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Submitted in partial fulfillment of the Bachelor of Business Administration (B.B.A.)


Supervised By: Submitted By:

Mrs. Chetna Tandon !umar B.B.". #th Semester $o%% &o ' 1020(3#0001 arish

CCS Mandi "ayushman Bhavan) *ost +,,i-e $oad Mandi ( .*.) -1.(001

I, Chetna Tandon hereby declare that the project work done by Mr. Harish Kumar, a student of B.B. . ! th "emester, #ni$ersity %oll &o. '()(*+!(((' on ,Insurance - %esearch on %ural and #rban wareness. is completed under my /uidance. The work done is ori/inal to the best of my knowled/e and belief.

Mrs. Tandon y B.B.

Chetna 0acult CC", Mandi


I, Harish Kumar %oll &o. '()(*+!(((', do hereby certify that the work carried by me on the project ,Insurance %esearch on %ural and #rban wareness. is ori/inal for submittin/ in the partial fulfillment for the award of de/ree of B.B. . and not has been submitted earlier to any #ni$ersity or Institution for any de/ree or diploma course.

Harish Kumar %oll &o. '()(*+!(((' B.B. . !th "emester CC", Mandi 1H.2.3

Many people pro$ided in$aluable help durin/ the course of my project work. I feel pri$ile/ed to /ratefully acknowled/e my thanks to all those who ha$e helped me to accomplish the project work. I, e4press my heartiest thanks to my mentor Mrs. Chetna Tandon for pro$idin/ her support and utmost understandin/ for the completion of the final year project with e4pertise and knowled/e. I thank to Mr.5i$ek Kapoor 1Channel 6e$elopment Mana/er3 for the help pro$ided by him to me for the completion of project report. 7astly, special thanks to my friends for all the help pro$ided by them in completion of this project work.

Harish Kumar %oll &o. '()(*+!(((' B.B. . !th "emester CC", Mandi 1H.2.3

This project is a research work on the present scenario of the Insurance "ector of the Indian economy. It describes the basics of the insurance sector payin/ emphasis on the types a$ailable in the industry today.

The aim of this research work is to analy8e the awareness about insurance in the li$es of the people in urban and rural areas. It draws a comparison between the two by means of charts and /raphs.

It shows how aware is the Indian population about insurance and what steps need to be taken in different sectors to make people understand the importance of insurance in their li$es.

The study is di$ided into four chapters. The first chapter deals with introduction. It includes Meanin/ and Importance of Insurance, Insurance in India and The &eed, 9bjecti$es, "cope and 7imitations of the study. The second chapter deals with introduction to the topic. It includes what people prefer: 2ublic or 2ri$ate Insurance Company. The Third chapter describes separately in detail the pri$ate and public companies in the insurance sector showin/ the difference in their schemes and approach towards spreadin/ information about themsel$es in the market. The ne4t chapter deals with 6ata nalysis with Conclusions and %ecommendations.


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