Geotechnical Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 121, No.8, pp.589-600. Rodrigo Salgadi., Sungmin Yoon., (2003). Final Report on Dynamic Cone Penetration Test (DCPT) for Subgrade assessment. Dallas N.Little,Syamnair,(2009) Recommended practice for stabilization of Subgrade soils and Base materials Texas Transport Institute, Texas A & M University, College Station, Texas. The Dept. of Army, Navy & Airforce, USA, (October1994), Soil Stabilisation for the pavaments, IS-4332 (Part-1) 1967-Method of sampling Preparation of stabilized soils for testing. & 40. 32. American Concrete Institute State-of-the Art Report on soil Cement ACI 230.1R-90ACI Materials Journal Vol-87 No. 4 (1990) pp. 23. American Coal Ash Association "Soil Stabilization and payment Recycling with self Cementing coal Fly Ash American Coal Ash Association Education Foundation Colorado (2008). United Facilities Criteria(3-250-11)Soil Stabilization for Payment TM-5-822-14/AFJMAN 32/1019(2004). Texas Department of Transportation Guidelines for Modification and Stabilization of Soil and Base for Use in Payment Structure. Joel H. Beeghly-Recent Experiences with Lime-Fly Ash Stabilization of Payment Subgrade Soil, Base and Recycled Asphalt. A.U. Ravi Shankar & P. Srinivas Reddy (2004 ) -Study on Load-Settlement Charaacteristics of Clayey Soil Stabilised Using Lime and Pond Ash Manish Pal, Kaberi Majumdar, Manik Barman & Dipankar Sarkar (2010 ) Study of Strength, CBR, Resistivity and Conductivity of Soil Uute Mixture Lt. Gen. Mathew Mammen, V.K. Manglik & Lt. Col. Yogender Singh (2005) Evaluation of Flexible Pavement by Nondestructive Testing. A.U. Ravi Shankar, S.N. Suresha & M.V.S. Phanikumar Strength Behavior of Shedi Soil-Lime-Pond Ash Mixes an Experimental Study.




34. 35.







29. 30. 31.


IS-4332 (Part-5) 1970-Determination of Un confined Compressive Strength of Stabilised soil.

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California Bearing Ratio (CBR) test is a measurement of resistance to penetration for evaluating the strength of material used in the subgrade, subbase and base layers. In this present investigation CBR of granular subbase materials (GSB) were tested for pavement evaluation during construction at Bagjola Bridge approaches near Rajarhat, New Town under Housing Directorate, Government of West Bengal. In this study laboratory CBR was performed on Jhama metal and Stone aggregate material collected from Salt lake and Airport end sites respectively. Besides, field CBR test as per IS:2720 (Part-31) & dynamic cone penetration test were performed on same material bed at both ends. In this paper comparison between CBR values i.e., field and laboratory under different conditions including density and moisture content were investigated.

CBR value is highly dependent on the condition e.g. moisture, density etc. of the material at the time of testing. After construction, field CBR determination is necessary for comparing the in-situ strength vis--vis similar laboratory tests. 2 OBJECTIVE AND SCOPE OF STUDY This study is conducted in two phases. In the first phase, difference between in-situ DCP and field insitu CBR (IS:2720, Part 31) test are done for both type of GSB material like jhama metal and stone aggregate respectively. The second phase consists of a series of laboratory CBR tests under different conditions and the scope of the study includes the following : 1. To study the CBR values at various field conditions with field dry densities for jhama metal at Salt lake end and stone aggregate towards Airport end. Secondly to determine the relationships between unsoaked versus four days soaked laboratory CBR at different conditions for jhama metal and stone aggregate. To investigate the variation of laboratory CBR values between 100% MDD and 98% MDD.


Accurate quality control tools are required for monitoring construction and maintenance of good quality roads. For meeting the structural requirement of granular subbase it is required to possess specified minimum value of CBR according to MORT&H. The granular subbase (GSB) layers are used under flexible pavement to provide a stress-transmitting medium to spread the surface wheel load in a uniform manner so as to prevent the shear failure and control deformations. It also acts as a drainage medium and helps prevent waterlogging. CBR test was conducted in the laboratory on both remoulded and undisturbed GSB specimens with soaked, unsoaked and in-situ condition in the field. At the time of pavement design, CBR is tested in the laboratory for the soil brought from the field. Design of pavement is done on the basis of worst condition. The various methods for determination of in-situ CBR are quite labourious and time consuming compared to laboratory CBR. The



3 LOCATION DETAIL Project sites are on both sides of approaches to Bagjola bridge and are situated in the north eastern fringe of Kolkata. Airport end is located at the northern side and Saltlake end is on the eastern side of Ultadanga junction. DCP, field CBR, field compaction, field moisture content tests were carried out at five locations on jhama metal layer at Salt Lake end and stone aggregate layer at Airport end on staggered basis.

* **

Associate Professor, E-mail: Research Scholar, E-mail:

Department of Construction Engineering, Jadavpur University (2nd Campus), Kolkata


INDIAN HIGHWAYS, September 2013

TECHNICAL PAPERS 4 MATERIALS AND METHODS 4.1 Materials In case of Airport end GSB material of upper layer consisted of 150 mm thick with (65-43) mm size stone aggregate. The lower GSB layer comprised of 100 mm thick stone dust. Simultaneously for Salt Lake end upper GSB material chosen was 150 mm thick jhama metal. A 100 mm thick brick bats layer underlay the jhama layer, which is called lower GSB. As the tests were carried out on upper GSB layer for both sides of bridge approaches, jhama and stone aggregate samples were collected for laboratory testing from same locations where the field tests had been done. The different component layers provided for Salt Lake end & Airport end are tabulated in Table 1 and typical pavement cross sections of two ends are shown in Fig. 1(a) & Fig. 1(b) .

Table 1 Component Layers from Base Course Towards Bottom at Salt Lake & Airport End

Sl. No. Portion of the Bridge Approach 1 Salt Lake End

Component Layers from Base course towards bottom 4 m high compacted sand (including embankment) + 100 mm thick Brick bats consolidation + 150 mm thick jhama metal + Two Layers WMM of each 125 mm thick. 4 m high compacted sand (including embankment) + 100 mm thick stone dust + 150 mm thick stone aggregate + Two Layers WMM of each 125 mm thick.

Airport End

Fig.1 (a) Typical Pavement Cross Section Towards Salt Lake End

Fig.1 (b) Typical Pavement Cross Section Towards Airport End

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TECHNICAL PAPERS 4.2 Test Procedure for DCP and Field CBR was lowered, it passed through the hole of the annular weight. Entire setup is shown Fig.2b & Photo 2.

Five test locations each for jhama metal bed of Salt lake end and stone aggregate bed of Airport end, were selected on staggered basis. Locations for DCP and Field CBR test for same chainage were very close. DCP tests were carried out as per ASTM D6951-031. The apparatus and testing procedures are shown in Fig. 2a & Photo 1.

Photo 1 Conducting Dynamic Cone Penetrometer (DCP) Test in Progress

Fig. 2a Schematic of DCP Device Source : ASTM D 6951-03

Field CBR tests were carried out as per IS:2720-Part 31, 19902. For Field CBR testing the surface area of selected spot for both sides of the bridge approaches were exposed and properly levelled. Total surcharge weight was equal to weight of base material and pavement layer courses. Truck was used and loaded suitably to give the necessary reaction. The surcharge annular weight was kept in position on the surface to be tested, so that when the piston 74

Fig. 2b Field CBR Apparatus Source IS:2720 (Part 31)

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TECHNICAL PAPERS the degree of compaction. According to MORT&H (4th revision), clause 401.3 field density of compacted layer must be 98% of the maximum laboratory dry density and four days soaked laboratory CBR at field moisture content and field density should be ensured to minimum 30%. Therefore field CBR values by Dynamic cone penetrometer & IS 2720 (Part 31) 1990 methods should also be satisfied to minimum 30%. 4.5 Laboratory Testing Proctor compaction test, particle size distribution, disturbed and undisturbed CBR tests were carried out at four days soaked and unsoaked condition in laboratory, Salt Lake. The disturbed CBR values were obtained in laboratory by testing remoulded samples at i)100% maximum dry density & optimum moisture content, ii) field dry density & field moisture content, iii) 98% maximum dry density and optimum moisture content in accordance with IS 2720 (Part-16)6, 1979. Undisturbed samples were collected by cutter at field moisture condition for jhama metal. For stone aggregates at Airport end undisturbed samples could not be collected due to coarseness of material. This undisturbed CBR values in the laboratory were correlated with those of field CBR. Modified proctor compaction tests (as per IS2720 (Part-8) 19837 were carried out for samples collected from both the end to find out the relationship between the dry density and the moisture content. As per AASHTO designation: T 193-938 Clause 1.2 and AASHTO designation : T 180 -939 (Method C, Clause 7, Note-8) ,when materials having maximum particle size greater than 3/4 inch (19 mm) are to be tested, this test method provides for modifying the gradation of the material so that the material used for tests passes the 3/4 inch (19 mm) sieve while the total gravel (No 4 to 3 inch) fraction remains the same. This rule was followed for preparation of samples for Modified Proctor density and remoulded CBR at laboratory. 5 REsULts and DiscUssiOn

Photo 2 Conducting Field CBR Test in Progress


Field Moisture & Field Compaction

After completion of the Field CBR test, samples were collected from near the test locations within 15cm of the test point of both sides of the bridge approaches for moisture content determination in accordance with IS 2720 (Part-2) 19733. Field compaction (in-situ density) was checked by Sand Replacement method in accordance with IS 2720 (Part 28) 19744. 4.4 Compaction construction control at the time of

GSB material was spread, graded maintaining line and levels and mixed with water near to optimum moisture content and properly compacted. As per MORT&H5 specification maximum thickness upto 225 mm to be compacted in single layer by vibratory roller. Therefore for both sides 150 mm thick jhama metal & stone aggregate layers were compacted by vibratory roller in single layer. Every 500 m2 of finished area of GSB, six density determinations were carried out for getting representative mean value for assessing INDIAN HIGHWAYS, September 2013

Typical graphical representation of DCP results for a particular location C-S-1 (3rd Kerb Panel + 22.5 mt, RHS) of jhama metal is shown in Fig. 3. 75

TECHNICAL PAPERS From Table 3 & 4, it is observed that field compaction achieves from 98.30 to 99.88 percent for jhama metal and 98.50 to 99.81percent for stone aggregate.
Table 3 Comparison of Field Density & Field Moisture Content with Laboratory Maximum Dry Density & Optimum Moisture Content (IS:2720-Part-8) for Jhama Metal at Salt Lake End Chainage C-S-1 C-S-2 C-S-3 C-S-4 C-S-5 FDD (gm/cc) 1.628 1.623 1.641 1.634 1.615 FMC (%) 10.00 11.00 9.00 10.00 12.00 MDD & OMC MDD =1.643 gm/cc & OMC =18.30% Compaction Obtained (%) 99.09 98.78 99.88 99.45 98.30

Fig.3 Number of Blow vs Incremental Penetration (mm) for a Particular Chainage (C-S-1) for Jhama Metal of DCP Test

CBR is calculated using the equation: log CBR = 2.48-1.057*log (DCP)

Table 4 Comparison of Field Density & Field Moisture Content with Laboratory Maximum Dry Density & Optimum Moisture Content (IS:2720-Part-8) for Stone Aggregate at Airport End Chainage C-A-1 C-A-2 C-A-3 C-A-4 C-A-5 FDD (gm/cc) 2.114 2.098 2.117 2.126 2.121 FMC (%) 6.00 7.00 5.00 4.00 5.00 MDD & OMC MDD = 2.13 gm/cc & OMC =8.32% Compaction Obtained (%) 99.25 98.50 99.39 99.81 99.58

From Table 2 it is observed that CBR values at 100% MDD are 1.13 and 1.06 times higher than CBR at 98% MDD for unsoaked and four days soaked jhama metal samples respectively. Table 2 also indicates that CBR values at 100% MDD are 1.13 and 1.17 times higher than CBR at 98% MDD for unsoaked and four days soaked stone aggregate samples respectively. The reason for variation is due to change in degree of compaction.
Table 2 Laboratory Remoulded CBR at 100% MDD & OMC and 98% MDD & OMC for Jhama Metal and Stone Aggregate Degree of Compaction Unsoked CBR (%) Jhama Metal 43 38 Stone Aggre gate 71 63 4 Days soaked CBR(%) Jhama Metal 35 33 Stone Aggre gate 61 52

Moisture density relations for jhama metal and stone aggregate are shown in Fig.4 & 5 respectively.

100% MDD & OMC 98% MDD & OMC

Fig. 4 Moisture Density Relation For Jhama Metal at Salt Lake End


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Fig.6 Sieve Analysis For Jhama Metal & Stone Aggregate Fig. 5 Moisture Density Relation For Stone Aggregate at Airport End

Table 5 indicates sieve analysis results for both type of materials at each end. From Fig.6, it is observed that particle size distribution curves satisfy within the limit as per MORT&H, Table2, Grading-1.
Table 5 Particle Size Distribution for Jhama Metal at Salt Lake End & Stone Aggregate at Airport End
Sieve Size (mm) 75.0 26.5 4.75 0.075 % Passing Jhama Metal 100 61.34 17 .42 4.65 Stone Aggregate 100 69.52 15.23 2.94 % Required as per MORT&H Table 400-2 Grading-1 100 55-75 10-30 <10

Table 6 shows laboratory undisturbed (sample collected from field) unsoaked and four days soaked CBR and laboratory remoulded unsoaked and four days soaked CBR at FDD & FMC for jhama metal. Table 7 furnishes laboratory remoulded unsoaked and four days soaked CBR at FDD & FMC for stone aggregate. It is observed from Table 6 that laboratory undisturbed CBR (both unsoaked & soaked) collected from field varied from 33 to 46% and laboratory remoulded CBR (both unsoaked & soaked) at FDD & FMC varied from 35 to 51% for jhama metal. The variation between the two methods at field condition is negligible. For stone metal laboratory remoulded CBR (both unsoaked & soaked) at FDD & FMC varies from 49 to 69% (Table 7). Undisturbed sample for stone aggregate was not collected due to coarseness.

Table 6 Comparison For Field CBR as Per IS 2720 (Part-31), DCP CBR, Unsoaked & 4 Days Soaked Remoulded Laboratory CBR at FDD & FMC and Undisturbed Laboratory CBR Collected by Core from Different Chainage Location For Jhama metal at Salt Lake End
Chainage Field Dry Density (gm/cc) FMC (%) Field CBR as per IS:2720 (Part-31) 34 36 31 32 37 DCP CBR Unsoaked 4 Days Soaked Laboratory Laboratory Remoulded Remoulded CBR CBR at FDD & at FDD & FMC FMC 47 44 51 49 43 39 37 42 40 35 Unsoaked Laboratory CBR For Undisturbed Sample 45 43 39 40 46 4 Days Soaked Laboratory CBR For Undisturbed Sample 36 38 33 35 40

C-S-1 C-S-2 C-S-3 C-S-4 C-S-5

1.628 1.623 1.641 1.634 1.615

10.00 11.00 9.00 10.00 12.00

49 39 45 41 41

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Table 7 Comparison for Field CBR as Per IS 2720 (Part-31), DCP CBR, Unsoaked & 4 Days Soaked Remoulded Laboratory CBR at FDD & FMC From Different Chainage Location For Stone Aggregate at Airport End Chainage Field Dry Density (gm/cc) 2.114 2.098 2.117 2.126 2.121 FMC (%) Field CBR as per IS 2720 (Part-31) 57 53 58 62 63 DCP CBR Unsoaked Laboratory Remoulded CBR at FDD & FMC 61 58 66 69 67 4 Days Soaked Laboratory Remoulded CBR at FDD & FMC 52 49 57 59 55

C-A-1 C-A-2 C-A-3 C-A-4 C-A-5

6.00 7.00 5.00 4.00 5.00

60 57 59 63 55

Table 6 & 7 also indicates the field CBR by IS:2720 (Part 31) & DCP CBR values for jhama metal & stone aggregate respectively. From Table 6, it is observed that for jhama metal DCP CBR values are 1.26 to 1.32 times higher than field CBR by IS:2720 (Part 31) method. From Table 7, it is also observed that for stone aggregate, variation between DCP CBR and IS:2720 (Part 31) is less (maximum 1.07 times higher) except for chainage C-A-5. DCP CBR values are higher compared with field CBR by IS:2720 (Part 31) values because DCP CBR being a free falling cone drive method whereas IS:2720 (Part 31) is a method of penetration resistance of a plunger. In field CBR IS:2720 (Part 31) method, the plunger is penetrated into the GSB material. Therefore, we get a measure of field undrained shear strength of GSB material. But in case of DCP, 8 kg weight is allowed to fall on the test surface through a height of 575 mm. It is actually the resistance of a material. DCP is the indirect measure of stiffness of GSB material. Therefore, stiffness versus undrained strength is compared from DCP and field CBR study.

Fig.7 shows graphical representation of unsoaked and four days soaked laboratory remoulded CBR at FDD & FMC, laboratory unsoaked and four days soaked undisturbed CBR (collected from field), field CBR by IS:2720(Part31) & DCP CBR with field dry density of jhama metal for different chainages. Fig.8 also shows similar graphical representation except the case of laboratory undisturbed CBR for stone aggregate at different chainages.

Fig.7 Comparison of CBR Values at Various Field Conditions with Field Dry Densities for Jhama Metal Towards Salt Lake End


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Fig. 8 Comparison of CBR Values at Various Field Conditions with Field Dry Densities for Stone Aggregate Towards Airport End.

Fig. 9 Unsoaked Vs 4 Days Soaked CBR for Jhama Metal

From Fig.7, it is observed that CBR values varies from 33 to 51% for jhama metal and from Fig. 8 variation is observed in between 49 to 69% for stone aggregates. Unsoaked remoulded laboratory CBR values at FDD & FMC are maximum (43 to 51% for jhama metal and 58 to 69% for stone aggregate compared to other methods).The reason is mould tested at unsoaked condition and dynamic compaction is applied to the materials at 5 layers by 55 blows. In case of jhama metal for all chainages, field CBR (by IS:2720 Part 31 method) values are found to be lower than laboratory CBR values from different conditions. The reason is in laboratory, the mould is compacted with proper care at particular blows per layer in a confined area (177 cm2). Hence dynamic compaction energy is transmitted uniformly but in field compaction is done by compactor and as such compaction is a function of different parameters, like roller speed, number of passes, frequency, duration of rolling etc. Therefore 100% laboratory compaction may not be achieved in the field. Otherwise MORT&H directed that minimum 98% of laboratory maximum dry density should be required in the field. Due to variation of compaction energy between laboratory and field, field CBR value is lower than laboratory CBR. The relationships for unsoaked and four days soaked CBR of jhama metal and stone aggregate at different conditions are indicated in Fig.9 & Fig.10. INDIAN HIGHWAYS, September 2013

Fig. 10 Unsoaked Vs 4 Days Soaked CBR For Stone Aggregate

Unsoaked CBR is 1.10 to 1.25 times and 1.14 to 1.22 times higher compared with four days soaked CBR for jhama metal and stone aggregate respectively. After four days soaking of CBR specimen, soaked moisture content is higher than optimum moisture content and moisture content of unsoaked specimen. When moisture content increases from optimum, CBR decreases. Yoder (1967)10 superimposed test results of CBR of unsaturated specimen showing higher strength at lower moisture content and there is a rapid fall in strength with increased moisture content. The comparison of test results obtained from different tests under different conditions are shown in Fig.11 to 14. 79


For different chainages, DCP CBR values are higher compared to field CBR by IS:2720 (Part 31) with respect to field dry densities for jhama metal. Similar trends are followed for almost every cases of stone aggregate samples. For exceptional case at C-A-5 chainage, field CBR by IS:2720 (Part 31) value is higher than DCP CBR value.
Fig. 11 Laboratory CBR Values for Jhama Metal at Various Test Conditions

In case of jhama metal for every chainages field CBR values by IS:2720 (Part 31) are lower than laboratory CBR values from different conditions with respect to field dry densities. It is observed that laboratory undisturbed CBR (both unsoaked & soaked) collected from field varied from 33 to 46% and laboratory remoulded CBR (both unsoaked & soaked) at FDD & FMC varied from 35 to 51% for jhama metal. For stone aggregate laboratory remoulded CBR (both unsoaked & soaked) at FDD & FMC varied from 49 to 69%. Undisturbed sample for stone aggregate was not collected due to coarseness. Unsoaked laboratory CBR values are 1.10 to 1.25 times and 1.14 to1.22 times higher compared with four days soaked laboratory CBR for jhama metal and stone aggregate respectively from different conditions. CBR values at 100% MDD are 1.13 and 1.06 times higher than CBR at 98% MDD for unsoaked and 4days soaked jhama metal samples respectively. CBR values at 100% MDD are 1.13 and 1.17 times higher than CBR at 98% MDD for unsoaked and 4 days soaked stone aggregate samples respectively. Sieve analysis and Field compaction results satisfy within the specified limit as per MORT&H Specification for jhama metal and stone aggregate respectively. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The authors greatly acknowledge the support of Housing Directorate, New Town Construction Circle, Kolkata, Government of West Bengal for giving permission to use the Field and Laboratory test data from the present investigation for publishing this paper. The authors are obliged to M/s Mackintosh INDIAN HIGHWAYS, September 2013

Fig.12 Laboratory CBR Values for Stone Aggregate at Various Test Condition

Fig. 13 Comparison of CBR Values for Jhama metal at Various Field Conditions Towards Salt Lake End

Fig. 14 Comparison of CBR Values for Stone Aggregate at Various Field Conditions Towards Air Port End


TECHNICAL PAPERS Burn Ltd. For the scope, time and assistance provided by their team. REFERENCES
1. ASTM D 6951 (2003): Standard Test Method for Use of the Dynamic Cone Penetrometer in Shallow Pavement Applications. IS:2720: (Part 31): 1990, Method of Test for Soils Part 31. Field Determination of California bearing ratio (first revision). IS:2720 (Part 2): 1973 Methods of test for soils. Part 2 Determination of Water Content (second Revision). IS: 2720 (Part 28): 1974- Methods of test for Soils: Part 28. Determination of Dry Density of Soils in place, by the sand replacement method (first revision). MORT& H (2001), Specification for Road and Bridge Works, 4th Edition, Ministry of Road Transport and Highways, Indian Road Congress, New Delhi, India. IS:2720: (Part 16): 1987, Method of Test for Soils- Part 16: Laboratory Determination of CBR (second revision). IS: 2720: (Part 8):1983, Methods of Test for Soils, - Part-8: Determination of water content -Dry Density Relation using Heavy Compaction (second revision). AASHTO. T 193 (1993), The Califonia Bearing Ratio, American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials. AASHTO. T 180 (1993),Moisture- Den-sity Relations of Soils Using a 4.54-kg [10 lb] Rammer and a 457mm [18-in.] Drop, American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials. Yoder, E.J. (1959), Principles of Pavement Design, John Wiley and Sons. Inc., U.S.A.



3. 4.


6. 7.




SyMBOLs and NOtatiOns Chainage for Salt Lake End 1. C-S-1 ------ Chainage: 3rd Kerb Panel +22.5 mt, RHS 2. C-S-2 ------ Chainage: 1st Kerb Panel +7.50 mt, RHS 3. C-S-3 ------ Chainage: 2nd Kerb Panel +1.50 mt, LHS 4. C-S-4 ------ Chainage: 4th Kerb Panel +3.50 mt, LHS 5. C-S-5 ------ Chainage: From closing wall after 2nd Kerb Panel, LHS Chainage for Airport End 6. C-A-1 ------ Chainage: 30 m from Bridge End at right carriageway

C-A-2 ------ Chainage: 60 m from Bridge End at left carriageway 8. C-A-3 ------ Chainage: 90 m from Bridge End at right carriageway 9. C-A-4 ------ Chainage: 120 m from Bridge End at left carriageway 10. C-A-5 ------ Chainage: 150 m from Bridge End at right carriageway Test Condition 11. TC-1 ------- FMC ( Unsoaked condition) 12. TC-2 ------- FMC (4 Days soaked condition) 13. TC-3 ------- OMC (Unsoaked condition) 14. TC-4 ------- OMC ( 4 Days soaked condition) 15. FDD ------- Field Dry Density (gm/cc) 16. FC-1 ------- Field CBR as per IS: 2720 (Part-31) 17. DCP -------Field CBR by Dynamic Cone Penetro-meter Method 18. URF ------- Unsoaked Laboratory Remou-lded CBR at FDD & FMC 19. SRF ------- 4 Days Soaked Laboratory Remoulded CBR at FDD & FMC 20. UU --------Unsoaked Laboratory CBR For Undisturbed Sample. 21. SU --------- 4 Days soaked Laboratory CBR For Undisturbed Sample Unsoaked & 4 Days Soaked Condition 22.100J -------Unsoaked and 4 Days soaked CBR at100% MDD for Jhama metal 23. 98J ------- Unsoaked and 4 Days soaked CBR at 98% MDD for Jhama metal 24. UJ ------- Unsoaked and 4 Days soaked CBR at Undisturbed condition for Jhama metal 25. FDMJ ---- Unsoaked and 4 Days soaked CBR at FDD& FMC for Jhama metal 26. 100S ----- Unsoaked and 4 Days soaked CBR at100% MDD for Stone Conso-lidation 27. 98S ------- Unsoaked and 4 Days soaked CBR at 98% MDD for Stone Consolidation 28. FDMS ----Unsoaked and 4 Days soaked CBR at FDD & FMC for Stone consolidation

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The Indian Roads Congress (IRC) is organizing an International Seminar on Experience Gained in PPP Projects in Road Sector in association with Government of France and PIARC on 11th - 12th November, 2013 at New Delhi. The Venue of the Seminar is Stein Hall, India Habitat Centre, Lodhi Road, New Delhi (India). A Souvenir will be published on this occasion, for which Papers are invited from the Experts/Researchers in this field. The details in respect of the format of the Papers and related Guidelines are available at IRC Website : and the same may please be referred to. The Papers may be submitted to Shri R.V. Patil, Assistant Director (Technical), IRC through e-mail at latest by 7th October, 2013. For any clarification you may contact him at 09312849826. Excellent opportunity is available for showcasing the strength/capabilities/product range through

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INDIAN HIGHWAYS, September 2013

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